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Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
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Section 2929.43 | Procedure for accepting peace officer's guilty plea to felony or after conviction; negotiated misdemeanor pleas.

...he conviction of the peace officer of a misdemeanor, or the dismissal of the felony charge against the peace officer. The judge also shall provide to the clerk of the court of common pleas certified copies of the court entries in the action. Upon receiving the written notice required by division (C)(2) of this section, the clerk of the court of common pleas shall transmit to the employer of the peace officer and to t...

Section 2929.44 | Court-ordered to receive mental health evaluations; reports to local law enforcement agencies.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Local law enforcement agency" means the police department of a municipal corporation in which an offense occurred or, if the offense did not occur in a municipal corporation, the sheriff of the county in which the offense occurred. (2) "Mental illness" has the same meaning as in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code. (3) "Offense of violence" has the same meaning as in section ...

Section 2929.61 | Sentencing under prior law.

...(A) Persons charged with a capital offense committed prior to January 1, 1974, shall be prosecuted under the law as it existed at the time the offense was committed, and, if convicted, shall be imprisoned for life, except that whenever the statute under which any such person is prosecuted provides for a lesser penalty under the circumstances of the particular case, such lesser penalty shall be imposed. (B) Persons c...

Section 2929.71 | Reimbursement of investigative costs of arson.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Agency" means any law enforcement agency, other public agency, or public official involved in the investigation or prosecution of the offender or in the investigation of the fire or explosion in an aggravated arson, arson, or criminal damaging or endangering case. An "agency" includes, but is not limited to, a sheriff's office, a municipal corporation, township, or township o...

Section 2930.01 | Definitions.

...der Traffic Rule 13.1 or is not a minor misdemeanor juvenile traffic offense: (1) Violates any law of this state or the United States, or any ordinance of a political subdivision of the state, that would be an offense if committed by an adult; (2) Violates any lawful order of the court made under this chapter, including a child who violates a court order regarding the child's prior adjudication as an unruly child...

Section 2930.011 | Constitutional rights of crime victims.

...Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a victim or the victim's other lawful representative from asserting the rights enumerated in Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 10a.

Section 2930.02 | Victim's representative.

...(A)(1) Any of the following persons may, subject to the prohibition on the unauthorized practice of law under section 4705.07 of the Revised Code, exercise the rights of a victim under this chapter as the victim's representative: (a) Any person designated by the victim; (b) A member of the victim's family or a victim advocate designated as the victim's representative to exercise the rights of a victim under this ...

Section 2930.03 | Methods of giving notice.

...(A) A person or entity required or authorized under this chapter to give notice to a victim shall give the notice to the victim by any means reasonably calculated to provide prompt actual notice. Except when a provision requires that notice is to be given in a specific manner, a notice may be oral or written. (B)(1) Except for receipt of the initial information and notice required to be given to a victim under div...

Section 2930.04 | Information provided to victim by law enforcement agency.

...(A) The attorney general shall provide access to a sample victim's rights request form, which shall include the information specified in division (B) of this section. The form shall be created in English, Spanish, and Arabic, and any other languages upon request. The attorney general shall make the form available to all sheriffs, marshals, municipal corporation and township police departments, constables, and other l...

Section 2930.041 | Victim right to interpreter.

...(A) Pursuant to the "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990," 104 Stat. 327, 42 U.S.C. 12101, as amended, a victim with a disability has the right to a registered or certified American sign language interpreter on the registry for interpreters for the deaf at all court proceedings, all meetings with the prosecutor, and all investigative contacts with law enforcement, the probation department, the department of rehab...

Section 2930.042 | Notice for inactive cases.

...In all inactive cases involving one or more criminal offenses or delinquent acts for which the statute of limitations is longer than three years, the law enforcement agency investigating the criminal offense or delinquent act shall provide the victim and victim's representative, if applicable, with notice as to whether an inactive case is reopened or closed, unless the victim has waived the right to notifications.

Section 2930.044 | Self identification by victim.

...A person who has not previously been identified as a victim by law enforcement, including a person claiming to be directly or proximately harmed as a result of the criminal offense or delinquent act, shall affirmatively identify the person's self to law enforcement, the prosecutor, and the courts in order to receive the information and exercise the rights described in this chapter.

Section 2930.05 | Notice of arrest or detention of offender.

...(A) Within a reasonable period of time after the arrest or detention of a defendant or an alleged juvenile offender for the underlying criminal offense or delinquent act, the law enforcement agency that investigates the criminal offense or delinquent act shall give the victim and the victim's representative notice of all of the following: (1) The arrest or detention once the investigating law enforcement agency has...

