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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 4713.06 | Executive director - staff.

...The state cosmetology and barber board shall annually appoint an executive director. The executive director may not be a member of the board, but subsequent to appointment, shall serve as secretary of the board. The executive director, before entering upon the discharge of the executive director's duties, shall file with the secretary of state a good and sufficient bond payable to the state, to ensure the faithful pe...

Section 4717.02 | Board of embalmers and funeral directors.

...(A) There is hereby created the board of embalmers and funeral directors consisting of seven members to be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Five members shall be licensed practicing funeral directors, four of which shall also be licensed embalmers. Each of the funeral director members shall have at least ten consecutive years of experience in this state immediately preceding the da...

Section 4723.02 | Board of nursing.

...The board of nursing shall assume and exercise all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed on it by this chapter. The board shall consist of thirteen members who shall be citizens of the United States and residents of Ohio. Eight members shall be registered nurses, each of whom shall be a graduate of an approved program of nursing education that prepares persons for licensure as a registered nurs...

Section 4723.32 | Exemptions.

... engaging in the practice of nursing by discharging official duties while employed by or under contract with the United States government or any agency thereof; (2) The individual is engaging in the practice of nursing as an employee of an individual, agency, or corporation located in the other jurisdiction in a position with employment responsibilities that include transporting patients into, out of, or through th...

Section 4723.431 | Standard care arrangements.

...(A)(1) An advanced practice registered nurse who is designated as a clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or certified nurse practitioner may practice only in accordance with a standard care arrangement entered into with each physician or podiatrist with whom the nurse collaborates. A copy of the standard care arrangement shall be retained on file by the nurse's employer. Prior approval of the standard ...

Section 4723.434 | Lawful activities.

...(A) During the time period that begins on a patient's admission for a surgery or procedure to a health care facility where the certified registered nurse anesthetist practices and ends with the patient's discharge from recovery, the nurse may engage in one or more of the following activities: (1) Performing and documenting evaluations and assessments, which may include ordering and evaluating one or more diagnostic ...

Section 4723.436 | Authority to sign psychiatric inpatient documents.

...(A) Subject to division (B) of this section, a certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner may sign one or more documents relating to any of the following: (1) The admission of a patient to a facility for the purpose of receiving psychiatric or other behavioral health care services on an inpatient basis; (2) The discharge of a patient from a facility after receiving inpatie...

Section 4725.06 | Compensation and expenses of board.

...Each member of the state vision professionals board shall receive an amount fixed pursuant to division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code for each day the member is performing the member's official duties and be reimbursed for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing such duties. The board, in consultation with the director of administrative services, shall set the compensation of its executiv...

Section 4729.03 | Organization.

...The state board of pharmacy shall organize by electing a president and a vice-president who are members of the board. The president shall preside over the meetings of the board, but shall not vote upon matters determined by the board, except in the event of a tie vote, in which case the president shall vote. The board shall also employ an executive director. The person employed shall not be a member of the board. Eac...

Section 4729.04 | Executive director of board - duties.

...All of the following apply with respect to the executive director of the state board of pharmacy : (A) The executive director is the chief administrative officer of the board. (B) The executive director is an appointing authority, as defined in section 124.01 of the Revised Code, and may appoint employees necessary to carry out the board's functions. (C) The executive director, with the board's approval, may p...

Section 4729.15 | State board of pharmacy - fees.

...(A) Except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the state board of pharmacy shall charge the following fees: (1) For applying for a license to practice as a pharmacist, an amount adequate to cover all expenses of the board related to examination except the expenses of procuring and grading the examination, which fee shall not be returned if the applicant fails to pass the examination; (2) For the...

Section 4730.204 | Authority to sign psychiatric inpatient documents.

...(A) Subject to division (B) of this section, a physician assistant may sign one or more documents relating to any of the following: (1) The admission of a patient to a health care facility for the purpose of receiving psychiatric or other behavioral health care services on an inpatient basis; (2) The discharge of a patient from a health care facility after receiving inpatient psychiatric or other behavioral healt...

Section 4730.27 | Adjudication of mental competency.

