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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4713-5 | School Administration

Rule 4713-5-01 | Definitions.

(A) "Certified" as the word is used in paragraph (E) of rule 4713-5-02 of the Administrative Code means a student who has successfully completed the training and passed the tests on theory and clinical application for a specific service component of the course that allows a student to competently provide a service on patrons. The grade scale used by the program shall be consistently applied for all tested theory and practical components.

(B) "Semester" means a period of no less than fifteen weeks.

(C) "Course" means a component of study on a particular subject area within the curriculum for the approved program.

(D) "Program" means the aggregate of individual courses that qualify a student to take a licensing examination.

(E) "State credentialed teacher" means a person recognized by the Ohio department of education as a certified/licensed teacher or a recognized member of the faculty of a college or university or an individual holding at least a baccalaureate degree in the subject to be taught.

(F) "Withdrawn student" means any student who ceases instruction in a school prior to graduation.

(G) "ODE" means the Ohio department of education.

(H) "IEP" means an individual education plan.

(I) "Course outline" means an outline of the program offering that summarizes each of the subject areas included in the program with hours devoted to theory and clinic within each subject.

(J) "Clock hour" means a period of at least fifty minutes for attended theory courses or sixty minutes for attended clinic practice courses.

(K) "Proprietary school" means a school that is established, conducted and primarily supported by a nongovernmental person. The terms "proprietary school" and "private school" may be used interchangeably.

(L) "Certified training record" means an official record signed by an authorized school representative certifying as true and accurate the student's educational record, including the courses completed, the final grades for all completed theory, practical, and any applicable academic courses, and the associated clock hours applicable to a program of study. If credit hours are awarded, the school must convert those hours to clock hours on the certified training record.

(M) A "handbook" means a manual or book or booklet setting forth the policies of the school and the school's requirements for each student and given to the student upon the student's signing of the enrollment agreement or contract as set forth in rule 4713-3-12 of the Administrative Code. A handbook is necessary only if a school does not set forth all of its policies and requirements in its catalogue.

(N) A "school contract" or a "school enrollment agreement" means an agreement between the school and the applicant signed by an authorized school representative and the applicant (or the parent/guardian if the applicant or student is a minor) setting forth the obligations of both the applicant and the school. The terms "school contract" and "school enrollment agreement" may be abbreviated as "contract" or "enrollment agreement." The contract or enrollment agreement used by a school shall meet the minimum requirements set forth in rule 4713-3-13 of the Administrative Code.

(O) A "catalogue" is a manual, book, booklet, or magazine-style document used for informing students and potential students about school policies and procedures or used for promotion of the school. At a minimum, a catalogue includes the information set forth in rule 4713-3-12 of the Administrative Code. A catalogue may be used for both advertising and for providing information to students, and, if properly executed, shall eliminate the need for a student handbook.

(P) A "career technical school" means vocational education and training that prepares individuals for a career in a profession licensed by the board.

(Q) A "credit hour" means a period of time equal to thirty clock hours.

(R) "Competency-based credit" means credit hours or clock hours earned through a system of assessment and grading that demonstrates a student has learned the minimally expected knowledge and skills needed to pass a course. Competency-based credit only applies to academic courses allowed under paragraphs (B)(1), (B)(2) and (B)(3) of rule 4713-5-03 of the Administrative Code and may constitute no more than twenty-five per cent of the required program hours.

(S) "Distance learning" means planned teaching/learning where the instructor/teacher and students are physically separated during instruction.

(T) "Temporary closure" as the term is used in rule 4713-5-14 of the Administrative Code, means a closure of a program for more than one day, but less than five days.

(U) "Final date of enrollment" as the phrase is used in paragraph (B) of rule 4713-5-15 of the Administrative Code, means the date a student provides written notice of discontinuance to the program, or the date a program notifies a student in writing that the student's enrollment in the program has been discontinued; whichever occurs first.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:09 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4713.08
Amplifies: 4709.05, 4709.10, 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 8/5/2001, 8/9/2002, 8/26/2016, 2/21/2019
Rule 4713-5-02 | Program requirements.

