The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 3111.01 | Parent and child relationship defined.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) As used in sections 3111.01 to 3111.85 of the Revised Code, "parent and child relationship" means the legal relationship that exists between a child and the child's natural or adoptive parents and upon which those sections and any other provision of the Revised Code confer or impose rights, privileges, duties, and obligations. The "parent and child relationship" includes the mother and child relationship and the father and child relationship. (2) The parent and child relationship extends equally to all children and all parents, regardless of the marital status of the parents. (B) As used in this chapter, "caretaker" has the same meaning as in section 3119.01 of the Revised Code.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:06 AM
Section 3111.02 | Establishing parent and child relationship.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) The parent and child relationship between a child and the child's natural mother may be established by proof of her having given birth to the child or pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 or 3111.20 to 3111.85 of the Revised Code. The parent and child relationship between a child and the natural father of the child may be established by an acknowledgment of paternity as provided in sections 3111.20 to 3111.35 of the Revised Code, and pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 or 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code. The parent and child relationship between a child and the adoptive parent of the child may be established by proof of adoption or pursuant to Chapter 3107. of the Revised Code. (B) A court that is determining a parent and child relationship pursuant to this chapter shall give full faith and credit to a parentage determination made under the laws of this state or another state, regardless of whether the parentage determination was made pursuant to a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity, an administrative procedure, or a court proceeding.
Section 3111.03 | Presumption of paternity.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 102 - 126th General Assembly
(A) A man is presumed to be the natural father of a child under any of the following circumstances: (1) The man and the child's mother are or have been married to each other, and the child is born during the marriage or is born within three hundred days after the marriage is terminated by death, annulment, divorce, or dissolution or after the man and the child's mother separate pursuant to a separation agreement. (2) The man and the child's mother attempted, before the child's birth, to marry each other by a marriage that was solemnized in apparent compliance with the law of the state in which the marriage took place, the marriage is or could be declared invalid, and either of the following applies: (a) The marriage can only be declared invalid by a court and the child is born during the marriage or within three hundred days after the termination of the marriage by death, annulment, divorce, or dissolution; (b) The attempted marriage is invalid without a court order and the child is born within three hundred days after the termination of cohabitation. (3) An acknowledgment of paternity has been filed pursuant to section 3111.23 or former section 5101.314 of the Revised Code and has not become final under former section 3111.211 or 5101.314 or section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code. (B) A presumption that arises under this section can only be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence that includes the results of genetic testing, except that a presumption that is conclusive as provided in division (A) of section 3111.95 or division (B) of section 3111.97 of the Revised Code cannot be rebutted. An acknowledgment of paternity that becomes final under section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code is not a presumption and shall be considered a final and enforceable determination of paternity unless the acknowledgment is rescinded under section 3111.28 or 3119.962 of the Revised Code. If two or more conflicting presumptions arise under this section, the court shall determine, based upon logic and policy considerations, which presumption controls. (C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, a presumption of paternity that arose pursuant to this section prior to March 22, 2001, shall remain valid on and after that date unless rebutted pursuant to division (B) of this section. This division does not apply to a determination described in division (B)(3) of this section as division (B)(3) of this section existed prior to March 22, 2001. (2) A presumption of paternity that arose prior to March 22, 2001, based on an acknowledgment of paternity that became final under former section 3111.211 or 5101.314 or section 2151.232 of the Revised Code is not a presumption and shall be considered a final and enforceable determination of paternity unless the acknowledgment is rescinded under section 3111.28 or 3119.962 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.04 | Standing to bring paternity action.
March 21, 2025
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 109 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, an action to determine the existence or nonexistence of the father and child relationship may be brought by the child or the child's personal representative, the child's caretaker, the child's mother or her personal representative, a man alleged or alleging himself to be the child's father, the child support enforcement agency of the county in which the child resides if the child's mother, father, or alleged father is a recipient of public assistance or of services under Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C.A. 651, as amended, or the alleged father's personal representative. (2) A man alleged or alleging himself to be the child's father is not eligible to file an action under division (A)(1) of this section if the man was convicted of or pleaded guilty to rape or sexual battery, the victim of the rape or sexual battery was the child's mother, and the child was conceived as a result of the rape or sexual battery. (B) An agreement does not bar an action under this section. (C) If an action under this section is brought before the birth of the child and if the action is contested, all proceedings, except service of process and the taking of depositions to perpetuate testimony, may be stayed until after the birth. (D) A recipient of public assistance or of services under Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C.A. 651, as amended, shall cooperate with the child support enforcement agency of the county in which a child resides to obtain an administrative determination pursuant to sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code, or, if necessary, a court determination pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code, of the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship between the father and the child. If the recipient fails to cooperate, the agency may commence an action to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship between the father and the child pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code. (E) As used in this section: (1) "Public assistance" means both of the following: (a) Medicaid; (b) Ohio works first under Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code. (2) "Rape" means a violation of section 2907.02 of the Revised Code or similar law of another state. (3) "Sexual battery" means a violation of section 2907.03 of the Revised Code if the sexual activity involved is sexual conduct, or similar law of another state.
Last updated January 29, 2025 at 3:04 PM
Section 3111.041 | Caretaker authorization of genetic testing.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
A caretaker of a child may authorize genetic testing of the child pursuant to any action or proceeding under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 4, 2023 at 5:38 PM
Section 3111.05 | Statute of limitations.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 245 - 114th General Assembly
An action to determine the existence or nonexistence of the father and child relationship may not be brought later than five years after the child reaches the age of eighteen. Neither section 3111.04 of the Revised Code nor this section extends the time within which a right of inheritance or a right to a succession may be asserted beyond the time provided by Chapter 2105., 2107., 2113., 2117, or 2123. of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.06 | Jurisdiction of courts - personal jurisdiction.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B), (C), or (D) of section 3111.381 of the Revised Code, an action authorized under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code may be brought in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code of the county in which the child, the child's mother, or the alleged father resides or is found or, if the alleged father is deceased, of the county in which proceedings for the probate of the alleged father's estate have been or can be commenced, or of the county in which the child is being provided support by the county department of job and family services of that county. An action pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code to object to an administrative order issued pursuant to former section 3111.21 or 3111.22 or sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code determining the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship that has not become final and enforceable, may be brought only in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction of the county in which the child support enforcement agency that issued the order is located. If an action for divorce, dissolution, or legal separation has been filed in a court of common pleas, that court of common pleas has original jurisdiction to determine if the parent and child relationship exists between one or both of the parties and any child alleged or presumed to be the child of one or both of the parties. (B) A person who has sexual intercourse in this state submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state as to an action brought under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code with respect to a child who may have been conceived by that act of intercourse. In addition to any other method provided by the Rules of Civil Procedure, personal jurisdiction may be acquired by personal service of summons outside this state or by certified mail with proof of actual receipt.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:05 AM
Section 3111.07 | Parties to action - intervention.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) The natural mother, each man presumed to be the father under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code, each man alleged to be the natural father, and a caretaker of a child shall be made parties to the action brought pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code or, if not subject to the jurisdiction of the court, shall be given notice of the action pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure and shall be given an opportunity to be heard. The child support enforcement agency of the county in which the action is brought also shall be given notice of the action pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure and shall be given an opportunity to be heard. The court may align the parties. The child shall be made a party to the action unless a party shows good cause for not doing so. Separate counsel shall be appointed for the child if the court finds that the child's interests conflict with those of the mother. If the person bringing the action knows that a particular man is not or, based upon the facts and circumstances present, could not be the natural father of the child, the person bringing the action shall not allege in the action that the man is the natural father of the child and shall not make the man a party to the action. (B) If an action is brought pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code and the child to whom the action pertains is or was being provided support by a caretaker, the department of job and family services, a county department of job and family services, or another public agency, the caretaker, department, county department, or agency may intervene for purposes of collecting or recovering the support.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:05 AM
Section 3111.08 | Rules of Civil Procedure govern action.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) An action brought pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code to declare the existence or nonexistence of the father and child relationship is a civil action and shall be governed by the Rules of Civil Procedure unless a different procedure is specifically provided by those sections. (B) If an action is brought against a person to declare the existence or nonexistence of the father and child relationship between that person and a child and the person in his answer admits the existence or nonexistence of the father and child relationship as alleged in the action, the court shall enter judgment in accordance with section 3111.13 of the Revised Code. If the person against whom the action is brought fails to plead or otherwise defend against the action, the opposing party may make an oral or written motion for default judgment pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure. The court shall render a judgment by default against the person after hearing satisfactory evidence of the truth of the statements in the complaint.
