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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4501:1-2 | Financial Responsibility

Rule 4501:1-2-01 | Proof of financial responsibility.

(A) Except as provided in paragraph (C) of this rule, proof of financial responsibility may be shown by any of the following:

(1) A policy of liability insurance, the declaration page of a policy of liability insurance, or a liability bond, if the policy or bond complies with section 4509.20 or sections 4509.49 to 4509.61 of the Revised Code;

(2) A financial responsibility identification card issued in compliance with rule 4501:1-2-02 of the Administrative Code;

(3) A certificate of proof of financial responsibility on a form provided and approved by the registrar for the filing of an accident report required to be filed under section 4509.06 of the Revised Code;

(B) In all instances, proof of financial responsibility may be shown by:

(1) A bond issued in compliance with section 4509.59 of the Revised Code and rule 4501:1-2-03 of the Administrative Code;

(2) A certificate issued by the registrar of motor vehicles for the deposit of money in compliance with section 4509.62 of the Revised Code and rule 4501:1-2-04 of the Administrative Code;

(3) A certificate of self-insurance issued by the registrar pursuant to section 4509.72 of the Revised Code and rule 4501:1-2-05 of the Administrative Code; or

(4) A uniform financial responsibility form, SR-22.

(C) Whenever a person is required by law to give and maintain proof of financial responsibility for a definite period of time as a condition for maintaining driving privileges, proof may not be given by any of the methods stated in paragraph (A) of this rule, but will be given by one of the methods stated in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(D) In addition to the methods provided in paragraphs (A) and (B) of this rule, a motor carrier certified by the interstate commerce commission or by the public utilities commission may demonstrate proof of financial responsibility by providing a statement designating the motor carrier's operating authority and averring that the insurance coverage required by the certificating authority is in full force and effect.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 5:08 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4501.02, 4509.101
Amplifies: 4509.45, 4509.101
Five Year Review Date: 6/1/2029
Rule 4501:1-2-02 | Financial responsibility identification card.

(A) Each insurer writing motor vehicle liability insurance in this state will provide financial responsibility identification cards to every policyholder in this state to whom it delivers or issues for delivery a motor vehicle liability insurance policy. A minimum of one financial responsibility identification card will be issued for every motor vehicle insured under a motor vehicle liability insurance policy.

(B) A financial responsibility identification card will be valid only for the policy period. The card will disclose the policy period and:

(1) Bear the inscription, "Financial Responsibility Identification Card" or "Insurance Identification Card" or other inscription reasonably calculated to evidence motor vehicle liability insurance coverage;

(2) Be provided with every new policy and every policy renewal;

(3) Be printed on paper stock or a plastic material, or be delivered in electronic form;

(4) Contain the description of the insured motor vehicle, including year, make, model, and vehicle identification number. If there are five or more vehicles covered by the same policy, the word "Fleet" may be used instead of the vehicle description;

(5) Contain the effective date and expiration date of the policy of insurance. New cards will be issued at the issuance or renewal of every policy; stickers or decals will not be used to change the coverage dates on any card;

(6) Contain the policyholder's name as it appears on the policy; and

(7) Contain the name of the issuing company and the policy number.

(C) Financial responsibility identification cards may also contain the issuing company's logo and any additional appropriate information reasonably included by the insurer. The registrar may direct an insurer to delete any additional information the registrar determines to be inappropriate and will give the insurer a reasonable time to comply. If the insurer fails to comply, the registrar may direct that the card will not be accepted as proof of financial responsibility in this state.

(D) Notwithstanding paragraph (A) of this rule, in lieu of financial responsibility identification cards, each insurer writing motor vehicle liability insurance in this state may provide to a policyholder in this state to whom it has delivered or issued for delivery a motor vehicle liability insurance policy the ability to utilize an electronic wireless communications device to present proof of financial responsibility to a traffic violations bureau, court, registrar, or peace officer when required to do so by section 4509.101 of the Revised Code. The text or images that are displayed on such a device as the result of the generation and delivery by the insurer of information and data to the device will conform to the requirements in paragraph (B) of this rule.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 5:08 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4501.02, 4509.101, 4509.103
Amplifies: 4509.45, 4509.101
Five Year Review Date: 6/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/22/2010
Rule 4501:1-2-03 | Financial responsibility bonds.

(A) Proof of financial responsibility may be evidenced by the bond of a surety company duly authorized to transact business within this state if the bond is issued in compliance with section 4509.59 of the Revised Code.

(B) Proof of financial responsibility also may be evidenced by a certificate of bond issued by the registrar of motor vehicles in accordance with this paragraph. The registrar will prescribe a form upon which an application for a certificate of bond may be issued,"Application - Financial Responsibility Surety Bond Secured by Real Estate" form "BMV2180" (7/22), available via the Ohio bureau of motor vehicles', website at A financial responsibility bond issued under this paragraph will be:

(1) In the amount of thirty thousand dollars;

(2) Signed by two individuals who own real estate having equity totaling at least sixty thousand dollars;

(3) Completed in full, including the legal description of the real estate;

(4) Duly witnessed and notarized;

(5) Approved by a judge of a court of record;

(6) Accompanied by a check or money order in the amount specified in section 4509.60 of the Revised Code made payable to the county recorder of the county in which the real estate is located; and

(7) If approved by the registrar, submitted to the appropriate county recorder for recording.

