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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4755-23 | Licensing, Examination, and Continuing Education

Rule 4755-23-01 | Applications for initial license.

(A) To receive a license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, an applicant shall be at least eighteen years of age.

(B) All applications for initial licensure as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall be submitted to the physical therapy section on forms provided by the section. All applications, fees, statements, and other documents so submitted shall be retained by the section.

(C) Applications shall be:

(1) Submitted electronically via the Ohio e-license system;

(2) Electronically signed via the Ohio e-license system;

(3) Accompanied by the fee prescribed by rule 4755-24-03 of the Administrative Code; and

(4) Accompanied by such evidence, statements, or documents as specified on the application.

(D) For the purposes of filing an electronic application via the Ohio e-license system, the applicant will create a "UserID" and password. The use of the "UserID" and password is solely the responsibility of the person to whom it is issued. The "UserID" and password shall constitute the legally recognized signature for the purposes of this rule and may not be transferred, distributed, or shared with any other person.

(E) Any application received in accordance with this rule that remains incomplete one year after the initial application filing shall be considered to be abandoned and no further processing shall be undertaken with respect to that application.

(1) If the application process extends for a period longer than one year, the board may require updated information as it deems necessary.

(2) No application for licensure may be withdrawn without approval of the board.

(3) Submitted fees shall be neither refundable nor transferable.

Last updated May 31, 2024 at 12:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4755.411
Amplifies: 4755.42, 4755.421
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 5/26/1978, 9/1/1982, 3/20/1998, 5/1/2005
Rule 4755-23-06 | Biennial renewal of licensure.

(A) Renewal of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant license shall be in accordance with section 4755.46 of the Revised Code.

(1) The entire licensure renewal application, including any required forms, compliance with the continuing education requirement specified in rule 4755-23-08 of the Administrative Code, and payment of the renewal fee prescribed by rule 4755-24-04 of Administrative Code, shall be completed to satisfy the requirements of the renewal procedure.

(2) The licensure renewal notice shall be sent to the e-mail address on file with the board.

(B) All persons licensed as a physical therapist shall renew their license by the thirty-first day of January in each even-numbered year. When a license to practice as a physical therapist is issued by the board on or after October first of an odd-numbered year, that license shall be valid through the thirty-first day of January of the second even-numbered year.

(C) All persons licensed as a physical therapist assistant shall renew their license by the thirty-first day of January in each odd-numbered year. When a license to practice as a physical therapist assistant is issued by the board on or after October first of an even-numbered year, that license shall be valid through the thirty-first day of January of the second odd-numbered year.

(D) Persons who fail to submit the renewal fee, completed application, any other required information, and/or comply with the continuing education requirement specified in rule 4755-23-08 of the Administrative Code, by the thirty-first day of January of the appropriate year shall have their license automatically expire.

(1) A license holder whose license expires for failure to renew must submit a reinstatement application in accordance with rule 4755-23-10 of the Administrative Code. The physical therapy section shall approve the reinstatement application before the individual may legally practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant in Ohio.

(2) A license holder who continues to practice physical therapy or physical therapy assisting with an expired license shall be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to section 4755.47 of the Revised Code.

(E) For the purposes of filing an electronic renewal application via the Ohio e-License system, the applicant will create a "UserID" and password. The use of the "UserID" and password is solely the responsibility of the person to whom it is issued. The "UserID" and password shall constitute the legally recognized signature for the purposes of this rule and may not be transferred, distributed, or shared with any other person.

Last updated May 31, 2024 at 12:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4755.411
Amplifies: 4755.46
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 9/10/2007
Rule 4755-23-08 | Continuing education.

Pursuant to sections 4755.51 and 4755.511 of the Revised Code, no person will qualify for license renewal as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant unless the person completed the required continuing education units outlined in paragraph (A) of this rule. A "unit" is one clock hour spent in a continuing education activity meeting the requirements established in section 4755.52 of the Revised Code.

