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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 503 | General Provisions

Section 503.01 | Corporate powers and duties of civil township.

Each civil township is a body politic and corporate, for the purpose of enjoying and exercising the rights and privileges conferred upon it by law. It may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and receive and hold real estate by devise or deed, or receive and hold personal property for the benefit of the township for any useful purpose. The board of township trustees shall hold such property in trust for the township for the purpose specified in the devise, bequest, or deed of gift. Such board may also receive any conveyance of real estate to the township, when necessary to secure or pay a debt or claim due such township, and may sell and convey real estate so received. The proceeds of such sale shall be applied to the fund to which such debt or claim belonged. The board of township trustees may acquire real property within the unincorporated territory of the township in order to provide needed public improvements to the property pursuant to section 5709.41 or sections 5709.73 to 5709.75 of the Revised Code. The board of township trustees may enter into contracts with municipal corporations pursuant to section 715.70, 715.71, or 715.72 of the Revised Code, and with counties pursuant to division (D) of section 715.72 of the Revised Code, to create a joint economic development district.

Whenever the board finds it necessary to determine the value of any real property the township owns or proposes to acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise, the board may employ for reasonable compensation competent appraisers to advise it of the value of the property or expert witnesses to testify to the value in an appropriation proceeding.

Last updated January 24, 2023 at 12:27 PM

Section 503.02 | Township boundaries changed by partition or division.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the board of county commissioners may change the boundaries of any civil township, or partition any township among other townships within the county, by attaching a part of one township to another, by dividing one township and attaching the parts to other townships, or by laying off and designating a new township from the territory of one or more townships of the same county or from territory not before included in a civil township, when it is made to appear necessary or expedient by a petition for that purpose, signed by a majority of the electors residing within the bounds of the townships to be affected by the partition or division, as determined by the number of votes cast in those townships for the office of governor at the most recent general election for that office.

If the board receives a petition to partition a township that has adopted a limited home rule government under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code, signed by a majority of the electors residing in that township, the board shall certify the question of whether or not the township shall remain intact to the board of elections. The board of elections shall determine the validity and sufficiency of the signatures on the petition and, if there are enough valid signatures, shall place the question on the ballot at a special election to be held on the day of the next general or primary election in the township occurring at least ninety days after the petition is filed, for a vote of the electors within that township. If a majority of those voting vote against keeping the township intact, the board of county commissioners shall proceed to partition the township. If a majority of those voting vote for keeping the township intact, the board of county commissioners shall not partition the township and shall deny the petition.

(B) If a township is divided or partitioned under this section, the board of county commissioners shall apportion the funds in the township's treasury to the township to which portions of the divided or partitioned township are attached, or to the new townships established. This apportionment may take into account the taxable property valuation, population, or size of the portions created by the division or partition, as well as any other readily ascertainable criteria.

Section 503.03 | Area of townships.

Except as provided in section 503.09 of the Revised Code, no new township shall be laid off containing less than twenty-two square miles, but the boundaries of a township may be changed so as to reduce its territory below that quantity.

Section 503.04 | Notice of hearing - record of boundaries.

Before action is taken on an application for partition, alteration, change, or laying off of the boundaries of a township by the board of county commissioners, at least thirty days' notice of the time for the hearing on such application or petition shall be given by advertisement, at three public places within the bounds of the territory proposed to be partitioned, altered, changed, or laid off. The board shall cause the boundaries of such township, so changed or altered, or new township laid off, to be recorded in a book to be kept for that purpose, and shall give each new township, so laid off, an appropriate name. No two townships in any county shall be incorporated by the same name.

Section 503.05 | Adjustment of disputed boundaries.

When a boundary line between townships is in dispute, the board of county commissioners, upon application of the board of township trustees of one of such townships, and upon notice in writing to the board of township trustees of such civil township, and on thirty days' public notice printed in a newspaper of general circulation within the county, shall establish such boundary line and make a record thereof as provided by section 503.04 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.06 | Marking township boundary lines.

The board of county commissioners and the county engineer shall determine and suitably mark the township boundary lines at all points where they intersect a public road when the point of such intersection is in dispute.

Section 503.061 | Highway signs indicating boundaries of township.

A board of township trustees, irrespective of the population or any other characteristic of the township, may adopt and submit to the director of transportation a resolution requesting the department of transportation to erect signs in the rights-of-way of state highways, other than freeways and expressways, located within that township and outside the limits of an incorporated municipality, indicating the boundaries of that township. Upon receipt of the resolution, the director shall agree to erect the signs for the township.

All signs erected under this section shall conform to the provisions contained in the manual adopted by the department of transportation pursuant to section 4511.09 of the Revised Code regarding the size, coloring, contents, lettering, and installation locations of the signs.

Section 503.07 | Conformity of boundaries.

(A) When the limits of a municipal corporation do not comprise the whole of the township in which it is situated, or if by change of limits of the corporation include territory lying in more than one township, the legislative authority of the municipal corporation, by an affirmative majority vote of its members, may petition the board of county commissioners for a change of township lines in order to make them identical, in whole or in part, with the limits of the municipal corporation, or to erect a new township out of the portion of such township included within the limits of the municipal corporation.

(B) At least ten days before the municipal legislative authority votes on a change of township lines, the legislative authority shall provide notice to any township that is the subject of the boundary change sought under this section. If the vote is not taken or does not result in an affirmative vote of the majority, notice shall be provided to any such township within ten days after the result is known or the vote is not taken. The notice shall be sent by ordinary mail or, if the municipal corporation has record of an internet identifier of record for the affected township, by that internet identifier of record.

(C) The board of county commissioners, on presentation of the petition, with authentication of the proceedings of the legislative authority, at a regular or adjourned session, shall, upon the petition of a city, change the boundaries of the township or erect a new township out of the portion of the township included within the limits of the municipal corporation, and may, upon the petition of a village, change the boundaries of the township or erect such a new township.

(D) As used in this section, "internet identifier of record" has the same meaning as in section 9.312 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.08 | Disposition of remainder of township - name.

After a change of boundaries is made as provided by section 503.07 of the Revised Code, any township not having a municipal corporation remaining within its limits may be partitioned as provided in section 503.02 of the Revised Code. Unless and until a partition is made under that section, the remaining township territory shall remain intact. If the changes made under section 503.07 of the Revised Code require the remaining township to acquire a new township name, the board of county commissioners shall name the remaining township and record the name in a book kept as required in section 503.04 of the Revised Code. No two townships in any county shall have the same name.

Section 503.09 | Petition to erect new township excluding territory of municipal corporation.

