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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 4781 | Manufactured Homes

Section 4781.01 | Manufactured homes definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Industrialized unit" has the same meaning as in division (C)(3) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Installation" means any of the following:

(1) The temporary or permanent construction of stabilization, support, and anchoring systems for manufactured housing;

(2) The placement and erection of a manufactured housing unit or components of a unit on a structural support system;

(3) The supporting, blocking, leveling, securing, anchoring, underpinning, or adjusting of any section or component of a manufactured housing unit;

(4) The joining or connecting of all sections or components of a manufactured housing unit.

(C) "Manufactured home" has the same meaning as in division (C)(4) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Manufactured home park" means any tract of land upon which three or more manufactured or mobile homes used for habitation are parked, either free of charge or for revenue purposes, and includes any roadway, building, structure, vehicle, or enclosure used or intended for use as a part of the facilities of the park. "Manufactured home park" does not include any of the following:

(1) A tract of land used solely for the storage or display for sale of manufactured or mobile homes or solely as a temporary park-camp as defined in section 3729.01 of the Revised Code;

(2) A tract of land that is subdivided and the individual lots are for sale or sold for the purpose of installation of manufactured or mobile homes used for habitation and the roadways are dedicated to the local government authority;

(3) A tract of land within an area that is subject to local zoning authority and subdivision requirements and is subdivided, and the individual lots are for sale or sold for the purpose of installation of manufactured or mobile homes for habitation.

(E) "Manufactured housing" means manufactured homes and mobile homes.

(F) "Manufactured housing installer" means an individual who installs manufactured housing.

(G) "Mobile home" has the same meaning as in division (O) of section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.

(H) "Model standards" means the federal manufactured home installation standards established pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5404.

(I) "Permanent foundation" has the same meaning as in division (C)(5) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.

(J) "Business" includes any activities engaged in by any person for the object of gain, benefit, or advantage either direct or indirect.

(K) "Casual sale" means any transfer of a manufactured home or mobile home by a person other than a manufactured housing dealer, manufactured housing salesperson, or manufacturer to an ultimate consumer or a person who purchases the home for use as a residence.

(L) "Engaging in business" means commencing, conducting, or continuing in business, or liquidating a business when the liquidator thereof holds self out to be conducting such business; making a casual sale or otherwise making transfers in the ordinary course of business when the transfers are made in connection with the disposition of all or substantially all of the transferor's assets is not engaging in business.

(M) "Manufactured home park operator" or "park operator" means the person who has responsible charge of a manufactured home park and who is licensed under sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code.

(N) "Manufactured housing broker" means any person acting as a selling agent on behalf of an owner of a manufactured home or mobile home that is subject to taxation under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code.

(O) "Manufactured housing dealer" means any person engaged in the business of selling at retail, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in manufactured homes or mobile homes.

(P) "Manufacturer" means a person who manufacturers, assembles, or imports manufactured homes or mobile homes.

(Q) "Retail sale" or "sale at retail" means the act or attempted act of selling, bartering, exchanging, or otherwise disposing of a manufactured home or mobile home to an ultimate purchaser for use as a residence.

(R) "Salesperson" means any individual employed by a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker to sell, display, and offer for sale, or deal in manufactured homes or mobile homes for a commission, compensation, or other valuable consideration, but does not mean any public officer performing official duties.

(S) "Ultimate purchaser" means, with respect to any new manufactured home, the first person, other than a manufactured housing dealer purchasing in the capacity of a manufactured housing dealer, who purchases such new manufactured home for purposes other than resale.

(T) "Tenant" means a person who is entitled under a rental agreement with a manufactured home park operator to occupy a manufactured home park lot and who does not own the home occupying the lot.

(U) "Owner" means a person who is entitled under a rental agreement with a manufactured home park operator to occupy a manufactured home park lot and who owns the home occupying the lot.

(V) "Resident" means a person entitled under a rental agreement to the use and occupancy of residential premises to the exclusion of others. "Resident" includes both tenants and owners.

(W) "Residential premises" means a lot located within a manufactured home park and the grounds, areas, and facilities contained within the manufactured home park for the use of residents generally or the use of which is promised to a resident.

(X) "Rental agreement" means any agreement or lease, written or oral, that establishes or modifies the terms, conditions, rules, or any other provisions concerning the use and occupancy of residential premises by one of the parties.

(Y) "Security deposit" means any deposit of money or property to secure performance by the resident under a rental agreement.

(Z) "Development" means any artificial change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, without limitation, buildings or structures, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, or storage of equipment or materials, and the construction, expansion, or substantial alteration of a manufactured home park, for which plan review is required under division (A) of section 4781.31 of the Revised Code. "Development" does not include the building, construction, erection, or manufacture of any building to which section 3781.06 of the Revised Code is applicable.

(AA) "Flood" or "flooding" means either of the following:

(1) A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from any of the following:

(a) The overflow of inland or tidal waters;

(b) The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source;

(c) Mudslides that are proximately caused by flooding as defined in division (AA)(1)(b) of this section and that are akin to a river of liquid and flowing mud on the surface of normally dry land areas, as when earth is carried by a current of water and deposited along the path of the current.

(2) The collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of erosion or undermining that is caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or that is suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, and that is accompanied by a severe storm, by an unanticipated force of nature, such as a flash flood, by an abnormal tidal surge, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event, that results in flooding as defined in division (AA)(1)(a) of this section.

(BB) "Flood plain" means the area adjoining any river, stream, watercourse, or lake that has been or may be covered by flood water.

(CC) "One-hundred-year flood" means a flood having a one per cent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.

(DD) "One-hundred-year flood plain" means that portion of a flood plain inundated by a one-hundred-year flood.

(EE) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and also includes this state, any political subdivision of this state, and any other state or local body of this state.

(FF) "Substantial damage" means damage of any origin sustained by a manufactured or mobile home that is situated in a manufactured home park located in a flood plain when the cost of restoring the home to its condition before the damage occurred will equal or exceed fifty per cent of the market value of the home before the damage occurred.

(GG) "Substantially alter" means a change in the layout or design of a manufactured home park, including, without limitation, the movement of utilities or changes in established streets, lots, or sites or in other facilities. In the case of manufactured home parks located within a one-hundred-year flood plain, "substantially alter" also includes changes in elevation resulting from the addition of fill, grading, or excavation that may affect flood plain management.

(HH) "Tract" means a contiguous area of land that consists of one or more parcels, lots, or sites that have been separately surveyed regardless of whether the individual parcels, lots, or sites have been recorded and regardless of whether the one or more parcels, lots, or sites are under common or different ownership.

Section 4781.011 | References to department or director.

Whenever the term "manufactured homes commission" is used, referred to, or designated in any statute, rule, contract, grant, or other document, the use, reference, or designation shall be deemed to refer to "the department of commerce." Whenever the term "executive director of the manufactured homes commission" is used, referred to, or designated in any statute, rule, contract, grant, or other document, the use, reference, or designation shall be deemed to mean the director of commerce.

Section 4781.04 | Adoption of rules.

(A) The department of commerce, division of industrial compliance shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to do all of the following:

(1) Establish uniform standards that govern the installation of manufactured housing that are consistent with, and not less stringent than, the model standards for the design and installation of manufactured housing the secretary of the United States department of housing and urban development adopts;

(2) Govern the inspection of the installation of manufactured housing. The rules shall specify that the division of industrial compliance, any building department or personnel of any department, or any private third party, certified pursuant to section 4781.07 of the Revised Code shall conduct all inspections of the installation of manufactured housing located in manufactured home parks to determine compliance with the uniform installation standards the division of industrial compliance establishes pursuant to this section.

(3) Govern the design, construction, installation, approval, and inspection of foundations and the base support systems for manufactured housing. The rules shall specify that the division of industrial compliance, any building department or personnel of any department, or any private third party, certified pursuant to section 4781.07 of the Revised Code shall conduct all inspections of the installation, foundations, and base support systems of manufactured housing located in manufactured home parks to determine compliance with the uniform installation standards and foundation and base support system design the division of industrial compliance establishes pursuant to this section.

(4) Govern the training, experience, and education requirements for manufactured housing installers;

(5) Establish a code of ethics for manufactured housing installers;

(6) Govern the issuance, revocation, and suspension of licenses to manufactured housing installers;

(7) Establish fees for the issuance and renewal of licenses, for conducting inspections to determine an applicant's compliance with this chapter and the rules adopted pursuant to it, and for the division's expenses incurred in implementing this chapter;

(8) Establish conditions under which a licensee may enter into contracts to fulfill the licensee's responsibilities;

(9) Govern the investigation of complaints concerning any complaints involving the conduct of any licensed manufactured housing installer or person installing manufactured housing without a license;

(10) Establish a dispute resolution program for the timely resolution of warranty issues involving new manufactured homes, disputes regarding responsibility for the correction or repair of defects in manufactured housing, and the installation of manufactured housing. The rules shall provide for the timely resolution of disputes between manufacturers, manufactured housing dealers, and installers regarding the correction or repair of defects in manufactured housing that are reported by the purchaser of the home during the one-year period beginning on the date of installation of the home. The rules also shall provide that decisions made regarding the dispute under the program are not binding upon the purchaser of the home or the other parties involved in the dispute unless the purchaser so agrees in a written acknowledgement that the purchaser signs and delivers to the program within ten business days after the decision is issued.

(11) Establish the requirements and procedures for the certification of building departments and building department personnel pursuant to section 4781.07 of the Revised Code;

(12) Establish fees to be charged to building departments and building department personnel applying for certification and renewal of certification pursuant to section 4781.07 of the Revised Code;

(13) Develop a policy regarding the maintenance of records for any inspection authorized or conducted pursuant to this chapter. Any record maintained under division (A)(13) of this section shall be a public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

(B) The division of industrial compliance shall do all of the following:

(1) Prepare and administer a licensure examination to determine an applicant's knowledge of manufactured housing installation and other aspects of installation the division determines appropriate;

(2) Select, provide, or procure appropriate examination questions and answers for the licensure examination and establish the criteria for successful completion of the examination;

(3) Prepare and distribute any application form sections 4781.01 to 4781.11 of the Revised Code require;

(4) Receive applications for licenses and renewal of licenses and issue licenses to qualified applicants;

(5) Establish procedures for processing, approving, and disapproving applications for licensure;

(6) Retain records of applications for licensure, including all application materials submitted and a written record of the action taken on each application;

(7) Review the design and plans for manufactured housing installations, foundations, and support systems;

(8) Inspect a sample of homes at a percentage the division determines to evaluate the construction and installation of manufactured housing installations, foundations, and support systems to determine compliance with the standards the division adopts;

(9) Investigate complaints concerning violations of this chapter or the rules adopted pursuant to it, or the conduct of any manufactured housing installer;

(10) Determine appropriate disciplinary actions for violations of this chapter;

(11) Conduct audits and inquiries of manufactured housing installers as appropriate for the enforcement of this chapter. The division, or any person the division employs for the purpose, may review and audit the business records of any manufactured housing installer during normal business hours.

