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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 6119.10 | Competitive bidding for certain contracts.

...The board of trustees of a regional water and sewer district or any officer or employee designated by the board may make any contract for the purchase of supplies or material or for labor for any work, under the supervision of the board, the cost of which shall not exceed the amount specified in section 9.17 of the Revised Code. When an expenditure, other than for the acquisition of real estate and interests in real ...

Section 6119.49 | Assessment equalization board appointment and duties.

...In the event that the owner of any lot or parcel of land to be assessed objects to the estimated assessments as provided in section 6119.48 of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of the regional water and sewer district shall appoint an assessment equalization board consisting of three disinterested persons residing in the district, and shall fix the time and place for the hearing by such board of such objections...

Section 6121.01 | Water development authority definitions.

...As used in this chapter: (A) "Beneficial use" means a use of water, including the method of diversion, storage, transportation, treatment, and application, that is reasonable and consistent with the public interest in the proper utilization of water resources, including, without limitation, domestic, agricultural, industrial, power, municipal, navigational, fish and wildlife, and recreational uses. (B) "Governmenta...

Section 6131.01 | Single county drainage improvement definitions.

...As used in sections 6131.01 to 6131.64 of the Revised Code: (A) "Owner" means any owner of any right, title, estate, or interest in or to any real property and includes persons, partnerships, associations, private corporations, public corporations, boards of township trustees, boards of education of school districts, the mayor or legislative authority of a municipal corporation, the director of any department, offi...

Section 6131.14 | County engineer's duties.

...(A) Upon the board's determination to proceed with the project survey and design on a proposed improvement under section 6131.12 of the Revised Code, the clerk of the board of county commissioners shall immediately forward a copy of the board's findings and orders to the county engineer. (B) The county engineer shall do all of the following: (1) Conduct all necessary surveys for the proposed improvement; (2) Pr...

Section 6161.01 | Great Lakes Basin Compact adopted.

...The "great lakes basin compact" is hereby ratified, enacted into law, and entered into by this state as a party thereto with any other state or province which, pursuant to Article II of said compact, has legally joined in the compact as follows: GREAT LAKES BASIN COMPACT The party states solemnly agree: Article I The purposes of this compact are, through means of joint or co-operative action: (A) To promote...

Section 703.17 | Effect of surrender of corporate rights.

...The surrender of corporate rights by a city, as provided by sections 703.08 to 703.16, inclusive, of the Revised Code, does not affect rights accrued or liabilities incurred by such city or the power to settle claims, dispose of property, or levy and collect taxes to discharge liabilities incurred. Such rights, liabilities, and powers, and the corporate character of such municipal corporation in respect thereto, shal...

Section 703.18 | Collection and disbursement of taxes.

...Taxes which remain due and unpaid at the time of the surrender of corporate rights pursuant to sections 703.08 to 703.16, inclusive, of the Revised Code, shall be collected, and shall, with all moneys in the city treasury, be applied to the objects for which they were raised. Moneys which remain on hand after the debts and liabilities of the city are discharged shall be paid into the village treasury, and all propert...

Section 711.36 | Order by board to replat.

...Upon the filing of the application and the giving of notice, as required in sections 711.34 and 711.35 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall forthwith employ a competent surveyor, who, after being sworn to well and faithfully discharge the duties assigned him, shall proceed to replat such municipal corporation according to the original plan or plat thereof. To enable him to find more easily the...

Section 713.23 | Regional or county planning commission - powers and duties.

...l other powers necessary and proper for discharging its duties; (8) Carrying out all of the functions and duties of a director of economic development under division (B) of section 307.07 of the Revised Code pursuant to any agreement with a county under division (A)(1) of that section. (C) Wherever a regional planning commission has been established within the area of the jurisdiction of a county planning commissio...

Section 718.03 | Withholding taxes from qualifying wages.

...(A)(1) Each employer, agent of an employer, or other payer located or doing business in a municipal corporation that imposes a tax on income in accordance with this chapter shall withhold from each employee an amount equal to the qualifying wages of the employee earned by the employee in the municipal corporation multiplied by the applicable rate of the municipal corporation's income tax, except for qualifying wages ...

Section 727.17 | Powers and duties of board.

...On the day appointed by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation for that purpose, the assessment equalization board appointed under section 727.16 of the Revised Code, shall meet and take an oath before a proper officer to honestly and impartially discharge its duties. It shall at such meeting or at any adjournment thereof, hear and determine all objections to the estimated assessment which have been f...

