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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 901:1-17 | Importation and Health of Animals

Rule 901:1-17-01 | General requirements.

(A) No person shall move or import any animal into the state of Ohio unless that animal meets the rules of this chapter and all applicable federal laws or is otherwise exempt.

(B) Animals imported in violation of the rules of this chapter shall be quarantined and be brought into compliance with the applicable requirements of these rules at the owner's expense. Pursuant to Chapter 941. of the Revised Code, if the animals cannot or are not, for any reason, brought into compliance the department may order the animal returned to the place of origin, delivered to slaughter, or destroyed at the owner's expense.

(C) Imported animals shall be healthy and free of symptoms of contagious or infectious diseases and residues. They shall not have been recently exposed to any contagious or infectious diseases and shall not originate from a herd, flock, or area under quarantine.

(D) As required by the rules of this chapter, certificates of veterinary inspection, USDA national poultry improvement plan, veterinary service 9-3 forms, permits, and/or permit numbers shall be in the possession of the person in charge of the animal during movement.


A copy of a certificate of veterinary inspection must be forwarded to the "Chief, Division of Animal Health, 8995 E. Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068" within seven days of issuance.

The certificate shall be void thirty days after inspection and issuance unless specifically waived or extended time is granted by a permit from the department.

(F) When the purpose of importation is for a sale assembly, the sale management will provide an approved veterinarian to do the following:

(1) Examine the certificate of veterinary inspection of each animal brought to the sale;

(2) Inspect within a reasonable time of arrival each animal brought to the sale for symptoms of any infectious or contagious diseases; and

(3) Daily inspect each animal present at the sale for symptoms of infectious or contagious disease.

(G) Individuals wishing to import animals that do not meet the rules of this chapter may apply to the department for an entry permit. Applications for permits shall be made to the "Chief, Division of Animal Health, 8995 E. Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068," telephone 614-728-6220. Such applications shall include the number and species of animals, identification numbers, the origin and date of shipments, consignee, the purpose of the importation, and shall include the age and sex. All animals entering Ohio under a permit are subject to quarantine and inspection on arrival at destination.

If at any time the conditions of a permit are violated by the holder and would endanger the health of other animals in the state of Ohio, the chief may suspend such permit and refuse to issue any future permit.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 2/26/1996, 3/19/1999, 5/19/2011
Rule 901:1-17-02 | Definitions.

(A) The following terms and their definitions are incorporated from 9 CFR part 77.5 (2014):

(1) "Accreditation preparatory state or zone";

(2) "Accredited free state or zone";

(3) "Accredited herd";

(4) "Modified accredited advanced state or zone";

(5) "Modified accredited state or zone"; and

(6) "Non-accredited state or zone".

(B) The following terms and their definitions are incorporated from 9 CFR part 78.1 (2014):

(1) "Class A State";

(2) "Class B State";

(3) "Class C State";

(4) "Brucellosis free state";

(5) "Certified Brucellosis free herd";

(6) "Validated brucellosis free herd"; and,

(7) "Validated Brucellosis free state."

(C) "Accredited laboratory" means a laboratory meeting the accreditation standards established for fish health diagnostic laboratories by a state government, the United States federal government or, the Canadian government's department of fisheries and oceans.

(D) "Animal" means any animal that is a bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, or mammal other than humans; and when specified in a rule, includes germplasm of the foregoing animals.

(E) "Approved veterinarian" means any licensed and accredited veterinarian approved by the Ohio department of agriculture, or an employee of the Ohio department of agriculture, or the United States department of agriculture, animal and plant health inspection service, veterinary services.

(F) "Certificate of veterinary inspection" means a legible record, certified, completed, and issued by a licensed, accredited veterinarian, or by a veterinarian employed by either the state of origin or the United States department of agriculture, and shall contain all of the following:

(1) The complete name and address of the consignor and the consignee, (including final destination if different from consignee's address);

(2) An accurate description with official individual identification of the animal listed, as required;

(3) The date and results of any required or known test conducted;

(4) A complete description (including dates of administration) of any vaccinations and treatments, as required by the rules of this chapter;

(5) Designation of the purpose for which the animal is being imported (i.e., breeding, feeding, exhibition, sale, etc.); and

(6) The animal health and test status records which meet the legal requirements of the state of destination, including any other tests of record.

(G) "Certified fish health inspector" means an individual who has successfully completed the course of study on fish diseases sponsored by the American fisheries society and is currently certified by the American fisheries society to issue fish health inspection reports.

(H) "Consignee letter of consent" means a letter signed by the Ohio recipient of an animal which acknowledges the presence of a disease condition and affirms his continued intent to import the animal.

(I) "Contagious or infectious disease" means any disease, including any foreign animal disease, or vector, capable of transmission by any means from a carrier animal to a human or to another animal and includes dangerously contagious or infectious diseases.

(J) "Department of agriculture" and "department" means the Ohio department of agriculture.

(K) "Domestic animal" includes livestock; other animals that through long association with humans have been bred to a degree resulting in genetic changes affecting the temperament, color, conformation, or other attributes of the species to an extent that makes them different from nondomestic animals of their kind, and other animals as defined by rule by the director.

(L) "Facility" means an establishment where fish are raised, held, or released.

(M) "Feral swine" means any swine that has lived any part of its life free roaming.

(N) "Fish" means a cold-blooded vertebrate animal living in water, having permanent gills for breathing, and fins.

(O) "Fish health inspection and testing report" means a document listing inspections done and diagnostic work performed on fish and stating the results of the inspections and diagnostic work.

(P) "Licensed and accredited veterinarian" means a person who is licensed to practice veterinary medicine either by the state of Ohio or the state in which the certificate of veterinary inspection was issued and who is certified approved by the United States department of agriculture, animal plant health inspection service, veterinary services, to be an accredited veterinarian.