(12) Approve an installation training course, which may be offered by the Ohio manufactured homes association or other entity.

(C) Nothing in this section, or in any rule adopted by the division of industrial compliance, shall be construed to limit the authority of a board of health to enforce section 3701.344 or Chapters 3703., 3718., and 3781. of the Revised Code or limit the authority of the department of administrative services to lease space for the use of a state agency and to group together state offices in any city in the state as provided in section 123.01 of the Revised Code.

(D) The department of commerce, division of real estate and professional licensing may adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code necessary for administration of the provisions of this chapter related to manufactured home dealers, brokers, and salespersons.

Last updated August 24, 2021 at 2:26 PM

Section 4781.06 | Delegation of powers - contracts.

(A) The division of industrial compliance may delegate to the the Ohio construction industry licensing board any of its duties set forth in sections 4781.04 to 4781.15 of the Revised Code.

(B) The division may enter into a contract with the Ohio manufactured homes association or another entity to administer the dispute resolution program created pursuant to section 4781.04 of the Revised Code. The contract shall specify the terms for the administration of the program.

(C)(1) The division may enter into a contract with any private third party, municipal corporation, township, county, state agency, or the Ohio manufactured homes association, or any successor entity, to perform any of the division's functions set forth in sections 4781.04 to 4781.15 of the Revised Code that the division has not delegated to the Ohio construction industry licensing board. Each contract shall specify the compensation to be paid to the private third party, municipal corporation, township, county, state agency, or the Ohio manufactured homes association, or successor entity, for the performance of the division's functions.

(2) Except as provided in this division, the division shall not enter into any contract with any person or building department to accept and approve plans and specifications or to inspect manufactured housing foundations and the installation of manufactured housing unless that person or building department is certified pursuant to section 4781.07 of the Revised Code. The division shall require inspectors the Ohio department of health employs to obtain certification pursuant to section 4781.07 of the Revised Code.

Section 4781.07 | Certification of local authorities to exercise division authority.

(A) Pursuant to rules the division of industrial compliance adopts, the division may certify municipal, township, and county building departments and the personnel of those departments, or any private third party, to exercise the division's enforcement authority, accept and approve plans and specifications for foundations, support systems and installations, and inspect manufactured housing foundations, support systems, and manufactured housing installations. Any certification is effective for three years.

(B) Following an investigation and finding of facts that support its action, the division of industrial compliance may revoke or suspend certification. The division may initiate an investigation on the division's own motion or the petition of a person affected by the enforcement or approval of plans.

(C)(1) If a township, municipal corporation, or county does not have a building department that is certified pursuant to this section, it may designate by resolution or ordinance another building department that has been certified pursuant to this section to exercise the division's enforcement authority, accept and approve plans and specifications for foundations, support systems and installations, and inspect manufactured housing foundations, support systems, and manufactured housing installations. The designation is effective upon acceptance by the designee.

(2) An owner of a manufactured home or an operator of a manufactured home park may request an inspection and obtain an approval described in division (C)(1) of this section from any building department certified pursuant to this section designated by the township, municipal corporation, or county in which the owner's manufactured home or operator's manufactured home park is located.

(D) The board shall certify an individual to exercise enforcement authority, to accept and approve plans and specifications, or to make inspections in this state in accordance with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code if either of the following applies:

(1) The individual is certified in another state.

(2) The individual has satisfactory work experience, a government certification, or a private certification as described in that chapter in exercising enforcement authority, accepting and approving plans and specifications for foundations, support systems and installations, or inspecting manufactured housing foundations, support systems, and installations, in a state that does not issue that certification.

Last updated December 29, 2023 at 5:42 AM

Section 4781.08 | Manufactured housing installer license.

(A) The division of industrial compliance shall issue a manufactured housing installer license to any applicant who is at least eighteen years of age and meets all of the following requirements:

(1) Submits an application to the division on a form the division prescribes and pays the fee the division requires;

(2) Completes all training requirements the division prescribes;

(3) Meets the experience requirements the division prescribes by rule;

(4) Has at least one year of experience installing manufactured housing under the supervision of a licensed manufactured home installer if applying for licensure after January 1, 2006;

(5) Has completed an installation training course the division approves, which may be offered by the Ohio manufactured homes association or other entity;

(6) Receives a passing score on the licensure examination the division administers;

(7) Provides information the division requires to demonstrate compliance with this chapter and the rules the division adopts;

(8) Provides the division with three references from persons who are retailers, manufacturers, or manufactured home park operators familiar with the person's installation work experience and competency, with at least two of the three references provided after January 1, 2006, being from persons who are licensed manufactured housing installers;

(9) Has liability insurance or a surety bond that is issued by an insurance or surety company authorized to transact business in Ohio, in the amount the division specifies, and containing the terms and conditions the division requires;

(10) Is in compliance with section 4123.35 of the Revised Code.

(B) The division of industrial compliance shall not grant a license to any person who the division finds has engaged in actions during the previous two years that constitute a ground for denial, suspension, or revocation of a license or who has had a license revoked or disciplinary action imposed by the licensing or certification board of another state or jurisdiction during the previous two years in connection with the installation of manufactured housing.

(C) Any person who is licensed, certified, or otherwise approved under the laws of another state to perform functions substantially similar to those of a manufactured housing installer may apply to the division for licensure on a form the division prescribes. The division shall issue a license in accordance with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code to an applicant if either of the following applies:

(1) The applicant holds a license in another state.

(2) The applicant has satisfactory work experience, a government certification, or a private certification as described in that chapter as a manufactured housing installer in a state that does not issue that license.

(D) Any license issued pursuant to this section shall bear the licensee's name and post-office address, the issue date, a serial number the division designates, and the signature of the person the division designates pursuant to rules.

(E) A manufactured housing installer license expires two years after it is issued. The division of industrial compliance shall renew a license if the applicant does all of the following:

(1) Meets the requirements of division (A) of this section;

(2) Demonstrates compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the rules adopted pursuant to it;

(3) Meets the division's continuing education requirements.

(F) No manufactured housing installer license may be transferred to another person.

Last updated February 14, 2025 at 7:35 AM

Section 4781.09 | Suspending, revoking, or refusing to renew the license.

(A) The division of industrial compliance may, except as provided in division (B) of this section, deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew the license of any manufactured home installer for any of the following reasons:

(1) Failure to satisfy the requirements of section 4781.08 or 4781.10 of the Revised Code;

(2) Violation of this chapter or any rule adopted pursuant to it;

(3) Making a material misstatement in an application for a license;

(4) Installing manufactured housing without a license or without being under the supervision of a licensed manufactured housing installer;

(5) Failure to appear for a hearing before the division or to comply with any final adjudication order of the division issued pursuant to this chapter;

(6) Conviction of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude;

(7) Having had a license revoked, suspended, or denied by the division during the preceding two years;

(8) Having had a license revoked, suspended, or denied by another state or jurisdiction during the preceding two years;

(9) Engaging in conduct in another state or jurisdiction that would violate this chapter if committed in this state.

(10) Failing to provide written notification of an installation pursuant to division (D) of section 4781.11 of the Revised Code to a county treasurer or county auditor.

(B) The division shall not refuse to issue a license to an applicant because of a criminal conviction unless the refusal is in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) Any person whose license or license application is revoked, suspended, denied, or not renewed or upon whom a civil penalty is imposed may request an adjudication hearing on the matter within thirty days after receipt of the notice of the action. The hearing shall be held in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(2) Any licensee or applicant may appeal an order made pursuant to an adjudication hearing in the manner provided in section 119.12 of the Revised Code.

(D) A person whose license is suspended, revoked, or not renewed may apply for a new license two years after the date on which the license was suspended, revoked, or not renewed.

Last updated October 9, 2021 at 5:10 AM

Section 4781.10 | Programs and requirements for continuing education.

(A) The division of industrial compliance may establish programs and requirements for continuing education for manufactured housing installers. The division shall not require licensees to complete more than eight credit hours of continuing education during each license period. If the division establishes a program of continuing education, it shall require that only courses that the division preapproves be accepted for licensure credit, and unless an extension is granted pursuant to division (D) of this section, that all credit hours be successfully completed prior to the expiration of the installer's license.

(B) To provide the resources to administer continuing education programs, the division may establish nonrefundable fees, including any of the following:

(1) An application fee not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars charged to the sponsor of each proposed course;

(2) A renewal fee not to exceed seventy-five dollars, charged to the sponsor of each course, for the annual renewal of course approval;

(3) A course fee charged to the sponsor of each course offered, not to exceed five dollars per credit hour, for each person completing an approved course;

(4) A student fee charged to licensees, not to exceed fifty dollars, for each course or activity a student submits to the division for approval.

(C) The division may adopt reasonable rules not inconsistent with this chapter to carry out any continuing education program, including rules that govern the following:

(1) The content and subject matter of continuing education courses;

(2) The criteria, standards, and procedures for the approval of courses, course sponsors, and course instructors;

(3) The methods of instruction;

(4) The computation of course credit;

(5) The ability to carry forward course credit from one year to another;

(6) Conditions under which the division may grant a waiver or variance from continuing education requirements on the basis of hardship or other reasons;

(7) Procedures for compliance with the continuing education requirements and sanctions for noncompliance.

(D) The division shall not renew the license of any person who fails to satisfy any continuing education requirement that the division establishes. The division may, for good cause, grant an extension of time to comply with the continuing education requirements. Any installer who is granted an extension and completes the continuing education requirements within the time the division establishes is deemed in compliance with the education requirements. The license of any person who is granted an extension shall remain in effect during the period of the extension.

Section 4781.11 | License required for installation.

(A)(1) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, no person shall install manufactured housing unless that person is licensed as a manufactured housing installer pursuant to this chapter or unless a licensed manufactured housing installer is present during the installation and supervises the person who is not licensed.

(2) A licensed manufactured housing installer who supervises the work of an unlicensed person is responsible for all installation work that the unlicensed person performs under the licensed person's supervision.

(3) A person who is not a licensed manufactured housing installer may perform foundation or base support system construction if supervised by a licensed installer. The licensed installer need not be present during the construction of the foundation or base support system but is responsible for the construction of the foundation or base support system.

(B)(1) Nothing in this chapter requires a person to obtain a manufactured housing installer license to install manufactured housing for the person's own occupancy if the manufactured housing is located on property that the person owns and is not located in a manufactured home park.