(A) Proprietary schools may offer clock hours, credit hours, or competency-based credit. Competency-based credit only applies to academic courses identified under paragraph (B) of rule 4713-5-03 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Career technical schools shall comply with the ODE/Ohio state cosmetology and barber board program curriculum requirements and may offer clock hours, credit hours, or competency-based credit. Competency-based credit only applies to academic courses identified under paragraph (B) of rule 4713-5-03 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Upon enrolling in a school, a student shall be assigned to study theory and perform clinic practice.

(D) A student shall not perform any service on a patron until they are certified to do so. The student shall be supervised by an instructor when performing services.

The instructor may supervise more than one student at a time as permitted by rule 4713-5-17 of the Administrative Code.

(E) All schools shall ensure each program offered is comprised of at least twenty-five per cent theory and non-clinic practice.

(F) All schools shall ensure each program offered is comprised of at least fifty per cent clinic work performed on patrons, other students or mannequins. If patrons are not available, the student shall only receive credit for clinic work if the student is actively engaged in training within the clinic related to the student's course of study.

(G) Clinic services shall be equitably assigned to all students in a manner to provide clinic practice on the basis of student training needs. A student may provide services on the public if the student has been certified in accordance with paragraph (A) of rule 4713-5-01 of the Administrative Code. A student who has not been certified to perform services is prohibited from providing services on the public until the student is duly certified.

(H) A school may award hours to students that are obtained during official school field trips if the activity provides specific training related to the school's course outline.

(1) Notice of such official field trips shall be sent to the board fifteen days in advance of the trip.

(2) The request shall list the date, time, location, activity, and number of hours to be credited to program study.

(3) Board approval of such requests is not required; however, the board reserves the right to challenge official field trip activities as not being directly related to program study. The final determination of the award of hours associated with such field trips shall be made by the board.

(4) For any activity attended by students outside of a school's official program or classes and for which students may receive hours, a licensed instructor from the school shall be at the activity with the students.

(5) Students shall only receive credit for hours obtained outside the school during official field trips if the hours extend beyond or are outside of the regularly scheduled program day. A maximum of three hours shall be approved for travel time during the field trip.

(6) Schools may award hours to students participating in a themed event involving the use of their professional skills, if an instructor is present and if the board has been notified fifteen days in advance of the field trip.

(I) A school may award up to ten hours to students for educational salon or barber shop visits under the following conditions:

(1) For each salon or barber shop visited, an individual holding a current, valid license must complete and sign a board-approved form documenting the details of the visit;

(2) Any such forms must be submitted to the board as part of the student's certified training record under rule 4713-5-11 of the Administrative Code.

(J) Any school offering a career-based intervention (CBI) program approved by the ODE may allow a student to participate for no more than forty-five clock hours in a program approved by the board. A student participating in the CBI program, but not officially enrolled in a program approved by the board, may do so under the following limitations:

(1) The CBI student shall participate in no more than forty-five clock hours of theory based lessons and practical lessons combined. Participation shall only cover the course's basic lessons.

(2) The CBI student shall not perform services on any individual.

(3) A CBI student may only perform services on a mannequin or an artificial hand.

(4) The school shall document any participation time a CBI student spends in the theory and in the practical lessons. The school shall make this information available to the board upon request.

(5) Upon the conclusion of forty-five clock hours of participation, the student shall no longer be eligible to participate in theory or practical lessons unless enrolled.

(K) Any school that wishes to implement distance learning as part of its curriculum must adhere to the following guidelines:

(1) The contracted course or program length must meet the board requirements set forth in rule 4713-5-03 of the Administrative Code.

(2) Clock hours or credit hour equivalence earned through distance learning shall not exceed twenty per cent of the required program hours.

(3) If distance learning is made available to students, the student contract must clearly state that any hours or equivalent credit hours attained in this manner may not be recognized by other states or schools.

(4) The school must determine if prospective students have the skills and comprehension to succeed in a distance learning environment and the school must maintain in each student's record, documentation of the method used to determine the student's skill and comprehension.

(5) The school must provide students with textbooks, supplementary instructional materials, and any additional equipment necessary to fulfill the program and course requirements.

(6) Students and instructors must have access to technical support for the educational course(s) or program(s) during the designated educational time frame established by the school to complete the assigned distance learning materials.

