The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 3119.01 | Calculation of child support obligation definitions.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in the Revised Code, "child support enforcement agency" means a child support enforcement agency designated under former section 2301.35 of the Revised Code prior to October 1, 1997, or a private or government entity designated as a child support enforcement agency under section 307.981 of the Revised Code. (B) As used in this chapter and Chapters 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code: (1) "Administrative child support order" means any order issued by a child support enforcement agency for the support of a child pursuant to section 3109.19 or 3111.81 of the Revised Code or former section 3111.211 of the Revised Code, section 3111.21 of the Revised Code as that section existed prior to January 1, 1998, or section 3111.20 or 3111.22 of the Revised Code as those sections existed prior to March 22, 2001. (2) "Child support order" means either a court child support order or an administrative child support order. (3) "Obligee" means the person who is entitled to receive the support payments under a support order. (4) "Obligor" means the person who is required to pay support under a support order. (5) "Support order" means either an administrative child support order or a court support order. (C) As used in this chapter: (1) "Caretaker" means any of the following, other than a parent: (a) A person with whom the child resides for at least thirty consecutive days, and who is the child's primary caregiver; (b) A person who is receiving public assistance on behalf of the child; (c) A person or agency with legal custody of the child, including a county department of job and family services or a public children services agency; (d) A guardian of the person or the estate of a child; (e) Any other appropriate court or agency with custody of the child. "Caretaker" excludes a "host family" as defined under section 2151.90 of the Revised Code. (2) "Cash medical support" means an amount ordered to be paid in a child support order toward the ordinary medical expenses incurred during a calendar year. (3) "Child care cost" means annual out-of-pocket costs for the care and supervision of a child or children subject to the order that is related to work or employment training. (4) "Court child support order" means any order issued by a court for the support of a child pursuant to Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code, section 2151.23, 2151.231, 2151.232, 2151.33, 2151.36, 2151.361, 2151.49, 3105.21, 3109.05, 3109.19, 3109.20, 3111.13, 3113.04, 3113.07, 3113.31, 3119.11, 3119.65, or 3119.70 of the Revised Code, or division (B) of former section 3113.21 of the Revised Code. (5) "Court-ordered parenting time" means the amount of parenting time a parent is to have under a parenting time order or the amount of time the children are to be in the physical custody of a parent under a shared parenting order. (6) "Court support order" means either a court child support order or an order for the support of a spouse or former spouse issued pursuant to Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code, section 3105.18, 3105.65, or 3113.31 of the Revised Code, or division (B) of former section 3113.21 of the Revised Code. (7) "CPI-U" means the consumer price index for all urban consumers, published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics. (8) "Extraordinary medical expenses" means any uninsured medical expenses incurred for a child during a calendar year that exceed the total cash medical support amount owed by the parents during that year. (9) "Federal poverty level" has the same meaning as in section 5121.30 of the Revised Code. (10) "Income" means either of the following: (a) For a parent who is employed to full capacity, the gross income of the parent; (b) For a parent who is unemployed or underemployed, the sum of the gross income of the parent and any potential income of the parent. (11) "Income share" means the percentage derived from a comparison of each parent's annual income after allowable deductions and credits as indicated on the worksheet to the total annual income of both parents. (12) "Insurer" means any person authorized under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code to engage in the business of insurance in this state, any health insuring corporation, and any legal entity that is self-insured and provides benefits to its employees or members. (13) "Gross income" means, except as excluded in division (C)(13) of this section, the total of all earned and unearned income from all sources during a calendar year, whether or not the income is taxable, and includes income from salaries, wages, overtime pay, and bonuses to the extent described in division (D) of section 3119.05 of the Revised Code; commissions; royalties; tips; rents; dividends; severance pay; pensions; interest; trust income; annuities; social security benefits, including retirement, disability, and survivor benefits that are not means-tested; workers' compensation benefits; unemployment insurance benefits; disability insurance benefits; benefits that are not means-tested and that are received by and in the possession of the veteran who is the beneficiary for any service-connected disability under a program or law administered by the United States department of veterans' affairs or veterans' administration; spousal support actually received; and all other sources of income. "Gross income" includes income of members of any branch of the United States armed services or national guard, including, amounts representing base pay, basic allowance for quarters, basic allowance for subsistence, supplemental subsistence allowance, cost of living adjustment, specialty pay, variable housing allowance, and pay for training or other types of required drills; self-generated income; and potential cash flow from any source. "Gross income" does not include any of the following: (a) Benefits received from means-tested government administered programs, including Ohio works first; prevention, retention, and contingency; means-tested veterans' benefits; supplemental security income; supplemental nutrition assistance program; disability financial assistance; or other assistance for which eligibility is determined on the basis of income or assets; (b) Benefits for any service-connected disability under a program or law administered by the United States department of veterans' affairs or veterans' administration that are not means-tested, that have not been distributed to the veteran who is the beneficiary of the benefits, and that are in the possession of the United States department of veterans' affairs or veterans' administration; (c) Child support amounts received for children who are not included in the current calculation; (d) Amounts paid for mandatory deductions from wages such as union dues but not taxes, social security, or retirement in lieu of social security; (e) Nonrecurring or unsustainable income or cash flow items; (f) Adoption assistance, kinship guardianship assistance, and foster care maintenance payments made pursuant to Title IV-E of the "Social Security Act," 94 Stat. 501, 42 U.S.C.A. 670 (1980), as amended; (g) State kinship guardianship assistance described in section 5153.163 of the Revised Code and payment from the kinship support program described in section 5101.881 of the Revised Code. (14) "Nonrecurring or unsustainable income or cash flow item" means an income or cash flow item the parent receives in any year or for any number of years not to exceed three years that the parent does not expect to continue to receive on a regular basis. "Nonrecurring or unsustainable income or cash flow item" does not include a lottery prize award that is not paid in a lump sum or any other item of income or cash flow that the parent receives or expects to receive for each year for a period of more than three years or that the parent receives and invests or otherwise uses to produce income or cash flow for a period of more than three years. (15) "Ordinary medical expenses" includes copayments and deductibles, and uninsured medical-related costs for the children of the order. (16)(a) "Ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in generating gross receipts" means actual cash items expended by the parent or the parent's business and includes depreciation expenses of business equipment as shown on the books of a business entity. (b) Except as specifically included in "ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in generating gross receipts" by division (C)(16)(a) of this section, "ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in generating gross receipts" does not include depreciation expenses and other noncash items that are allowed as deductions on any federal tax return of the parent or the parent's business. (17) "Personal earnings" means compensation paid or payable for personal services, however denominated, and includes wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, draws against commissions, profit sharing, vacation pay, or any other compensation. (18) "Potential income" means both of the following for a parent who the court pursuant to a court support order, or a child support enforcement agency pursuant to an administrative child support order, determines is voluntarily unemployed or voluntarily underemployed: (a) Imputed income that the court or agency determines the parent would have earned if fully employed as determined from the following criteria: (i) The parent's prior employment experience; (ii) The parent's education; (iii) The parent's physical and mental disabilities, if any; (iv) The availability of employment in the geographic area in which the parent resides; (v) The prevailing wage and salary levels in the geographic area in which the parent resides; (vi) The parent's special skills and training; (vii) Whether there is evidence that the parent has the ability to earn the imputed income; (viii) The age and special needs of the child for whom child support is being calculated under this section; (ix) The parent's increased earning capacity because of experience; (x) The parent's decreased earning capacity because of a felony conviction; (xi) Any other relevant factor. (b) Imputed income from any nonincome-producing assets of a parent, as determined from the local passbook savings rate or another appropriate rate as determined by the court or agency, not to exceed the rate of interest specified in division (A) of section 1343.03 of the Revised Code, if the income is significant. (19) "Schedule" means the basic child support schedule created pursuant to section 3119.021 of the Revised Code. (20) "Self-generated income" means gross receipts received by a parent from self-employment, proprietorship of a business, joint ownership of a partnership or closely held corporation, and rents minus ordinary and necessary expenses incurred by the parent in generating the gross receipts. "Self-generated income" includes expense reimbursements or in-kind payments received by a parent from self-employment, the operation of a business, or rents, including company cars, free housing, reimbursed meals, and other benefits, if the reimbursements are significant and reduce personal living expenses. (21) "Self-sufficiency reserve" means the minimal amount necessary for an obligor to adequately subsist upon, as determined under section 3119.021 of the Revised Code. (22) "Split parental rights and responsibilities" means a situation in which there is more than one child who is the subject of an allocation of parental rights and responsibilities and each parent is the residential parent and legal custodian of at least one of those children. (23) "Worksheet" means the applicable worksheet created in rules adopted under section 3119.022 of the Revised Code that is used to calculate a parent's child support obligation.
Last updated January 21, 2025 at 2:26 PM
Section 3119.02 | Calculation of child support obligation.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
In any action in which a court child support order is issued or modified, in any other proceeding in which the court determines the amount of child support that will be ordered to be paid pursuant to a child support order, or when a child support enforcement agency determines the amount of child support that will be ordered to be paid pursuant to an administrative child support order, issues a new administrative child support order, or issues a modified administrative child support order, the court or agency shall calculate the amount of the parents' child support and cash medical support in accordance with the basic child support schedule, the applicable worksheet, and the other provisions of Chapter 3119. of the Revised Code. The court or agency shall specify the support obligation as a monthly amount due and shall order the support obligation to be paid in periodic increments as it determines to be in the best interest of the children. In performing its duties under this section, the court or agency is not required to accept any calculations in a worksheet prepared by any party to the action or proceeding.
Section 3119.021 | Basic child support schedule.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) The director of the department of job and family services shall create, by rule adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, a basic child support schedule based on the parents' combined annual income and a self-sufficiency reserve that shall be used by all courts and child support enforcement agencies when calculating the amount of child support to be paid pursuant to a child support order, unless the combined annual income of the parents is less than the minimum guideline income listed on the schedule or more than the maximum guideline income listed on the schedule. (B)(1) The basic child support schedule created under division (A) of this section shall consist of a table containing a guideline income column followed by six columns for the total number of children subject to the order. The table shall begin at a guideline income of $8,400 and increase at $600 increments through a guideline income of $300,000. The child support obligation amount shall be contained at each intersection of the guideline income row with the column containing the number of children subject to the order. The department shall derive the child support obligation amounts by multiplying the guideline income amount at $600 increments by the basic obligation percentages listed for each income range, for each child, as indicated below: (a) For one child: GUIDELINE INCOME | BASIC OBLIGATION | $11,510.40 or less | 19.193% of the amount of income | More than $11,510.40, but not more than $39,044.16 | Income of $11,510.40 multiplied by 19.193% plus 16.047% of the amount of income in excess of $11,510.40 | More than $39,044.16 but not more than $49,984.92 | Income of $39,044.16 multiplied by 16.974% plus 14.788% of the amount of income in excess of $39,044.16 | More than $49,984.92 but not more than $58,239.48 | Income of $49,984.92 multiplied by 16.496% plus 11.039% of the amount of income in excess of $49,984.92 | More than $58,239.48 but not more than $66,433.56 | Income of $58,239.48 multiplied by 15.722% plus 7.167% of the amount of income in excess of $58,239.48 | More than $66,433.56 but not more than $78,814.80 | Income of $66,433.56 multiplied by 14.667% plus 5.915% of the amount of income in excess of $66,433.56 | More than $78,814.80 but not more than $91,196.16 | Income of $78,814.80 multiplied by 13.292% plus 8.162% of the amount of income in excess of $78,814.80 | More than $91,196.16 but not more than $99,495.72 | Income of $91,196.16 multiplied by 12.596% plus 4.377% of the amount of income in excess of $91,196.16 | More than $99,495.72 but not more than $108,267.96 | Income of $99,495.72 multiplied by 11.910% plus 2.057% of the amount of income in excess of $99,495.72 | More than $108,267.96 but not more than $121,158.48 | Income of $108,267.96 multiplied by 11.112% plus 7.636% of the amount of income in excess of $108,267.96 | More than $121,158.48 but not more than $133,213.56 | Income of $121,158.48 multiplied by 10.742% plus 8.458% of the amount of income in excess of $121,158.48 | More than $133,213.56 but not more than $145,268.76 | Income of $133,213.56 multiplied by 10.535% plus 5.620% of the amount of income in excess of $133,213.56 | More than $145,268.76 but not more than $161,342.28 | Income of $145,268.76 multiplied by 10.127% plus 6.293% of the amount of income in excess of $145,268.76 | More than $161,342.28 but not more than $177,417.24 | Income of $161,342.28 multiplied by 9.745% plus 5.562% of the amount of income in excess of $161,342.28 | More than $177,417.24 but not more than $193,489.32 | Income of $177,417.24 multiplied by 9.366% plus 7.068% of the amount of income in excess of $177,417.24 | More than $193,489.32 but not more than $219,296.76 | Income of $193,489.32 multiplied by 9.175% plus 2.815% of the amount of income in excess of $193,489.32 | More than $219,296.76 but not more than $258,292.92 | Income of $219,296.76 multiplied by 8.427% plus 4.394% of the amount of income in excess of $219,296.76 | More than $258,292.92 but not more than $336,467.04 | Income of $258,292.92 multiplied by 7.818% plus 3.761% of the amount of income in excess of $258,292.92 |
(b) For two children: GUIDELINE INCOME | BASIC OBLIGATION | $11,510.40 or less | 29.209% of the amount of income | More than $11,510.40 but not more than $39,044.16 | Income of $11,510.40 multiplied by 29.209% plus 24.327% of the amount of income in excess of $11,510.40 | More than $39,044.16 but not more than $49,984.92 | Income of $39,044.16 multiplied by 25.776% plus 21.938% of the amount of income in excess of $39,044.16 | More than $49,984.92 but not more than $58,239.48 | Income of $49,984.92 multiplied by 24.928% plus 15.953% of the amount of income in excess of $49,984.92 | More than $58,239.48 but not more than $66,433.56 | Income of $58,239.48 multiplied by 23.656% plus 9.625% of the amount of income in excess of $58,239.48 | More than $66,433.56 but not more than $78,814.80 | Income of $66,433.56 multiplied by 21.926% plus 8.545% of the amount of income in excess of $66,433.56 | More than $78,814.80 but not more than $91,196.16 | Income of $78,814.80 multiplied by 19.824% plus 12.507% of the amount of income in excess of $78,814.80 | More than $91,196.16 but not more than $99,495.72 | Income of $91,196.16 multiplied by 18.830% plus 5.263% of the amount of income in excess of $91,196.16 | More than $99,495.72 but not more than $108,267.96 | Income of $99,495.72 multiplied by 17.699% plus 2.955% of the amount of income in excess of $99,495.72 | More than $108,267.96 but not more than $121,158.48 | Income of $108,267.96 multiplied by 16.504% plus 11.607% of the amount of income in excess of $108,267.96 | More than $121,158.48 but not more than $133,213.56 | Income of $121,158.48 multiplied by 15.983% plus 12.776% of the amount of income in excess of $121,158.48 | More than $133,213.56 but not more than $145,268.76 | Income of $133,213.56 multiplied by 15.693% plus 7.608% of the amount of income in excess of $133,213.56 | More than $145,268.76 but not more than $161,342.28 | Income of $145,268.76 multiplied by 15.022% plus 9.323% of the amount of income in excess of $145,268.76 | More than $161,342.28 but not more than $177,417.24 | Income of $161,342.28 multiplied by 14.454% plus 9.180% of the amount of income in excess of $161,342.28 | More than $177,417.24 but not more than $193,489.32 | Income of $177,417.24 multiplied by 13.976% plus 9.536% of the amount of income in excess of $177,417.24 | More than $193,489.32 but not more than $219,296.76 | Income of $193,489.32 multiplied by 13.607% plus 4.327% of the amount of income in excess of $193,489.32 | More than $219,296.76 but not more than $258,292.92 | Income of $219,296.76 multiplied by 12.515% plus 5.952% of the amount of income in excess of $219,296.76 | More than $258,292.92 but not more than $336,467.04 | Income of $258,292.92 multiplied by 11.524% plus 6.081% of the amount of income in excess of $258,292.92 |
