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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 742.521 | Credit for military service.

...(A) As used in this section, "armed forces" of the United States means the army, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, or any reserve components of such forces; the national guard; the commissioned corps of the United States public health service; the merchant marine service during wartime; auxiliary corps as established by congress; service as a red cross nurse with the army, navy, air force, hospital service ...

Section 903.09 | Issuance of draft permits.

...(A) Prior to issuing or modifying a permit to install, permit to operate, or NPDES permit, the director of agriculture shall issue a draft permit. The director or the director's representative shall mail notice of the issuance of a draft permit to the applicant and shall publish the notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the concentrated animal feeding facility or discharger is locat...

Section 903.18 | Issuing emergency orders.

...(A) Notwithstanding sections 903.16 and 903.17 of the Revised Code, if the director of agriculture determines that an emergency exists requiring immediate action to protect the public health or safety or the environment, the director may issue an order, without notice or adjudication hearing, stating the existence of the emergency and requiring that action be taken that is necessary to meet the emergency. The order s...

Section 903.20 | Concentrated animal feeding facility advisory committee.

...(A) There is hereby created the concentrated animal feeding facility advisory committee consisting of the directors of agriculture, development, environmental protection, and natural resources and the dean of the college of food, agricultural, and environmental sciences of the Ohio state university, or their designees, as members ex officio, and sixteen members to be appointed by the director of agriculture. Of the a...

Section 917.17 | Confidential information.

...All information that is furnished to or procured by the director of agriculture under sections 917.01 to 917.23 of the Revised Code shall be for the exclusive use and information of the director in the discharge of his official duties and shall not be open to the public or be used in any court in any action or proceeding therein unless the director is a party to such action or proceeding; but such information ...

Section 939.07 | Assessment of corrective actions and penalties.

...(A)(1) The director of agriculture may propose to require corrective actions and assess a civil penalty against the owner or operator of agricultural land or an animal feeding operation if the director or the director's designee determines that the owner or operator is doing one of the following: (a) Not complying with a standard established in rules adopted under division (E)(1) of section 939.02 of the Revised Cod...

Section 940.05 | Governing body of district.

...(A) The board of supervisors of a soil and water conservation district shall consist of five supervisors, as provided for in section 940.04 of the Revised Code. (B) The board shall organize annually by selecting a chairperson, a secretary, and a treasurer. It shall designate one of its members as fiscal agent. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. The concurrence of a majority of the board in any matte...

Section 955.16 | Disposing of impounded dogs.

...(A) Dogs that have been seized by the county dog warden and impounded shall be kept, housed, and fed for three days for the purpose of redemption, as provided by section 955.18 of the Revised Code, unless any of the following applies: (1) Immediate humane destruction of the dog is necessary because of obvious disease or injury. If the diseased or injured dog is registered, as determined from the current year's regi...

Section 102.05 | Ohio ethics commission created.

...There is hereby created the Ohio ethics commission consisting of six members, three of whom shall be members of each of the two major political parties, to be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Within thirty days of the effective date of this section, the governor shall make initial appointments to the commission. Of the initial appointments made to the commission, one shall be for ...

Section 103.17 | Subpoena power and contempt proceedings.

...In the discharge of any duties imposed by law, any member of the Ohio legislative service commission shall have the authority throughout the state to administer oaths, issue subpoenas compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of any papers, books, accounts, and testimony; and to cause the deposition of witnesses either residing in or without the state. In case of disobedience on the part of any person...

Section 103.72 | Officers - expenses.

...The correctional institution inspection committee, by a vote of at least five members, shall select from its membership a chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary. The members of the committee shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties.

Section 105.25 | Expenses of commissioners.

...The commissioners of the state council of uniform state laws shall receive no compensation for their services. The actual traveling and other necessary expenses of each commissioner incurred in the discharge of official duties shall be paid by the state.

Section 109.03 | Appointment of assistant attorney general and chief counsel - duties.

...The attorney general may appoint a first assistant attorney general, a chief counsel, and assistant attorneys general, each of whom shall be an attorney at law, to serve for the term for which the attorney general is elected, unless sooner discharged by him, and each shall perform such duties, not otherwise provided by law, as are assigned him by the attorney general.

Section 109.57 | Duties of superintendent.