Section 3111.09 | Genetic tests - DNA records.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A)(1) In any action instituted under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code, the court, upon its own motion, may order and, upon the motion of any party to the action, shall order the child's mother, the child, the alleged father, and any other person who is a defendant in the action to submit to genetic tests. Instead of or in addition to genetic testing ordered pursuant to this section, the court may use the following information to determine the existence of a parent and child relationship between the child and the child's mother, the alleged father, or another defendant: (a) A DNA record of the child's mother, the child, the alleged father, or any other defendant that is stored in the DNA database pursuant to section 109.573 of the Revised Code; (b) Results of genetic tests conducted on the child, the child's mother, the alleged father, or any other defendant pursuant to former section 3111.21 or 3111.22 or sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code. If the court intends to use the information described in division (A)(1)(a) of this section, it shall order the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation to disclose the information to the court. If the court intends to use the genetic test results described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section, it shall order the agency that ordered the tests to provide the report of the genetic test results to the court. (2) If the child support enforcement agency is not made a party to the action, the clerk of the court shall schedule the genetic testing no later than thirty days after the court issues its order. If the agency is made a party to the action, the agency shall schedule the genetic testing in accordance with the rules adopted by the director of job and family services pursuant to section 3111.611 of the Revised Code. If the alleged father of a child brings an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code and if the mother of the child willfully fails to submit to genetic testing or if the mother is the custodian of the child and willfully fails to submit the child to genetic testing, the court, on the motion of the alleged father, shall issue an order determining the existence of a parent and child relationship between the father and the child without genetic testing. If the mother or other guardian or custodian of the child brings an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code and if the alleged father of the child willfully fails to submit himself to genetic testing or, if the alleged father is the custodian of the child and willfully fails to submit the child to genetic testing, the court shall issue an order determining the existence of a parent and child relationship between the father and the child without genetic testing. If a party shows good cause for failing to submit to genetic testing or for failing to submit the child to genetic testing, the court shall not consider the failure to be willful. (3) Except as provided in division (A)(4) of this section, any fees charged for the tests shall be paid by the party that requests them, unless the custodian of the child is represented by the child support enforcement agency in its role as the agency providing enforcement of child support orders under Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C. 651, as amended, the custodian is a participant in Ohio works first under Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code for the benefit of the child, or the defendant in the action is found to be indigent, in which case the child support enforcement agency shall pay the costs of genetic testing. The child support enforcement agency, within guidelines contained in that federal law, shall use funds received pursuant to Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C. 651, as amended, to pay the fees charged for the tests. Except as provided in division (A)(4) of this section, if there is a dispute as to who shall pay the fees charged for genetic testing, the child support enforcement agency shall pay the fees, but neither the court nor the agency shall delay genetic testing due to a dispute as to who shall pay the genetic testing fees. The child support enforcement agency or the person who paid the fees charged for the genetic testing may seek reimbursement for the genetic testing fees from the person against whom the court assesses the costs of the action. Any funds used in accordance with this division by the child support enforcement agency shall be in addition to any other funds that the agency is entitled to receive as a result of any contractual provision for specific funding allocations for the agency between the county, the state, and the federal government. (4) If, pursuant to former section 3111.21 or 3111.22 or sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code, the agency has previously conducted genetic tests on the child, child's mother, alleged father, or any other defendant and the current action pursuant to section 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code has been brought to object to the result of those previous tests, the agency shall not be required to pay the fees for conducting genetic tests pursuant to this section on the same persons. (B)(1) The genetic tests shall be made by qualified examiners who are authorized by the court or the department of job and family services. An examiner conducting a genetic test, upon the completion of the test, shall send a complete report of the test results to the clerk of the court that ordered the test or, if the agency is a party to the action, to the child support enforcement agency of the county in which the court that ordered the test is located. (2) If a court orders the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation to disclose information regarding a DNA record stored in the DNA database pursuant to section 109.573 of the Revised Code, the superintendent shall send the information to the clerk of the court that issued the order or, if the agency is a party to the action, to the child support enforcement agency of the county in which the court that issued the order is located. (3) If a court orders the child support enforcement agency to provide the report of the genetic test results obtained pursuant to former section 3111.21 or 3111.22 or sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code, the agency shall send the information to the person or government entity designated by the court that issued the order. (4) The clerk, agency, or person or government entity under division (B)(3) of this section that receives a report or information pursuant to division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of this section shall mail a copy of the report or information to the attorney of record for each party or, if a party is not represented by an attorney, to the party. The clerk, agency, or person or government entity under division (B)(3) of this section that receives a copy of the report or information shall include with the report or information sent to an attorney of record of a party or a party a notice that the party may object to the admission into evidence of the report or information by filing a written objection as described in division (D) of section 3111.12 of the Revised Code with the court that ordered the tests or ordered the disclosure of the information no later than fourteen days after the report or information was mailed to the attorney of record or to the party. The examiners may be called as witnesses to testify as to their findings. Any party may demand that other qualified examiners perform independent genetic tests under order of the court. The number and qualifications of the independent examiners shall be determined by the court. (C) Nothing in this section prevents any party to the action from producing other expert evidence on the issue covered by this section, but, if other expert witnesses are called by a party to the action, the fees of these expert witnesses shall be paid by the party calling the witnesses and only ordinary witness fees for these expert witnesses shall be taxed as costs in the action. (D) If the court finds that the conclusions of all the examiners are that the alleged father is not the father of the child, the court shall enter judgment that the alleged father is not the father of the child. If the examiners disagree in their findings or conclusions, the court shall determine the father of the child based upon all the evidence. (E) As used in sections 3111.01 to 3111.85 of the Revised Code: (1) "Genetic tests" and "genetic testing" mean either of the following: (a) Tissue or blood tests, including tests that identify the presence or absence of common blood group antigens, the red blood cell antigens, human lymphocyte antigens, serum enzymes, serum proteins, or genetic markers; (b) Deoxyribonucleic acid typing of blood or buccal cell samples. "Genetic test" and "genetic testing" may include the typing and comparison of deoxyribonucleic acid derived from the blood of one individual and buccal cells of another. (2) "DNA record" and "DNA database" have the same meanings as in section 109.573 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.10 | Evidence of paternity.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
In an action brought under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code, evidence relating to paternity may include: (A) Evidence of sexual intercourse between the mother and alleged father at any possible time of conception; (B) An expert's opinion concerning the statistical probability of the alleged father's paternity, which opinion is based upon the duration of the mother's pregnancy; (C) Genetic test results, weighted in accordance with evidence, if available, of the statistical probability of the alleged father's paternity; (D) Medical evidence relating to the alleged father's paternity of the child based on tests performed by experts. If a man has been identified as a possible father of the child, the court may, and upon the request of a party shall, require the child, the mother, and the man to submit to appropriate tests. Any fees charged for the tests shall be paid by the party that requests them unless the court orders the fees taxed as costs in the action. (E) All other evidence relevant to the issue of paternity of the child.
Section 3111.11 | Pretrial hearing.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If the person against whom an action is brought pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code does not admit in his answer the existence or nonexistence of the father and child relationship, the court shall hold a pretrial hearing, in accordance with the Civil Rules, at a time set by the court. At the pretrial hearing, the court shall notify each party to the action that the party may file a motion requesting the court to order the child's mother, the alleged father, and any other person who is a defendant in the action to submit to genetic tests and, if applicable, to the appropriate tests referred to in section 3111.10 of the Revised Code. When the court determines that all pretrial matters have been completed, the action shall be set for trial.
Section 3111.111 | Temporary support order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If an action is brought pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code to object to a determination made pursuant to former section 3111.21 or 3111.22 or sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code that the alleged father is the natural father of a child, the court, on its own motion or on the motion of either party, shall issue a temporary order for the support of the child pursuant to Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code requiring the alleged father to pay support to the natural mother or the caretaker of the child. The order shall remain in effect until the court issues a judgment in the action pursuant to section 3111.13 of the Revised Code that determines the existence or nonexistence of a father and child relationship. If the court, in its judgment, determines that the alleged father is not the natural father of the child, the court shall order the person to whom the temporary support was paid under the order to repay the alleged father all amounts paid for support under the temporary order.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:04 AM
Section 3111.12 | Witnesses - admission of evidence - priority of actions.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 196 - 135th General Assembly
(A) In an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code, the mother of the child and the alleged father are competent to testify and may be compelled to testify by subpoena. If a witness refuses to testify upon the ground that the testimony or evidence of the witness might tend to incriminate the witness and the court compels the witness to testify, the court may grant the witness immunity from having the testimony of the witness used against the witness in subsequent criminal proceedings. (B) Testimony of a physician or certified nurse-midwife concerning the medical circumstances of the mother's pregnancy and the condition and characteristics of the child upon birth is not privileged. (C) Testimony relating to sexual access to the mother by a man at a time other than the probable time of conception of the child is inadmissible in evidence, unless offered by the mother. (D) If, pursuant to section 3111.09 of the Revised Code, a court orders genetic tests to be conducted, orders disclosure of information regarding a DNA record stored in the DNA database pursuant to section 109.573 of the Revised Code, or intends to use a report of genetic test results obtained from tests conducted pursuant to former section 3111.21 or 3111.22 or sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code, a party may object to the admission into evidence of any of the genetic test results or of the DNA record information by filing a written objection with the court that ordered the tests or disclosure or intends to use a report of genetic test results. The party shall file the written objection with the court no later than fourteen days after the report of the test results or the DNA record information is mailed to the attorney of record of a party or to a party. The party making the objection shall send a copy of the objection to all parties. If a party files a written objection, the report of the test results or the DNA record information shall be admissible into evidence as provided by the Rules of Evidence. If a written objection is not filed, the report of the test results or the DNA record information shall be admissible into evidence without the need for foundation testimony or other proof of authenticity or accuracy. (E) If a party intends to introduce into evidence invoices or other documents showing amounts expended to cover pregnancy and confinement and genetic testing, the party shall notify all other parties in writing of that intent and include copies of the invoices and documents. A party may object to the admission into evidence of the invoices or documents by filing a written objection with the court that is hearing the action no later than fourteen days after the notice and the copies of the invoices and documents are mailed to the attorney of record of each party or to each party. If a party files a written objection, the invoices and other documents shall be admissible into evidence as provided by the Rules of Evidence. If a written objection is not filed, the invoices or other documents are admissible into evidence without the need for foundation testimony or other evidence of authenticity or accuracy. (F) A juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code shall give priority to actions under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code and shall issue an order determining the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship no later than one hundred twenty days after the date on which the action was brought in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction.