(c) For three children: GUIDELINE INCOME | BASIC OBLIGATION | $11,510.40 or less | 35.410% of the amount of income | More than $11,510.40 but not more than $39,044.16 | Income of $11,510.40 multiplied by 35.410% plus 29.128% of the amount of income in excess of $11,510.40 | More than $39,044.16 but not more than $49,984.92 | Income of $39,044.16 multiplied by 30.980% plus 25.763% of the amount of income in excess of $39,044.16 | More than $49,984.92 but not more than $58,239.48 | Income of $49,984.92 multiplied by 29.838% plus 18.202% of the amount of income in excess of $49,984.92 | More than $58,239.48 but not more than $66,433.56 | Income of $58,239.48 multiplied by 28.189% plus 10.034% of the amount of income in excess of $58,239.48 | More than $66,433.56 but not more than $78,814.80 | Income of $66,433.56 multiplied by 25.950% plus 9.747% of the amount of income in excess of $66,433.56 | More than $78,814.80 but not more than $91,196.16 | Income of $78,814.80 multiplied by 23.404% plus 15.193% of the amount of income in excess of $78,814.80 | More than $91,196.16 but not more than $99,495.72 | Income of $91,196.16 multiplied by 22.290% plus 4.632% of the amount of income in excess of $91,196.16 | More than $99,495.72 but not more than $108,267.96 | Income of $99,495.72 multiplied by 20.817% plus 3.351% of the amount of income in excess of $99,495.72 | More than $108,267.96 but not more than $121,158.48 | Income of $108,267.96 multiplied by 19.401% plus 13.987% of the amount of income in excess of $108,267.96 | More than $121,158.48 but not more than $133,213.56 | Income of $121,158.48 multiplied by 18.825% plus 15.296% of the amount of income in excess of $121,158.48 | More than $133,213.56 but not more than $145,268.76 | Income of $133,213.56 multiplied by 18.506% plus 8.018% of the amount of income in excess of $133,213.56 | More than $145,268.76 but not more than $161,342.28 | Income of $145,268.76 multiplied by 17.636% plus 10.937% of the amount of income in excess of $145,268.76 | More than $161,342.28 but not more than $177,417.24 | Income of $161,342.28 multiplied by 16.968% plus 11.954% of the amount of income in excess of $161,342.28 | More than $177,417.24 but not more than $193,489.32 | Income of $177,417.24 multiplied by 16.541% plus 10.010% of the amount of income in excess of $177,417.24 | More than $193,489.32 but not more than $219,296.76 | Income of $193,489.32 multiplied by 15.974% plus 5.274% of the amount of income in excess of $193,489.32 | More than $219,296.76 but not more than $258,292.92 | Income of $219,296.76 multiplied by 14.715% plus 6.280% of the amount of income in excess of $219,296.76 | More than $258,292.92 but not more than $336,467.04 | Income of $258,292.92 multiplied by 13.441% plus 7.776% of the amount of income in excess of $258,292.92 |
(d) For four children: GUIDELINE INCOME | BASIC OBLIGATION | $11,510.40 or less | 39.553% of the amount of income | More than $11,510.40 but not more than $39,044.16 | Income of $11,510.40 multiplied by 39.553% plus 32.536% of the amount of income in excess of $11,510.40 | More than $39,044.16 but not more than $49,984.92 | Income of $39,044.16 multiplied by 34.605% plus 28.778% of the amount of income in excess of $39,044.16 | More than $49,984.92 but not more than $58,239.48 | Income of $49,984.92 multiplied by 33.329% plus 20.331% of the amount of income in excess of $49,984.92 | More than $58,239.48 but not more than $66,433.56 | Income of $58,239.48 multiplied by 31.487% plus 11.208% of the amount of income in excess of $58,239.48 | More than $66,433.56 but not more than $78,814.80 | Income of $66,433.56 multiplied by 28.986% plus 10.887% of the amount of income in excess of $66,433.56 | More than $78,814.80 but not more than $91,196.16 | Income of $78,814.80 multiplied by 26.143% plus 16.971% of the amount of income in excess of $78,814.80 | More than $91,196.16 but not more than $99,495.72 | Income of $91,196.16 multiplied by 24.897% plus 5.174% of the amount of income in excess of $91,196.16 | More than $99,495.72 but not more than $108,267.96 | Income of $99,495.72 multiplied by 23.252% plus 3.743% of the amount of income in excess of $99,495.72 | More than $108,267.96 but not more than $121,158.48 | Income of $108,267.96 multiplied by 21.671% plus 15.623% of the amount of income in excess of $108,267.96 | More than $121,158.48 but not more than $133,213.56 | Income of $121,158.48 multiplied by 21.028% plus 17.086% of the amount of income in excess of $121,158.48 | More than $133,213.56 but not more than $145,268.76 | Income of $133,213.56 multiplied by 20.671% plus 8.957% of the amount of income in excess of $133,213.56 | More than $145,268.76 but not more than $161,342.28 | Income of $145,268.76 multiplied by 19.699% plus 12.217% of the amount of income in excess of $145,268.76 | More than $161,342.28 but not more than $177,417.24 | Income of $161,342.28 multiplied by 18.954% plus 13.353% of the amount of income in excess of $161,342.28 | More than $177,417.24 but not more than $193,489.32 | Income of $177,417.24 multiplied by 18.446% plus 11.181% of the amount of income in excess of $177,417.24 | More than $193,489.32 but not more than $219,296.76 | Income of $193,489.32 multiplied by 17.843% plus 5.891% of the amount of income in excess of $193,489.32 | More than $219,296.76 but not more than $258,292.92 | Income of $219,296.76 multiplied by 16.436% plus 7.015% of the amount of income in excess of $219,296.76 | More than $258,292.92 but not more than $336,467.04 | Income of $258,292.92 multiplied by 15.014% plus 8.686% of the amount of income in excess of $258,292.92 |
(e) For five children: GUIDELINE INCOME | BASIC OBLIGATION | $11,510.40 or less | 43.508% of the amount of income | More than $11,510.40 but not more than $39,044.16 | Income of $11,510.40 multiplied by 43.508% plus 35.790% of the amount of income in excess of $11,510.40 | More than $39,044.16 but not more than $49,984.92 | Income of $39,044.16 multiplied by 38.065% plus 31.656% of the amount of income in excess of $39,044.16 | More than $49,984.92 but not more than $58,239.48 | Income of $49,984.92 multiplied by 36.662% plus 22.365% of the amount of income in excess of $49,984.92 | More than $58,239.48 but not more than $66,433.56 | Income of $58,239.48 multiplied by 34.636% plus 12.329% of the amount of income in excess of $58,239.48 | More than $66,433.56 but not more than $78,814.80 | Income of $66,433.56 multiplied by 31.884% plus 11.976% of the amount of income in excess of $66,433.56 | More than $78,814.80 but not more than $91,196.16 | Income of $78,814.80 multiplied by 28.757% plus 18.668% of the amount of income in excess of $78,814.80 | More than $91,196.16 but not more than $99,495.72 | Income of $91,196.16 multiplied by 27.387% plus 5.692% of the amount of income in excess of $91,196.16 | More than $99,495.72 but not more than $108,267.96 | Income of $99,495.72 multiplied by 25.577% plus 4.117% of the amount of income in excess of $99,495.72 | More than $108,267.96 but not more than $121,158.48 | Income of $108,267.96 multiplied by 23.839% plus 17.186% of the amount of income in excess of $108,267.96 | More than $121,158.48 but not more than $133,213.56 | Income of $121,158.48 multiplied by 23.131% plus 18.794% of the amount of income in excess of $121,158.48 | More than $133,213.56 but not more than $145,268.76 | Income of $133,213.56 multiplied by 22.738% plus 9.852% of the amountofincome in excess of $133,213.56 | More than $145,268.76 but not more than $161,342.28 | Income of $145,268.76 multiplied by 21.669% plus 13.438% of the amount of income in excess of $145,268.76 | More than $161,342.28 but not more than $177,417.24 | Income of $161,342.28 multiplied by 20.849% plus 14.688% of the amount of income in excess of $161,342.28 | More than $177,417.24 but not more than $193,489.32 | Income of $177,417.24 multiplied by 20.291% plus 12.299% of the amount of income in excess of $177,417.24 | More than $193,489.32 but not more than $219,296.76 | Income of $193,489.32 multiplied by 19.627% plus 6.480% of the amount of income in excess of $193,489.32 | More than $219,296.76 but not more than $258,292.92 | Income of $219,296.76 multiplied by 18.080% plus 7.716% of the amount of income in excess of $219,296.76 | More than $258,292.92 but not more than $336,467.04 | Income of $258,292.92 multiplied by 16.515% plus 9.555% of the amount of income in excess of $258,292.92 |
(f) For six children: GUIDELINE INCOME | BASIC OBLIGATION | $11,510.40 or less | 47.293% of the amount of income | More than $11,510.40 but not more than $39,044.16 | Income of $11,510.40 multiplied by 47.293% plus 38.904% of the amount of income in excess of $11,510.40 | More than $39,044.16 but not more than $49,984.92 | Income of $39,044.16 multiplied by 41.377% plus 34.410% of the amount of income in excess of $39,044.16 | More than $49,984.92 but not more than $58,239.48 | Income of $49,984.92 multiplied by 39.852% plus 24.310% of the amount of income in excess of $49,984.92 | More than $58,239.48 but not more than $66,433.56 | Income of $58,239.48 multiplied by 37.649% plus 13.402% of the amount of income in excess of $58,239.48 | More than $66,433.56 but not more than $78,814.80 | Income of $66,433.56 multiplied by 34.658% plus 13.018% of the amount of income in excess of $66,433.56 | More than $78,814.80 but not more than $91,196.16 | Income of $78,814.80 multiplied by 31.259% plus 20.292% of the amount of income in excess of $78,814.80 | More than $91,196.16 but not more than $99,495.72 | Income of $91,196.16 multiplied by 29.770% plus 6.187% of the amount of income in excess of $91,196.16 | More than $99,495.72 but not more than $108,267.96 | Income of $99,495.72 multiplied by 27.803% plus 4.475% of the amount of income in excess of $99,495.72 | More than $108,267.96 but not more than $121,158.48 | Income of $108,267.96 multiplied by 25.913% plus 18.681% of the amount of income in excess of $108,267.96 | More than $121,158.48 but not more than $133,213.56 | Income of $121,158.48 multiplied by 25.143% plus 20.430% of the amount of income in excess of $121,158.48 | More than $133,213.56 but not more than $145,268.76 | Income of $133,213.56 multiplied by 24.717% plus 10.709% of the amount of income in excess of $133,213.56 | More than $145,268.76 but not more than $161,342.28 | Income of $145,268.76 multiplied by 23.554% plus 14.608% of the amount of income in excess of $145,268.76 | More than $161,342.28 but not more than $177,417.24 | Income of $161,342.28 multiplied by 22.663% plus 15.966% of the amount of income in excess of $161,342.28 | More than $177,417.24 but not more than $193,489.32 | Income of $177,417.24 multiplied by 22.056% plus 13.369% of the amount of income in excess of $177,417.24 | More than $193,489.32 but not more than $219,296.76 | Income of $193,489.32 multiplied by 21.334% plus 7.044% of the amount of income in excess of $193,489.32 | More than $219,296.76 but not more than $258,292.92 | Income of $219,296.76 multiplied by 19.653% plus 8.387% of the amount of income in excess of $219,296.76 | More than $258,292.92 but not more than $336,467.04 | Income of $258,292.92 multiplied by 17.952% plus 10.386% of the amount of income in excess of $258,292.92 |
(2) The basic child support schedule shall incorporate a self-sufficiency reserve based on one hundred sixteen per cent of the federal poverty level amount for a single person as reported by the United States department of health and human services in calendar year 2016. In order to incorporate the self-sufficiency reserve, the department shall apply the calculation described in division (B)(1) of this section to develop an unadjusted schedule and then apply the following steps to incorporate the self-sufficiency reserve: (a) For a guideline income of eight thousand four hundred dollars or less, the schedule amount shall be the minimum order amount as provided in section 3119.06 of the Revised Code. (b) For a guideline income greater than eight thousand four hundred dollars but not greater than one hundred sixteen per cent of the federal poverty level for a single person, the schedule amount shall be the product of the following formula: sliding scale multiplier X (guideline income - $8,400) + annual minimum support amount under section 3119.06 of the Revised Code (c) For a guideline income greater than one hundred sixteen per cent of the federal poverty level for a single person, the schedule amount shall be the lesser of the following: (i) The higher resulting product of the following formulas: (guideline income - 116% of federal poverty level) X 0.3 sliding scale multiplier X (guideline income - $8,400) + annual minimum support amount under section 3119.06 of the Revised Code (ii) The unadjusted schedule amount created in accordance with division (B)(1) of this section. (d) The sliding scale multipliers required for the formulas in divisions (B)(2)(b) and (c) of this section are as follows: (i) For one child: five per cent; (ii) For two children: ten per cent; (iii) For three children: twelve per cent; (iv) For four children: thirteen per cent; (v) For five children: fourteen per cent; (vi) For six or more children: fifteen per cent. (C) Every four years after the effective date of this section, the department shall update the basic child support schedule and self-sufficiency reserve to reflect United States department of labor changes in the CPI-U and for changes in the federal poverty level amount for a single person as reported by the United States department of health and human services. (1) When updating the basic child support schedule for the most recent CPI-U, the department of job and family services shall update the figures in the guideline income column for the percentage difference between the most recent CPI-U and the March 2016 CPI-U. (2) When updating the self-sufficiency reserve incorporated into the basic child support schedule, the department shall set the self-sufficiency reserve based on one hundred sixteen per cent of the federal poverty level for a single person as reported by the United States department of health and human services in the most recent calendar year.
Section 3119.022 | Child support guideline worksheets and instructions.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the creation of child support guideline worksheets and instructions that incorporate the requirements of Chapter 3119. of the Revised Code for the calculation of child support and cash medical support obligations. In addition, the department shall: (A) Adopt standard worksheet forms that shall be used in all courts and child support enforcement agencies when calculating child support and cash medical support obligations; and (B) Adopt a standard instruction manual to provide guidance and assistance to persons calculating support obligations. The guideline worksheet and instruction manual may be revised as needed, but shall be revised at least once every five years.
Section 3119.023 | Review of basic child support schedule.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) At least once every four years, the department of job and family services shall review the basic child support schedule issued by the department pursuant to section 3119.021 of the Revised Code to determine whether child support orders issued in accordance with that schedule and the worksheets created under rules adopted under section 3119.022 of the Revised Code adequately provide for the needs of children who are subject to the child support orders. The review is in addition to, and independent of, any schedule update completed as set forth in section 3119.021 of the Revised Code. The department shall prepare a report of its review and include recommendations for statutory changes, and submit a copy of the report to both houses of the general assembly. (B) Each review shall include all of the following: (1) Consideration of all of the following: (a) Economic data on the cost of raising children; (b) Labor market data, such as unemployment rates, employment rates, hours worked, and earnings, by occupation and skill level for the state and local job markets; (c) The impact of guidelines policies and amounts on custodial and noncustodial parents who have family incomes below two hundred per cent of the federal poverty level; (d) Factors that influence employment rates among noncustodial parents and compliance with child support orders. (2) Analysis of all of the following, to be used to ensure that deviations from the basic child support schedule are limited and that support amounts are appropriate based on criteria established under division (G) of section 3119.05 of the Revised Code: (a) Case data on the application of and deviations from the basic child support schedule, as gathered through sampling or other methods; (b) Rates of default, child support orders with imputed income, and orders determined using low-income adjustments such as a self-support reserve or another method as determined by the state; (c) A comparison of payments on child support orders by case characteristics, including whether the order was entered by default, based on imputed income, or determined using the low-income adjustment, as described in division (B)(2)(b) of this section. (3) Meaningful opportunity for public input, including input from low-income custodial and noncustodial parents and their representatives. (C) For each review, the department shall establish a child support guideline advisory council to assist the department in the completion of its reviews and reports. Each council shall be composed of: (1) Obligors; (2) Obligees; (3) Judges of courts of common pleas who have jurisdiction over domestic relations and juvenile court cases that involve the determination of child support; (4) Attorneys whose practice includes a significant number of domestic relations or juvenile court cases that involve the determination of child support; (5) Representatives of child support enforcement agencies; (6) Other persons interested in the welfare of children. (D) The department shall consider input from the council prior to the completion of any report under this section. The department shall submit its report on or before the first day of March of every fourth year after 2015. (E) The department shall publish on the internet and make accessible to the public all of the following: (1) All reports of the council; (2) The membership of the council; (3) The effective date of new or modified guidelines adopted after the review; (4) The date of the next review. (F) The advisory council shall cease to exist at the time that the department submits its review to the general assembly under this section. (G) Any expenses incurred by an advisory council shall be paid by the department.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 11:02 AM
Section 3119.03 | Presumption of correctness.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
In any action or proceeding in which the court determines the amount of child support that will be ordered to be paid pursuant to a child support order or at any time a child support enforcement agency determines the amount of child support that will be paid pursuant to an administrative child support order, the amount of child support that would be payable under a child support order, as calculated pursuant to the basic child support schedule and applicable worksheet through the line establishing the actual annual obligation, is rebuttably presumed to be the correct amount of child support due.