(Q) "Lot" means:

(1) A group of fish of the same species that originate from either the same brood stock, or the same egg source, during the same year and are raised on the same water source; or

(2) A group of fish of the same species over twelve months of age from the same water source.

(R) "Nondomestic animal" means any animal that is not domestic, including at least nonindigenous animals and animals usually not in captivity.

(S) "Official individual identification" means a device or method assigned to livestock being moved as required by the rules of this chapter.

(T) "Owner/Shipper statement" means a statement signed by the owner or shipper of livestock being moved which includes the information as required by the rules of this chapter, as applicable.

(U) "Permit" means a document issued by the department which:

(1) Authorizes actions which require, by rule, prior permission from the chief of the department's division of animal health.

(2) May waive or modify requirements established by rule when compliance with the rule requirements works a hardship and waiver or modification of the rule requirements is consistent with the purpose of and does not compromise the effectiveness of the rule requirements being waived or modified.

(3) May require as a condition for waiver or modification of requirements established by rule:

(a) Restrictions regarding movement, handling, quarantine, destination, and purpose for which the animal may be imported; and

(b) Additional inspections, identification, pre and post-entry tests, vaccinations, treatments, and other procedures;

(4) May require a consignee letter of consent.

(V) "Poultry" means any domesticated fowl kept in confinement, except for doves and pigeons, that are bred for the primary purpose of producing eggs or meat for human consumption. The term includes chickens, turkeys, waterfowl and game birds.

(W) "Premises identification" means a nationally unique number assigned by a state, tribal, and/or federal animal health authority to a premise that is, in the judgment of the state, tribal, and/or federal animal health authority, a geographically distinct location from other premises.

(X) "PRRS" means porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome.

(Y) "Pseudorabies status stage V state" means a state that has been declared pseudorabies free as outlined in the United State department of agriculture, animal and plant health inspection service, "Pseudorabies Eradication Program Standards" as effective on November 1, 2003. A copy of these standards may be found at

(Z) "Residue" means any poisonous or deleterious pesticide governed by 40 C.F.R. 180 (2017), any poisonous or deleterious substance governed by 21 C.F.R. 109.6 (2017), or any other substance governed by 21 C.F.R. 556 (2017).

(AA) "Sale assembly" means any public assembly of animals, except rabbits, chickens, turkeys, waterfowl, and gamebirds with a final disposition of slaughter, that are brought together for the purpose of exchanging ownership.

(BB) "Slaughter channels" means a system of movement wherein an animal, not for the purposes of breeding, is sold, transferred, or moved either:

(1) For feeding for the express purpose of improving that animal's condition for final movement to slaughter;

(2) To a USDA approved livestock market as defined under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code for final movement to slaughter;

(3) To a slaughter facility;

(4) To an individual for custom slaughter; or

(5) To a livestock dealer licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code.

(CC) "Sporting swine" means any domestic or feral swine intended for hunting purposes and includes the progeny of these swine whether or not the progeny are intended for hunting purposes.

(DD) "Tagging site" means locations authorized by USDA, state, or tribal animal health officials where livestock may be officially identified on behalf of their owner or the person in possession, care, or control of the animals when they are brought to the site.

(EE) "USDA" means the United States department of agriculture, animal plant health inspection service, veterinary services.

(FF) "Water source" means a body of water with controlled access in which fish are hatched, spawned, or raised.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 2/16/1996, 8/15/2001, 12/18/2014
Rule 901:1-17-03 | Import requirements for breeding cattle and bison.

(A) Except for the purposes of paragraphs (B), (C), and (D) of this rule, all cattle and bison imported into Ohio for breeding purposes shall:

(1) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days prior to entry and be identified with official individual identification; and

(2) Meet the following tuberculosis requirements:

(a) Originate from an accredited free state or zone; or

(b) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone and meet the following:

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; or

(ii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry; or

(c) Originate from a modified accredited state or zone and meet the following:

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; or

(ii) Originate from a herd that has completed a whole herd negative tuberculosis test within twelve months prior to entry; and

(iii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry; and

(iv) Obtain a permit.

(d) Originate from an accreditation preparatory state or zone and meet the following:

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; and

(ii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry; and

(iii) Obtain a permit.

(e) Cattle or bison imported into Ohio for breeding purposes which originate from a non-accredited state or zone can only enter Ohio for slaughter in compliance with rule 901:1-17-10 of the Administrative Code.

(f) All tuberculosis tests must be conducted by a licensed and accredited veterinarian.

(g) Animals which travel out of Ohio for exhibition purposes in a modified accredited, accreditation preparatory or non-accredited state or zone, must meet the requirements set forth in paragraphs (A)(1), (A)(2)(c), (A)(2)(d), and (A)(2)(e) of this rule in order to return to or be imported into Ohio.

(3) Meet the following brucellosis requirements:

(a) Originate from a herd located in a certified brucellosis free state; or

(b) Originate from a class A state and be:

(i) From certified brucellosis free herd, or

(ii) Not test eligible, or

(iii) Test eligible and negative to a brucellosis test within thirty days prior to entry, or

(c) Originate from a class B state and be:

(i) From certified brucellosis free herd, with a permit prior to entry and shall be quarantined and retested in forty-five to one hundred twenty days post entry or after becoming test eligible, or

(ii) Not test eligible with a permit prior to entry and shall be quarantined and retested in forty-five to one hundred twenty days post entry or after becoming test eligible, or

(iii) Test eligible, and meet the following requirements:

(a) Accompanied with evidence of a negative brucellosis test within thirty days prior to entry; and

(b) Obtain a permit prior to entry; and

(c) Shall be quarantined and retested forty-five to one hundred twenty days post entry.

(d) Originate from a class C state from a certified brucellosis free herd and be retested forty-five to one hundred twenty days post entry or after becoming test eligible.