Last updated February 18, 2025 at 5:18 PM
Section 3111.13 | Judgment or order.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) The judgment or order of the court determining the existence or nonexistence of the parent and child relationship is determinative for all purposes. (B) If the judgment or order of the court is at variance with the child's birth record, the court may order that a new birth record be issued under section 3111.18 of the Revised Code. (C) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the judgment or order may contain, at the request of a party and if not prohibited under federal law, any other provision directed against the appropriate party to the proceeding, concerning the duty of support, the payment of all or any part of the reasonable expenses of the mother's pregnancy and confinement, the furnishing of bond or other security for the payment of the judgment, or any other matter in the best interest of the child. After entry of the judgment or order, the father may petition that he be designated the residential parent and legal custodian of the child or for parenting time rights in a proceeding separate from any action to establish paternity. Additionally, if the mother is unmarried, the father may file a complaint requesting the granting of reasonable parenting time rights, and the parents of the father, any relative of the father, the parents of the mother, and any relative of the mother may file a complaint requesting the granting of reasonable companionship or visitation rights, with the child pursuant to section 3109.12 of the Revised Code. The judgment or order shall contain any provision required by section 3111.14 of the Revised Code. (D) Support judgments or orders ordinarily shall be for periodic payments that may vary in amount. In the best interest of the child, the purchase of an annuity may be ordered in lieu of periodic payments of support if the purchase agreement provides that any remaining principal will be transferred to the ownership and control of the child on the child's attainment of the age of majority. (E) In determining the amount to be paid by a parent for support of the child and the period during which the duty of support is owed, a court enforcing the obligation of support shall comply with Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code. (F)(1) Any court that makes or modifies an order for child support under this section shall comply with Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code. If any person required to pay child support under an order made under this section on or after April 15, 1985, or modified on or after December 1, 1986, is found in contempt of court for failure to make support payments under the order, the court that makes the finding, in addition to any other penalty or remedy imposed, shall assess all court costs arising out of the contempt proceeding against the person and require the person to pay any reasonable attorney's fees of any adverse party, as determined by the court, that arose in relation to the act of contempt. (2) When a court determines whether to require a parent to pay an amount for that parent's failure to support a child prior to the date the court issues an order requiring that parent to pay an amount for the current support of that child, it shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, any monetary contribution either parent of the child made to the support of the child prior to the court issuing the order requiring the parent to pay an amount for the current support of the child. (3)(a) A court shall not require a parent to pay an amount for that parent's failure to support a child prior to the date the court issues an order requiring that parent to pay an amount for the current support of that child or to pay all or any part of the reasonable expenses of the mother's pregnancy and confinement, if both of the following apply: (i) At the time of the initial filing of an action to determine the existence of the parent and child relationship with respect to that parent, the child was over three years of age. (ii) Prior to the initial filing of an action to determine the existence of the parent and child relationship with respect to that parent, the alleged father had no knowledge and had no reason to have knowledge of his alleged paternity of the child. (b) For purposes of division (F)(4)(a)(ii) of this section, the mother of the child may establish that the alleged father had or should have had knowledge of the paternity of the child by showing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that she performed a reasonable and documented effort to contact and notify the alleged father of his paternity of the child. (c) A party is entitled to obtain modification of an existing order for arrearages under this division regardless of whether the judgment, court order, or administrative support order from which relief is sought was issued prior to, on, or after October 27, 2000. (G) As used in this section, "birth record" has the same meaning as in section 3705.01 of the Revised Code. (H) Unless the court has reason to believe that a person named in the order is a potential victim of domestic violence, any order issued pursuant to this section finding the existence of a parent and child relationship shall contain the full names, addresses, and social security numbers of the mother and father of the child and the full name and address of the child.
Section 3111.14 | Fees and costs of action.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 10 - 119th General Assembly
The court may order reasonable fees for experts and other costs of the action and pretrial proceedings, including genetic tests, to be paid by the parties in proportions and at times determined by the court. The court may order the proportion of any party to be paid by the court, and, before or after payment by any party or the county, may order all or part of the fees and costs to be taxed as costs in the action.
Section 3111.15 | Enforcing father's obligation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) If the existence of the father and child relationship is declared or if paternity or a duty of support has been adjudicated under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code or under prior law, the obligation of the father may be enforced in the same or other proceedings by the mother, the child, the caretaker of the child, or the public authority that has furnished or may furnish the reasonable expenses of pregnancy, confinement, education, support, or funeral, or by any other person, including a private agency, to the extent that any of them may furnish, has furnished, or is furnishing these expenses. (B) The court may order support payments to be made to the mother, the clerk of the court, the caretaker, or a person or agency designated to administer them for the benefit of the child under the supervision of the court. (C) Willful failure to obey the judgment or order of the court is a civil contempt of the court.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:04 AM
Section 3111.16 | Continuing jurisdiction.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The court has continuing jurisdiction to modify or revoke a judgment or order issued under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code to provide for future education and support and a judgment or order issued with respect to matters listed in divisions (C) and (D) of section 3111.13 and division (B) of section 3111.15 of the Revised Code, except that a court entering a judgment or order for the purchase of an annuity under division (D) of section 3111.13 of the Revised Code may specify that the judgment or order may not be modified or revoked.
Section 3111.17 | Determining mother and child relationship.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Any interested party may bring an action to determine the existence or nonexistence of a mother and child relationship. Insofar as practicable, the provisions of sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code that are applicable to the father and child relationship shall apply to an action brought under this section.
Section 3111.18 | Preparing new birth record.
March 16, 1989
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 790 - 117th General Assembly
As used in this section, "birth record" has the meaning given in section 3705.01 of the Revised Code. Upon the order of a court of this state or upon the request of a court of another state, the department of health shall prepare a new birth record consistent with the findings of the court and shall substitute the new record for the original birth record.
Section 3111.19 | Interfering with establishment of paternity.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
No person, by using physical harassment or threats of violence against another person, shall interfere with the other person's initiation or continuance of, or attempt to prevent the other person from initiating or continuing, an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.20 | Birth record defined.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
As used in sections 3111.21 to 3111.85 of the Revised Code, "birth record" has the same meaning as in section 3705.01 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.21 | Notarizing acknowledgment.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If the natural mother and alleged father of a child sign an acknowledgment of paternity affidavit prepared pursuant to section 3111.31 of the Revised Code with respect to that child at a child support enforcement agency, the agency shall provide a notary public to notarize or witnesses to witness the acknowledgment.
Last updated October 4, 2023 at 4:07 PM
Section 3111.22 | Acknowledgment to be sent to job and family services department.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
A child support enforcement agency shall send a signed and notarized or witnessed acknowledgment of paternity to the office of child support in the department of job and family services pursuant to section 3111.23 of the Revised Code. The agency shall send the acknowledgment no later than ten days after it has been signed and notarized or witnessed. If the agency knows a man is presumed under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code to be the father of the child and the presumed father is not the man who signed an acknowledgment with respect to the child, the agency shall not notarize, witness, or send the acknowledgment with respect to the child pursuant to this section.
Last updated October 4, 2023 at 4:07 PM
Section 3111.23 | Acknowledgment filed with office of child support.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) The natural mother, the man acknowledging he is the natural father, or the other custodian or guardian of a child, a child support enforcement agency pursuant to section 3111.22 of the Revised Code, a local registrar of vital statistics pursuant to section 3705.091 of the Revised Code, or a hospital staff person pursuant to section 3727.17 of the Revised Code, may file an acknowledgment of paternity with the office of child support in the department of job and family services, acknowledging that the child is the child of the man who signed the acknowledgment. The natural mother, the man acknowledging he is the natural father, and the other custodian or guardian of a child, may file an acknowledgment in person or by mail. A child support enforcement agency, a local registrar of vital statistics, and a hospital staff person may file an acknowledgment electronically, in person, or by mail. (B) The acknowledgment of paternity shall be: (1) Made on the affidavit prepared pursuant to section 3111.31 of the Revised Code; (2) Signed by the natural mother and the man acknowledging that he is the natural father and notarized or witnessed in accordance with division (C) of this section; (3) Sent to the office not later than ten days after it has been signed and notarized. (C) Each signature in an acknowledgment of paternity shall be notarized or witnessed by two adult witnesses. The mother and the man acknowledging that he is the natural father may sign and have the signature notarized or witnessed outside of each other's presence. If a person knows a man is presumed under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code to be the natural father of the child described in this section and that the presumed father is not the man who signed an acknowledgment with respect to the child, the person shall not notarize, witness, or file the acknowledgment pursuant to this section.