Where a township contains a municipal corporation, either in whole or in part, if a majority of the freehold electors owning land in the portion of such a township outside the municipal corporation's corporate limits, petitions, with a map accurately setting forth such territory, praying to have such territory erected into a new township, and excluding the territory within the municipal corporation, the board of county commissioners shall enter an order erecting such territory into a new township, the boundaries of which need not include twenty-two square miles of territory. Upon the erection of such new township, the territory lying within the limits of the municipal corporation in the original township shall be considered as not being located in any township.

Last updated March 23, 2022 at 3:18 PM

Section 503.10 | Apportionment of indebtedness.

Before entering an order as provided by section 503.09 of the Revised Code, creating a new township, the board of county commissioners shall first ascertain and apportion the amount of existing indebtedness of the original township between the new township and the municipal corporation eliminated from the township. Such apportionment shall be made in proportion to the tax duplicates of the respective territories subject to levy, in order to provide for the payment of such indebtedness. After such an order is entered the respective subdivisions shall assume full responsibility for the levying and collecting of taxes for the payment of such indebtedness.

Section 503.11 | Division of funds on hand, credits, and properties.

The board of county commissioners, upon entering an order erecting a new township under section 503.09 of the Revised Code, shall include in such order a proper division of the funds on hand, credits, and properties of the original township, between the new township and the municipal corporation eliminated from the township, on the basis of the respective tax duplicates subject to levy for the creation of such funds or credits, or subject to taxation for the creation of the fund from which the property was acquired.

Last updated March 24, 2022 at 8:24 AM

Section 503.12 | Appointment of township officers.

Upon entering an order under section 503.09 of the Revised Code, creating a new township, the board of county commissioners shall appoint all township officers to serve until the next township election.

Section 503.13 | Completion of proceedings.

The petition, map, and order of the board of county commissioners, certified by the county auditor, shall be recorded in the official records of the county recorder, and as soon as a record is made, proceedings under sections 503.09 to 503.12 of the Revised Code for the erection of a new township shall be complete.

Section 503.14 | Method of boundary change.

When the change of boundaries of townships is required by reason of the extension of the limits of a municipal corporation, such change shall be made by annexation to the township in which the municipal corporation or the greater part of it was previously situated, of such parts of other townships as are covered by such extension.

Section 503.15 | Boundary change if corporation located in two or more counties.

When a municipal corporation is situated in two or more counties, the application for change of township lines provided for by section 503.07 of the Revised Code may be made to the board of county commissioners of the county in which the change of boundaries is proposed, or, if the change is to be made in two or more counties, such application shall be made to the boards of the several counties as to the territory situated within them, respectively.

Section 503.16 | Change of name of township.

The board of county commissioners, on petition of a majority of the electors of an incorporated township, for good cause shown, may alter the name of such township. Thirty days' previous notice of such intended application must be given by advertisement, at three public places in the township. Such change shall not affect the right of property or the internal concerns of the township.

Section 503.161 | Change of township name election.

(A) A board of township trustees, by a unanimous vote, may adopt a resolution causing the board of elections to submit to the electors of the unincorporated area of the township the question of whether the township's name should be changed.

(B) The electors of the unincorporated area of a township may petition the board of township trustees to adopt a resolution causing the board of elections to submit to the electors the question of whether the township's name should be changed. Upon receipt of a petition signed by twenty per cent of the electors of the unincorporated area of the township, as determined by the total number of votes cast in that area for the office of governor at the preceding general election for that office, the board of township trustees shall adopt such a resolution.

(C) The question of whether the township's name should be changed shall be voted upon at the next primary or general election occurring at least ninety days after the certification of the resolution adopted under division (A) or (B) of this section to the board of elections.

Section 503.162 | Election on name change procedure.

(A) After certification of a resolution as provided in section 503.161 of the Revised Code, the board of elections shall submit the question of whether the township's name shall be changed to the electors of the unincorporated area of the township in accordance with division (C) of that section, and the ballot language shall be substantially as follows:

"Shall the township of __________ (name) change its name to ________ (proposed name)?

__________ For name change

__________ Against name change"

(B)(1) At least forty-five days before the election on this question, the board of township trustees shall provide notice of the election and an explanation of the proposed name change in a newspaper of general circulation in the township once a week for two consecutive weeks or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code. The board of township trustees shall post the notice and explanation in five conspicuous places in the unincorporated area of the township.

(2) If the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, notice of the election and an explanation of the proposed name change shall be posted on that web site for at least thirty days before the election on this question.

(C) If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition of changing the township's name is in the affirmative, the name change is adopted and becomes effective ninety days after the board of elections certifies the election results to the fiscal officer of the township. Upon receipt of the certification of the election results from the board of elections, the fiscal officer of the township shall send a copy of that certification to the secretary of state.

(D) A change in the name of a township shall not alter the rights or liabilities of the township as previously named.

Section 503.17 | Boundary change effect on contracts.

When a township is altered, diminished, or changed in any way by the formation of new townships, additions to other townships, or otherwise, such original township and all portions thereof shall remain liable to the same extent on contracts, engagements, or liabilities contracted by such township prior to the change as if no such alteration, diminution, or change had taken place.

Section 503.18 | Taxable property.

In case of a division or change of a township which has retained its original name, the board of township trustees, in levying a tax for the payment of any legal or just claims against such township contracted prior to the change, shall procure a certified abstract from the county auditor, or, in case parcels of such township have been attached to townships of different counties, from the county auditors of the counties to which any portion of such township has been attached, of all the taxable property situated in such attached portions, with the names of the persons owning them.

Section 503.19 | Manner of making assessment.

In making the assessment and levy for the payment of any indebtedness as provided by section 503.18 of the Revised Code, or interest thereon, the board of township trustees shall levy an amount, not exceeding that limited by sections 5705.01 to 5705.47, inclusive, of the Revised Code, for the payment of claims against townships, on the taxable property within the limits of such township as it was bounded before the change, and shall certify an abstract thereof to the county auditor of the proper county.

Section 503.20 | Divided parcels.

If parcels of a township have been attached to territory in different counties, the board of township trustees shall certify an abstract of the tax levied under sections 503.18 and 503.19 of the Revised Code upon the property in such parcels to the county auditors of the respective counties, with the names of the persons so assessed, and the amount assessed to each. Such auditors shall thereupon enter such levies upon the tax list and duplicate, designating the persons taxed, and for what purpose the levy was made, and the taxes shall be collected on such property as in other cases.

Section 503.21 | Payment of money to board of township trustees by county treasurer.

