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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Results 101 - 125 of 1,319
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Section 4117.12 | Board to investigate charge of violation.

...(A) Whoever violates section 4117.11 of the Revised Code is guilty of an unfair labor practice remediable by the state employment relations board as specified in this section. (B) When anyone files a charge with the board alleging that an unfair labor practice has been committed, the board or its designated agent shall investigate the charge. If the board has probable cause for believing that a violation has occ...

Section 4503.173 | Exemption of boat trailers owned by disabled veterans, certain military honorees or former prisoners of war.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Boat trailer" means any trailer designed and used for the transportation of no more than one watercraft. (2) "Watercraft" means any of the following when used or capable of being used for transportation on the water: (a) A boat operated by machinery either permanently or temporarily affixed; (b) A sailboat other than a sailboard; (c) An inflatable, manually propelled boat having...

Section 4511.75 | Stopping for stopped school bus.

...stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging any school child, person attending programs offered by community boards of mental health and county boards of developmental disabilities, or child attending a program offered by a head start agency, shall stop at least ten feet from the front or rear of the school bus and shall not proceed until such school bus resumes motion, or until signaled by the school bus dri...

Section 4735.13 | Definite place of business required; display and care of licenses.

...(A) Every real estate broker licensed under this chapter shall have and maintain a definite place of business in this state. A post office box address is not a definite place of business for purposes of this section. The license of a real estate broker shall be prominently displayed in the office or place of business of the broker, and no license shall authorize the licensee to do business except from the location sp...

Section 4973.03 | Unlawful for company to compel employee to join any company or association.

...No railroad company shall, directly or indirectly, compel or require an employee to join any company or association, withhold any part of an employee's wages or salary for the payment of dues or assessments in any society or organization, or demand or require either as a condition precedent to securing employment or being employed. Such railroad company shall not discharge an employee because he refuses or neglects t...

Section 5122.141 | Initial hearing.

...(A) A respondent who is involuntarily placed in a hospital or other place as designated in section 5122.10 or 5122.17 of the Revised Code, or with respect to whom proceedings have been instituted under section 5122.11 of the Revised Code, shall be afforded a hearing to determine whether or not the respondent is a person with a mental illness subject to court order. The hearing shall be conducted pursuant to section 5...

Section 5123.191 | Appointing receiver to operate residential facility.

...(A) The court of common pleas or a judge thereof in the judge's county, or the probate court, may appoint a receiver to take possession of and operate a residential facility licensed by the department of developmental disabilities, in causes pending in such courts respectively, when conditions existing at the facility present a substantial risk of physical or mental harm to residents and no other remedies at la...

Section 5123.76 | Full hearing.

...(A) The full hearing shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the procedures outlined in this chapter and with due process of law. The hearing shall be held by a judge of the probate division or, upon transfer by the judge of the probate division, by another judge of the court of common pleas, or a referee designated by the judge of the probate division. Any referee designated by the judge of the probate divisi...

Section 5139.53 | Employees authorized to apprehend violators.

...(A)(1) The director of youth services shall designate certain employees of the department of youth services, including regional administrators, as persons who are authorized, in accordance with section 5139.52 of the Revised Code, to execute an order of apprehension or a warrant for, or otherwise to arrest, children in the custody of the department who are violating or are alleged to have violated the terms and condi...

Section 5164.07 | Coverage of inpatient care and follow-up care for a mother and her newborn.

...alth care professionals responsible for discharging the mother or newborn. (B) Any decision to shorten the length of inpatient stay to less than that specified under division (A)(1) of this section shall be made by the physician attending the mother or newborn, except that if a certified nurse-midwife is attending the mother in collaboration with a physician, the decision may be made by the certified nurse-midwife. ...

Section 5311.18 | Lien for common expenses.

...(A)(1) Unless otherwise provided by the declaration or the bylaws, the unit owners association has a continuing lien upon the estate or interest of the owner in any unit and the appurtenant undivided interest in the common elements for the payment of any of the following expenses that are chargeable against the unit and that remain unpaid for ten days after any portion has become due and payable: (a) The portion of...

Section 5312.12 | Liens.

...(A) The owners association has a lien upon the estate or interest in any lot for the payment of any assessment or charge levied in accordance with section 5312.11 of the Revised Code, as well as any related interest, administrative late fees, enforcement assessments, collection costs, attorney's fees, and paralegal fees, that are chargeable against the lot and that remain unpaid ten days after any portion has b...

Section 5902.03 | Duplicating certificates of discharge and separation.