(7) Observable, measurable, and achievable student performance outcomes shall be identified so that courses and programs offered through distance learning can be compared to courses and programs with similar subject matter and objectives offered through traditional means. Schools must track and record student performance outcomes in such a manner as to allow an agent of the board to review the record for progress of any student engaged in distance learning.

(8) The school shall be responsible for the quality of the courses of study and programs offered through distance learning methods and the achievement of student performance outcomes, irrespective of any contractual arrangements, partnerships, or consortia entered into with third parties for the provision of components of a distance learning program or course of study. All distance learning content must be approved by the board before it is offered to students, and any changes in curriculum must be approved before being offered.

(9) The instructional staff that provides instruction in distance learning programs must have the qualifications, experience, and credentials to support the program or course of study.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:11 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4713.08
Amplifies: 4709.05 , 4709.10, 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 1/26/1997, 8/5/2001, 8/9/2002, 11/2/2007, 12/19/2019
Rule 4713-5-03 | Required course curriculum.

(A) Each school shall annually provide to the board a course curriculum for review and approval that takes into consideration the subjects and coursework required for licensure, including incorporating any standards adopted by the board pursuant to Chapters 4709. and 4713. of the Revised Code.

(1) A proprietary school may use its own form to outline its course curriculum, but the board shall approve the course curriculum prior to its use.

(2) Prior to the beginning of each school year, a career technical school must outline its course curriculum using forms provided by the board, and the board must approve the course curriculum prior to its use.

(B) All career technical schools and proprietary schools offering programs in cosmetology, or a branch of cosmetology, or barbering, may schedule either clock hours, credit hours, or competency-based credit hours in accordance with the rules of the board and in an amount equivalent to the total clock hours required for each program offered. Competency-based credit shall only be offered for academic courses allowed under paragraphs (B)(1), (B)(2), (B)(3), (B)(4), and (B)(5) of this rule. Career technical schools shall meet the program requirements as follows:

(1) The total time scheduled for the cosmetology program shall be at least fifteen hundred hours and sufficient to complete and pass the approved course curriculum. Cosmetology students shall successfully complete and pass the cosmetology program course curriculum which may include up to a maximum of four academic courses that meet state curriculum minimum graduation requirements and are taken during the time the student is enrolled in the cosmetology program. The academic courses to be taken during the time the student is enrolled in the cosmetology program can include any of the courses in paragraph (B)(6) of this rule, or if a student is on an IEP, as required by the IEP.

(2) The total time scheduled for the hair design program shall be at least one thousand hours and sufficient to complete and pass the approved course outline curriculum. Hair design program students shall complete and pass hair design course outlines which may include up to a maximum of one hundred fifty hours of academic courses that meet state curriculum minimum requirements and are taken during the time the student is enrolled in the hair design program. The academic courses to be taken during the time the student is enrolled in the hair design program can include any of the courses in paragraph (B)(6) of this rule, or if a student is on an IEP, as required by the IEP.

(3) The total time scheduled for the barbering program shall be at least eighteen hundred hours and sufficient to complete and pass the approved course curriculum. Barber students shall successfully complete and pass the barber program course curriculum which may include up to a maximum of four academic courses that meet state curriculum minimum graduation requirements and are taken during the time the student is enrolled in the barbering program. The academic courses to be taken during the time the student is enrolled in the barber program can include any of the courses in paragraph (B)(6) of this rule, or if a student is on an IEP, as required by the IEP.

(4) The total time scheduled for the esthetics program shall be at least six hundred hours and sufficient to complete and pass the approved course outline curriculum. Esthetics program students shall complete and pass esthetics course outlines which may include up to a maximum of one hundred fifty hours of academic courses that meet state curriculum minimum requirements and are taken during the time the student is enrolled in the esthetics program. The academic course to be taken during the time the student is enrolled in the esthetics program can include any of the courses in paragraph (B)(7) of this rule, or if a student is on an IEP, as required by the IEP.

