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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Results 151 - 175 of 1,319
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Section 2937.05 | Discharge of defendant - amendment of complaint.

...If the motion pursuant to section 2937.04 of the Revised Code be sustained, accused shall be discharged unless the court or magistrate finds that the defect can be corrected without changing the nature of the charge, in which case he may order the complaint amended or a proper affidavit filed forthwith and require the accused to plead thereto. The discharge of accused upon the sustaining of a motion to dismiss shall ...

Section 2937.27 | Duties of county recorder.

...The county recorder of the county in which the property of a surety on a recognizance is located, shall keep and file in the official records all notices of lien and notices of discharge that are filed with the county recorder pursuant to section 2937.26 of the Revised Code. When a lien has been released or discharged for a period of one year, the county recorder may destroy all notices of such lien. The county...

Section 2939.24 | Discharge of indicted person when no indictment returned.

...If a person held in jail charged with an indictable offense is not indicted at the term of court at which he is held to answer, he shall be discharged unless: (A) He was committed on such charge after the discharge of the grand jury. (B) The transcript has not been filed. (C) There is not sufficient time at such term of court to investigate said cause. (D) The grand jury, for good cause, continues the hearing of ...

Section 2945.36 | For what cause jury may be discharged.

...The trial court may discharge a jury without prejudice to the prosecution: (A) For the sickness or corruption of a juror or other accident or calamity; (B) Because there is no probability of such jurors agreeing; (C) If it appears after the jury has been sworn that one of the jurors is a witness in the case; (D) By the consent of the prosecuting attorney and the defendant. The reason for such discharge shall be ...

Section 2953.13 | Reversal of conviction.

...When a defendant has been committed to a state correctional institution and the judgment by virtue of which the commitment was made is reversed on appeal, and the defendant is entitled to discharge or a new trial, or when the case is remanded to the trial court for any reason, the clerk of the court reversing the judgment or remanding the case, under the seal of the court, shall forthwith certify the reversal ...

Section 3.23 | Contents of oath of office.

...The oath of office of each judge of a court of record shall be to support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state, to administer justice without respect to persons, and faithfully and impartially to discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on the person as such judge, according to the best of the person's ability and understanding. The oath of office of every other officer, dep...

Section 305.04 | Bond of county commissioners - oath of office.

...Before entering upon the discharge of official duties, each county commissioner, except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, shall give bond, signed by a bonding or surety company authorized to do business in this state, or, at the county commissioner's option, by two or more freeholders having real estate in the value of double the amount of the bond over and above all encumbrances to the st...

Section 311.17 | Fees.

...h time a prisoner is received, and for discharging or surrendering a prisoner, five dollars each time a prisoner is discharged or surrendered. The departure or return of a prisoner from or to a jail in connection with a program established under section 5147.28 of the Revised Code is not a receipt, discharge, or surrender of the prisoner for purposes of this division. (b) Taking a prisoner before a judge or co...

Section 3301.60 | Interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children.

...The interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children is hereby ratified, enacted into law, and entered into by this state as a party thereto with any other state that heretofore has legally joined or hereafter legally joins the compact, as follows: Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children ARTICLE I. PURPOSE It is the purpose of this compact to remove barriers to educa...

Section 3333.31 | Rules for determining student residency.

...(A) For state subsidy and tuition surcharge purposes, status as a resident of Ohio shall be defined by the chancellor of higher education by rule promulgated pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. No adjudication as to the status of any person under such rule, however, shall be required to be made pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The term "resident" for these purposes shall not be equated with the...

Section 3705.19 | Death certificate to state whether deceased served in the armed forces.

...(A) If the deceased served in the armed forces of the United States, the death certificate shall include a statement of the branch of service in which he served, the date of entry into service, the date and type of discharge from such service, and information to show the name and location of the place where the deceased was buried or cremated, date of burial or cremation, and the location, lot, and grave number...

Section 3707.17 | Quarantine in place other than that of legal settlement.

...When a person with a contagious disease, quarantined in a county by a city or general health district, has a legal settlement in a municipal corporation or township within the same county but other than that in which quarantined, or has a legal settlement in another county of the state, and such person is unable to pay the expenses of the service provided under section 3707.14 of the Revised Code, the city or general...

Section 3718.01 | Definitions.

...As used in this chapter: (A) "Alter" means to change by making substantive replacements of, additions to, or deletions in the design or materials or to change the location of an existing sewage treatment system. (B) "Bedrock" means hard stratum that underlies unconsolidated surface materials or soil. (C) "Board of health" means the board of health of a city or general health district or the authority having ...

