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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 123:1-44-02 | Religious observances.


Since many important religious observances occur on days not designated as legal holidays under division (A) of section 124.19 of the Revised Code, all state appointing authorities will observe liberal policies concerning requests for leaves of absence or vacation expressly for the purpose of engaging in religious observances.

(A) Appointing authorities will also give great deference to employee requests for small amounts of leaves of absence or vacation time in order to attend special worship services. Employees must follow standard agency policies in requesting such leaves of absence or vacation leaves.

(B) An employee who feels that an appointing authority has wrongfully denied a request for time off for religious observances should report the incident to any or all of the following as required by Chapter 123:1-49 of the Administrative Code:

(1) The employee's supervisor;

(2) The agency equal employment opportunity (EEO) officer; or

(3) The department of administrative services, human resources division, office of diversity, equity, and inclusion (ODEI).

Last updated August 2, 2024 at 4:24 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.18
Five Year Review Date: 1/15/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/24/1981, 2/4/1996, 11/10/1996, 11/18/2012