The county treasurer of a county collecting a tax as provided by sections 503.18 and 503.19 of the Revised Code, on demand, shall pay to the board of township trustees of the township, after each semiannual settlement, all moneys that have been collected for such township, and such treasurer shall be entitled to the same fees, and subject to the same liabilities, for duties performed under sections 503.17 to 503.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code, as in other cases.

Section 503.22 | Election in new township.

When a new township is set off, the board of county commissioners shall forthwith give at least ten days' public notice by advertisement, in three public places in such township, of the time and place of holding an election for township officers. At such time and place the electors of the township shall assemble and elect officers, who shall hold office until the next regular municipal election.

Section 503.24 | Vacancy in township office.

If there is a vacancy by reason of the nonacceptance, death, or removal of a person chosen to an office in any township at the regular election, or if there is a vacancy from any other cause, the board of township trustees shall appoint a person having the qualifications of an elector to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term or until a successor is elected.

If a township is without a board or if no appointment is made within thirty days after the occurrence of a vacancy, a majority of the persons designated as the committee of five on the last-filed nominating petition of the township officer whose vacancy is to be filled who are residents of the township shall appoint a person having the qualifications of an elector to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term or until a successor is elected. If at least three of the committee members who are residents of the township cannot be found, or if that number of such members fails to make an appointment within ten days after the thirty-day period in which the board of township trustees is authorized to make an appointment, then the presiding probate judge of the county shall appoint a suitable person having the qualifications of an elector in the township to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term or until a successor is elected.

If a vacancy occurs in a township elective office more than forty days before the next general election for municipal and township officers a successor shall be chosen at that election to fill the unexpired term, provided the term does not expire within one year from the day of the election. If the term expires within one year from the day of the next general election for municipal and township officers, a successor appointed pursuant to this section shall serve out the unexpired term.

Section 503.241 | When township offices deemed vacant.

Whenever any township officer ceases to reside in the township, or is absent from the township for ninety consecutive days, except in case of sickness or injury as provided in this section, his office shall be deemed vacant and the board of township trustees shall declare a vacancy to exist in such office.

Such vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided by section 503.24 of the Revised Code. Whenever any township officer is absent from the township because of sickness or injury, he shall cause to be filed with the board of township trustees a physician's certificate of his sickness or injury. If such certificate is not filed with the board within ten days after the expiration of the ninety consecutive days of absence from the township, his office shall be deemed vacant and the board of township trustees shall declare a vacancy to exist in such office.

This section shall not apply to a township officer while in the active military service of the United States.

Section 503.25 | Notice to officers elected or appointed.

Immediately after the election or appointment of township officers as provided by sections 503.22 to 503.24 of the Revised Code, the township fiscal officer shall make a list of all the officers elected or appointed, stating the offices to which each is chosen or appointed, and the fiscal officer shall add to the list a requisition that the officers appear before the fiscal officer, or some other officer authorized to administer oaths, give bond, and take the oath of office prescribed by sections 3.22 and 3.23 of the Revised Code and Section 7 of Article XV, Ohio Constitution.

The fiscal officer shall immediately make service of, or deliver to any constable of the township who shall make service of, a copy of the list and requisition by delivering it to each person so elected or appointed. The list and requisition, with the time and manner of service on it, shall be returned and filed in the office of the fiscal officer.

Section 503.26 | Certificate of oath to be returned and recorded.

If a person elected or appointed to a township office takes the oath of office required by section 503.25 of the Revised Code before an officer other than the township fiscal officer, the officer before whom it is taken shall immediately deposit with the fiscal officer a certificate of the oath. The fiscal officer shall make a record of all official oaths.

Section 503.27 | Failure to accept office.

If, after receiving notice of his election or appointment to a township office, a person so elected or appointed fails to take the oath of office and give bond within the time required, he is deemed to have refused the office, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided in section 503.24 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.28 | Delivery of records and property to successor - forfeiture.

All township officers shall deliver to their successors in office all books, records, documents, laws, obligations, papers, blanks, and all other articles and property belonging to their respective offices or deposited with them in their official capacity. Any person who has been a township officer and refuses to deliver over such property, or any part thereof, shall forfeit not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, to be recovered by action, for the use of the township. The fiscal officer shall include an inventory of the items delivered in accordance with this section in a certificate of transition under section 117.171 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.30 | Street markers and house numbers in unincorporated areas.

A township may erect markers and assign numbers for houses on streets and roads in unincorporated areas. Such expenditures shall be paid for out of the general fund of the township.

Section 503.31 | Remnant of township within boundaries of municipal corporation.

Where a remnant of a township in which there are no resident freeholders is located entirely within the boundaries of a municipal corporation, such remnant shall be considered a part of such municipal corporation as though it had been annexed thereto for all purposes except the exercise of eminent domain as to said annexed area. In every such case, the clerk of council or village clerk shall prepare a description of the remnant and an accurate plat thereof, together with his certificate that the description and plat are correct, that the area is a remnant of a township now defunct, and that it lies entirely within the boundaries of the municipal corporation. One copy of such description, plat, and certificate shall be filed for record with the county recorder and one copy with the secretary of state. The procedure shall be the same as in the case of the filing of annexation transcripts.

Section 503.40 | Massage establishment definitions.

As used in sections 503.40 to 503.49 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Massage" means any method of exerting pressure on, stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, pounding, vibrating, or stimulating the external soft tissue of the body with the hands, or with the aid of any mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliance.

(B) "Massage establishment" means any fixed place of business where a person offers massages:

(1) In exchange for anything of value; or

(2) In connection with the provision of another legitimate service.

(C) "Masseur" or "masseuse" means any individual who performs massages at a massage establishment.

(D) "Sexual or genital area" includes the genitalia, pubic area, anus, perineum of any person, and the breasts of a female.

Section 503.41 | Regulation and registration of massage establishments and their employees.

(A) A board of township trustees, by resolution, may regulate and require the registration of massage establishments and their employees within the unincorporated territory of the township. In accordance with sections 503.40 to 503.49 of the Revised Code, for that purpose, the board, by a majority vote of all members, may adopt, amend, administer, and enforce regulations within the unincorporated territory of the township.

(B) A board may adopt regulations and amendments under this section only after public hearing at not fewer than two regular sessions of the board. The board shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the township, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, notice of the public hearings, including the time, date, and place, once a week for two weeks immediately preceding the hearings. The board shall make available proposed regulations or amendments to the public at the office of the board.

(C) Regulations or amendments adopted by the board are effective thirty days after the date of adoption unless, within thirty days after the adoption of the regulations or amendments, the township fiscal officer receives a petition, signed by a number of qualified electors residing in the unincorporated area of the township equal to not less than ten per cent of the total vote cast for all candidates for governor in the area at the most recent general election at which a governor was elected, requesting the board to submit the regulations or amendments to the electors of the area for approval or rejection at the next primary or general election occurring at least ninety days after the board receives the petition.