(C) A certificate of bond issued under paragraph (B) of this rule is not effective until the registrar receives the recorded document from the county recorder and issues a certificate to the applicant.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 5:09 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4501.02, 4509.101
Amplifies: 4509.59, 4509.45
Five Year Review Date: 6/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/31/2015
Rule 4501:1-2-04 | Deposits of money or securities.

(A) Proof of financial responsibility may be evidenced by certificate of the registrar of motor vehicles that the person named therein has deposited with the registrar thirty thousand dollars in money. The registrar will not accept any such deposit and issue a certificate therefor unless it is accompanied by evidence that there are no unsatisfied judgments against the depositor in the county where the depositor resides.

(B) The application for and the issuance of a certificate under this rule will be as follows:

(1) The applicant completes the application prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles, "Application for Certificate Deposit of $30,000 in Money" form "BMV 3146" (9/23), available via the Ohio bureau of motor vehicles' website at, and sign the application in the presence of a notary public;

(2) The applicant delivers or otherwise transmit at applicant's own risk thirty thousand dollars in the form of a money order or cashier's check payable to "Ohio Treasurer of State," along with the application, to the bureau of motor vehicles;

(3) Upon receipt of the application and the thirty thousand dollars in money, the registrar either approves or disapproves the application;

(4) If approved, the registrar deposits the money and executes a "Certificate of Financial Responsibility." No interest accrues to the credit of the applicant upon any money depoisted by the registrar pursuant to this rule;

(5) The registrar will transmit the receipt and certificate of financial responsibility to the applicant;

(6) The proof of financial responsibility becomes effective upon the registrar's issuance of the certificate.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 5:09 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4501.02, 4509.101
Amplifies: 4509.62, 4509.45
Five Year Review Date: 6/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/22/2010, 3/1/2020
Rule 4501:1-2-05 | Self-insurance.

(A) Any person in whose name more than twenty-five motor vehicles are registered in this state may qualify as a self-insurer by obtaining a certificate of self-insurance issued by the registrar of motor vehicles as provided in division (B) of section 4509.72 of the Revised Code and this rule. The registrar will prescribe a definite term of not more than five years for each certificate.

(B) The registrar may issue a certificate of self-insurance upon receipt of an "Application for Self-Insurance General" form "BMV 3148" (7/22). The application is available via the Ohio bureau of motor vehicles website at, if the registrar determines that all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The applicant operates more than twenty-five motor vehicles that are registered in this state and are either owned or leased by the applicant;

(2) The applicant is financially solvent, and not subject to any actions in bankruptcy, trusteeship, receivership or any other court proceeding in which the applicant's financial solvency is in question;

(3) The applicant has a net worth of at least one hundred thousand dollars and sufficient reserves to pay any judgment likely to be taken against the applicant arising out of the operation, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle;

(4) The applicant has no judgments taken against him that have remained unsatisfied more than thirty days after becoming final;

(5) There are no other factors that cause the registrar to believe the applicant is not of sufficient financial ability to pay judgments against the applicant.

(C) The registrar may issue a certificate of self-insurance to a nonprofit corporation upon receipt of an "Application for Self-Insurance General" form "BMV 3148" (7/22) available via the Ohio bureau of motor vehicles website at, if the registrar determines that all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The corporation is a nonprofit corporation in good standing with the Ohio secretary of state under Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code;

(2) Members of the nonprofit corporation operate more than twenty-five motor vehicles that are registered in this state and are either owned or leased by them;

(3) One of the purposes of the nonprofit corporation is to allow its members to pool their risks in the operation of motor vehicles;

(4) The nonprofit corporation is financially solvent, and not subject to any actions in bankruptcy, trusteeship, receivership or any other court proceeding in which the nonprofit corporation's financial solvency is in question;

(5) The nonprofit corporation maintains a reserve of at least one hundred thousand dollars to assure payment of any judgment taken against its covered members arising out of the operation, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle;

(6) Neither the nonprofit corporation nor any of its covered members has any judgments arising out of the operation, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle taken against them which have remained unsatisfied for more than thirty days after becoming final; and

(7) There are no other factors which cause the registrar to believe that the nonprofit corporation is not of sufficient financial ability to pay judgments against it or its covered members.

(D) The registrar may issue a certificate of self-insurance to a religious organization upon receipt of an "Application for Self-Insurance Religious Organization" form "BMV 3149" (7/22) available via the Ohio bureau of motor vehicles' website at, if the registrar determines that all of the following conditions are met:

(1) Members of the religious organization operate more than twenty-five motor vehicles which are registered in this state and are either owned or leased by them;

(2) The members hold a common belief in mutual financial assistance in time of need to the extent that they share in financial obligations of other members who would otherwise be unable to meet their obligations;

(3) The religious organization is financially solvent, and not subject to any actions in bankruptcy, trusteeship, receivership or any other court proceeding in which the organization's financial solvency is in question;

(4) Neither the religious organization nor any of its participating members has any judgments arising out of the operation, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle taken against them which have remained unsatisfied for more than thirty days after becoming final; and

(5) There are no other factors which cause the registrar to believe that the religious organization and its members are not of sufficient financial ability to pay judgments taken against them.

