(A) The following livestock management procedures are
acceptable and, if performed, must be performed in a humane
(1) For all horn removal and disbudding
pain management must be used; and,
(2) The responsible party in determining
the method of castration and use of pain management must take into
consideration the animal's age and weight, environmental conditions, and
facilities available as well as human and animal safety.
(B) The following livestock management procedures are
required and must be performed in a humane manner:
Breeds of goats that do not naturally shed their
hair must be shorn regularly.
(C) All housing systems must meet the following
(1) Must provide a clean and safe
environment that promotes the health, welfare and performance of goats at all
stages of their lives;
(2) Must provide access to facilities or
natural features that provide reasonable protection from adverse weather
conditions and predators;
(3) Enclosures, including fencing, must
be designed and maintained so as to minimize bruising and injury and provide
for the safety of humans and other animals;
(4) During kidding there must be
sufficient space to enable does to separate themselves from other animals ;
(5) Light intensity must be adequate for
observation during inspection.
(D) Indoor housing systems must meet the following
(1) Have a stocking density that allows
for all goats to easily lie down at the same time in a normal resting posture
and be able to easily stand back up at all stages of production, and in
addition all animals must be able to access feed and water without excessive
(2) Housing must be designed and
maintained in a manner which:
(a) Seeks to minimize the effects of adverse weather;
(b) Provides ventilation to reduce concentrations of
ammonia and dust;
(3) Feeding, watering areas and alleys
must be cleaned on a regular basis so as to be free of continual standing water
and excess manure that may compromise the animal's health and
(4) Alleys must be designed and
maintained so as to minimize the potential for injury and bruising;
(E) Outdoor housing systems must meet the following
(1) Must seek to minimize prolonged
exposure to adverse environmental conditions that compromise the animal's
health and safety;
(2) If open lots are used, they must be
maintained to promote proper drainage away from resting areas and feed and
water; and,
(3) During prolonged periods of wetness,
the responsible party must ensure that goats have access to feed and
(F) If used, tack and/or harness must fit properly and be
well maintained so as to minimize the potential for injuries.