Last updated August 16, 2023 at 12:16 PM
Section 3111.24 | Determining whether acknowledgment is completed correctly.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) On the filing of an acknowledgment, the office of child support shall examine the acknowledgment to determine whether it is completed correctly. The office shall make the examination no later than five days after the acknowledgment is filed. If the acknowledgment is completed correctly, the office shall comply with division (B) of this section. If the acknowledgment is not completed correctly, the office shall return it to the person or entity that filed it. The person or entity shall have ten days from the date the office sends the acknowledgment back to correct it and return it to the office. The office shall send, along with the acknowledgment, a notice stating what needs to be corrected and the amount of time the person or entity has to make the corrections and return the acknowledgment to the office. If the person or entity returns the acknowledgment in a timely manner, the office shall examine the acknowledgment again to determine whether it has been correctly completed. If the acknowledgment has been correctly completed, the office shall comply with division (B) of this section. If the acknowledgment has not been correctly completed the second time or if the acknowledgment is not returned to the office in a timely manner, the acknowledgment is invalid and the office shall return it to the person or entity and shall not enter it into the birth registry. If the office returns an acknowledgment the second time, it shall send a notice to the person or entity stating the errors in the acknowledgment and that the acknowledgment is invalid. (B) If the office determines an acknowledgment is correctly completed, the office shall enter the information on the acknowledgment into the birth registry pursuant to sections 3111.64 and 3111.65 of the Revised Code. After entering the information in the registry, the office shall send the acknowledgment to the department of health for storage pursuant to section 3705.091 of the Revised Code. The office may request that the department of health send back to the office any acknowledgment that is being stored by the department of health pursuant to that section.
Section 3111.25 | Acknowledgment of paternity is final and enforceable.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
An acknowledgment of paternity is final and enforceable without ratification by a court when the acknowledgment has been filed with the office of child support, the information on the acknowledgment has been entered in the birth registry, and the acknowledgment has not been rescinded and is not subject to possible recission pursuant to section 3111.27 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.26 | Effects of final and enforceable acknowledgment.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
After an acknowledgment of paternity becomes final and enforceable, the child is the child of the man who signed the acknowledgment of paternity, as though born to him in lawful wedlock. If the mother is unmarried, the man who signed the acknowledgment of paternity may file a complaint requesting the granting of reasonable parenting time with the child under section 3109.12 of the Revised Code and the parents of the man who signed the acknowledgment of paternity, any relative of the man who signed the acknowledgment of paternity, the parents of the mother, and any relative of the mother may file a complaint pursuant to that section requesting the granting of reasonable companionship or visitation rights with the child. Once the acknowledgment becomes final the man who signed the acknowledgment of paternity assumes the parental duty of support.
Section 3111.27 | Rescinding acknowledgment.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in section 2151.232 or 3111.821 of the Revised Code, for an acknowledgment of paternity filed with the office of child support to be rescinded both of the following must occur: (1) Not later than sixty days after the date of the latest signature on the acknowledgment, one of the persons who signed it must do both of the following: (a) Request a determination under section 3111.38 of the Revised Code of whether there is a parent and child relationship between the man who signed the acknowledgment and the child who is the subject of it; (b) Give the office written notice of having complied with division (A)(1)(a) of this section and include in the notice the name of the child support enforcement agency conducting genetic tests to determine whether there is a parent and child relationship; (2) An order must be issued under section 3111.46 of the Revised Code determining whether there is a parent and child relationship between the man and the child. (B) Not later than the end of the business day following the business day on which the office receives a notice under division (A)(1)(b) of this section, it shall contact the agency indicated in the notice to verify that the person sending it has complied with division (A)(1) of this section. If the office verifies compliance, and the notice was sent within the time limit required by this section, the office shall note in its records the date the notice was received and that the acknowledgment to which the notice pertains is subject to recission. The office shall direct the agency to notify the office of the agency's issuance of an order described in division (A)(2) of this section. On receipt from an agency of notice that an order described in division (A)(2) of this section has been issued, the acknowledgment to which the order pertains shall be rescinded as of the date. If the office is unable to verify compliance with division (A)(1) of this section, it shall note in its records the date the notice under division (A)(1)(b) of this section was received and that compliance with division (A)(1) of this section was not verified.
Section 3111.28 | Action rescinding acknowledgment.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
After an acknowledgment becomes final pursuant to section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code, a man presumed to be the father of the child pursuant to section 3111.03 of the Revised Code who did not sign the acknowledgment, either person who signed the acknowledgment, or a guardian or legal custodian of the child may bring an action to rescind the acknowledgment on the basis of fraud, duress, or material mistake of fact. The court shall treat the action as an action to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code. An action pursuant to this section shall be brought no later than one year after the acknowledgment becomes final. The action may be brought in one of the following courts in the county in which the child, the guardian or custodian of the child, or either person who signed the acknowledgment resides: the juvenile court or the domestic relations division of the court of common pleas that has jurisdiction pursuant to section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code to hear and determine cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.29 | Enforcing support obligation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
Once an acknowledgment of paternity becomes final under section 3111.25 of the Revised Code, the mother or caretaker of the child may do either of the following: (A) File a complaint pursuant to section 2151.231 of the Revised Code in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code of the county in which the child or the caretaker of the child resides requesting that the court order the father or mother, or both, to pay an amount for the support of the child; (B) Contact the child support enforcement agency for assistance in obtaining a child support order as defined in section 3119.01 of the Revised Code.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:04 AM
Section 3111.30 | Preparing new birth record.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Once an acknowledgment of paternity becomes final, the office of child support shall notify the department of health of the acknowledgment. If the original birth record is inconsistent with the acknowledgment, on receipt of the notice, the department of health shall, in accordance with section 3705.09 of the Revised Code, prepare a new birth record consistent with the acknowledgment and substitute the new record for the original birth record.
Section 3111.31 | Acknowledgment of paternity affidavit form.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The department of job and family services shall prepare an acknowledgment of paternity affidavit that includes in boldface type at the top of the affidavit the rights and responsibilities of and the due process safeguards afforded to a person who acknowledges that he is the natural father of a child, including that if an alleged father acknowledges a parent and child relationship he assumes the parental duty of support, that both signators waive any right to bring an action pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code or make a request pursuant to section 3111.38 of the Revised Code, other than for purposes of rescinding the acknowledgment pursuant to section 3111.27 of the Revised Code in order to ensure expediency in resolving the question of the existence of a parent and child relationship, that either parent may rescind the acknowledgment pursuant to section 3111.27 of the Revised Code, that an action may be brought pursuant to section 3111.28 of the Revised Code, or a motion may be filed pursuant to section 3119.961 of the Revised Code, to rescind the acknowledgment, and that the natural father has the right to petition a court pursuant to section 3109.12 of the Revised Code for an order granting him reasonable parenting time with respect to the child and to petition the court for custody of the child pursuant to section 2151.23 of the Revised Code. The affidavit shall include all of the following: (A) Basic instructions for completing the form, including instructions that both the natural father and the mother of the child are required to sign the statement, that they may sign the statement without being in each other's presence, and that the signatures must be notarized or witnessed; (B) Blank spaces to enter the full name, social security number, date of birth and address of each parent; (C) Blank spaces to enter the full name, date of birth, and the residence of the child; (D) A blank space to enter the name of the hospital or department of health code number assigned to the hospital, for use in situations in which the hospital fills out the form pursuant to section 3727.17 of the Revised Code; (E) An affirmation by the mother that the information she supplied is true to the best of her knowledge and belief and that she is the natural mother of the child named on the form and assumes the parental duty of support of the child; (F) An affirmation by the father that the information he supplied is true to the best of his knowledge and belief, that he has received information regarding his legal rights and responsibilities, that he consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state, and that he is the natural father of the child named on the form and assumes the parental duty of support of the child; (G) Signature lines for the mother of the child and the natural father; (H) Signature lines for the notary public or witnesses; (I) An instruction to include or attach any other evidence necessary to complete the new birth record that is required by the department by rule.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 10:43 AM
Section 3111.32 | Information pamphlets - toll-free telephone number.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The department of job and family services shall prepare pamphlets that discuss the benefit of establishing a parent and child relationship, the proper procedure for establishing a parent and child relationship between a father and his child, and a toll-free telephone number that interested persons may call for more information regarding the procedures for establishing a parent and child relationship.
