The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 3727.06 | Admission and medical supervision of patients.
October 15, 2015
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 110 - 131st General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Doctor" means an individual authorized to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery. (2) "Podiatrist" means an individual authorized to practice podiatric medicine and surgery. (B)(1) Only the following may admit a patient to a hospital: (a) A doctor who is a member of the hospital's medical staff; (b) A dentist who is a member of the hospital's medical staff; (c) A podiatrist who is a member of the hospital's medical staff; (d) A clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner if all of the following conditions are met: (i) The clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner has a standard care arrangement entered into pursuant to section 4723.431 of the Revised Code with a collaborating doctor or podiatrist who is a member of the medical staff; (ii) The patient will be under the medical supervision of the collaborating doctor or podiatrist; (iii) The hospital has granted the clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner admitting privileges and appropriate credentials. (e) A physician assistant if all of the following conditions are met: (i) The physician assistant is listed on a supervision agreement entered into under section 4730.19 of the Revised Code for a doctor or podiatrist who is a member of the hospital's medical staff. (ii) The patient will be under the medical supervision of the supervising doctor or podiatrist. (iii) The hospital has granted the physician assistant admitting privileges and appropriate credentials. (2) Prior to admitting a patient, a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, certified nurse practitioner, or physician assistant shall notify the collaborating or supervising doctor or podiatrist of the planned admission. (C) All hospital patients shall be under the medical supervision of a doctor, except that services that may be rendered by a licensed dentist pursuant to Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code provided to patients admitted solely for the purpose of receiving such services shall be under the supervision of the admitting dentist and that services that may be rendered by a podiatrist pursuant to section 4731.51 of the Revised Code provided to patients admitted solely for the purpose of receiving such services shall be under the supervision of the admitting podiatrist. If treatment not within the scope of Chapter 4715. or section 4731.51 of the Revised Code is required at the time of admission by a dentist or podiatrist, or becomes necessary during the course of hospital treatment by a dentist or podiatrist, such treatment shall be under the supervision of a doctor who is a member of the medical staff. It shall be the responsibility of the admitting dentist or podiatrist to make arrangements with a doctor who is a member of the medical staff to be responsible for the patient's treatment outside the scope of Chapter 4715. or section 4731.51 of the Revised Code when necessary during the patient's stay in the hospital.
Last updated September 29, 2023 at 4:34 PM
Section 3727.08 | Protocols for interviews and photographs of domestic violence victims.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 216 - 131st General Assembly
Not later than ninety days after the effective date of this section, every hospital shall adopt protocols providing for conducting an interview with the patient, for conducting one or more interviews, separate and apart from the interview with the patient, with any family or household member present, and for creating whenever possible a photographic record of the patient's injuries, in situations in which a doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine, hospital intern or resident, or registered, advanced practice registered, or licensed practical nurse knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the patient has been the victim of domestic violence, as defined in section 3113.31 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.081 | Standards and procedures for designating hospitals as level II pediatric trauma centers.
November 3, 2000
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 138 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) Not later than two years after the effective date of this section, the director shall adopt rules that establish standards and procedures for designating hospitals under this section as level II pediatric trauma centers. The rules shall include standards to be followed by a hospital operating as a level II pediatric trauma center under the director's designation and procedures to be used by the director in enforcing those standards. All rules adopted under this division shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. (B) If a hospital has been denied verification as a pediatric trauma center by the American college of surgeons solely because the hospital does not meet that organization's anesthesia and surgical staffing standards, the hospital may submit an application to the director of health to receive the director's designation of the hospital as a level II pediatric trauma center. In a timely manner, the director shall review all applications received, except that the director shall cease reviewing applications on December 31, 2003. Any application pending on that date is void. (C) Before designating a hospital as a level II pediatric trauma center, the director may conduct an inspection of the hospital. The inspection may be conducted by using a contractor of the department of health with appropriate competence and independence. (D) The director shall designate a hospital as a level II pediatric trauma center if the hospital has submitted a complete application and the director finds that all of the following apply: (1) The hospital has established trauma care protocols that ensure a surgeon and anesthesiologist are available from outside the hospital in a timely manner and on short notice. (2) The hospital's protocols ensure that the surgeon will participate in the early care of a trauma patient. (3) The hospital has adhered to its protocols and the hospital's performance has met the expected outcomes, as evidenced by data obtained from a review of at least two years of the hospital's trauma care activities. (4) The care of patients will not be compromised by designating the hospital as a level II pediatric trauma center. (E) A hospital's designation under this section expires December 31, 2004, unless earlier suspended or revoked by the director or surrendered by the hospital. Any action by the director to suspend or revoke a hospital's designation shall be taken in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. (F) The director of health and any employee or contractor of the department of health shall not make public any information reported to or collected by the department of health under this section or rules adopted under it that identifies or would tend to identify specific patients.
Section 3727.09 | Trauma care protocols - trauma patient transfer agreements.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 196 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section and sections 3727.10 and 3727.101 of the Revised Code: (1) "Trauma," "trauma care," "trauma center," "trauma patient," "pediatric," and "adult" have the same meanings as in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code. (2) "Stabilize" and "transfer" have the same meanings as in section 1753.28 of the Revised Code. (B) On and after November 3, 2002, each hospital in this state that is not a trauma center shall adopt protocols for adult and pediatric trauma care provided in or by that hospital; each hospital in this state that is an adult trauma center and not a level I or level II pediatric trauma center shall adopt protocols for pediatric trauma care provided in or by that hospital; each hospital in this state that is a pediatric trauma center and not a level I and II adult trauma center shall adopt protocols for adult trauma care provided in or by that hospital. In developing its trauma care protocols, each hospital shall consider the guidelines for trauma care established by the American college of surgeons, the American college of emergency physicians, American academy of emergency nurse practitioners, and the American academy of pediatrics. Trauma care protocols shall be written, comply with applicable federal and state laws, and include policies and procedures with respect to all of the following: (1) Evaluation of trauma patients, including criteria for prompt identification of trauma patients who require a level of adult or pediatric trauma care that exceeds the hospital's capabilities; (2) Emergency treatment and stabilization of trauma patients prior to transfer to an appropriate adult or pediatric trauma center; (3) Timely transfer of trauma patients to appropriate adult or pediatric trauma centers based on a patient's medical needs. Trauma patient transfer protocols shall specify all of the following: (a) Confirmation of the ability of the receiving trauma center to provide prompt adult or pediatric trauma care appropriate to a patient's medical needs; (b) Procedures for selecting an appropriate alternative adult or pediatric trauma center to receive a patient when it is not feasible or safe to transport the patient to a particular trauma center; (c) Advance notification and appropriate medical consultation with the trauma center to which a trauma patient is being, or will be, transferred; (d) Procedures for selecting an appropriate method of transportation and the hospital responsible for arranging or providing the transportation; (e) Confirmation of the ability of the persons and vehicle that will transport a trauma patient to provide appropriate adult or pediatric trauma care; (f) Assured communication with, and appropriate medical direction of, the persons transporting a trauma patient to a trauma center; (g) Identification and timely transfer of appropriate medical records of the trauma patient being transferred; (h) The hospital responsible for care of a patient in transit; (i) The responsibilities of the physician, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner attending a patient and, if different, the physician, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner who authorizes a transfer of the patient; (j) Procedures for determining, in consultation with an appropriate adult or pediatric trauma center and the persons who will transport a trauma patient, when transportation of the patient to a trauma center may be delayed for either of the following reasons: (i) Immediate transfer of the patient is unsafe due to adverse weather or ground conditions. (ii) No trauma center is able to provide appropriate adult or pediatric trauma care to the patient without undue delay. (4) Peer review and quality assurance procedures for adult and pediatric trauma care provided in or by the hospital. (C)(1) On and after November 3, 2002, each hospital shall enter into all of the following written agreements unless otherwise provided in division (C)(2) of this section: (a) An agreement with one or more adult trauma centers in each level of categorization as a trauma center higher than the hospital that governs the transfer of adult trauma patients from the hospital to those trauma centers; (b) An agreement with one or more pediatric trauma centers in each level of categorization as a trauma center higher than the hospital that governs the transfer of pediatric trauma patients from the hospital to those trauma centers. (2) A level I or level II adult trauma center is not required to enter into an adult trauma patient transfer agreement with another hospital. A level I or level II pediatric trauma center is not required to enter into a pediatric trauma patient transfer agreement with another hospital. A hospital is not required to enter into an adult trauma patient transfer agreement with a level III or level IV adult trauma center, or enter into a pediatric trauma patient transfer agreement with a level III or level IV pediatric trauma center, if no trauma center of that type is reasonably available to receive trauma patients transferred from the hospital. (3) A trauma patient transfer agreement entered into by a hospital under division (C)(1) of this section shall comply with applicable federal and state laws and contain provisions conforming to the requirements for trauma care protocols set forth in division (B) of this section. (D) A hospital shall make trauma care protocols it adopts under division (B) of this section and trauma patient transfer agreements it adopts under division (C) of this section available for public inspection during normal working hours. A hospital shall furnish a copy of such documents upon request and may charge a reasonable and necessary fee for doing so, provided that upon request it shall furnish a copy of such documents to the director of health free of charge. (E) A hospital that ceases to operate as an adult or pediatric trauma center under provisional status is not in violation of divisions (B) and (C) of this section during the time it develops different trauma care protocols and enters into different patient transfer agreements pursuant to division (D)(2)(c) of section 3727.101 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 18, 2025 at 5:49 PM
Section 3727.10 | Prohibited acts regarding trauma care.
