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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 2313 | Commissioners Of Jurors

Section 2313.01 | Commissioners of jurors; examination of jurors.

(A) The judges of the general division of the court of common pleas shall appoint two persons, neither of whom shall be an attorney at law nor more than one of whom shall be of the same political party, and either or both of whom may be court employees, to be commissioners of jurors for the county. The appointments shall be made in writing, by the judge or a majority of all the judges in those counties where there is more than one judge, and shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county and entered upon the journal of the court. The commissioners shall hold office at the pleasure of the judges of the court of common pleas in the county of their appointment. The judges may at any time, by a vote of a majority of all their number, remove any commissioner and appoint a successor. Upon a vacancy occurring in the office of commissioners of jurors, for any cause, the judges shall, as soon as practicable, in like manner appoint a successor. The successor so appointed shall be of the same political party as the commissioner whose place is to be filled. The commissioners shall be officers of the courts of common pleas in such county.

(B) The commissioners may examine under oath any juror called for trial as to that person's qualifications to serve as a juror.

Section 2313.02 | Compensation - appointment of deputies; administration of oaths or affirmations.

(A) The commissioners of jurors shall receive compensation fixed by the court of common pleas payable out of the county treasury. They may appoint and remove, with the consent of the court, expressed in writing, as many deputy commissioners as are necessary to carry out Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code. The deputy commissioners shall receive compensation fixed by the court of common pleas payable out of the county treasury. Such compensation may at any time be changed by the court. All appointments made under this section shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas and entered on the journal of the court.

(B) The commissioners of jurors may, in writing, authorize a deputy to perform any duty or class of duties that a commissioner may perform. The commissioners or any deputy may administer an oath or affirmation in relation to any matter governed by Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code.

Section 2313.03 | Oath of office.

Before entering upon the duties of their office, the commissioners of jurors and any deputy commissioners shall take and subscribe to the following oath of office, and file it with the clerk of the court of common pleas:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will honestly and faithfully discharge the duties of a commissioner of jurors (or deputy commissioner of jurors) without fear or favor; and that I will report to the court the names of any and all persons who, in any manner, seek by request, hint, or suggestion to influence me in the selection of jurors; and this I do as I shall answer to God" (or, "and this I do under the pains and penalties of perjury").

Section 2313.04 | Office and supplies.

The board of county commissioners shall provide a suitable office for the commissioners of jurors on the order of the court of common pleas and shall make provision for supplying all equipment, stationery, postage, advertisement expenses, computer software, and other supplies as are necessary for the proper and convenient conduct of the commissioners in discharging the duties imposed by Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code.

Section 2313.05 | Establishment of jury year.

The court of common pleas shall establish the date on which the jury year shall begin. The court may divide each jury year into parts.

Section 2313.06 | Annual compilation of jury source list.

(A) The commissioners of jurors shall compile a new and complete jury source list annually in accordance with both of the following:

(1) ( a) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(1) (b) of this section, on a date ordered by the court of common pleas, the board of elections for each county shall compile and file with the commissioners of jurors of the county a certified, current list containing the names, addresses, and dates of birth of all the electors of the county shown on the registration lists for the most recent general election. The board of elections shall remove from the list of all electors those electors who have failed to vote at least once during the preceding four consecutive years. The voter list so compiled shall be the current voter list.

(b) The current voter list shall not include any elector who has a confidential voter registration record, as described in section 111.44 of the Revised Code.

(2) ( a) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2) (b) of this section, on a date ordered by the court of common pleas of any particular county, the registrar of motor vehicles shall compile and file with the commissioners of jurors of each county a certified, current list containing the names, addresses, dates of birth, and citizenship of all residents of the particular county who have been issued, on or after January 1, 1984, a commercial driver's license pursuant to Chapter 4506. or a driver's license or identification card pursuant to Chapter 4507. of the Revised Code that is valid and current on the date of the compilation of the list, who are or will be eighteen years of age or older as of the day of the general election of the year in which the list is filed, and who, regardless of whether they actually are registered to vote, would be electors if they were registered to vote.

(b) The list compiled under division (A)(2)(a) of this section shall not include any person who has provided to the registrar of motor vehicles an address designated by the secretary of state to use as the person's address because the person is a program participant in the address confidentiality program described in sections 111.41 to 111.99 of the Revised Code.

(B) In compiling the annual jury source list, the commissioners, unless otherwise ordered by the court of common pleas, shall include all names from the current voter list and may include all names for the certified, current list of all names provided to the commissioners from the registrar of motor vehicles; provided that, upon merging the lists, any duplication shall be eliminated. The commissioners shall exclude from the annual jury source list the names of any jurors permanently excused under section 2313.14 of the Revised Code and the names of any jurors discharged under section 2313.21 of the Revised Code.