(e) For purposes of this rule, test eligible cattle and bison are:

(i) Nonvaccinates over six months of age, except steers and spayed heifers.

(ii) Official vaccinates of the dairy breeds twenty months of age and over (as evidenced by partial eruption of the first pair of permanent incisor teeth).

(iii) Official vaccinates of the beef breeds twenty-four months of age and over (as evidenced by the first pair of fully erupted permanent incisor teeth).

(iv) Parturient or post parturient animals.

(f) A legible vaccination tattoo will be accepted as proof of vaccination.

(g) Brucellosis tests required under this rule shall either be conducted by or confirmed by a state or federally approved laboratory.

(4) Meet the following trichomoniasis requirements:

(a) All bulls over twenty-four months of age and all non-virgin bulls less than twenty-four months of age shall have:

(i) One negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test within thirty days prior to importation; and

(ii) Samples submitted for testing shall be collected by a licensed accredited veterinarian and the test is conducted by a state or federally approved laboratory.

(b) Bulls meeting the following requirements are exempted from the trichomoniasis testing requirements of this rule:

(i) Virgin bulls less than twenty-four months of age accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection containing a signed statement from an approved veterinarian that the bulls have had no contact with breeding females.

(ii) Bulls imported into Ohio for immediate slaughter only or those consigned directly to a licensed slaughter establishment or to a licensed livestock market and then directly to a licensed slaughter establishment.

(B) Cattle and bison imported into Ohio for breeding purposes from an accredited free state or zone and a certified free state may be consigned to a USDA approved livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code when they are officially individually identified and:

(1) The animals meet the requirements listed in paragraph (A)(4) of this rule; and

(2) Are accompanied by either of the following movement documents:

(a) A certificate of veterinary inspection which has been issued within thirty days prior to entry; or

(b) An owner/shipper statement issued within thirty days prior to entry.

(3) Include the following information to be listed on their movement documents:

(a) The date of shipment shall be listed on an owner/shipper statement or the date of examination shall be listed on the certificate of veterinary inspection;

(b) The number of cattle or bison within the shipment;

(c) The sex of the cattle or bison within the shipment;

(d) The breed of the cattle or bison within the shipment;

(e) The age of the cattle or bison within the shipment;

(f) The name and address of the owner prior to the shipment;

(g) The name and address of the destination; and

(h) The official individual identification of all cattle and bison within the shipment.

(C) Official individual identification for cattle or bison as required under this rule shall mean that the cattle or bison are marked by either of the following:

(1) An ear tattoo which has been registered with a breed association; or

(2) An official eartag bearing the U.S. shield which includes either of the following:

(a) An animal identification number (AIN); or

(b) A national uniform ear tag system number (NUES).

(D) Cattle and bison imported into Ohio for breeding purposes from an accredited free state or zone and a certified free state may be consigned to a USDA approved livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code which has also been designated as a tagging site when:

(1) The animals meet the requirements listed in paragraph (A)(4) of this rule; and

(2) Are accompanied by either of the following movement documents:

(a) A certificate of veterinary inspection which has been issued within thirty days prior to entry and also includes a statement indicating the animals to be imported shall be officially individually identified at the tagging site; or

(b) An owner/shipper statement issued within thirty days prior to entry which includes a statement indicating the animals to be imported shall be officially individually identified at the tagging site.

(3) Include the following information to be listed on their movement documents:

(a) The date of shipment shall be listed on an owner/shipper statement or the date of examination shall be listed on the certificate of veterinary inspection;

(b) The number of cattle or bison within the shipment;

(c) The sex of the cattle or bison within the shipment;

(d) The breed of the cattle or bison within the shipment;

(e) The age of the cattle or bison within the shipment;

(f) The name and address of the owner prior to the shipment;

(g) The name and address of the destination; and

(h) The official individual identification of all cattle and bison within the shipment.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 1/30/1991, 6/15/1998, 4/11/2005
Rule 901:1-17-04 | Cattle and bison imported for feeding and grazing.

(A) Cattle or bison imported into Ohio for purposes of feeding and grazing shall:

(1) Remain in slaughter channels until they move to slaughter;

(2) Be less than twenty months of age (as evidenced by the lack of the first pair of permanent incisor teeth);

(3) Not be pregnant; and

(4) The following animals shall be officially identified:

(a) All sexually intact cattle and bison over eighteen months of age; and

(b) All dairy cattle of any age, including steers and spayed heifers.

(5) Be accompanied by either of the following movement documents:

(a) A certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days prior to entry; or

(b) An owner/shipper statement issued within thirty days prior to entry and a copy of which shall be immediately forwarded to the Ohio department of agriculture within seven days. If the animals are consigned to a USDA approved livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code a copy of the owner/shipper statement does not need to be forwarded to the department.

(6) Include the following information to be listed on their movement documents:

(a) The date of the shipment shall be listed on the owner/shipper statement or the date of examination shall be listed on the certificate of veterinary inspection;

(b) The number of cattle within the shipment;

(c) The sex of the cattle within the shipment;

(d) Designation of whether the animals are dairy or beef cattle;

(e) The average weight per head of the cattle within the shipment;

(f) The name and address of the owner prior to shipment;

(g) The name and address of the destination; and

(h) The official identification number of all cattle, except for the following animals:

(i) All sexually intact beef cattle under eighteen months of age; and

(ii) Steers and spayed heifers, of any breed.

(7) Meet the following tuberculosis requirements:

(a) Originate from an accredited herd; or

(b) Originate from an accredited free state or zone; or

(c) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone and be identified with official individual identification; or

(d) Originate from a modified accredited state or zone, have a negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry and be identified with official individual identification; or

(e) If the animal seeking to be imported into the state of Ohio originated from an accreditation preparatory state or zone or a non-accredited state or zone, it will be prohibited from entering Ohio for the purposes of feeding or grazing.