September 17, 2002
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 124 - 124th General Assembly
On and after November 3, 2002, no hospital in this state shall knowingly do any of the following: (A) Represent that it is able to provide adult or pediatric trauma care to a severely injured patient that is inconsistent with its level of categorization as an adult or pediatric trauma center, provided that a hospital that operates an emergency facility may represent that it provides emergency care; (B) Provide adult or pediatric trauma care to a severely injured patient that is inconsistent with applicable federal laws, state laws, and trauma care protocols and patient transfer agreements the hospital has adopted under section 3727.09 of the Revised Code; (C) Transfer a severely injured adult or pediatric trauma patient to a hospital that is not a trauma center with an appropriate level of adult or pediatric categorization or otherwise transfer a severely injured adult or pediatric trauma patient in a manner inconsistent with any applicable trauma patient transfer agreement adopted by the hospital under section 3727.09 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.101 | Initial verification or reverification as adult or pediatric trauma center.
November 3, 2002
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 124 - 124th General Assembly
(A) If a hospital is seeking initial verification as an adult or pediatric trauma center, verification at a different level, or reverification after having ceased to be verified for one year or longer, the hospital shall submit an application to the American college of surgeons for a consultation visit. If a hospital is seeking reverification after having ceased to be verified for less than one year, the hospital shall submit an application for either a consultation visit or a reverification visit, except when operating pursuant to division (C)(1)(b) of this section. The hospital shall undergo the visit and obtain a written report of the results of the visit. If the report is not obtained by the date that occurs one year after the application for the visit is submitted, the hospital shall submit a new application. (B) Not later than one year after obtaining a report under division (A) of this section, a hospital may apply to the American college of surgeons for verification or reverification as an adult or pediatric trauma center if, based on the report, all of the following occur: (1) The hospital's chief medical officer and chief executive officer certify in writing to the hospital's governing board that the hospital is committed and able to provide adult or pediatric trauma care consistent with the level of verification or reverification being sought. (2) The hospital's governing board adopts a resolution stating that the hospital is committed and able to provide adult or pediatric trauma care consistent with the level of verification or reverification being sought. (3) The hospital's governing board approves a written plan and timetable for obtaining the level of verification or reverification being sought, including provisions for correcting at the earliest practicable date any deficiencies identified in the report obtained pursuant to division (A) of this section. (C)(1) A hospital may operate as an adult or pediatric trauma center under provisional status, as follows: (a) On submission of an application under division (B) of this section; (b) Until it receives the final result of its reverification if the application was submitted within one year before it ceased to be verified. (2) A hospital operating as an adult or pediatric trauma care center under provisional status is subject to both of the following: (a) The hospital shall limit its provisional status activities to those activities authorized by the level of verification or reverification being sought. (b) The hospital shall make a reasonable, good faith effort to comply with all requirements established by the American college of surgeons that must be met for the level of verification or reverification being sought. (D)(1) A hospital shall cease to operate as an adult or pediatric trauma center under provisional status if any of the following applies: (a) The application for verification or reverification is denied, suspended, terminated, or withdrawn. (b) In the case of a hospital seeking initial verification, verification at a different level, or reverification after having ceased to be verified for one year or longer, the hospital has not obtained verification or reverification by the date that occurs eighteen months after commencing to operate under provisional status. (c) In the case of a hospital seeking reverification after having ceased to be verified for less than one year, the hospital has not obtained reverification by the date that occurs one year after commencing to operate under provisional status. (2) A hospital that ceases to operate as an adult or pediatric trauma center under provisional status pursuant to division (D)(1) of this section shall do all of the following: (a) Except as otherwise provided by federal law, at the earliest practicable date transfer to one or more appropriate trauma centers all trauma patients in the hospital to whom the hospital is not permitted to provide trauma care. (b) Promptly comply with section 3727.10 of the Revised Code according to its current status. (c) Not later than one hundred eighty days after ceasing to operate under provisional status, comply with section 3727.09 of the Revised Code according to its current status. (3) A hospital that ceases to operate as an adult or pediatric trauma center under provisional status may not operate as an adult or pediatric trauma center under provisional status until two years have elapsed since it ceased to operate under that status. (E) With respect to the availability of documents and other information prepared pursuant to this section, an adult or pediatric trauma center operating under provisional status is subject to both of the following: (1) The trauma center shall make available for public inspection during normal working hours a copy of the certification, resolution, and application prepared pursuant to division (B) of this section. On request, the trauma center shall provide a copy of the documents. A reasonable fee may be charged to cover the necessary expenses incurred in furnishing the copies, except that no fee shall be charged if the copies are being furnished to the director of health. (2) On request, the trauma center shall furnish to the director of health a copy of the report of the consultative or reverification visit obtained from the American college of surgeons pursuant to division (A) of this section and a copy of the plan and timetable approved pursuant to division (B)(3) of this section for obtaining verification or reverification. The documents provided may omit patient-identifying information. Submission of the documents to the director does not waive any privilege or right of confidentiality that otherwise applies to the documents and the information in them. The documents and the information in them are not public records and shall not be disclosed to any person except employees of the department of health who are expressly authorized by the director of health to examine the copies and information in them. The documents and information in them are not subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in a civil action, except an action brought by the director against the trauma center or a person that authorized, approved, or created the original documents and the information in them. (F) Notwithstanding any provision of this section regarding the receipt of a report of the results of a consultation visit or reverification visit from the American college of surgeons, if a hospital submitted an application for a consultation visit or reverification visit as an adult or pediatric trauma center on or before May 20, 2002, the hospital may operate as an adult or pediatric trauma center under provisional status. The hospital shall do all of the following: (1) Comply with divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section as though the report has been received; (2) Approve through its governing board a written plan and timetable for obtaining the level of verification or reverification being sought, including provisions for correcting at the earliest practicable date any deficiencies identified in the exit interview following the consultation or reverification visit and any subsequent report received; (3) Comply with all other provisions of this section applicable to the operation of a trauma center under provisional status, including the requirements of division (D) of this section regarding the ceasing of operation under provisional status.
Section 3727.102 | Notice of changes in trauma center status to state agencies.
November 3, 2002
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 124 - 124th General Assembly
A hospital shall promptly notify in writing the director of health, the emergency medical services division of the department of public safety, and the appropriate regional directors and regional advisory boards appointed under section 4765.05 of the Revised Code if any of the following occurs: (A) The hospital ceases to be an adult or pediatric trauma center verified by the American college of surgeons. (B) The hospital changes its level of verification as an adult or pediatric trauma center verified by the American college of surgeons. (C) The hospital commences to operate as an adult or pediatric trauma center under provisional status pursuant to section 3727.101 of the Revised Code. (D) The hospital changes the level of verification or reverification it is seeking under its provisional status. (E) The hospital ceases to operate under its provisional status. (F) The hospital receives verification or reverification in place of its provisional status.