(C) The annual jury source list so compiled shall be certified by the commissioners and filed in their office before the beginning of each jury year. The names shall be entered in a suitable book or record, to be known as the "annual jury source list," and shall be arranged alphabetically. With each name shall be recorded the place of residence, date of birth, and citizenship of the person as nearly as they can be ascertained. A duplicate of the list shall be certified by the commissioners and filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas.

(D) ( 1) Except as otherwise provided in division (D) ( 2) of this section, the commissioners may, by order of the court, supplement the annual jury source list with the names of persons who, after the list has been filed, are discovered to be qualified to serve as jurors. The commissioners shall certify any supplemental jury source list and file it in their office and in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas. Any supplemental jury source list shall be added to the annual jury source list, and the supplemented annual jury source list shall be used for the rest of the jury year.

(2) A supplemental jury source list shall not include any person who appears to the commissioners to be a program participant in the address confidentiality program described in sections 111.41 to 111.99 of the Revised Code.

Section 2313.07 | Number of jurors drawn.

(A) The number of jurors to be drawn for the jury year, and each separate part of a jury year, or for any special term of a court of record, at which issues of facts are triable by jury, shall be fixed by a general order of the court for which such jurors are drawn. The order shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the court for which the jurors are to be drawn. If the number has not been fixed at the time of the drawing, the commissioners of jurors shall fix a number they determine necessary for the business of the court for such jury year or such part of a jury year.

(B) At any time during the jury year, the court may order an additional number of jurors to be drawn by the commissioners of jurors for the jury year or for a part of a jury year at which the order is made or for immediate service in a particular case. The order shall specify the number to be drawn.

Section 2313.08 | Notice of drawing; collection of forfeiture.

(A) At least six days before the drawing of jurors under section 2313.09 of the Revised Code, the commissioners of jurors shall publish notice of the drawing in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the county. They shall also serve written notice upon the clerk of the court of common pleas and at least one judge of the court of common pleas of the county.

(B) All drawings of jurors shall be public on a day designated by the commissioners of jurors. A commissioner or a designated deputy commissioner, a judge of the court of common pleas or the judge's designated representative, and the clerk of the court of common pleas or the clerk's deputy or other designated representative shall attend at the office of the commissioners to supervise the jury list selection process.

Section 2313.09 | Methods for drawing jurors; certification and filing of list.

(A) To conduct a drawing of jurors, the commissioners of jurors may use any manual, electronic, or automated method that provides each person on the annual or supplemental jury source list with an equal, random probability of selection. The commissioners shall document the method used. The list drawn shall be the annual jury list or supplemental annual jury list.

(B) The commissioners shall certify and file in their office the annual jury list or supplemental annual jury list. The commissioners shall enter the names on the list alphabetically in a suitable book or record to be known as the annual jury list or supplemental annual jury list and record with each name the person's place of residence, date of birth, and citizenship, as nearly as they can be ascertained. The commissioners shall certify and file in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas a duplicate of the list.

Section 2313.10 | Commissioner may establish electronic juror notification system.

(A) The commissioners of jurors may send to a juror whose name is drawn a printed notice informing the juror that the juror has been drawn for jury duty and will be summoned by the sheriff or commissioners of jurors. The notice may contain copies of the portions of Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code that the commissioners consider advisable.

(B) The commissioners of jurors may establish an electronic notification system to allow a person who has been drawn as a juror to be notified electronically that the juror shall attend in person the jury year or part of the jury year specified in the notice. The types of electronic notification include, but are not limited to, cellular telephone, pager, e-mail, or other forms of telecommunication. If the commissioners of jurors establish an electronic notification system, the commissioners shall establish a procedure for implementing the system, a procedure for the juror to select the method of electronic notification that is applicable to the juror, and a procedure for the juror to opt in or opt out of the electronic notification system, whichever is applicable.

(C) If under division (B) of this section the commissioners of jurors establish a procedure for the electronic notification of a person who has been drawn as a juror, the notice addressed to the juror and served pursuant to division (B) of this section shall specify the procedure for electronically notifying the juror.

(D) The sheriff, commissioners of jurors, or clerk of the court of common pleas shall summon each juror to attend in person or electronically the jury year, part of a jury year, or specified date within a part of the jury year for which the juror was drawn by serving upon the juror at least six days before the commencement of the jury year, part of a jury year, or specified date within a part of the jury year a summons addressed to the juror stating that the juror has been drawn and is required to attend in person the jury year, part of a jury year, or specified date within a part of the jury year specified in the notice. The jury commissioners or sheriff shall serve the summons by mail or by leaving it at the juror's residence or usual place of business.

