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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 341.21 | Confinement of federal or state prisoners in county jail.

...(A) The board of county commissioners may direct the sheriff to receive into custody prisoners charged with or convicted of crime by the United States, and to keep those prisoners until discharged. The board of the county in which prisoners charged with or convicted of crime by the United States may be so committed may negotiate and conclude any contracts with the United States for the use of the jail as provided by...

Section 345.08 | Board of trustees.

...Within five days after the certification to the taxing authority of the result of an election held under sections 345.02 to 345.05 of the Revised Code, provided a majority of the votes cast on the proposal submitted are in favor of such proposal, or within five days after adoption by the taxing authority of an ordinance or resolution to authorize the issuance of any such bonds without a vote of the electors, th...

Section 349.14 | Election on question of dissolution of authority.

...Except as provided in section 349.03 of the Revised Code, or as otherwise provided in a resolution adopted by the organizational board of commissioners of a new community authority, a new community authority organized under this chapter may be dissolved only on the vote of a majority of the voters of the new community district at a special election called by the board of trustees on the question of dissolution. Such ...

Section 3501.33 | Authority of precinct officials.

...All precinct election officials shall enforce peace and good order in and about the place of registration or election. They shall especially keep the place of access of the electors to the polling place open and unobstructed and prevent and stop any improper practices or attempts tending to obstruct, intimidate, or interfere with any elector in registering or voting. They shall protect observers against molesta...

Section 3505.21 | Appointment of challengers and witnesses.

...(A) As used in this section : (1) " During the casting of the ballots" includes any of the following: (a) Any time during which a board of elections permits an elector to vote an absent voter's ballot in person at the office of the board; (b) Any time ballots may be cast in a precinct polling place on the day of an election; (c) Any time during which a board of elections processes absent voter's ballots befor...

Section 3505.40 | Electoral vote to be cast for party nominees.

...3505.39 of the Revised Code shall, when discharging the duties enjoined upon him by the constitution or laws of the United States, cast his electoral vote for the nominees for president and vice-president of the political party which certified him to the secretary of state as a presidential elector pursuant to law.

Section 351.07 | Employees of authority.

...(A)(1) A convention facilities authority shall employ and fix the qualifications, duties, and compensation of employees and enter into contracts for professional services as it may require to conduct the business of the authority, provided that no full-time employees shall be employed until the authority adopts and implements a policy regarding hiring preferences for veterans. The authority at any time may suspend or...

Section 3517.22 | Infiltration of campaign - false statements in campaign materials - issues.

...(A) No person during the course of any campaign in advocacy of or in opposition to the adoption of any proposition or issue submitted to the voters shall knowingly and with intent to affect the outcome of such campaign do any of the following: (1) Serve, or place another person to serve, as an agent or employee in the election campaign organization of a committee which advocates or is in opposition to the adoption o...

Section 3599.07 | Unlawful possession or distribution of ballots.

...No precinct election official, observer, or police officer admitted into the polling rooms at the election, at any time while the polls are open, shall have in the individual's possession, distribute, or give out any ballot or ticket to any person on any pretense during the receiving, counting, or certifying of the votes, or have any ballot or ticket in the individual's possession or control, except in the prop...

Section 3701.14 | Special duties of director of health.

...(A) Subject to section 101.36 of the Revised Code, the director of health shall investigate or make inquiry as to the cause of disease or illness, including contagious, infectious, epidemic, pandemic, or endemic conditions, and take prompt action to control and suppress it. The reports of births and deaths, the sanitary conditions and effects of localities and employments, the personal and business habits of the peop...

Section 3701.504 | Program to identify newborn and infant hearing impairment.

...(A) The department of health shall establish and maintain a statewide hearing screening, tracking, and early intervention program to identify newborn and infant hearing impairment. The department shall also establish appropriate protocols for the treatment and follow-up care of newborns and infants with hearing impairment. (B) In the case of a child born in a hospital or freestanding birthing center, both of the ...

Section 3701.505 | Hospitals and freestanding birthing centers duties concerning hearing screening.

...(A)(1) Each hospital and each freestanding birthing center shall do all of the following: (a) Conduct a hearing screening on each newborn or infant born in the hospital or center unless the newborn or infant is transferred to another hospital; (b) Promptly notify the newborn's or infant's attending physician of the screening results; (c) Notify the department of health of the screening results for each newb...

Section 3701.5010 | Critical congenital heart defects screening.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Critical congenital heart defects screening" means the identification of a newborn that may have a critical congenital heart defect, through the use of a physiologic test. (2) "Freestanding birthing center" has the same meaning as in section 3702.141 of the Revised Code. (3) "Hospital," "maternity unit," "newborn," and "physician" have the same meanings as in section 3701.503...