Section 3119.04 | Determination of support obligation where combined gross income is greater than or less than amounts covered by schedule.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
If the combined annual income of both parents is greater than the maximum annual income listed on the basic child support schedule established pursuant to section 3119.021 of the Revised Code, the court, with respect to a court child support order, or the child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order, shall determine the amount of the obligor's child support obligation on a case-by-case basis and shall consider the needs and the standard of living of the children who are the subject of the child support order and of the parents. The court or agency shall compute a basic combined child support obligation that is no less than the obligation that would have been computed under the basic child support schedule and applicable worksheet for a combined annual income equal to the maximum annual income listed on the basic child support schedule established pursuant to section 3119.021 of the Revised Code, unless the court or agency determines that it would be unjust or inappropriate and therefore not in the best interest of the child, obligor, or obligee to order that amount. If the court or agency makes such a determination, it shall enter in the journal the figure, determination, and findings. If the combined annual income of both parents falls below the $8,400 floor of the basic child support schedule in accordance with section 3119.021 of the Revised Code, the court, with respect to a court child support order, or the child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order, shall apply the minimum support amount in accordance with section 3119.06 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.05 | Other computing and calculating guidelines.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 196 - 135th General Assembly
When a court computes the amount of child support required to be paid under a court child support order or a child support enforcement agency computes the amount of child support to be paid pursuant to an administrative child support order, all of the following apply: (A) The parents' current and past income and personal earnings shall be verified by electronic means or with suitable documents, including, but not limited to, paystubs, employer statements, receipts and expense vouchers related to self-generated income, tax returns, and all supporting documentation and schedules for the tax returns. (B) The annual amount of any court-ordered spousal support actually paid, excluding any ordered payment on arrears, shall be deducted from the annual income of that parent to the extent that payment of that court-ordered spousal support is verified by supporting documentation. (C) The court or agency shall adjust the amount of child support paid by a parent to give credit for children not included in the current calculation. When calculating the adjusted amount, the court or agency shall use the schedule and do the following: (1) Determine the amount of child support that each parent would be ordered to pay for all children for whom the parent has the legal duty to support, according to each parent's annual income. If the number of children subject to the order is greater than six, multiply the amount for three children in accordance with division (C)(4) of this section to determine the amount of child support. (2) Compute a child support credit amount for each parent's children who are not subject to this order by dividing the amount determined in division (C)(1) of this section by the total number of children whom the parent is obligated to support and multiplying that number by the number of the parent's children who are not subject to this order. (3) Determine the adjusted income of the parents by subtracting the credit for minor children not subject to this order computed under division (C)(2) of this section, from the annual income of each parent for the children each has a duty to support that are not subject to this order. (4) If the number of children is greater than six, multiply the amount for three children by: (a) 1.440 for seven children; (b) 1.540 for eight children; (c) 1.638 for nine children; (d) 1.734 for ten children; (e) 1.827 for eleven children; (f) 1.919 for twelve children; (g) 2.008 for thirteen children; (h) 2.096 for fourteen children; (i) 2.182 for more than fourteen children. (D) When the court or agency calculates the annual income of a parent, it shall include the lesser of the following as income from overtime and bonuses: (1) The yearly average of all overtime, commissions, and bonuses received during the three years immediately prior to the time when the person's child support obligation is being computed; (2) The total overtime, commissions, and bonuses received during the year immediately prior to the time when the person's child support obligation is being computed. (E) When the court or agency calculates the annual income of a parent, it shall not include any income earned by the spouse of that parent. (F) The court shall issue a separate medical support order for extraordinary medical expenses, including orthodontia, dental, optical, and psychological services. If the court makes an order for payment of private education, and other appropriate expenses, it shall do so by issuing a separate order. The court may consider these expenses in adjusting a child support order. (G) When a court or agency calculates the amount of child support to be paid pursuant to a court child support order or an administrative child support order, the following shall apply: (1) The court or agency shall apply the basic child support schedule to the parents' combined annual incomes and to each parent's individual income. (2) If the combined annual income of both parents or the individual annual income of a parent is an amount that is between two amounts set forth in the first column of the schedule, the court or agency may use the basic child support obligation that corresponds to the higher of the two amounts in the first column of the schedule, use the basic child support obligation that corresponds to the lower of the two amounts in the first column of the schedule, or calculate a basic child support obligation that is between those two amounts and corresponds proportionally to the parents' actual combined annual income or the individual parent's annual income. (3) If the annual individual income of either or both of the parents is within the self-sufficiency reserve in the basic child support schedule, the court or agency shall do both of the following: (a) Calculate the basic child support obligation for the parents using the schedule amount applicable to the combined annual income and the schedule amount applicable to the income in the self-sufficiency reserve; (b) Determine the lesser of the following amounts to be the applicable basic child support obligation: (i) The amount that results from using the combined annual income of the parents not in the self-sufficiency reserve of the schedule; or (ii) The amount that results from using the individual parent's income within the self-sufficiency reserve of the schedule. (H) When the court or agency calculates annual income, the court or agency, when appropriate, may average income over a reasonable period of years. (I) Unless it would be unjust or inappropriate and therefore not in the best interests of the child, a court or agency shall not determine a parent to be voluntarily unemployed or underemployed and shall not impute income to that parent if any of the following conditions exist: (1) The parent is receiving recurring monetary income from means-tested public assistance benefits, including cash assistance payments under the Ohio works first program established under Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code, general assistance under former Chapter 5113. of the Revised Code, supplemental security income, or means-tested veterans' benefits; (2) The parent is approved for social security disability insurance benefits because of a mental or physical disability, or the court or agency determines that the parent is unable to work based on medical documentation that includes the diagnosis of a physician, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner and the physician's or nurse's opinion regarding the parent's mental or physical disability and inability to work. (3) The parent has proven that the parent has made continuous and diligent efforts without success to find and accept employment, including temporary employment, part-time employment, or employment at less than the parent's previous salary or wage. (4) The parent is complying with court-ordered family reunification efforts in a child abuse, neglect, or dependency proceeding, to the extent that compliance with those efforts limits the parent's ability to earn income. (5) The parent is institutionalized for a period of twelve months or more with no other available income or assets. (J) When a court or agency calculates the income of a parent, it shall not determine a parent to be voluntarily unemployed or underemployed and shall not impute income to that parent if the parent is incarcerated. (K) When a court or agency requires a parent to pay an amount for that parent's failure to support a child for a period of time prior to the date the court modifies or issues a court child support order or an agency modifies or issues an administrative child support order for the current support of the child, the court or agency shall calculate that amount using the basic child support schedule, worksheets, and child support laws in effect, and the incomes of the parents as they existed, for that prior period of time. (L) A court or agency may disregard a parent's additional income from overtime or additional employment when the court or agency finds that the additional income was generated primarily to support a new or additional family member or members, or under other appropriate circumstances. (M) If both parents involved in the immediate child support determination have a prior order for support relative to a minor child or children born to both parents, the court or agency shall collect information about the existing order or orders and consider those together with the current calculation for support to ensure that the total of all orders for all children of the parties does not exceed the amount that would have been ordered if all children were addressed in a single judicial or administrative proceeding. (N) A support obligation of a parent with annual income subject to the self-sufficiency reserve of the basic child support schedule shall not exceed the support obligation that would result from application of the schedule without the reserve. (O) Any non-means tested benefit received by the child or children subject to the order resulting from the claims of either parent shall be deducted from that parent's annual child support obligation after all other adjustments have been made. If that non-means tested benefit exceeds the child support obligation of the parent from whose claim the benefit is realized, the child support obligation for that parent shall be zero. (P) As part of the child support calculation, the parents shall be ordered to share the costs of child care. Subject to the limitations in this division, a child support obligor shall pay an amount equal to the obligor's income share of the child care cost incurred for the child or children subject to the order. (1) The child care cost used in the calculation: (a) Shall be for the child determined to be necessary to allow a parent to work, or for activities related to employment training; (b) Shall be verifiable by credible evidence as determined by a court or child support enforcement agency; (c) Shall exclude any reimbursed or subsidized child care cost, including any state or federal tax credit for child care available to the parent or caretaker, whether or not claimed (d) Shall not exceed the maximum state-wide average cost estimate as determined in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 98.45. (2) When the annual income of the obligor is subject to the self-sufficiency reserve of the basic support schedule, the share of the child care cost paid by the obligor shall be equal to the lower of the obligor's income share of the child care cost, or fifty per cent of the child care cost. (Q) As used in this section, a parent is considered "incarcerated" if the parent is confined under a sentence imposed for an offense or serving a term of imprisonment, jail, or local incarceration, or other term under a sentence imposed by a government entity authorized to order such confinement.
Last updated February 18, 2025 at 5:19 PM
Section 3119.051 | Reduction in cases where parenting time order equals or exceeds ninety overnights per year.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a court or child support enforcement agency calculating the amount to be paid under a child support order shall reduce by ten per cent the amount of the annual individual support obligation for the parent or parents when a court has issued or is issuing a court-ordered parenting time order that equals or exceeds ninety overnights per year. This reduction may be in addition to the other deviations and reductions. (B) At the request of the obligee, a court may eliminate a previously granted adjustment established under division (A) of this section if the obligor, without just cause, has failed to exercise court-ordered parenting time.
Section 3119.06 | Minimum child support order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, in any action in which a court or a child support enforcement agency issues or modifies a child support order or in any other proceeding in which a court or agency determines the amount of child support to be paid pursuant to a child support order, the court or agency shall issue a minimum child support order requiring the obligor to pay a minimum of eighty dollars a month for all the children subject to that order. The court or agency, in its discretion and in appropriate circumstances, may issue a minimum child support order of less than eighty dollars a month or issue an order not requiring the obligor to pay any child support amount. The circumstances under which a court or agency may issue such an order include the nonresidential parent's medically verified or documented physical or mental disability or institutionalization in a facility for persons with a mental illness or any other circumstances considered appropriate by the court or agency. If a court or agency issues a minimum child support obligation pursuant to this section and the obligor under the support order is the recipient of means-tested public assistance, as described in division (C)(13)(a) of section 3119.01 of the Revised Code, any unpaid amounts of support due under the support order shall accrue as arrearages from month to month, and the obligor's current obligation to pay the support due under the support order is suspended during any period of time that the obligor is receiving means-tested public assistance and is complying with any seek work orders issued pursuant to section 3121.03 of the Revised Code. The court, obligee, and child support enforcement agency shall not enforce the obligation of the obligor to pay the amount of support due under the support order while the obligor is receiving means-tested public assistance and is complying with any seek work orders issued pursuant to section 3121.03 of the Revised Code. (B) As used in this section, "means-tested public assistance" includes cash assistance payments under the Ohio works first program established under Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code, financial assistance under the disability financial assistance program established under Chapter 5115. of the Revised Code, supplemental security income, or means-tested veterans' benefits.
Last updated April 3, 2024 at 4:09 AM
Section 3119.07 | Effect of child custody on calculation of child support.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Except when the parents have split parental rights and responsibilities, a parent's child support obligation for a child for whom the parent is the residential parent and legal custodian shall be presumed to be spent on that child and shall not become part of a child support order, and a parent's child support obligation for a child for whom the parent is not the residential parent and legal custodian shall become part of a child support order. (B) If the parents have split parental rights and responsibilities, the child support obligations of the parents shall be offset, and the parent with the larger child support obligation shall pay the net amount pursuant to the child support order. (C) If neither parent of a child who is the subject of a child support order is the residential parent and legal custodian of the child and the child resides with a caretaker, each parent shall pay that parent's child support obligation pursuant to the child support order.
Last updated October 5, 2023 at 4:41 AM
Section 3119.08 | Child support order to include specific provisions for parenting time and visitation.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Whenever a court issues a child support order, it shall include in the order specific provisions for regular, holiday, vacation, parenting time, and special visitation in accordance with section 3109.051, 3109.11, or 3109.12 of the Revised Code or in accordance with any other applicable section of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.09 | Denial of or interference with right of parenting time or visitation.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The court shall not authorize or permit the escrowing, impoundment, or withholding of any child support payment because of a denial of or interference with a right of parenting time or visitation included as a specific provision of the child support order or as a method of enforcing the specific provisions of the child support order dealing with parenting time or visitation.
Section 3119.10 | Definition of "person with a disability".
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
For purposes of sections 3119.11 and 3119.12 of the Revised Code, "person with a disability" means a person with a mental or physical disability, whose disability began before the person reached the age of majority, and whose disability makes the person incapable of supporting or maintaining oneself.
Last updated February 24, 2025 at 3:22 PM
Section 3119.11 | Court-ordered child support for a person with a disability regardless of age.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
Notwithstanding section 3109.01 of the Revised Code, when issuing or modifying a court child support order, a court may provide for the care and maintenance of a child who is a person with a disability and the subject of the order, to be issued or continue after the date the child reaches the age of majority. This section applies regardless of whether the child is younger or older than the age of majority when the court issues or modifies the order. The court shall comply with Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code when it makes or modifies an order under this section.
Last updated February 24, 2025 at 3:23 PM
Section 3119.12 | No issuance of administrative support order for child over eighteen.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
Nothing in the Revised Code authorizes a child support enforcement agency to issue an administrative child support order for a person who has reached the age of eighteen, including a person with a disability. In all cases in which the agency is prohibited from issuing an administrative child support order, the agency may request the appropriate court with jurisdiction to take action under section 3119.11 of the Revised Code to provide for the care and maintenance of the person with a disability.
Last updated February 24, 2025 at 3:30 PM
Section 3119.22 | Deviating from schedule or worksheet.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
The court may order an amount of child support that deviates from the amount of child support that would otherwise result from the use of the basic child support schedule and the applicable worksheet if, after considering the factors and criteria set forth in section 3119.23 of the Revised Code, the court determines that the amount calculated pursuant to the basic child support schedule and the applicable worksheet would be unjust or inappropriate and therefore not be in the best interest of the child. If it deviates, the court must enter in the journal the amount of child support calculated pursuant to the basic child support schedule and the applicable worksheet, its determination that the amount would be unjust or inappropriate and therefore not in the best interest of the child, and findings of fact supporting that determination.