Section 3727.11 | Representation as comprehensive stroke center, primary stroke center, or acute stroke ready hospital.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
A hospital shall not represent itself as a comprehensive stroke center, thrombectomy-capable stroke center, primary stroke center, or acute stroke ready hospital unless it is recognized as such by the department of health under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code. This section does not prohibit a hospital from representing itself as having a relationship or affiliation with a hospital recognized by the department of health under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code or a hospital in another state that is certified as a comprehensive stroke center, thrombectomy-capable stroke center, primary stroke center, or acute stroke ready hospital by an accrediting organization approved by the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 4:21 PM
Section 3727.12 | Application for recognition as comprehensive stroke center, primary stroke center, or acute stroke ready hospital.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) A person or government entity seeking recognition of a hospital as a comprehensive stroke center, thrombectomy-capable stroke center, primary stroke center, or acute stroke ready hospital by the department of health under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code shall file with the department an application for recognition. The application shall be submitted in the manner prescribed by the department. (B)(1) To be eligible for recognition as a comprehensive stroke center under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code, a hospital must be certified as a comprehensive stroke center by an accrediting organization approved by the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services or an organization acceptable to the department under division (C) of this section. (2) To be eligible for recognition as a thrombectomy-capable stroke center under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code, a hospital must be certified as a thrombectomy-capable stroke center by an accrediting organization approved by the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services or an organization acceptable to the department under division (C) of this section. (3) To be eligible for recognition as a primary stroke center under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code, a hospital must be certified as a primary stroke center by an accrediting organization approved by the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services or an organization acceptable to the department under division (C) of this section. (4) To be eligible for recognition as an acute stroke ready hospital under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code, a hospital must be certified as an acute stroke ready hospital by an accrediting organization approved by the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services or an organization acceptable to the department under division (C) of this section. (C) For purposes of division (B) of this section, to be acceptable to the department an organization must certify comprehensive stroke centers, thrombectomy-capable stroke center, primary stroke centers, or acute stroke ready hospitals in accordance with nationally recognized certification guidelines.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 4:21 PM
Section 3727.13 | Satisfaction of requirements.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) The department of health shall recognize as a comprehensive stroke center a hospital that satisfies the requirements of division (B)(1) of section 3727.12 of the Revised Code and submits a complete application. (2) The department shall recognize as a thrombectomy-capable stroke center a hospital that satisfies the requirements of division (B)(2) of section 3727.12 of the Revised Code and submits a complete application. (3)(a) The department shall recognize as a primary stroke center a hospital that satisfies the requirements of division (B)(3) of section 3727.12 of the Revised Code and submits a complete application. (b) If a hospital satisfying the requirements of division (B)(3) of section 3727.12 of the Revised Code has attained supplementary levels of stroke care distinction as identified by an accrediting organization approved by the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services or an organization accepted by the department under section 3727.12 of the Revised Code, including by offering patients mechanical endovascular therapy, the department shall include that distinction in its recognition. (4) The department shall recognize as an acute stroke ready hospital a hospital that satisfies the requirements of division (B)(4) of section 3727.12 of the Revised Code and submits a complete application. (B) The department shall end its recognition of a hospital made under division (A) of this section if the accrediting organization described in division (B) of section 3727.12 of the Revised Code that certified the hospital revokes, rescinds, or otherwise terminates the hospital's certification with that organization or the certification expires. (C) Not later than the first day of January and July each year, the department shall compile and send a list of hospitals recognized under division (A) of this section to the medical director and cooperating physician advisory board of each emergency medical service organization, as defined in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code. The department also shall maintain a comprehensive list of recognized hospitals on its internet web site and update the list not later than thirty days after a hospital is recognized under division (A) of this section or its recognition ends under division (B) of this section.
Last updated October 3, 2023 at 4:22 PM
Section 3727.131 | Stroke registry database.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) In an effort to improve the quality of care for patients affected by stroke, the department of health shall establish and maintain a process for the collection, transmission, compilation, and oversight of data related to stroke care. Such data shall be collected, transmitted, compiled, and overseen in a manner prescribed by the director of health. As part of the process and except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, the department shall establish or utilize a stroke registry database to store information, statistics, and other data on stroke care, including information, statistics, and data that align with nationally recognized treatment guidelines and performance measures. (2) If the department established or utilized, prior to the effective date of this section , a stroke registry database that meets the requirements of this section, then both of the following apply: (a) Division (A)(1) of this section shall not be construed to require the department to establish or utilize another such database. (b) The department shall maintain both the process and stroke registry database described in this section, including in the event federal moneys are no longer available to support the process or database. (B) Not later than six months after the effective date of this section , the director of health shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this section, including rules specifying all of the following: (1) The information, statistics, and other data to be collected, which shall do both of the following: (a) Align with stroke consensus metrics developed and approved by both of the following: (i) The United States centers for disease control and prevention; (ii) Accreditation organizations that are approved by the United States centers for medicare and medicaid services and that certify stroke centers. (b) Include at a minimum both of the following: (i) Data that is consistent with nationally recognized treatment guidelines for patients with confirmed stroke; (ii) In the case of mechanical endovascular thrombectomy, data regarding the treatment's processes, complications, and outcomes, including data required by national certifying organizations. (2) The manner in which the information, statistics, and other data are to be collected; (3) The manner in which the information, statistics, and other data are to be transmitted for inclusion in the stroke registry database. (C) When adopting rules as described in division (B) of this section, all of the following apply: (1) The director of health shall do all of the following: (a) Consider nationally recognized stroke care performance measures; (b) Designate an electronic platform for the collection and transmission of data. When designating the platform, the director shall consider nationally recognized stroke data platforms. (c) In an effort to avoid duplication and redundancy, coordinate, to every extent possible, with hospitals recognized by the department under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code and national voluntary health organizations involved in stroke quality improvement. (2) The director of health may specify that, of the information, statistics, or other data that is collected, only samples are to be transmitted for inclusion in the stroke registry database. (3) The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. (D)(1) Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, each hospital that is recognized by the department under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code as a comprehensive stroke center, thrombectomy-capable stroke center, or primary stroke center shall do both of the following: (a) Collect the information, statistics, and other data specified by the director in rules adopted under division (B) of this section; (b) Transmit the information, statistics, and other data for inclusion in the stroke registry database. A hospital may contract with a third-party organization for the collection and transmission of the information, statistics, and other data. If a hospital contracts with a third-party organization, the organization shall collect and transmit such information, statistics, and other data for inclusion in the stroke registry database. (2) The data described in division (B)(1)(b)(ii) of this section shall be collected and transmitted only by a hospital that is recognized by the department under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code as a thrombectomy-capable stroke center. (3) In the case of a hospital that is recognized by the department under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code as an acute stroke ready hospital, the collection and transmission of the data described in division (B) of this section is encouraged. (E) The information, statistics, or other data collected or transmitted as required or encouraged by this section shall not identify or tend to identify any particular patient. (F) The department may establish an oversight committee to advise and monitor the department in implementing this section and to assist the department in developing short- and long-term goals for the stroke registry database. If established, the membership of the committee shall consist of individuals with expertise or experience in data collection, data management, or stroke care, including both of the following: (1) Individuals representing organizations advocating on behalf of those with stroke or cardiovascular conditions; (2) Individuals representing hospitals recognized by the department under section 3727.13 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 12, 2023 at 11:39 AM
Section 3727.14 | Certification by accrediting organization.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If an accrediting organization approved by the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services or an organization that certifies hospitals in accordance with nationally recognized certification guidelines establishes a level of stroke certification that is in addition to the four levels described in sections 3727.11 to 3727.13 of the Revised Code, the department of health shall recognize a hospital certified at that additional level. For purposes of this section, the department and a hospital shall comply with sections 3727.11 to 3727.13 of the Revised Code as if the certification and recognition described in this section were one of the four levels described in sections 3727.11 to 3727.13 of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 10, 2023 at 9:38 AM
Section 3727.15 | Adoption of rules.
March 20, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 464 - 132nd General Assembly
The director of health may adopt rules as the director considers necessary for the implementation of sections 3727.11 to 3727.14 of the Revised Code. The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.16 | Woman appearing at hospital regarding fetal death.
September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 175 - 127th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "fetal death" has the same meaning as in section 3705.01 of the Revised Code, except that it does not include either of the following: (1) The product of human conception of at least twenty weeks of gestation; (2) The purposeful termination of a pregnancy, as described in section 2919.11 of the Revised Code. (B) If a woman presents herself at a hospital as a result of a fetal death, the hospital shall provide the woman with all of the following: (1) A written statement, not longer than one page in length, that confirms that the woman was pregnant and that she subsequently suffered a miscarriage that resulted in a fetal death; (2) Notice of the right of the woman to apply for a fetal death certificate pursuant to section 3705.20 of the Revised Code; (3) A short, general description of the hospital's procedures for disposing of the product of a fetal death. A hospital or hospital employee may present the notice and description required by divisions (B)(2) and (B)(3) of this section through oral or written means. The hospital or hospital employee shall document in the woman's medical record that all of the items required by this division were provided to the woman and shall place in the record a copy of the statement required by division (B)(1) of this section. (C) A hospital or hospital employee is immune from civil or criminal liability or professional disciplinary action with regard to any action taken in good faith compliance with this section.
