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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 2713.21 | Surrender of defendant discharges bail.

...A surrender of a defendant to the sheriff of the county in which he was arrested, with a delivery of a certified copy of the bond of the bail, whether such surrender is made by the defendant himself or by his bail, discharges the bail. A surrender may be made before the return day of the summons in an action against the bail. The sheriff shall give to the bail a written acknowledgment of the surrender, and hold the d...

Section 2713.25 | Stay of proceedings against bail.

...Before or after judgment against the bail, if an appeal is commenced on the judgment against the principal in the suit in which their bond was taken, on motion the court may stay proceedings against such bail for a reasonable time, on their payment of all costs accrued against them. On such appeal, if the judgment against the principal is reversed, and he is discharged from such suit, the bail must be discharged from...

Section 2713.29 | Sheriff may discharge prisoner.

...The sheriff or jailer may discharge a person imprisoned on mesne or final process issued in a civil proceeding, when there is no money in his hands to pay for the sustenance of the prisoner, or he may detain such prisoner and hold the adverse party liable for such sustenance.

Section 2715.35 | Judgment against garnishee.

...Final judgment shall not be rendered against a garnishee under section 2715.091 of the Revised Code until the action against the defendant in attachment is determined. If judgment is rendered therein for the defendant in attachment, the garnishee shall be discharged, and recover costs. If the plaintiff recovers, and the garnishee delivers up the property and credits of the defendant in his possession, and pays the mo...

Section 2715.44 | Motion to discharge attachment.

...Before judgment, upon reasonable notice to the plaintiff, the defendant may move to discharge an attachment as to the whole or any of the property attached. The motion shall promptly be heard and decided by the court.

Section 2715.45 | Evidence on motion to discharge.

...When, on the part of the defendant, a motion to discharge an attachment is made on affidavits or papers and evidence in the case, but not otherwise, the plaintiff may oppose it by affidavits or other evidence, in addition to that on which the order of attachment was made.

Section 2715.46 | Appeal to reverse, vacate, or modify order of attachment.

...A party to a suit affected by an order discharging or refusing to discharge an order of attachment may appeal on questions of law to reverse, vacate, or modify it as in other cases; and the original action shall proceed to trial and judgment as though no appeal had been taken.

Section 2715.49 | Administrator or executor may file appeal.

...If a party who excepts to an order discharging or refusing to discharge an order of attachment dies within the time limited for filing his appeal, the administrator or executor of such party, within thirty days after his appointment and qualification, may file his appeal, and thereby become a party to the action. He shall not be required to give the bond required by section 2715.48 of the Revised Code. No such appe...

Section 2725.17 | Discharge of prisoner.

...When the judge has examined the cause of caption and detention of a person brought before him as provided in section 2725.12 of the Revised Code, and is satisfied that such person is unlawfully imprisoned or detained, he shall forthwith discharge such person from confinement. On such examination, the judge may disregard matters of form or technicalities in any mittimus or order of commitment by a court or officer aut...

Section 2901.24 | Personal liability for organizational conduct.

...(A) An officer, agent, or employee of an organization as defined in section 2901.23 of the Revised Code may be prosecuted for an offense committed by such organization, if he acts with the kind of culpability required for the commission of the offense, and any of the following apply: (1) In the name of the organization or in its behalf, he engages in conduct constituting the offense, or causes another to engage in s...

Section 2909.081 | Interfering with operation of aircraft with laser.

...(A) No person shall knowingly discharge a laser or other device that creates visible light into the cockpit of an aircraft that is in the process of taking off or landing or is in flight. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of interfering with the operation of an aircraft with a laser, a felony of the second degree. (C) As used in this section, "laser" means both of the following: (1) Any device that utili...

Section 2923.14 | Relief from weapons disability.

...(A)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2) of this section, any person who is prohibited from acquiring, having, carrying, or using firearms may apply to the court of common pleas in the county in which the person resides for relief from such prohibition. (2) Division (A)(1) of this section does not apply to a person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of section 2923.132 of the Re...

Section 2930.16 | Notice of incarceration and release date.

...(A) If a defendant is incarcerated, a victim or victim's representative who has requested to receive notice under this section shall be given notice of the incarceration of the defendant. If an alleged juvenile offender is committed to the temporary custody of a school, camp, institution, or other facility operated for the care of delinquent children or to the legal custody of the department of youth services, a vict...

Section 2933.05 | Warrant to keep the peace - disposition, bond, costs.

