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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 1745.53 | Jurisdiction of court over winding up of affairs of voluntarily dissolved unincorporated nonprofit association.

...(A) Without limiting the generality of its authority, the court of common pleas of the county in this state in which is located the principal office of a voluntarily dissolved unincorporated nonprofit association or of an unincorporated nonprofit association whose period of existence has expired, upon the complaint of the association, a majority of the managers, or a creditor or member of the association and up...

Section 1745.54 | Receiver for winding up affairs of association.

...(A) If after an unincorporated nonprofit association is dissolved voluntarily or the period of existence of the association has expired a receiver is appointed to wind up the affairs of the association, all of the claims, demands, rights, interests, or liens of creditors, claimants, and members shall be determined as of the day on which the receiver was appointed. Unless it is otherwise ordered, that appointmen...

Section 1746.13 | Liability to third persons - insurance.

...(A) Liability to third persons for any act, omission, or obligation of a business trust that has made the filings described in section 1746.04 of the Revised Code or a trustee or trustees of a business trust when acting in such capacity, shall extend to the whole of the trust estate held by such trustee or trustees, or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge such liability, but no such liability shall attach...

Section 175.03 | Members - appointment - terms - compensation.

...(A)(1) The Ohio housing finance agency consists of eleven members. The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint nine of the members. The other two members are the director of commerce and the director of development or their respective designees. (2) The governor shall appoint one member with experience in residential housing construction; one with experience in residential housing mortgage...

Section 175.13 | Enforcement of agreement with bondholders - tax-exempt status of bonds.

...(A) Any agreement the Ohio housing finance agency enters into with bondholders is a contract that the agency shall enforce and no action of the general assembly or any state agency may limit or alter the terms of that agreement or the authority of the agency or its successors to fulfill the terms of that agreement. No state agency may impair any right or remedy of the holders of bonds until the agency has fully met a...

Section 1751.11 | Evidence of coverage.

...(A) Every subscriber of a health insuring corporation is entitled to an evidence of coverage for the health care plan under which health care benefits are provided. (B) Every subscriber of a health insuring corporation that offers basic health care services is entitled to an identification card or similar document that specifies the health insuring corporation's name as stated in its articles of incorporation,...

Section 1776.44 | General standards of partner's conduct.

...(A) The only fiduciary duties a partner owes to the partnership and the other partners are the duty of loyalty and the duty of care set forth in divisions (B) and (C) of this section. (B) A partner's duty of loyalty to the partnership and the other partners is limited to the following: (1) To account to the partnership and hold as trustee for it any property, profit, or benefit derived by the partner in the ...

Section 1776.56 | Dissociated partner's liability to other persons.

...(A) A partner's dissociation does not of itself discharge the partner's liability for a partnership obligation incurred before dissociation. A dissociated partner is not liable for a partnership obligation incurred after dissociation, except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section. (B) A partner who dissociates without resulting in a dissolution and winding up of the partnership business is liabl...

Section 1776.63 | Right to wind up partnership business.

...(A) After dissolution, a partner who has not wrongfully dissociated may participate in winding up the partnership's business, but on the application of any partner, a partner's legal representative, or a transferee, the court of common pleas for good cause shown, may order judicial supervision of the winding up. (B) The legal representative of the last surviving partner may wind up a partnership's business. ...

Section 1776.67 | Settlement of accounts and contributions among partners.

...(A) In winding up a partnership's business, any assets of the partnership, including the contributions this section requires the partners to make, shall be applied to discharge or make reasonable provision for its obligations to creditors, including, to the extent permitted by law, partners who are creditors. Any surplus shall be applied to pay in cash the net amount distributable to partners in accordance ...

Section 1782.19 | Rights, powers, and liabilities of limited partners.

...(A) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, a limited partner shall not become liable for the obligations of a limited partnership unless the limited partner is also a general partner or, in addition to the exercise of the limited partner's rights and powers as a limited partner, the limited partner participates in the control of the business. However, if the limited partner participates in the control of...

Section 1782.46 | Partners or court may wind up affairs.

...(A) Except as otherwise provided in the partnership agreement, the general partners who have not wrongfully dissolved a limited partnership or, if none, the limited partners or a liquidating trustee approved by the limited partners as provided in the partnership agreement, may wind up the affairs of the limited partnership. Upon application of any partner or his legal representative or assignee , the court of common...

Section 183.51 | Assignment of amounts received by state under agreement.