(A) Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants must participate in continuing education activities that meet the requirements outlined in division (B) of section 4755.52 of the Revised Code.

(1) License holders are not required to obtain any continuing education units for the first renewal.

(2) A physical therapist must complete a minimum of twenty-four units of continuing education activities within the two year renewal cycle. License holders must complete at least two hours of ethics through a renewal jurisprudence module as determined by the physical therapy section. The two hours earned through completion of the module must count as part of the total twenty-four hour requirement. A fee may be required to complete the module.

(3) A physical therapist assistant must complete a minimum of twelve units of continuing education activities within the two year renewal cycle. License holders must complete at least two hours of ethics through a renewal jurisprudence module as determined by the physical therapy section. The two hours earned through completion of the module must count as part of the total twelve hour requirement. A fee may be required to complete the module.

(4) In the case of a license reinstatement according to rule 4755-23-10 of the Administrative Code, one of the following applies:

(a) If the reinstated license was valid for a period of twelve months or less, the license holder must complete half of the continuing education hours required within the renewal cycle. The category limits contained in paragraph (G) of this rule do not apply and the renewal jurisprudence module is not required. Continuing education hours used for the purpose of reinstating a license cannot be re-used for license renewal.

(b) If the reinstated license was valid for a period of more than twelve months, the license holder must complete the full amount of continuing education hours required within the renewal cycle. The category limits contained in paragraph (G) of this rule apply and the renewal jurisprudence module is required. Continuing education hours used for the purpose of reinstating a license cannot be re-used for license renewal.

(B) Accumulated continuing education units may not be carried over from one renewal period to another.

(C) Pursuant to sections 4755.52 and 4755.53 of the Revised Code, the physical therapy section may contract with the Ohio physical therapy association (OPTA) to assist the section with the performing of its continuing education duties. The OPTA must accept, review, approve, or deny proposals for professional workshops, seminars, and/or conferences for continuing education units or for other continuing education activities reported by physical therapists and physical therapist assistants who qualify under section 4755.53 of the Revised Code. The OPTA must perform any other duties agreed upon by the section and the OPTA necessary for the approval, maintenance, and/or reporting of continuing education activities for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.

(D) A license must not be renewed unless the license holder meets the requirements of paragraph (A) of this rule. Unless qualified under paragraph (G) of this rule, completed continuing education activities must have a current Ohio approval number.

(E) The physical therapy section must conduct an audit of the continuing education records of a number of the license holders to be determined by the section each renewal year. The section will notify license holders who are selected for the audit to determine compliance with the continuing education requirement specified in this rule.

(1) License holders chosen for the audit must submit to the board by the date specified by the board copies of all records and documentation of proof of completion of the continuing education activities used to meet the continuing education requirements of this rule.

(2) Failure to provide proof of the required number of continuing education hours for the specified time period will result in the commencement of disciplinary action.

(3) Failure to respond to or acknowledge receipt of an audit notice will result in the commencement of disciplinary action.

(F) A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant license must not be renewed unless the license holder certifies that the person completed the required number of continuing education hours specified in paragraph (A) of this rule.

A license holder who falsifies a renewal application may be disciplined by the physical therapy section for violating section 4755.48 of the Revised Code.

(G) Completion of academic coursework, clinical instruction, mentoring, residencies, fellowships, and volunteer work for continuing education credit.

(1) Passing the following specialty examinations will qualify for twenty-four contact hours of continuing education in the year the examination is taken:

(a) Specialty examinations administered by the American board of physical therapy specialties (ABPTS).

(b) The hand therapy certification commission (HTCC) certification examination.

(2) Renewal of certification of a specialty through ABPTS will qualify for six contact hours of continuing education in the year it is given.

(3) Renewal of HTCC certification may be counted for six hours of continuing education in the year it is given.

(4) The successful completion of an American physical therapy association credentialed residency or fellowship program will qualify for twenty-four contact hours of continuing education in the year the residency or fellowship is completed.

