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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 3736.02 | Statewide source reduction, recycling, recycling market development and litter prevention programs.

...(A) The director of environmental protection shall establish and implement statewide source reduction, recycling, recycling market development, and litter prevention programs that are consistent with the state solid waste management plan adopted under section 3734.50 of the Revised Code. The programs shall include all of the following: (1) The assessment of waste generation within the state and implementation...

Section 3737.87 | Underground storage tank definitions.

...means any spilling, leaking, emitting, discharging, escaping, leaching, or disposing of from an underground storage tank system into ground or surface water or subsurface soils or otherwise into the environment. (N) Notwithstanding division (F) of section 3737.01 of the Revised Code, "responsible person" means the person who is the owner or operator of an underground storage tank system. (O) "Tank" means a sta...

Section 3740.11 | [Former R.C. 3701.881, amended and renumbered by H.B. 110, 134th General Assembly, effective 9/30/2021] Criminal records check.

...(A) As used in this section, "applicant" means a person who is under final consideration for employment with a home health agency in a full-time, part-time, or temporary position that involves providing direct care to an individual or is referred to a home health agency by an employment service for such a position. (B) No home health agency shall employ an applicant or continue to employ an employee in a position t...

Section 3743.06 | Operation of fireworks plants.

...In addition to conforming to the rules of the fire marshal adopted pursuant to section 3743.05 of the Revised Code, licensed manufacturers of fireworks shall operate their fireworks plants in accordance with the following: (A) Signs indicating that smoking is generally forbidden and trespassing is prohibited on the premises of a fireworks plant shall be posted on the premises in a manner determined by the fire...

Section 3743.19 | Additional requirements for wholesalers.

...In addition to conforming to the rules of the fire marshal adopted pursuant to section 3743.18 of the Revised Code, licensed wholesalers of fireworks shall conduct their business operations in accordance with the following: (A) A wholesaler shall conduct its business operations from the location described in its application for licensure or in a notification submitted under division (B) of section 3743.17 of ...

Section 3743.68 | Violators.

...(A) The fire marshal, an assistant fire marshal, or a certified fire safety inspector may arrest, or may cause the arrest of, any person whom the fire marshal, assistant fire marshal, or certified fire safety inspector finds in the act of violating, or who the fire marshal, assistant fire marshal, or certified fire safety inspector has reasonable cause to believe has violated, sections 3743.60 to 3743.66 of the Revi...

Section 3745.06 | Appeals to courts of appeals.

...Any party adversely affected by an order of the environmental review appeals commission may appeal to the court of appeals of Franklin county, or, if the appeal arises from an alleged violation of a law or regulation, to the court of appeals of the district in which the violation was alleged to have occurred. Any party desiring to so appeal shall file with the commission a notice of appeal designating the order appea...

Section 3746.01 | Voluntary action program definitions.

..., pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, migrating, dumping, or disposing of any hazardous substance or petroleum into the environment, including, without limitation, the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, or any other closed receptacle containing any hazardous substance, petroleum, or pollutant or contaminant. "Release" does not include any of the following: ...

Section 3750.02 | Emergency response commission.

...(A) There is hereby created the emergency response commission consisting of the directors of environmental protection and health, the chairperson of the public utilities commission, the fire marshal, the director of public safety, the director of transportation, the director of natural resources, the superintendent of the highway patrol, and the attorney general as members ex officio, or their designees; notwithst...

Section 3763.05 | Action for discovery.

...A person, liable under sections 3763.01 to 3763.08, inclusive, of the Revised Code, may be compelled to answer, upon oath, interrogatories annexed to the petition for the purpose of discovery of his liability. Upon discovery and repayment of the money or other thing, the person discovering and repaying it, with costs, shall be acquitted and discharged from further punishment, penalty, or forfeiture, for winning such ...

Section 3767.04 | Procedure in injunction action.

...(A) The civil action provided for in section 3767.03 of the Revised Code shall be commenced in the court of common pleas of the county in which the nuisance is located. At the commencement of the action, a complaint alleging the facts constituting the nuisance shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas. (B)(1) After the filing of the complaint, an application for a temporary injunction ma...

Section 3769.02 | State racing commission.

...A state racing commission is hereby established. It shall consist of five members, appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. Not more than three members shall be affiliated with the same political party. To be eligible for appointment, a person shall be a qualified elector of the state and a resident of the state for not less than five years immediately preceding appointment. No person sh...

Section 3770.04 | Commission may hold public hearings.