(5) The total time scheduled for the manicuring program shall be at least two hundred hours and sufficient to complete and pass the approved course outline curriculum. Manicure program students shall complete and pass manicure course outlines which may include up to a maximum of fifty hours of academic courses that meet state curriculum minimum requirements and are taken during the time the student is enrolled in the manicure program. The academic course to be taken during the time the student is enrolled in the manicure program can include any of the courses in paragraph (B)(7) of this rule, or if a student is on an IEP, as required by the IEP.

(6) The four academic courses from the following list shall be the only courses counted in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule: anatomy; physiology; chemistry; advanced chemistry; any mathematics; finance; business marketing; integrated English III and IV; applied communications; English language and composition; speech; physics, and advanced biology courses accepted as meeting graduation requirements of twenty-one carnegie units or as required by the IEP. The four academic courses that shall be counted as part of the total time scheduled for the approved program shall constitute no more than twenty-five per cent of the hours required to complete the program.

(7) The one hundred fifty hours of academic courses may only be on the following subjects: anatomy; physiology; chemistry; advanced chemistry; physics; biology; advanced biology.

(C) Career technical schools may contract with proprietary schools for students to complete and pass portions of the course curriculum in order to obtain full credit for the program. Career technical schools are responsible for student outcomes unless the contract states otherwise.

(D) The total time scheduled for a barber program for licensed cosmetologists and hair designers shall be at least one thousand hours and comply with the program requirements set forth in rule 4713-5-02 of the Administrative Code.

(E) If a barber instructor training program is offered, the total time scheduled for the program shall be at least five hundred hours.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:11 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.05, 4713.45, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 2/12/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 10/23/1992, 8/9/2002, 5/1/2003, 12/5/2016
Rule 4713-5-04 | Proprietary schools.

(A) A proprietary school may conduct day and night courses.

(B) Career technical schools offering adult programs will be considered a proprietary school. Career technical schools may only offer adult education with the ODE and board approval.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:11 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.05, 4713.45, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 8/5/2001, 2/21/2019
Rule 4713-5-06 | Hours awarded.

(A) For purposes of awarding clock hours, credit hours, or competency-based credit, schools shall only award students hours for courses taken and passed in cosmetology, courses taken and passed in one of the branches of cosmetology, cosmetology business management, courses taken in compliance with paragraph (B)(4) of rule 4713-5-03 of the Administrative Code, or courses taken and passed in barbering.

(B) Students shall be awarded any whole clock hour, equivalent credit hour, or part thereof, as defined under rule 4713-5-01 of the Administrative Code, in attendance.

Last updated November 4, 2024 at 1:41 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08(A)(13), 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.05, 4713.45, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 10/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 12/5/2016
Rule 4713-5-09 | Enrollment procedure.

(A) All school enrollments shall be submitted via email on forms provided by the board. The enrollment form shall be submitted to the board within thirty days of the student's enrollment date. The enrollment date shall be that date upon which the student begins training and is not necessarily the date upon which the student contracts with the school for training.

(B) Potential students of any school licensed by the board shall be advised, prior to enrollment, that only United States citizens and individuals who are eligible for state or local public benefits under Section 411 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-193, 110 Stat. 2268 (1996), 8 U.S.C. 1621, shall be eligible for any type of license or permit to practice a branch of cosmetology or barbering in Ohio. A student must submit proof of such eligibility with the student's application to take the state examination.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:12 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4713.641, 4713.64, 4713.45, 4713.44, 4713.20, 4709.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 1/26/1997, 8/1/1999
Rule 4713-5-10 | Records and reports.

(A) A school shall maintain records for each student on a form that either has been designed by the board or follows closely the design of the board's form.

(1) The records shall have the student's full legal name and the date of enrollment.

(2) All schools shall maintain an accurate and complete record of all training, including the records of each student's total clock hours received each day and the cumulative hours accrued in the program of study.

The school shall maintain on file documentation that clearly indicates student's progress toward completion of the board approved course curriculum. The documentation shall include the final grade for the theory and practical lessons for each course outlined in the program curriculum.

(B) Schools shall provide each student with a copy of a monthly individual report of student hours by the fifteenth day of each month. Students are responsible for checking this report and notifying the school of any errors on the report.

(C) Schools shall file a monthly attendance and hours report with the board as outlined in this rule. The report shall be typewritten with the student's names listed in alphabetical order and filed with the board as required.