(B) Official identification for cattle or bison as required by this rule shall mean that the cattle or bison are marked as with an official ear tag bearing the U.S. shield which includes either of the following:

(1) An animal identification number (AIN); or

(2) A national uniform ear tag system number (NUES).

(C) Cattle or bison which are designated for feeding and grazing and are not in compliance with paragraph (A) of this rule must meet the requirements of rule 901:1-17-03 of the Administrative Code (import requirements for breeding cattle).

(D) Cattle or bison originally imported into Ohio for the purposes of feeding and grazing may later be utilized for breeding purposes with a permit from the department which may stipulate additional test requirements.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 2/15/1993
Rule 901:1-17-05 | Dogs and cats.

(A) All dogs and cats imported into Ohio must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection indicating freedom from disease and be currently vaccinated against rabies in accordance with the national association of state public health veterinarian's (NASPHV) compendium of animal rabies control recommendations.

(B) Animals in transit should be accompanied by a currently valid NASPHV form #51, rabies vaccination certificate.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.041, 941.07, 941.09, 941.02
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 6/15/1998
Rule 901:1-17-06 | Goats.

(A) Goats imported into Ohio for breeding purposes shall:

(1) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days of entry and be identified with official individual identification as identified in paragraph (C) of this rule; and

(2) Show no symptoms or evidence of infectious or contagious diseases as defined in paragraph (B) of rule 901:1-21-02 of the Administrative Code; and

(3) The owner and the veterinarian must attest to the following statement written on the certificate of veterinary inspection:

"The goats in this shipment are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie"; and

(4) The consignee, upon request by an authorized representative of the department, shall provide information about the herd of birth of the animals in the shipment; and

(5) Meet one the following tuberculosis requirements:

(a) Originate from an accredited free state or zone.

(b) Originate from an accredited herd; or

(c) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone and meet the following requirements:

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; or

(ii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry.

(d) Originate from a modified accredited state or zone and meet the following requirements:

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; or

(ii) Originate from a herd that has completed a whole herd negative tuberculosis test within twelve months prior to entry; and

(iii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry; and

(iv) Obtain a permit.

(e) Originate in an accreditation preparatory state or zone and meet the following requirements:

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; and

(ii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry; and

(iii) Obtain a permit.

(f) Goats imported into Ohio which originated from a non-accredited state or zone can only enter Ohio for the purposes of slaughter in compliance with rule 901:1-17-10 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Goats imported into Ohio for feeding purposes shall:

(1) Be accompanied by a permit number issued prior to entry or certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days prior to entry forwarded to the state of destination. The identification listed on the certificate may be the number of goats in the shipment, sex of goats, the type of goats, and approximate weight.

(2) Be quarantined to the premises of destination until the animal moves to immediate slaughter unless the goats comply with paragraph (B)(5) of this rule; and

(3) Meet one of the following tuberculosis requirements:

(a) Originate from an accredited herd.

(b) Originate from an accredited free state or zone.

(c) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone and be identified with official individual identification.

(d) Originate from a modified accredited state or zone and have:

(i) A negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry; and

(ii) Be identified with official individual identification.

(e) Goats imported into Ohio which originated from an accreditation preparatory or non-accredited state or zone will be prohibited from entering Ohio for feeding or grazing.

(4) Goats which are designated for feeding and grazing and are not in compliance with paragraphs (B)(1) to (B)(3) of this rule must meet the requirements of paragraph (A) of this rule.

(5) Goats imported into Ohio for feeding or grazing may later be utilized for breeding purposes with a permit from the department, which may stipulate additional requirements.

(C) Official individual identification for goats as required by paragraph (A) of this rule shall mean that the goats are marked by one of the following:

(1) Official ear tags which are:

(a) Approved for use in animals participating in a scrapie herd certification program; or

(b) Approved by USDA for use in the scrapie eradication program.

(2) Tattoos that have been:

(a) Approved for use in animals participating in a scrapie herd certification program; or

(b) Approved by USDA for use in the scrapie eradication program; or

(c) Recorded in the record book of an animal registry association when the animal is accompanied by either a certificate of registration from the association or an owner/custodian statement.

(3) Microchips that have been:

(a) Approved for use in animals participating in a scrapie herd certification program; and

(b) Placed at the base of the animal's ear.

(D) All tuberculosis tests required by this rule must be conducted by a licensed and accredited veterinarian.

(E) Animals which travel out of Ohio for exhibition purposes in a modified accredited, accreditation preparatory, or non-accredited state or zone must meet the requirements set forth in paragraph (A) of this rule in order to return to or be imported into Ohio.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 10/19/2000
Rule 901:1-17-07 | Horses, mules, asses, ponies, and other equidae.

(A) Each equine animal which is imported into Ohio shall:

(1) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued at the point of origin immediately prior to entering Ohio, certifying that they have been given a careful, clinical inspection and been found to be free of symptoms of any dangerously infectious or contagious or communicable disease or known exposure thereto. Rectal temperature at the time of examination must be recorded on the certificate of veterinary inspection, and

(2) If twelve months of age or older, be accompanied by evidence that the identified animal was negative to an official test for the disease equine infectious anemia conducted at a state or federally approved laboratory. This test must have been conducted within the twelve-month period preceding the date of importation.

(B) Owners of equine may substitute an owner/shipper statement in place of the certificate of veterinary inspection, if the equine are consigned to a livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code with an approved veterinary inspector present. All equine meeting this requirement shall be exempt from paragraph (A) of this rule.