...The director of veterans services may microfilm or otherwise duplicate all or any part of copies of original certificates of discharge and separation submitted by Ohio veterans. The director may prepare and maintain files of such microfilmed certificates of discharge and separation in such manner that they may readily be available for the use of the department of veterans services, authorize...

Section 5919.17 | Discharge of enlisted person.

...(A) An enlisted person discharged from service in the Ohio national guard shall receive a discharge, in writing, in the form and with the characterization prescribed by the army or air force. In time of peace, discharges may be given before the expiration of terms of enlistment, under prescribed regulations, subject to any restrictions contained in publications of the department of the army or air force and the natio...

Section 6111.011 | Environmental enforcement authority over ephemeral features.

...(A) The exclusion of certain ephemeral features from the definition of waters of the state under section 6111.01 of the Revised Code does not affect the director of environmental protection's authority to do all of the following: (1) Administer and enforce Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code with regard to any discharge, deposit, dumping, or placement of wastes regulated under that chapter in an ephemeral feature; ...

Section 6111.031 | Modification of terms and conditions of permit.

...(A) The director of environmental protection, where consistent with the "Federal Water Pollution Control Act," may modify the terms and conditions of a permit or issue a permit upon conditions at variance from a national effluent limitation set under section 301 of the "Federal Water Pollution Control Act" upon application filed therefor after July 1, 1977, and a showing satisfactory to the director that such modifie...

Section 6111.13 | Discharge limit for a pollutant less than the practical quantification level.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Method detection limit" has the same meaning as in 40 C.F.R. part 136, appendix B, and shall be determined in accordance with the procedures set forth in that appendix. (2) "Practical quantification level" means a concentration that is five times the method detection limit for the most sensitive available analytical procedure currently approved under 40 C.F.R. part 136 for a poll...

Section 6117.51 | New public sewer construction projects.

...remises to the sewer for the purpose of discharging sewage or other waste that the board determines is originating on the premises, to make use of the connection, and to cease the discharge of the sewage or other waste into a cesspool, ditch, private sewer, privy, septic tank, semipublic disposal system as defined in division (B)(1)(a) of section 3709.085 of the Revised Code, or other outlet if the board finds that t...

Section 903.15 | Submitting complaint to director.

...(A) A person may submit a complaint to the director of agriculture regarding a concentrated animal feeding facility or the discharge of a pollutant from an animal feeding operation. The complaint may be made orally or in writing. If the complaint is made in writing, it shall be signed by the person making it and dated. (B) After receiving a written, signed, and dated complaint, the director shall, or after r...

Section 109.06 | Bond.

...Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of office, the attorney general shall give a bond to the state in the sum of five thousand dollars, with a surety authorized to do business in the state, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office of attorney general. Such bond and the oath of office shall be deposited with and kept by the secretary of state in the secretary of state's of...

Section 109.42 | Compilation of laws relative to victim's rights.

...(A) The attorney general shall prepare and make available a compilation of all constitutional provisions and statutes relative to victim's rights in which the attorney general lists and explains the constitutional provisions and statutes in the form of a victim's bill of rights. The attorney general shall make the compilation available to all sheriffs, marshals, municipal corporation and township police departments, ...

Section 1181.03 | Fidelity bonds.

...(A) Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of the office of the superintendent of financial institutions, the superintendent shall give bond to the state in the sum of one million dollars with sureties approved by the governor and conditioned on the faithful discharge of the official duties of the office. The bond, with the approval of the governor and with the superintendent's oath of office endorsed on it...

Section 124.23 | Examinations.

...(A) All applicants for positions and places in the classified service shall be subject to examination, except for applicants for positions as professional or certified service and paraprofessional employees of county boards of developmental disabilities, who shall be hired in the manner provided in section 124.241 of the Revised Code. (B) Any examination administered under this section shall be public and be ...

Section 1303.40 | Accord and satisfaction by use of instrument - UCC 3-311.

...If a person against whom a claim is asserted proves that that person in good faith tendered an instrument to the claimant as full satisfaction of the claim, that the amount of the claim was unliquidated or subject to a bona fide dispute, and that the claimant obtained payment of the instrument, all the following apply: (A) Unless division (B) of this section applies, the claim is discharged if the person against who...

Section 1303.55 | Obligation of indorser - UCC 3-415.

...(A) Subject to divisions (B), (C), (D), and (E) of this section and to division (D) of section 1303.59 of the Revised Code, if an instrument is dishonored, an indorser is obliged to pay the amount due on the instrument according to the terms of the instrument at the time it was indorsed, or, if the indorser indorsed an incomplete instrument, according to its terms when completed, to the extent required by sections 13...