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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 2315.06 | Cause may be resubmitted.

...When the jury is discharged during a trial or after a cause is submitted, such cause may at once be tried again, or on a future day, as the court directs.

Section 2317.24 | Release of witness from imprisonment.

...A witness imprisoned by an officer under section 2317.22 of the Revised Code may apply to a judge of the supreme court, court of appeals, court of common pleas, or probate court, who may discharge him if it appears that such imprisonment is illegal.

Section 2329.071 | Property unsold twelve months after decree.

...(A) If a decree of foreclosure has been entered with respect to residential real property but the property has not been sold or a sale of the property is not underway, then, beginning twelve months after the entry of the decree of foreclosure, either of the following may occur: (1) The local political subdivision may request, by motion or resolution, or by other means, that the county prosecuting attorney file a mo...

Section 2329.22 | Rule as to sale of lands by state.

...Sections 2329.19 to 2329.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code do not affect the sale of lands by the state. All lands, the property of individuals, indebted to the state for debt, taxes, or in any other manner shall be sold without valuation for the discharge of such debt or taxes.

Section 2329.56 | Penalty for neglecting to serve as appraiser.

...When a freeholder, summoned as an appraiser, fails to appear at the time and place appointed by the officers ordering the freeholder's appearance and discharge the duty as such, on complaint made to a judge of the county court in the district in which such freeholder resides, unless the freeholder has a reasonable excuse, the freeholder shall pay fifty dollars for each neglect, which shall be collected by the judge, ...

Section 2329.57 | Execution issued to another county may be returned by mail.

... or coroner having the execution, after discharging all the duties required of him, may transmit it by mail to the clerk of the court who issued the writ. On proof by such sheriff or coroner that it was mailed soon enough to reach the office where it was issued within the time prescribed by law, he shall not be liable to amercement or penalty if it does not reach the office in due time.

Section 2331.01 | Execution against person.

...An execution against the person of a judgment debtor shall require the officer to arrest such debtor and commit him to the jail of the county until he pays the judgment, or is discharged according to law.

Section 2331.02 | Execution may issue.

...An execution against the person of a debtor may be issued upon any judgment for the payment of money: (A) When the judgment debtor has removed, or begun to remove, any of his property out of the jurisdiction of the court, with intent to prevent the collection of the money due on the judgment; (B) When the judgment debtor has property, rights in action, evidences of debt, or interest or stock in a corporation or co...

Section 2331.09 | One arrested before judgment.

...If a person who is imprisoned under an order of arrest made before judgment is not charged in execution within ten days after judgment, he shall be discharged from such imprisonment.

Section 2331.16 | Prisoner entitled to benefit of prison bounds.

...A prisoner is not entitled to the privilege of prison bounds until he gives bond to the creditors, with two or more sureties, resident in the county, approved by the judge or mayor who issued the process, or, in other cases, by the probate judge, in double the sum for which he stands committed, for his safe continuance in the custody of the jailer within the limits of the prison bounds, until legally discharged, whic...

Section 2333.05 | Attachment against garnishee.

...If the garnishee refuses to appear, as required by the notice mentioned in section 2333.04 of the Revised Code, an attachment may be issued against him, upon proof made of due service of the notice. Having appeared, if he refuses to answer the questions asked him, the officer before whom the examination is had shall commit him to the jail of the county until he answers such questions, or is discharged according to l...

Section 2333.06 | Payments and delivery to officer holding writ.

...The garnishee shall pay over to the officer holding a writ of execution all money in his hands, or under his control, or which may come into his hands or control, belonging to the defendant mentioned in section 2333.02 of the Revised Code, not exceeding the amount of the judgment and costs, and deliver to the officer all property and credits of the defendant in his hands, or which may come into his hands, and take ...

Section 2333.20 | Debtor may pay execution against creditor.

...After the issuance of execution against property, a person indebted to the judgment debtor may pay to the sheriff the amount of his debt, or so much as is necessary to satisfy the execution. The sheriff's receipt shall be a sufficient discharge for the amount so paid or directed to be credited by the judgment creditor on the execution.