Section 3111.33 | Distributing pamphlets and forms.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The department of job and family services shall make available the pamphlets and the acknowledgment of paternity affidavits and statements to the department of health, to each hospital it has a contract with pursuant to section 3727.17 of the Revised Code, and to any individual who requests a pamphlet. The department of job and family services shall make available the affidavit acknowledging paternity to each county child support enforcement agency, the department of health, and any other person or agency that requests copies.
Section 3111.34 | Evidence necessary to complete new birth record.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The director of job and family services, in consultation with the department of health, shall adopt rules specifying additional evidence necessary to complete a new birth record that is required to be included with an acknowledgment of paternity affidavit.
Section 3111.35 | Implementing provisions.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to implement sections 3111.20 to 3111.34 of the Revised Code that are consistent with Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351, 42 U.S.C. 651 et seq., as amended.
Section 3111.38 | Requesting administrative determination of paternity.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
At the request of a person described in division (A) of section 3111.04 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency of the county in which a child resides or in which the caretaker of the child resides shall determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship between an alleged father and the child if an application for services administered under Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C. 651, as amended, or other IV-D referral has been completed and filed.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:03 AM
Section 3111.381 | Request to precede court action - jurisdiction.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in divisions (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) of this section, no person may bring an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code unless the person has requested an administrative determination under section 3111.38 of the Revised Code of the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship. (B) An action to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship may be brought by the child's mother in the appropriate division of the court of common pleas in the county in which the child resides, without requesting an administrative determination, if the child's mother brings the action in order to request an order to determine the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities, the payment of all or any part of the reasonable expenses of the mother's pregnancy and confinement, or support of the child. The clerk of the court shall forward a copy of the complaint to the child support enforcement agency of the county in which the complaint is filed. (C) An action to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship may be brought by the putative father of the child in the appropriate division of the court of common pleas in the county in which the child resides, without requesting an administrative determination, if the putative father brings the action in order to request an order to determine the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. The clerk of the court shall forward a copy of the complaint to the child support enforcement agency of the county in which the complaint is filed. (D) An action to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship may be brought by the caretaker of the child in the appropriate division of the court of common pleas in the county in which the child resides, without requesting an administrative determination, if the caretaker brings the action in order to request support of the child. The clerk of the court shall forward a copy of the complaint to the child support enforcement agency of the county in which the complaint is filed. (E) If services are requested by the court, under divisions (B), (C), and (D) of this section, of the child support enforcement agency to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship, a Title IV-D application must be completed and delivered to the child support enforcement agency. (F) If the alleged father of a child is deceased and proceedings for the probate of the estate of the alleged father have been or can be commenced, the court with jurisdiction over the probate proceedings shall retain jurisdiction to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship between the alleged father and any child without an administrative determination being requested from a child support enforcement agency. If an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, or legal separation, or an action under section 2151.231 or 2151.232 of the Revised Code requesting an order requiring the payment of child support and provision for the health care of a child, has been filed in a court of common pleas and a question as to the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship arises, the court in which the original action was filed shall retain jurisdiction to determine the existence or nonexistence of the parent and child relationship without an administrative determination being requested from a child support enforcement agency. If a juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code issues a support order under section 2151.231 or 2151.232 of the Revised Code relying on a presumption under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code, the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction that issued the support order shall retain jurisdiction if a question as to the existence of a parent and child relationship arises.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:08 AM
Section 3111.39 | Requests filed with multiple agencies.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If more than one child support enforcement agency receives a request to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship concerning the same child and each agency is an appropriate agency for the filing of the request as provided in section 3111.38 of the Revised Code, the agency that receives the request first shall act on the request. If an agency that receives a request is not the appropriate agency for the filing of the request, the agency shall forward the request to the agency of the county in which the child or the guardian or legal custodian of the child resides, and the latter agency shall proceed with the request.
Section 3111.41 | Assigning to administrative officer - order for genetic testing.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
On receiving a request for a determination of the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship, a child support enforcement agency shall assign an administrative officer to consider the request. The officer shall issue an order requiring the child, mother, and alleged father to submit to genetic testing. The order shall specify the date of the genetic tests for the mother, alleged father, and child, which shall be no later than forty-five days after the date of assignment of the administrative officer. The tests shall be conducted in accordance with the rules adopted by the director of job and family services under section 3111.611 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.42 | Attaching notice to order.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A child support enforcement agency shall attach a notice to each order for genetic testing and send both to the mother and the alleged father. The notice shall state all of the following: (A) That the agency has been asked to determine the existence of a parent and child relationship between a child and the alleged named father; (B) The name and birthdate of the child of which the man is alleged to be the natural father; (C) The name of the mother and the alleged natural father; (D) The rights and responsibilities of a parent; (E) That the child, the mother, and the alleged father must submit to genetic testing at the date, time, and place determined by the agency in the order issued pursuant to section 3111.41 of the Revised Code; (F) The administrative procedure for determining the existence of a parent and child relationship; (G) That if the alleged father or natural mother willfully fails to submit to genetic testing, or the alleged father, natural mother, or the custodian of the child willfully fails to submit the child to genetic testing, the agency will issue an order that it is inconclusive whether the alleged father is the child's natural father; (H) That if the alleged father or natural mother willfully fails to submit to genetic testing, or the alleged father, natural mother, or custodian of the child willfully fails to submit the child to genetic testing, they may be found in contempt of court.
Section 3111.421 | Serving notice and order.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The notice and order described in section 3111.42 of the Revised Code shall be sent in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Civil Procedure that govern service of process, except to the extent that the provisions of the Civil Rules by their nature are clearly inapplicable and except that references in the provisions of the Civil Rules to the court or to the clerk of the court shall be construed as being references to the child support enforcement agency or the administrative officer.
Section 3111.43 | Persons to be notified - genetic testing of persons present.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If a child support enforcement agency is asked to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship, the administrative officer shall provide notice of the request pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure to the natural mother of the child who is the subject of the request, each man presumed under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code to be the father of the child, and each man alleged to be the natural father. If the agency is unable to obtain service of process on the presumed father, alleged father, or natural mother within the time prescribed by section 3111.41 of the Revised Code, the agency shall proceed with genetic testing of all of those persons who are present on the date scheduled for the testing.
Section 3111.44 | Information conference.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
After issuing a genetic testing order, the administrative officer may schedule a conference with the mother and the alleged father to provide information. If a conference is scheduled and no other man is presumed to be the father of the child under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code, the administrative officer shall provide the mother and alleged father the opportunity to sign an acknowledgment of paternity affidavit prepared pursuant to section 3111.31 of the Revised Code. If they sign an acknowledgment of paternity, the administrative officer shall cancel the genetic testing order the officer had issued. Regardless of whether a conference is held, if the mother and alleged father do not sign an acknowledgment of paternity affidavit or if an affidavit cannot be notarized or witnessed or filed because another man is presumed under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code to be the father of the child, the child, the mother, and the alleged father shall submit to genetic testing in accordance with the order issued by the administrative officer.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 10:46 AM
Section 3111.45 | Test conducted by qualified examiner.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The genetic testing required under an administrative genetic testing order shall be conducted by a qualified examiner authorized by the department of job and family services. On completion of the genetic tests, the examiner shall send a complete report of the test results to the agency.
Section 3111.46 | Finding paternity or nonpaternity.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
On receipt of the genetic test results, the administrative officer shall do one of the following: (A)(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, if the results of the genetic testing show a ninety-nine per cent or greater probability that the alleged father is the natural father of the child, the administrative officer of the agency shall issue an administrative order that the alleged father is the father of the child who is the subject of the proceeding. (2) If identical siblings are named as the alleged father under division (A)(1) of this section, the administrative officer shall refer the case to the court and shall not issue an administrative order deciding the paternity of the child who is the subject of the proceeding. (B) If the results of genetic testing show less than a ninety-nine per cent probability that the alleged father is the natural father of the child, the administrative officer shall issue an administrative order that the alleged father is not the father of the child who is the subject of the proceeding. An order issued pursuant to this section shall be sent to parties in accordance with the Civil Rule governing service and filing of pleadings and other papers subsequent to the original complaint.
Section 3111.47 | Failure to submit to test results in inconclusive finding.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If the alleged natural father or the natural mother willfully fails to submit to genetic testing or if either parent or any other person who is the custodian of the child willfully fails to submit the child to genetic testing, the agency shall enter an administrative order stating that it is inconclusive as to whether the alleged natural father is the natural father of the child.