Section 2930.051 | Custodial agency notification of law enforcement agency.

...A custodial agency shall notify the investigating law enforcement agency of the incarceration of a defendant or detention of an alleged juvenile offender once the investigating law enforcement agency is known to the custodial agency.

Section 2930.06 | Prosecutor to confer with victim - court to give notice of proceedings to victim.

...(A)(1) The prosecutor in a case or the prosecutor's designee, to the extent practicable, shall, on the victim's request, confer with the victim and the victim's representative, if applicable, at each of the following stages: (a) Before pretrial diversion is granted to the defendant or alleged juvenile offender in the case; (b) Before amending or dismissing an indictment, information, or complaint against that d...

Section 2930.061 | Notice of charges to department of developmental disabilities.

...(A) If a person is charged in a complaint, indictment, or information with any crime or specified delinquent act or with any other violation of law, and if the case involves a victim that the prosecutor in the case knows is a person with a developmental disability, in addition to any other notices required under this chapter or under any other provision of law, the prosecutor in the case shall send written notice of ...

Section 2930.062 | Notification of victim's injuries.

...A victim described in division (H) of section 2930.01 of the Revised Code may provide the prosecutor, or if it is a delinquency proceeding and a prosecutor is not involved in the case may provide the court, in the victim's case with written notification of the victim's injuries at any time. Upon receipt of the written notification, the prosecutor or court shall give the victim all of the information specified in divi...

Section 2930.063 | Copies of case documents.

...(A) Unless otherwise provided, a victim, victim's attorney, or victim's representative has the right to receive copies free of charge of any of the following: (1) Court records available for public access related to the victim's case, including the offender's payment history in the criminal or delinquency matter when sentenced to pay restitution, a fine, or incarceration costs; (2) Any certificate of judgment ob...

Section 2930.07 | Privacy of victim's information.

...(A) As used in this section: (1)(a) "Case document" means a document or information in a document, or audio or video recording of a victim of violating a protection order, an offense of violence, or a sexually oriented offense, regarding a case that is submitted to a court, a law enforcement agency or officer, or a prosecutor or filed with a clerk of court, including, but not limited to, pleadings, motions, exhibit...

Section 2930.071 | Subpoena of victim records.

...(A)(1) A defendant who seeks to subpoena records of or concerning the victim shall serve the prosecutor, the victim, and the victim's attorney, if applicable, with a copy of the subpoena. The prosecutor shall ensure that the defendant is provided the information necessary to effect such service. (2)(a) Pursuant to Criminal Rule 17, the court, on a motion made promptly and at or before the time specified in the s...

Section 2930.072 | Victim interviews.

...(A) Unless the victim consents in writing, which may be executed at the time of the interview, the victim shall not be compelled to submit to an interview on any matter, including any charged criminal offense witnessed by the victim and that occurred on the same occasion as the offense against the victim or filed in the same indictment or information or consolidated for trial, that is conducted by the defendant, the ...

Section 2930.08 | Notification of substantial delay in prosecution; victim objection to delay.

...(A)(1) The court and the prosecutor involved in the case shall take appropriate action to ensure a speedy disposition of the case. (2) A victim has the right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay and a prompt conclusion of the case. The court and all participants shall endeavor to complete the case within the time frame provided by the Rules of Superintendence. (B) If a motion, request, or agreement between...

Section 2930.09 | Victim's presence at trial.

...(A)(1) A victim and victim's representative in a case, if applicable, have the right to be present, during any public proceeding, other than a grand jury proceeding. At any stage of the case at which the victim is present, the court shall permit the victim to be accompanied by an individual to provide support to the victim, a victim advocate and victim representative. The victim, victim's representative, and victim's...

Section 2930.10 | Minimizing contact between victim and defendant - separate waiting areas.

...(A) The court in which a criminal prosecution or delinquency proceeding is held shall make a reasonable effort to minimize any contact between the victim in the case, members of the victim's family, the victim's representative, or witnesses for the prosecution and the defendant or alleged juvenile offender in the case, members of the defendant's or alleged juvenile offender's family, or witnesses for the defense befo...

Section 2930.11 | Returning or retaining victim's property.

...(A) Except as otherwise provided in this section or in Chapter 2981. of the Revised Code, the law enforcement agency responsible for investigating a criminal offense or delinquent act shall promptly return to the victim of the criminal offense or delinquent act any property of the victim that was taken in the course of the investigation, and the victim shall not be compelled to pay any charge as a condition of retrie...