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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor
Results 1 - 25 of 385
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Section 2151.313 | Fingerprints, photographs require consent of juvenile judge.

...r is convicted of or pleads guilty to a criminal offense for the commission of an act described in division (B)(3) of this section, the fingerprints and photographs, and the records of the arrest or custody of the child that was the basis for the taking of the fingerprints and photographs, shall be retained in accordance with division (B)(3) of this section. During the initial period of retention, the fingerprints an...

Section 2950.15 | Termination of duty to comply with sex registration laws.

...ffense, except for a minor misdemeanor traffic offense; (5) Evidence that the eligible offender has paid any financial sanctions imposed upon the offender pursuant to section 2929.18 or 2929.28 of the Revised Code. (E) Upon the filing of a motion pursuant to division (B) of this section, the offender or delinquent child shall serve a copy of the motion on the prosecutor who handled the case in which the eligi...

Section 3905.22 | Agent to provide notice of administrative action or of prosecution and disposition.

...ny jurisdiction, other than misdemeanor traffic, within thirty days after the agent's initial appearance before a judge or magistrate. The notice shall include a certified copy of the charging document. Within thirty days after the disposition of the criminal prosecution, the agent shall provide to the superintendent a certified copy of the court's entry or order that reflects the final disposition of the prosecution...

Section 4511.19 | Operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs - OVI. section, the offender is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, and the court shall sentence the offender to all of the following: (i) If the sentence is being imposed for a violation of division (A)(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (j) of this section, a mandatory jail term of three consecutive days. As used in this division, three consecutive days means seventy-two consecutive hours. The court may sentence ...

Section 1901.41 | Case files retention and destruction.

...oncerned solely with minor misdemeanor traffic prosecutions do not have to be copied or reproduced in any manner or under any procedure prior to their destruction or disposition as provided in this section. (2) Files destroyed or otherwise disposed of under division (A)(2) of this section do not have to be copied or reproduced in any manner or under any procedure prior to their destruction or disposition. (C)...

Section 2923.125 | Application and licensing process.

...of or trafficking in a drug of abuse; a misdemeanor offense of violence; or a violation of section 2903.14 or 2923.1211 of the Revised Code. (e) Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(4) or (5) of this section, the applicant has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony or an offense under Chapter 2925., 3719., or 4729. of the Revised Code that involves the illegal possession, use, sale, administrat...

Section 2929.28 | Financial sanctions - misdemeanor.

...nor offense could be disposed of by the traffic violations bureau serving the court under Traffic Rule 13, restitution by the offender to the victim of the offender's crime or the victim's estate, in an amount based on the victim's economic loss. The court may not impose restitution as a sanction pursuant to this division if the offense could be disposed of by the traffic violations bureau serving the court under Tra...

Section 1907.231 | Documentation of criminal convictions and guilty pleas to be retained in admissible form.

...sdemeanor offenses or minor misdemeanor traffic offenses shall be retained as provided in divisions (A) and (B) of section 1901.41 of the Revised Code, and documentation regarding other misdemeanor traffic offenses shall be retained for a period of twenty-five years after the entry of judgment in the case. This section shall apply to records currently retained and to records created on or after September 23, 2004.

Section 2301.141 | Documentation of criminal convictions and guilty pleas to be retained in admissible form.

...sdemeanor offenses or minor misdemeanor traffic offenses shall be retained as provided in divisions (A) and (B) of section 1901.41 of the Revised Code, and documentation regarding other misdemeanor traffic offenses shall be retained for a period of twenty-five years after the entry of judgment in the case. This section shall apply to records currently retained and to records created on or after September 23, 2004.

Section 2746.02 | Court fees and costs in all courts of record; criminal actions.

... to be a delinquent child or a juvenile traffic offender for an act that, if committed by an adult, would be an offense other than a parking violation, additional costs and bail, if applicable, as provided in sections 2743.70 and 2949.091 of the Revised Code, but subject to waiver as provided in section 2949.092 of the Revised Code; (K) In a case in which a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to a moving violat...

Section 4731.156 | Interstate massage compact (IMpact).

...ntered into an agreed disposition, of a misdemeanor offense related to the Practice of Massage Therapy under applicable State or federal criminal law, within two (2) years prior to the date of their application where such a time period shall not include any time served for the offense, and provided that the applicant has completed any and all requirements arising as a result of any such offense; 7. Have not been co...

Section 4511.69 | Parking requirements.