No regulation or amendment for which the referendum vote has been requested is effective unless a majority of the votes cast on the issue is in favor of the regulation or amendment. Upon certification by the board of elections that a majority of the votes cast on the issue was in favor of the regulation or amendment, the regulation or amendment takes immediate effect.

(D) The board shall make available regulations it adopts or amends to the public at the office of the board and shall cause to be published once a notice of the availability of the regulations in a newspaper of general circulation in the township within ten days after their adoption or amendment.

(E) Nothing in sections 503.40 to 503.49 of the Revised Code shall be construed to allow a board of township trustees to regulate the practice of any limited branch of medicine specified in section 4731.15 of the Revised Code or the practice of providing therapeutic massage by a licensed physician, a licensed chiropractor, a licensed podiatrist, a licensed nurse, or any other licensed health professional. As used in this division, "licensed" means licensed, certified, or registered to practice in this state.

(F) If a township adopts regulations to require the registration of massage establishments and their employees, the township shall comply with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code.

Last updated December 29, 2023 at 7:33 AM

Section 503.42 | Permits - licenses - regulations.

If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.41 of the Revised Code:

(A) No person shall engage in, conduct or carry on, or permit to be engaged in, conducted or carried on in the unincorporated areas of the township, the operation of a massage establishment without first having obtained a permit from the board of township trustees as provided in section 503.43 of the Revised Code.

(B) No individual shall act as a masseur or masseuse for a massage establishment located in the unincorporated areas of the township without first having obtained a license from the board of township trustees as provided in section 503.45 of the Revised Code.

(C) No owner or operator of a massage establishment located in the unincorporated areas of the township shall knowingly do any of the following:

(1) Employ an unlicensed masseur or masseuse;

(2) Refuse to allow appropriate state or local authorities, including police officers, access to the massage establishment for any health or safety inspection conducted pursuant to a regulation adopted by the township under section 503.41 of the Revised Code;

(3) Operate during the hours designated as prohibited hours of operation by the board of township trustees;

(4) Employ any person under the age of eighteen.

(D) No person employed in a massage establishment located in the unincorporated area of the township shall knowingly do any of the following in the performance of duties at the massage establishment:

(1) Place his or her hand upon, touch with any part of his or her body, fondle in any manner, or massage the sexual or genital area of any other person;

(2) Perform, offer, or agree to perform any act which would require the touching of the sexual or genital area of any other person;

(3) Touch, offer, or agree to touch the sexual or genital area of any other person with any mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliance;

(4) Wear unclean clothing, no clothing, transparent clothing, or clothing that otherwise reveals the sexual or genital areas of the masseur or masseuse;

(5) Uncover or allow the sexual or genital area of any other person to be uncovered while providing massages.

(E) No licensed masseur or masseuse shall accept or continue employment at a massage establishment that does not have a current, valid permit issued by the board of township trustees.

Section 503.43 | Application for permit to operate massage establishment.

If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.41 of the Revised Code, the application for a permit to operate a massage establishment shall be made to the board and shall include the following:

(A) An initial, nonrefundable filing fee of two hundred fifty dollars and an annual nonrefundable renewal fee of one hundred twenty-five dollars;

(B) A health and safety report of an inspection of the premises performed within thirty days of the application to determine compliance with applicable health and safety codes, which inspection appropriate state or local authorities acting pursuant to an agreement with the board shall perform;

(C) The full name and address of any person applying for a permit, including any partner or limited partner of a partnership applicant, any officer or director of a corporate applicant, and any stock holder holding more than two per cent of the stock of a corporate applicant, the date of birth and social security number of each individual, and the federal identification number of any partnership or corporation;

(D) Authorization for an investigation into the criminal record of any person applying for a permit;

(E) Any other information determined by the board to be necessary.

A permit issued under this section to a massage establishment shall expire one year after the date of issuance, except that no massage establishment shall be required to discontinue business because of the failure of the board to act on a renewal application filed in a timely manner and pending before the board on the expiration date of the establishment's permit. Each permit shall contain the name of the applicant, the address of the massage establishment, and the expiration date of the permit.

Section 503.44 | Denial or revocation of permit.

If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.41 of the Revised Code, it shall deny any application for a permit to operate a massage establishment or revoke a previously issued permit, for any of the following reasons:

(A) Falsification of any of the information required for the application or failure to fully complete the application;

(B) Failure to cooperate with any required health or safety inspection;

(C) Any one of the persons named on the application is under the age of eighteen;

(D) Any one of the persons named on the application has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any violation of Chapter 2907. of the Revised Code, or violation of any municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any offense contained in Chapter 2907. of the Revised Code, within five years preceding the application;

(E) Any masseur or masseuse employed at the licensed massage establishment has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of division (D) of section 503.42 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.45 | Application for license as massager.

If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.41 of the Revised Code, the application for a license as a massager shall be made to the board and shall include the following:

(A) An initial, nonrefundable filing fee of one hundred dollars and an annual nonrefundable renewal fee of fifty dollars;

(B) The results of a physical examination performed by a licensed physician, a physician assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, a certified nurse practitioner, or a certified nurse-midwife within thirty days of the application certifying that the applicant is free from communicable diseases;

(C) The full name, date of birth, address, and social security number of the applicant;

(D) The results of an investigation by appropriate police agencies into the criminal record of the applicant, including a photograph taken no later than thirty days prior to the application, fingerprints, and background investigation;

(E) Any other information determined by the board to be necessary.

A license issued under this section to a massager shall expire one year after the date of issuance, except that no massager shall be required to discontinue performing massages because of the failure of the board to act on a renewal application filed in a timely manner and pending before the board on the expiration date of the person's license. Each license shall contain the full name of the applicant, a color photograph and a brief description of the person, and the expiration date of the license.

Section 503.46 | Denial or revocation of license.

If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.41 of the Revised Code, it shall deny the application for a masseur or masseuse license or revoke a previously issued license for any of the following reasons:

(A) Falsification of any of the information required for the application or failure to fully complete the application;

(B) The applicant is under the age of twenty-one.

(C) The applicant has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any violation of Chapter 2907. of the Revised Code, or violation of any municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any offense contained in Chapter 2907. of the Revised Code, within five years preceding the application.

(D) The applicant has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of division (D) of section 503.42 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.47 | Requirements of operation.