(E) Upon not less than five days' notice and a hearing pursuant to such notice, the registrar may cancel a certificate of self-insurance of the certificate holder upon failure to pay any judgment within thirty days after such judgment has become final or upon other proof that such person is no longer of sufficient financial ability to pay judgments against them.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 5:09 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4501.02, 4509.101
Amplifies: 4509.101, 4509.72, 4509.45
Five Year Review Date: 6/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/2020
Rule 4501:1-2-06 | Procedures for the surrender of suspended certificates of registration, license plates, and driver's licenses and procedures for reinstatement.

(A) The following procedures will be followed for any driver or owner who to show proof of financial responsibility to the registrar of motor vehicles as required after a motor vehicle accident, upon issuance of a traffic ticket, or in conjunction with a motor vehicle inspection pursuant to section 4509.101 of the Revised Code:

(1) The registrar will send a written notice to the last known address of the driver or owner that:

(a) Informs the driver or owner that his or her certificate of registration, license plates, driver's license, or all of them, are suspended;

(b) Directs the driver or owner to surrender his or her certificate of registration, license plates, driver's license, or all of them, to the bureau of motor vehicles on or before the required date stated in the notice;

(c) States the duration of the suspension;

(d) May give notice of the driver's or owner's right, if any, to request a hearing or appeal the suspension and surrender determination; and

(e) May contain any other information the registrar prescribes.

(2) Upon receipt of notice, the driver or owner shall surrender his or her certificate of registration, license plates, driver's license, or all of them in accordance with the registrar's notice by transmitting them to the bureau of motor vehicles at the address specified in the notice.

(3) The registrar may cause such information about the notice and directive to surrender as he deems appropriate to be entered in the law enforcement automated data system (LEADS).

(4) Any peace officer who, in the performance of his duties as authorized by law, becomes aware of a person whose license is under an order of suspension, or whose certificate of registration and registration plates are under an order of impoundment, pursuant to section 4509.101 of the Revised Code, may confiscate such license, certificate of registration, and registration plates, and return them to the registrar.

(5) If the driver or owner does not make a timely and voluntary surrender, the registrar may designate and authorize employees of the bureau of motor vehicles to obtain the surrender of certificates of registration, license plates, or driver's license directly from the driver or owner.

(B) Upon receipt of any certificates of registration, license plates, or driver's licenses surrendered in accordance with this rule, the registrar will destroy them pursuant to sections 4503.232 and 4510.52 of the Revised Code.

(C) The registrar will determine the length of any driver's license suspension in accordance with divisions (A(2)(a) to (A)(2)(c) of section 4509.101 of the Revised Code based upon the records of the bureau of motor vehicles. The registrar will not restore any driver's license until the suspension period has expired and any reinstatement requirements have been met.

(D) The registrar will determine from the records of the bureau of motor vehicles the amount of the financial responsibility reinstatement fee in accordance with division (A)(5)(a) of section 4509.101 of the Revised Code.

(E) The registrar will determine from the records of the bureau of motor vehicles whether the driver or owner is required to pay a financial responsibility nonvoluntary compliance fee in accordance with division (A)(5)(b) of section 4509.101 of the Revised Code and the amount of that fee, if any, for failure to comply with any order or notice requiring the surrender of his certificate of registration, license plates, or driver's license.

(F) The registrar will not restore any operating privileges or registration rights or return any license, certificate of registration, or license plates unless the rights are not subject to suspension or revocation under any other law and unless the person, in addition to complying with all other conditions required by law for reinstatement of the operating privileges or registration rights, complies with all of the following:

(1) Pays a financial responsibility reinstatement fee as determined by the registrar in accordance with this rule;

(2) Pays the financial responsibility nonvoluntary compliance fee, if any, as determined by the registrar in accordance with this rule; and

(3) Files and maintains proof of financial responsibility in accordance with paragraph (B) of rule 4501:1-2-01 of the Administrative Code.

(G) When the period of any driver's license suspension has expired and the person has complied with all requirements of paragraph (F) of this rule, the registrar will authorize the person to obtain a driver's license. The authorization will be conditioned upon any other applicable requirement prescribed by law, including the requirement that the person submit to a driver's license examination if the driver's suspended driver's license has been expired for six months or more.

(H) The registrar will authorize any person whose certificate of registration or license plates that have been suspended to apply for a certificate of registration or license plates upon the registrar's determination that the person has complied with paragraph (F) of this rule. The authorization will be conditioned upon any other applicable requirement prescribed by law.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 5:10 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4501.02, 4509.101
Amplifies: 4509.101, 4510.52, 4503.232
Five Year Review Date: 6/1/2029