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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 5505.06 | Investment and fiduciary duties of state highway patrol retirement board.

...(A) The members of the state highway patrol retirement board shall be the trustees of the funds created by section 5505.03 of the Revised Code. The board shall have full power to invest the funds. The board and other fiduciaries shall discharge their duties with respect to the funds solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries; for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to participants and their ...

Section 5505.065 | Chief investment officer - supervision duties - monitoring of securities transactions.

...(A) The state highway patrol retirement board shall designate a person who is a licensed state retirement system investment officer to be the chief investment officer for the state highway patrol retirement system. The board shall notify the division of securities of the department of commerce in writing of its designation and of any change in its designation within ten calendar days of the designation or change. (B...

Section 5505.16 | Application for retirement.

...(A) As used in this section, "member" has the same meaning as in section 5505.01 of the Revised Code, except that it also includes a former member who has earned service credit and has not received a refund of accumulated contributions under section 5505.19 of the Revised Code. A member who became a member of the state highway patrol before January 1, 2020, may be granted retirement under this division if the membe...

Section 5505.17 | Pension and benefits upon retirement.

...(A)(1) Upon retirement as provided in section 5505.16 of the Revised Code, a state highway patrol retirement system retirant shall receive a life pension, without guaranty or refund, equal to the greater of one thousand fifty dollars or the sum of two and one-half per cent of the retirant's final average salary multiplied by the first twenty years of total service credit, plus two and one-quarter per cent of the reti...

Section 5505.25 | Purchase service credit for military service.

...(A)(1) A member of the state highway patrol retirement system who is not receiving a pension from the system may purchase service credit for each year or portion of a year of service incurred by reason of having been on active duty as a member of the uniformed services of the United States if the member is honorably discharged. (2) On presentation of documentation of the service and subject to state highway patrol r...

Section 5528.10 | Selling bonds.

...The commissioners of the sinking fund designated by Section 8 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution and section 129.01 of the Revised Code are hereby authorized to issue and sell, in amounts authorized by the general assembly, bonds and other obligations of this state in accordance with Section 2g of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution and this section. The total debt created as evidenced by such bonds and other obligation...

Section 5531.30 | Agreements with federal agencies.

...(A)(1) The director of transportation may enter into agreements and cooperate with the United States department of transportation, or any other appropriate federal agency as provided in 23 U.S.C. 325 to 327 and as authorized under the "Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)," 126 Stat. 405 (2012); the "Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU...

Section 5537.24 | Turnpike legislative review committee.

...(A) There is hereby created a turnpike legislative review committee consisting of six members as follows: (1) Three members of the senate, no more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party, one of whom shall be the chairperson of the committee dealing primarily with highway matters, one of whom shall be appointed by the president of the senate, and one of whom shall be appointed by the mino...

Section 5551.06 | Transfer of right of way and removal of tracks.

...Prior to or during the pendency of proceedings for improvement or construction of a road and the acquisition of such right of way, the board of county commissioners may enter into an agreement with any street or interurban railway company for the conveyance and transfer by such company to the board, in fee simple or such lesser estate or interest therein as the company may have, of such part or all of the right of wa...

Section 5571.03 | Compensation of trustees.

...When the board of township trustees determines to proceed in the method provided by division (A) or (B) of section 5571.02 of the Revised Code, the trustee designated to have charge of the maintenance and repair of roads and culverts within the township, or within a road district thereof, shall receive the compensation provided by section 505.24 of the Revised Code for each day of service in the discharge of such dut...

Section 5571.04 | Compensation of superintendent.

...When the board of township trustees determines to proceed as provided in division (C) of section 5571.02 of the Revised Code and appoints a highway superintendent, except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, the superintendent shall, before entering upon the discharge of the official duties of superintendent, give bond to the state, for the use of the township, in the sum of two thousand dollar...

Section 5577.045 | Fire engine weight exemptions; permits for overweight vehicles.

...(A) As used in this section, "fire engine" means a fire engine, fire truck, or other vehicle or apparatus belonging to or used by any municipal, township, or volunteer fire department, while in the discharge of its functions. (B) Notwithstanding sections 5577.02 and 5577.04 of the Revised Code, a person may do both of the following without a written permit issued under section 4513.34 of the Revised Code: (1) Ope...

Section 5577.05 | Prohibition against violation.