...) of this section does not constitute a criminal record and need not be reported by the person so arrested or convicted in response to any inquiries contained in any application for employment, license, or other right or privilege, or made in connection with the person's appearance as a witness. The clerk of the court shall pay every fine collected under divisions (J)(2) and (3) of this section to the political su...

Section 737.022 | Authority of director of public safety to promulgate certain traffic regulations.

...gislative authority, either a criminal misdemeanor punishable as provided by the ordinances of such municipal corporation or a civil infraction for which a charge is prescribed. The enforcement of rules and regulations violations of which constitute criminal misdemeanors shall be by authorized law enforcement officers.

Section 2909.07 | Criminal mischief.

..., (3), (4), or (5) of this section is a misdemeanor of the third degree. Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the violation of division (A)(1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section creates a risk of physical harm to any person, criminal mischief committed in violation of division (A)(1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the property involved in the violation...

Section 2923.12 | Carrying concealed weapons.

...ssible violation of this section, for a traffic stop, or for any other law enforcement purpose, if the person surrenders a firearm to the officer, either voluntarily or pursuant to a request or demand of the officer, and if the officer does not charge the person with a violation of this section or arrest the person for any offense, the person is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing the firearm, and the fir...

Section 2935.36 | Pre-trial diversion programs.

...fenses of any type or degree other than traffic offenses, alcoholic intoxication offenses, or minor misdemeanors and having been imprisoned pursuant to sentence for any such offense, the person commits a subsequent offense. (2) "Dangerous offender" means a person who has committed an offense, whose history, character, and condition reveal a substantial risk that the person will be a danger to others, and whose condu...

Section 4513.263 | Occupant restraining devices.

...4) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of division (B)(4) of this section, whoever violates division (B)(4) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

Section 4730.25 | Disciplinary actions.

...urned on appeal, upon exhaustion of the criminal appeal, a petition for reconsideration of the order may be filed with the board along with appropriate court documents. Upon receipt of a petition and supporting court documents, the board shall reinstate the individual's license. The board may then hold an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to determine whether the individual committed the act in ques...

Section 4760.13 | Disciplinary actions.

...rturned on appeal, on exhaustion of the criminal appeal, a petition for reconsideration of the order may be filed with the board along with appropriate court documents. On receipt of a petition and supporting court documents, the board shall reinstate the license to practice. The board may then hold an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to determine whether the individual committed the act in questio...

Section 4762.13 | Revocation or suspension of license.

...urned on appeal, upon exhaustion of the criminal appeal, a petition for reconsideration of the order may be filed with the board along with appropriate court documents. Upon receipt of a petition and supporting court documents, the board shall reinstate the license. The board may then hold an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to determine whether the individual committed the act in question. Notice ...

Section 4774.13 | Revocation, refusal, limitation, or suspension of license.

...rturned on appeal, on exhaustion of the criminal appeal, a petition for reconsideration of the order may be filed with the board along with appropriate court documents. On receipt of a petition and supporting court documents, the board shall reinstate the license to practice as a radiologist assistant. The board may then hold an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to determine whether the individual c...

Section 4778.14 | Revocation or denial of license.

...rturned on appeal, on exhaustion of the criminal appeal, a petition for reconsideration of the order may be filed with the board along with appropriate court documents. On receipt of a petition and supporting court documents, the board shall reinstate the license to practice as a genetic counselor. The board may then hold an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to determine whether the individual commi...

Section 5139.01 | Department of youth services - definitions.

...victim of an act that would have been a criminal offense if committed by an adult and that provided the basis for adjudication proceedings resulting in a child's commitment to the legal custody of the department of youth services. (24) "Victim's representative" means a member of the victim's family or another person whom the victim or another authorized person designates in writing, pursuant to section 5139.56 of th...

Section 1702.80 | Qualified nonprofit corporation may establish police department.

...y to a felony; (ii) Pleads guilty to a misdemeanor pursuant to a negotiated plea agreement as provided in division (D) of section 2929.43 of the Revised Code in which the police officer agrees to surrender the certificate awarded to the police officer under section 109.77 of the Revised Code. (b) The board of trustees of a qualified nonprofit corporation shall suspend from employment a police officer of its police...

Section 1901.20 | Criminal and traffic jurisdiction.

...ified that it is not to be considered a criminal offense, if the violation is committed within the limits of the court's territory, and if the violation is not required to be handled by a parking violations bureau or joint parking violations bureau pursuant to Chapter 4521. of the Revised Code. The municipal court, if it has a housing or environmental division, has jurisdiction over any criminal action over which th...