Section 3727.17 | Hospital to provide staff person to assist unmarried parents - acknowledgments of paternity - liability.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
Each hospital shall provide a staff person to do all of the following: (A) Meet with each unmarried mother who gave birth in or en route to the hospital within twenty-four hours after the birth or before the mother is released from the hospital; (B) Attempt to meet with the father of the unmarried mother's child if possible; (C) Explain to the unmarried mother and the father, if the father is present, the benefit to the child of establishing a parent and child relationship between the father and the child and the various proper procedures for establishing a parent and child relationship; (D) Present to the unmarried mother and, if possible, the father, the pamphlet or statement regarding the rights and responsibilities of a natural parent prepared by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 3111.32 of the Revised Code; (E) Provide the unmarried mother, and if possible the father, all forms and statements necessary to voluntarily establish a parent and child relationship, including the acknowledgment of paternity form prepared by the department of job and family services pursuant to section 3111.31 of the Revised Code; (F) Upon both the mother's and father's request, help the mother and father complete any specific form or statement necessary to establish a parent and child relationship; (G) Present to an unmarried mother who is not a recipient of medicaid or a participant in Ohio works first an application for Title IV-D services; (H) Mail the voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, no later than ten days after it is completed, to the office of child support in the department of job and family services. Each hospital shall provide a notary public to notarize, or witnesses to witness, an acknowledgment of paternity signed by the mother and father. If a hospital knows or determines that a man is presumed under section 3111.03 of the Revised Code to be the father of the child described in this section and that the presumed father is not the man who signed or is attempting to sign an acknowledgment with respect to the child, the hospital shall take no further action with regard to the acknowledgment and shall not mail the acknowledgment pursuant to this section. A hospital may contract with a person or government entity to fulfill its responsibilities under this section and sections 3111.71 to 3111.74 of the Revised Code. Services provided by a hospital under this section or pursuant to a contract under sections 3111.71 and 3111.77 of the Revised Code do not constitute the practice of law. A hospital shall not be subject to criminal or civil liability for any damage or injury alleged to result from services provided pursuant to this section or sections 3111.71 to 3111.74 of the Revised Code unless the hospital acted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner.
Last updated October 10, 2023 at 9:40 AM
Section 3727.18 | Warning sign regarding abuse or assault of hospital staff.
March 22, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 62 - 129th General Assembly
(A) Any hospital may post the notice described in division (B) of this section in accordance with this division. A hospital that decides to post the notice shall consider posting it in a conspicuous location in all of the following areas: (1) Major waiting room areas, including the waiting room areas of the emergency department, the labor and delivery department, the surgical department or unit, and the intensive care unit; (2) The main entrance to the hospital; (3) Any other area that the hospital determines to be appropriate. (B) A notice posted pursuant to division (A) of this section shall include, at a minimum, all of the following statements and information: "WE WILL NOT TOLERATE any form of threatening or aggressive behavior toward our staff. Assaults against our staff might result in a felony conviction. All staff have the right to carry out their work without fearing for their safety."
Last updated February 19, 2025 at 10:38 AM
Section 3727.181 | Hospital workplace violence incident reporting system.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 452 - 135th General Assembly
Each hospital system, and each hospital that is not part of a hospital system, shall establish a workplace violence incident reporting system, which shall be documented, tracked, and analyzed. The results of the analysis shall be used to make improvements in preventing workplace violence, including improvements achieved through continuing education in targeted areas such as de-escalation training, risk identification, and prevention planning. The reporting system shall be clearly communicated to employees, including to all new employees during orientation, and shall include guidelines for when and how to report incidents to the employer, security agencies, law enforcement authorities, including hospital police departments, local emergency service organizations, or government agencies. Each hospital system, and each hospital that is not part of a hospital system, shall adopt a policy that prohibits any person from discriminating or retaliating against any health care employee for reporting to, or seeking assistance or intervention from, the employer, security agencies, law enforcement authorities, including hospital police departments, local emergency service organizations, or government agencies, or for participating in an incident investigation. All hospital systems and hospitals shall use their reporting systems to track the following: the number of incidents reported through their respective reporting systems; the number of incidents reported to law enforcement authorities, including those reported to a hospital police department; and the number of individuals involved in the incidents who are criminally charged as a result. The data shall be shared with the team involved in developing the security plan under section 3727.18 of the Revised Code or in conducting the annual review and evaluation of the plan under that section.
Last updated March 26, 2025 at 3:50 PM
Section 3727.182 | [Former R.C. 3727.18, amended and renumbered by H.B. 452, 135th General Assembly, effective 4/9/2025] Notice regarding abuse or assault of hospital staff.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 452 - 135th General Assembly
(A) All hospitals shall post the notice described in division (B) of this section in accordance with this division. The notice may be posted in print or a digital sign format. Each hospital shall consider posting the notice in a conspicuous location in all of the following areas: (1) Major waiting room areas, including the waiting room areas of the emergency department, the labor and delivery department, the surgical department or unit, and the intensive care unit; (2) The main entrance to the hospital; (3) Any other area that the hospital determines to be appropriate. (B) A notice posted pursuant to division (A) of this section shall include the following , either as stated in this division or by using similar wording: "WE WILL NOT TOLERATE any form of threatening or aggressive behavior toward our staff. Assaults against our staff are serious violations and could result in consequences, including a felony conviction. All staff have the right to carry out their work without fearing for their safety."
Last updated March 26, 2025 at 3:52 PM
Section 3727.19 | Vaccinations to be offered to patients.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 196 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Advisory committee" means the advisory committee on immunization practices of the United States centers for disease control and prevention or its successor agency. (2) "Certified nurse-midwife," "clinical nurse specialist," and "certified nurse practitioner" have the same meanings as in section 4723.01 of the Revised Code. (3) "Physician" means an individual authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery. (B) Each hospital shall offer to each patient who is admitted to the hospital, in accordance with guidelines issued by the advisory committee, vaccination against influenza, unless a physician, certified nurse-midwife if authorized as described in section 4723.438 of the Revised Code, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner has determined that vaccination of the patient is medically inappropriate. The vaccine shall be of a form approved by the advisory committee for that calendar year. A patient may refuse vaccination. (C) Each hospital shall offer to each patient who is admitted to the hospital, in accordance with guidelines issued by the advisory committee, vaccination against pneumococcal pneumonia, unless a physician, certified nurse-midwife if authorized as described in section 4723.438 of the Revised Code, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner has determined that vaccination of the patient is medically inappropriate. Each vaccine shall be of a form approved by the advisory committee for that calendar year. A patient may refuse vaccination. (D) The director of health may adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as the director considers appropriate to implement this section.
Last updated February 18, 2025 at 5:50 PM
Section 3727.20 | Option for placement of long-acting reversible contraceptive placed after delivery; exception.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 332 - 131st General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, each hospital that has a maternity unit licensed under Chapter 3711. of the Revised Code shall modify operational processes not later than three months after the effective date of this section or three months after commencing operations, as applicable, to ensure that a woman giving birth in the hospital has the option of having a long-acting reversible contraceptive placed after delivery and before the woman is discharged. (B) A hospital is exempt from the requirement in division (A) of this section if the hospital notifies the department of health in writing that it has a faith-based objection to the requirement.
Section 3727.21 | Hospitals may conduct discussions or negotiations concerning allocation of equipment or services.
October 8, 1992
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 714 - 119th General Assembly
(A) Acting through their boards of directors or boards of trustees, a group of hospitals may conduct discussions or negotiations concerning the allocation of health care equipment or health care services, provided that the discussions or negotiations do not involve price-fixing or predatory pricing and are designed to achieve one or more of the following goals: (1) Reducing health care costs for consumers; (2) Improving access to health care services; (3) Improving the quality of patient care. Directors or trustees who participate in the discussions or negotiations authorized by this division and the hospitals they represent are immune from civil enforcement action and criminal prosecution for violations of Chapter 1331. of the Revised Code that might otherwise result from the discussions or negotiations. (B) Directors or trustees who participate in discussions or negotiations that exceed the scope of discussions or negotiations authorized by division (A) of this section and the hospitals they represent are not immune from civil enforcement or criminal prosecution for violations of Chapter 1331. of the Revised Code that may result from such discussions or negotiations.
Section 3727.22 | Request for approval of agreement to undertake cooperative action.