(2) A person who installs manufactured housing in the manner described in division (B)(1) of this section is not entitled to claim any right or remedy or to bring a cause of action under this chapter.

(C) No person shall install any manufactured housing foundation or manufactured housing support system unless that foundation or support system complies with the standards the division of industrial compliance establishes and receives all approvals and inspections that the division requires.

(D) Within fourteen days after the installation, a manufactured housing installer who performs or supervises a manufactured housing installation shall provide to both the treasurer and the auditor of the county in which the installation is being performed a written notice containing all of the following information:

(1) The address or location of the installation;

(2) The date of the installation;

(3) The make and model of the installed manufactured housing unit;

(4) The name of the owner of the installed manufactured housing unit.

(E) It is a violation of this chapter to do any of the following:

(1) Represent another person's license as a manufactured housing installer as one's own;

(2) Intentionally give false or materially misleading information of any kind to the division of industrial compliance in connection with licensing matters;

(3) Impersonate another manufactured housing installer;

(4) Use an expired, suspended, or revoked license.

Section 4781.12 | Injunctions.

(A) The division of industrial compliance may apply to an appropriate court to enjoin any violation of this chapter or the rules adopted pursuant to it. The court shall grant any appropriate relief, including an injunction, restraining order, or any combination thereof, upon a showing that a person has violated or is about to violate this chapter or a rule adopted pursuant to it.

(B) The prosecuting attorney of a county, a city director of law, or the attorney general may, upon the complaint of the division, prosecute to termination or bring an action for injunction against any person violating this chapter or the rules adopted pursuant to it.

(C) Any other party adversely affected by an order of the division may appeal the order to the court of common pleas of the county in which the party adversely affected is a resident or has a place of business, except that if that party is not a resident of this state and has no place of business in this state, the party shall appeal to the court of common pleas in Franklin county.

Section 4781.121 | Investigation of violations; hearings; penalties.

(A) The division of industrial compliance, pursuant to section 4781.04 of the Revised Code, may investigate any person who allegedly has committed a violation. If, after an investigation the division determines that reasonable evidence exists that a person has committed a violation, within seven days after that determination, the division shall serve a written notice to that person in the same manner as prescribed in sections 119.05 and 119.07 of the Revised Code for licensees, except that the notice shall specify that a hearing will be held and specify the date, time, and place of the hearing.

(B) The division of industrial compliance shall hold a hearing regarding the alleged violation in the same manner prescribed for an adjudication hearing under section 119.09 of the Revised Code. If the division, after the hearing, determines that a violation has occurred, the division may impose a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars per violation per day. The division's determination is an order that the person may appeal in accordance with section 119.12 of the Revised Code.

(C) If the person who allegedly committed a violation fails to appear for a hearing, the division of industrial compliance may request the court of common pleas of the county where the alleged violation occurred to compel the person to appear before the division for a hearing.

(D) If the division assesses a person a civil penalty for a violation and the person fails to pay that civil penalty within the time period prescribed by the division pursuant to section 131.02 of the Revised Code, the division shall forward to the attorney general the name of the person and the amount of the civil penalty for the purpose of collecting that civil penalty. In addition to the civil penalty assessed pursuant to this section, the person also shall pay any fee assessed by the attorney general for collection of the civil penalty.

(E) The authority provided to the division of industrial compliance pursuant to this section, and any fine imposed under this section, shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, all penalties and other remedies provided in this chapter. Any fines collected pursuant to this section shall be used solely to administer and enforce this chapter and rules adopted under it. Any fees collected pursuant to this section shall be transmitted to the treasurer of state and shall be credited to the industrial compliance operating fund created in section 121.084 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder. The fees shall be used only for the purpose of administering and enforcing sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(F) As used in this section, "violation" means a violation of section 4781.11, 4781.16, 4781.27, or 4781.57 or any rule adopted pursuant to section 4781.04 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 3, 2023 at 2:10 PM

Section 4781.14 | Exclusivity of authority.

(A) The division of industrial compliance has exclusive authority to regulate manufactured home installers, the installation of manufactured housing, and manufactured housing foundations and support systems in this state. It is the intent of the general assembly to preempt municipal corporations and other political subdivisions from regulating and licensing manufactured housing installers and regulating and inspecting the installation of manufactured housing and manufactured housing foundations and support systems.

(B) The division has exclusive power to adopt rules of uniform application throughout the state governing installation of manufactured housing, the inspection of manufactured housing foundations and support systems, the inspection of the installation of manufactured housing, the training and licensing of manufactured housing installers, and the investigation of complaints concerning manufactured housing installers.

(C) The rules the division adopts pursuant to this chapter are the exclusive rules governing the installation of manufactured housing, the design, construction, and approval of foundations for manufactured housing, the licensure of manufactured home installers, and the fees charged for licensure of manufactured home installers. No political subdivision of the state or any department or agency of the state may establish any other standards governing the installation of manufactured housing, manufactured housing foundations and support systems, the licensure of manufactured housing installers, or fees charged for the licensure of manufactured housing installers.

(D) Nothing in this section limits the authority of the attorney general to enforce Chapter 1345. of the Revised Code or to take any action permitted by the Revised Code against manufactured housing installers, retailers, or manufacturers.

Section 4781.15 | Remedies not exclusive.

The remedies provided in this chapter are in addition to remedies otherwise available for the same conduct under state or local law.

Section 4781.16 | Display, sale, purchase, or brokerage of manufactured or mobile homes.

(A) Except as provided in division (E) of this section, no person shall do any of the following:

(1) Engage in the business of displaying or selling at retail manufactured homes or mobile homes or assume to engage in that business, unless the person is licensed as a manufactured housing dealer under this chapter, or is a salesperson licensed under this chapter and employed by a licensed manufactured housing dealer;

(2) Make more than five casual sales of manufactured homes or mobile homes in a twelve-month period without obtaining a license as a manufactured housing dealer under this chapter;

(3) Purchase a manufactured home directly from the manufacturer without obtaining a license as a manufactured housing dealer under this chapter;

(4) Engage in the business of brokering manufactured homes unless that person is licensed as a manufactured housing broker under this chapter or licensed as a real estate broker or salesperson pursuant to Chapter 4735. of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Except as provided in this division, no manufactured housing dealer shall sell, display, offer for sale, or deal in manufactured homes or mobile homes at any place except an established place of business that is used exclusively for the purpose of selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in manufactured homes or mobile homes.

(2) No manufactured housing broker shall engage in the business of brokering manufactured or mobile homes at any place except an established place of business that is used exclusively for the purpose of brokering manufactured and mobile homes.

(3) A place of business used for the brokering or sale of manufactured homes or mobile homes is considered to be used exclusively for brokering, selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in manufactured or mobile homes even though industrialized units, as defined by section 3781.06 of the Revised Code, are brokered, sold, displayed, offered for sale, or dealt at the same place of business.

(4) If the licensed manufactured housing dealer is a manufactured home park operator, then all of the following apply:

(a) An established place of business that is located in the operator's manufactured home park and that is used for selling, leasing, and renting manufactured homes and mobile homes in that manufactured home park is considered to be used exclusively for that purpose even though rent and other activities related to the operation of the manufactured home park take place at the same location or office.

(b) The dealer's established place of business in the manufactured home park shall be staffed by someone licensed and regulated under this chapter who could reasonably assist any retail customer with or without an appointment, but such established place of business need not satisfy office size, display lot size, and physical barrier requirements applicable to other used motor vehicle dealers.

(c) The manufactured and mobile homes being offered for sale, lease, or rental by the dealer may be located on individual rental lots inside the operator's manufactured home park.

(C) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting the sale of a new or used manufactured or mobile home located in a manufactured home park by a licensed manufactured housing dealer.

(D) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit persons licensed under this chapter from making sales calls.

(E)(1) This chapter does not apply to mortgagees selling at retail only those manufactured homes or mobile homes that have come into their possession by a default in the terms of a mortgage contract.

(2) When a partnership licensed under this chapter is dissolved by death, the surviving partners may operate under the manufactured housing dealer license for a period of sixty days, and the heirs or representatives of deceased persons and receivers or trustees in bankruptcy appointed by any competent authority may operate under the license of the person succeeded in possession by that heir, representative, receiver, or trustee in bankruptcy.

Section 4781.17 | Manufactured housing dealer's or broker's licenses.

(A) Each person applying for a manufactured housing dealer's license or manufactured housing broker's license shall complete and deliver to the department of commerce, division of real estate, before the first day of April, a separate application for license for each county in which the business of selling or brokering manufactured or mobile homes is to be conducted. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the division of real estate and accompanied by the fee established by the division of real estate. The applicant shall sign and swear to the application that shall include all of the following:

(1) Name of applicant and location of principal place of business;

(2) Name or style under which business is to be conducted and, if a corporation, the state of incorporation;

(3) Name and address of each owner or partner and, if a corporation, the names of the officers and directors;

(4) The county in which the business is to be conducted and the address of each place of business therein;

(5) A statement of the previous history, record, and association of the applicant and of each owner, partner, officer, and director, that is sufficient to establish to the satisfaction of the division of real estate the reputation in business of the applicant;

(6) A statement showing whether the applicant has previously applied for a manufactured housing dealer's license, manufactured housing broker's license, manufactured housing salesperson's license, or, prior to July 1, 2010, a motor vehicle dealer's license, manufactured home broker's license, or motor vehicle salesperson's license, and the result of the application, and whether the applicant has ever been the holder of any such license that was revoked or suspended;

(7) If the applicant is a corporation or partnership, a statement showing whether any partner, employee, officer, or director has been refused a manufactured housing dealer's license, manufactured housing broker's license, manufactured housing salesperson's license, or, prior to July 1, 2010, a motor vehicle dealer's license, manufactured home broker's license, or motor vehicle salesperson's license, or has been the holder of any such license that was revoked or suspended;

(8) Any other information required by the division of real estate.

(B) Each person applying for a manufactured housing salesperson's license shall complete and deliver to the division of real estate before the first day of July an application for license. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the division of real estate and shall be accompanied by the fee established by the division. The applicant shall sign and swear to the application that shall include all of the following:

(1) Name and post-office address of the applicant;

(2) Name and post-office address of the manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker for whom the applicant intends to act as salesperson;

(3) A statement of the applicant's previous history, record, and association, that is sufficient to establish to the satisfaction of the division of real estate the applicant's reputation in business;

(4) A statement as to whether the applicant intends to engage in any occupation or business other than that of a manufactured housing salesperson;

(5) A statement as to whether the applicant has ever had any previous application for a manufactured housing salesperson license refused or, prior to July 1, 2010, any application for a motor vehicle salesperson license refused, and whether the applicant has previously had a manufactured housing salesperson or motor vehicle salesperson license revoked or suspended;

(6) A statement as to whether the applicant was an employee of or salesperson for a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker whose license was suspended or revoked;

(7) A statement of the manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker named therein, designating the applicant as the dealer's or broker's salesperson;

(8) Any other information required by the division of real estate.