Section 2335.03 | Assignment commissioners.

...The judges of the court of common pleas of any county where two or more such judges hold court at the same time, may, in joint session, appoint assignment commissioners to attend to the assignment of all cases for trial and to discharge such other duties as the court requires. Such assignment commissioners shall be allowed such compensation for their services as the court appointing them determines, and shall be paid...

Section 2335.19 | Certificate of judgment for costs.

...(A) On the rendition of judgment in any cause in any court, the costs of the party recovering, together with the party's debt or damages, shall be carried into the party's judgment, and the costs of the party against whom that judgment is rendered shall be separately stated in the record or docket entry. No party in whose favor judgment for costs is rendered in a cause may release, satisfy, or discharge, in whole or ...

Section 2337.07 | Judgments and awards on foreign-money claims - times of money conversion - form of judgment.

...(A) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, a judgment or award on a foreign-money claim must be stated in an amount of the money of the claim. (B) A judgment or award on a foreign-money claim is payable in that foreign money or, at the option of the debtor, in the amount of United States dollars which will purchase that foreign money on the conversion date at a bank-offered spot rate. (C) Assessed cost...

Section 2503.05 | Appointment of officers and employees.

...The supreme court may appoint the clerk of the supreme court, the reporter of the supreme court, the administrative director of the supreme court, the law librarian of the court, the marshal of the court, the administrative assistant to the chief justice, and assistants, deputies, clerks, stenographers, and other employees who are necessary for the prompt and efficient discharge of the duties of the offices of ...

Section 2503.07 | Deputy clerks.

...With the approval of the supreme court, the clerk of the supreme court may appoint two deputy clerks for the court, and when necessary he may appoint a deputy for the supreme court commission to be approved by the commission. The appointment of such deputies must be in writing, and entered on the journal of the respective courts. The clerk may require each deputy to give a bond in such amount and with such sureties ...

Section 2503.282 | Administrative director of supreme court to handle information requests.

...The justices, judges, clerks, and officers of the supreme court, the courts of appeals, the courts of common pleas, and the probate courts shall comply with all requests made by the administrative director of the supreme court for information bearing on the state of the dockets of such courts and such other information as the chief justice of the supreme court may determine to be necessary in order to discharge his l...

Section 2503.29 | Appointment and compensation of stenographers.

...The supreme court shall appoint such stenographers as are necessary for the prompt and efficient discharge of the business of said court, and shall fix the compensation to be paid therefor, which compensation shall be paid from the state treasury in monthly installments upon the certificate of the chief justice of the supreme court.

Section 2505.13 | Supersedeas bond lien upon the land of the sureties.

...If a supersedeas bond has been executed and filed and the surety is one other than a surety company, the clerk of the court with which the bond has been filed, upon request, shall issue a certificate that sets forth the fact that the bond has been filed and that states the style and number of the appeal, the amount of the bond, and the sureties on it. Such a certificate may be filed in the office of the county ...

Section 2701.07 | Court constables - duties.

...When, in the opinion of the court, the business thereof so requires, each court of common pleas, court of appeals, and, in counties having at the last or any future federal census more than seventy thousand inhabitants, the probate court, may appoint one or more constables to preserve order, attend the assignment of cases in counties where more than two judges of the court of common pleas regularly hold court at the ...

Section 2705.08 | Release of prisoner committed for contempt.

...When a person is committed to jail for contempt, the court or judge who made the order may discharge him from imprisonment when it appears that the public interest will not suffer thereby.

Section 2713.08 | Custody of the defendant.

...The defendant, when arrested pursuant to section 2713.07 of the Revised Code, must be committed to the jail of the county and kept in custody until discharged by law.

Section 2713.09 | Defendant may deposit money.

...Before or after giving bail, the defendant may deposit with the sheriff, or in court, the amount specified in the order of arrest issued pursuant to section 2713.02 of the Revised Code; whereupon the defendant must be discharged, or his bail be released.