(5) Coursework completed at a commission on accreditation in physical therapy education accredited entry-level physical therapist education program or a postprofessional transition clinical doctorate program is eligible for continuing education credit.

(6) Serving as a clinical instructor will qualify for one contact hour for each eighty hours of clinical instruction.

(a) To be eligible for continuing education credit in accordance with this paragraph, a physical therapist must be an APTA certified level I or level II clinical instructor and a physical therapist assistant must be an APTA certified level I clinical instructor.

(b) A physical therapist may earn up to twelve contact hours per renewal cycle by serving as a clinical instructor.

(c) A physical therapist assistant may earn up to six contact hours per renewal cycle by serving as a clinical instructor.

(d) Proof of clinical instruction is a certificate from the student's school.

(7) Serving as a mentor in an APTA accredited clinical residency or fellowship program will qualify for one contact hour for each three hours of mentorship.

(a) To be eligible for continuing education credit in accordance with this paragraph, a physical therapist must meet one of the following criteria:

(i) Currently certified as an APTA certified level I or level II clinical instructor; or

(ii) Currently hold a specialty certification issued by the ABPTS or by the HTCC.

(b) A physical therapist may earn up to twelve contact hours per renewal cycle by serving as a mentor.

(c) Proof of mentorship is a certificate from the director of the clinical residency or fellowship documenting the number of hours of mentorship completed.

(8) For authoring a published article or book, up to ten units per renewal period.

(9) Volunteer services to indigent and uninsured persons pursuant to section 4745.04 of the Revised Code. To qualify under this rule, volunteer services must:

(a) Be provided at a free clinic or other non-profit organization that offers health care services based on eligibility screenings identifying the client as an "indigent and uninsured person" as that term is defined in division (A)(7) of section 2305.234 of the Revised Code.

(b) Be documented in writing in the form of a certificate or a written statement on letterhead from an administrative official at the organization where services were rendered, specifying at a minimum the license holder's name, license number, date(s) of qualifying volunteer services, number of hours of services, and describing the services that were rendered.

(c) Include the submission of a written statement by the license holder explaining how the volunteer services have contributed to the license holder's professional competency.

(d) Not be credited for license holders in a paid position at the organization at which the services are rendered.

(e) Not be credited for license holders who are also using the hours toward educational and academic pursuits.

(f) Be physical therapy or physical therapist assistant services provided in compliance with the Revised Code and the Administrative Code.

(g) Be credited as one hour of CE for each sixty minutes spent providing services as a volunteer, not to exceed six hours for physical therapists and three hours for physical therapist assistants of the total biennial CE requirement.

(10) Completion of a renewal jurisprudence module will qualify for two contact hours.

(11) Continuing education activities identified in paragraph (G) of this rule do not require an Ohio approval number. Continuing education will be granted in the reporting period in which the academic coursework, clinical instruction, mentoring, residency, volunteer work or fellowship is completed.

Last updated May 31, 2024 at 12:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4755.411
Amplifies: 4755.46, 4755.47, 4755.51, 4755.511, 4755.52
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 2/1/1991, 5/1/2007, 7/13/2020
Rule 4755-23-09 | Waivers for continuing education.

The physical therapy section of the Ohio occupational therapy, physical therapy and athletic trainers board may grant a waiver of the continuing education requirements in the case of illness, disability, or undue hardship. A request for waiver form, as provided by the physical therapy section, must be completed in full. In the case of illness or disability, a physician's statement is required. All completed forms must be received by the section for consideration no later than the first day of October of the year preceding the renewal date, unless that date is waived by the section. A waiver may be granted for any period of time not to exceed one renewal cycle. In the event that the illness, disability, or hardship continues to the next renewal cycle, then a new waiver request is required.

Should a waiver be granted due to disability or illness, the section may require the person to provide appropriate documentation from a physician or another qualified and appropriate practitioner to verify the person's competency and ability to practice physical therapy in the state of Ohio prior to the return to active practice of physical therapy in Ohio.