(C) Any application for a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker delivered to the division of real estate under this section also shall be accompanied by a photograph, as prescribed by the division, of each place of business operated, or to be operated, by the applicant.

(D) The division of real estate shall deposit all license fees into the state treasury to the credit of the real estate operating fund created under section 4735.211 of the Revised Code.

(E) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the division shall issue a manufactured housing dealer's license or manufactured housing broker's license in accordance with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code to an applicant if either of the following applies:

(1) The applicant holds a license in another state.

(2) The applicant has satisfactory work experience, a government certification, or a private certification as described in that chapter as a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker in a state that does not issue that license.

Last updated February 14, 2025 at 7:38 AM

Section 4781.18 | Cause for license denial.

(A) The division of real estate shall deny the application of any person for a license as a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker and refuse to issue the license if the division finds that any of the following is true of the applicant:

(1) The applicant has made any false statement of a material fact in the application.

(2) The applicant has not complied with this chapter or the rules adopted by the division of real estate under this chapter.

(3) The applicant has habitually defaulted on financial obligations.

(4) The applicant has been guilty of a fraudulent act in connection with selling or otherwise dealing in manufactured housing or in connection with brokering manufactured housing.

(5) The applicant has entered into or is about to enter into a contract or agreement with a manufacturer or distributor of manufactured homes that is contrary to the requirements of this chapter.

(6) The applicant is insolvent.

(7) The applicant is of insufficient responsibility to ensure the prompt payment of any final judgments that might reasonably be entered against the applicant because of the transaction of business as a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker during the period of the license applied for, or has failed to satisfy any such judgment.

(8) The applicant has no established place of business that, where applicable, is used or will be used for the purpose of selling, displaying, offering for sale or dealing in manufactured housing at the location for which application is made.

(9) Within less than twelve months prior to making application, the applicant has been denied a manufactured housing dealer's license or manufactured housing broker's license, or has any such license revoked.

(B) The division of real estate shall deny the application of any person for a license as a salesperson and refuse to issue the license if the division finds that any of the following is true of the applicant:

(1) The applicant has made any false statement of a material fact in the application.

(2) The applicant has not complied with this chapter or the rules adopted by the division of real estate under this chapter.

(3) The applicant has habitually defaulted on financial obligations.

(4) The applicant has been guilty of a fraudulent act in connection with selling or otherwise dealing in manufactured housing.

(5) The applicant has not been designated to act as salesperson for a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker licensed to do business in this state under this chapter, or intends to act as salesperson for more than one licensed manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker at the same time, unless the licensed dealership is owned or operated by the same corporation, regardless of the county in which the dealership's facility is located.

(6) The applicant holds a current manufactured housing dealer's or manufactured housing broker's license issued under this chapter, and intends to act as salesperson for another licensed manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker.

(7) Within less than twelve months prior to making application, the applicant has been denied a salesperson's license or had a salesperson's license revoked.

(8) The applicant was salesperson for, or in the employ of, a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker at the time the dealer's or broker's license was revoked.

(C) If an applicant for a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker's license is a corporation or partnership, the division of real estate may refuse to issue a license if any officer, director, or partner of the applicant has been guilty of any act or omission that would be cause for refusing or revoking a license issued to such officer, director, or partner as an individual. The division's finding may be based upon facts contained in the application or upon any other information the division of real estate may have.

(D) Notwithstanding division (A)(4) of this section, the division of real estate shall not deny the application of any person and refuse to issue a license if the division finds that the applicant is engaged or will engage in the business of selling at retail any new manufactured homes and demonstrates that the applicant has posted a bond, surety, or certificate of deposit with the division of real estate in an amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars for the protection and benefit of the applicant's customers.

(E) A decision made by the division of real estate under this section may be based upon any statement contained in the application or upon any facts within the division's knowledge.

(F) Immediately upon denying an application for any of the reasons in this section, the division of real estate shall enter a final order together with the division's findings. If the application is denied by the division of real estate, the division of real estate shall enter a final order and shall issue to the applicant a written notice of refusal to grant a license that shall disclose the reason for refusal.

Last updated October 9, 2021 at 5:10 AM

Section 4781.19 | Issuance and replacement of licenses.

(A) At the time the division of real estate grants the application of any person for a license as a manufactured housing dealer, manufactured housing broker, or manufactured housing salesperson, the division shall issue to the person a license that includes the name and business and mailing address of the person licensed. If a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker has more than one place of business in a county, the dealer or broker shall make application, in such form as the division prescribes, for a certified copy of the license issued to the dealer or broker for each place of business in the county.

(B) The division of real estate may require each applicant for a manufactured housing dealer's license, manufactured housing broker's license, and manufactured housing salesperson's license issued under this chapter to pay an additional fee, which shall be used by the division to pay the costs of obtaining a record of any arrests and convictions of the applicant from the bureau of identification and investigation. The amount of the fee shall be equal to that paid by the division to obtain such record.

(C) In the event of the loss, mutilation, or destruction of a manufactured housing dealer's license, manufactured housing broker's license, or manufactured housing salesperson's license, any licensee may make application to the division of real estate, in the form prescribed by the division, for a duplicate copy thereof and pay a fee established by the division of real estate.

(D) All manufactured housing dealers' licenses, all manufactured housing brokers' licenses, and all manufactured housing salespersons' licenses issued or renewed shall expire biennially on a day within the two-year cycle that is prescribed by the division of real estate, unless sooner suspended or revoked. Before the first day after the day prescribed by the division in the year that the license expires, each licensed manufactured housing dealer, manufactured housing broker, and manufactured housing salesperson, in the year in which the license will expire, shall file an application, in such form as the division of real estate prescribes, for the renewal of such license. The fee required by this section for the original license shall accompany the application.

(E) Each manufactured housing dealer and manufactured housing broker shall keep the license or a certified copy thereof and a current list of the dealer's or the broker's licensed salespersons, showing the names, addresses, and serial numbers of their licenses, posted in a conspicuous place in each place of business. Each salesperson shall carry the salesperson's license or a certified copy thereof and shall exhibit such license or copy upon demand to any inspector of the division of real estate, state highway patrol trooper, police officer, or person with whom the salesperson seeks to transact business as a manufactured housing salesperson.

Section 4781.20 | Confidentiality of license applications.

The applications for licenses submitted under section 4781.17 of the Revised Code are not part of the public records but are confidential information for the use of the division of real estate. No person shall divulge any information contained in such applications and acquired by the person in the person's capacity as an official or employee of the division of real estate, except in a report to the division, or when called upon to testify in any court or proceeding.

Section 4781.21 | License suspension of revocation.

(A) The division of real estate may make rules governing actions relative to the suspension and revocation of manufactured housing dealers', manufactured housing brokers', and manufactured housing salespersons' licenses, and may, upon its own motion, and shall, upon the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the conduct of any licensee under this chapter. The division shall suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew any manufactured housing dealer's, manufactured housing broker's, or manufactured housing salesperson's license, if any ground existed upon which the license might have been refused, or if a ground exists that would be cause for refusal to issue a license.

The division of real estate may suspend or revoke any license if the licensee has in any manner violated the rules adopted by the division under this chapter, or has been convicted of committing a felony or violating any law that in any way relates to the selling, taxing, licensing, or regulation of sales of manufactured or mobile homes.

(B) Any salesperson's license shall be suspended upon the termination, suspension, or revocation of the license of the manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker for whom the salesperson is acting, or upon the salesperson leaving the service of the manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker. Upon the termination, suspension, or revocation of the license of the manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker for whom the salesperson is acting, or upon the salesperson leaving the service of a licensed manufactured housing or manufactured housing broker, the licensed salesperson may make application to the division of real estate, in such form as the division prescribes, to have the salesperson's license reinstated, transferred, and registered as a salesperson for another dealer or broker. If the information contained in the application is satisfactory to the division of real estate, the division shall reinstate, transfer, or register the salesperson's license as a salesperson for other dealer or broker. The division shall establish the fee for the reinstatement and transfer of license. No license issued to a dealer, broker, or salesperson under this chapter may be transferred to any other person.

(C) Any person whose manufactured housing dealer's license, manufactured housing broker's license, or manufactured housing salesperson's license is revoked, suspended, denied, or not renewed may request an adjudication hearing on the matter within thirty days after receipt of the notice of the action. If no appeal is taken within thirty days after receipt of the order, the order is final and conclusive. All appeals must be by petition in writing and verified under oath by the applicant whose application for license has been revoked, suspended, denied, or not renewed and must set forth the reason for the appeal and the reason why, in the petitioner's opinion, the order is not correct. The hearing shall be held in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 4781.22 | Prohibited actions.

No manufactured housing dealer licensed under this chapter shall do any of the following:

(A) Directly or indirectly, solicit the sale of a manufactured home or mobile home through an interested person other than a salesperson licensed in the employ of a licensed dealer;

(B) Pay any commission or compensation in any form to any person in connection with the sale of a manufactured home or mobile home unless the person is licensed as a salesperson in the employ of the dealer;

(C) Fail to immediately notify the division of real estate upon termination of the employment of any person licensed as a salesperson to sell, display, offer for sale, or deal in manufactured homes or mobile homes for the dealer.

Section 4781.23 | Notification requirements.

(A) Each licensed manufactured housing dealer and manufactured housing broker shall notify the division of real estate of any change in status as a manufactured housing dealer or manufactured housing broker during the period for which the dealer or broker is licensed, if the change of status concerns either of the following:

(1) Personnel of owners, partners, officers, or directors;

(2) Location of an office or principal place of business.

(B) The notification required by division (A) of this section shall be made by filing with the division of real estate, within fifteen days after the change of status, a supplemental statement in a form prescribed by the division of real estate showing in what respect the status has been changed.

The division of real estate may adopt a rule exempting from the notification requirement of division (A)(1) of this section any dealer if stock in the dealer or its parent company is publicly traded and if there are public records filed with and in the possession of state or federal agencies that provide the information required by division (A)(1) of this section.

Section 4781.24 | Manufactured or mobile home - sales contracts.