...(A) As used in this section and in the applicable bond proceedings unless otherwise provided: (1) "Bond proceedings" means the resolutions, orders, indentures, purchase and sale and trust and other agreements including any amendments or supplements to them, and credit enhancement facilities, and amendments and supplements to them, or any one or more or combination of them, authorizing, awarding, or providing for the...

Section 187.10 | Bribery.

...(A) No person, with purpose to corrupt a director, officer, or employee of JobsOhio, shall promise, offer, or give any valuable thing or valuable benefit. (B) No person who is a director, officer, or employee of JobsOhio, either before or after being appointed, qualified, or employed in that capacity, shall knowingly solicit or accept for self or another person any valuable thing or valuable benefit to corrup...

Section 1901.15 | Powers of the presiding municipal judge.

...In addition to the exercise of all the powers of a municipal judge, the presiding municipal judge has the general supervision of the business of the court and may classify and distribute among the judges the business pending in the court. He shall determine the amount and approve the surety and the terms of all official bonds. The presiding municipal judge may appoint a qualified substitute to serve during the disabi...

Section 1901.20 | Criminal and traffic jurisdiction.

...(A)(1) The municipal court has jurisdiction to hear misdemeanor cases committed within its territory and has jurisdiction over the violation of any ordinance of any municipal corporation within its territory, including exclusive jurisdiction over every civil action concerning a violation of a state traffic law or a municipal traffic ordinance. The municipal court does not have jurisdiction over a violation that is re...

Section 1901.32 | Bailiffs.

...(A) The bailiffs and deputy bailiffs of a municipal court shall be provided for, and their duties are, as follows: (1) Except for the Hamilton county municipal court, the court shall appoint a bailiff who shall receive the annual compensation that the court prescribes payable in either biweekly installments or semimonthly installments, as determined by the payroll administrator, from the same sources and in the same...

Section 1905.30 | Offender may be confined until fine paid.

...When a fine is the whole or part of a sentence, the mayor's court may order the person sentenced to remain confined in the county jail, workhouse, or prison of the municipal corporation, until the fine is paid or secured to be paid, or the offender is legally discharged.

Section 1905.34 | Party committed in default of payment.

...When a fine imposed for the violation of an ordinance of a municipal corporation is not paid, the party convicted may, by order of the mayor of the municipal corporation, or other proper authority, or on process issued for the purpose, be committed until such fine and the costs of prosecution are paid, or until the party convicted is legally discharged.

Section 1905.35 | Imprisonment.

...Imprisonment under the ordinances of a municipal corporation shall be in the workhouse or other jail of the municipal corporation. Any municipal corporation not provided with a workhouse, or other jail, may, for the purpose of imprisonment, use the county jail, at the expense of the municipal corporation, until the municipal corporation is provided with a prison, house of correction, or workhouse. Persons so imprison...

Section 2101.01 | Probate division - location - equipment - employees.

...(A) A probate division of the court of common pleas shall be held at the county seat in each county in an office furnished by the board of county commissioners, in which the books, records, and papers pertaining to the probate division shall be deposited and safely kept by the probate judge. The board shall provide suitable equipment or other necessary items for the safekeeping and preservation of the books, re...

Section 2101.03 | Bond of probate judge.

...Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, before entering upon the discharge of official duties, the probate judge shall give a bond to the state in a sum not less than five thousand dollars. The bond shall have sufficient surety, shall be approved by the board of county commissioners or by the county auditor and county recorder in the absence from the county of two of the members of the boa...

Section 2101.07 | Master commissioners - powers - fees.

...A special master commissioner of the probate court may administer all oaths required in the discharge of the commissioner's duties, may summon and enforce the attendance of witnesses, may compel the production of books and papers, and may grant adjournments the same as the court, and, when the court directs, the commissioner shall require the witnesses severally to subscribe the witnesses' testimony. All proc...

Section 2101.11 | Court records - investigators - bond.

...(A)(1) The probate judge shall have the care and custody of the files, papers, books, and records belonging to the probate court. The probate judge is authorized to perform the duties of clerk of the judge's court. The probate judge may appoint deputy clerks, court reporters, a bailiff, and any other necessary employees, each of whom shall take an oath of office before entering upon the duties of the employee's...

Section 2101.13 | Probate judge shall make entries omitted by his predecessor.

...When a probate judge, whether elected or appointed, enters upon the discharge of the judge's official duties, the judge shall make, in the books and other record-keeping materials of the judge's office, the proper records, entries, and indexes omitted by the judge's predecessors in office. When made, the entries shall have the same validity and effect as though they had been made at the proper time and by the ...