The following information will be included on the owner shipper statement:

(1) Date of shipment shall be listed on the owner/shipper statement or the date of examination shall be listed on the certificate of veterinary inspection;

(2) The number of horses in the shipment;

(3) The sex, age, breed of the animal(s) in the shipment;

(4) The name and address of the owner prior to shipment;

(5) The name and address of the destination; and

(6) Official individual identification.

(C) Horses and other equine species that are required to be officially individually identified under this part must be identified by one of the following methods:

(1) A description sufficient to identify the individual equine including, but not limited to, name, age, breed, color, gender, distinctive markings, and unique and permanent forms of identification when present (e.g., brands, tattoos, scars, cowlicks, blemishes or biometric measurements). When the identity of the equine is in question at the receiving destination, the state or tribal animal health official in the state or tribe of destination or APHIS representative may determine if the description provided is sufficient;

(2) Electronic identification that complies with ISO 11784/11785;

(3) Non-ISO electronic identification injected to the animal on or before March 11, 2014;

(4) Digital photographs sufficient to identify the individual equine; or

(5) For equines being commercially transported to slaughter, a device or method authorized by 9 C.F.R. Part 88.4 (2011).

(D) Upon request by an authorized representative of the department, the person responsible for each equine animal must make available a chronological list of dates, places, and events this animal has attended within the thirty days prior to entry.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 3/24/1974
Rule 901:1-17-08 | Sheep.

(A) Sheep imported into Ohio for breeding purposes shall:

(1) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days prior to entry and be identified with official individual identification;

(2) Show no symptoms of infectious or contagious diseases; and

(3) The owner and veterinarian must attest to the following statement written on the certificate of veterinary inspection:

"The sheep in this shipment are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie"; and

(4) The consignee, upon request by an authorized representative of the department, shall provide information about the flock of birth of the animals in the shipment.

(B) Sheep imported into Ohio for feeding purposes shall:

(1) Be accompanied by a permit number issued prior to entry or certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days prior to entry forwarded to the state of destination. The identification listed on the permit or certificate may be the number of lambs in the shipment, sex of lambs, the type lambs, and approximate weight;

(2) Be quarantined to premises of destination until the animals move to immediate slaughter unless the sheep comply with paragraph (B)(6) of this rule;

(3) Be officially individually identified if eighteen months of age or greater;

(4) Not be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie; and

(5) Sheep which are designated for feeding and grazing and are not in compliance with paragraphs (B)(1) to (B)(4) of this rule must meet the requirements of paragraph (A) of this rule; and

(6) Sheep imported into Ohio for feeding or grazing may be later utilized for breeding purposes with a permit from the department, which may stipulate additional requirements.

(C) Official individual identification for sheep as required by this rule shall mean that the sheep are marked by either of the following:

(1) Official ear tags which are:

(a) Approved for use in animals participating in a scrapie flock certification program; or

(b) Approved by USDA, APHIS for use in the scrapie eradication program.

(2) Tattoos that have been:

(a) Approved for use in animals participating in a scrapie flock certification program; or

(b) Approved by USDA, APHIS for use in the scrapie eradication program; or

(c) Recorded in the record book of an animal registry association when the animal is accompanied by either a certificate of registration from the association or an owner/custodian statement.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 6/15/1998, 8/15/2001
Rule 901:1-17-09 | Swine.

(A) Swine imported into Ohio for feeding purposes shall:

(1) Originate from a pseudorabies stage V state or area;

(2) Except for those animals described in paragraph (B) of this rule, be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection which shall include the following information:

(a) Certifying statement from the issuing veterinarian:

"To the best of my knowledge, all swine in this shipment have not been fed raw garbage.";

(b) The PRRS test results of the animals contained in the shipment taken within the last sixty days, if tested; and

(c) Official eartag numbers or premises tattoo registered with the state of origin that identifies the animals to the herd of origination.

(B) Swine imported into Ohio that have been consigned from a herd of origin to a livestock market approved pursuant to 9 C.F.R. 71.20 (2013) to handle any class of swine are not required to be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection.

(C) Swine originally imported into Ohio for the purposes of feeding and grazing may later be utilized for breeding purposes with a permit from the department which may stipulate additional requirements.

(D) Swine imported into Ohio for breeding purposes shall:

(1) Originate from a pseudorabies stage V state or area;

(2) Meet the following brucellosis requirements:

(a) Originate from a validated brucellosis free herd, state or country; or

(b) Be individually negative to a brucellosis test within thirty days preceding movement, if the animal was six months of age or over, and subject to retest at destination. Brucellosis tests of animals intended for interstate movement shall be conducted in a state or federally approved laboratory.

(3) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection which shall include the following information:

(a) Certifying statement from the issuing veterinarian:

"To the best of my knowledge, all swine in this shipment have not been fed raw garbage.";

(b) The PRRS test results of the animals contained in the shipment taken within the last sixty days, if tested;

(c) The breed, age, sex, and state of origin of the shipment; and

(d) Official individual identification for the animals by one of the following methods:

(i) Ear notch or tattoo recognized by a breed association in purebred registered swine; or

(ii) An ear tag firmly affixed with one of the following:

(a) Animal identification number (AIN);

(b) A national uniform ear tag system number (NUES); or

(c) A premises based system number.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 6/11/1984, 5/19/2011, 12/18/2014
Rule 901:1-17-10 | Slaughter animals.

(A) Cattle, bison, and cervidae may be imported into Ohio for slaughter without a certificate of veterinary inspection under the following conditions:

(1) Originate from an accredited free state or zone and a certified free state; and

(a) Are consigned to a USDA approved livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code; or

(b) Move directly to slaughter; or

(2) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone; and

(a) Move directly to slaughter; and

(b) Are not diverted en route and are not in conflict with any other rules of this chapter; or

(3) Originate from a modified accredited or accreditation preparatory state or zone; and

(a) Obtain a permit;

(b) Move directly to slaughter;

(c) Are not diverted en route and are not in conflict with any other rules of this chapter; or

(4) Originate from a non-accredited state or zone; and

(a) Be accompanied by a VS form 1-27 listing the state/federal slaughtering establishment which the animals are consigned to; and

(b) Be moved interstate in a USDA officially sealed means of conveyance.