(A) Every retail sale of a manufactured home or mobile home shall be preceded by a written contract that shall contain all of the agreements of the parties and shall be signed by the buyer and the seller. The seller, upon execution of the contract and before the delivery of the manufactured or mobile home, shall deliver to the buyer a copy of the contract that shall clearly describe all of the following:

(1) The home sold to the buyer, including, where applicable, its vehicle identification number;

(2) The sale price of the home, and, if applicable, the amount paid down by the buyer;

(3) The amount credited to the buyer for any trade-in and a description thereof;

(4) The amount of any finance charge;

(5) The amount charged for any home insurance and a statement of the types of insurance provided by the policy or policies;

(6) The amount of any other charge and a specification of its purpose;

(7) The net balance of payment due from the buyer including the terms of the payment of the net balance.

(B) A manufactured housing dealer may contract for and receive a documentary service charge for a retail sale of a manufactured home or mobile home. The documentary service charge shall be specified in writing without itemization of the individual services provided and shall not be more than the lesser of the following:

(1) The amount allowed in a retail installment contract;

(2) Ten per cent of the amount the buyer is required to pay pursuant to the contract, excluding tax, title, and registration fees, and any negative equity adjustment.

(C) This section does not apply to a casual sale of a manufactured home or mobile home.

Section 4781.25 | Rules and regulations for manufactured housing brokers.

The division of real estate shall adopt rules for the regulation of manufactured housing brokers in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The rules shall require that a manufactured housing broker maintain a bond of a surety company authorized to transact business in this state in an amount determined by the division of real estate. The rules also shall require each person licensed as a manufactured housing broker to maintain at all times a special or trust bank account that is noninterest-bearing, is separate and distinct from any personal or other account of the broker, and into which shall be deposited and maintained all escrow funds, security deposits, and other moneys received by the broker in a fiduciary capacity. In a form determined by the division, a manufactured housing broker shall submit written proof to the division of the continued maintenance of the special or trust account. A depository where special or trust accounts are maintained in accordance with this section shall be located in this state.

Section 4781.26 | Rules of uniform application for manufactured home parks; contracts for inspections.

(A) The division of industrial compliance, subject to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt, and has the exclusive power to adopt, rules of uniform application throughout the state governing the review of plans, issuance of flood plain management permits, and issuance of licenses for manufactured home parks; the location, layout, density, construction, drainage, sanitation, safety, and operation of those parks; and notices of flood events concerning, and flood protection at, those parks. The rules pertaining to flood plain management shall be consistent with and not less stringent than the flood plain management criteria of the national flood insurance program adopted under the "National Flood Insurance Act of 1968," 82 Stat. 572, 42 U.S.C.A. 4001, as amended. The rules shall not apply to the construction, erection, or manufacture of any building to which section 3781.06 of the Revised Code is applicable.

(B) The rules pertaining to manufactured home parks constructed after June 30, 1971, shall specify that each home must be placed on its lot to provide not less than fifteen feet between the side of one home and the side of another home, ten feet between the end of one home and the side of another home, and five feet between the ends of two homes placed end to end.

(C) The division of industrial compliance shall determine compliance with the installation, blocking, tiedown, foundation, and base support system standards for manufactured housing located in manufactured home parks adopted by the division pursuant to section 4781.04 of the Revised Code. All inspections of the installation, blocking, tiedown, foundation, and base support systems of manufactured housing in a manufactured home park that the division of industrial compliance conducts shall be conducted by a person the division of industrial compliance certifies pursuant to section 4781.07 of the Revised Code.

(D) The division of industrial compliance may enter into contracts for the purpose of fulfilling the division of industrial compliance's annual inspection responsibilities for manufactured home parks under this chapter. Boards of health of city or general health districts shall have the right of first refusal for those contracts.

Section 4781.27 | License to operate park.

(A)(1) On or after the first day of December, but before the first day of January of the next year, every person who intends to operate a manufactured home park shall procure a license to operate the park for the next year from the division of industrial compliance. If the applicable license fee prescribed under section 4781.28 of the Revised Code is not received by the division by the close of business on the last day of December, the applicant for the license shall pay a penalty equal to twenty-five per cent of the applicable license fee. The penalty shall accompany the license fee. If the last day of December is not a business day, the penalty attaches upon the close of business on the next business day.

(2) No manufactured home park shall be maintained or operated in this state without a license.

(3) No person who has received a license, upon the sale or disposition of the manufactured home park, may have the license transferred to the new operator. A person shall obtain a separate license to operate each manufactured home park.

(B) Before a license is initially issued and annually thereafter, or more often if necessary, the division of industrial compliance shall cause each manufactured home park to be inspected for compliance with sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted under those sections. A record shall be made of each inspection on a form prescribed by the division.

(C) Each person applying for an initial license to operate a manufactured home park shall provide acceptable proof to the division of industrial compliance that adequate fire protection will be provided and that applicable fire codes will be adhered to in the construction and operation of the park.

Section 4781.28 | Fees.

The division of industrial compliance may charge a fee for an annual license to operate a manufactured home park. The fee for a license shall be determined in accordance with section 4781.27 of the Revised Code and shall include the cost of licensing and all inspections.

Any fees collected shall be transmitted to the treasurer of state and shall be credited to the industrial compliance operating fund created in section 121.084 of the Revised Code and used only for the purpose of administering and enforcing sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

Section 4781.281 | Inspector certification fees.

(A) The division of industrial compliance may charge a fee for inspector certification. The fees shall include all of the following:

(1) The nonrefundable certification fee for inspectors shall not be greater than fifty dollars for each three-year certification period.

(2) The nonrefundable certification renewal fee for inspectors shall not be greater than fifty dollars.

(3) The nonrefundable late fee for certification renewal shall not be greater than twenty-five dollars in addition to the renewal fee.

(B) The division may adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing fees less than those described in division (A) of this section.

Last updated August 24, 2021 at 2:27 PM

Section 4781.29 | License - refusal to grant, suspension, revocation.

The division of industrial compliance may refuse to grant, may suspend, or may revoke any license granted to any person for failure to comply with sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code or with any rule adopted under section 4781.26 of the Revised Code.

Section 4781.30 | Rights of operators.

(A) Upon a license being issued under sections 4781.27 to 4781.29 of the Revised Code, any operator shall have the right to rent or use each lot for the parking or placement of a manufactured home or mobile home to be used for human habitation without interruption for any period coextensive with any license or consecutive licenses issued under sections 4781.27 to 4781.29 of the Revised Code.

(B) No operator of a manufactured home park shall sell individual lots in a park for eight years following the issuance of the initial license for the park unless, at the time of sale, the park fulfills all platting and subdivision requirements established by the political subdivision in which the park is located, or the political subdivision has entered into an agreement with the operator regarding platting and subdivision requirements and the operator has fulfilled the terms of that agreement.

Section 4781.301 | Fees in lieu of license and inspection fees.

Fees authorized or charged under sections 4781.31, 4781.32, and 4781.28 of the Revised Code are in lieu of all license and inspection fees on or with respect to the operation or ownership of manufactured home parks within this state, except that the licensor may charge additional reasonable fees for the collection and bacteriological examination of any necessary water samples taken from any such park.

Section 4781.31 | Submitting development plans to division.

(A) No person shall cause development to occur within any portion of a manufactured home park until the plans for the development have been submitted to and reviewed and approved by the division of industrial compliance. This division does not require that plans be submitted to the division of industrial compliance for approval for the replacement of manufactured or mobile homes on previously approved lots in a manufactured home park when no development is to occur in connection with the replacement. Within thirty days after receipt of the plans, all supporting documents and materials required to complete the review, and the applicable plan review fee established under division (D) of this section, the division of industrial compliance shall approve or disapprove the plans.

(B) Any person aggrieved by the division's disapproval of a set of plans under division (A) of this section may request a hearing on the matter within thirty days after receipt of the division's notice of the disapproval. The hearing shall be held in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Thereafter, the disapproval may be appealed in the manner provided in section 119.12 of the Revised Code.

(C) The division of industrial compliance shall establish a system by which development occurring within a manufactured home park is inspected or verified in accordance with rules adopted under section 4781.26 of the Revised Code to ensure that the development complies with the plans approved under division (A) of this section.

(D) The division of industrial compliance shall establish fees for reviewing plans under division (A) of this section and conducting inspections under division (C) of this section.

(E) The division of industrial compliance shall charge the appropriate fees established under division (D) of this section for reviewing plans under division (A) of this section and conducting inspections under division (C) of this section. All such plan review and inspection fees received by the division shall be transmitted to the treasurer of state and shall be credited to the industrial compliance operating fund created in section 121.084 of the Revised Code. Moneys so credited to the fund shall be used only for the purpose of administering and enforcing sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under those sections.

(F) Plan approvals issued under this section do not constitute an exemption from the land use and building requirements of the political subdivision in which the manufactured home park is or is to be located.

Section 4781.32 | Permit for developing in flood plain.

(A) No person shall cause development to occur or cause the replacement of a mobile or manufactured home within any portion of a manufactured home park that is located within a one-hundred-year flood plain unless the person first obtains a permit from the division of industrial compliance. If the development for which a permit is required under this division is to occur on a lot where a mobile or manufactured home is or is to be located, the owner of the home and the operator of the manufactured home park shall jointly obtain the permit. Each of the persons to whom a permit is jointly issued is responsible for compliance with the provisions of the approved permit that are applicable to that person.

The division of industrial compliance shall disapprove an application for a permit required under this division unless the division finds that the proposed development or replacement of a mobile or manufactured home complies with the rules adopted under section 4781.26 of the Revised Code. No permit is required under this division for the construction, erection, or manufacture of any building to which section 3781.06 of the Revised Code applies.

The division of industrial compliance may suspend or revoke a permit issued under this division for failure to comply with the rules adopted under section 4781.26 of the Revised Code pertaining to flood plain management or for failure to comply with the approved permit.

Any person aggrieved by the disapproval, suspension, or revocation of a permit under this division by the division of industrial compliance may request a hearing on the matter within thirty days after receipt of the notice of the disapproval, suspension, or revocation. The hearing shall be held in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Thereafter, an appeal of the disapproval, suspension, or revocation may be taken in the manner provided in section 119.12 of the Revised Code.

(B) The division of industrial compliance shall establish fees for the issuance of permits under division (A) of this section and for necessary inspections conducted to determine compliance with those permits.

(C) The division of industrial compliance shall charge the appropriate fee established under division (B) of this section for the issuance of a permit under division (A) of this section or for conducting any necessary inspection to determine compliance with the permit. If the division issues such a permit or conducts such an inspection, the fee for the permit or inspection shall be transmitted to the treasurer of state and shall be credited to the industrial compliance operating fund created in section 121.084 of the Revised Code. Moneys so credited to the fund shall be used only for the purpose of administering and enforcing sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under those sections.