October 8, 1992
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 714 - 119th General Assembly
(A) If directors or trustees who participated in discussions or negotiations authorized by section 3727.21 of the Revised Code wish to have the hospitals they represent undertake a cooperative action proposed as a result of the discussions or negotiations, they may submit a request to the director of health on behalf of the hospitals for approval of an agreement to undertake the cooperative action. The request shall include all of the following: (1) A copy of the proposed agreement; (2) An implementation plan that states how and when the cooperative action identified in the agreement will meet one or more of the goals specified in division (A) of section 3727.21 of the Revised Code; (3) Any additional information the boards of directors or boards of trustees wish to present to the director; (4) Any additional information the director of health considers necessary to make the determination required by division (B) of this section. (B) If the director of health determines, on the basis of the information submitted by the directors or trustees, that one or more of the goals set forth in division (A) of section 3727.21 of the Revised Code is likely to be met through the implementation of a cooperative agreement and that the benefits resulting from the cooperative agreement are likely to outweigh the disadvantages attributable to any reduction in competition, the director shall submit the request for approval of an agreement to undertake cooperative action to the attorney general for review. The attorney general shall review the request not later than thirty days after he receives it. The attorney general may advise the director, in writing, to approve or deny the request. Failure by the attorney general to advise the director regarding his review within thirty days of his receipt of the request shall constitute his approval of the request. If the attorney general advises the director to deny a request, he shall state the reasons for such denial. Reasons for advising the director to deny a request include a determination that the implementation of the agreement will result in price-fixing or predatory pricing. On receipt of the advice of the attorney general, or at the end of the thirty-day period, the director of health shall issue an order in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code approving or denying the cooperative agreement. The director's order to approve or deny a cooperative agreement is not subject to appeal. (C) A group of hospitals that is the subject of an order approving a cooperative agreement issued under division (B) of this section is immune from civil enforcement action and criminal prosecution for actions that might otherwise violate Chapter 1331. of the Revised Code taken in furtherance of the cooperative agreement. Directors and trustees who participate in the implementation of an approved cooperative agreement also are immune from civil enforcement action and criminal prosecution for actions that might otherwise violate Chapter 1331. of the Revised Code taken in furtherance of the cooperative agreement. (D) The director of health may request periodic written updates of the progress of the approved cooperative agreement. If updates are requested, the director shall specify the intervals at which they must be submitted, which shall be not less than every ninety days. The attorney general may request the director to provide copies of any updates the director receives. (E) The director of health may rescind an order approving a cooperative agreement by issuing a rescission order in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code if updates of the progress of the approved cooperative agreement are not provided to him as requested, if he determines that the approved cooperative agreement is not meeting one or more of the goals specified in division (A) of section 3727.21 of the Revised Code, or if he determines that the benefits resulting from the cooperative agreement do not outweigh the disadvantages attributable to any reduction in competition. A rescission order may be appealed in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code by any of the hospitals that are parties to the cooperative agreement. Any affected person may intervene in the appeal. (F) Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the attorney general to initiate civil enforcement action or criminal prosecution if he determines that the hospitals or their directors or trustees have exceeded the scope of the cooperative agreement approved under division (B) of this section. (G) Nothing in sections 3727.21 to 3727.23 of the Revised Code shall obligate the boards of directors or boards of trustees of a group of hospitals to submit a request for approval under this section. Any person who implements any cooperative action or agreement without securing the approval of the director of health under this section is subject to any civil or criminal enforcement action for violations of Chapter 1331. of the Revised Code that may result from such action.
Section 3727.23 | Adoption of rules.
October 8, 1992
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 714 - 119th General Assembly
The director of health may adopt rules for the implementation of sections 3727.21 and 3727.22 of the Revised Code, including rules establishing procedures and criteria for the review and evaluation of proposed cooperative agreements under section 3727.22 of the Revised Code. If rules are adopted, they shall ensure that there is opportunity for public comment during the review and evaluation of proposed cooperative agreements.
Section 3727.24 | State to provide direction, supervision, and control over approved cooperative agreements.
October 8, 1992
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 714 - 119th General Assembly
It is the intent of sections 3727.21 to 3727.23 of the Revised Code to require the state, through the director of health and attorney general, to provide direction, supervision, and control over approved cooperative agreements entered into under section 3727.22 of the Revised Code. To achieve the goals specified in section 3727.21 of the Revised Code, this state direction, supervision, and control of cooperative agreements will provide state action immunity under federal antitrust laws to the members of boards of directors or boards of trustees of a group of hospitals who participate in discussions or negotiations authorized by section 3727.21 of the Revised Code, and to persons authorized by such directors or trustees to implement cooperative agreements approved under section 3727.22 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.25 | Surgical smoke evacuation policy.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Surgical smoke" means the airborne byproduct of an energy-generating device used in a surgical procedure, including smoke plume, bioaerosols, gases, laser-generated contaminants, and dust. (2) "Surgical smoke evacuation system" means equipment designed to capture, filter, and eliminate surgical smoke at the point of origin, before the smoke makes contact with the eyes or respiratory tract of individuals. (B) Not later than one year after the effective date of this section , each hospital that offers surgical services shall adopt and implement a policy designed to prevent human exposure to surgical smoke during any planned surgical procedure that is likely to generate surgical smoke. The policy shall include the use of a surgical smoke evacuation system. (C) The director of health may adopt any rules the director considers necessary to implement this section. The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
Last updated October 12, 2023 at 11:40 AM
Section 3727.31 | [Repealed effective 12/19/2016 by H.B. 471, 131st General Assembly] Hospital measures advisory council.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
There is hereby created the hospital measures advisory council. The council shall consist of the following members: (A) The director of health; (B) The superintendent of insurance; (C) The executive director of the commission on minority health or the executive director's designee; (D) Two members of the house of representatives, from different political parties, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; (E) Two members of the senate, from different political parties, appointed by the president of the senate; (F) One representative of each of the following appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives: (1) Health insurers; (2) Small employers; (3) Organized labor; (4) Physicians in general practice; (5) Childrens' hospitals. (G) One representative of each of the following appointed by the president of the senate: (1) Physicians specializing in public health; (2) Hospitals; (3) Health services researchers; (4) Health care consumers; (5) Large employers.
Last updated March 17, 2025 at 5:51 PM
Section 3727.32 | [Repealed effective 12/19/2016 by H.B. 471, 131st General Assembly] Data collection and analysis group.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
(A) The director of health shall convene a group of experts in data collection and analysis or a related field to do all of the following: (1) Develop, on an ongoing basis, recommendations regarding measures for hospital inpatient and outpatient services and submit the recommendations to the director for the director's consideration when the director adopts rules under section 3727.41 of the Revised Code specifying the measures to be used by hospitals in submitting information to the director under section 3727.33 of the Revised Code; (2) Issue, not later than one year after the date the last of the initial members of the hospital measures advisory council is appointed, a report to the director that advises the director on how to provide for any internet web site established under section 3727.39 of the Revised Code to include a report on each hospital's overall performance in meeting the measures specified in rules adopted under section 3727.41 of the Revised Code; (3) Submit to the director guidelines to be used to determine whether a hospital's performance in meeting a particular measure should be excluded from any web site established under section 3727.39 of the Revised Code because the hospital's caseload for the diagnosis or procedure that the measure concerns is insufficient to make the hospital's performance a reliable indicator of its ability to treat the diagnosis or perform the procedure in a quality manner; (4) Assist the hospital measures advisory council with the part of the report required by division (B) of section 3727.312 of the Revised Code that includes recommendations for the audits conducted pursuant to section 3727.331 of the Revised Code and provide the director ongoing advice on the issue of those audits. (B) Each member of the hospital measures advisory council shall appoint an individual to serve on a group convened under this section, except that a member of the council who is an expert in data collection and analysis or a related field may serve as a member of the group rather than appoint another individual. The director of health shall ensure that the group's membership includes at least one representative of small and rural hospitals. The members of the group shall serve without remuneration, except to the extent that serving in the group is considered a part of their regular employment duties. The members shall not be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in the group.
Last updated March 17, 2025 at 5:59 PM
Section 3727.33 | [Repealed effective 9/29/2017 by H.B. 49, 132nd General Assembly] Hospital performance information.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
Beginning in 2007, not later than the first day of each April and the first day of each October, each hospital shall submit information to the director of health that shows the hospital's performance in meeting each of the inpatient and outpatient service measures specified in rules adopted under section 3727.41 of the Revised Code. In submitting information under this section, each hospital shall do all of the following: (A) Submit the information for the hospital's inpatient and outpatient services regardless of who pays the charges incurred for the services; (B) For each measure for which the information is submitted, use the form and specifications for the measure that the entity that developed or endorsed the measure recommends be used for the measure; (C) Adjust for risk, as needed, the information for a particular measure in accordance with the risk adjustment methodology that the entity that developed or endorsed the measure recommends be used for the measure; (D) Provide for the information to reflect the hospital's performance in meeting the measures over a twelve-month period; (E) Follow the rules governing the submission of the information that are adopted under section 3727.41 of the Revised Code.