(E) When the sheriff is interested in a cause in any court of record, only the jury commissioners shall summon the jurors.

Section 2313.11 | Summoning jurors.

(A) When, by reason of challenge or other cause, enough jurors to make up the panel, either of the grand or petit jury, are not present, or if the array is set aside, upon order of the court the sheriff or commissioners of jurors shall immediately summon as many persons having the qualifications of a juror as, in the opinion of the court, are necessary. The summoned jurors shall appear forthwith or at such times as the court fixes.

(B) No person known to be in or about the courthouse shall be summoned without the consent of both parties.

Section 2313.12 | Obligation to serve as juror.

It is the policy of this state that every qualified citizen has an obligation to serve on petit juries when summoned by the courts of this state unless the citizen is excused as provided in Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code.

Section 2313.13 | Race or color shall not disqualify a juror.

No officer or other person charged with a duty in compiling the jury source list or the annual jury list or summoning jurors shall exclude or fail to summon a citizen as a grand or petit juror on account of race or color, provided such citizen possesses all other qualifications required by law for jurors.

Section 2313.14 | Juror may be excused.

(A) Except as provided by section 2313.15 of the Revised Code, the court of common pleas or the commissioners of jurors shall not excuse a person who is liable to serve as a juror and who is drawn and notified, unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the judge or commissioners by either the juror or another person acquainted with the facts that one or more of the following applies:

(1) The interests of the public will be materially injured by the juror's attendance.

(2) The juror's spouse or a near relative of the juror or the juror's spouse has recently died or is dangerously ill.

(3) The juror is a cloistered member of a religious organization.

(4) The prospective juror has a mental or physical condition that causes the prospective juror to be incapable of performing jury service. The court or commissioners may require the prospective juror to provide the court with documentation, from a physician licensed to practice medicine or a certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner, verifying that a mental or physical condition renders the prospective juror unfit for jury service for the remainder of the jury year.

(5) Jury service would otherwise cause undue or extreme physical or financial hardship to the prospective juror or a person under the care or supervision of the prospective juror. A judge of the court for which the prospective juror was called to jury service shall make undue or extreme physical or financial hardship determinations. The judge may delegate the authority to make these determinations to an appropriate court employee appointed by the court.

(6) The juror is over seventy-five years of age, and the juror requests to be excused.

(7) The prospective juror is an active member of a recognized Amish sect and requests to be excused because of the prospective juror's sincere belief that as a result of that membership the prospective juror cannot pass judgment in a judicial matter.

(8) The prospective juror is on active duty pursuant to an executive order of the president of the United States, an act of the congress of the United States, or section 5919.29 or 5923.21 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) A prospective juror who requests to be excused from jury service under this section shall take all actions necessary to obtain a ruling on that request by not later than the date on which the prospective juror is scheduled to appear for jury duty.

(2) A prospective juror who requests to be excused as provided in division (A)(6) of this section shall inform the appropriate court employee appointed by the court of the prospective juror's request to be so excused by not later than the date on which the prospective juror is scheduled to appear for jury duty. The prospective juror shall inform that court employee of the request to be so excused by appearing in person before the employee or contacting the employee by telephone, in writing, or by electronic mail.

(C)(1) For purposes of this section, undue or extreme physical or financial hardship is limited to circumstances in which any of the following apply:

(a) The prospective juror would be required to abandon a person under the prospective juror's personal care or supervision due to the impossibility of obtaining an appropriate substitute caregiver during the period of participation in the jury pool or on the jury.

(b) The prospective juror would incur costs that would have a substantial adverse impact on the payment of the prospective juror's necessary daily living expenses or on those for whom the prospective juror provides the principal means of support.

(c) The prospective juror would suffer physical hardship that would result in illness or disease.

(d) The prospective juror is a mother who is breast-feeding her baby, and the baby is one year of age or younger.

(2) Undue or extreme physical or financial hardship does not exist solely based on the fact that a prospective juror will be required to be absent from the prospective juror's place of employment.

(D)(1) A prospective juror who asks a judge to grant an excuse based on undue or extreme physical or financial hardship shall provide the judge with documentation that the judge finds to clearly support the request to be excused. If a prospective juror fails to provide satisfactory documentation, the court may deny the request to be excused.