Section 3119.23 | Factors to be considered in granting a deviation.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
The court may consider any of the following factors in determining whether to grant a deviation pursuant to section 3119.22 of the Revised Code: (A) Special and unusual needs of the child or children, including needs arising from the physical or psychological condition of the child or children; (B) Other court-ordered payments; (C) Extended parenting time or extraordinary costs associated with parenting time, including extraordinary travel expenses when exchanging the child or children for parenting time; (D) The financial resources and the earning ability of the child or children; (E) The relative financial resources, including the disparity in income between parties or households, other assets, and the needs of each parent; (F) The obligee's income, if the obligee's annual income is equal to or less than one hundred per cent of the federal poverty level; (G) Benefits that either parent receives from remarriage or sharing living expenses with another person; (H) The amount of federal, state, and local taxes actually paid or estimated to be paid by a parent or both of the parents; (I) Significant in-kind contributions from a parent, including, but not limited to, direct payment for lessons, sports equipment, schooling, or clothing; (J) Extraordinary work-related expenses incurred by either parent; (K) The standard of living and circumstances of each parent and the standard of living the child would have enjoyed had the marriage continued or had the parents been married; (L) The educational opportunities that would have been available to the child had the circumstances requiring a child support order not arisen; (M) The responsibility of each parent for the support of others, including support of a child or children with disabilities who are not subject to the support order; (N) Post-secondary educational expenses paid for by a parent for the parent's own child or children, regardless of whether the child or children are emancipated; (O) Costs incurred or reasonably anticipated to be incurred by the parents in compliance with court-ordered reunification efforts in child abuse, neglect, or dependency cases; (P) Extraordinary child care costs required for the child or children that exceed the maximum state-wide average cost estimate as described in division (P)(1)(d) of section 3119.05 of the Revised Code, including extraordinary costs associated with caring for a child or children with specialized physical, psychological, or educational needs; (Q) Any other relevant factor. If the court grants a deviation based on division (Q) of this section, it shall specifically state in the order the facts that are the basis for the deviation.
Section 3119.231 | Deviation where court-ordered parenting time exceeds ninety overnights per year.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) If court-ordered parenting time exceeds ninety overnights per year, the court shall consider whether to grant a deviation pursuant to section 3119.22 of the Revised Code for the reason set forth in division (C) of section 3119.23 of the Revised Code. This deviation is in addition to any adjustments provided under division (A) of section 3119.051 of the Revised Code. ( B) If court-ordered parenting time is equal to or exceeds one hundred forty-seven overnights per year, and the court does not grant a deviation under division (A) of this section, it shall specify in the order the facts that are the basis for the court's decision.
Section 3119.24 | Shared parenting order child support provisions.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
(A)(1) A court that issues a shared parenting order in accordance with section 3109.04 of the Revised Code shall order an amount of child support to be paid under the child support order that is calculated in accordance with the schedule and with the worksheet, except that, if that amount would be unjust or inappropriate to the children or either parent and therefore not in the best interest of the child because of the extraordinary circumstances of the parents or because of any other factors or criteria set forth in section 3119.23 of the Revised Code, the court may deviate from that amount. (2) The court shall consider extraordinary circumstances and other factors or criteria if it deviates from the amount described in division (A)(1) of this section and shall enter in the journal the amount described in division (A)(1) of this section its determination that the amount would be unjust or inappropriate and therefore not in the best interest of the child, and findings of fact supporting its determination. (B) For the purposes of this section, "extraordinary circumstances of the parents" includes all of the following: (1) The ability of each parent to maintain adequate housing for the children; (2) Each parent's expenses, including child care expenses, school tuition, medical expenses, dental expenses, and any other expenses the court considers relevant; (3) Any other circumstances the court considers relevant.
Section 3119.27 | Processing charge for issuing or modifying an order.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) A court that issues or modifies a court support order, or an administrative agency that issues or modifies an administrative child support order, shall impose on the obligor under the support order a processing charge in the amount of two per cent of the support payment to be collected under a support order. No court or agency may call the charge a poundage fee. (B) In each child support case that is a Title IV-D case, the department of job and family services shall annually claim thirty-five dollars from the processing charge described in division (A) of this section for federal reporting purposes if the obligee has never received assistance under Title IV-A and the department has collected at least five hundred fifty dollars of child support for the obligee. The director of job and family services shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to implement this division, and the department shall implement this division not later than March 31, 2008. (C) As used in this section: (1) "Annual" means the period as defined in regulations issued by the United States secretary of health and human services to implement the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-171). (2) "Title IV-A" has the same meaning as in section 5107.02 of the Revised Code. (3) "Title IV-D case" has the same meaning as in section 3125.01 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.28 | Paying processing charge.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "current support payment" means the amount of support due an obligee that an obligor is required to pay in a particular payment for the current month as specified in a support order. "Current support payment" does not include payments on arrearages under the support order. (B) The obligor shall pay the amount imposed pursuant to section 3119.27 of the Revised Code with every current support payment, and with every payment on arrearages.
Section 3119.29 | Health insurance coverage for children definitions.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
As used in this section and sections 3119.30 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code: (A) "Health care coverage" means such medical support that includes a health insurance coverage or a public health care plan, payment of costs of premiums, copayments, and deductibles, or payment for medical expenses incurred on behalf of the child. (B) "Health insurance coverage" means accessible private health insurance that provides primary care services within thirty miles from the residence of the child subject to the child support order. (C) "Health plan administrator" means any entity authorized under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code to engage in the business of insurance in this state, any health insuring corporation, any legal entity that is self-insured and provides benefits to its employees or members, and the administrator of any such entity or corporation. (D) "National medical support notice" means a form required by the "Child Support Performance and Incentive Act of 1998," P.L. 105-200, 112 Stat. 659, 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(19), as amended, and jointly developed and promulgated by the secretary of health and human services and the secretary of labor in federal regulations adopted under that act as modified by the department of job and family services under section 3119.291 of the Revised Code. (E) "Person required to provide health insurance coverage" means the obligor, obligee, or both, required by the court under a court child support order or by the child support enforcement agency under an administrative child support order to provide health insurance coverage pursuant to section 3119.30 of the Revised Code. (F) "Reasonable cost" means that the cost of health insurance coverage to the person required to provide health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of the child support order does not exceed an amount equal to five per cent of the annual income of that person.
Section 3119.291 | Modifying national medical support notice.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
The department of job and family services shall modify the national medical support notice, as necessary, to make the notice and its instructions apply to the person required to provide health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of an order issued under section 3119.30 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.30 | Determining person responsible for health care of children.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) In any action or proceeding in which a child support order is issued or modified, the court, with respect to court child support orders, and the child support enforcement agency, with respect to administrative child support orders, shall determine the person or persons responsible for the health care coverage of the children subject to the child support order and shall include provisions for the health care coverage of the children in the child support order. The order shall specify that the obligor and obligee are both liable for the health care expenses for the children who are not covered by private health insurance according to a formula established by each court, with respect to a court child support order, or each child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order. (B) The child support obligee is rebuttably presumed to be the appropriate parent to provide health insurance coverage for the children subject to the child support order. The order shall specify that the obligee must provide the health insurance coverage unless rebutted pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section. (1) The court or child support enforcement agency may consider the following factors to rebut the presumption when determining if the child support obligor is the appropriate parent to provide health insurance coverage: (a) The obligor already has health insurance coverage for the child that is reasonable in cost; (b) The obligor already has health insurance coverage in place for the child that is not reasonable in cost, but the obligor wishes to be named the health insurance obligor and provide coverage under division (A)(2)(a) of section 3119.302 of the Revised Code; (c) The obligor can obtain health insurance coverage for the child that is reasonable in cost through an employer or other source. For employer-based coverage, the court or child support enforcement agency shall consider the length of time the obligor has worked with the employer and the stability of the insurance. (d) The obligee is a non-parent individual or agency that has no duty to provide medical support. (2) If health insurance coverage for the children is not available at a reasonable cost to the obligor or the obligee at the time the court or agency issues the order, the order shall include a requirement that the obligee obtain health care coverage for the children not later than thirty days after it becomes available to the obligee at a reasonable cost, and to inform the child support enforcement agency when health care coverage for the children has been obtained. (3) If health insurance coverage becomes available to the obligor at a reasonable cost, the obligor shall inform the child support enforcement agency and may seek a modification of health care coverage from the court with respect to a court child support order, or from the agency with respect to an administrative support order. (C) When a child support order is issued or modified, the order shall include a cash medical support amount consistent with division (B) of section 3119.302 of the Revised Code for each child subject to the order. The cash medical support amount shall be ordered based on the number of children subject to the order and split between the parties using the parents' income share. (D) Any cash medical support paid pursuant to division (C) of this section shall be paid through the department of job and family services by the obligor to either the obligee if the children are not medicaid recipients, or to the department of medicaid when a medicaid assignment is in effect for any child under the support order. (E) The cost of providing health insurance coverage for a child subject to an order shall be defrayed by a credit against that parent's annual income when calculating support as required under section 3119.02 of the Revised Code using the basic child support schedule and applicable worksheet. The credit shall be equal to the total actual out-of-pocket cost for health insurance premiums for the coverage. Any credit given will be less any subsidy, including a premium tax credit or cost-sharing reduction received by the parent providing coverage. (F) Both parents may be ordered to provide health care coverage and pay cash medical support if the obligee is a nonparent individual or agency that has no duty to provide medical support.
Section 3119.301 | Prior orders for health care needs.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
An order issued pursuant to former section 3111.241 or 3113.217 of the Revised Code as those sections existed prior to January 1, 1998, that was not terminated on or after that date, and that provides for the health care needs of children subject to a child support order shall be considered to be a requirement included as part of the child support order. The child support order shall be considered to have been issued in accordance with former section 3111.241 or 3113.217 of the Revised Code as those sections existed on and after January 1, 1998, and prior to March 22, 2001. A child support order issued in accordance with, or any notice issued under, former section 3111.241 or 3113.217 of the Revised Code as those sections existed prior to March 22, 2001, that was not terminated on or after that date shall be subject to sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code on and after that date.
Section 3119.302 | Private health insurance - cash medical support.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) When the court, with respect to a court child support order, or the child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order, determines the person or persons responsible for the health care coverage of the children subject to the order pursuant to section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, all of the following apply: (1) The court or agency shall consider any health insurance coverage in which the obligor, obligee, or children, are enrolled at the time the court or agency issues the order. (2) If the cost of health insurance coverage to either parent exceeds a reasonable cost, that parent shall not be ordered to provide health insurance coverage for the child except as follows: (a) When the parent requests to obtain or maintain the health insurance coverage that exceeds a reasonable cost; (b) When the court determines that it is in the best interest of the children for a parent to obtain and maintain health insurance coverage that exceeds a reasonable cost and the cost will not impose an undue financial burden on either parent. If the court makes such a determination, the court must include the facts and circumstances of the determination in the child support order. (3) If health insurance coverage is available at a reasonable cost to either parent through a group policy, contract, or plan, and the court determines that it is not in the best interest of the children to utilize the available health insurance coverage, the court shall state the facts and circumstances of the determination in the child support order. (4) Notwithstanding division (B) of section 3119.29 of the Revised Code, the court or agency may do either of the following: (a) Permit primary care services to be farther than thirty miles if residents in part or all of the immediate geographic area customarily travel farther distances; (b) Require primary care services be accessible by public transportation if public transportation is the obligee's only source of transportation. If the court or agency makes either accessibility determination, it shall include this accessibility determination in the child support order. (B) The director of job and family services shall periodically update the amount of the cash medical support obligation to be paid pursuant to division (C) of section 3119.30 of the Revised Code. The updates shall be made in consideration of the medical expenditure panel survey, conducted by the United States department of health and human services for health care research and quality. The amount shall be based on the most recent survey year data available and shall be calculated by multiplying the total amount expended for health services for children by the percentage that is out-of-pocket divided by the number of individuals less than eighteen years of age that have any private insurance.
Section 3119.303 | Cash medical support order.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
A cash medical support order shall be administered, reviewed, modified, and enforced in the same manner as the underlying child support order.
Section 3119.31 | Providing list of any group health insurance policies, contracts, or plans available to the party.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
In any action or proceeding in which a court or child support enforcement agency is determining the person responsible for the health care coverage of the children who are or will be the subject of a child support order, each party shall provide to the court or child support enforcement agency a list of any group health insurance policies, contracts, or plans available to the party and the cost of coverage under the available policies, contracts, or plans.
Section 3119.32 | General requirements for order concerning health insurance coverage.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
A child support order shall contain all of the following: (A)(1) If the obligor, obligee, or both obligor and obligee, are required under section 3119.30 of the Revised Code to provide health care coverage for the children, a requirement that whoever is required to provide health care coverage provide to the other, not later than thirty days after the issuance of the order, information regarding the benefits, limitations, and exclusions of the coverage, copies of any forms necessary to receive reimbursement, payment, or other benefits under the coverage, and a copy of any necessary proof of coverage; (2) If the obligor, obligee, or both obligor and obligee, are required under section 3119.30 of the Revised Code to provide health care coverage for the children, a requirement that whoever is required to provide health care coverage provide to the child support enforcement agency, not later than thirty days after the issuance of the order, documentation that verifies that coverage is being provided as ordered. (B) A statement setting forth the name and address of the individual who is to be reimbursed for medical expenses. (C) A requirement that a person required to provide health care coverage for the children designate the children as covered dependents under any health care coverage policy, contract, or plan. (D) A requirement that the obligor, the obligee, or both of them under a formula established by the court, with respect to a court child support order, or the child support enforcement agency, with respect to an administrative child support order, pay extraordinary medical expenses for the children. (E) A notice that the employer of the person required to obtain health care coverage through that employer is required to release to the other parent, any person subject to an order issued under section 3109.19 of the Revised Code, or the child support enforcement agency on written request any necessary information on the health care coverage, including the name and address of the health plan administrator and any policy, contract, or plan number, and to otherwise comply with this section and any order or notice issued under this section. (F) A statement setting forth the full name and date of birth of each child who is the subject of the child support order. (G) A notice that states the following: "If the person required to obtain health care coverage for the children subject to this child support order obtains new employment, the agency shall comply with the requirements of section 3119.34 of the Revised Code, which may result in the issuance of a notice requiring the new employer to take whatever action is necessary to enroll the children in private health care insurance coverage provided by the new employer, when insurance is not being provided by any other source."
Section 3119.33 | Sending national medical support notice to employer.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
A child support enforcement agency shall send the national medical support notice to the employer of a person required to provide health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of a child support order. The child support enforcement agency shall act in accordance with federal regulations governing the national medical support notice and rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.51 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.34 | Sending national medical support notice to new employer.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
Not later than the business day after receipt of a notice under section 3121.895 of the Revised Code of a new hire match, a child support enforcement agency shall send to a person's new employer a national medical support notice if the person is the person required to provide health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of a child support order.
Section 3119.35 | Sending notice of medical support enforcement activity to employee.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
At the same time that a child support enforcement agency sends a national medical support notice under section 3119.33 or 3119.34 of the Revised Code to the employer of a person required to provide health insurance coverage for children who are the subject of a child support order, the agency shall send a notice of medical support enforcement activity to that person.
Section 3119.351 | Contents of notice of medical support enforcement activity.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
The notice of medical support enforcement activity shall contain all of the following: (A) The date on which it is sent; (B) A statement that the person has been designated as a person required to provide health insurance coverage for children who are the subject of a child support order; (C) A statement that a national medical support notice has been sent to the person's employer; (D) A statement of the purpose of the national medical support notice, of what it will require of the person's employer and any applicable health plan administrator, and that amounts will be withheld from the person's income to pay for health insurance for the children; (E) A statement of the person's right to contest the national medical support notice through mistake of fact proceedings; (F) An explanation of the mistake of fact proceedings available to the person and the actions the person must take to pursue those proceedings.
Section 3119.352 | Standard form for notice of medical support enforcement activity.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
The department of job and family services shall adopt a standard form for the notice of medical support enforcement activity required by section 3119.35 of the Revised Code. All child support enforcement agencies shall use the form in issuing the notice under that section.