Last updated March 17, 2025 at 6:03 PM
Section 3727.34 | [Repealed effective 9/29/2017 by H.B. 49, 132nd General Assembly] Information pertaining to inpatient services.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, on or before the first day of each May, each hospital shall submit to the director of health the following information pertaining to inpatient services, regardless of who pays the charges incurred for the services, for patients in each of the sixty diagnosis related groups as defined pursuant to 42 C.F.R. 412 most frequently treated on an inpatient basis in the hospital as represented by inpatient discharges during the previous calendar year: (1) The total number of patients discharged; (2) The mean, median, and range of total hospital charges; (3) The mean, median, and range of length of stay; (4) The number of admissions from each of the following: (a) Emergency room; (b) Transfer from another hospital; (c) Other sources of admission. (5) The number of patients falling within diagnosis related group numbers 468, 469, and 470 as defined pursuant to 42 C.F.R. part 412. (B) On or before the first day of each May, each hospital shall submit to the director of health the following information pertaining to outpatient services, regardless of who pays the charges incurred for the services, for patients in each of the sixty categories of outpatient services most frequently provided by the hospital as represented by outpatient discharges during the previous calendar year: (1) The mean and median of total hospital charges for the services; (2) For each of the sixty categories of services, the number of patients for whom the hospital provided the services. (C) This section does not require the submission of information for any diagnosis related group or outpatient service category for which the hospital treated fewer than ten patients during the year. (D) Each hospital may include with the information submitted under this section commentary concerning reasons for major deviations in the range of the information for any diagnosis related group or outpatient service category. All reports or other releases of information by the director identifying a hospital shall include the commentary provided by the hospital. (E)(1) The director shall make the information submitted under this section available to the public in accordance with sections 3727.39 and 3727.40 of the Revised Code. (2) Every hospital shall make the information it submits under this section available for inspection by any member of the public at any reasonable time. On request, the hospital shall make copies available for a reasonable fee, and the hospital shall advise the requesting person that the information is available from the director of health, as provided in sections 3727.39 and 3727.40 of the Revised Code. If a hospital has information available on the average prices of diagnosis related groups, outpatient service categories, or specific procedures not required to be submitted under this section, it shall make such information available at the request of any member of the public.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 10:31 AM
Section 3727.35 | [Repealed effective 9/29/2017 by H.B. 49, 132nd General Assembly] Verifying and correcting information.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
The director of health shall permit a hospital to verify the accuracy of all information submitted to the director under sections 3727.33 and 3727.34 of the Revised Code and provide corrections of the information in a timely manner.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 10:38 AM
Section 3727.36 | [Repealed effective 9/29/2017 by H.B. 49, 132nd General Assembly] No submission of social security numbers.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
Under no circumstances shall the name or social security number of a patient, physician, or dentist be included in the information submitted under section 3727.33 or 3727.34 of the Revised Code.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 1:56 PM
Section 3727.37 | [Repealed effective 9/29/2017 by H.B. 49, 132nd General Assembly] Hospital not liable for misuse of information by other.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
A hospital that submits information under section 3727.33 or 3727.34 of the Revised Code is not liable for the misuse or improper release of the information by any of the following: (A) The department of health; (B) A person with whom the director of health contracts under section 3727.391 of the Revised Code; (C) A person whose misuse or improper release of the information is not done on behalf of the hospital.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 1:58 PM
Section 3727.38 | [Repealed effective 9/29/2017 by H.B. 49, 132nd General Assembly] Inadmissibility of submitted information.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
The information submitted under section 3727.33 or 3727.34 of the Revised Code shall not be used to establish or alter any professional standard of care. The information is not admissible as evidence in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 2:02 PM
Section 3727.381 | Hospital price transparency fund.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 173 - 135th General Assembly
There is hereby created in the state treasury the hospital price transparency fund, consisting of administrative penalties collected under section 3727.38 of the Revised Code. The director of health shall administer the fund. The amounts deposited shall be used for purposes of administering and enforcing sections 3727.31 to 3727.40 of the Revised Code, except that the director may use a portion for purposes of informing the public about the availability of hospital price information and other consumer rights under those sections.
Last updated March 19, 2025 at 1:13 PM
Section 3727.39 | [Repealed effective 9/29/2017 by H.B. 49, 132nd General Assembly] Display of submitted information.
December 19, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 471 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The duties of the director of health under this section are subject to section 3727.391 of the Revised Code. (B) Not later than ninety days after a hospital submits information to the director of health under section 3727.33 or 3727.34 of the Revised Code, the director shall make the submitted information available on an internet web site. In making the information available on a web site, the director shall do all of the following: (1) Make the web site available to the public without charge; (2) Provide for the web site to be organized in a manner that enables the public to use it easily; (3) Exclude from the web site any information that compromises patient privacy; (4) Include links to hospital internet web sites to enable the public to obtain additional information about hospitals, including hospital programs designed to enhance quality and safety; (5) Allow other internet web sites to link to the web site for purposes of increasing the web site's availability and encouraging ongoing improvement; (6) Update the web site as needed to include new information and to correct errors. (C) The information submitted under section 3727.33 of the Revised Code shall be presented on the web site in a manner that enables the public to compare the performance of hospitals in meeting the measures for hospital inpatient and outpatient services specified in rules adopted under section 3727.41 of the Revised Code. In making the information available on a web site, the director shall do all of the following: (1) Enable the public to compare the performance of hospitals in meeting the measures for specific diagnoses and procedures; (2) Enable the public to make the comparisons by different geographic regions, such as by county or zip code; (3) Include a report of each hospital's overall performance in meeting the measures; (4) To the extent possible, include state and federal benchmarks for the measures; (5) Include contextual information and explanations that the public can easily understand, including contextual information that explains why differences in the performance of hospitals in meeting the measures may be misleading; (6) Exclude from the web site a hospital's performance in meeting a particular measure if the hospital's caseload for the diagnosis or procedure that the measure concerns is insufficient to make the hospital's performance for the diagnosis or procedure a reliable indicator of its ability to treat the diagnosis or provide the procedure in a quality manner; (7) Clearly identify the sources of information used in the web site and explain both of the following: (a) The analytical methods used in determining the performance of hospitals in meeting the measures; (b) The risk adjustment methodologies that hospitals use to adjust information submitted to the director pursuant to division (C) of section 3727.33 of the Revised Code.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 2:05 PM
Section 3727.40 | [Repealed effective 9/29/2017 by H.B. 49, 132nd General Assembly] Sale of submitted information.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
Not later than ninety days after a hospital submits information to the director of health under section 3727.33 or 3727.34 of the Revised Code, the director shall make the submitted information available for sale to any interested person or government entity. When the director sells the information, the fee charged shall not exceed a reasonable amount.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 4:57 PM
Section 3727.42 | [Repealed effective 4/3/2025 by H.B. 173, 135th General Assembly] Price information list.
September 10, 2012
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 487 - 129th General Assembly
(A) Every hospital shall compile and make available for inspection by the public a price information list containing the information specified in division (B) of this section and shall periodically update the list to maintain current information. The price information list shall be compiled and made available in a format that complies with the electronic transaction standards and code sets adopted by the United States secretary of health and human services under 42 U.S.C. 1320d-2. (B) Each price information list required by division (A) of this section shall contain all of the following information: (1) The usual and customary room and board charges for each level of care within the hospital, including but not limited to private rooms, semiprivate rooms, other multiple patient rooms, and intensive care and other specialty units; (2) Rates charged for nursing care, if the hospital charges separately for nursing care; (3) The usual and customary charges, stated separately for inpatients and outpatients if different charges are imposed, for any of the following services provided by the hospital: (a) The thirty most common x-ray and radiological procedures; (b) The thirty most common laboratory procedures; (c) Emergency room services; (d) Operating room services; (e) Delivery room services; (f) Physical, occupational, and pulmonary therapy services; (g) Any other services designated as high volume services by a rule which shall be adopted by the director of health. (4) The hospital's billing policies, including whether the hospital charges interest on an amount not paid in full by any person or government entity and the interest rate charged; (5) Whether or not the charges listed include fees for the services of hospital-based anesthesiologists, radiologists, pathologists, and emergency room physicians and, if a charge does not include such fees, how such fee information can be obtained. (C) Every hospital shall do all of the following with the price information list required by this section: (1) At the time of admission, or as soon as practical thereafter, inform each patient of the availability of the list and on request provide the patient with a free copy of the list; (2) On request, provide a paper copy of the list to any person or governmental agency, subject to payment of a reasonable fee for copying and processing; (3) Make the list available free of charge on the hospital's internet web site.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 2:23 PM
Section 3727.43 | [Repealed effective 4/3/2025 by H.B. 173, 135th General Assembly] Disclosing overcharges.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
Each hospital shall provide a full disclosure of the provisions of section 3924.21 of the Revised Code to every beneficiary who receives services at the hospital.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 2:25 PM
Section 3727.44 | [Amended and renumbered as R.C. 3727.40 by H.B. 173, 135th General Assembly, effective 4/3/2025] Rules.