...If the state medical board has reason to believe that any person who has been granted a license under this chapter to practice as a physician assistant is mentally ill or mentally incompetent, it may file in the probate court of the county in which such person has a legal residence an affidavit in the form prescribed in section 5122.11 of the Revised Code and signed by the board secretary or a member of the secretary...

Section 4731.03 | Compensation and expenses of board.

...Each member of the state medical board shall receive an amount fixed pursuant to division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code for each day employed in the discharge of his official duties and his necessary expenses.

Section 4731.221 | Suspending license or certificate of mentally ill or mentally incompetent practitioner.

...If the state medical board has reason to believe that any person who has been granted a license or certificate under this chapter is mentally ill or mentally incompetent, it may file in the probate court of the county in which such person has a legal residence an affidavit in the form prescribed in section 5122.11 of the Revised Code and signed by the board secretary or a member of the board secretary's staff, whereu...

Section 4731.36 | Exceptions.

...(A) Sections 4731.01 to 4731.47 of the Revised Code shall not prohibit service in case of emergency, domestic administration of family remedies, or provision of assistance to another individual who is self-administering drugs. Sections 4731.01 to 4731.47 of the Revised Code shall not apply to any of the following: (1) A commissioned medical officer of the armed forces of the United States or an employee of the ve...

Section 4732.05 | Compensation.

...The members of the state board of psychology shall receive an amount fixed under division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code for each day employed in the discharge of their official duties, and their necessary expenses while engaged therein.

Section 4733.03 | State board of registration for professional engineers and surveyors.

...A state board of registration for professional engineers and surveyors is hereby created to administer this chapter. The board shall consist of four professional engineers, at least one of whom also is a professional surveyor, and one professional surveyor. Members shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. Terms of office shall be for five years, commencing on the twenty-fifth da...

Section 4734.05 | Officers of board.

...(A) The state chiropractic board shall organize by electing from its members a president. The president shall hold office for two years and until the president's successor is elected and takes office. Elections for board president shall be held at the first meeting of the board held in each odd-numbered year. The president, subject to the board's approval, may designate another member of the board to serve as vice-...

Section 4734.31 | Disciplinary actions by board.

...(A) The state chiropractic board may take any of the actions specified in division (B) of this section against an individual who has applied for or holds a license to practice chiropractic in this state if any of the reasons specified in division (C) of this section for taking action against an individual are applicable. Except as provided in division (D) of this section, actions taken against an individual shall be ...

Section 4734.38 | Suspension for mental illness or incompetency.

...If any person who has been granted a license to practice chiropractic and, if applicable, certificate to practice acupuncture under this chapter is adjudged by a probate court to be mentally ill or mentally incompetent, the person's license and, if applicable, certificate shall be automatically suspended until the person has filed with the state chiropractic board a certified copy of an adjudication by a probat...

Section 4735.06 | Broker's license application.

...section 4735.211 of the Revised Code in discharging the duties prescribed in divisions (E), (F), (G), and (H) of section 4735.03 of the Revised Code and may use it in the advancement of education and research in real estate at any institution of higher education in the state, or in contracting with any such institution or a trade organization for a particular research or educational project in the field of real estat...

Section 4735.27 | Foreign real estate dealer's license.

...(A) An application to act as a foreign real estate dealer shall be in writing and filed with the superintendent of real estate. It shall be in the form the superintendent prescribes and shall contain the following information: (1) The name and address of the applicant; (2) If the applicant is a partnership, unincorporated association, or any similar form of business organization, the names and the residence and...

Section 4738.09 | Organization of motor vehicle salvage dealer's licensing board.

...The motor vehicle salvage dealer's licensing board shall consist of five members. The registrar of motor vehicles or his designee shall be a member of the board, and the other four members shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Two appointed members shall have operated as a motor vehicle salvage dealer, salvage motor vehicle auction, or salvage motor vehicle pool in this state f...

Section 4740.03 | Administrative section of board - organization.

...(A) The administrative section of the Ohio construction industry licensing board annually shall elect from among its members a chairperson and other officers as the board, by rule, designates. The chairperson shall preside over meetings of the administrative section or designate another member to preside in the chairperson's absence. The administrative section shall hold at least two regular meetings each year,...