Section 3119.36 | Employer's action upon receiving national medical support notice.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
On receipt of a national medical support notice sent pursuant to section 3119.33 or section 3119.34 of the Revised Code, an employer shall do one of the following not later than twenty business days after the date specified in the notice: (A) If the person named in the national medical support notice is a current employee and health insurance coverage of the children is available through the employer, complete and comply with the notice in accordance with its instructions, federal regulations, and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.51 of the Revised Code and send the appropriate portion of the notice to the health plan administrator; (B) If the person named in the notice is not a current employee, health insurance coverage of the children is not available through the employer, or the employer determines that coverage of the children would cause the total amount of income withholding and health insurance contributions from the person's income to exceed the maximum amount permitted under section 303(b) of the "Consumer Credit Protection Act," 15 U.S.C. 1673(b), complete the notice in accordance with its instructions, federal regulations, and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.51 of the Revised Code and return the completed notice to the child support enforcement agency.
Section 3119.361 | Complying with notice or order to provide health insurance coverage.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
During the time that any child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code or a notice issued pursuant to section 3119.33 or 3119.34 of the Revised Code is in effect and after the employer has received a copy of the order or notice, the employer of the person required to provide health insurance coverage shall comply with the order or notice.
Section 3119.362 | Requesting employer to provide information.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
On written request from the other parent, any person subject to an order issued under section 3109.19 of the Revised Code, or the child support enforcement agency, the employer of a person required to provide health insurance coverage under a child support order shall release to the other parent, person, and the agency all information about the health insurance coverage that is necessary to ensure compliance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, a notice issued under section 3119.33 of the Revised Code, or a notice issued under section 3119.34 of the Revised Code, including the name and address of the health plan administrator, and any policy, contract, or plan number.
Section 3119.363 | Using information provided by employer.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
Information provided by an employer pursuant to section 3119.362 of the Revised Code shall be used only for the purpose of the enforcement of an order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code, a notice issued under section 3119.33 of the Revised Code, or a notice issued pursuant to section 3119.34 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.364 | Providing notice of change in coverage.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
Any employer who receives a copy of an order or notice described in section 3119.30, 3119.33, or 3119.34 of the Revised Code shall notify the child support enforcement agency of any change in or the termination of the health insurance coverage that is maintained pursuant to the order or notice.
Section 3119.37 | Health plan administrator to complete and comply with notice.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
On receipt of a national medical support notice sent by an employer under section 3119.36 of the Revised Code, a health plan administrator shall complete and comply with the notice in accordance with its instructions, federal regulations, and any rules adopted by the department of job and family services under section 3119.51 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.371 | Information provided to office of child support.
October 16, 2009
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 128th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Health insurance provider" means: (a) A person authorized to engage in the business of sickness and accident insurance under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code; (b) A person or government entity providing coverage for medical services or items to individuals on a self-insurance basis; (c) A health insuring corporation as defined in section 1751.01 of the Revised Code; (d) A group health plan as defined in 29 U.S.C. 1167; (e) Any organization, business, or association described in 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(25); or (f) A managed care organization. (2) "Information" means all of the following: (a) An individual's name, address, date of birth, and social security number; (b) The group or plan number or other identifier assigned by a health insurance provider to a policy held by an individual or a plan in which the individual participates and the nature of the coverage; and (c) Any other data specified by the director of job and family services in rules adopted under section 3119.51 of the Revised Code. (B) Upon request of the office of child support in the department of job and family services and for the purpose of establishing and enforcing orders to provide health insurance coverage, a health insurance provider shall provide the information described in division (A)(2) of this section to the office of child support.
Section 3119.38 | Request for administrative hearing based on mistake of fact.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
A person who receives a notice of medical support enforcement activity under section 3119.35 of the Revised Code may file a written request for an administrative hearing with the child support enforcement agency that issued the notice. The hearing shall address whether a mistake of fact was made in the national medical support notice referred to in the notice issued by the agency. The request must be filed not later than fourteen days after the date on which the notice of medical support enforcement activity is sent. If the person makes a timely request, the agency shall conduct the administrative hearing not later than ten days after the date on which the person files the request for the hearing. Not later than five days before the date on which the hearing is to be conducted, the agency shall send the person and any other individual the agency determines appropriate written notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of the hearing. The notice to the person and any other appropriate individual also shall indicate that the person may present testimony and evidence at the hearing only in regard to the issue of whether a mistake of fact has been made in the national medical support notice. At the hearing, the agency shall determine whether there is a mistake of fact in the national medical support notice. The agency shall send its determination to the person. That agency's determination is final unless, within fourteen days after the agency issues its determination, the person files a written motion with the court for a hearing to determine whether there is still a mistake of fact in the national medical support notice. If an agency's determination becomes final under this section, the agency shall take further action as required by section 3119.41 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.39 | Failure to make timely request for hearing.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
If a person who has received a notice of medical support enforcement activity under section 3119.35 of the Revised Code fails to make a timely request under section 3119.38 of the Revised Code for an administrative hearing, the notice of medical support enforcement activity becomes a final determination of the child support enforcement agency that issued that notice that no mistake of fact exists in the national medical support notice referred to in the notice of medical support enforcement activity. When an agency's determination becomes final, the agency shall take further action as required by section 3119.41 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.40 | Hearing based on mistake of fact.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
If a person who received a notice of medical support enforcement activity files a timely written motion for a court hearing to determine whether there is still a mistake of fact in the national medical support notice referred to in the notice of medical support enforcement activity, the court shall hold a hearing as soon as possible, but not later than ten days, after the motion is filed. Not later than five days before the date the court hearing is to be held, the court shall send the person and any other individual the agency determines appropriate written notice by regular mail of the date, time, place, and purpose of that hearing. The hearing shall be limited to a determination of whether there is a mistake of fact in the national medical support notice. At the hearing, the court shall determine whether there is a mistake of fact in the national medical support notice. On conclusion of the hearing, the court shall make its determination. The determination is final. The court shall take further action as provided in section 3119.41 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.41 | Decision on mistake of fact proceeding.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
If either a court, under section 3119.40 of the Revised Code, or child support enforcement agency, under section 3119.38 or 3119.39 of the Revised Code, makes a final determination that no mistake of fact exists in a national medical support notice referred to in a notice of medical support enforcement activity sent to a person, the national medical support notice shall remain in effect. If a court or agency determines that a mistake of fact does exist under the national medical support notice, the court or agency, as appropriate, shall take whatever action is necessary regarding the notice, which may include correction or termination of the notice. If a mistake of fact proceeding is instituted under section 3119.38 or 3119.40 of the Revised Code, withholding of amounts pursuant to a national medical support notice shall continue in accordance with the notice until the court or agency, as appropriate, terminates or corrects the notice. If the notice is corrected, withholding shall occur in accordance with the corrected notice.
Section 3119.42 | Binding effect of order.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
A child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code or notice issued pursuant to section 3119.33 or 3119.34 of the Revised Code is binding on the obligor and the obligee, their employers, and any health plan administrator that provides health insurance coverage for either of them or their children.
Section 3119.421 | Reimbursement for covered out-of-pocket medical, optical, hospital, dental, or prescription expenses.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
A health plan administrator that provides health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of a child support order in accordance with the child support order or a notice sent by an employer pursuant to section 3119.36 of the Revised Code shall reimburse the individual who is designated to receive reimbursement in the child support order for covered out-of-pocket medical, optical, hospital, dental, or prescription expenses incurred on behalf of the children.
Section 3119.422 | Child who does not meet the underwriting standards of policy.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
Nothing in sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code shall be construed to require a health plan administrator to accept for enrollment any child who does not meet the underwriting standards of the health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan for which application is made.
Section 3119.43 | Notice of failure of person to comply with child support order.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
If the person required to obtain health insurance coverage pursuant to a child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code does not obtain the required coverage within thirty days after the order is issued, the child support enforcement agency may notify the court that issued the court child support order or, with respect to an administrative child support order, the court of common pleas of the county in which the agency is located, in writing of the failure of the person to comply with the child support order. The court may punish the person for contempt under Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code for the failure.
Section 3119.44 | Contempt.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
Whoever violates a court child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code may be punished as for contempt under Chapter 2705. of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.45 | Previous finding of contempt.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
If a person is found in contempt under Chapter 2705. for failing to comply with a court child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code and the person previously has been found in contempt under that chapter, the court shall consider the failure to comply with the order as a change in circumstances for the purpose of modification of the amount of support due under the court child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code to which the person is subject.
Section 3119.46 | Filing motion for modification of order.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
An obligee or obligor under a court child support order may file a motion with the court that issued the order requesting that the court modify the order with regard to health insurance coverage for the children who are the subject of the order.
Section 3119.47 | Investigation of availability of insurance.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
On the filing of a motion described in section 3119.46 of the Revised Code, the court shall order the child support enforcement agency to conduct an investigation to determine whether satisfactory health insurance coverage for the children is available to the obligor or obligee, both the obligor and obligee, or the obligor and obligee together. Upon completion of its investigation, the agency shall provide to the court, in writing, the information it has obtained through its investigation, including a list of available coverage and the costs of the coverage.
Section 3119.48 | Modification of order.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
If a motion is filed pursuant to section 3119.46 of the Revised Code, the court may modify the court child support order pursuant to sections 3119.30 and 3119.32 of the Revised Code and based on information received from the child support enforcement agency pursuant to section 3119.47 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.49 | Motion to modify support to cover medical needs adequately.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
An obligor or obligee under a court child support order may file a motion with the court that issued the order requesting that the court modify the amount of child support required to be paid under the order because that amount does not adequately cover the medical needs of the child.
Section 3119.50 | Determining adequacy of support.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
On the filing of a motion described in section 3119.49 of the Revised Code, the court shall determine whether the amount of child support required to be paid under the court child support order adequately covers the medical needs of the child and whether to modify the order.
Section 3119.51 | Administrative rules.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
The department of job and family services shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as appropriate to implement the requirements of sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.54 | Eligibility for medical assistance.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 196 - 135th General Assembly
A party to a child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code shall notify any physician, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse practitioner, hospital, or other provider of medical services that provides medical services to the child who is the subject of the child support order of the number of any health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan that covers the child if the child is eligible for medicaid. The party shall include in the notice the name and address of the insurer. Any physician, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse practitioner, hospital, or other provider of medical services covered by the medicaid program who is notified under this section of the existence of a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan with coverage for children who are eligible for medicaid shall first bill the insurer for any services provided for those children. If the insurer fails to pay all or any part of a claim filed under this section and the services for which the claim is filed are covered by the medicaid program, the physician, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse practitioner, hospital, or other medical services provider shall bill the remaining unpaid costs of the services to the medicaid program.
Last updated February 18, 2025 at 5:19 PM
Section 3119.56 | Failure to comply with child support order for health care.
December 13, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 657 - 124th General Assembly
An obligor or obligee who fails to comply with a child support order issued in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code is liable to the other for any medical expenses incurred as a result of the failure to comply with the order.
Section 3119.60 | Proceedings prior to formal beginning of review.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
If a child support enforcement agency, periodically or on request of either parent, plans to review a child support order in accordance with the rules adopted pursuant to section 3119.76 of the Revised Code or otherwise plans to review a child support order, and if an application for services administered under Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C. 651, as amended, has been completed and filed, the agency shall do all of the following prior to formally beginning the review: (A) Establish a date certain on which the review will formally begin; (B) Except as otherwise provided in section 3119.771 of the Revised Code, at least thirty days before formally beginning the review, send each parent notice by ordinary mail of the planned review, of the date when the review will formally begin, and that the review may add or adjust a payment on arrearages in accordance with section 3123.21 of the Revised Code; (C) Request each parent to provide the agency, no later than the scheduled date for formally beginning the review, with all of the following: (1) A copy of each parent's federal income tax return and all supporting schedules and documents from the previous year; (2) A copy of all pay stubs obtained by each parent within the preceding six months; (3) A copy of all other records evidencing the receipt of any other salary, wages, or compensation by each parent within the preceding six months; (4) A list of the group health insurance and health care policies, contracts, and plans available to each parent and their costs; (5) The current health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan under which each parent is enrolled and its cost; (6) If either parent is a member of the uniformed services and is on active military duty, a copy of the parent's leave and earnings statement; (7) Any other information necessary to properly review the child support order. (D) Include in the notice sent pursuant to division (B) of this section, one of the following: (1) If the child support order being reviewed is a court child support order, a notice that a willful failure to provide the documents and other information requested pursuant to division (C) of this section is contempt of court and that the agency may proceed with the review and make reasonable assumptions with respect to the information that was not provided, in accordance with section 3119.72 of the Revised Code; (2) If the child support order being reviewed is an administrative child support order, a notice that if either parent fails to comply with the request for information, the agency may make reasonable assumptions with respect to the information that was not provided, in accordance with section 3119.72 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.61 | Commencing review of administrative order.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366, Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
The child support enforcement agency shall review an administrative child support order on the date established pursuant to section 3119.60 of the Revised Code for formally beginning the review of the order. If the agency determines that an adjustment is necessary and in the best interest of the child subject to the order, the agency shall calculate the amount the obligor shall pay in accordance with the basic child support schedule established pursuant to section 3119.021 of the Revised Code and may add or adjust payment on arrearages in accordance with section 3123.21 of the Revised Code. The agency may not grant a deviation pursuant to section 3119.23 of the Revised Code from the guidelines established pursuant to section 3119.021 of the Revised Code. If the agency can set the child support amount the obligor is to pay without granting such a deviation from the guidelines, the agency shall do the following: (A) Give the obligor and obligee notice, by ordinary mail, of the revised amount of child support to be paid under the administrative child support order, of their right to request an administrative hearing on the revised child support amount, of the procedures and time deadlines for requesting the hearing, and that the agency will modify the administrative child support order to include the revised child support amount unless the obligor or obligee requests an administrative hearing on the revised amount no later than fourteen days after the notice under this division is issued; (B) If neither the obligor nor obligee timely requests an administrative hearing on the revised amount of child support, modify the administrative child support order to include the revised child support amount; (C) If the obligor or obligee timely requests an administrative hearing on the revised amount of child support, do all of the following: (1) Schedule a hearing on the issue; (2) Give the obligor and obligee notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing; (3) Conduct the hearing in accordance with the rules adopted under section 3119.76 of the Revised Code; (4) Redetermine at the hearing revised support obligations under the administrative child support order, including adding or adjusting a payment on arrearages in accordance with section 3123.21 of the Revised Code; (5) Modify the order to include the revised amount of child support; (6) Give notice, by ordinary mail, to the obligor and obligee of the amount of child support to be paid under the order and that the obligor and obligee may object to the modified order by initiating an action under section 2151.231 of the Revised Code in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code of the county in which the agency that issued the order is located. Except as otherwise provided in section 3119.772 of the Revised Code, if the agency modifies an existing administrative child support order, the modification shall relate back to the first day of the month following the date certain on which the review began under section 3119.60 of the Revised Code. If the agency cannot set the amount of child support the obligor will pay under the administrative child support order without granting a deviation pursuant to section 3119.23 of the Revised Code, the agency shall bring an action under section 2151.231 of the Revised Code in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code of the county in which the agency is located requesting that the court issue a child support order.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.