November 13, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 197 - 126th General Assembly
The director of health may adopt rules to carry out the purposes of sections 3727.42 and 3727.43 of the Revised Code. All rules adopted pursuant to this section shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 5:01 PM
Section 3727.45 | [Repealed effective 4/3/2025 by H.B. 173, 135th General Assembly] Injunction to obtain compliance.
September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
The director of health may apply to the court of common pleas of the county in which a hospital is located for a temporary or permanent injunction restraining the hospital from failure to comply with section 3727.42 of the Revised Code.
Last updated March 18, 2025 at 2:27 PM
Section 3727.49 | Freestanding emergency department; notice.
October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "freestanding emergency department" means a facility that provides emergency care and is structurally separate and distinct from a hospital, as defined in section 3727.01 of the Revised Code. (B) A freestanding emergency department shall provide notice that identifies the facility as a freestanding emergency department. The facility shall provide the notice by posting it in either of the following ways: (1) In a conspicuous place in an area of the facility that is accessible to the public; (2) On the facility's internet web site. (C) A freestanding emergency department shall use the national provider identifier, as assigned to the freestanding emergency department by the national provider system pursuant to 45 C.F.R. 162.408, on all claims for payment for health care services or goods. (D) The director of health may apply to the court of common pleas of the county in which a freestanding emergency department is located for a temporary or permanent injunction restraining the freestanding emergency department from failure to comply with this section.
Section 3727.50 | Hospital nursing staff definitions.
September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 346 - 127th General Assembly
As used in this section and sections 3727.51 to 3727.57 of the Revised Code: (A) "Direct patient care" means care provided by a nurse with direct responsibility to carry out medical regimens or nursing care for one or more patients. (B) "Inpatient care unit" means a hospital unit, including an operating room or other inpatient care area, in which nursing care is provided to patients who have been admitted to the hospital. (C) "Nurse" means a person who is licensed to practice as a registered nurse under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code or, if the hospital employs licensed practical nurses, a person who is licensed to practice as a licensed practical nurse under that chapter.
Section 3727.51 | Hospital-wide nursing care committee.
September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 346 - 127th General Assembly
(A) Each hospital shall convene a hospital-wide nursing care committee not later than ninety days after the effective date of this section or, if the hospital is not treating patients on the effective date of this section, ninety days after the hospital begins to treat patients. The hospital shall select the members of the committee, subject to all of the following: (1) The hospital's chief nursing officer shall be included as a member of the committee. (2) At least fifty per cent of the committee's membership shall consist of registered nurses who provide direct patient care in the hospital. (3) The number of registered nurses included as members of the committee shall be sufficient to provide adequate representation of all types of nursing care services provided in the hospital. (B) The committee member who is the hospital's chief nursing officer shall establish a mechanism for obtaining input from nurses in all inpatient care units who provide direct patient care regarding what the nursing services staffing plan recommendations described in division (B) of section 3727.52 of the Revised Code should include.
Section 3727.52 | Duties of nursing care committee.
September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 346 - 127th General Assembly
A hospital-wide nursing care committee convened pursuant to section 3727.51 of the Revised Code shall do both of the following: (A) If one exists, evaluate the hospital's current nursing services staffing plan; (B) Recommend a nursing services staffing plan that is, at a minimum, consistent with current standards established by private accreditation organizations or governmental entities and addresses all of the following: (1) The selection, implementation, and evaluation of minimum staffing levels for all inpatient care units that ensure that the hospital has a staff of competent nurses with the specialized skills needed to meet patient needs in accordance with evidence-based safe nurse staffing standards; (2) The complexity of complete care, assessment on patient admission, volume of patient admissions, discharges and transfers, evaluation of the progress of a patient's problems, the amount of time needed for patient education, ongoing physical assessments, planning for a patient's discharge, assessment after a change in patient condition, and assessment of the need for patient referrals; (3) Patient acuity and the number of patients for whom care is being provided; (4) The need for ongoing assessments of a unit's patients and its nursing staff levels; (5) The hospital's policy for identifying additional nurses who can provide direct patient care when patients' unexpected needs exceed the planned workload for direct care staff.
Section 3727.53 | Written nursing services staffing plan.
September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 346 - 127th General Assembly
(A) In accordance with division (B) of this section, each hospital shall create an evidence-based written nursing services staffing plan guiding the assignment of nurses hospital-wide. The staffing plan shall be implemented not later than ninety days after the hospital-wide nursing care committee is convened pursuant to section 3727.51 of the Revised Code, except that if the hospital's next fiscal year starts not later than one hundred eighty days after the date on which the committee convenes, implementation may be delayed until the first day of that fiscal year. (B) The staffing plan created under this section shall, at a minimum, reflect current standards established by private accreditation organizations or governmental entities. The plan shall be based on multiple nurse and patient considerations that yield minimum staffing levels for inpatient care units that ensure that the hospital has a staff of competent nurses with specialized skills needed to meet patient needs. These considerations shall include both of the following: (1) The recommendations of the hospital-wide nursing care committee made under section 3727.52 of the Revised Code, which shall be given significant consideration; (2) All of the matters listed in divisions (B)(1) to (5) of section 3727.52 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.54 | Review of current staffing plan - recommendations.
September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) At least once every two years, the hospital-wide nursing care committee convened pursuant to section 3727.51 of the Revised Code shall do both of the following: (1) Review how the nursing services staffing plan in effect at the time of the review does all of the following: (a) Affects inpatient care outcomes; (b) Affects clinical management; (c) Facilitates a delivery system that provides, on a cost-effective basis, quality nursing care consistent with acceptable and prevailing standards of safe nursing care and evidence-based guidelines established by national nursing organizations. (2) Make recommendations, based on the review conducted under division (A)(1) of this section, regarding how the nursing services staffing plan should be revised, if at all. (B) For the purpose of maintaining a repository for public access, beginning in 2018, a hospital shall submit to the department of health, by March 1 of each even-numbered year, a copy of the hospital's nursing services staffing plan in effect at that time. The copy of the plan is a public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.55 | Model for adjusting unit staffing plans.
September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 346 - 127th General Assembly
To provide staffing flexibility to meet patient needs, every hospital shall identify a model for adjusting the nursing services staffing plan created under section 3727.53 of the Revised Code for each inpatient care unit.
Section 3727.56 | Copies of staffing plan to be provided.
September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 346 - 127th General Assembly
(A) A hospital shall provide copies of its nursing services staffing plan created under section 3727.53 of the Revised Code, in accordance with both of the following: (1) Free of charge, a copy of the staffing plan and subsequent changes to the plan shall be provided to each member of the hospital's nursing staff. (2) For a fee not to exceed actual copying costs, a copy of the staffing plan shall be provided to any person who requests it. (B) In a conspicuous location in the hospital, a notice shall be posted informing the public of the availability of the staffing plan. The notice shall specify the appropriate person, office, or department to be contacted to review or obtain a copy of the staffing plan.
Section 3727.57 | Collective bargaining agreement not affected.
September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 346 - 127th General Assembly
Nothing in sections 3727.50 to 3727.56 of the Revised Code shall be construed to limit, alter, or modify any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into by a hospital.
Section 3727.60 | Prohibitions for public hospitals regarding nontherapeutic abortions.
September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Ambulatory surgical facility" has the same meaning as in section 3702.30 of the Revised Code. (2) "Nontherapeutic abortion" has the same meaning as in section 9.04 of the Revised Code. (3) "Political subdivision" means any body corporate and politic that is responsible for governmental activities in a geographic area smaller than the state. (4) "Public hospital" means a hospital registered with the department of health under section 3701.07 of the Revised Code that is owned, leased, or controlled by this state or any agency, institution, instrumentality, or political subdivision of this state. "Public hospital" includes any state university hospital, state medical college hospital, joint hospital, or public hospital agency. (5) "Written transfer agreement" means an agreement described in section 3702.303 of the Revised Code. (B) No public hospital shall do either of the following: (1) Enter into a written transfer agreement with an ambulatory surgical facility in which nontherapeutic abortions are performed or induced; (2) Authorize a physician who has been granted staff membership or professional privileges at the public hospital to use that membership or those privileges as a substitution for, or alternative to, a written transfer agreement for purposes of a variance application described in section 3702.304 of the Revised Code that is submitted to the director of health by an ambulatory surgical facility in which nontherapeutic abortions are performed or induced.