Section 4781.33 | Notice of flood event affecting manufactured home park.

When a flood event affects a manufactured home park, the operator of the manufactured home park, in accordance with rules adopted under section 4781.26 of the Revised Code, shall notify the division of industrial compliance and the board of health having jurisdiction where the flood event occurred within forty-eight hours after the end of the flood event. The division, after receiving notification, shall immediately notify the board of health.

After being notified of such a flood event, the board of health shall cause an inspection to be made of the manufactured home park named in the notice. The board of health shall issue a report of the inspection to the division of industrial compliance within ten days after the inspection is completed.

Section 4781.34 | Owner to repair home substantially damaged.

(A) If a mobile or manufactured home that is located in a flood plain is substantially damaged, the owner of the home shall make all alterations, repairs, or changes to the home, and the operator of the manufactured home park shall make all alterations, repairs, or changes to the lot on which the home is located, that are necessary to ensure compliance with the flood plain management rules adopted under section 4781.26 of the Revised Code. Such alterations, repairs, or changes may include, without limitation, removal of the home or other structures.

No person shall fail to comply with this division.

(B) No person shall cause to be performed any alteration, repair, or change required by division (A) of this section unless the person first obtains a permit from the division of industrial compliance.

The division of industrial compliance shall disapprove an application for a permit required under this division unless the division finds that the proposed alteration, repair, or change complies with the rules adopted under section 4781.26 of the Revised Code. No permit is required under this division for the construction, erection, or manufacture of any building to which section 3781.06 of the Revised Code applies.

The division of industrial compliance may suspend or revoke a permit issued under this division for failure to comply with the rules adopted under section 4781.26 of the Revised Code pertaining to flood plain management or for failure to comply with the approved permit for making alterations, repairs, or changes to the lot on which the manufactured home is located.

Any person aggrieved by the disapproval, suspension, or revocation of a permit under this division by the division of industrial compliance may request a hearing on the matter within thirty days after receipt of the notice of the disapproval, suspension, or revocation. The hearing shall be held in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Thereafter, an appeal of the disapproval, suspension, or revocation may be taken in the manner provided in section 119.12 of the Revised Code and for necessary inspections conducted to determine compliance with those permits.

(C) The division of industrial compliance shall establish fees for the issuance of permits under division (B) of this section and for necessary inspections conducted to determine compliance with those permits for making alterations, repairs, or changes to the lot on which the manufactured home is located.

(D) The division of industrial compliance shall charge the appropriate fee established under division (C) of this section for the issuance of a permit under division (B) of this section or for conducting any necessary inspection to determine compliance with the permit. If the division of industrial compliance issues such a permit or conducts such an inspection, the fee for the permit or inspection shall be transmitted to the treasurer of state and shall be credited to the industrial compliance operating fund created in section 121.084 of the Revised Code. Moneys so credited to the fund shall be used only for the purpose of administering and enforcing sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under those sections.

Section 4781.35 | Prosecuting violations.

(A) No person shall violate sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code or the rules adopted thereunder.

(B) The prosecuting attorney of the county, the city director of law, or the attorney general, upon complaint of the division of industrial compliance, shall prosecute to termination or bring an action for injunction against any person violating sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code or the rules adopted thereunder.

Section 4781.36 | Whistleblower protection.

(A) Subject to section 4781.37 of the Revised Code, a park operator shall not retaliate against a resident by increasing the resident's rent, decreasing services that are due to the resident, refusing to renew or threatening to refuse to renew the rental agreement with the resident, or bringing or threatening to bring an action for possession of the resident's premises because:

(1) The resident has complained to an appropriate governmental agency of a violation of a building, housing, health, or safety code that is applicable to the premises, and the violation materially affects health and safety;

(2) The resident has complained to the park operator of any violation of section 4781.38 of the Revised Code;

(3) The resident joined with other residents for the purpose of negotiating or dealing collectively with the park operator on any of the terms and conditions of a rental agreement.

(B) If a park operator acts in violation of division (A) of this section, the resident may:

(1) Use the retaliatory action of the park operator as a defense to an action by the park operator to recover possession of the premises;

(2) Recover possession of the premises;

(3) Terminate the rental agreement.

In addition, the resident may recover from the park operator any actual damages together with reasonable attorneys fees.

(C) Nothing in division (A) of this section prohibits a park operator from increasing the rent to reflect the cost of improvements installed by the park operator in or about the premises or to reflect an increase in other costs of operation of the premises.

Section 4781.37 | Action for possession of the premises.

(A) Notwithstanding section 4781.36 of the Revised Code, a park operator may bring an action under Chapter 1923. of the Revised Code for possession of the premises if any of the following applies:

(1) The resident is in default in the payment of rent.

(2) The violation of the applicable building, housing, health, or safety code that the resident complained of was primarily caused by any act or lack of reasonable care by the resident, by any other person in the resident's household, or by anyone on the premises with the consent of the resident.

(3) The resident is holding over the resident's term.

(4) The resident is in violation of rules of the division of industrial compliance adopted pursuant to section 4781.26 of the Revised Code or rules of the manufactured home park adopted pursuant to the rules of the division.

(5) The resident has been absent from the manufactured home park for a period of thirty consecutive days prior to the commencement of the action, and the resident's manufactured home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle parked in the manufactured home park has been left unoccupied for that thirty-day period, without notice to the park operator and without payment of rent due under the rental agreement.

(B) The maintenance of an action by the park operator under this section does not prevent the resident from recovering damages for any violation by the park operator of the rental agreement or of section 4781.38 of the Revised Code.

Section 4781.38 | Obligations of park operator.

(A) A park operator who is a party to a rental agreement shall:

(1) Comply with the requirements of all applicable building, housing, health, and safety codes which materially affect health and safety, and comply with rules of the division of industrial compliance;

(2) Make all repairs and do whatever is reasonably necessary to put and keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition;

(3) Keep all common areas of the premises in a safe and sanitary condition;

(4) Maintain in good and safe working order and condition all electrical and plumbing fixtures and appliances, and septic systems, sanitary and storm sewers, refuse receptacles, and well and water systems that are supplied or required to be supplied by the park operator;

(5) Not abuse the right of access conferred by division (B) of section 4781.39 of the Revised Code;

(6) Except in the case of emergency or if it is impracticable to do so, give the resident reasonable notice of the park operator's intent to enter onto the residential premises and enter only at reasonable times. Twenty-four hours' notice shall be presumed to be a reasonable notice in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

(B) If the park operator violates any provision of this section, makes a lawful entry onto the residential premises in an unreasonable manner, or makes repeated demands for entry otherwise lawful which demands have the effect of harassing the resident, the resident may recover actual damages resulting from the violation, entry, or demands and injunctive relief to prevent the recurrence of the conduct, and if the resident obtains a judgment, reasonable attorneys' fees, or terminate the rental agreement.

Section 4781.39 | Obligations of resident.

(A) A resident who is a party to a rental agreement shall:

(1) Keep that part of the premises that the resident occupies and uses safe and sanitary;

(2) Dispose of all rubbish, garbage, and other waste in a clean, safe, and sanitary manner;

(3) Comply with the requirements imposed on residents by all applicable state and local housing, health, and safety codes, rules of the division of industrial compliance, and rules of the manufactured home park;

(4) Personally refrain, and forbid any other person who is on the premises with the resident's permission, from intentionally or negligently destroying, defacing, damaging, or removing any fixture, appliance, or other part of the residential premises;

(5) Conduct self and require other persons on the premises with the resident's consent to conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb the resident's neighbors' peaceful enjoyment of the manufactured home park.

(B) The resident shall not unreasonably withhold consent for the park operator to enter the home to inspect utility connections, or enter onto the premises in order to inspect the premises, make ordinary, necessary, or agreed repairs, decorations, alterations, or improvements, deliver parcels which are too large for the resident's mail facilities, or supply necessary or agreed services.

(C) If the resident violates any provision of this section, the park operator may recover any actual damages which result from the violation and reasonable attorneys' fees. This remedy is in addition to any right of the park operator to terminate the rental agreement, to maintain an action for the possession of the premises, or injunctive relief to compel access under division (B) of this section.

Section 4781.40 | Rental agreement.

(A)(1) The park operator shall offer each home owner a written rental agreement for a manufactured home park lot for a term of one year or more that contains terms essentially the same as any alternative month-to-month rental agreement offered to current and prospective tenants and owners. The park operator shall offer the minimum one-year rental agreement to the owner prior to installation of the home in the manufactured home park or, if the home is in the manufactured home park, prior to the expiration of the owner's existing rental agreement.

(2) The park operator shall deliver the offer to the owner by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person. If the park operator delivers the offer to the owner in person, the owner shall complete a return showing receipt of the offer. If the owner does not accept the offer, the park operator is discharged from any obligation to make any further such offers. If the owner accepts the offer, the park operator shall, at the expiration of each successive rental agreement, offer the owner another rental agreement, for a term that is mutually agreed upon, and that contains terms essentially the same as the alternative month-to-month agreement. The park operator shall deliver subsequent rental offers by ordinary mail or personal delivery. If the park operator sells the manufactured home park to another manufactured home park operator, the purchaser is bound by the rental agreements entered into by the purchaser's predecessor.

(3) If the park operator sells the manufactured home park for a use other than as a manufactured home park, the park operator shall give each tenant and owner a written notification by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by handing it to the tenant or owner in person. If the park operator delivers the notification in person, the recipient shall complete a return showing receipt of the notification. This notification shall contain notice of the sale of the manufactured home park, and notice of the date by which the tenant or owner shall vacate. The date by which the tenant shall vacate shall be at least one hundred twenty days after receipt of the written notification, and the date by which the owner shall vacate shall be at least one hundred eighty days after receipt of the written notification.

(B) A park operator shall fully disclose in writing all fees, charges, assessments, including rental fees, and rules prior to a tenant or owner executing a rental agreement and assuming occupancy in the manufactured home park. No fees, charges, assessments, or rental fees so disclosed may be increased nor rules changed by a park operator without specifying the date of implementation of the changed fees, charges, assessments, rental fees, or rules, which date shall be not less than thirty days after written notice of the change and its effective date to all tenants or owners in the manufactured home park, and no fee, charge, assessment, or rental fee shall be increased during the term of any tenant's or owner's rental agreement. Failure on the part of the park operator to fully disclose all fees, charges, or assessments shall prevent the park operator from collecting the undisclosed fees, charges, or assessments. If a tenant or owner refuses to pay any undisclosed fees, charges, or assessments, the refusal shall not be used by the park operator as a cause for eviction in any court.