Section 3119.63 | Reviewing court child support order.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366, Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
The child support enforcement agency shall review a court child support order on the date established pursuant to section 3119.60 of the Revised Code for formally beginning the review of the order and shall do all of the following: (A) Calculate a revised child support computation worksheet and issue a child support recommendation under the court child support order, including adding or adjusting a payment on arrearages in accordance with section 3123.21 of the Revised Code; (B) If the court child support order under review contains a deviation granted under sections 3119.06, 3119.22, 3119.23, 3119.231, and 3119.24 of the Revised Code, apply the deviation from the existing order to the revised amount of child support, provided that the agency can determine the monetary or percentage value of the deviation with respect to the court child support order. If the agency cannot determine the monetary or percentage value of the deviation, the agency shall not apply the deviation to the revised amount of child support. (C) Give the obligor and obligee notice, by ordinary mail, of the revised amount of child support, of their right to request an administrative hearing on the revised amount, of the procedures and time deadlines for requesting the hearing, and that the revised amount of child support will be submitted to the court for inclusion in a revised court child support order unless the obligor or obligee requests an administrative hearing on the proposed change within fourteen days after the notice under this division is issued; (D) Give the obligor and obligee notice, by ordinary mail, that if the court child support order contains a deviation granted under section 3119.06, 3119.22, 3119.23, or 3119.24 of the Revised Code, a parenting time adjustment granted under section 3119.051 of the Revised Code, or if the obligor or obligee intends to request a deviation from the child support amount to be paid under the court child support order, the obligor and obligee have a right to request a court hearing on the revised amount of child support without first requesting an administrative hearing and that the obligor or obligee, in order to exercise this right, must make the request for a court hearing no later than fourteen days after the notice is issued; (E) If neither the obligor nor the obligee timely requests, pursuant to division (C) or (D) of this section, an administrative or court hearing on the revised amount of child support, submit the revised amount of child support to the court for inclusion in a revised court child support order; (F) If the obligor or the obligee timely requests an administrative hearing on the revised child support amount, schedule a hearing on the issue, give the obligor and obligee notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing, conduct the hearing in accordance with the rules adopted under section 3119.76 of the Revised Code, and determine at the hearing revised support obligations under the court child support order, including adding or adjusting a payment on arrearages in accordance with section 3123.21 of the Revised Code. (G) If an agency determines revised support obligations under division (F) of this section, give notice to the obligor and obligee of the revised amount of child support, that they may request a court hearing on the revised amount within fourteen days after notice of the revised amount is issued, and that the agency will submit the revised amount of child support to the court for inclusion in a revised court child support order, if neither the obligor nor the obligee requests a court hearing on the revised amount of child support; (H) If neither the obligor nor the obligee requests, pursuant to division (G) of this section, a court hearing on the revised amount of child support, submit the revised amount of child support to the court for inclusion in a revised court child support order.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.
Section 3119.631 | Scope of review.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
Upon submission of a recommendation under section 3119.63 of the Revised Code for inclusion in a revised court child support order, the court shall only reconsider the allocation of the federal income tax deduction pursuant to section 3119.82 of the Revised Code if a party files a request for a hearing on the matter.
Section 3119.64 | Requesting hearing on revised amount of support.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If an obligor or obligee files a request for a court hearing on a revised amount of child support to be paid under a court child support order in accordance with section 3119.63 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted under section 3119.76 of the Revised Code, the court shall conduct a hearing in accordance with section 3119.66 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.65 | Revising order where hearing not requested.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If neither the obligor nor the obligee requests a court hearing on a revised amount of child support to be paid under a court child support order in accordance with section 3119.63 of the Revised Code, the court shall issue a revised court child support order to require the obligor to pay the revised amount of child support calculated by the child support enforcement agency.
Section 3119.66 | Schedule for and conduct of hearing.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
If the obligor or the obligee requests a court hearing on the revised amount of child support calculated by the child support enforcement agency, the court shall schedule and conduct a hearing to determine whether the revised child support is the appropriate amount and whether the amount of child support being paid under the court child support order should be revised.
Last updated January 21, 2025 at 2:28 PM
Section 3119.67 | Notice of date, time, and location of hearing.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A court required to schedule and conduct a hearing pursuant to section 3119.66 of the Revised Code shall give the obligor, obligee, and child support enforcement agency at least thirty days' notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing.
Section 3119.68 | Ordering party to provide documents.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A court required to schedule and conduct a hearing pursuant to section 3119.66 of the Revised Code shall do both of the following if the obligor or obligee failed to provide any of the items described in divisions (A)(1) to (5) and (B)(1) to (5) of this section: (A) Order the obligor to provide the court with all of the following: (1) A copy of the obligor's federal income tax return from the previous year; (2) A copy of all pay stubs obtained by the obligor within the preceding six months; (3) A copy of all other records evidencing the receipt of any other salary, wages, or compensation by the obligor within the preceding six months; (4) A list of the group health insurance and health care policies, contracts, and plans available to the obligor and their costs; (5) The current health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan under which the obligor is enrolled and its cost. (B) Order the obligee to provide the court with all of the following: (1) A copy of the obligee's federal income tax return from the previous year; (2) A copy of all pay stubs obtained by the obligee within the preceding six months; (3) A copy of all other records evidencing the receipt of any other salary, wages, or compensation by the obligee within the preceding six months; (4) A list of the group health insurance and health care policies, contracts, and plans available to the obligee and their costs; (5) The current health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan under which the obligee is enrolled and its cost.
Section 3119.69 | Notice that willful failure to comply with court order is contempt of court.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A court required to schedule and conduct a hearing pursuant to section 3119.66 of the Revised Code shall give the obligor and the obligee notice that any willful failure to comply with a court order is contempt of court and, on a finding by the court that a person is in contempt of court, the court and the child support enforcement agency will take any action necessary to obtain the information or make any reasonable assumptions necessary with respect to the information the person in contempt of court did not provide to ensure a fair and equitable review of the court child support order.
Section 3119.70 | Determination by court following hearing.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A court that conducts a hearing pursuant to section 3119.66 of the Revised Code shall do both of the following: (A) If the court determines at the hearing that the revised child support amount calculated by the child support enforcement agency is the appropriate amount, issue a revised court child support order requiring the obligor to pay the revised amount; (B) If the court determines that the revised child support amount calculated by the agency is not the appropriate amount, determine the appropriate child support amount and, if necessary, issue a revised court child support order requiring the obligor to pay the child support amount determined by the court.
Section 3119.71 | Modification of order relates back.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 149 - 125th General Assembly
Except as otherwise provided in section 3119.772 of the Revised Code: (A) If the obligor or obligee does not request a court hearing on the revised child support amount determined by the child support enforcement agency and filed with the court pursuant to section 3119.63 of the Revised Code and the court modifies the order to include the revised amount pursuant to section 3119.65 of the Revised Code, the modification shall relate back to the first day of the month following the date certain on which the review of the court child support order began pursuant to division (A) of section 3119.60 of the Revised Code. (B) If the obligor or obligee requests a court hearing on the revised child support amount and the court, after conducting a hearing, modifies the court child support amount under the order, the modification shall relate back to the first day of the month following the date on which the review of the court child support order began pursuant to division (A) of section 3119.60 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.72 | Noncompliance by party with request for information.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) If either parent fails to comply with a request for information made pursuant to section 3111.801 or division (C) of section 3119.60 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency may do either of the following: (1) Request the court of appropriate jurisdiction of the county in which the agency is located to issue an order requiring the parent to provide the information as requested; (2) Make any reasonable assumptions necessary with respect to the information the parent did not provide to ensure a fair and equitable review of the child support order or establishment of an administrative order under section 3111.81 of the Revised Code. (B) If the agency decides to conduct the review of the child support order, or issue an administrative order, based on reasonable assumptions with respect to the information the parent did not provide, it shall proceed under section 3111.81, 3119.61, or 3119.63 of the Revised Code in the same manner as if all requested information has been received.
Section 3119.73 | Calculating revised amount of child support.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) In calculating a revised amount of child support to be paid under section 3119.61 or 3119.63 of the Revised Code, and in redetermining, at an administrative hearing conducted under either of those sections, a revised amount of child support to be paid, the child support enforcement agency shall consider, in addition to all other factors required by law to be considered, the following: (1) The appropriate person, whether it is the obligor, obligee, or both, to be required to provide health insurance coverage for the children specified in the order; (2) The cost of health insurance coverage that the obligor, the obligee, or both have been ordered to obtain for the children specified in the order. (B) In determining, at a hearing conducted under section 3119.66 of the Revised Code, the appropriate amount of child support to be paid by the obligor, the court shall consider the following, in addition to all other factors required by law to be considered: (1) The appropriate person, whether it is the obligor, obligee, or both, to be required to provide health insurance coverage for the children specified in the order; (2) The cost of health insurance that the obligor, the obligee, or both have been ordered to obtain for the children specified in the order.
Section 3119.74 | Conducting administrative reviews of support orders.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 149 - 125th General Assembly
In addition to administrative reviews conducted pursuant to sections 3119.60 to 3119.63 and section 3119.771 of the Revised Code, a child support enforcement agency may conduct administrative reviews of support orders to do the following: (A) Obtain voluntary notices or court orders under section 3121.03 of the Revised Code; (B) Correct any errors in the amount of any arrearage owed by an obligor. The agency shall notify the obligor and obligee of the time, date, and location of the administrative review at least fourteen days before the hearing is held.
Section 3119.75 | Child support enforcement agency not required to review a child support order.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A child support enforcement agency is not required to review a child support order if the review is not otherwise required by section 666(a)(10) of Title 42 of the U.S. Code, "Family Support Act of 1988," 102 Stat. 2346, 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(10), as amended, and any regulations adopted pursuant to, or to enforce, that section and any of the following apply: (A) The obligee has made an assignment under section 5107.20 of the Revised Code of the right to receive child support payments, the agency determines that good cause pursuant to section 5107.05 of the Revised Code exists with respect to the children who are the subject of the child support order, and neither the obligor nor the obligee has requested that the review be conducted. (B) The obligee has not made an assignment under section 5107.20 of the Revised Code of the right to receive child support payments and neither the obligor nor the obligee has requested that the review be conducted. (C) Neither the obligor nor the obligee resides in this state.
Section 3119.76 | Administrative rules establishing procedures for determining when orders should be reviewed.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366, Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing a procedure for determining when existing child support orders should be reviewed to determine whether it is necessary and in the best interest of the children who are the subject of the child support order to change the child support order. The rules shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following: (A) Any procedures necessary to comply with section 666(a)(10) of Title 42 of the U.S. Code, "Family Support Act of 1988," 102 Stat. 2346, 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(10), as amended, and any regulations adopted pursuant to, or to enforce, that section; (B) Procedures for determining what child support orders are to be subject to review upon the request of either the obligor or the obligee or periodically by the child support enforcement agency administering the child support order; (C) Procedures for the child support enforcement agency to periodically review and to review, upon the request of the obligor or the obligee, any child support order that is subject to review to determine whether the amount of child support paid under the child support order should be adjusted in accordance with the basic child support schedule established pursuant to section 3119.021 of the Revised Code or whether the provisions for the child's health care needs under the child support order should be modified in accordance with sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code; (D) Procedures for giving obligors and obligees notice of their right to request a review of a child support order that is determined to be subject to review, notice of any proposed revision of the amount of child support to be paid under the child support order, notice of the procedures for requesting a hearing on any proposed revision of the amount of child support to be paid under a child support order, notice of any administrative hearing to be held on a proposed revision of the amount of child support to be paid under a child support order, at least thirty days' prior notice of any review of their child support order; (E) Procedures for obtaining the necessary documents and information necessary to review child support orders and for holding administrative hearings on a proposed revision of the amount of child support to be paid under a child support order; (F) Procedures for adjusting child support orders in accordance with the basic child support schedule created pursuant to section 3119.021 of the Revised Code and the applicable worksheet created under rules adopted under section 3119.022 of the Revised Code; (G) Procedures for adjusting the provisions of the child support order governing the health care needs of the child pursuant to sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.
Section 3119.77 | Review of child support order for person called to active military service.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section and sections 3119.771, 3119.772, and 3119.773 of the Revised Code: (1) "Active military service" means the performance of active military duty by a member of the uniformed services for a period of more than thirty days. (2) "Uniformed services" means any reserve components of the armed forces of the United States or the Ohio organized militia when engaged in full-time national guard duty for a period of more than thirty days. (B) An obligor who is called to active military service in the uniformed services may request a review of a child support order for the purpose of modification of the amount of support required under the order. The request must be submitted to the child support enforcement agency administering the order. (C) An obligor who makes a request under division (B) of this section must indicate that the reason for the modification is the obligor's active military service and provide with the request any orders or other appropriate documentation specifying the commencement date of the obligor's active military service and the monthly monetary compensation for that service. The obligor also shall submit documentation on all other outside income. (D) The obligor may provide the child support enforcement agency with a military power of attorney executed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1044b designating another individual to act in the administrative review and modification on behalf of the obligor. By designating another individual to so act on behalf of the obligor, the obligor waives any right of an appearance and any right to request a stay of the action or proceeding.
Section 3119.771 | Review of order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 149 - 125th General Assembly
(A) A child support enforcement agency that receives a request for review and modification of a child support order pursuant to section 3119.77 of the Revised Code shall send to the obligor and obligee, not later than three business days after receipt of the request, notice of the review and of the date it will begin. The child support enforcement agency shall complete an administrative review in accordance with sections 3119.60 to 3119.63 of the Revised Code. The agency shall consider the obligor's call to active military service as a change of circumstances substantial enough to require a review of the child support amount. (B) On receipt of a military power of attorney from an obligor designating another individual to act for the obligor, the child support enforcement agency shall allow the individual to act on the obligor's behalf during the agency's review of the order and shall provide the other individual with any notices required to be given under sections 3119.60 to 3119.63 of the Revised Code, including the notice sent pursuant to division (A) of this section. If, with respect to the review of a court child support order under section 3119.63 of the Revised Code, the obligor or obligee requests a court hearing, the court shall provide the individual acting on behalf of the obligor with any notices required to be given under sections 3119.67 to 3119.69 of the Revised Code. The individual acting on behalf of the obligor may not assert any right to a stay under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 117 Stat. 2835 (2003), 50 App. U.S.C. 501 et. seq., as amended. (C) If, after the obligor provides written notice of the date of termination of the obligor's active military service pursuant to section 3119.773 of the Revised Code, the obligor provides the child support enforcement agency with written documentation sufficient to establish that the obligor's employer has violated the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 38 U.S.C. 4301 to 4333, with regards to the obligor, the child support enforcement agency shall consider this change of circumstance substantial enough to require a review of the obligor's amount of support to be paid under the child support order.
Section 3119.772 | Modification of order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 149 - 125th General Assembly
If a child support enforcement agency modifies an administrative child support order, or a court modifies a court child support order, based on an administrative review conducted pursuant to section 3119.771 of the Revised Code, the modification shall relate back to the later of the date the child support enforcement agency sent notice of the review pursuant to division (A) of section 3119.771 of the Revised Code or the first day of the month in which the obligor's active military service begins. The agency or court shall include a provision in the modified order stating that, except as otherwise provided in division (C) of section 3119.771 of the Revised Code, the modification will terminate and the prior amount of support be reinstated as of the first day of the month following the date that the obligor's active military service ends.
Section 3119.773 | Notice of date of termination of active military service.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 149 - 125th General Assembly
If the amount to be paid under a child support order is modified pursuant to an administrative review conducted pursuant to section 3119.771 of the Revised Code, the obligor shall provide written notice of the date of termination of the obligor's active military service to the child support enforcement agency administering the order not later than the last day of the month in which the service ends.
Section 3119.79 | Recalculating amount of support by court upon request.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) If an obligor or obligee under a child support order requests that the court modify the amount of child support required to be paid pursuant to the child support order, the court shall recalculate the amount of support that would be required to be paid under the child support order in accordance with the schedule and the applicable worksheet . If that amount as recalculated is more than ten per cent greater than or more than ten per cent less than the amount of child support required to be paid pursuant to the existing child support order, the deviation from the recalculated amount that would be required to be paid under the schedule and the applicable worksheet shall be considered by the court as a change of circumstance substantial enough to require a modification of the child support amount. (B) If the court determines that the medical needs of the child are not being met because of inadequate health insurance coverage, the inadequate coverage shall be considered by the court as a change of circumstance that is substantial enough to require a modification of the child support order. (C) If the court determines that the amount of child support required to be paid under the child support order should be changed due to a substantial change of circumstances that was not contemplated at the time of the issuance of the original child support order or the last modification of the child support order, the court shall modify the amount of child support required to be paid under the child support order to comply with the schedule and the applicable worksheet , unless the court determines that those amounts calculated pursuant to the basic child support schedule and pursuant to the applicable worksheet would be unjust or inappropriate and therefore not in the best interest of the child and enters in the journal the figure, determination, and findings specified in section 3119.22 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.80 | Motion requesting issuance of withholding or deduction notice to pay support due.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
In any action in which support is ordered under a court child support order, the obligor or obligee under the order may file a motion with the court that issued the order requesting the issuance of one or more withholding or deduction notices under section 3121.03 of the Revised Code to pay the support due under the order. The motion may be filed at any time after the court child support order is issued. Upon the filing of a motion pursuant to this section, the child support enforcement agency shall immediately conduct, and shall complete within twenty days after the motion is filed, an investigation in accordance with section 3123.02 of the Revised Code. On the completion of the investigation, the court shall issue one or more appropriate orders described in section 3121.03 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.81 | Ordering investigation prior to issuing certain notices.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
In proceedings involving a court child support order, the court, before the conclusion of any hearings held with respect to the proceedings, shall order the child support enforcement agency to conduct an investigation pursuant to section 3123.02 of the Revised Code if no withholding or deduction order or notice or order to seek employment, participate in a work activity, or enter into a cash bond to collect support under the court support order has been issued or the court determines that any such order or notice previously issued is no longer appropriate for collection of support under the order. On the filing of the agency's findings after completion of the investigation, the court, as necessary, shall issue one or more notices or one or more court orders described in section 3121.03 of the Revised Code or modify any such notices or court orders previously issued.