...The municipal or county court judge or mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court, upon the appearance of the parties pursuant to sections 2933.02 to 2933.04 of the Revised Code, shall hear the witnesses under oath and do one of the following: (A) Discharge the accused, render judgment against the complainant for costs, and award execution for the costs; (B) Order the accused to enter into a bond of not less tha...

Section 2933.09 | Warrant to keep the peace - failure to enter into bond.

...In the case of an appeal from the decision of a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court to the appropriate municipal or county court, if the accused fails to enter into a bond ordered pursuant to section 2933.08 of the Revised Code, the municipal or county court shall commit the accused to jail until he enters into a bond or is discharged by law, and shall render judgment against him for costs and award executi...

Section 2937.12 | Preliminary hearing - presentation of case of accused.

...(A) At the conclusion of the presentation of the state's case accused may move for discharge for failure of proof or may offer evidence on his own behalf. Prior to the offering of evidence on behalf of the accused, unless accused is then represented by counsel, the court or magistrate shall advise accused: (1) That any testimony of witnesses offered by him in the proceeding may, if unfavorable in any particular, be...

Section 2937.45 | Commitment forms.

...Commitments substantially in the forms following are sufficient: COMMITMENT AFTER EXAMINATION The State of Ohio, ____________________ County, ss: To the Keeper of the Jail of the County aforesaid, greeting: Whereas, E.F. has been arrested, on the oath of C.D., for (here describe the offense), and has been examined by me on such charge, and required to give bail in the sum of _______________ dollars for his appear...

Section 2939.031 | Additional or alternate jurors.

...When it appears to the judge impaneling a grand jury that the inquiry is likely to be protracted, or upon direction of the judge, an additional or alternate juror shall be selected in the same manner as the regular jurors in the inquiry are selected. The additional or alternate juror shall be sworn and seated near the jury, with equal opportunity for seeing and hearing the proceedings, shall attend the inquiry at all...

Section 2939.121 | Employer may not penalize employee for being subpoenaed before grand jury.

...No employer shall discharge or terminate from employment, threaten to discharge or terminate from employment, or otherwise punish or penalize any employee because of time lost from regular employment as a result of the employee's attendance at any proceeding before a grand jury pursuant to a subpoena. This section generally does not require and shall not be construed to require an employer to pay an employee for time...

Section 2939.16 | Sickness, death, discharge, or nonattendance of a grand juror.

...In case of sickness, death, discharge, or nonattendance of a grand juror after the grand jury is sworn, the court may cause another to be sworn in his stead. The court shall charge such juror as required by section 2939.07 of the Revised Code.

Section 2939.17 | Summoning new grand jury - immunity of witnesses.

...After the grand jury is discharged, the court of common pleas, when necessary, may order the drawing and impaneling of a new grand jury, which shall be summoned and returned as provided by section 2939.03 of the Revised Code and shall be sworn and proceed in the manner provided by sections 2939.06 to 2939.24, inclusive, of the Revised Code. Whenever the governor or general assembly directs the attorney general to con...

Section 2941.30 | Amending indictment, information, or bill of particulars.

...The court may at any time before, during, or after a trial amend the indictment, information, or bill of particulars, in respect to any defect, imperfection, or omission in form or substance, or of any variance with the evidence, provided no change is made in the name or identity of the crime charged. If any amendment is made to the substance of the indictment or information or to cure a variance between the indictme...

Section 2945.40 | Acquittal by reason of insanity.

...(A) If a person is found not guilty by reason of insanity, the verdict shall state that finding, and the trial court shall conduct a full hearing to determine whether the person is a person with a mental illness subject to court order or a person with an intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by court order. Prior to the hearing, if the trial judge believes that there is probable cause that the perso...

Section 2945.451 | Employer may not penalize employee for being subpoenaed to criminal proceeding.

...No employer shall discharge or terminate from employment, threaten to discharge or terminate from employment, or otherwise punish or penalize any employee because of time lost from regular employment as a result of the employee's attendance at any proceeding in a criminal case pursuant to a subpoena. This section generally does not require and shall not be construed to require an employer to pay an employee for time ...

Section 2947.16 | Recognizance of misdemeanant to keep the peace and be of good behavior.

...A person convicted of a misdemeanor may be required by the judge or magistrate to enter into a recognizance, with sufficient surety, in such sum as the judge or magistrate finds proper, to keep the peace and be of good behavior for such time, not exceeding two years, as the court directs. The court may order such person to stand committed until such order is complied with or he is discharged by law, but the court ma...