Section 3111.48 | Information included in order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
An administrative officer shall include in an order issued under section 3111.46 of the Revised Code a notice that contains the information described in section 3111.49 of the Revised Code informing the mother, father, and caretaker of the child of the right to bring an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code and of the effect of failure to timely bring the action. An agency shall include in an administrative order issued under section 3111.47 of the Revised Code a notice that contains the information described in section 3111.50 of the Revised Code informing the parties of their right to bring an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:08 AM
Section 3111.49 | Conclusiveness of order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The mother, alleged father, and caretaker of a child may object to an administrative order determining the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship by bringing, within fourteen days after the date the administrative officer issues the order, an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code in the county in which the child support enforcement agency that employs the administrative officer who issued the order is located. If the action is not brought within the fourteen-day period, the administrative order is final and enforceable by a court and may not be challenged in an action or proceeding under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:08 AM
Section 3111.50 | Bringing action where order is inconclusive.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If a child support enforcement agency issues an administrative order stating that it is inconclusive as to whether the alleged natural father is the natural father of the child, any of the parties may bring an action under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code to establish a parent and child relationship.
Section 3111.51 | Including names, addresses and social security numbers of parents and child in order.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Unless the child support enforcement agency has reason to believe that a person named in the order is a potential victim of domestic violence, any administrative order finding the existence of a parent and child relationship shall contain the full names, addresses, and social security numbers of the mother and father of the child who is the subject of the order and the full name and address of the child.
Section 3111.52 | Changing surname of child.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The child support enforcement agency, as part of an administrative order determining the existence of a parent and child relationship, may order the surname of the child subject to the determination to be changed and order the change to be made on the child's birth record consistent with the order if both the parties agree to the change.
Section 3111.53 | Administrative officer.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) A child support enforcement agency, in accordance with the rules adopted by the director of job and family services pursuant to division (B) of this section, shall employ an administrative officer, contract with another entity to provide an administrative officer, or contract with an individual to serve as an administrative officer to issue administrative orders determining the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship, requiring the payment of child support, or both. (B) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code regulating administrative officers who issue administrative orders described in division (A) of this section, including the following: (1) The qualifications of the administrative officer; (2) Any other procedures, requirements, or standards necessary for the employment of the administrative officer.
Section 3111.54 | Contempt.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If an alleged father or natural mother willfully fails to submit to genetic testing, or if the alleged father, natural mother, or any other person who is the custodian of the child willfully fails to submit the child to genetic testing, as required by an order for genetic testing issued under section 3111.41 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency that issued the order may request that the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code of the county in which the agency is located find the alleged father, natural mother, or other person in contempt pursuant to section 2705.02 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.58 | New birth record.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If an administrative order determining the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship includes a finding that the child's father is a man other than the man named in the child's birth record as the father or is otherwise at variance with the child's birth record, the agency that made the determination shall notify the department of health of the determination as soon as any period for objection to the determination provided for in former section 3111.21 or 3111.22 or section 3111.49 of the Revised Code has elapsed. On receipt of notice under this section or notice from an agency of another state with authority to make paternity determinations that has made a determination of the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship, the department of health shall prepare a new birth record consistent with the agency's determination and substitute the new record for the original birth record.
Section 3111.61 | Samples and performance of genetic testing.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If a child support enforcement agency is made a party to an action brought to establish a parent and child relationship under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code and the court orders the parties to the action to submit to genetic testing or the agency orders the parties to submit to genetic testing under section 3111.41 of the Revised Code, the agency shall provide for collection of samples and performance of genetic testing in accordance with generally accepted medical techniques. If a court ordered the genetic testing, the agency shall inform the court of the procedures for collecting the samples and performing the genetic tests, in accordance with the rules governing on-site genetic testing adopted by the director of job and family services pursuant to section 3111.611 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.611 | On-site genetic testing.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The director of job and family services shall adopt in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code rules governing the establishment by child support enforcement agencies of on-site genetic testing programs to be used in actions under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code and in administrative procedures under sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code. The rules shall include provisions relating to the environment in which a blood or buccal cell sample may be drawn, the medical personnel who may draw a sample, the trained personnel who may perform the genetic comparison, the types of genetic testing that may be performed on a sample, and the procedure for notifying the court of the location at which the sample will be drawn, who will draw the sample, and who will perform the genetic testing on the sample, and any other procedures or standards the director determines are necessary for the implementation of on-site genetic testing.
Section 3111.64 | Birth registry.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The office of child support in the department of job and family services shall establish and maintain a birth registry that shall contain all of the following information contained in orders determining the existence of a parent and child relationship and acknowledgments of paternity required to be filed with the office: (A) The names of the parents of the child subject to the order or acknowledgment; (B) The name of the child; (C) The resident address of each parent and each parent's social security number.
Section 3111.65 | Accessing registry.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The birth registry shall be maintained as part of and be accessible through the automated system created pursuant to section 3125.07 of the Revised Code. The office of child support shall make comparisons of the information in the registry with the information maintained by the department of job and family services pursuant to sections 3107.062 and 3121.894 of the Revised Code. The office shall make the comparisons in the manner and in the time intervals required by the rules adopted pursuant to section 3111.67 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.66 | Filing orders and entering into registry.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A court or child support enforcement agency, whichever is applicable, shall file the following with the office of child support: (A) An order issued pursuant to section 3111.13 of the Revised Code on or after January 1, 1998; (B) An order issued pursuant to section 3111.22 of the Revised Code on or after January 1, 1998, that has become final and enforceable; (C) An order issued pursuant to section 3111.46 of the Revised Code on or after the effective date of this section. On the filing of an order pursuant to this section, the office shall enter the information on the order in the birth registry.
Section 3111.67 | Birth registry rules.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to implement the requirements of sections 3111.64 to 3111.66 of the Revised Code that are consistent with Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351, 42 U.S.C. 651 et seq., as amended.
Section 3111.69 | Locating absent parent using putative father registry.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The office of child support in the department of job and family services and a child support enforcement agency may examine the putative father registry established under section 3107.062 of the Revised Code to locate an absent parent for the purpose of the office or agency carrying out its duties under the child and spousal support enforcement programs established under Chapter 3125. of the Revised Code. Neither the office nor an agency shall use the information it receives from the registry for any purpose other than child and spousal support enforcement.
Section 3111.71 | Contracts with hospitals to meet with unmarried women giving birth.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The department of job and family services shall enter into a contract with local hospitals for the provision of staff by the hospitals to meet with unmarried women who give birth in or en route to the particular hospital. On or before April 1, 1998, each hospital shall enter into a contract with the department of job and family services pursuant to this section regarding the duties imposed by this section and section 3727.17 of the Revised Code concerning paternity establishment. A hospital that fails to enter into a contract shall not receive the fee from the department for correctly signed and notarized or witnessed affidavits submitted by the hospital.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 10:46 AM
Section 3111.72 | Requirements for contracts with hospitals to meet with unmarried women giving birth.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The contract between the department of job and family services and a local hospital shall require all of the following: (A) That the hospital provide a staff person to meet with each unmarried mother who gave birth in or en route to the hospital within twenty-four hours of the birth or before the mother is released from the hospital; (B) That the staff person attempt to meet with the father of the unmarried mother's child if possible; (C) That the staff person explain to the unmarried mother and the father, if he is present, the benefit to the child of establishing a parent and child relationship between the father and the child and the various proper procedures for establishing a parent and child relationship; (D) That the staff person present to the unmarried mother and, if possible, the father, the pamphlet or statement regarding the rights and responsibilities of a natural parent that is prepared and provided by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 3111.32 of the Revised Code; (E) That the staff person provide the mother and, if possible, the father, all forms and statements necessary to voluntarily establish a parent and child relationship, including, but not limited to, the acknowledgment of paternity affidavit prepared by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 3111.31 of the Revised Code; (F) That the staff person, at the request of both the mother and father, help the mother and father complete any form or statement necessary to establish a parent and child relationship; (G) That the hospital provide a notary public to notarize, or witnesses to witness, an acknowledgment of paternity affidavit signed by the mother and father; (H) That the staff person present to an unmarried mother who is not participating in the Ohio works first program established under Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code or receiving medicaid an application for Title IV-D services; (I) That the staff person forward any completed acknowledgment of paternity, no later than ten days after it is completed, to the office of child support in the department of job and family services; (J) That the department of job and family services pay the hospital twenty dollars for every correctly signed and notarized or witnessed acknowledgment of paternity affidavit from the hospital.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 10:47 AM
Section 3111.73 | Annual report.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Not later than July 1, 1998, and the first day of each July thereafter, the department of job and family services shall complete a report on the hospitals that have not entered into contracts described in this section. The department shall submit the report to the chairperson and ranking minority member of the committees of the house of representatives and senate with primary responsibility for issues concerning paternity establishment.
Section 3111.74 | Acknowledgment conflicting with presumption of paternity.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If the hospital knows or determines that a man is presumed under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code to be the father of a child and that the presumed father is not the man who signed or is attempting to sign an acknowledgment with respect to the child, the hospital shall take no further action with regard to the acknowledgment and shall not send the acknowledgment to the office of child support.