(2) A signed affidavit that a prospective juror described in division (C)(1)(d) of this section provides to the judge and states that the prospective juror is a mother who is breast-feeding her baby is satisfactory documentation to support the prospective juror's request to be excused based on undue or extreme physical or financial hardship.

(E) An excuse, whether permanent or not, approved pursuant to this section shall not extend beyond that jury year. Every approved excuse shall be recorded and filed with the commissioners of jurors. A person is excused from jury service permanently only when the deciding judge determines that the underlying grounds for being excused are of a permanent nature.

(F) No person shall be exempted or excused from jury service or be granted a postponement of jury service by reason of any financial contribution to any public or private organization.

(G) The commissioners shall keep a record of all proceedings before them or in their office, of all persons who are granted an excuse or postponement, and of the time of and reasons for each excuse.

Last updated February 18, 2025 at 5:15 PM

Section 2313.15 | Juror may be discharged or have service postponed or excused.

(A) A juror may request at least two business days before the juror's initial appearance by telephone, in writing, or by electronic mail, and the judge of the court of common pleas of a county, the commissioners of jurors, or the appropriate court employee shall grant, a postponement of the juror's initial appearance for jury duty if both of the following apply:

(1) The juror has not previously been granted a postponement.

(2) The juror and the appropriate court employee appointed by the court agree to a specified date on which the juror will appear for jury service. The specified date shall be one on which the court is in session and, unless extraordinary circumstances exist, that is within the jury year and not more than six months after the date for which the juror was originally called to serve. If extraordinary circumstances exist, the court may, at the court's discretion, specify a date on which the juror will appear for jury service that is more than six months after the date for which the juror was originally called to serve.

(B) The court of common pleas of a county may grant a second or subsequent postponement of jury service to a juror only in the event of an extreme emergency, such as a death in the juror's family, a sudden illness of the juror, or a natural disaster or national emergency in which the juror is personally involved, that could not have been anticipated at the time the initial postponement was granted. Before receiving a second or subsequent postponement, the juror shall agree to a specified date on which the juror will appear for jury service. The specified date shall be one on which the court is in session and that is not more than six months after the date of the postponement.

(C) After a juror appears for jury duty, the court of common pleas of a county may postpone the juror's service at that term of court for not more than three days at a time if the exigencies of the juror's business require the juror's temporary excuse.

(D) The court of common pleas of a county, or a judge of the court of common pleas of a county, may excuse until a specified date one or more jurors summoned for jury duty whose attendance is not required for the trial of issues until that day. Each juror excused until a specified date may be required to attend the opening of court on that day and on each day after that day until the juror is discharged, without additional summons from the court.

(E) The court of common pleas of a county or a judge of the court of common pleas of a county shall automatically postpone and reschedule to a mutually agreeable date not more than six months from the date of the summons the service of a summoned juror of an employer with twenty-five or fewer full-time employees, or their equivalent, if another employee of the employer has previously been summoned to appear and served as a juror within thirty days prior to the date on which that juror has been summoned and if that employee or employee demonstrates to the satisfaction of the court that the other employee was so summoned and did serve and that the employer has twenty-five or fewer full-time employees or their equivalent.

Section 2313.16 | Array may be set aside.

A challenge to the array may be made by any party. The whole array may be set aside by the court when the jury, grand or petit, was not selected, drawn, or summoned as required by Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code or if any group protected by section 2313.13 of the Revised Code is systematically excluded from the jury selection process. No indictment shall be quashed or verdict set aside for any irregularity in the selection of jurors if the jurors possessed the requisite qualifications to act as jurors.

Section 2313.17 | Causes for challenge of persons called as jurors.

(A) Any person called as a juror for the trial of any cause shall be examined under oath or upon affirmation as to the person's qualifications. A person is qualified to serve as a juror if the person is eighteen years of age or older, is a resident of the county, and is an elector or would be an elector if the person were registered to vote, regardless of whether the person actually is registered to vote.

(B) The following are good causes for challenge to any person called as a juror:

(1) That the person has been convicted of a crime that by law renders the person disqualified to serve on a jury;

(2) That the person has an interest in the cause;

(3) That the person has an action pending between the person and either party;

(4) That the person formerly was a juror in the same cause;

(5) That the person is the employer, the employee, or the spouse, parent, son, or daughter of the employer or employee, counselor, agent, steward, or attorney of either party;

(6) That the person is subpoenaed in good faith as a witness in the cause;

(7) That the person is akin by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth degree to either party or to the attorney of either party;

(8) That the person or the person's spouse, parent, son, or daughter is a party to another action then pending in any court in which an attorney in the cause then on trial is an attorney, either for or against any such party to another such action;

(9) That the person discloses by the person's answers that the person cannot be a fair and impartial juror or will not follow the law as given to the person by the court.