Schools shall report no later than the twentieth day of the following month the number of hours of instruction obtained by each student each month and the total clock hours accrued since the date of enrollment. Schools offering credit hours or competency-based credit must convert all hours to clock hours for reporting purposes under this rule.

(D) If a dispute arises between a student and a school over the number of hours obtained by the student, upon notification by the board, the school shall immediately certify to the board a copy of the student's records listing the daily number of hours obtained by the student in each major subject area or program/course credits earned. The board shall then resolve the discrepancy by examining the school's records and any information submitted by the student. Upon notification of the board's findings, the school shall certify and send to the board a corrected copy of the student's records within ten days of the mailing date of notification.

(E) Annually, on or after the thirtieth of June, each school shall report to the board for the period beginning on the first of July from the prior year to the thirtieth of June in the current year the following information:

(1) The number of students enrolled in courses at school;

(2) The number of students graduated during the period;

(3) The annual cost for students to attend the program;

(4) The loan default rates for the school.

Last updated November 4, 2024 at 1:41 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08(A)(13), 4709.10, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.07, 4713.45, 4713.44, 4709.10
Five Year Review Date: 10/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 11/19/1987, 1/26/1997, 8/1/1999, 6/25/2009
Rule 4713-5-11 | Final training records.

(A) A school shall maintain a complete training record for each student. At a minimum, a training record will record the name of the course(s), number of clock hours or credit hours completed and passed in each course in the curriculum outline, and the associated grades for theory, practical, and any applicable academic courses.

(B) A certified final training record for each student shall be prepared and provided to each student upon completion of their program. The certified final training record, along with the student's application for licensure, must be provided to the board upon the student's successful completion and passing of the program. The record shall become a part of the student's application to take the board examination for the student's program of study as a prerequisite to receiving any license.

(C) The final training record of each student shall be kept for a minimum of five years from the date of enrollment or until the final training record is transferred to the board, whichever occurs first.

(D) If a school closes permanently while students are enrolled, the school shall provide each student with a complete copy of their student file within sixty days of the final date of the school's operations.

(E) Schools may keep these records at offices located outside the school's training facilities.

(F) Such records shall be available upon request by the board or its authorized agent or pursuant to an inspection or investigation within an hour.

(G) A student may request in writing a review of their records. The school shall promptly provide the following:

(1) All records relating to the student's contractual agreements, attendance and progress.

(2) All training records, including record of the student's courses completed and passed, clock hours or credit hours earned, and the associated grade for each course.

(H) For a current student, the school shall produce records within three business days from the date of the request.

(I) For an individual who is not currently a student, the school shall produce the records within ten business days, except for those records a school is no longer required to retain as set forth in this rule.

(J) Financial records stored off-site by a third party provider of financing shall be produced within ten days.

(K) If copies of records are requested, the school may charge a reasonable fee for providing copies of the records, provided that the fee would not prevent the student's access to the records.

(L) The review by any student to whom the specific records relate shall occur during regular school office hours.

(M) A school official may be present during any records review in order to ensure the integrity of the record.

(N) If a student has failed to meet its financial obligation to the school, the school shall notify the board through the certified training record. Until the board is notified that the student has met their obligations, the board may not allow the student to sit for examination. Once the student has met any outstanding obligations, the school shall immediately provide the student with their certified final training record.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:12 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.07, 4713.641, 4713.64, 4713.46, 4713.45, 4713.44, 4713.20, 4709.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 8/1/1999, 2/21/2019
Rule 4713-5-13 | Transfer procedure.

(A) A student, currently or previously enrolled in a school licensed by the board who intends to transfer to another licensed school shall complete a transfer request form. The student shall notify the school in which the student is enrolled according to the school's procedure as found in the handbook or catalogue.

(B) The school shall file a certified training record or board approved "discontinuance form" with the board within fourteen days of receiving the student's notice of transfer.

(C) Upon receipt of the certified training record or discontinuance form, the board shall notify the school to which the student wishes to transfer of the number of clock hours approved.

(D) If a student has failed to meet its financial obligation to the school, the school shall notify the board through the board approved discontinuance form. Until the board is notified that the student has met their obligations, the board may not transfer the students hours. Once the student has met any outstanding obligations, the school shall immediately provide the student with their certified final training record.