Section 3701.63 | Shaken baby syndrome education program.

...(A) As used in this section and sections 3701.64, 3701.66, and 3701.67 of the Revised Code: (1) "Child care center," "type A family child care home," and "licensed type B family child care home" have the same meanings as in section 5104.01 of the Revised Code. (2) "Child care facility" means a child care center, a type A family child care home, or a licensed type B family child care home. (3) "Foster caregiv...

Section 3701.64 | [Amended and renumbered as R.C. 5180.15 by H.B. 33, 135th General Assembly, effective 1/1/2025] Distribution of shaken baby syndrome educational materials.

...(A) A copy of the shaken baby syndrome educational materials developed under section 3701.63 of the Revised Code shall be distributed in the following manner: (1) By child birth educators and the staff of obstetricians' offices, to an expectant parent who uses their services; (2) By the staff of pediatric physicians' offices, to any of the following who use their services: an infant's parent, guardian, or other per...

Section 3701.79 | Physician, hospital, and department abortion reports.

...(A) As used in this section and in sections 3701.791 and 3701.792 of the Revised Code : (1) "Abortion" has the same meaning as in section 2919.11 of the Revised Code. (2) "Abortion report" means a form completed pursuant to division (C) of this section. (3) "Ambulatory surgical facility" has the same meaning as in section 3702.30 of the Revised Code. (4) "Department" means the department of health. (5) "Hos...

Section 3701.792 | Child survival form.

...(A) The director of health shall develop a child survival form to be submitted to the department of health in accordance with division (B) of this section each time a child is born alive after an abortion or attempted abortion. In developing the form, the director may consult with obstetricians, maternal-fetal specialists, or any other professionals the director considers appropriate. The form shall include areas for...

Section 3702.34 | Option of having a long-acting reversible contraceptive placed after delivery; exception.

...(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, a freestanding birthing center shall modify operational processes to ensure that a woman giving birth in the freestanding birthing center has the option of having a long- acting reversible contraceptive placed after delivery and before the woman is discharged. (B) A freestanding birthing center is exempt from the requirement in division (A) of this section if ...

Section 3705.17 | Burial permit required - records to be kept.

...ensing in the department of commerce in discharging its duties prescribed in Chapter 4767. of the Revised Code and the Ohio cemetery dispute resolution commission created by section 4767.05 of the Revised Code. A local registrar or sub-registrar shall transmit payments of that portion of the amount of each fee collected under this section to the treasurer of state on a quarterly basis or more frequently, if possible....

Section 3705.41 | Vital records training.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Freestanding birthing center" has the same meaning as i n section 3702.141 of the Revised Code. (2) "Funeral services worker" means a person licensed as a funeral director or embalmer under Chapter 4717. of the Revised Code or an individual responsible for the direct final disposition of a deceased person. (3) "Hospital" means a hospital classified pursuant to rules adopted und...

Section 3706.01 | Air quality development authority definitions.

...As used in this chapter: (A) "Governmental agency" means a department, division, or other unit of state government, a municipal corporation, county, township, and other political subdivision, or any other public corporation or agency having the power to acquire, construct, or operate air quality facilities, the United States or any agency thereof, and any agency, commission, or authority established pursuant to an...

Section 3706.25 | Advanced energy projects definitions.

...As used in sections 3706.25 to 3706.29 of the Revised Code: (A) "Advanced energy project" means any technologies, products, activities, or management practices or strategies that facilitate the generation or use of electricity or energy and that reduce or support the reduction of energy consumption or support the production of clean, renewable energy for industrial, distribution, commercial, institutional, governme...

Section 3707.05 | Board must secure approval of department of health in certain cases.

...The board of health of a city or general health district shall not close public highways or prohibit travel thereon, interfere with public officers not afflicted with or directly exposed to a contagious or infectious disease, in the discharge of their official duties, or establish a quarantine of one municipal corporation or township against another municipal corporation or township, as such, without permission first...

Section 3709.085 | Contracts for enforcement services for air pollution control or supervision of sewage disposal systems.

...(A) The board of health of a city or general health district may enter into a contract with any political subdivision or other governmental agency to obtain or provide all or part of any services, including, but not limited to, enforcement services, for the purposes of Chapter 3704. of the Revised Code, the rules adopted and orders made pursuant thereto, or any other ordinances or rules for the prevention, cont...

Section 3709.21 | Orders and regulations of board of general health district.

...The board of health of a general health district may make such orders and regulations as are necessary for its own government, for the public health, the prevention or restriction of disease, and the prevention, abatement, or suppression of nuisances. Such board may require that no human, animal, or household wastes from sanitary installations within the district be discharged into a storm sewer, open ditch, or...