...For the purpose of conducting any study or investigation, the state lottery commission may direct that public hearings be held at a time and place, prescribed by the commission, in accordance with section 121.22 of the Revised Code. Hearings shall be held in Columbus, except that if the commission determines that another location is more convenient for those concerned, it may move the hearing to another location with...

Section 3770.072 | State income tax withholding and filing of report.

...(A) As used in this section, "prize winner," "transferee," and "transferor" have the same meanings as in section 3770.10 of the Revised Code. (B) The state lottery commission shall deduct amounts from lottery prize awards and file returns in accordance with sections 5747.062 and 5747.064 of the Revised Code and any rules adopted by the tax commissioner pursuant to those sections. This division also applies to...

Section 3770.14 | Payments to transferee - processing fee.

...(A) Upon receipt of a court order issued under section 3770.13 of the Revised Code, the transferee shall provide a certified copy of the court order to the director of the state lottery commission. Not later than ten days after receipt of the certified copy of the court order, the director shall acknowledge to the transferee in writing the commission's intent to comply with the court order in making future payments. ...

Section 3772.04 | Adjudications; hearings; orders.

...(A)(1) If the commission concludes that an applicant, licensee, or other person subject to the commission's jurisdiction under this chapter should be fined or penalized, or that a license required by this chapter or Chapter 3775. of the Revised Code should be limited, conditioned, restricted, suspended, revoked, denied, or not renewed, the commission may, and if so requested by the licensee, applicant, or other perso...

Section 3772.06 | Executive director.

...(A)(1) The commission shall appoint an executive director who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. The executive director is in the unclassified service, shall devote full time to the duties of the office, and shall hold no other office or employment. The executive director shall, by experience and training, possess management skills that equip the executive director to administer an enterprise of the...

Section 3773.33 | Ohio athletic commission.

...(A) There is hereby created the Ohio athletic commission. The commission shall consist of five voting members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate, not more than three of whom shall be of the same political party, and two nonvoting members, one of whom shall be a member of the senate appointed by and to serve at the pleasure of the president of the senate and one of whom shall be a memb...

Section 3781.10 | Board of building standards - powers and duties.

...(A)(1) The board of building standards shall formulate and adopt rules governing the erection, construction, repair, alteration, and maintenance of all buildings or classes of buildings specified in section 3781.06 of the Revised Code, including land area incidental to those buildings, the construction of industrialized units, the installation of equipment, and the standards or requirements for materials used in conn...

Section 3794.02 | Smoking prohibitions.

...Smoking Prohibitions. (A) No proprietor of a public place or place of employment, except as permitted in section 3794.03 of this chapter, shall permit smoking in the public place or place of employment or in the areas directly or indirectly under the control of the proprietor immediately adjacent to locations of ingress or egress to the public place or place of employment. (B) A proprietor of a public place or pla...

Section 3901.041 | Rule-making and adjudicating powers of superintendent.

...The superintendent of insurance shall adopt, amend, and rescind rules and make adjudications, necessary to discharge the superintendent's duties and exercise the superintendent's powers, including, but not limited to, the superintendent's duties and powers under Chapters 1751. and 1753. and Title XXXIX of the Revised Code, subject to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 3901.385 | Third-party payer - prohibited acts.

...A third-party payer shall not do either of the following: (A) Engage in any business practice that unfairly or unnecessarily delays the processing of a claim or the payment of any amount due for health care services rendered by a provider to a beneficiary; (B) Refuse to process or pay within the time periods specified in section 3901.381 of the Revised Code a claim submitted by a provider on the grounds the benefic...

Section 3903.14 | Employment of special deputies.

...(A) The superintendent of insurance as rehabilitator may appoint one or more special deputies, who shall have all the powers and responsibilities of the rehabilitator granted under this section, and the superintendent may employ such clerks and assistants as considered necessary. The compensation of the special deputies, clerks, and assistants and all expenses of taking possession of the insurer and of conducti...

Section 3903.21 | Liquidator - powers and duties.

...(A) The liquidator may do any of the following: (1) Appoint one or more special deputies to act for him under sections 3903.01 to 3903.59 of the Revised Code, and determine the deputies' reasonable compensation. Special deputies have all the powers of the liquidator granted by this section. Special deputies shall serve at the pleasure of the liquidator. (2) Employ employees and agents, actuaries, accountants, appra...

Section 3903.38 | Third party-party claims.

...(A) Whenever any third party asserts a cause of action against an insured of an insurer in liquidation, the third party may file a claim with the liquidator. (B) Whether or not the third party files a claim, the insured may file a claim on his own behalf in the liquidation. An insured who fails to file a claim by the date for filing claims specified in the order of liquidation or within sixty days after mailing of t...