(E) If the original school refuses for reasons other than contractual financial obligations to release a student's certified training record and discontinuance form, the board, or its authorized agent, may request the records from the school in order to establish the hours earned for the student. If the board requests the record, the school shall promptly provide the student's complete training record to the board.

(F) Any student wishing to transfer schools shall not accrue any clock hours for training at the new school until the new school has received an official transfer of hours letter from the board. This provision does not apply to students enrolled in a career technical school that seek to transfer to another career technical school in this state.

(G) An exception to this rule will be made if two schools are owned by the same person. When a student transfers schools and the schools share ownership, a school shall not be required to file a discontinuance form, but shall submit an electronic form as specified by the board. If the student does not immediately transfer, but instead waits six months or more, the school shall use the discontinuance form and shall file that form with the board.

(H) A student who desires to transfer to another school shall only receive those clock or credit hours from the current program of study that directly apply to the new program of study.

(1) Not all hours within a designated program of study shall be transferable to another program of study.

(2) Of the clock hours that the board finds may transfer to the new school, the new school shall determine the number of clock hours it is willing to accept. The school shall notify the student prior to the student signing the contract with the new school.

(I) Any student attending a school licensed in another state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia may transfer to an Ohio licensed school and be given credit not to exceed one hour for one hour basis. To be eligible to receive the clock hours, the student shall meet the requirements for license eligibility set forth in section 4713.28 of the Revised Code and in rules 4713-5-09 and 4713-5-24 of the Administrative Code. Career technical schools shall give a performance examination to determine the number of clock hours the school is willing to accept.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:12 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08, 4709.10, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.45, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 2/24/1991, 1/26/1997, 2/28/2014
Rule 4713-5-14 | Discontinuance/closure of operation.

(A) Any school whose management or owner or other individual has decided to discontinue the operation of the school shall inform the board at least sixty days prior to the final date of the school's operation. Any school that closes for business, shall forward to the board a complete, certified training record for each student within fourteen days of the completion of any training hours by any student.

(B) A school shall inform the board at least fifteen days in advance of any temporary closures resulting in more than one day, with the exception of closures for national holidays, inclement weather advisories, planned seasonal closures. If the school closes entirely or cancels classes without advanced planning, the school may be subject to disciplinary action by the board.

(C) If a school closes permanently and ceases to offer instruction after students have enrolled, or if a program is canceled after students have enrolled and instruction has begun, the school shall make arrangements for students or implement any applicable teach-out agreement in compliance with the following requirements.

(1) The school shall notify students in writing at least sixty days in advance of the final date of the school's operations. Students shall receive a refund in accordance with paragraph (A)(8) of rule 4713-3-11 of the Administrative Code.

(2) The arrangements or agreement shall offer the student a reasonable opportunity to promptly resume and complete the canceled program(s) of study or a substantially similar program of study at an institution (or institutions) which offer similar educational programs.

(3) The arrangements or teach-out agreement should be performed by an institution in the same geographic area as the closing school.

(4) The original school shall notify affected students individually of the availability and total cost of the arrangement or teach-out agreement, and diligently advertise such availability. The agreements among institutions may provide that these notices may be sent by the school(s) that are accepting students from the original school.

(5) The school that is closing or has closed shall submit to the board a list of all students who were enrolled at the time of closure, and indicate on it the arrangements made for each student to complete his or her education.

(6) The original school shall dispose of school records per rule 4713-5-11 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated November 4, 2024 at 1:41 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08 (A)(1), 4713.08 (A)20
Amplifies: 4713.20, 4713.44, 4713.45, 4713.46, 4713.64, 4713.641
Five Year Review Date: 10/15/2029
Rule 4713-5-15 | Treatment of student withdrawing from school.

For each student that withdraws or is terminated from a program, a school shall do the following:

(A) Maintain a training record that accurately documents the student's completed coursework, grades, and associated clock or credit hours.

(B) File a certified training record and board-approved discontinuance form with the board within fourteen days of the student's final date of enrollment in the program.

(C) Should a student, who withdrew from the program, decide to return to the same school, the school shall submit a new enrollment form showing that the student has re-enrolled.