If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.41 of the Revised Code, the regulations adopted for that purpose may require any of the following:

(A) A massage establishment to display its current permit in an area open to the public;

(B) Each massager to display the massager's license at all times in the areas where the licensee is providing massages;

(C) Massage establishments to undergo periodic health and safety inspections to determine continual compliance with applicable health and safety codes;

(D) Massagers to undergo periodic physical examinations performed by a licensed physician, a physician assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, a certified nurse practitioner, or a certified nurse-midwife certifying that the massager continues to be free from communicable diseases;

(E) Any other requirement reasonably thought necessary by the board.

Section 503.48 | Proceedings of board.

A board of township trustees acting under sections 503.40 to 503.49 of the Revised Code need not hold any hearing in connection with an order denying or revoking a permit to operate a massage establishment or masseur or masseuse license. The board shall maintain a complete record of each proceeding and shall notify the applicant in writing of its order. Any person adversely affected by an order of the board denying or revoking a permit to operate a massage establishment or masseur or masseuse license may appeal from the order of the board to the court of common pleas of the county in which the township is located, the place of business of the permit holder is located, or the person is a resident. The appeal shall be in accordance with Chapter 2506. of the Revised Code.

Section 503.49 | Fees deposit and use.

If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.41 of the Revised Code, the board shall deposit the fees collected by the township for massage establishment permits and masseur and masseuse licenses in the township general fund and first use the fees for the cost of administering and enforcing regulations adopted under section 503.41 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.50 | Penalties.

(A) Whoever violates division (A) or (B) of section 503.42 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(B) Whoever violates division (C), (D), or (E) of section 503.42 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

Section 503.51 | Adult entertainment establishment definitions.

As used in sections 503.51 to 503.53 of the Revised Code, "adult arcade," "adult bookstore," "adult novelty store," "adult video store," "adult cabaret," "adult entertainment establishment," "adult motion picture theater," "adult theater," "distinguished or characterized by their emphasis upon," "nude or seminude model studio," "nudity," "nude," "state of nudity," "regularly features," "regularly shown," "seminude," "state of seminudity," "sexual encounter establishment," "specified anatomical areas," and "specified sexual activity" have the same meanings as in section 2907.39 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.52 | Adult entertainment establishment regulations.

(A) Townships have authority to exercise all powers of local self-government regarding the operation of adult entertainment establishments within their limits and to adopt and enforce within their limits any local police, sanitary, and similar regulations regarding the operation of adult entertainment establishments that are not in conflict with general laws. The regulations may include, but are not limited to, antinudity restrictions, limitations on hours of operation, interior configuration requirements, and requirements that adult entertainment establishments and their employees obtain licenses or permits to operate as or to be employed by an adult entertainment establishment. The authority granted under this division shall be exercised by the adoption of resolutions and may include the adoption of resolutions that create one or more criminal offenses and impose criminal penalties related to the operation of adult entertainment establishments or may provide for civil sanction for violations of regulations established under the resolutions. Townships have the same rights, powers, and duties pursuant to the authority granted under this division as municipal corporations have under Section 3, Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution relative to their authority to exercise powers of local self-government and to adopt and enforce within their limits local police, sanitary, and similar regulations, except to the extent that the rights, powers, and duties that the municipal corporations have by their nature clearly are inapplicable to townships and to the exercise by townships of their authority granted under this division. No regulation adopted under authority of this division shall be in conflict with any provision in Chapter 4303. of the Revised Code, or with any rule adopted by the division of liquor control pursuant to that chapter, that regulates establishments that hold a liquor permit.

(B)(1) The authority of a township granted under division (A) of this section applies to all townships. If a township has adopted a limited home rule government pursuant to Chapter 504. of the Revised Code, the authority granted under division (A) of this section is in addition to the powers and authority granted to the township under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code.

(2) Upon the request of any township, the attorney general shall provide legal guidance and assistance to the township in developing, formulating, and drafting a resolution regarding the operation of adult entertainment establishments of a type described in division (A) of this section. The attorney general shall provide this service without charge to the township for which the service is performed.

(C) In case of conflict between any resolution enacted by a board of township trustees under the authority granted under division (A) of this section and a municipal ordinance or resolution, the ordinance or resolution enacted by the municipal corporation prevails. In case of conflict between any resolution enacted by a board of township trustees under the authority granted under division (A) of this section and a county resolution, the resolution enacted by the board of township trustees prevails.

(D) All proceeds from criminal and civil sanctions for violation of a regulation established by a township under a resolution adopted under division (A) of this section that are paid to the township shall be applied initially to the payment of costs incurred in the prosecution and enforcement of the resolution, including, but not limited to, court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and other litigation expenses incurred by the county or township.

(E)(1)(a) When it appears that a resolution adopted under division (A) of this section or section 503.53 of the Revised Code is being or is about to be violated, the township in which the violation is taking place may request the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the township is located to prosecute and defend on behalf of the township a civil action to enjoin the violation. If the township does not request the prosecuting attorney to prosecute and defend an action to enjoin the violation, the legal counsel of that township, if other than the prosecuting attorney, may prosecute and defend a civil action to enjoin the violation.

(b) A township may request the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the township is located to prosecute and defend on behalf of the township a civil action under Chapter 3767. of the Revised Code to abate as a nuisance any place in the unincorporated area of the township at which a resolution adopted under division (A) of this section or section 503.53 of the Revised Code is being or has been violated. If the township does not request the prosecuting attorney to prosecute and defend an action under that chapter, the legal counsel of the township, if other than the prosecuting attorney, may prosecute and defend an action under that chapter for that purpose. All proceeds from the sale of personal property or contents seized pursuant to the action shall be applied initially to the payment of costs incurred in the prosecution of the action and the costs associated with the abatement and sale ordered under division (A) of section 3767.06 of the Revised Code, including, but not limited to, court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and other litigation expenses incurred by the county or township. Any proceeds remaining after that initial application shall be deposited into the township treasury and credited to the general fund.

(c) If a township has adopted one or more resolutions regarding the operation of adult entertainment establishments pursuant to the authority that is granted under division (A) of this section or if a township resolution of that nature has been adopted under section 503.53 of the Revised Code and the validity of the resolution is challenged, the township may request the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the township is located to prosecute and defend on behalf of the township in the trial and argument in any court or tribunal of the challenge to the validity of the resolution.

(2) Division (E)(1) of this section applies regarding all townships, including townships that have adopted a limited home rule government pursuant to Chapter 504. of the Revised Code and regardless of whether a township that has so adopted a limited home rule government has entered into a contract with the prosecuting attorney as described in division (B) of section 504.15 of the Revised Code or has appointed a law director as described in division (A) of that section.

