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Rule 3701-57-02 | Reporting requirements.


(A) Each physician, hospital and freestanding birthing center shall report to the birth defects information system information concerning all children from birth to five years of age with any of the following abnormal conditions, birth defects and congenital abnormalities:

(1) Anencephalus;

(2) Spina bifida;

(3) Congenital cataract:

(4) Aniridia;

(5) Truncus arterious;

(6) Transposition of great arteries;

(7) Tricuspid atresia;

(8) Tetralogy of Fallot;

(9) Pulmonary atresia;

(10) Congenital stenosis of the aortic valve;

(11) Hypoplastic left heart syndrome;

(12) Coarctation of aorta;

(13) Total anomalous pulmonary venous return;

(14) Choanal atresia;

(15) Cleft palate;

(16) Cleft lip;

(17) Cleft palate with cleft lip;

(18) Esophageal atresia;

(19) Atresia and stenosis of large intestine, rectum and anal canal;

(20) Hirschsprung disease;

(21) Biliary atresia;

(22) Intestinal malrotation and volvulus;

(23) Renal agenesis;

(24) Gastroschisis;

(25) Omphalocele;

(26) Diaphragmatic hernia;

(27) Trisomy 13;

(28) Trisomy 18;

(29) Trisomy 21;

(30) Turner syndrome;

(31) Klinefelter syndrome;

(32) Disorders of sexual development (ambiguous genitalia);

(33) Fetal alcohol syndrome;

(34) Long QT syndrome;

(35) Velo-cardio-facial syndrome (22q11 deletion);

(36) Neurofibromatosis type 1;

(37) Spinal muscular atrophy;

(38) Tuberous sclerosis;

(39) Stickler syndrome, Treacher Collins' syndrome, Pierre Robin syndrome, Goldenhar syndrome; and

(40) Osteogenesis imperfecta.

(B) Each physician, hospital and freestanding birthing center shall report cases as described in paragraph (A) of this rule in an electronic format as prescribed by the director. The report shall contain information regarding the child which includes:

(1) Medical record number;

(2) Child's name;

(3) Child's county of residence;

(4) Child's address;

(5) Phone number of child's parent or guardian;

(6) Parent/guardian name;

(7) Child's date of birth;

(8) Child's gender;

(9) Child's race;

(10) Child's hispanic ethnicity;

(11) Date of encounter or discharge;

(12) Diagnostic code for the birth defect being reported;

(13) Child's date of death, if applicable;

(14) Mother's maiden name;

(15) Mother's date of birth;

(16) Mother's race;

(17) Mother's hispanic ethnicity;

(18) Reporting hospital Ohio department of health hospital number; and

(19) Date of report.

(C) Each physician, hospital and freestanding birthing center shall report to the Ohio department of health at least quarterly, all new cases from the previous quarter unless the physican, hospital, or freestanding birthing center has evidence that the case has already been reported.

(D) All physicians, hospitals and freestanding birthing centers providing diagnostic or treatment services to individuals with birth defects as specified in paragraph (A) of this rule shall grant to the director, or those representatives authorized in accordance with division (C) of section 3705.32 of the Revised Code, access to records that identify cases of birth defects.

(E) A physician, hospital, or freestanding birthing center is not subject to liability in an action for damages, or other relief for furnishing the information including records, reports, statements, notes, memoranda or other information to the director as required by this rule, or to a qualified person or governmental entity authorized by division (C) of section 3705.32 of the Revised Code.

(F) The director shall establish a form for use by parents and legal guardians who seek to have identifying information regarding their children removed from the birth defects information system. The director shall make the form available to hospitals, local health departments and physicians.

(G) The director shall make available to the state's birth defects information system, the same information listed in paragraph (B) of this rule for newborns diagnosed with disorders on the state's mandated newborn screening panel listed in rule 3701-55-02 of the Administrative Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3705.30, 3705.35
Amplifies: 3705.30, 3705.31, 3705.33, 3705.35
Five Year Review Date: 5/29/2021
Prior Effective Dates: 6/3/2005, 11/1/2010