(D) If the student enrolls in a school other than the original school, the student's hours shall be transferred as set forth in rule 4713-5-13 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated November 4, 2024 at 1:41 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08(A)(13), 4709.10(B)(3), 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.10(B)(3), 4713.45, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 10/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/2003
Rule 4713-5-17 | Licensed instructors on premises.

(A) During all school hours, a school shall have a licensed instructor on duty to teach courses on the theory and practical application of all programs. There shall be a minimum of one instructor for each twenty-five students or part thereof in attendance. Should a licensed instructor, operating within the instructor to student ratio established by this rule, determine that a student requires additional training in a theory subject and the instructor can effectively oversee the student's theory activity with no impact on their ability to oversee clinic instruction for the remaining students, the student may clock theory hours under the direct supervision of the licensed instructor. Any time clinic or theory courses are conducted concurrently in separate areas of the facility that prevent direct supervision, at least two instructors must be present. All theory and practical courses for program hours must be taught and led by a licensed instructor. Third party resources may be utilized to provide additional context and information, but may not be used as the sole method of instruction.

(B) A school may count a state-credentialed teacher in math, english, and/or science as a board licensed instructor when they are teaching those areas of the cosmetology course outlines for which they are licensed/certified.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:12 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08, 4709.10, 4709.05
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.45, 4713.44
Five Year Review Date: 2/12/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 12/17/1989, 2/12/2024
Rule 4713-5-21 | Instructor limitations.

(A) Instructors are prohibited from providing services on members of the public in a licensed school. Instructors may perform demonstrations only.

(B) An instructor shall only teach the areas of practice in which the instructor is currently licensed.

(C) All instructors must be properly licensed and comply with applicable limitations in accordance with sections 4709.10 and 4713.44 of the Revised Code.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:12 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4709.10, 4713.08
Amplifies: 4709.10, 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 9/5/1977, 12/17/1989, 1/26/1997, 2/28/2014, 3/26/2015
Rule 4713-5-22 | Charges for service and student compensation.

(A) No student shall be paid for the performance of services upon a patron or upon another student.

(B) A licensed school may charge for cosmetology or barbering services rendered to the public in the school clinic by supervised students.

Last updated November 4, 2024 at 1:42 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4709.10(B)(3), 4713.08(A)(13)
Amplifies: 4709.10(B)(3), 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 10/15/2029
Rule 4713-5-24 | Expiration of hours.

(A) A student has five years from the original date of enrollment to accrue the required number of clock hours, complete, and pass the program in which they are enrolled. Any student that has been unable to complete the program within the five year period will lose all accrued clock hours, competency-based credit, or credit hours, unless currently enrolled.

(B) Applicants for licensure who have completed the required number of clock hours and passed the program within five years of the original date of enrollment shall retain all clock hours and will remain eligible for the associated examination.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 2:12 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4709.10, 4713.08
Amplifies: 4709.07, 4713.32, 4709.10
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 12/5/2016
Rule 4713-5-27 | Infection control.

All schools must follow all of the infection control statutes and rules found in Chapters 4709. and 4713. of the Revised Code and Chapter 4713-15 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated February 12, 2024 at 8:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4709.05, 4713.08(A)(13)
Amplifies: 4709.05, 4713.44, 4713.45
Five Year Review Date: 2/12/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/15/1968, 11/19/1987, 8/9/2002, 2/28/2014
Rule 4713-5-28 | Attire for applicants taking examinations at the board.

(A) All applicants shall wear appropriate clothing when scheduled to take the state licensure examination.

(1) Clothing that is comfortable and practical for work or a school uniform are acceptable attire. A clean smock or apron may be worn over attire.

(2) The following attire is not permitted in the examination center during an examination: clothing that shows excessive skin, clothing with offensive language, sleeveless attire, torn, dirty or tattered clothing, or other clothing as determined by board staff.

(B) An applicant not admitted to the test center due to attire shall be dismissed, and required to reschedule for the state examination.

Last updated February 12, 2024 at 8:47 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4713.08(A)(3)
Amplifies: 4713.08(A)(3), 4713.24
Five Year Review Date: 2/12/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/28/2014, 8/26/2016