...(A)(1) The superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation shall procure from wherever procurable and file for record photographs, pictures, descriptions, fingerprints, measurements, and other information that may be pertinent of all persons who have been convicted of committing within this state a felony, any crime constituting a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony on subsequent o...

Section 109.86 | Investigation and prosecution of patient abuse or neglect.

...(A) The attorney general shall investigate any activity the attorney general has reasonable cause to believe is in violation of section 2903.34 of the Revised Code. Upon written request of the governor, the general assembly, the auditor of state, or the director of health, job and family services, aging, mental health and addiction services, or developmental disabilities, the attorney general shall investigate ...

Section 1105.04 | Individual, schedule, or blanket fidelity bonds.

...Each officer and employee of a state bank, prior to the discharge of the officer's or employee's duties, shall be covered by an individual, schedule, or blanket fidelity bond in favor of the bank, with terms and issuing insurer approved by the board of directors. The amount of the bond shall be set by the board of directors, and shall be reasonable given the size of the bank and nature of its business. The board of d...

Section 1109.06 | Designating on signature card deposit is in trust for another.

...(A) Whenever a depositor opens or modifies the ownership of a deposit account by designating on the signature card the deposit is in trust for another, and no further notice of the existence and terms of a legal and valid trust is given in writing to the bank, both of the following apply: (1) The designation on the signature card constitutes clear and convincing evidence of both of the following: (a) The depositor-...

Section 1109.07 | Deposits payable to survivor - deposits payable on death.

...(A) When a deposit is made in the name of two or more persons, payable to either or the survivor, the bank may pay all of the deposit, any part of the deposit, or any interest earned on the deposit, to either of the named persons, or the guardian of the estate of either of the named persons, whether or not the other person is living. The receipt or acquittance of the person paid is a sufficient release and discharge ...

Section 111.14 | Statistics of all other officers returnable to secretary of state.

...All classes of statistics returnable to the auditor of state, attorney general, or other state officer, shall be transferred by such officer to the secretary of state, subject to the use of such officer so far as necessary in the discharge of his duties.

Section 1111.08 | Transferring fiduciary account or relationship.

...(A) A trust company, or a national bank or federal savings association authorized to accept and execute trusts and doing business under authority granted by the office of the comptroller of the currency may transfer all or part of its trust business in this state to another trust company or to a national bank or federal savings association authorized to accept and execute trusts and doing business under authority gra...

Section 113.19 | Audit of outgoing treasurer of state.

...(A) When the term of the treasurer of state or acting treasurer of state expires, or he resigns, is removed, or is suspended from office, an audit shall be made by the auditor of state of the state treasury and the custodial funds of the treasurer of state. The liability of the outgoing treasurer of state, acting treasurer of state, or their respective sureties, shall not be discharged until the audit is completed by...

Section 117.091 | Appointing investigators.

...For the purpose of discharging the duties of the auditor of state, the auditor of state may appoint any investigators that are necessary. The auditor of state shall not appoint a person as an investigator under this section unless the person holds a valid certificate from the Ohio peace officer training council. While engaged in the scope of the investigator's duties in enforcing this chapter, an investigator a...

Section 117.20 | Rule making procedure.

...(A) In adopting rules pursuant to Chapter 117. of the Revised Code, the auditor of state or the auditor of state's designee shall do both of the following: (1) Before adopting any such rule, except a rule of an emergency nature, do each of the following: (a) At least thirty-five days before any public hearing on the proposed rule-making action, mail or send by electronic mail notice of the hearing to each pub...

Section 118.24 | Issuing advance tax payment notes.

...(A) Subject to approvals by the financial planning and supervision commission or, when authorized by the commission, the financial supervisor under section 118.15 of the Revised Code and this section, a municipal corporation, county, or township may issue advance tax payment notes as provided in this section. (B) As used in this section "advance tax payment" or "payment" means payment by or on behalf of any taxpayer...

Section 121.37 | Ohio family and children first cabinet council.

...(A)(1) There is hereby created the Ohio family and children first cabinet council. The council shall be composed of the director of education and workforce, the executive director of the opportunities for Ohioans with disabilities agency, the medicaid director, and the directors of youth services, job and family services, mental health and addiction services, health, developmental disabilities, aging, rehabilitation ...