Section 3111.77 | Presumed father assuming duty of support.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A man who is presumed to be the natural father of a child pursuant to section 3111.03 of the Revised Code assumes the parental duty of support with respect to the child as provided in section 3103.031 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.78 | Enforcing obligations of presumed father.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
A parent or caretaker of the child, or the child support enforcement agency of the county in which the child, parent, or caretaker of the child resides may do either of the following to require a man to pay support and provide for the health care needs of the child if the man is presumed to be the natural father of the child under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code: (A) If the presumption is not based on an acknowledgment of paternity, file a complaint pursuant to section 2151.231 of the Revised Code in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code of the county in which the child, parent, or caretaker resides; (B) Contact a child support enforcement agency to request assistance in obtaining an order for support and the provision of health care for the child.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:07 AM
Section 3111.80 | Hearing to determine child support and provision for health care.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) An administrative officer shall schedule an administrative hearing to determine, in accordance with Chapters 3119. and 3121. of the Revised Code, the amount of child support any parent is required to pay, the method of payment of child support, and the method of providing for the child's health care if an application for services administered under Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C. 651, as amended, or other IV-D referral, has been completed and filed and one of the following applies: (1) An administrative officer has issued an administrative order determining the existence of a parent and child relationship under section 3111.46 of the Revised Code ; (2) A presumption of paternity exists under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code ; (3) A duty of support otherwise exists under section 3103.031 or Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code. The administrative hearing shall be conducted by an administrative officer assigned by the child support enforcement agency. (B) The administrative officer shall send each of the child's parents notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of the administrative hearing. With respect to an administrative hearing scheduled pursuant to an administrative order determining, pursuant to section 3111.46 of the Revised Code, the existence of a parent and child relationship, the officer shall attach the notice of the administrative hearing to the order and send it in accordance with that section. The notice shall include the request described in section 3111.801 of the Revised Code and state that if either parent fails to comply with a request for information in accordance with that section, the agency is permitted to make reasonable assumptions regarding the information that either parent failed to provide, and the agency shall proceed with the determination of support in the same manner as if all requested information had been provided. The Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply regarding the sending of the notice and any summons related to the hearing, except to the extent the rules, by their nature, are clearly inapplicable and except that references in the rules to the court or the clerk of the court shall be construed as being references to the agency or the administrative officer. (C) The hearing shall be held not later than sixty days after the Title IV-D application is submitted to or the Title IV-D referral is received by the agency or after the issuance of an order determining the existence of a parent and child relationship. The hearing shall be held not earlier than thirty days after the officer gives each parent notice of the hearing. (D) If either parent fails to comply with a request for information in accordance with section 3111.801 of the Revised Code, the agency may do either of the following: (1) Proceed in accordance with division (A)(1) of section 3119.72 of the Revised Code; (2) Make reasonable assumptions regarding the information the parent failed to provide and proceed with the determination of support in the same manner as if all requested information had been provided.
Last updated June 25, 2023 at 4:23 PM
Section 3111.801 | Requests for information.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
If an administrative officer schedules an administrative support hearing in accordance with section 3111.80 of the Revised Code, the administrative officer shall include in the notice described in section 3111.80 of the Revised Code a request that each parent provide the child support enforcement agency, not later than the date scheduled for formally beginning the administrative hearing, all of the following: (A) A copy of each parent's most recently filed federal income tax return and all supporting schedules and documents; (B) A copy of all pay stubs obtained by each parent within the immediately preceding six months; (C) A copy of all other records evidencing the receipt of any other salary, wages, or compensation by each parent within the immediately preceding six months; (D) A list of the group health insurance and health care policies, contracts, and plans available to each parent and their costs; (E) The current health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan under which each parent is enrolled and its cost; (F) If either parent is a member of the uniformed services and is on active military duty, a copy of the parent's leave and earnings statement; (G) Any other information necessary to properly establish the child support order.
Last updated May 6, 2021 at 2:06 PM
Section 3111.81 | Order concerning support and health care.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
After the hearing under section 3111.80 of the Revised Code is completed, the administrative officer may issue an administrative order for the payment of support and provision for the child's health care. The order shall take effect fourteen days after the order is issued. The order shall do all of the following in accordance with Chapters 3119. and 3121. of the Revised Code: (A) Require periodic payments of support that may vary in amount, except that, if it is in the best interest of the child, the administrative officer may order the purchase of an annuity in lieu of periodic payments of support if the purchase agreement provides that any remaining principal will be transferred to the ownership and control of the child on the child's attainment of the age of majority; (B) Require the parents to provide for the health care needs of the child in accordance with sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code; (C) Include a notice that contains the information described in section 3111.84 of the Revised Code informing the parents that the administrative order is final and enforceable fourteen days after the order is issued and that they have the right to object to the order by bringing an action for the payment of support and provision of the child's health care under section 2151.231 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.82 | Raise issue of existence or nonexistence of parent and child relationship.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A party to a request made under section 3111.78 of the Revised Code for an administrative support order may raise the issue of the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship.
Section 3111.821 | Proceedings - finality of acknowledgment.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If a request is made pursuant to section 3111.78 of the Revised Code for an administrative support order and the issue of the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship is raised, the administrative officer shall treat the request as a request made pursuant to section 3111.38 of the Revised Code and determine the issue in accordance with that section. If the request made under section 3111.78 of the Revised Code is made based on an acknowledgment of paternity that has not become final, the administrative officer shall promptly notify the office of child support in the department of job and family services when the officer issues an order determining the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship with respect to the child who is the subject of the acknowledgment of paternity. On receipt of the notice by the office, the acknowledgment of paternity shall be considered rescinded. If the parties do not raise the issue of the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship pursuant to the request made under section 3111.78 of the Revised Code and an administrative order is issued pursuant to section 3111.81 of the Revised Code prior to the date the acknowledgment of paternity becomes final, the acknowledgment shall be considered final as of the date of the issuance of the order. An administrative order issued pursuant to section 3111.81 of the Revised Code shall not affect an acknowledgment that becomes final prior to the issuance of the order.
Section 3111.83 | Registering order concerning support and health care.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
An administrative officer who issues an administrative support order for the payment of support and provision for a child's health care shall register the order or cause the order to be registered in the system established under section 3111.831 of the Revised Code or with the clerk of the court of appropriate jurisdiction of the county served by the administrative officer's child support enforcement agency.
Section 3111.831 | System for organized safekeeping and retrieval of administrative support orders.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Each child support enforcement agency may develop a system and procedure for the organized safekeeping and retrieval of administrative support orders for the payment of support and provision for the child's health care.
Section 3111.832 | Registering order with court.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If an administrative support order is registered with the clerk of a court of appropriate jurisdiction, the clerk shall not charge a fee for the registration and shall assign the order a case number.
Section 3111.84 | Bringing action objecting to order - finality of unchallenged order.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
Either parent of a child who is the subject of an administrative support order may object to the order by bringing an action for the payment of support and provision for the child's health care under section 2151.231 of the Revised Code in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code of the county in which the child support enforcement agency that issues the order is located. The action shall be brought not later than fourteen days after the date of the issuance of the administrative support order. The administrative support order shall remain in effect during the pendency of the objection unless a party requests and is granted a stay by the court. The administrative support order is final and enforceable by a court o r child support enforcement agency fourteen days after the order is issued and may be modified only as provided in Chapters 3119., 3121., and 3123. of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.85 | Administrative support orders issued prior to 1-1-98.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
An administrative support order issued pursuant to former section 3111.21 of the Revised Code prior to January 1, 1998, that is in effect on the effective date of this section shall remain in effect on and after the effective date of this section and shall be considered an administrative support order issued pursuant to section 3111.81 of the Revised Code for all purposes.
Section 3111.88 | Non-spousal artificial insemination definitions.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
As used in sections 3111.88 to 3111.96 of the Revised Code: (A) "Artificial insemination" means the introduction of semen into the vagina, cervical canal, or uterus through instruments or other artificial means. (B) "Donor" means a man who supplies semen for a non-spousal artificial insemination. (C) "Non-spousal artificial insemination" means an artificial insemination of a woman with the semen of a man who is not her husband. (D) "Physician" means a person who is licensed pursuant to Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine or surgery or osteopathic medicine or surgery in this state. (E) "Recipient" means a woman who has been artificially inseminated with the semen of a donor.
Section 3111.89 | Coverage of provisions.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Sections 3111.88 to 3111.96 of the Revised Code deal with non-spousal artificial insemination for the purpose of impregnating a woman so that she can bear a child that she intends to raise as her child. These sections do not deal with the artificial insemination of a wife with the semen of her husband or with surrogate motherhood.
Section 3111.90 | Physician supervision.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A non-spousal artificial insemination shall be performed by a physician or a person who is under the supervision and control of a physician. Supervision requires the availability of a physician for consultation and direction, but does not necessarily require the personal presence of the physician who is providing the supervision.
Section 3111.91 | Medical history and physical examination of donor.