Upon the request of any township in the county served by the prosecuting attorney made pursuant to division (E)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section, the prosecuting attorney shall prosecute and defend in the action or proceeding as requested, as specified in division (B)(2) of section 309.09 of the Revised Code, without charge to the township for which the service is performed.

If a prosecuting attorney is prosecuting and defending a challenge to the validity of a resolution of a township pursuant to a request made pursuant to division (E)(1)(c) of this section and if the challenge is before a federal court, the prosecuting attorney may request the attorney general to assist the prosecuting attorney in prosecuting and defending the challenge, and, upon the prosecuting attorney's making of such a request, the attorney general shall assist the prosecuting attorney in performing that service if the resolution was drafted in accordance with legal guidance provided by the attorney general as described in division (B)(2) of this section. The attorney general shall provide this assistance without charge to the township for which the service is performed. If a township adopts a resolution without the legal guidance of the attorney general, the attorney general is not being required to provide assistance as described in this division to a prosecuting attorney.

(F) Except as otherwise provided in this division, the state shall indemnify a township and its trustees from liability incurred in the enforcement of a resolution that is authorized by this section, that was drafted in accordance with legal guidance provided by the attorney general as described in division (B)(2) of this section, and that a court finds to be unconstitutional or otherwise legally defective by paying any judgment in, or amount negotiated in settlement of, any civil action arising from the enforcement of the resolution. The state shall not indemnify a township or its trustees until all appeals have been exhausted or the action has otherwise been finally resolved.

The state shall not indemnify a township or its trustees for any of the following or to the extent that any of the following apply:

(1) Any part of the judgment or settlement that represents damages that are covered by a policy of insurance for civil liability;

(2) Any part of the judgment or settlement that is based upon an officer or employee of the township acting manifestly outside the scope of the officer's or employee's employment or official responsibilities, with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner;

(3) Any part of the judgment that is for punitive damages;

(4) Any part of a consent judgment or settlement that the attorney general determines is unreasonable.

Section 503.53 | Initiative petition on resolution regulating or restricting adult-oriented businesses.

(A) Resolutions of the type described in division (A) of section 503.52 of the Revised Code may be proposed by initiative petition by the electors of a township and adopted by election by these electors, under the same circumstances, in the same manner, and subject to the same penalties as provided in sections 731.28 to 731.40 and 731.99 of the Revised Code for ordinances and other measures of municipal corporations, insofar as those sections are applicable to townships, except as follows:

(1) The board of township trustees shall perform the duties imposed on the legislative authority of the municipal corporation under those sections.

(2) Initiative petitions shall be filed with the township fiscal officer, who shall perform the duties imposed under those sections upon the city auditor or village clerk.

(3) Initiative petitions shall contain the signatures of electors of the township equal in number to at least ten per cent of the total vote cast in the township for the office of governor at the most recent general election for that office.

(4) Each signer of an initiative petition shall be an elector of the township in which the election on the proposed resolution is to be held.

(B) A resolution proposed under division (A) of this section may provide for the following:

(1) Modification of the administrative procedures, including administrative zoning procedures, of the township as those procedures apply to adult entertainment establishments to ensure that constitutional requirements are met;

(2) Criminal and civil sanctions for adult entertainment establishments that violate regulations established by the resolution.

Section 503.54 | Township admission fee.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Admission" means the right or privilege to enter into any place.

(2) "Qualifying township" means a township that has all or any part of a qualifying event venue within its boundaries.

(3) "Qualifying event venue" means a theater, concert hall, entertainment venue, or similar space for hosting performances or events that meets both of the following requirements:

(a) The venue has a capacity of at least two thousand attendees;

(b) The venue, and the land on which it is situated, is exempt from property taxation.

(B) For the purposes of providing revenue for police, fire, and emergency medical services and of paying the costs of administering the fee, the legislative authority of a qualifying township may, by resolution, impose a fee upon the sale of admission to any qualifying event venue in the township.

(C) The resolution shall state that the fee does not apply to amounts paid for admission to any of the following:

(1) A county fairground;

(2) Events or activities sponsored by the state or a political subdivision, including any city, local, or exempted village school district;

(3) Events or activities wherein the charge for admission is ten dollars or less.

(D) The rate of a fee imposed under this section shall equal a fixed amount per admission, but shall not exceed one dollar per admission. Every person receiving any payment for a sale on which a fee is imposed under this section shall collect the amount of the fee from the person making the admission payment and remit the fee to the qualifying township in the manner and at the times prescribed by the regulations adopted by the board of township trustees.

(E) The resolution shall state that the fee shall be referred to as a "protect and serve charge." Before adopting the resolution, the board of township trustees shall conduct two public hearings on the resolution, the second hearing to be not less than three nor more than ten days after the first. Notice of the date, time, and place of such hearings shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the township or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code once a week on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks, the second publication being not less than ten nor more than thirty days before the first hearing.

No resolution under this section shall become effective sooner than thirty days following its adoption, and such resolution is subject to a referendum in the same manner, except as to the form of the petition, as provided in division (H) of section 519.12 of the Revised Code for a proposed amendment to a township zoning resolution. In addition, a petition under this section shall be governed by the rules specified in section 3501.38 of the Revised Code. No resolution imposing a fee under this section for which a referendum vote has been requested shall go into effect unless approved by a majority of those voting upon it.

(F) The legislative authority of a qualifying township imposing a fee pursuant to this section shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration of the fee. The regulations shall provide, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the fee, that the revenue be used exclusively for providing police, fire, and emergency medical services within the township.

(G) A fee imposed pursuant to this section continues in effect until repealed by resolution adopted by the board of township trustees.

Last updated February 21, 2025 at 11:02 AM

Section 503.55 | Acceptance of payments by financial transaction devices for township expenses.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Financial transaction device" includes a credit card, debit card, charge card, or prepaid or stored value card, or automated clearinghouse network credit, debit, or e-check entry that includes, but is not limited to, accounts receivable and internet-initiated, point of purchase, and telephone-initiated applications or any other device or method for making an electronic payment or transfer of funds.

(2) "Township expenses" includes fees, costs, assessments, fines, penalties, payments, or any other expense a person owes or otherwise pays to a township.

(B) Notwithstanding any other section of the Revised Code and except as provided in division (D) of this section, a board of township trustees may adopt a resolution authorizing the acceptance of payments by financial transaction devices for township expenses. The resolution shall include the following:

(1) A specification of those township offices that are authorized to accept payments by financial transaction devices;

(2) A list of township expenses that may be paid for through the use of a financial transaction device;

(3) Specific identification of financial transaction devices that the board authorizes as acceptable means of payment for township expenses. Uniform acceptance of financial transaction devices among different types of township expenses is not required.