(C)(1) A park operator shall promulgate rules governing the rental or occupancy of a lot in the manufactured home park. The rules shall not be unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious. A copy of the rules and any amendments to them shall be delivered by the park operator to the tenant or owner prior to signing the rental agreement. A copy of the rules and any amendments to them shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon the manufactured home park grounds.

(2) No park operator shall include any restriction in a rental agreement against, or otherwise prohibit on a tenant's or owner's rental property, any of the following:

(a) The display of the flag of the United States or the national league of families POW/MIA flag if the flag is displayed in accordance with any of the following:

(i) The patriotic customs set forth in 4 U.S.C. 5-10, and 36 U.S.C. 902, governing the display and use of the flag;

(ii) Federal law, state law, or any local ordinance or resolution;

(iii) A proclamation of the president of the United States or the governor of the state.

(b) The display of the state flag as defined in section 5.01 of the Revised Code if the flag is displayed in accordance with state law, any local ordinance or resolution, or proclamation by the governor of the state;

(c) The display of a service flag approved by the United States secretary of defense for display in a window of the residence of a member of the immediate family of an individual serving in the armed forces of the United States. A service flag includes a blue star banner, a gold star banner, and any other flag the secretary of defense designates as a service flag.

(3) A tenant who requests to display the flag of the United States or the national league of families POW/MIA flag at the rental property as provided in division (C)(2) of this section through the use of a flag pole shall contact the park operator with reasonable notice before installation of the flag pole to discuss the following:

(a) Placement in compliance with any local zoning restrictions and the required underground utility service requests (OUPS);

(b) Cost of the materials and installation;

(c) Installation in a workerlike manner if installed at the tenant's request and expense;

(d) Any lighting required to comply with division (C)(2)(a)(i) of this section;

(e) The appropriate size of the flag and flag pole, which shall be consistent with the size and character of the building.

(4) A tenant who requests to display the flag of the United States or the national league of families POW/MIA flag at the rental property as provided in division (C)(2) of this section through the use of a bracket to be permanently affixed to the manufactured home, shall contact the park operator with reasonable notice before installation of the bracket to discuss the following:

(a) Placement in compliance with any local zoning restrictions;

(b) Cost of the materials and installation;

(c) Preferred location of the bracket with installation to be performed in a workerlike manner if installed at the tenant's request and expense;

(d) Any lighting required to comply with division (C)(2)(a)(i) of this section;

(e) The appropriate size of the flag and flag pole, which shall be consistent with the size and character of the manufactured home.

(5) A tenant who owns the manufactured home but leases the lot and who requests to display the flag of the United States or the national league of families POW/MIA flag at the rental property as provided in division (C)(2) of this section through the use of a bracket to be permanently affixed to the manufactured home, shall contact the park operator with reasonable notice before installation of the bracket to discuss the following:

(a) Placement in compliance with any local zoning restrictions;

(b) Preferred location of the bracket to insure that there will be no encroachment of the flag or bracket onto common areas of the park;

(c) Any lighting required to comply with division (C)(2)(a)(i) of this section;

(d) The appropriate size of the flag and flag pole, which shall be consistent with the size and character of the manufactured home and surrounding manufactured home park.

(6) A park operator who does not receive the notifications required under divisions (C)(3) and (4) of this section is not liable for any damages, fines, or costs associated with any issues arising from the placement of the flag pole or the bracket by the tenant.

(7) Any display of the flag of the United States or the national league of families POW/MIA flag, shall use a flag or flag pole of an appropriate size, consistent with the size and character of the manufactured homes within the manufactured home park.

(8) Any violation of this division is against public policy and unenforceable. Any provision of a rental agreement that violates this division is an unconscionable term under section 4781.48 of the Revised Code.

(9) Nothing in this division exempts a tenant from a provision in a lease agreement that requires a tenant, at the termination of a lease, to return the premises in the same condition as they were in when the tenant took possession.

(D) No park operator shall require an owner to purchase from the park operator any personal property. The park operator may determine by rule the style or quality of skirting, equipment for tying down homes, manufactured or mobile home accessories, or other equipment to be purchased by an owner from a vendor of the owner's choosing, provided that the equipment is readily available to the owner. Any such equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufactured home park rules.

(E) No park operator shall charge any owner who chooses to install an electric or gas appliance in a home an additional fee solely on the basis of the installation, unless the installation is performed by the park operator at the request of the owner, nor shall the park operator restrict the installation, service, or maintenance of the appliance, restrict the ingress or egress of repairpersons to the manufactured home park for the purpose of installation, service, or maintenance of the appliance, nor restrict the making of any interior improvement in a home, if the installation or improvement is in compliance with applicable building codes and other provisions of law and if adequate utility services are available for the installation or improvement.

(F) No park operator shall require a tenant to lease or an owner to purchase a manufactured or mobile home from the park operator or any specific person as a condition of or prerequisite to entering into a rental agreement.

(G) No park operator shall require an owner to use the services of the park operator or any other specific person for installation of the manufactured or mobile home on the residential premises or for the performance of any service.

(H) No park operator shall:

(1) Deny any owner the right to sell the owner's manufactured home within the manufactured home park if the owner gives the park operator ten days' notice of the intention to sell the home;

(2) Require the owner to remove the home from the manufactured home park solely on the basis of the sale of the home;

(3) Unreasonably refuse to enter into a rental agreement with a purchaser of a home located within the operator's manufactured home park;

(4) Charge any tenant or owner any fee, charge, or assessment, including a rental fee, that is not set forth in the rental agreement or, if the rental agreement is oral, is not set forth in a written disclosure given to the tenant or owner prior to the tenant or owner entering into a rental agreement;

(5) Charge any owner any fee, charge, or assessment because of the transfer of ownership of a home or because a home is moved out of or into the manufactured home park, except a charge for the actual costs and expenses that are incurred by the park operator in moving the home out of or into the manufactured home park, or in installing the home in the manufactured home park and that have not been reimbursed by another tenant or owner.

(I) If the park operator violates any provision of divisions (A) to (H) of this section, the tenant or owner may recover actual damages resulting from the violation, and, if the tenant or owner obtains a judgment, reasonable attorneys' fees, or terminate the rental agreement.

(J) No rental agreement shall require a tenant or owner to sell, lease, or sublet the tenant's or owner's interest in the rental agreement or the manufactured or mobile home that is or will be located on the lot that is the subject of the rental agreement to any specific person or through any specific person as the person's agent.

(K) No park operator shall enter into a rental agreement with the owner of a manufactured or mobile home for the use of residential premises, if the rental agreement requires the owner of the home, as a condition to the owner's renting, occupying, or remaining on the residential premises, to pay the park operator or any other person specified in the rental agreement a fee or any sum of money based on the sale of the home, unless the owner of the home uses the park operator or other person as the owner's agent in the sale of the home.

(L) A park operator and a tenant or owner may include in a rental agreement any terms and conditions, including any term relating to rent, the duration of an agreement, and any other provisions governing the rights and obligations of the parties that are not inconsistent with or prohibited by sections 4781.36 to 4781.52 of the Revised Code or any other rule of law.

(M) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code, the owner of a manufactured or mobile home may utilize the services of a manufactured housing dealer or broker licensed under Chapter 4781. of the Revised Code or a person properly licensed under Chapter 4735. of the Revised Code to sell or lease the home.

Section 4781.41 | Effect of operator's noncompliance with rental agreement or statutes.

(A) If a park operator fails to fulfill any obligation imposed upon the park operator by section 4781.38 of the Revised Code or by the rental agreement, or the conditions of the premises are such that the resident reasonably believes that a park operator has failed to fulfill any such obligations, or a governmental agency has found that the premises are not in compliance with building, housing, health, or safety codes which apply to any condition of the residential premises that could materially affect the health and safety of an occupant, the resident may give notice in writing to the park operator specifying the acts, omissions, or code violations that constitute noncompliance with such provisions. The notice shall be sent to the person or place where rent is normally paid.

(B) If a park operator receives the notice described in division (A) of this section and after receipt of the notice fails to remedy the condition within a reasonable time, considering the severity of the condition and the time necessary to remedy such condition, or within thirty days, whichever is sooner, and if the resident is current in rent payments due under the rental agreement, the resident may do one of the following:

(1) Deposit all rent that is due and thereafter becomes due the park operator with the clerk of court of the municipal or county court having jurisdiction in the territory in which the residential premises are located;

(2) Apply to the court for an order directing the park operator to remedy the condition. As part thereof, the resident may deposit rent pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section, and may apply for an order reducing the periodic rent due the park operator until such time as the park operator does remedy the condition, and may apply for an order to use the rent deposited to remedy the condition. In any order issued pursuant to this division, the court may require the resident to deposit rent with the clerk of court as provided in division (B)(1) of this section.

Section 4781.42 | Rent deposits.

(A) Whenever a resident deposits rent with the clerk of a court as provided in section 4781.41 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall give written notice of this fact to the park operator and to the park operator's agent, if any.

(B) The clerk shall place all rent deposited with the clerk in a separate rent escrow account in the name of the clerk in a bank or building and loan association domiciled in this state.

(C) The clerk shall keep in a separate docket an account of each deposit, with the name and address of the resident, and the name and address of the park operator and of the park operator's agent, if any.

(D) For the clerk's costs, the clerk may charge a fee of one per cent of the amount of the rent deposited, which shall be assessed as court costs.

(E) All interest that has accrued on the rent deposited by the clerk of a county court under division (B) of this section shall be paid into the treasury of the political subdivision for which the clerk performs the clerk's duties. All interest that has accrued on the rent deposited by the clerk of a municipal court under division (B) of this section shall be paid into the city treasury as defined in division (B) of section 1901.03 of the Revised Code.

Section 4781.43 | Applying for release of rent.

(A) A park operator who receives notice that rent due the park operator has been deposited with a clerk of court pursuant to section 4781.41 of the Revised Code, may:

(1) Apply to the clerk of court for release of the rent on the ground that the condition contained in the notice given pursuant to division (A) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code has been remedied. The clerk shall forthwith release the rent, less costs, to the park operator if the resident gives written notice to the clerk that the condition has been remedied.

(2) Apply to the court for release of the rent on the grounds that the resident did not comply with the notice requirement of division (A) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code, or that the resident was not current in rent payments due under the rental agreement at the time the resident initiated rent deposits with the clerk of courts under division (B)(1) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code;

(3) Apply to the court for release of the rent on the grounds that there was no violation of any obligation imposed upon the park operator by section 4781.38 of the Revised Code or by the rental agreement, or by any building, housing, health, or safety code, or that the condition contained in the notice given pursuant to division (A) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code has been remedied.