Last updated May 31, 2024 at 12:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4755.52
Amplifies: 4755.51, 4755.511, 4755.52
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 5/25/2003
Rule 4755-23-10 | Reinstatement of license.

(A) Reinstatement is mandatory for any person wishing to practice who held a license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant in the state of Ohio according to section 4755.40 of the Revised Code.

(B) A reinstatement application must be completed and returned to the physical therapy section of the Ohio occupational therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board for review.

(C) The application must be accompanied by the fee prescribed by rule 4755-24-08 of the Administrative Code.

(D) The applicant must meet the appropriate continuing education requirements.

(1) For reinstatement applications submitted before March first of the year in which the applicant's license expired, the applicant shall complete the number of contact hours of continuing education that were required to renew the expired license. All contact hours used to reinstate the license shall be in accordance with rule 4755-23-08 of the Administrative Code. Contact hours used to meet the requirement of this paragraph shall not be used to renew the reinstated license.

(2) For reinstatement applications submitted on or after March first of the year in which the applicant's license expired, the applicant shall complete the number of contact hours specified in paragraph (A) of rule 4755-23-08 of the Administrative Code within the two year period immediately preceding the date the board receives the application for reinstatement. All contact hours used to reinstate the license shall be in accordance with rule 4755-23-08 of the Administrative Code. Contact hours used to meet the requirement of this paragraph shall not be used to renew the reinstated license.

(E) An applicant who has been out of the practice of physical therapy for a period of five or more years shall:

(1) Retake and pass the national physical therapy examination; or

(2) Complete an action plan as approved by the physical therapy section.

(3) Out of practice is defined as being actively engaged in the practice of physical therapy for fewer than five hundred hours over the five year period prior to the date the applicant submits the reinstatement application.

(F) The applicant must take and pass the renewal jurisprudence module as specified in rule 4755-23-08 of the Administrative Code.

(G) The physical therapy section may require persons filing reinstatement applications to appear in person before the section.

(H) Any application received in accordance with this rule that remains incomplete one year after the initial application filing shall be considered to be abandoned and no further processing shall be undertaken with respect to that application.

(1) If the application process extends for a period longer than one year, the board may require updated information as it deems necessary.

(2) No application for licensure may be withdrawn without approval of the board.

(3) Submitted fees shall be neither refundable nor transferable.

Last updated May 31, 2024 at 12:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4755.411
Amplifies: 4755.411, 4755.46
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 9/21/2001, 5/1/2010
Rule 4755-23-16 | Physical therapy compact privileges.

(A) As required by section 4755.57 of the Revised Code, the physical therapy section shall comply with all by laws, rules, and administrative regulations of the physical therapy compact commission.

(B) Pursuant to section 4.A.7. of the compact in section 4755.57 of the Revised Code, all physical therapy compact privilege applicants seeking to obtain a compact privilege in Ohio are also required to successfully pass the Ohio jurisprudence assessment module (JAM) that is offered through the federation of state boards of physical therapy. The JAM must be passed prior to the individual practicing physical therapy in the state of Ohio. The JAM is also required prior to renewal of a compact privilege to continue practicing physical therapy in Ohio. Practicing physical therapy in Ohio prior to passage of the JAM may result in disiciplinary action, including termination of the applicant's compact privilege.

Last updated May 31, 2024 at 12:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4755.57
Amplifies: 4755.57
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2026
Rule 4755-23-17 | Militaryprovisions related to licensure.

(A) Definitions.

(1) "Armed forces" means:

(a) The armed forces of the United States, including the army, navy, air force, marine corps, and coast guard;

(b) A reserve component of the armed forces listed in paragraph (A)(1)(a) of this rule;

(c) The national guard, including the Ohio national guard or the national guard of any other state;

(d) The commissioned corps of the United States public health service;

(e) The merchant marine service during wartime; or

(f) The Ohio organized militia when engaged in full-time national guard duty for a period of more than thirty days.

(2) "Member" means any person who is serving in the armed forces.