Section 3727.70 | Definitions.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
As used in this section and sections 3727.71 to 3727.79 of the Revised Code: (A) "Admission" means a patient's admission to a hospital on an inpatient basis by a health care professional specified in division (B)(1) of section 3727.06 of the Revised Code. (B) "After-care" means assistance provided by a lay caregiver to a patient in the patient's residence after the patient's discharge and includes only the caregiving needs of the patient at the time of discharge. (C) "Discharge" means the discharge or release of a patient who has been admitted to a hospital on an inpatient basis from the hospital directly to the patient's residence. " Discharge" does not include the transfer of a patient to another facility or setting. (D) "Discharging health care professional" means a health care professional who is authorized by division (B)(1) of section 3727.06 of the Revised Code to admit a patient to a hospital and who has assumed responsibility for directing the creation of the patient's discharge plan under section 3727.75 of the Revised Code. (E) "Guardian" has the same meaning as in section 2133.01 of the Revised Code. (F) "Lay caregiver" means an adult designated under section 3727.71 of the Revised Code to provide after-care to a patient. (G) "Lay caregiver designation" means the designation of a lay caregiver for a patient as described in section 3727.71 of the Revised Code. (H)(1) "Patient's residence" means either of the following: (a) The dwelling that a patient or the patient's guardian considers to be the patient's home; (b) The dwelling of a relative or other individual who has agreed to temporarily house the patient following discharge and who has communicated this fact to hospital staff. (2) "Patient's residence" does not include any of the following: (a) A hospital; (b) A nursing home, residential care facility, county h ome, or district home, as defined in section 3721.01 of the Revised Code; (c) A veterans' home operated under Chapter 5907. of the Revised Code; (d) A residential facility, as defined in section 5119.34 of the Revised Code; (e) A residential facility, as defined in section 5123.19 of the Revised Code; (f) A hospice care program, as defined in section 3712.01 of the Revised Code; (g) A freestanding inpatient rehabilitation facility licensed under section 3702.30 of the Revised Code; (h) Another facility similar to one specified in this division.
Last updated September 21, 2023 at 12:00 PM
Section 3727.71 | Designation of lay caregiver.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
(A) In the case of a patient who is at least fifty-five years of age and not unconscious or otherwise incapacitated at the time of admission, a hospital shall offer the patient or the patient's guardian an opportunity to designate a lay caregiver for the patient. The offer shall be made after the patient's admission and before the patient's discharge. (B) In the case of a patient who is at least fifty-five years of age and unconscious or otherwise incapacitated at the time of admission, a hospital shall offer the patient or the patient's guardian an opportunity to designate a lay caregiver for the patient. The offer shall be made after the patient regains consciousness or capacity and before the patient's discharge.
Section 3727.72 | Duties of hospital upon designation.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
(A) If a patient or guardian makes a lay caregiver designation, the hospital shall do both of the following: (1) To the extent the information is available, record in the patient's medical record the lay caregiver's name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, and relationship to the patient; (2) Request from the patient or guardian consent to disclose the patient's medical information to the lay caregiver in accordance with hospital policy and state and federal law. (B) If a patient or guardian declines to make a lay caregiver designation, the hospital shall note that decision in the patient's medical record and have no other obligation under sections 3727.71 to 3727.79 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.73 | Revocation of designation.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
A patient or guardian may revoke a lay caregiver designation at any time before the patient's discharge by communicating that intent to hospital staff. After revocation, a new lay caregiver designation may be completed in accordance with section 3727.71 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.74 | Notification of intent to discharge.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, a hospital that intends to discharge a patient, or transfer a patient to another hospital or facility, shall notify the patient's lay caregiver of that intent as soon as practicable. (B) Division (A) of this section does not apply if the patient or guardian has not given the consent described in division (A)(2) of section 3727.72 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.75 | Discharge plan.
September 13, 2022
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 160 - 134th General Assembly
(A) A hospital that intends to discharge a patient shall, as soon as practicable, create a discharge plan in accordance with state and federal law and hospital policy and review that plan with the patient or the patient's guardian. If a lay caregiver designation has been made, the discharging health care professional has determined that the lay caregiver's participation in the review would be appropriate, and the lay caregiver is available within a reasonable amount of time, the hospital shall arrange for the lay caregiver to also participate in the review. The review shall be conducted in accordance with section 3727.76 of the Revised Code. (B)(1) A discharge plan may include the following information: (a) A description of the tasks that are necessary to facilitate the patient's transition from the hospital to the patient's residence; (b) Contact information for the health care providers or providers of community or long-term care services that the hospital and the patient or guardian believe are necessary for successful implementation of the discharge plan. (2) If the patient is a veteran, as defined in section 5901.01 of the Revised Code, who requires additional health care services after discharge, such as through a hospice care program, nursing home, or home care or residential services, a discharge plan shall include both of the following: (a) Notification that the veteran, spouse, or surviving spouse may be eligible for health care or financial benefits through the United States department of veterans affairs; (b) Information about congressionally chartered veterans service organizations or the county veterans service office that can assist with investigating and applying for benefits through the United States department of veterans affairs. (3) If a lay caregiver designation has been made and the discharging health care professional has determined that the lay caregiver is to have a role in the discharge plan, the discharge plan may include any of the following: (a) The lay caregiver's name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, and relationship to the patient, if available; (b) A description of all after-care tasks to be performed by the lay caregiver, taking into account the lay caregiver's capability to perform such tasks; (c) Any other information the hospital believes is necessary for successful implementation of the discharge plan. (C) A discharging health care professional shall not be subject to criminal prosecution or professional disciplinary action, or be liable in a tort action or other civil action, for an event or occurrence that allegedly arises out of the health care professional's determination that a patient's lay caregiver should or should not participate in the review of the patient's discharge plan.
Last updated July 14, 2022 at 3:19 PM
Section 3727.76 | Review of discharge plan.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The review of a discharge plan that has been created under section 3727.75 of the Revised Code shall be conducted in a manner that is culturally sensitive to each individual who participates in the review. In accordance with state and federal law and if appropriate, the hospital shall arrange for an interpreter to be present during the instruction. (B)(1) The review described in division (A) of this section shall, subject to division (B)(2) of this section, include the following components: (a) If the discharging health care professional determines that it is appropriate, a live demonstration of each task described in the discharge plan performed by a hospital employee or an individual under contract with the hospital to provide the instruction; (b) An opportunity for each participant to ask questions and receive responses; (c) Any other component the hospital believes is necessary to ensure that each participant receives adequate instruction on the tasks described in the discharge plan. (2) It is the intent of the general assembly that execution of the components in division (B)(1) of this section n ot unreasonably delay a patient's discharge. (C) The hospital shall document information concerning the instruction provided under this section in the patient's medical record. The information shall include the date and time the instruction was provided and a description of the instruction content.
Section 3727.77 | Nature of designation.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
(A) Sections 3727.70 to 3727.76 of the Revised Code do not require a patient or guardian to make a lay caregiver designation. (B) A lay caregiver designation does not obligate any individual to perform after-care. (C) A lay caregiver designation or the absence of one shall not interfere with, delay, or otherwise affect the provision of health care to the patient.
Section 3727.78 | Construction of lay caregiver provisions.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
It is the intent of the general assembly that sections 3727.70 to 3727.77 of the Revised Code not be construed to do any of the following: (A) Interfere with the authority of a patient's attorney- in-fact under sections 1337.11 to 1337.17 of the Revised Code or a patient's proxy under sections 2135.01 to 2135.14 of the Revised Code; (B) Create a right of action against a hospital or an employee, agent, or contractor of the hospital; (C) Create a liability for a hospital or an employee, agent, or contractor of the hospital; (D) Limit, impair, or supersede any right or remedy that a person has under any other statute, rule, regulation, or the common law of this state; (E) Alter the obligations of an insurer under a health insurance policy, contract, or plan.
Section 3727.79 | Adoption of rules.
March 21, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 470 - 131st General Assembly
The department of health may adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as necessary to implement sections 3727.70 to 3727.78 of the Revised Code.
Section 3727.80 | Hospital admission and notification to health plan.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "health benefit plan," "health plan issuer," and "health care services" have the same meanings as in section 3922.01 of the Revised Code. (B) If a patient is admitted to a hospital for inpatient health care services and the hospital is informed at the time of admission that the person is covered by a health benefit plan, the hospital shall notify the health plan issuer of the admission within forty-eight hours of the patient being admitted. (C) If a patient is admitted to a hospital for inpatient health care services prior to the hospital being informed that the patient is covered by a health benefit plan, the hospital shall notify the health plan issuer within forty-eight hours of being informed the patient is covered by the health plan issuer. (D) A hospital shall be considered to have been informed that a patient is covered by a health benefit plan upon being provided with an identification card that provides the health plan issuer's contact information or other information sufficient for the hospital to contact the health plan issuer and confirm coverage. (E) The notice required under divisions (B) and (C) of this section shall be made in writing and may be provided through a secure electronic transmission by the hospital to the health plan issuer or, if written notice is not possible, then the notice shall be made by telephonic communication.
Last updated September 9, 2021 at 1:01 PM