(4) The amount, if any, authorized as a surcharge or convenience fee under division (E) of this section for persons using a financial transaction device. Uniform application of surcharges or convenience fees among different types of township expenses is not required.

(5) A specific provision as provided in division (G) of this section requiring the payment of a penalty if a payment made by means of a financial transaction device is returned or dishonored for any reason.

The board's resolution also shall designate the township fiscal officer as an administrative agent to solicit proposals, within guidelines established by the board in the resolution and in compliance with the procedures provided in division (C) of this section, from financial institutions, issuers of financial transaction devices, and processors of financial transaction devices, to make recommendations about those proposals to the board, and to assist township offices in implementing the township's financial transaction devices program.

(C) The township shall follow the procedures provided in this division whenever it plans to contract with financial institutions, issuers of financial transaction devices, or processors of financial transaction devices for the purposes of this section. The township fiscal officer shall request proposals from financial institutions, issuers of financial transaction devices, or processors of financial transaction devices, as appropriate in accordance with the resolution adopted under division (B) of this section. Upon receiving the proposals, the fiscal officer shall review them and make a recommendation to the board of trustees on which proposals to accept. The board of trustees shall consider the fiscal officer's recommendation and review all proposals submitted, and then may choose to contract with any or all of the entities submitting proposals, as appropriate. The board of trustees shall provide any financial institution, issuer, or processor that submitted a proposal, but with which the board does not enter into a contract, notice that its proposal is rejected. The notice shall state the reasons for the rejection, indicate whose proposals were accepted, and provide a copy of the terms and conditions of the successful bids.

(D) A board of township trustees adopting a resolution under this section shall post a copy of the resolution in each township office accepting payment by a financial transaction device.

Each township office subject to the board's resolution adopted under division (B) of this section may use only the financial institutions, issuers of financial transaction devices, and processors of financial transaction devices with which the board of township trustees contracts, and each such office is subject to the terms of those contracts.

(E) A board of township trustees may establish a surcharge or convenience fee that may be imposed upon a person making payment by a financial transaction device. The surcharge or convenience fee shall not be imposed unless authorized or otherwise permitted by the rules prescribed by an agreement governing the use and acceptance of the financial transaction device.

If a surcharge or convenience fee is imposed, every township office accepting payment by a financial transaction device shall clearly post a notice in that office, and shall notify each person making a payment by such a device, about the surcharge or fee. Notice to each person making a payment shall be provided regardless of the medium used to make the payment and in a manner appropriate to that medium. Each notice shall include all of the following:

(1) A statement that there is a surcharge or convenience fee for using a financial transaction device;

(2) The total amount of the charge or fee expressed in dollars and cents for each transaction, or the rate of the charge or fee expressed as a percentage of the total amount of the transaction, whichever is applicable;

(3) A clear statement that the surcharge or convenience fee is nonrefundable.

(F) If a person elects to make a payment to the township by a financial transaction device and a surcharge or convenience fee is imposed, the payment of the surcharge or fee shall be considered voluntary and the surcharge or fee is not refundable.

(G) If a person makes payment by financial transaction device and the payment is returned or dishonored for any reason, the person is liable to the township for payment of a penalty over and above the amount of the expense due. The board of township trustees shall determine the amount of the penalty, which may be either a fee not to exceed twenty dollars or payment of the amount necessary to reimburse the township for banking charges, legal fees, or other expenses incurred by the township in collecting the returned or dishonored payment. The remedies and procedures provided in this section are in addition to any other available civil or criminal remedies provided by law.

(H) No person making any payment by financial transaction device to a township office shall be relieved from liability for the underlying obligation except to the extent that the township realizes final payment of the underlying obligation in cash or its equivalent. If final payment is not made by the financial transaction device issuer or other guarantor of payment in the transaction, the underlying obligation shall survive and the township shall retain all remedies for enforcement that would have applied if the transaction had not occurred.

(I) A township official or employee who accepts a financial transaction device payment in accordance with this section and any applicable state or local policies or rules is immune from personal liability for the final collection of such payments.

Section 503.56 | Tourism development districts.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Tourism development district" means a district designated by a township under this section.

(2) "Territory of a tourism development district" means all of the area included within the territorial boundaries of a tourism development district.

(3) "Business" means a sole proprietorship, a corporation for profit, a pass-through entity as defined in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code, the federal government, the state, the state's political subdivisions, a nonprofit organization, or a school district. A business "operates within the proposed district" if the business would be subject to a tax levied in the proposed tourism development district pursuant to division (C) of section 5739.101 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Owner" means a partner of a partnership, a member of a limited liability company, a majority shareholder of an S corporation, a person with a majority ownership interest in a pass-through entity, or any officer, employee, or agent with the authority to make decisions legally binding upon a business. The signature of any owner of a business operates as the signature of the business.

(5) "Eligible township" means a township wholly or partly located in a county having a population greater than three hundred seventy-five thousand but less than four hundred thousand that levies taxes under section 5739.021 or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, the aggregate rate of which does not exceed one-half of one per cent on September 29, 2015.

(B)(1) The board of trustees of an eligible township, by resolution, may declare an unincorporated area of the township to be a tourism development district for the purpose of fostering and developing tourism in the district if all of the following criteria are met:

(a) The district's area does not exceed six hundred acres.

(b) All territory in the district is contiguous.

(c) Before adopting that resolution or ordinance, the board holds at least two public hearings concerning the creation of the tourism development district.

(d) Before adopting the resolution or ordinance, the board receives a petition signed by every record owner of a parcel of real property located in the proposed district and the owner of every business that operates in the proposed district.

(e) The board adopts the resolution on or before December 31, 2020.

(2) The petition described in division (B)(1)(d) of this section shall include an explanation of the taxes and charges that may be levied or imposed in the proposed district.

(3) The board shall certify the resolution to the tax commissioner within five days after its adoption, along with a description of the boundaries of the district authorized in the resolution. That description shall include sufficient information for the commissioner to determine if the address of a vendor is within the boundaries of the district.

(4) Subject to the limitations of division (B)(1)(a) and (b) of this section, the board of trustees of an eligible township may enlarge the territory of an existing tourism development district in the manner prescribed for the creation of a district under divisions (B)(1) to (3) of this section, except that the petition described in division (B)(1)(d) of this section must be signed by every record owner of a parcel of real property located in the area proposed to be added to the district and the owner of every business that operates in the area proposed to be added to the district. Division (B)(1)(e) of this section does not apply to a resolution enlarging the territory of an existing tourism development district.