(3) "Military duty" includes service in the uniformed services on active duty, in the active guard and reserve, and as a military technician dual status under 10 U.S.C. 10216.

(4) "Veteran" means any person who has completed service in the armed forces, who has been discharged under honorable conditions or who has been transferred to the reserve with evidence of satisfactory service.

(B) Temporary military licensure when the eligible person has a license in another state.

(1) In accordance with section 4743.041 of the Revised Code, a person who presents the following qualifications is eligible for a temporary military license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant in Ohio.

(a) The person holds a valid license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant issued by another state;

(b) The person is in good standing in all states of licensure;

(c) The person presents adequate proof to the physical therapy section that the person or the person's spouse is on military duty in the state of Ohio; and

(d) The person complies with the criminal records check requirements in section 4755.70 of the Revised Code. The results of the criminal records check must be received by the board prior to the issuance of a military license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.

(2) The physical therapy section must abide by the timelines set forth in division (D) of section 4743.041 in granting a temporary military license.

(3) An application for a temporary military license must include the following:

(a) Proof of either of the following:

(i) That the applicant is on military duty and is stationed in Ohio; or

(ii) That the applicant is married to a person on military duty who is stationed in Ohio.

(b) Proof that the applicant holds a valid unrestricted license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant in another state;

(c) Attestation that the applicant has complied with the criminal records check in section 4755.70 of the Revised Code;

(d) Attestation that the applicant is aware that the temporary military license will be revoked in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code if:

(i) The person's licensed issued by another state expires or is revoked, or the person is not in good standing;

(ii) For a person who is a military spouse, six months have elapsed since the divorce, dissolution, or annulment of the marriage to a person on military duty;

(iii) The person is disqualified from obtaining a license because of a conviction, judicial finding of guilt, or plea of guilty to a disqualifying criminal offense specified on the list the board has made available pursuant to division (C) of section 9.78 of the Revised Code.

(4) A temporary military license expires six years after the date of issuance. A person may apply for a non-military license by endorsement while the military license is active.

(5) The physical therapy section must waive all fees associated with a military license.

(6) A person holding a military license must practice within the scope of practice for physical therapy for the state of Ohio and may not exceed the person's education or training.

(C) Military programs of training which may be accepted for members of the military who do not have an out of state license.

In accordance with section 5903.03 of the Revised Code, the following military programs of training, military primary specialties, and lengths of service are substantially equivalent to or exceed the educational and experience requirements for licensure as a:

(1) Physical therapist.

(a) Military programs of training.

A person serving in a military primary specialty listed in paragraph (C)(1)(b) of this rule must be a graduate of a physical therapist program accredited by the commission on accreditation in physical therapy education (CAPTE) to serve in that specialty or attend the "United States Army Baylor University Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy (School 083; Course 6-250-C18-65B)."

(b) Military primary specialties.

(i) Army: physical therapist (AOC 65B)

(ii) Navy: physical therapy (NOBC 0873)

(iii) Air force: physical therapist (AFSC 42B3)

(c) Lengths of service.

There are no minimal lengths of service that would be substantially equivalent to or exceed the educational and experience requirements for licensure as a physical therapist.

(2) Physical therapist assistant.

(a) Military programs of training.

The following program at the medical education and training campus at fort Sam Houston, Texas, is substantially equivalent to the educational requirements for licensure as a physical therapist assistant, provided that the applicant completed one of the bridge programs identified in paragraphs (C)(2)(a)(iv) to (C)(2)(a)(vi) of this rule.

(i) Army: school 083; course 303-68F10 (course 303-N9 prior to 2014).

(ii) Navy: school 083; course B-303-0150.

(iii) Air force: school 083; course L8ABJ4J032 01AA.

(iv) Community college of the air force in fort Sam Houston, Texas.

(v) Arapahoe community college in Littleton, Colorado.

(vi) Lake Superior college in Duluth, Minnesota.