March 31, 2003
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 245 - 124th General Assembly
(A) In a non-spousal artificial insemination, fresh or frozen semen may be used, provided that the requirements of division (B) of this section are satisfied. (B)(1) A physician, physician assistant, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse practitioner, certified nurse-midwife, or person under the supervision and control of a physician may use fresh semen for purposes of a non-spousal artificial insemination, only if within one year prior to the supplying of the semen, all of the following occurred: (a) A complete medical history of the donor, including, but not limited to, any available genetic history of the donor, was obtained by a physician, a physician assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, or a certified nurse practitioner. (b) The donor had a physical examination by a physician, a physician assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, or a certified nurse practitioner. (c) The donor was tested for blood type and RH factor. (2) A physician, physician assistant, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse practitioner, certified nurse-midwife, or person under the supervision and control of a physician may use frozen semen for purposes of a non-spousal artificial insemination only if all the following apply: (a) The requirements set forth in division (B)(1) of this section are satisfied; (b) In conjunction with the supplying of the semen, the semen or blood of the donor was the subject of laboratory studies that the physician involved in the non-spousal artificial insemination considers appropriate. The laboratory studies may include, but are not limited to, venereal disease research laboratories, karotyping, GC culture, cytomegalo, hepatitis, kem-zyme, Tay-Sachs, sickle-cell, ureaplasma, HLTV-III, and chlamydia. (c) The physician involved in the non-spousal artificial insemination determines that the results of the laboratory studies are acceptable results. (3) Any written documentation of a physical examination conducted pursuant to division (B)(1)(b) of this section shall be completed by the individual who conducted the examination.
Section 3111.92 | Consent by both spouses.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The non-spousal artificial insemination of a married woman may occur only if both she and her husband sign a written consent to the artificial insemination as described in section 3111.93 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.93 | Provisions of consent form.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) Prior to a non-spousal artificial insemination, the physician associated with it shall do the following: (1) Obtain the written consent of the recipient on a form that the physician shall provide. The written consent shall contain all of the following: (a) The name and address of the recipient and, if married, her husband; (b) The name of the physician; (c) The proposed location of the performance of the artificial insemination; (d) A statement that the recipient and, if married, her husband consent to the artificial insemination; (e) If desired, a statement that the recipient and, if married, her husband consent to more than one artificial insemination if necessary; (f) A statement that the donor shall not be advised by the physician or another person performing the artificial insemination as to the identity of the recipient or, if married, her husband and that the recipient and, if married, her husband shall not be advised by the physician or another person performing the artificial insemination as to the identity of the donor; (g) A statement that the physician is to obtain necessary semen from a donor and, subject to any agreed upon provision as described in division (A)(1)(n) of this section, that the recipient and, if married, her husband shall rely upon the judgment and discretion of the physician in this regard; (h) A statement that the recipient and, if married, her husband understand that the physician cannot be responsible for the physical or mental characteristics of any child resulting from the artificial insemination; (i) A statement that there is no guarantee that the recipient will become pregnant as a result of the artificial insemination; (j) A statement that the artificial insemination shall occur in compliance with sections 3111.88 to 3111.96 of the Revised Code; (k) A brief summary of the paternity consequences of the artificial insemination as set forth in section 3111.95 of the Revised Code; (l) The signature of the recipient and, if married, her husband; (m) If agreed to, a statement that the artificial insemination will be performed by a person who is under the supervision and control of the physician; (n) Any other provision that the physician, the recipient, and, if married, her husband agree to include. (2) Upon request, provide the recipient and, if married, her husband with the following information to the extent the physician has knowledge of it: (a) The medical history of the donor, including, but not limited to, any available genetic history of the donor and persons related to him by consanguinity, the blood type of the donor, and whether he has an RH factor; (b) The race, eye and hair color, age, height, and weight of the donor; (c) The educational attainment and talents of the donor; (d) The religious background of the donor; (e) Any other information that the donor has indicated may be disclosed. (B) After each non-spousal artificial insemination of a woman, the physician associated with it shall note the date of the artificial insemination in the physician's records pertaining to the woman and the artificial insemination, and retain this information as provided in section 3111.94 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.94 | Confidentiality.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) The physician who is associated with a non-spousal artificial insemination shall place the written consent obtained pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 3111.93 of the Revised Code, information provided to the recipient and, if married, her husband pursuant to division (A)(2) of that section, other information concerning the donor that the physician possesses, and other matters concerning the artificial insemination in a file that shall bear the name of the recipient. This file shall be retained by the physician in the physician's office separate from any regular medical chart of the recipient, and shall be confidential, except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section. This file is not a public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code. (B) The written consent form and information provided to the recipient and, if married, her husband pursuant to division (A)(2) of section 3111.93 of the Revised Code shall be open to inspection only until the child born as the result of the non-spousal artificial insemination is twenty-one years of age, and only to the recipient or, if married, her husband upon request to the physician. (C) Information pertaining to the donor that was not provided to the recipient and, if married, her husband pursuant to division (A)(2) of section 3111.93 of the Revised Code and that the physician possesses shall be kept in the file pertaining to the non-spousal artificial insemination for at least five years from the date of the artificial insemination. At the expiration of this period, the physician may destroy such information or retain it in the file. The physician shall not make this information available for inspection by any person during the five-year period or, if the physician retains the information after the expiration of that period, at any other time, unless the following apply: (1) A child is born as a result of the artificial insemination, an action is filed by the recipient, her husband if she is married, or a guardian of the child in the domestic relations division or, if there is no domestic relations division, the general division of the court of common pleas of the county in which the office of the physician is located, the child is not twenty-one years of age or older, and the court pursuant to division (C)(2) of this section issues an order authorizing the inspection of specified types of information by the recipient, husband, or guardian; (2) Prior to issuing an order authorizing an inspection of information, the court shall determine, by clear and convincing evidence, that the information that the recipient, husband, or guardian wishes to inspect is necessary for or helpful in the medical treatment of the child born as a result of the artificial insemination, and shall determine which types of information in the file are germane to the medical treatment and are to be made available for inspection by the recipient, husband, or guardian in that regard. An order only shall authorize the inspection of information germane to the medical treatment of the child.
Section 3111.95 | Husband considered natural father - child natural child.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) If a married woman is the subject of a non-spousal artificial insemination and if her husband consented to the artificial insemination, the husband shall be treated in law and regarded as the natural father of a child conceived as a result of the artificial insemination, and a child so conceived shall be treated in law and regarded as the natural child of the husband. A presumption that arises under division (A)(1) or (2) of section 3111.03 of the Revised Code is conclusive with respect to this father and child relationship, and no action or proceeding under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 or sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code shall affect the relationship. (B) If a woman is the subject of a non-spousal artificial insemination, the donor shall not be treated in law or regarded as the natural father of a child conceived as a result of the artificial insemination, and a child so conceived shall not be treated in law or regarded as the natural child of the donor. No action or proceeding under sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 or sections 3111.38 to 3111.54 of the Revised Code shall affect these consequences.
Section 3111.96 | Noncompliance.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The failure of a physician or person under the supervision and control of a physician to comply with the applicable requirements of sections 3111.88 to 3111.95 of the Revised Code shall not affect the legal status, rights, or obligations of a child conceived as a result of a non-spousal artificial insemination, a recipient, a husband who consented to the non-spousal artificial insemination of his wife, or the donor. If a recipient who is married and her husband make a good faith effort to execute a written consent that is in compliance with section 3111.93 of the Revised Code relative to a non-spousal artificial insemination, the failure of the written consent to so comply shall not affect the paternity consequences set forth in division (A) of section 3111.95 of the Revised Code.
Section 3111.97 | Parentage of children resulting from embryo donation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 102 - 126th General Assembly
(A) A woman who gives birth to a child born as a result of embryo donation shall be treated in law and regarded as the natural mother of the child, and the child shall be treated in law and regarded as the natural child of the woman. No action or proceeding under this chapter shall affect the relationship. (B) If a married woman gives birth to a child born as a result of embryo donation to which her husband consented, the husband shall be treated in law and regarded as the natural father of the child, and the child shall be treated in law and regarded as the natural child of the husband. A presumption that arises under division (A)(1) or (2) of section 3111.03 of the Revised Code is conclusive with respect to this father and child relationship, and no action or proceeding under this chapter shall affect the relationship. (C) If a married woman gives birth to a child born as a result of embryo donation to which her husband has not consented, a presumption that arises under division (A)(1) or (2) of section 3111.03 of the Revised Code that the husband is the father of the child may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence that includes the lack of consent to the embryo donation. (D) As used in this division, "donor" means an individual who produced genetic material used to create an embryo, consents to the implantation of the embryo in a woman who is not the individual or the individual's wife, and at the time of the embryo donation does not intend to raise the resulting child as the individual's own. If an individual who produced genetic material used to create an embryo dies, the other person who produced genetic material used to create the embryo may consent to donate the embryo. In such a case, the deceased person shall be deemed a donor for the purposes of this section. A donor shall not be treated in law or regarded as a parent of a child born as a result of embryo donation. A donor shall have no parental responsibilities and shall have no right, obligation, or interest with respect to a child resulting from the donation. (E) This section deals with embryo donation for the purpose of impregnating a woman so that she can bear a child that she intends to raise as her child.
Section 3111.99 | Penalty.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Whoever violates section 3111.19 of the Revised Code is guilty of interfering with the establishment of paternity, a misdemeanor of the first degree.