(B) Goats may be imported into Ohio for slaughter without a certificate of veterinary inspection under the following conditions:

(1) Are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie; and

(2) If eighteen months of age or older must be identified with official identification prior to being commingled; and

(3) Originate from an accredited free state or zone and certified free state; and

(a) Are consigned to a livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code and sold for slaughter only; or

(b) Move directly to slaughter; or

(4) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone; and

(a) Move directly to slaughter; or

(b) Are not diverted en route and are not in conflict with any other rules of this chapter; or

(5) Originate from a modified accredited or accreditation preparatory state or zone; and

(a) Obtain a permit; and

(b) Move directly to slaughter; and

(c) Are not diverted en route and are not in conflict with any other rules of this chapter; or

(6) Originate from a non-accredited state or zone; and

(a) Are accompanied by a USDA form 1-27 listing the state or federal slaughtering establishment which the animals are consigned to; and

(b) Are moved interstate in USDA officially sealed means of conveyance.

(C) Sheep may be imported into Ohio for slaughter without a certificate of veterinary inspection under the following conditions:

(1) The animals move directly to slaughter; or

(2) The animals are consigned to a livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code and are sold for slaughter only; and

(a) Are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie; and

(b) If eighteen months of age or older must be identified with official individual identification as outlined by paragraph (C) of rule 901:1-17-08 of the Administrative Code prior to being commingled with other animals.

(D) Other species of animals may be imported into Ohio for slaughter without a certificate of veterinary inspection provided that:

(1) The animals are destined for immediate slaughter;

(2) The animals shall not be diverted en route; and

(3) Shall not be in conflict in any manner with any other rules of this chapter.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.041, 941.07, 941.09, 941.02
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/2001
Rule 901:1-17-11 | Poultry.

(A) Poultry and hatching eggs imported into Ohio shall meet one of the following movement requirements:

(1) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection;

(2) Move from a national poultry improvement plan flock with a USDA national poultry improvement plan, VS 9-3 form; or

(3) Move directly to slaughter.

(B) Poultry imported into Ohio must meet one of the following testing requirements:

(1) Originate directly from a flock or hatchery which is a participant in the national poultry improvement plan for the eradication of disease and be accompanied by documentary evidence that show they meet the requirement of this paragraph;

(2) Originate directly from a flock which has had a negative test for pullorum-fowl typhoid disease within twelve months prior to entry and be accompanied by flock test record that show they meet the requirements of this paragraph;

(3) Have a negative test for pullorum-fowl typhoid disease, within thirty days prior to entry and be accompanied by flock test records that show they meet the requirements of this paragraph; or

(4) Be tested and found negative for pullorum/fowl typhoid disease upon arrival at the Ohio destination for sale, swap, or show.

(C) The rapid whole blood test shall not be used to test turkeys for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (B)(2) and (B)(3) of this rule.

(D) Waterfowl, doves, and pigeons are exempt from the requirements of paragraph (B) of this rule.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 3/19/1999
Rule 901:1-17-12 | Non-domestic animals.

(A) No non-domestic animal shall be imported into the state of Ohio unless the animal is:

(1) Accompanied by a permit issued prior to entry and a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days prior to entry and is identified with official individual identification; and

(2) Free of evidence of any contagious or infectious diseases or parasites harmful to humans or animals; and

(3) In full compliance with all state and federal agencies rules and regulations; and

(4) In compliance with the species specific requirements outlined in this rule.

(B) Animals which are destined for immediate slaughter do not need to comply with paragraph (A) of this rule so long as they are in full compliance with rule 901:1-17-10 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Animals which are defined as dangerous wild animals or restricted snakes in Chapter 935. of the Revised Code must be in compliance with all of the rules and requirements of that chapter and have a certificate of veterinary inspection in order to be imported into the state of Ohio.

(D) Bovidae including antelope, wild cattle, free roaming buffalo, and wild goats shall:

(1) Meet the following brucellosis requirements:

(a) Originate from a brucellosis certified free herd; or

(b) If six months of age or older, have a negative individual test within thirty days prior to entry conducted at a state or federally approved laboratory.

(2) Meet the following tuberculosis requirements:

(a) Originate from an accredited free state or zone; or

(b) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone and meet the following:

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; or

(ii) Have an individual negative official tuberculosis test conducted within ninety days prior to entry; or

(c) Originate from a modified accredited state or zone and meet the following:

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; or

(ii) Originate from a herd that has completed a whole herd negative tuberculosis test within twelve months prior to entry; and

(iii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry; or

(d) Originate from an accreditation preparatory state or zone; and

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; and either

(ii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within sixty days prior to entry; or

(iii) Originate from a herd that has completed a whole herd negative tuberculosis test within twelve months prior to entry and two additional individual tests conducted at least sixty days and no more than six months apart with the second negative test being within sixty days prior to entry. The second negative test is not required of the movement occurs within six months of the whole herd test.

(e) The animals listed in this rule may only be imported into Ohio for slaughter purposes in compliance with rule 901:1-17-10 of the Administrative Code if the animals originated from a non-accredited state or zone.

(f) All tuberculosis tests must be conducted by a licensed, accredited veterinarian.

(3) Animals which travel out of Ohio for exhibition purposes in a modified accredited, accreditation preparatory or non-accredited state or zone must meet the requirements set forth in paragraphs (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this rule in order to return to or be imported into Ohio.

