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Ohio Revised Code Search

Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor
Results 76 - 100 of 385
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Section 2152.20 | Authorized dispositions for delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender.

... (a) For an act that would be a minor misdemeanor or an unclassified misdemeanor if committed by an adult, a fine not to exceed fifty dollars; (b) For an act that would be a misdemeanor of the fourth degree if committed by an adult, a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars; (c) For an act that would be a misdemeanor of the third degree if committed by an adult, a fine not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars; ...

Section 2152.201 | Imposing costs of investigating, prosecuting and responding to acts of terrorism.

...(A) In addition to any other dispositions authorized or required by this chapter, the juvenile court making disposition of a child adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a violation of section 2909.22, 2909.23, or 2909.24 of the Revised Code or a violation of section 2921.32 of the Revised Code when the offense or act committed by the person aided or to be aided as described in that section is an act of terror...

Section 2152.202 | Reimbursement for costs of positive drug tests.

...(A) In addition to the dispositions authorized or required under section 2152.20 of the Revised Code and to any costs otherwise authorized or required under any provision of law, the juvenile court making disposition of a child adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a drug abuse offense if committed by an adult may order the child to pay to the state, municipal, or county law enforcement a...

Section 2152.203 | Restitution.

...state to a delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender who is required to make restitution under this section, including any tax refund owed to the child or offender, shall be assigned to the discharge of the child's or offender's outstanding restitution obligation, subject to any superseding federal statutes or regulations, including court-ordered support obligations. (D) If a delinquent child or juvenile traffi...

Section 2152.21 | Dispositions for child adjudicated juvenile traffic offender.

...other than an act that would be a minor misdemeanor if committed by an adult and other than an act that could be disposed of by the juvenile traffic violations bureau serving the court under Traffic Rule 13.1 if the court has established a juvenile traffic violations bureau, require the child to make restitution pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 2152.20 of the Revised Code; (5)(a) If the child is adjudicated a ...

Section 2152.22 | Child committed to legal custody of department of youth services; judicial release.

...(A) When a child is committed to the legal custody of the department of youth services under this chapter, the juvenile court relinquishes control with respect to the child so committed, except as provided in divisions (B), (C), (D), and (H) of this section or in sections 2152.82 to 2152.86 of the Revised Code. Subject to divisions (B), (C), and (D) of this section, sections 2151.353 and 2151.412 to 2151.421 of...

Section 2152.26 | Places of detention for delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender.

...ase is transferred to another court for criminal prosecution pursuant to section 2152.12 of the Revised Code and the alleged offender is a person described in division (C)(7) of section 2152.02 of the Revised Code, the person may not be transferred for detention pending the criminal prosecution in a jail or other facility except under the circumstances described in division (F)(4) of this section. Any child held in a...

Section 2152.41 | Detention facilities.

...e children who are adjudicated juvenile traffic offenders and committed to the facility under division (A)(5) or (6) of section 2152.21 of the Revised Code. (B) Upon the joint recommendation of the juvenile judges of two or more neighboring counties, the boards of county commissioners of the counties shall form themselves into a joint board and proceed to organize a district for the establishment and support of a de...

Section 2152.42 | Superintendent and other employees of facility.

...(A) Any detention facility established under section 2152.41 of the Revised Code shall be under the direction of a superintendent. The superintendent shall be appointed by, and under the direction of, the judge or judges or, for a district facility, the board of trustees of the facility. The superintendent serves at the pleasure of the juvenile court or, in a district detention facility, at the pleasure of the board ...

Section 2152.43 | Application for assistance to department of youth services.

...(A) A board of county commissioners that provides a detention facility and the board of trustees of a district detention facility may apply to the department of youth services under section 5139.281 of the Revised Code for assistance in defraying the cost of operating and maintaining the facility. The application shall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by the department. The board of county commissioners of...

Section 2152.44 | Board of trustees of district detention facility.

...(A) As soon as practical after the organization of the joint board of county commissioners as provided by section 2152.41 of the Revised Code, the joint board shall appoint a board of not less than five trustees. The board shall hold office until the first annual meeting after the choice of an established site and buildings, or after the selection and purchase of a building site. At that time, the joint board of cou...

Section 2152.51 | Definitions regarding child competency proceedings.

...(A) As used in sections 2152.51 to 2152.59 of the Revised Code: (1) "Competent" and "competency" refer to a child's ability to understand the nature and objectives of a proceeding against the child and to assist in the child's defense. A child is incompetent if, due to mental illness, due to developmental disability, or otherwise due to a lack of mental capacity, the child is presently incapable of understanding the...

Section 2152.52 | Determination of competency.