Section 733.68 | Qualifications of municipal officers - oaths.

...(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section or in another section of the Revised Code, each officer of a municipal corporation, or of any department or board of a municipal corporation, whether elected or appointed as a substitute for a regular officer, shall be an elector of the municipal corporation and, before entering upon official duties, shall take an oath to support the constitution of ...

Section 737.14 | Relief for members of police or fire department.

...The legislative authority of a municipal corporation may provide by general ordinance for the relief, out of the police or fire funds, of members of either department temporarily or permanently disabled in the discharge of their duty. This section does not impair, restrict, or repeal any law authorizing the levy of taxes in municipal corporations to provide for firemen, police, and sanitary police pension funds, and...

Section 737.19 | Powers and duties of village marshal.

...(A) The marshal of a village has exclusive authority over the stationing and transfer of all deputies, officers, and employees within the police department of the village, under the general rules that the mayor prescribes. (B) Except as provided in section 737.162 of the Revised Code, the marshal of a village has the exclusive right to suspend any of the deputies, officers, or employees in the village police departm...

Section 737.27 | Investigation of fires.

...The legislative authority of a municipal corporation may invest any officer of the fire or police department with the power, and impose on him the duty, to be present at all fires, investigate the cause thereof, examine witnesses, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers, and to do and perform all other acts necessary to the effective discharge of such duties. Such officer may admin...

Section 738.04 | Tax to maintain fund.

...In each municipal corporation maintaining a sanitary police pension fund, the legislative authority thereof each year, in the manner provided for other municipal levies and in addition to all other levies authorized by law, may levy a tax, not to exceed one-thirtieth of a mill on each dollar, upon all the real and personal property listed for taxation in such municipal corporation. In the matter of such levy, the boa...

Section 742.043 | Filing of statements - prohibited campaign activities.

...(A) No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate campaign finance statement or independent expenditure statement in accordance with section 742.042 of the Revised Code. (B) No person, during the course of a person seeking nomination for, and during any campaign for, election to the board of trustees of the police and fire pension fund, shall knowingly and with intent to affect the nomination or the...

Section 742.104 | Chief investment officer - supervision duties - monitoring of securities transactions.

...(A) The board of trustees of the police and fire pension fund shall designate a person who is a licensed state retirement system investment officer to be the chief investment officer for the police and fire pension fund. The board shall notify the division of securities of the department of commerce in writing of its designation and of any change in its designation within ten calendar days of the designation or chang...

Section 742.11 | Investment powers of board.

...(A) The members of the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund shall be the trustees of the funds created by section 742.59 of the Revised Code. The board shall have full power to invest the funds. The board and other fiduciaries shall discharge their duties with respect to the funds solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries; for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to par...

Section 742.23 | Municipal police department employee credit for service in fire department.

...A member of the fund who is an employee of the police department of a municipal corporation, who has resigned or has been honorably discharged from membership in the fire department of the same municipal corporation, and who is not a participant in the deferred retirement option plan established under section 742.43 of the Revised Code shall, in computing years of service in the police department under section 742.37...

Section 742.24 | Municipal fire department employee credit for service in police department.

...A member of the fund who is an employee of the fire department of a municipal corporation, who has resigned or has been honorably discharged from membership in the police department of the same municipal corporation, and who is not a participant in the deferred retirement option plan established under section 742.43 of the Revised Code shall, in computing years of service in the fire department under section 742.37 o...

Section 742.31 | Contribution by employee; adjustments by board.

...(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, each employee shall contribute an amount equal to a percentage of the employee's salary to the Ohio police and fire pension fund according to the following schedule: (1) For salary earned in pay periods beginning not later than July 1, 2013, ten per cent; (2) For salary earned in pay periods beginning not earlier than July 2, 2013, but not later than Jul...

Section 742.52 | Purchasing military service credit.

...(A) A member of the Ohio police and fire pension fund who is not receiving a disability benefit or pension from the fund and is not a participant in the deferred retirement option plan established under section 742.43 of the Revised Code may purchase service credit, which shall be used in computing the member's years of service, for each year of service incurred by reason of having been on active duty, active duty f...

Section 749.22 | Appointment of trustees - compensation - term - vacancy - oath - bond.

...The board of hospital trustees provided by section 749.21 of the Revised Code shall consist of eight resident electors of the municipal corporation, who shall be appointed by the board of trustees of the sinking fund, or, in the event that the board of trustees of a sinking fund ceases to function within such municipal corporation by operation of law, they shall be appointed by the legislative authority of the munici...