(E) Cervidae including elk, caribou, moose, and deer (including but not limited to fallow, roe, axis, sika, red and white tail) shall:

(1) Meet the following brucellosis requirements:

(a) Originate from a certified brucellosis free herd; or

(b) If six months of age or older, have a negative individual test within thirty days prior to entry conducted at state or federally approved laboratory.

(2) Meet the following tuberculosis requirements:

(a) Originate from an accredited free state or zone; or

(b) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone; and

(i) Originate from a tuberculosis accredited free herd; or

(ii) Originate from a qualified or monitored herd; or

(iii) Have an individual negative official tuberculosis test conducted within ninety days prior to entry;

(c) Originate from a modified accredited state or zone; and

(i) Originate from a tuberculosis free herd; or

(ii) Originate from a qualified herd or a herd that has a negative whole herd tuberculosis test within twelve months prior to entry; and

(iii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within ninety days prior to entry; or

(d) Originate from an accreditation preparatory state or zone; and

(i) Originate from an accredited herd; and

(ii) Have an individual negative tuberculosis test within ninety days prior to entry; or

(iii) Originate from a qualified herd or a herd that has completed a whole herd negative tuberculosis test within twelve months prior to entry and two additional individual tests conducted at least ninety days and no more than six months apart with the second negative test being within ninety days prior to entry. The second negative test is not required if they movement occurs within six months of the whole herd test.

(e) The animals listed above may only be imported into Ohio for slaughter in compliance with rule 901:1-17-10 of the Administrative Code if they originate from a non-accredited state or zone.

(f) All tuberculosis tests must be conducted by a licensed, accredited veterinarian; and

(3) Animals which travel out of Ohio for exhibition purposes in a modified accredited, accreditation preparatory or non-accredited state or zone must meet the requirements set forth in paragraphs (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this rule in order to return to or be imported into Ohio.

(4) Meet the following chronic wasting disease requirements:

All cervidae entering the state of Ohio shall have five years of chronic wasting disease monitoring status as recognized by the animal health official in the state of origin prior to entry.

(F) Suidae and tayassuidae including sporting swine, feral swine, and peccarie shall:

(1) Meet the following brucellosis requirements:

If four months of age or older, the animals must have a negative individual test within thirty days prior to entry conducted at a state or federally approved laboratory.

(2) Meet the following pseudorabies requirements:

(a) The animals have either:

(i) Originated from a country recognized by USDA to be free of pseudorabies; or

(ii) Shall have a negative individual pseudorabies test within thirty days prior to entry conducted at a state or federally approved laboratory.

(b) The swine have not been fed garbage within their lifetime.

(c) The swine have not been members of a herd of swine known to be infected with pseudorabies within the previous twelve months.

(d) The swine have not originated from a feral swine population or been exposed to swine captured from a feral swine population within the previous twelve months.

(G) Equidae including all wild horses, wild donkeys, and zebra shall meet the following testing requirements regarding equine infectious anemia:

(1) Have a negative individual test if twelve months of age or older conducted within twelve months prior to entry except suckling foals accompanied by a negative dam.

(2) All testing must be conducted at a state or federally approved laboratory.

(H) Commercial gamebirds, including but not limited to bobwhite, quail, coturmix quail, pure or hybrid ringneck pheasant, chukar, Hungarian partridge, wild turkey, ratites, and their eggs shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Pullorum and fowl typhoid. The animals, except for as outlined in paragraphs (F)(2) and (F)(3) of this rule, shall meet one of the following testing requirements:

(a) Originate from a flock or hatchery which is a participant in the national poultry improvement plan; or

(b) Test serologically negative within thirty days prior to entry; or

(c) If the animals are imported for a sale, swap, or show, the animals may be tested and found negative upon arrival. This option does not apply to turkeys.

(2) In lieu of pullorum and fowl typhoid testing for doves, pigeons, and certain other birds as required in paragraph (F)(1) of this rule, the following statement can be placed on the certificate of veterinary inspection and shall be signed by the owner or the owner's representative:

"To my knowledge, birds listed herein are not infected with pullorum or fowl typhoid and have not been exposed to birds infected with pullorum or fowl typhoid during the past twelve months."

(3) A whole flock test or participation in the national poultry improvement plan is required prior to importing eggs and hatching birds.

(4) Ratites imported for feeding shall be quarantined to the premises of destination until the animals are moved for immediate slaughter.

(I) Wild turkeys of the species melagris gallopavo and their eggs shall:

(1) Meet the following pullorum and fowl typhoid requirements:

(a) In the case of live animals, they must either:

(i) Originate from a producer participating in the national poultry improvement plan; or

(ii) Test serologically negative within thirty days prior to entry.

(b) In the case of eggs and hatching birds, a whole flock test or participation in the national poultry improvement plan is required prior to importation.

(2) Meet the following mycoplasmosis requirements:

(a) In the case of live animals, they must either:

(i) Originate from a flock or hatchery which is a participant in the mycoplasmosis control phase of the national poultry improvement plan; or

(ii) Test serologically negative for mycoplasma gallisepticum, mycoplasma meleagridis, and mycoplasma synoviae within thirty days prior to entry.

(b) In the case of eggs and hatching birds, a whole flock test or participation in the mycoplasmosis control phase of the national poultry improvement plan is required prior to importation.

(J) Psittacine birds are required to contain the following statement on the certificate of veterinary inspection. This statement must be signed by the owner or the owner's representative:

The statement, "To my knowledge, birds listed herein are not infected with Newcastle disease or chlamydia and have not been exposed to birds known to be infected with newcastle disease or chlamydia within the past thirty days."

(K) Test-negative animals that have been exposed to test positive animals through transportation or husbandry practices will only be allowed entry into Ohio only by a permit issued by the department and with a consignee letter of consent.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/7/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 12/28/1976, 3/19/1999, 12/1/2011
Rule 901:1-17-13 | Fish.