... child is an unruly child or a juvenile traffic offender, any party or the court may move for a determination regarding the child's competency to participate in the proceeding. (2) In any proceeding under this chapter other than a proceeding alleging that a child is an unruly child or a juvenile traffic offender, if the child who is the subject of the proceeding is fourteen years of age or older and if the child is ...

Section 2152.53 | Time periods for determination; hearing.

...(A) Within fifteen business days after a motion is made under section 2152.52 of the Revised Code, the court shall do one of the following: (1) Make a determination of incompetency under division (B) of section 2152.52 of the Revised Code; (2) Determine, without holding a hearing, whether there is a reasonable basis to conduct a competency evaluation; (3) Hold a hearing to determine whether there is a reasona...

Section 2152.54 | Evaluators; qualifications.

...(A) An evaluation of a child who does not appear to the court to have at least a moderate level of intellectual disability shall be made by an evaluator who is one of the following: (1) A professional employed by a psychiatric facility or center certified by the department of mental health and addiction services to provide forensic services and appointed by the director of the facility or center to conduct the evalu...

Section 2152.55 | Evaluation process.

...(A) If a court orders a child to receive an evaluation under section 2152.53 of the Revised Code, the child and the child's parents, guardians, or custodians shall be available at the times and places established by the evaluator who conducts the evaluation. The evaluation shall be performed in the least restrictive setting available that will both facilitate an evaluation and maintain the safety of the child a...

Section 2152.56 | Competency assessment report.

...(A) Upon completing an evaluation ordered pursuant to section 2152.53 of the Revised Code, an evaluator shall submit to the court a written competency assessment report. The report shall include the evaluator's opinion as to whether the child, due to mental illness, due to developmental disability, or otherwise due to a lack of mental capacity, is currently incapable of understanding the nature and objective of the p...

Section 2152.57 | Extension for filing report; admission into evidence; expenses; objections.

...(A) An evaluator appointed by the court under section 2152.53 of the Revised Code shall submit a competency assessment report to the court as soon as possible but not more than forty-five calendar days after the order appointing the evaluator is issued. The court may grant one extension for a reasonable length of time if doing so would aid the evaluator in completing the evaluation. (B) No competency assessme...

Section 2152.58 | Hearing to determine competency.

...(A) Not less than fifteen nor more than thirty business days after receiving an evaluation under division (A) of section 2152.57 of the Revised Code or not less than fifteen nor more than thirty business days after receiving an additional evaluation under division (E) of that section, the court shall hold a hearing to determine the child's competency to participate in the proceeding. (B) At a hearing held un...

Section 2152.59 | Procedure upon determination of competency or lack of competency. charged with an act that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult, six months if the child is charged with an act that would be a felony of the third, fourth, or fifth degree if committed by an adult, or one year if the child is charged with an act that would be a felony of the first or second degree, aggravated murder, or murder if committed by an adult. (b) If a child is ordered to receive competen...

Section 2152.61 | Court orders restraining or controlling conduct of parent, guardian or other custodian.

...icated a delinquent child or a juvenile traffic offender, on the application of a party or the court's own motion, the court may make an order restraining or otherwise controlling the conduct of any parent, guardian, or other custodian in the relationship of the individual to the child if the court finds that an order of that type necessary to do either of the following: (1) Control any conduct or relationship that ...

Section 2152.67 | Jury trial for adults.

...he drawing and impaneling of jurors in criminal cases in the court of common pleas, other than in capital cases, shall apply to a jury trial under this section. The compensation of jurors and costs of the clerk and sheriff shall be taxed and paid in the same manner as in criminal cases in the court of common pleas.

Section 2152.71 | Maintenance and custody of records.

... to the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, pursuant to section 109.57 of the Revised Code, a weekly report containing a summary of each case that has come before it and that involves the disposition of a child who is a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult. (B) The clerk of the court shall maintain a st...

Section 2152.72 | Information to be provided to foster caregivers or prospective adoptive parents.

...(A) This section applies only to a child who is or previously has been adjudicated a delinquent child for an act to which any of the following applies: (1) The act is a violation of section 2903.01, 2903.02, 2903.03, 2903.04, 2903.11, 2903.12, 2903.13, 2907.02, 2907.03, or 2907.05 of the Revised Code. (2) The act is a violation of section 2923.01 of the Revised Code and involved an attempt to commit aggravate...

Section 2152.73 | Prevention and control of juvenile delinquency.

...A juvenile court may participate with other public or private agencies of the county served by the court in programs that have as their objective the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency. The juvenile judge may assign employees of the court, as part of their regular duties, to work with organizations concerned with combatting conditions known to contribute to delinquency, providing adult sponsors for child...