(vii) An applicant who completed a program identified in paragraphs (C)(2)(a)(i) to (C)(2)(a)(iii) of this rule but not one of the bridge programs identified in paragraphs (C)(2)(a)(iv) to (C)(2)(a)(vi) of this rule may submit to the section the results of a physical therapist assistant educational equivalency review (PTA-EER) from the foreign credentialing commission on physical therapy, inc. (FCCPT). The section will inform the applicant of any educational deficiencies identified in the evaluation that must be remediated prior to being eligible for a license.

(b) Military primary specialties.

(i) Army: physical therapy specialist (MOS 68F).

(ii) Navy: physical therapy technician (NEC L20A).

(iii) Air force: physical medicine (AFSC 4J032).

(c) Lengths of service.

There are no minimal lengths of service that would be substantially equivalent to or exceed the educational and experience requirements for licensure as physical therapist assistant.

(D) License renewal for active members of the military.

(1) In accordance with section 5903.10 of the Revised Code, a license holder whose license expired due to the license holder's service in the armed forces is eligible for renewal of the expired license in accordance with section 4755.46 of the Revised Code and rules 4755-23-06 and 4755-24-04 of the Administrative Code, if the following conditions are met:

(a) The license holder presents the board with satisfactory evidence that, not more than six months prior to the date the evidence is submitted to the board, the license holder was honorably discharged or separated under honorable conditions;

(b) The license holder is not suffering a mental or physical illness, including physical deterioration that adversely affects cognitive, motor, or perception skills, that affect the license holder's ability to practice according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care; and

(c) The license holder meets the requirements for license renewal required by section 4755.46 of the Revised Code and rules 4755-23-06 and 4755-24-04 of the Administrative Code.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (D) of this rule also apply if the license holder's spouse served in the armed forces and the spouse's service resulted in the license holder's absence from this state.

(E) Continuing education for active members of the military.

(1) In accordance with section 5903.12 of the Revised Code, the provisions of this paragraph apply to a license holder who has been a member of the armed forces who has served on active duty for a period in excess of thirty-one days.

(2) A license holder who meets the provisions contained in paragraph (E)(1) of this rule may submit an application to the board requesting an extension of the current continuing education reporting period.

(a) The license holder must submit proper documentation certifying the active duty service and the length of that active duty service.

(b) Upon receiving the application and proper documentation, the board must extend the current continuing education reporting period by an amount of time equal to the total number of months that the license holder spent on active duty during the current continuing education reporting period. Any portion of a month served must be considered one full month.

(F) Determining fulfillment of continuing education for active members of the military.

(1) In accordance with section 5903.121 of the Revised Code, the board must consider relevant education, training, or service completed by a license holder as a member of the armed forces in determining whether a license holder has met the continuing education requirements needed to renew the license.

(2) For the board to consider relevant education, training, or service completed by the license holder in accordance with paragraph (F) of this rule, the license holder must submit a request for consideration and documentation of the education, training, or service to the board at least ninety days prior to the expiration of the license.

(G) The application fee must be waived for an applicant who is a current member of the armed forces for the following application types.

(1) Initial licensure by examination, outlined in rule 4755-24-03 of the Administrative Code;

(2) Initial licensure by endorsement, outlined in rule 4755-24-03 of the Administrative Code; and

(3) Reinstatement of an expired license, outlined in rule 4755-24-08 of the Administrative Code.

(H) Application process.

(1) The board's applications must include a question to identify if the applicant is a member of the armed forces, a veteran, or a spouse or surviving spouse of a member of the armed forces or veteran. This status must be stored in the licensing system.

(2) When the board receives an application from a person identified in paragraph (H)(1) of this rule, the processing of that application must be prioritized, with a goal of ensuring that a license is issued the same day that the application is complete.

Last updated May 31, 2024 at 12:48 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4743.041, 5903.03, 5903.04,
Amplifies: 4743.041, 5903.121, 5903.12 , 5903.10, 5903.03, 5903.04,
Five Year Review Date: 10/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 9/1/2014