(A) No person shall import into Ohio fish, viable eggs, or sperm of the family salmonidae or salmonidae hybrids unless, all of the following requirements are met:

(1) The shipment is accompanied by a permit issued by the chief of the division of animal health or the chief's designee in accordance with paragraph (S) of rule 901:1-17-02 of the Administrative Code.

(2) The fish, viable eggs, or sperm of the family salmonidae or salmonidae hybrids are accompanied by a fish health inspection and testing report signed by a certified fish health inspector or veterinarian verifying that the facility has been inspected by either a licensed accredited veterinarian or a certified fish health inspector and tested by an accredited laboratory in accordance with the requirements of rule 901:1-17-14 of the Administrative Code within twelve months of the date of import and found negative to the following dangerously contagious or infectious diseases:

(a) Ceratomyxosis (Ceratomyxa shasta), when originating from a state or zone where ceratomyxosis has been reported;

(b) Infectious hematopoietic necrosis;

(c) Infectious pancreatic necrosis;

(d) Infectious salmon anemia, when originating from a state or zone where infectious salmon anemia has been reported;

(e) Proliferative kidney disease, when originating from a state or zone where proliferative kidney disease has been reported;

(f) Viral hemorrhagic septicemia; and

(g) Whirling disease (Myxobolus cerebralis).

(3) The fish, viable eggs, or sperm of the family salmonidae or salmonidae hybrids are free of any evidence of any of the dangerously contagious or infectious disease listed in paragraphs (A)(1)(a) to (A)(1)(g) of this rule at the time of import.

(4) No fish, viable eggs, or sperm from any source have been introduced into the facility subsequent to the inspection and testing required under paragraph (A)(2) of this rule that have not been inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (A)(2) of this rule within twelve months prior to entry into the facility and found to be negative to the diseases listed in paragraphs (A)(2)(a) to (A)(2)(g) of this rule.

(5) Viable fish eggs will be exempt from paragraphs (A)(2)(a) and (A)(2)(e) of this rule, provided the eggs undergo proper disinfections prior to shipment in accordance with paragraph (B)(1) of this rule.

(B) No person shall import fish eggs of the family salmonidae from either a facility or a water source where whirling disease has been found unless:

(1) The fish eggs are surface disinfected when shipped and disinfected again when received with a one hundred milligram per liter solution of active iodine for ten minutes; and

(2) The fish eggs are transported in new containers and water free of the causative agent for whirling disease.

(C) No person shall import into Ohio fish, viable eggs, or sperm of the species or hybrids of the species listed in appendix A to this rule unless the following requirements are met:

(1) The shipment is accompanied by a permit issued by the chief of the division of animal health or the chief's designee in accordance with paragraph (S) of rule 901:1-17-02 of the Administrative Code.

(2) The fish, viable eggs, or sperm of the species or hybrids of the species are accompanied by a fish health inspection and testing report signed by a certified fish health inspector or veterinarian verifying that the facility has been inspected by either a licensed accredited veterinarian or a certified fish health inspector and tested by an accredited laboratory in accordance with the requirements of rule 901:1-17-14 of the Administrative Code within twelve months of the date of import and found negative for viral hemorrhagic septicemia.

(3) The fish, viable eggs, or sperm of the species or hybrids of the species are free of any evidence of viral hemorrhagic septicemia.

(4) No fish, viable eggs, or sperm from any source have been introduced into the facility subsequent to the inspection and testing required under paragraph (C)(2) of this rule that have not been inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (C)(2) of this rule within twelve months prior to entry into the facility and found to be negative to viral hemorrhagic septicemia.

(5) Viable fish eggs will be exempt from paragraph (C)(2) of this rule, provided the fish eggs are surface disinfected when shipped and disinfected again when received with a one hundred milligram per liter solution of active iodine for ten minutes.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.03
Amplifies: 941.10
Five Year Review Date: 11/9/2025
Rule 901:1-17-14 | Fish testing and inspection requirements.

(A) Testing and inspection done at a facility for issuance of a fish health inspection report shall be done in the following manner:

(1) All lots at a facility shall be inspected and tested using either a polymerase chain reaction test, cell culture test, or another method approved by the department.

(2) Collection of samples from each lot shall be based upon an assumed prevalence level of five per cent and a ninety-five per cent confidence of detecting at least one infected fish in the lot for causative agents of the diseases listed in paragraphs (A)(1)(a) to (A)(1)(g) of rule 901:1-17-13 of the Administrative Code.

If samples cannot be collected for diagnostic testing from all lots of fish at a facility in one day; all lots not sampled shall have samples collected from them within thirty days of the date the first sample was collected at the facility.

(3) Inspection and diagnostic testing for whirling disease shall be done using one sample of sixty fish. The sample shall be made up of fish at an age when whirling disease is most likely to be detected, and from species most susceptible to the disease.

(B) If all lots not sampled in one day at a facility are not sampled within thirty days of the date the first sample was collected; all testing and inspection at the facility shall be done over.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.03
Amplifies: 941.10
Five Year Review Date: 4/2/2022
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/2004
Rule 901:1-17-15 | Llamas and alpacas.

Llamas or alpacas imported into Ohio shall:

(A) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days prior to entry and

(B) Be identified with official individual identification, which is defined as the following:

(1) An ear tattoo which has been registered with a breed association;

(2) An official ear tag bearing the US shield which includes either of the following:

(a) An animal identification number (AIN);

(b) A national uniform ear tag system (NUES) number.

(3) A microchip placed at the base of the animal's ear.

(C) Show no symptoms or evidence of infectious or contagious diseases.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.10
Amplifies: 941.02, 941.041, 941.07, 941.09
Five Year Review Date: 2/12/2023
Prior Effective Dates: 12/1/2011