Section 3119.82 | Designating parent entitled to claim federal income tax deduction.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
Except when including a revised amount of child support in a revised child support order as recommended pursuant to section 3119.63 of the Revised Code, whenever a court issues, or whenever a court modifies, reviews, or otherwise reconsiders a court child support order, or upon the request of any party, the court shall designate which parent may claim the children who are the subject of the court child support order as dependents for federal income tax purposes as set forth in section 151 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1, as amended. If the parties agree on which parent should claim the children as dependents, the court shall designate that parent as the parent who may claim the children. If the parties do not agree, the court, in its order, may permit the parent who is not the residential parent and legal custodian to claim the children as dependents for federal income tax purposes only if the court determines that this furthers the best interest of the children and, with respect to orders the court modifies, reviews, or reconsiders, the payments for child support are substantially current as ordered by the court for the year in which the children will be claimed as dependents. In cases in which the parties do not agree which parent may claim the children as dependents, the court shall consider, in making its determination, any net tax savings, the relative financial circumstances and needs of the parents and children, the amount of time the children spend with each parent, the eligibility of either or both parents for the federal earned income tax credit or other state or federal tax credit, and any other relevant factor concerning the best interest of the children. If the court determines that the parent who is not the residential parent and legal custodian may claim the children as dependents for federal income tax purposes, it shall order the residential parent to take whatever action is necessary pursuant to section 152 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1, as amended, to enable the parent who is not the residential parent and legal custodian to claim the children as dependents for federal income tax purposes in accordance with the order of the court. Any willful failure of the residential parent to comply with the order of the court is contempt of court.
Section 3119.83 | Modifying duty to pay delinquent support retroactively.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Except as provided in section 3119.84 of the Revised Code, a court or child support enforcement agency may not retroactively modify an obligor's duty to pay a delinquent support payment.
Section 3119.84 | Modifying payments accruing while modification proceedings are pending.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
A court with jurisdiction over a court support order may modify an obligor's duty to pay a support payment that becomes due after notice of a petition to modify the court support order has been given to each obligee and to the obligor before a final order concerning the petition for modification is entered.
Section 3119.86 | Continuing support obligation beyond child's eighteenth birthday.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
Notwithstanding section 3109.01 of the Revised Code, both of the following apply: (A) The duty of support to a child imposed pursuant to a court child support order shall continue beyond the child's eighteenth birthday only under the following circumstances: (1) Under an order issued or modified pursuant to section 3109.20 or 3119.11 of the Revised Code for a child who is mentally or physically disabled and is incapable of supporting or maintaining oneself. (2) The child's parents have agreed to continue support beyond the child's eighteenth birthday pursuant to a separation agreement that was incorporated into a decree of divorce or dissolution. (3) The child continuously attends a recognized and accredited high school on a full-time basis on and after the child's eighteenth birthday. (B) The duty of support to a child imposed pursuant to an administrative child support order shall continue beyond the child's eighteenth birthday only if the child continuously attends a recognized and accredited high school on a full-time basis on and after the child's eighteenth birthday.
Last updated January 21, 2025 at 2:29 PM
Section 3119.861 | Support orders after a child's nineteenth birthday.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
A court child support order shall not remain in effect after the child reaches nineteen years of age unless the order provides that the duty of support continues under circumstances described in division (A)(1) or (2) of section 3119.86 of the Revised Code for any period after the child reaches age nineteen. An administrative child support order shall not remain in effect after the child reaches age nineteen.
Last updated February 24, 2025 at 3:29 PM
Section 3119.862 | Support orders may not continue beyond an agreed-upon date in a separation agreement.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
Except as provided in division (A)(1) of section 3119.86 of the Revised Code, if a court incorporates a separation agreement described in division (A)(2) of section 3119.86 of the Revised Code into a decree of divorce or dissolution, the court may not require the duty of support to continue beyond the date the child's parents have agreed support should terminate.
Last updated February 24, 2025 at 4:01 PM
Section 3119.863 | Parent must pay support order until termination.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
A parent ordered to pay support under a child support order shall continue to pay support under the order, including during seasonal vacation periods, until the order terminates.
Last updated February 24, 2025 at 4:03 PM
Section 3119.87 | Notifying agency of reason why support order should terminate.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
The parent who is the residential parent and legal custodian of a child for whom a child support order is issued or the person who otherwise has custody of a child for whom a child support order is issued immediately shall notify, and the obligor under a child support order may notify, the child support enforcement agency administering the child support order of any reason for which the child support order should terminate. Nothing in this section shall preclude a person from notifying the agency that a reason for which a child support order should terminate is imminent. With respect to a court child support order, a willful failure to notify the agency as required by this division is contempt of court.
Section 3119.88 | Reasons for which child support order should terminate.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 338 - 135th General Assembly
(A) Reasons for which a child support order should terminate through the administrative process under section 3119.89 of the Revised Code include all of the following: (1) The child attains the age of majority if the child no longer attends an accredited high school on a full-time basis and the child support order requires support to continue past the age of majority only if the child continuously attends such a high school after attaining that age; (2) The child ceases to attend an accredited high school on a full-time basis after attaining the age of majority, if the child support order requires support to continue past the age of majority only if the child continuously attends such a high school after attaining that age; (3) A termination condition specified in the court child support order has been met for a child who reaches nineteen years of age; (4) The child's death; (5) The child's marriage; (6) The child's emancipation; (7) The child's enlistment in the armed services; (8) The child's deportation; (9) Change of legal custody of the child; (10) The child's adoption; (11) The obligor's death; (12) The grandparent to whom support is being paid or a grandparent who is paying support reports that the grandparent's support order should terminate as a result of one of the events described in division (D) of section 3109.19 of the Revised Code; (13) Marriage of the obligor under a child support order to the obligee, if the obligor and obligee reside together with the child. (B) A child support order may be terminated by the court or child support enforcement agency for any reasons listed in division (A) of this section. A court may also terminate an order: (1) Issued under section 3109.20 or 3119.11 of the Revised Code upon satisfactory proof that the person who is the subject of the order is no longer mentally or physically disabled or is capable of supporting or maintaining oneself; (2) For any other appropriate reasons brought to the attention of the court, unless otherwise prohibited by law.
Last updated January 21, 2025 at 2:32 PM
Section 3119.89 | Investigating termination.
March 28, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 366, Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) Upon receipt of a notice pursuant to section 3119.87 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency administering a child support order, within twenty days after receipt of the notice, shall complete an investigation if an application for services under Title IV-D of the "Social Security Act," 88 Stat. 2351 (1975), 42 U.S.C. 651, as amended has been completed and filed. The agency administering a child support order may conduct an investigation upon its own initiative if it otherwise has reason to believe that there may be a reason for which the order should terminate. Nothing in sections 3119.86 to 3119.94 of the Revised Code shall preclude the agency from initiating an investigation under this section before a reason for which the order should terminate has occurred. The agency's investigation shall determine the following: (1) Whether any reason exists for which the order should terminate; (2) Whether there are other children subject to the order; (3) Whether the obligor owes any arrearages under the order; (4) Whether the agency believes it is necessary to continue withholding or deduction pursuant to a notice or order described in section 3121.03 of the Revised Code for the other children or arrearages; (5) Whether child support amounts paid pursuant to the order being investigated should be impounded because continuation of receipt and disbursement would lead to an overpayment by the obligor. (B) If the agency, pursuant to the investigation under division (A) of this section, determines that other children are subject to the child support order and that it is necessary to continue withholding or deduction for the other children, the agency shall divide the child support amount due annually and per month under the order by the number of children who are the subject of the order and subtract the amount due for the child for whom the order should be terminated from the total child support amount due annually and per month. The resulting annual and per month child support amount shall be included in the results of the agency's investigation as the recommended child support amount due annually and monthly under a revised child support order. If arrearage amounts are owed, those amounts may be included as part of the recommended child support amount. The investigation under division (A) of this section shall not include a review pursuant to sections 3119.60 to 3119.76 of the Revised Code of any other children subject to the child support order.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.
Section 3119.90 | Agency determination that support order should terminate.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) If, pursuant to an investigation conducted under section 3119.89 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency determines both that a child support order should terminate and that child support amounts paid pursuant to the order should be impounded because continuation of receipt and disbursement would lead to an overpayment by the obligor, the agency shall do the following: (1) With respect to a court child support order, immediately notify the court that issued the order of the results of its investigation and submit to the court an order impounding any funds received for the child pursuant to the court child support order that was under investigation; (2) With respect to an administrative child support order, issue an administrative order impounding any funds received for the child pursuant to the administrative child support order that was under investigation. (B) A child support enforcement agency that conducts an investigation of a child support order shall give the obligor and obligee under the order notice of the results of its investigation and a copy of any court or administrative impound order issued pursuant to division (A) of this section. The obligor and obligee also shall be given all of the following: (1) Notice of their right to request an administrative hearing regarding any conclusions of the investigation; (2) Notice of the procedures and time deadlines for requesting the hearing; (3)(a) Notice that the conclusions of the investigations will be issued as an administrative order by the agency if the underlying order is an administrative child support order; (b) Notice that the conclusions of the investigations will be submitted to the court for inclusion into a revised or terminated court child support order with no further court hearing if the underlying order is a court child support order. (4) Notice that no revised administrative or court child support order will be issued if either the obligor or obligee requests an administrative hearing on the investigation conclusions within fourteen days after notice is issued under this division.
Section 3119.91 | Requesting administrative hearing on termination investigation conclusions.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
If an obligor or obligee under a child support order timely requests an administrative hearing pursuant to section 3119.90 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency shall schedule a hearing on the issue, give the parties notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing, and conduct the hearing. On completion of the hearing, the child support enforcement agency shall issue a decision. The decision shall include a notice stating that the obligor or obligee may object to the decision by filing a motion within fourteen days after the issuance of the decision in one of the following courts requesting a determination as to whether the order should be terminated or whether any other appropriate determination regarding the order should be made: (A) With respect to a court child support order, in the court that issued the order or that otherwise has jurisdiction over the order; (B) With respect to an administrative child support order, the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction under section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code of the county in which the agency that issued the order is located. The notice shall also state that if neither the obligor nor the obligee files the motion within the fourteen- day period, the administrative hearing decision is final and will be filed with the court or in the administrative case file.
Section 3119.92 | Court hearing on termination of support.
February 11, 2019
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 70 - 132nd General Assembly
If the obligor, the obligee, or both file a motion as described in section 3119.91 of the Revised Code within the fourteen-day period, the court shall set the case for a hearing for a determination as to whether the support order should be terminated or whether the court should take any other appropriate action. On the filing of the motion, the court shall issue an order directing that the impoundment order issued by the child support enforcement agency regarding support amounts received for the child remain in effect while the motion is pending. If neither the obligor nor the obligee files a motion as described in section 3119.91 of the Revised Code within the fourteen-day period, the administrative hearing decision is final and will be filed with the court or in the administrative case file.
Section 3119.93 | Terminating withholding or deduction notice or other order.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
The termination of a child support order by a court or agency also terminates any applicable withholding or deduction notice or other order issued under section 3121.03 of the Revised Code. With respect to a court child support order, on the termination of any withholding or deduction notice, the court immediately shall notify the appropriate child support enforcement agency that the order or notice has been terminated. If a withholding notice or order is terminated, the agency immediately shall notify each payor or financial institution required to withhold or deduct a sum of money for the payment of support under the order or notice that it has been terminated and that the payor or institution is required to cease all withholding or deduction under the order or notice.
Section 3119.94 | Administrative rules concerning impounded funds, return of payments, uniform implementation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 493 - 125th General Assembly
(A) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules that provide for all of the following: (1) The payment to the appropriate person of any funds that a court or child support enforcement agency has impounded under section 3119.90 or 3119.92 of the Revised Code; (2) The return to the appropriate person of any other payments made pursuant to a child support order if the payments were made at any time after the child support order has been terminated pursuant to section 3119.90 or 3119.92 of the Revised Code; (3) Any other standards, forms, or procedures needed to ensure uniform implementation of sections 3119.86 to 3119.94 of the Revised Code. (B) With respect to the court order for impoundment required under division (A)(1) of section 3119.90 of the Revised Code, the director of job and family services may adopt rules that specify a form for the order or approve a form developed by the Ohio judicial conference.