Section 3718.02 | Director of health to adopt administrative rules; board of health may adopt more stringent rules.

...rules for the quality of effluent from discharging systems shall comply with discharge requirements imposed by the national pollutant discharge elimination system permit program established under section 6111.03 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it. (c) Requirements for the reasonable maintenance of a system according to maintenance requirements approved by the director of health as recommended by th...

Section 3718.023 | Approval of installation, operation or alteration of sewage treatment systems.

...(A) In accordance with rules adopted under division (A) of section 3718.02 of the Revised Code, a board of health shall approve or deny the installation, operation, or alteration of sewage treatment systems the use of which has been authorized in those rules or that have been approved for use in this state by the director of health under section 3718.04 of the Revised Code. The board shall approve an installati...

Section 3721.19 | Nonparticipation in state assistance program.

..., the court shall enjoin the home from discharging the resident from the home until arrangements satisfactory to the court are made for the orderly transfer of the resident to another mode of health care including, but not limited to, another home, and may award the resident and a person or public agency that brings an action on behalf of a resident reasonable attorney's fees. If a home discharges a resident to...

Section 3743.65 | Possession, sale, and use restrictions.

...(A) No person shall possess fireworks in this state or shall possess for sale or sell fireworks in this state, except a licensed manufacturer of fireworks as authorized by sections 3743.02 to 3743.08 of the Revised Code, a licensed wholesaler of fireworks as authorized by sections 3743.15 to 3743.21 of the Revised Code, a shipping permit holder as authorized by section 3743.40 of the Revised Code, a licensed fountain...

Section 3767.41 | Buildings found to be public nuisance.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Building" means, except as otherwise provided in this division, any building or structure that is used or intended to be used for residential purposes. "Building" includes, but is not limited to, a building or structure in which any floor is used for retail stores, shops, salesrooms, markets, or similar commercial uses, or for offices, banks, civic administration activities, profe...

Section 3903.46 | Discharge of liquidator.

...(A) When all assets justifying the expense of collection and distribution have been collected and distributed under sections 3903.01 to 3903.59 of the Revised Code, the liquidator shall apply to the court for discharge. The court may grant the discharge and make any other orders, including an order to transfer any remaining funds that are uneconomic to distribute, as may be appropriate. (B) Any other person may appl...

Section 4117.02 | State employment relations board.

...he state employment relations board in discharging any duty imposed by law upon the state employment relations board, the chairperson, or any of the employees or agents of the state employment relations board, and the costs of the state personnel board of review in discharging any duty imposed by law on the state personnel board of review or an agent of the state personnel board of review. (C) The vacancy on ...

Section 4503.46 | Former POW license plates.

...(A) For the purposes of this section, "prisoner of war" means any regularly appointed, enrolled, enlisted, or inducted member of the military forces of the United States who was captured, separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United States at any time, and any regularly appointed, enrolled, or enlisted member of the military forces of Great Britain, France, any of the countries that comprised the forme...

Section 4505.07 | Forms for certificates and applications.

...he date of the lien notation; (11) For discharging and canceling the lien notation, a notice that states: "lien discharge," a space for the signature of the lienholder, the discharge date, a space for the signature of the clerk of the court of common pleas, the cancellation date, and a space for the notation of the deputy clerk; (12) The purchase price of the motor vehicle and the amount of Ohio sales or use tax pa...

Section 4505.131 | [Repealed effective 10/24/2024 by S.B. 94, 135th General Assembly] Lender-provided physical certificate of title.

...ipt of good funds in the correct amount discharging the security interest financing the motor vehicle, the secured party shall send the purchaser a written form. The purchaser shall complete the form to affirmatively choose whether the purchaser wishes to receive a physical certificate of title or to have the certificate of title remain electronic. The form may be electronic or nonelectronic. (C) If the purchaser a...

Section 507.02 | Deputy township fiscal officer.

...When the office of township fiscal officer becomes vacant, or when a township fiscal officer is unable to carry out the duties of office because of illness, because of entering the military service of the United States, because of a court ordered suspension as provided for under section 507.13 of the Revised Code, or because the fiscal officer is otherwise incapacitated or disqualified, the board of township trustees...

Section 5119.28 | Confidentiality of records pertaining to person's mental health condition, assessment, provision of care or treatment, or payment for assessment, care or treatment.

...(A) All records, and reports, other than court journal entries or court docket entries, identifying a person and pertaining to the person's mental health condition, assessment, provision of care, treatment, or recovery supports, or payment for assessment, care, treatment, or recovery supports that are maintained in connection with any services certified by the department of mental health and addiction services, an...