(C) For the purpose of fostering and developing tourism in a tourism development district, a lessor leasing real property in a tourism development district may impose and collect a uniform fee on each parcel of real property leased by the lessor, to be paid by each of the person's lessees. A lessee is subject to such a fee only if the lease separately states the amount of the fee. Before a lessor may impose and collect such a fee, the lessor shall file a copy of such lease with the fiscal officer of the township that designated the tourism development district. A lessor that imposes such a fee shall remit all collections of the fee to the fiscal officer of the township in which the real property is located.

The board shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and remittance of such fees. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the fee, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late remittances, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of fee due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. The regulations shall provide, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the fee, that the revenue be used exclusively for fostering and developing tourism within the tourism development district.

(D) The board of trustees of an eligible township that has designated a tourism development district under this section may levy one or both of the taxes authorized under section 503.57 or 5739.101 of the Revised Code. If the board does not levy a tax under section 5739.101 of the Revised Code, the board may enter into and enforce agreements imposing a development charge under section 503.58 of the Revised Code.

(E) On or before the first day of each January and July, beginning after the designation of the tourism development district, the fiscal officer of the township shall certify a list of vendors located within the tourism development district to the tax commissioner, which shall include the name, address, and vendor's license number for each vendor.

Last updated August 4, 2021 at 10:58 AM

Section 503.57 | Taxes related to tourism development.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Admission" means the right or privilege to enter into a place.

(2) "Tourism development district" means a district designated by a township under section 503.56 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Territory of a tourism development district" means all of the area included within the territorial boundaries of a tourism development district.

(B) For the purpose of fostering and developing tourism within a tourism development district and paying the costs of administering the tax, the legislative authority of a township may, by resolution, levy a tax upon all of the following:

(1) Amounts paid for admission to any place, including parking lots and facilities, located in the territory of a tourism development district;

(2) Amounts paid for tickets or cards of admission to theaters, operas, and other places of amusement located in the territory of a tourism development district, sold at places other than the ticket offices of such places, over and above the amounts representing the established price therefor at such ticket offices;

(3) Amounts paid for admission to any public performance at any roof garden, cabaret, or other similar entertainment venue located in the territory of a tourism development district, in which the charge for admission is a service or cover charge;

(4) Amounts paid as annual membership dues by every club or organization maintaining a golf course located in the territory of a tourism development district;

(5) Green fees paid to a golf course located in the territory of a tourism development district either under club or private ownership.

(C) The rate of a tax levied under this section shall not exceed five per cent of the admission charge, membership dues, or green fees. Every person receiving any payment on which a tax is levied under this section shall collect the amount of the tax from the person making the admission payment.

(D) The legislative authority of a township levying a tax pursuant to this section shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. The regulations shall provide, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, that the revenue be used exclusively for fostering and developing tourism within the tourism development district in which the tax is levied.

Section 503.58 | Development charges.

(A) The board of trustees of an eligible township that has designated a tourism development district under section 503.56 of the Revised Code may enter into and enforce agreements with one or more owners of property located within the district by which the owner or owners agree to pay a development charge for the purpose of fostering and developing tourism within the district. The amount of the development charge shall equal one-half, one, one and one-half, or two per cent of the gross receipts derived from making sales at or from the property, whether wholesale or retail, but including sales of food only to the extent such sales are subject to the tax levied under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code.

(B) The imposition of a development charge under this section is subject to approval of the board of county commissioners of the county in which the property is located. If the property owner agrees to the development charge and the board of county commissioners, by resolution, approves the agreement, the development charge shall be treated in the same manner as taxes for all purposes of the lien described in section 323.11 of the Revised Code, including, but not limited to, the priority and enforcement of the lien and the collection of the development charge secured by the lien.

Section 503.59 | Township PACE assessment.

A board of township trustees that has entered into an agreement with the Ohio air quality development authority under section 3706.051 of the Revised Code may levy, in accordance with that agreement, a special assessment upon real property located in the township specially benefited by an air quality facility that is the subject of that agreement.

An assessment levied under this section shall be made in any manner authorized under section 727.01 of the Revised Code and, except as otherwise provided in this section, in accordance with the procedures prescribed for special assessments levied by municipal corporations under Chapter 727. of the Revised Code, except that where that chapter refers to a municipal corporation, it shall be deemed to refer to the township and where that chapter refers to the legislative authority of a municipal corporation, it shall be deemed to refer to the board of township trustees. All rights and privileges of an owner of property subject to an assessment levied under that chapter shall apply to the owner of property assessed under this section.

No special assessment may be levied under this section unless the owner of the property to be assessed files a written statement with the board of township trustees requesting that the assessment be levied.

Last updated September 26, 2023 at 5:47 PM

Section 503.60 | Residency regulation of sex or child-victim offenders.

(A) Townships have authority to exercise all powers of local self-government within their limits regarding the residency of a person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to either a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense and to adopt and enforce within their limits any local police, sanitary, and similar regulations regarding the residency of such persons that are not in conflict with general laws. The authority granted under this division shall be exercised by the adoption of resolutions. Townships have the same rights, powers, and duties pursuant to the authority granted under this division as municipal corporations have under Section 3 of Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution relative to their authority to exercise powers of local self-government and to adopt and enforce within their limits local police, sanitary, and similar regulations, except to the extent that the rights, powers, and duties that the municipal corporations have by their nature clearly are inapplicable to townships and to the exercise by townships of their authority granted under this division.

(B) The authority of a township granted under division (A) of this section applies to all townships. If a township has adopted a limited home rule government pursuant to Chapter 504. of the Revised Code, the authority granted under division (A) of this section is in addition to the powers and authority granted to the township under Chapter 504. of the Revised Code.

(C) As used in this section, "child-victim oriented offense" and "sexually oriented offense" have the same meanings as in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 503.70 | Commercial advertising on township website.

(A) As used in this section, "advertising" means internet banners and icons that may contain links to commercial internet web sites. Advertising does not include spyware, malware, or any viruses or programs considered to be malicious.

(B) A board of township trustees may, by resolution, authorize the use of commercial advertising on the township's web site. The use of commercial advertising must comply with state and federal law, including section 9.03 of the Revised Code, and any federal regulations or guidelines on the use of commercial advertising on the .gov internet domain or other federally controlled public domains.

(C) The resolution shall specify the manner of making requests for proposals that identify advertisers whose advertisements will meet the criteria specified in the request for proposals and any requirements and limitations specified in the resolution.

(D) The board of township trustees may enter into a contract with a qualified advertiser for the placement of commercial advertising on the township's web site in exchange for a fee paid by the advertiser to the township general fund.