...(A) No vehicle shall be operated upon the public highways, streets, bridges, and culverts within the state, whose dimensions exceed those specified in this section. (B) No such vehicle shall have a width in excess of: (1) One hundred four inches for passenger bus type vehicles operated exclusively within municipal corporations; (2) One hundred two inches, excluding such safety devices as are required by law, ...

Section 5593.06 | Organization of commission - inspection of bridges.

...Upon the appointment and qualification of the members of any county or city bridge commission, they shall at once proceed to organize. Each such commission shall appoint a vice-chairman and secretary-treasurer, and the commission of any county or city shall elect a chairman. Each member of a county or city bridge commission shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the board of county commissioners or the legislat...

Section 5703.01 | Department of taxation composition.

...There is hereby created the department of taxation which shall be composed of the tax commissioner and his employees, agents, and representatives. Such commissioner shall perform such functions, exercise such powers, and discharge such duties as are assigned to him by law.

Section 5703.17 | Appointment and powers of agent, tax auditor agent, or tax auditor agent manager.

...(A) In making an investigation as to any company, firm, corporation, person, association, partnership, or public utility subject to the laws that the tax commissioner is required to administer, the commissioner may appoint by an order in writing an agent, a tax auditor agent, or a tax auditor agent manager, whose duties shall be prescribed in the order. In the discharge of such an agent's duties, the agent shall h...

Section 5703.36 | Commissioner to obtain information.

...If any company, firm, corporation, person, association, partnership, or public utility fails to make out and deliver to the tax commissioner any statement required by law, or to furnish the commissioner with any information requested, the commissioner shall inform himself as best he can on the matters necessary to be known in order to discharge his duties.

Section 5703.57 | Ohio business gateway steering committee.

...(A) As used in this section, "Ohio business gateway" has the same meaning as in section 718.01 of the Revised Code. (B) There is hereby created the Ohio business gateway steering committee to direct the continuing development of the Ohio business gateway and to oversee its operations. The committee shall provide general oversight regarding operation of the Ohio business gateway and shall recommend to the department ...

Section 5705.05 | Purpose and intent of general levy for current expenses.

...The purpose and intent of the general levy for current expenses is to provide one general operating fund derived from taxation from which any expenditures for current expenses of any kind may be made. The taxing authority of a political subdivision may include in such levy the amounts required for carrying into effect any of the general or special powers granted by law to such subdivision, including the acquisition o...

Section 5705.27 | County budget commission.

...There is hereby created in each county a county budget commission consisting of the county auditor, the county treasurer, and the prosecuting attorney. Upon petition filed with the board of elections, signed by the number of electors of the county equal in amount to three per cent of the total number of votes cast for governor at the most recent election therefor, there shall be submitted to the electors of the...

Section 5705.341 | Right of appeal.

...Any person required to pay taxes on real, public utility, or tangible personal property in any taxing district or other political subdivision of this state may appeal to the board of tax appeals from the action of the county budget commission of any county which relates to the fixing of uniform rates of taxation and the rate necessary to be levied by each taxing authority within a subdivision, taxing unit, libr...

Section 5709.52 | Exemption from taxation for increase in value for newly developable or redevelopment property.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Newly developable property" means a parcel of real property on which no commercial, agricultural, or industrial operations are currently being conducted and on which construction of one or more commercial or industrial buildings or structures is planned but for which a certificate of occupancy has not yet been issued. (2) "Redevelopment property" means a parcel of real property on ...

Section 5713.34 | Portion of tax savings on converted lands may be recouped.

...(A)(1) Upon the conversion of all or any portion of a tract, lot, or parcel of land devoted exclusively to agricultural use a portion of the tax savings upon such converted land shall be recouped as provided for by Section 36, Article II, Ohio Constitution by levying a charge on such land in an amount equal to the amount of the tax savings on the converted land during the three tax years immediately preceding the yea...

Section 5715.05 | Offices, equipment, and supplies.

...The board of county commissioners shall furnish to the county board of revision and its experts, clerks, and employees suitable office rooms at the county seat, and shall furnish the county auditor for his own office and the county board of revision all maps, plats, stationery, blank forms, books, supplies, furniture, and other equipment necessary for the proper discharge of their duties and the preservation of their...

Section 5715.29 | Rules, orders and instructions of tax commissioner.

...The tax commissioner shall prescribe such general and uniform rules and issue such orders and instructions, not inconsistent with law, as he deems necessary, as to the exercise of the powers and the discharge of the duties of all officers which relate to the assessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes. The commissioner shall cause the rules prescribed by him to be observed, the orders and instructio...