Section 3119.95 | Health care coverage included in caretaker support order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
A child support order subject to sections 3119.951 to 3119.9541 of the Revised Code shall include the health care coverage and cash medical support required for the child subject to the order.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:44 PM
Section 3119.951 | Caretaker filing for child support.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The caretaker of a child may file an application for Title IV-D services with the child support enforcement agency in the county in which the caretaker resides to obtain support for the care of the child.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:44 PM
Section 3119.953 | Determination of existing support order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) On receipt of an application for Title IV-D services from the caretaker of a child under section 3119.951 of the Revised Code, or a Title IV-D services referral regarding the child, the child support enforcement agency shall determine whether the child is the subject of an existing child support order. (B) If the child is the subject of an existing child support order, the agency shall comply with sections 3119.955 to 3119.9519 of the Revised Code. (C) If the child is not the subject of an existing child support order, the agency shall comply with sections 3119.9523 and 3119.9525 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:48 PM
Section 3119.955 | Redirection of existing support order.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) If a child support enforcement agency determines under section 3119.953 of the Revised Code that there is an existing child support order regarding the child in the care of a caretaker, the agency shall determine if any reason exists for which the child support order should be redirected to the caretaker. If the agency determines that the caretaker is the primary caregiver of the child, the agency shall determine that a reason exists for redirection. (B) If the agency determines that a reason exists for redirection, the agency also shall determine all of the following: (1) The amount of each parent's obligation under the existing child support order that may be subject to redirection; (2) Whether any prior redirection has been terminated under sections 3119.9531 to 3119.9535 of the Revised Code; (3) Whether any arrearages are owed, and the recommended payment amount to satisfy such arrears; (4) If more than one child is subject to the existing child support order, whether the child support order for all or some of the children shall be subject to redirection. (C) The agency shall make the determinations required under this section not later than twenty days after receipt of a Title IV-D services application or referral under section 3119.953 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:51 PM
Section 3119.957 | Determination of redirection amount.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If the child support enforcement agency determines under section 3119.955 of the Revised Code that more than one child is the subject of a child support order and the order for fewer than all of the children should be redirected, the agency shall determine the amount of child support to be redirected, which amount shall equal the pro rata share of the child support amounts for each such child under the child support order. The agency also shall make, in relation to the determination of the amount of child support that may be redirected, a determination regarding the health care coverage and cash medical support under the child support order that may be redirected.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:51 PM
Section 3119.9511 | Determination of redirection to caretaker.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
Not later than twenty days after completion of an investigation of a child support order under section 3119.955 or 3119.957 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency shall determine, based on the information gathered, whether the order shall or shall not be redirected under sections 3119.9513 and 3119.9515 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:45 PM
Section 3119.9513 | Issuance of redirection order or recommendation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If the child support enforcement agency determines that a child support order should be redirected, the agency shall do one of the following: (A) For an administrative child support order, the agency shall issue a redirection order that shall include the child support amount to be redirected and provisions for redirection regarding health care coverage and cash medical support. (B) For a court child support order, the agency shall recommend to the court that has jurisdiction over the support order to issue a redirection order and include the child support amount to be redirected and provisions for redirection regarding health care coverage and cash medical support.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:45 PM
Section 3119.9515 | Notice of redirection order or recommendation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) On issuing an order or making a recommendation under section 3119.9513 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency shall provide notice of the following to the parent or caretaker of the child subject to the order or recommendation: (1) The results of its investigation under section 3119.955 or 3119.957 of the Revised Code; (2) For an administrative child support order, notice of the following: (a) That the agency has issued a redirection order under section 3119.9513 of the Revised Code regarding the child support order and a copy of the redirection order; (b) The right to object to the redirection order by bringing an action under section 2151.231 of the Revised Code not later than fourteen days after the order is issued; (c) That the order becomes final and enforceable if no timely objection is made; (d) The effective date of the order as determined under section 3119.9519 of the Revised Code. (3) For a court child support order, notice of the following: (a) That the agency has made a recommendation for a redirection order under section 3119.9513 of the Revised Code to the court that has jurisdiction over the court child support order, and a copy of the recommendation; (b) The right to object to the redirection by requesting a hearing with the court that has jurisdiction over the court child support order not later than fourteen days after the recommendation is issued; (c) That the recommendation will be submitted to the court for inclusion in a redirection order, unless a request for a court hearing is made not later than fourteen days after the recommendation is issued; (d) The effective date of the redirection order as determined under section 3119.9519 of the Revised Code. (B) The notice under division (A) of this section shall be included as part of the applicable order or recommendation.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:45 PM
Section 3119.9517 | Objection to redirection order or recommendation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) A parent or caretaker may object to an order issued under section 3119.9513 of the Revised Code by bringing an action under section 2151.231 of the Revised Code not later than fourteen days after the notice is issued under division (A)(2) of section 3119.9515 of the Revised Code. The order shall be final and enforceable if no objection is timely made. (B) A parent or caretaker may object to a recommendation issued under section 3119.9513 of the Revised Code by requesting a hearing with the court that has jurisdiction over the court child support order not later than fourteen days after the recommendation is issued under division (A)(3) of section 3119.9515 of the Revised Code. The recommendation shall be submitted to the court for inclusion in a redirection order, unless a request for a court hearing is made not later than fourteen days after the recommendation is issued.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:46 PM
Section 3119.9519 | Commencement of redirection.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) The redirection of a child support order under a redirection order that has become final as provided under section 3119.9517 of the Revised Code shall take effect as of, and relate back to, the date that the child support enforcement agency received the Title IV-D services application or referral under section 3119.953 of the Revised Code that initiated the proceedings resulting in the order. (B) A redirection order under section 3119.9517 of the Revised Code based on a recommendation for redirection shall take effect as of, and relate back to, the date that the child support enforcement agency received the Title IV-D services application or referral under section 3119.953 of the Revised Code that initiated the proceedings resulting in the redirection order.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:46 PM
Section 3119.9523 | Investigation of support obligation to caretaker.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If a child support enforcement agency determines under section 3119.953 of the Revised Code that the child in the care of the caretaker is not subject to an existing child support order, the agency shall determine, not later than twenty days after its receipt of the Title IV-D services application or referral under section 3119.953 of the Revised Code, whether any reason exists for which a child support order for the child should be imposed. That determination shall include whether the caretaker is the child's primary caregiver.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:46 PM
Section 3119.9525 | Determination of support obligation to caretaker.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If, pursuant to an investigation under section 3119.9523 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency determines that a reason exists for a child support order to be imposed regarding the child subject of the investigation, the agency shall comply with sections 3111.80 to 3111.84 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:47 PM
Section 3119.9527 | Notice and investigation of primary caretaker.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If a child support enforcement agency receives notice that a caretaker is no longer the primary caregiver for a child subject to a redirection order or recommendation issued under section 3119.9513 of the Revised Code, the agency shall do both of the following: (A) Investigate whether the caretaker to whom support amounts are redirected under the existing redirection order or recommendation is still the primary caregiver for the child; (B) Take action as applicable under sections 3119.9529 to 3119.9535 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:47 PM
Section 3119.9529 | Determination of continued caregiver.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If, upon investigation under section 3119.9527 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency determines that the caretaker to whom support amounts are redirected remains the primary caregiver of the child who is the subject of the redirection order or recommendation, the agency shall take no further action on the notice received under section 3119.9527 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:55 PM
Section 3119.9531 | Determination of new caregiver.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If, after an investigation under section 3119.9527 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency determines that a new caretaker is the primary caregiver for the child who is the subject of the redirection order or recommendation, the agency shall do both of the following: (A) Terminate the existing redirection order or request that the court terminate the redirection order based on the recommendation, whichever is applicable; (B) Direct the new caretaker to file an application for Title IV-D services under section 3119.951 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:49 PM
Section 3119.9533 | Termination of redirection; parent obligee.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If, after an investigation under section 3119.9527 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency determines that a parent of the child who is the subject of the redirection order or recommendation is the primary caregiver of the child, the agency shall do one of the following: (A) If the parent is the obligee under the child support order that is subject to redirection, terminate the existing redirection order or request the court to terminate the redirection order based on the recommendation, whichever is applicable. (B) If the parent is the obligor under the child support order that is subject to redirection: (1) Terminate the existing redirection order or request the court to terminate the redirection order based on the recommendation, whichever is applicable; and (2) Notify the obligor that he or she may do the following: (a) Request that the child support order be terminated pursuant to section 3119.87 of the Revised Code; (b) Request either of the following, whichever is applicable: (i) For an administrative child support order, request a review of the order under sections 3119.60 and 3119.61 of the Revised Code; (ii) For a court child support order, request the court with jurisdiction over the order to amend the order.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:56 PM
Section 3119.9535 | Termination of redirection; no obligee.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If, after an investigation under section 3119.9527 of the Revised Code, the child support enforcement agency determines that the child who is the subject of the redirection order or recommendation is not under the care of any individual, the agency shall do the following: (A) Terminate the existing redirection order or request the court to terminate the redirection order based on the recommendation, whichever is applicable; (B) If the agency becomes aware of circumstances indicating that the child may be abused or neglected, make a report under section 2151.421 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:49 PM
Section 3119.9537 | Impoundment of redirected support funds.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) If a child support enforcement agency receives a notification under section 3119.9527 of the Revised Code, the agency shall impound any funds received on behalf of the child pursuant to the child support order to which the notification applies. (B) Impoundment shall continue under this section until the occurrence of any of the following: (1) The agency makes a determination under section 3119.9529 of the Revised Code; (2) The agency issues a redirection order for a new caretaker under sections 3119.951 to 3119.9519 and 3119.9531 of the Revised Code; (3) The agency, under section 3119.9533 of the Revised Code, terminates the redirection order or a court terminates its redirection order; (C) On termination of impoundment as described in division (B) of this section, impounded amounts shall be paid to the obligee designated under the child support order or under the applicable redirection order.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:50 PM
Section 3119.9539 | Duration of impoundment.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
Impoundment of child support under section 3119.9537 of the Revised Code regarding a redirection order described in section 3119.9535 of the Revised Code shall continue until further order from the child support enforcement agency administering the administrative child support order or from the court with jurisdiction over the court child support order, whichever is applicable.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:50 PM
Section 3119.9541 | Rulemaking.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The director of job and family services shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to provide for both of the following: (A) Requirements for child support enforcement agencies to conduct investigations and issue findings pursuant to sections 3119.955 and 3119.957 of the Revised Code; (B) Any other standards, forms, or procedures needed to ensure uniform implementation of sections 3119.95 to 3119.9539 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 5:51 PM
Section 3119.96 | Genetic testing definitions.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
As used in sections 3119.961 to 3119.967 of the Revised Code, "genetic tests" and "genetic testing" have the same meanings as in section 3111.09 of the Revised Code.
Section 3119.961 | Motion for relief from paternity determination or support order.
January 25, 2002
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 208 - 124th General Assembly
(A) Notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary in Civil Rule 60(B) and in accordance with this section, a person may file a motion for relief from a final judgment, court order, or administrative determination or order that determines that the person or a male minor referred to in division (B) of section 3109.19 of the Revised Code is the father of a child or from a child support order under which the person or male minor is the obligor. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the person shall file the motion in the division of the court of common pleas of the county in which the original judgment, court order, or child support order was made or issued or in the division of the court of common pleas of the county that has jurisdiction involving the administrative determination or order. If the determination of paternity is an acknowledgment of paternity that has become final under section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code or former section 3111.211 or 5101.314 of the Revised Code, the person shall file the motion in the juvenile court or other court with jurisdiction of the county in which the person or the child who is the subject of the acknowledgment resides. (B) On the motion of any adverse party or on its own motion, the court in which an action is brought under this section may transfer the action to the county in which an adverse party resides when it appears to the court that the location of the original venue presents a hardship for that adverse party.
Section 3119.962 | Granting relief from paternity determination.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A)(1) Upon the filing of a motion for relief under section 3119.961 of the Revised Code, a court shall grant relief from a final judgment, court order, or administrative determination or order that determines that a person or male minor is the father of a child or from a child support order under which a person or male minor is the obligor if all of the following apply: (a) The court receives genetic test results from a genetic test administered no more than six months prior to the filing of the motion for relief that finds that there is a zero per cent probability that the person or male minor is the father of the child. (b) The person or male minor has not adopted the child. (c) The child was not conceived as a result of artificial insemination in compliance with sections 3111.88 to 3111.96 of the Revised Code. (2) A court shall not deny relief from a final judgment, court order, or administrative determination or order that determines that a person or male minor is the father of a child or from a child support order under which a person or male minor is the obligor solely because of the occurrence of any of the following acts if the person or male minor at the time of or prior to the occurrence of that act did not know that he was not the natural father of the child: (a) The person or male minor was required to support the child by a child support order. (b) The person or male minor validly signed the child's birth certificate as an informant as provided in section 3705.09 of the Revised Code as that section existed prior to January 1, 1998. (c) The person or male minor was named in an acknowledgment of paternity of the child that a court entered upon its journal pursuant to former section 2105.18 of the Revised Code. (d) The person or male minor was named in an acknowledgment of paternity of the child that has become final under section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code or former section 3111.211 or 5101.314 of the Revised Code. (e) The person or male minor was presumed to be the natural father of the child under any of the circumstances listed in section 3111.03 of the Revised Code. (f) The person or male minor was presumed to be the natural father of the child under any of the circumstances listed in: (i) Division (A)(3) of section 3111.03 of the Revised Code as that division existed prior to January 1, 1998; (ii) Division (A)(3) of section 3111.03 of the Revised Code as that division existed on and after January 1, 1998, and prior to the effective date of this amendment; (iii) Division (A)(5) of section 3111.03 of the Revised Code as that division existed prior to the effective date of this amendment. (g) The person or male minor was determined to be the father of the child in a parentage action under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code. (h) The person or male minor otherwise admitted or acknowledged himself to be the child's natural father. (B) A court shall not grant relief from a final judgment, court order, or administrative determination or order that determines that a person or male minor is the father of a child or from a child support order under which a person or male minor is the obligor if the court determines, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the person or male minor knew that he was not the natural father of the child before any of the following: (1) Any act listed in divisions (A)(2)(a) to (d) and (A)(2)(f) of this section occurred. (2) The person or male minor was presumed to be the natural father of the child under any of the circumstances listed in divisions (A)(1) to (3) of section 3111.03 of the Revised Code. (3) The person or male minor otherwise admitted or acknowledged himself to be the child's father. (C) If the determination of paternity from which relief is sought is an acknowledgment of paternity that has become final under section 2151.232, 3111.25, or 3111.821 of the Revised Code or former section 3111.211 or 5101.314 of the Revised Code, and the court grants the motion for relief, it shall order the acknowledgment to be rescinded and destroyed and order the department of job and family services to remove all information relating to the acknowledgment from the birth registry.
Section 3119.963 | Order to submit to genetic tests.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) In any action for relief instituted under section 3119.961 of the Revised Code, if the genetic test results submitted pursuant to section 3119.962 of the Revised Code in connection with the motion for relief are solely provided by the moving party, the court, upon its own motion, may order and, upon the motion of any party to the action, shall order the child's mother, the child, and the alleged father to submit to genetic tests. The clerk of the court shall schedule the genetic testing no later than thirty days after the court issues its order. (B) If the mother is the custodian of the child and willfully fails to submit the child to genetic testing, if the alleged father of the child willfully fails to submit himself to genetic testing, or if the alleged father is the custodian of the child and willfully fails to submit the child to genetic testing, the court shall issue an order determining the motion for relief against the party failing to submit the party or the child to the genetic testing. If a party shows good cause for failing to submit to genetic testing or for failing to submit the child to genetic testing, the court shall not consider the failure to be willful. (C) The party requesting the genetic tests shall pay any fees charged for the tests, unless the custodian of the child is represented by the child support enforcement agency in its role as the agency providing enforcement of child support orders, in which case the child support enforcement agency shall pay the costs of genetic testing if it requests the tests. The child support enforcement agency or the person who paid the fees charged for the genetic testing may seek reimbursement for the fees from the person against whom the court assesses the costs of the action. (D) The genetic tests shall be made by qualified examiners who are authorized by the court or the department of job and family services or by a genetic testing laboratory accredited by the american association of blood banks. An examiner conducting a genetic test, upon the completion of the test, shall send a complete report of the test results to the clerk of the court that ordered the test.
Section 3119.964 | Effect of granting relief from paternity determination on parenting time rights.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) If a court grants relief from a judgment, order, or determination pursuant to section 3119.962 of the Revised Code and if the person who is relieved or the male minor has been granted parenting time rights pursuant to an order issued under section 3109.051 or 3109.12 of the Revised Code, or if any relative of the person or male minor has been granted companionship or visitation rights with the child pursuant to an order issued under section 3109.051 or 3109.12 of the Revised Code, the court shall determine whether the order granting those rights should be terminated, modified, or continued. (B) If a court grants relief from a child support order pursuant to section 3119.962 of the Revised Code and support arrearages are owed, the court may issue an order canceling that arrearage. Nothing in this section limits any actions that may be taken by the person or male minor granted relief under this section to recover support paid under the child support order from which relief was granted.
Section 3119.965 | Granting relief from paternity determination does not preclude action to establish parent-child relationship.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
If a court grants a motion that relieves a person or male minor from a judgment, order, or determination under section 3119.962 of the Revised Code, the granting of the motion does not preclude any person from filing, subsequent to the granting of the motion, an action under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code to establish a parent-child relationship between the person or male minor who was granted relief and the child who is the subject of the judgment, order, or determination from which relief was granted. A person shall not file more than one action of that type under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code in any two-year period regarding the person or male minor who was granted relief and the child. A court, pursuant to a motion filed under this division and in accordance with Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, may enter a judgment in the action that determines the existence of a parent-child relationship between the person or male minor granted relief and the child only if genetic tests taken subsequent to the granting of the motion for relief indicate that there is a statistical probability that the party or the male minor is the natural father of the child.
Section 3119.966 | Costs and attorney fees.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) If relief from a child support order is not granted pursuant to section 3119.962 of the Revised Code, the court shall require the person who filed the motion for relief to pay all court costs of the action and the reasonable attorney's fees of the opposing party. (B) If a person files an action under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code as described in section 3119.965 of the Revised Code and the court determines that no parent-child relationship exists between the person or the male minor and the child, the court shall require the person who filed the action to pay all court costs of the action and the reasonable attorney's fees of the opposing party.
Section 3119.967 | Granting relief from paternity determination regardless of date of order.
March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 180 - 123rd General Assembly
Except as otherwise provided in sections 3119.961 to 3119.967 of the Revised Code, a party is entitled to obtain relief under section 3119.962 of the Revised Code regardless of whether the judgment, order, or determination from which relief is sought was issued prior to, on, or after October 27, 2000.