(C) Each challenge listed in division (B) of this section shall be considered as a principal challenge, and its validity tried by the court.

(D) In addition to the causes listed in division (B) of this section, any petit juror may be challenged on suspicion of prejudice against or partiality for either party, or for want of a competent knowledge of the English language, or other cause that may render the juror at the time an unsuitable juror. The validity of the challenge shall be determined by the court and be sustained if the court has any doubt as to the juror's being entirely unbiased.

Section 2313.18 | Failure to testify; request for in-camera hearing.

(A) No prospective juror shall fail to answer any legal and pertinent question put to the prospective juror by the court or commissioners of jurors.

(B) If a prospective juror is required to answer written questions during the voir dire process, the questionnaire shall contain a prominent legend advising the prospective juror that the juror has the right to request and have an in-camera hearing on the record with counsel for the parties present regarding any legitimate privacy interest of the prospective juror.

(C) The court shall inform a prospective juror that if a question put to the prospective juror involves a legitimate privacy interest of that prospective juror the prospective juror has the right to request and have an in-camera hearing on the record with counsel for the parties present to respond to that question.

Section 2313.19 | Employer may not penalize employee for being called to jury duty.

(A) No employer shall discharge, threaten to discharge, or take any disciplinary action that could lead to the discharge of any permanent employee who is summoned to serve as a juror pursuant to Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code if the employee gives reasonable notice to the employer of the summons prior to the commencement of the employee's service as a juror and if the employee is absent from employment because of the actual jury service.

(B) No employer shall require or request an employee to use annual, vacation, or sick leave for time spent responding to a summons for jury duty, time spent participating in the jury selection process, or for time spent actually serving on a jury. Nothing in this division requires an employer to provide annual, vacation, or sick leave to employees under the provisions of this section who otherwise are not entitled to those benefits under the employer's policies.

Section 2313.20 | Mandatory attendance.

No person whose name is drawn and who is notified to attend a jury year, part of a jury year, or specified date within a part of a jury year as a juror or who has had the person's jury service postponed shall fail to attend at the time specified in the notice or from day to day.

Section 2313.21 | Discharge for past service.

(A) A person who is summoned as a juror and who has actually served as a juror in any county of the state under Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code for two consecutive calendar weeks shall be discharged by the court, except that the person shall not be so discharged until the close of a trial in which the person may be serving when the person's jury term expires.

(B) A person who is discharged as prescribed in this section is thereafter prohibited from jury service in any court of the state until the second jury year after the day of the person's last service, except that in counties of less than one hundred thousand population the court shall make rules in the county applicable to subsequent jury service by persons of that nature.

(C) Whenever the certificates of the clerk of the court of common pleas show that a person is entitled to a discharge as prescribed in this section, the commissioners of jurors upon request shall certify to that fact. No person shall be exempted from jury service for any reason, but a person may be excused from jury service or have the person's jury service postponed in accordance with Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code and the general statutes of the state.

Section 2313.22 | Compensation of jurors.

(A) The board of county commissioners by resolution shall fix the compensation of each juror payable out of the county treasury.

(B) After ten days of actual service, except as otherwise authorized by this division, the compensation of a juror shall be fixed for each additional day of actual service at an amount equal to the greater of fifteen dollars or one and one-half times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The board of county commissioners by resolution may set the compensation at a greater amount that shall not exceed two times the compensation fixed pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(C) Residents of townships that are composed entirely of islands shall be reimbursed for the additional transportation costs they incur to serve as a juror, in the amount certified to be due by a judge of the court in which the jury service is performed.

Section 2313.23 | Retention of documents and electronic media.

The court of common pleas of a county by general order filed with the clerk of the court shall determine the retention period for all documents and electronic media filed with the commissioners of jurors in compliance with applicable rules of superintendence for the courts of Ohio.

Section 2313.24 | Jurors in inferior courts not affected.

Chapters 2313. and 2315. of the Revised Code do not contravene or affect any section of the Revised Code relating to jurors in the inferior courts in any county of the state.

Section 2313.99 | Penalty.

(A) Whoever violates section 2313.18, 2313.19, or 2313.20 of the Revised Code may be punished as for contempt of court pursuant to Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.

(B) Whoever violates section 2313.13 of the Revised Code shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, imprisoned not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or both.

(C) Any fine assessed for a contempt against a person summoned or who has qualified as a juror may be collected by execution and shall be paid into the county treasury and disbursed as other fines.