(B) The resident shall be named as a party to any action filed by the park operator under this section, and shall have the right to file an answer and counterclaim, as in other civil cases. A trial shall be held within sixty days of the date of filing of the park operator's complaint, unless for good cause shown the court grants a continuance.

(C) If the court finds that there was no violation of any obligation imposed upon the park operator by section 4781.38 of the Revised Code or by the rental agreement, or by any building, housing, health, or safety code, or that the condition contained in the notice given pursuant to division (A) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code has been remedied, or that the resident did not comply with the notice requirement of division (A) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code, or that the resident was not current in rent payments at the time the resident initiated rent deposits with the clerk of court under division (B)(1) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code, the court shall order the release to the park operator of rent on deposit with the clerk, less costs.

(D) If the court finds that the condition contained in the notice given pursuant to division (A) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code was the result of an act or omission of the resident, or that the resident intentionally acted in bad faith in proceeding under section 4781.41 of the Revised Code, the resident shall be liable for damages caused to the park operator, and for costs, together with reasonable attorneys' fees if the resident intentionally acted in bad faith.

Section 4781.44 | Partial release of rent before trial.

(A) If a park operator brings an action for the release of rent deposited with a clerk of court, the court may, during the pendency of the action, upon application of the park operator, release part of the rent on deposit for payment of the periodic interest on a mortgage on the premises, the periodic principal payments on a mortgage on the premises, the insurance premiums for the premises, real estate taxes on the premises, utility services, repairs, and other customary and usual costs of operating the premises.

(B) In determining whether to release rent for the payments described in division (A) of this section, the court shall consider the amount of rent the park operator receives from other lots, the cost of operating these lots, and the costs which may be required to remedy the condition contained in the notice given pursuant to division (A) of section 4781.41 of the Revised Code.

Section 4781.45 | Notification of violation of rules to resident.

If a resident commits a material violation of the rules of the manufactured home park, of the department of commerce division of industrial compliance, or of applicable state and local health and safety codes, the park operator may deliver a written notification of the violation to the resident. The notification shall contain all of the following:

(A) A description of the violation;

(B) A statement that the rental agreement will terminate upon a date specified in the written notice not less than thirty days after receipt of the notice unless the resident remedies the violation;

(C) A statement that the violation was material and that if a second material violation of any park or division rule, or any health and safety code, occurs within six months after the date of this notice, the rental agreement will terminate immediately;

(D) A statement that a defense available to termination of the rental agreement for two material violations of park or division rules, or of health and safety codes, is that the park rule is unreasonable, or that the park or division rule, or health or safety code, is not being enforced against other manufactured home park residents, or that the two violations were not willful and not committed in bad faith.

If the resident remedies the condition described in the notice, whether by repair, the payment of damages, or otherwise, the rental agreement shall not terminate. The park operator may terminate the rental agreement immediately if the resident commits a second material violation of the park or division rules, or of applicable state and local health and safety codes, subject to the defense that the park rule is unreasonable, that the park or division rule, or health or safety code, is not being enforced against other manufactured home park residents, or that the two violations were not willful and not committed in bad faith.

Section 4781.46 | Recovering damages.

In any action under sections 4781.36 to 4781.52 of the Revised Code, any party may recover damages for the breach of contract or the breach of any duty that is imposed by law.

Section 4781.47 | Rental agreement terms.

(A) No provision of sections 4781.36 to 4781.52 of the Revised Code may be modified or waived by any oral or written agreement except as provided in division (F) of this section.

(B) No warrant of attorney to confess judgment shall be recognized in any rental agreement or in any other agreement between a park operator and resident for the recovery of rent or damages to the residential premises.

(C) No agreement to pay the park operator's or resident's attorney fees shall be recognized in any rental agreement for residential premises or in any other agreement between a park operator and resident.

(D) No agreement by a resident to the exculpation or limitation of any liability of the park operator arising under law or to indemnify the park operator for that liability or its related costs shall be recognized in any rental agreement or in any other agreement between a park operator and resident.

(E) A rental agreement, or the assignment, conveyance, trust deed, or security instrument of the park operator's interest in the rental agreement may not permit the receipt of rent free of the obligation to comply with section 4781.38 of the Revised Code.

(F) The park operator may agree to assume responsibility for fulfilling any duty or obligation imposed on a resident by section 4781.39 of the Revised Code.

Section 4781.48 | Unconscionability.

(A) If the court as a matter of law finds a rental agreement, or any clause of it, to have been unconscionable at the time it was made, it may refuse to enforce the rental agreement or it may enforce the remainder of the rental agreement without the unconscionable clause, or it may so limit the application of any unconscionable clause as to avoid any unconscionable result.

(B) When it is claimed or appears to the court that the rental agreement, or any clause of it, may be unconscionable, the parties shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present evidence as to its setting, purpose, and effect to aid the court in making the determination.

Section 4781.49 | Limits on operator's right to recover possession of premises.

(A) No park operator of residential premises shall initiate any act, including termination of utilities or services, exclusion from the premises, or threat of any unlawful act, against a resident, or a resident whose right to possession has terminated, for the purpose of recovering possession of residential premises, other than as provided in Chapters 1923., 4781., and 5303. of the Revised Code.

(B) No park operator of residential premises shall seize the furnishings or possessions of a resident, or of a resident whose right to possession was terminated, for the purpose of recovering rent payments, other than in accordance with an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.

(C) A park operator who violates this section is liable in a civil action for all damages caused to a resident, or to a resident whose right to possession has terminated, together with reasonable attorneys' fees.

Section 4781.50 | Security deposit.

(A) Any security deposit in excess of fifty dollars or one month's periodic rent, whichever is greater, shall bear interest on the excess at the rate of five per cent per annum if the resident remains in possession of the premises for six months or more, and shall be computed and paid annually by the park operator to the resident.

(B) Upon termination of the rental agreement any property or money held by the park operator as a security deposit may be applied to the payment of past due rent and to the payment of the amount of damages that the park operator has suffered by reason of the resident's noncompliance with section 4781.39 of the Revised Code or the rental agreement. Any deduction from the security deposit shall be itemized and identified by the park operator in a written notice delivered to the resident together with the amount due, within thirty days after termination of the rental agreement and delivery of possession. The resident shall provide the park operator in writing with a forwarding address or new address to which the written notice and amount due from the park operator may be sent. If the resident fails to provide the park operator with the forwarding or new address as required, the resident shall not be entitled to damages or attorneys' fees under division (C) of this section.

(C) If the park operator fails to comply with division (B) of this section, the resident may recover the property and money due the resident, together with damages in an amount equal to the amount wrongfully withheld, and reasonable attorneys' fees.

Section 4781.51 | Information to be contained in rental agreement.

(A) Every written rental agreement for residential premises shall contain the name and address of the owner of the residential premises and the name and address of the owner's agent, if any. If the owner or the owner's agent is a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, association, trust, or other entity, the address shall be the principal place of business in the county in which the residential premises are situated or if there is no place of business in such county then its principal place of business in this state, and shall include the name of the person in charge thereof.

(B) If the rental agreement is oral, the park operator, at the commencement of the term of occupancy, shall deliver to the resident a written notice containing the information required in division (A) of this section.

(C) If the park operator fails to provide the notice of the name and address of the owner and owner's agent, if any, as required under division (A) or (B) of this section, the notices to the park operator required under division (A) of sections 4781.41 and 4781.42 of the Revised Code are waived by the park operator and the operator's agent.

(D) Every written rental agreement for residential premises shall contain the following notice in ten-point boldface type:


If the rental agreement is oral, the park operator, at the commencement of the term of occupancy, shall deliver the notice to the resident in writing.

Section 4781.52 | Conflicting ordinances preempted.

No municipal corporation may adopt or continue in existence any ordinance and no township may adopt or continue in existence any resolution that is in conflict with sections 4781.36 to 4781.52 of the Revised Code, or that regulates those rights and obligations of parties to a rental agreement that are regulated by sections 4781.36 to 4781.52 of the Revised Code. Sections 4781.36 to 4781.52 of the Revised Code do not preempt any housing, building, health, or safety codes of any municipal corporation or township.

Section 4781.54 | Manufactured homes regulatory fund.

(A) The division of real estate and professional licensing shall deposit all the fees collected in the administration and enforcement sections 4781.16 to 4781.25 of the Revised Code into the real estate operating fund created under section 4735.211 of the Revised Code. In addition to the purposes described in section 4735.211 of the Revised Code, money deposited into the fund shall be used as described in sections 4781.16 to 4781.25 of the Revised Code.

(B) The division of industrial compliance shall deposit all fees collected in the administration and enforcement sections of 4781.04 to 4781.14 and sections 4781.26 to 4781.35 of the Revised Code into the industrial compliance operating fund created in section 121.084 of the Revised Code. All money deposited into the fund shall be used to pay the operating expenses of the division or as otherwise described in those sections.

Last updated October 3, 2023 at 2:26 PM

Section 4781.56 | Abatement or removal of abandoned homes or vehicles.

(A) The division of industrial compliance may contract with the board of health of a city or general health district to permit the division to abate and remove, in accordance with sections 3707.01 to 3707.021 of the Revised Code, any abandoned or unoccupied manufactured home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle that constitutes a nuisance and that is located in a manufactured home park within the board of health's jurisdiction. Under the contract, the division may receive complaints of abandoned or unoccupied manufactured homes, mobile homes, or recreational vehicles that constitute a nuisance and may, by order, compel the park operator to abate and remove the nuisance. The park operator shall pay any costs for the removal.

(B) The sheriff, police officer, constable, or bailiff shall not be liable pursuant to the abatement or removal of any abandoned or unoccupied manufactured home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle pursuant to this section.

Last updated August 24, 2021 at 2:28 PM

Section 4781.57 | Duty of park operator to ensure homes and facilities properly maintained.

The park operator of a manufactured home park shall ensure that all manufactured home park buildings, lots, streets, walkways, manufactured homes, mobile homes, and other facilities located in the manufactured home park shall be maintained in a condition satisfactory to the division at all times.

Last updated August 24, 2021 at 2:28 PM

Section 4781.99 | Penalties.

(A) Whoever violates division (A) of section 4781.16 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense and shall be subject to a mandatory fine of one hundred dollars. On a second offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be subject to a mandatory fine of one thousand dollars.

(B) Whoever violates section 4781.20 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

(C) Whoever violates any of the following is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree:

(1) Division (B) or (C) of section 4781.16 of the Revised Code;

(2) Section 4781.22 of the Revised Code;

(3) Section 4781.23 of the Revised Code;

(4) Division (A) of section 4781.24 of the Revised Code;

(5) Section 4781.25 of the Revised Code;

(6) Division (A) of section 4781.35 of the Revised Code.