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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 3903.40 | Claims secured by undertaking of another person.

...Whenever a creditor whose claim against an insurer is secured, in whole or in part, by the undertaking of another person, fails to prove and file that claim, the other person may do so in the creditor's name, and shall be subrogated to the rights of the creditor, whether the claim has been filed by the creditor or by the other person in the creditor's name, to the extent that he discharges the undertaking. In the abs...

Section 3903.42 | Priority of distribution of claims.

...The priority of distribution of claims from the insurer's estate shall be in accordance with the order in which each class of claims is set forth in this section. Every claim in each class shall be paid in full or adequate funds retained for such payment before the members of the next class receive any payment. No subclasses shall be established within any class. The order of distribution of claims shall be: ...

Section 3903.47 | Motion to reopen proceedings.

...After the liquidation proceeding has been terminated and the liquidator discharged, the superintendent of insurance or other interested party may at any time file a motion to reopen the proceedings for good cause, including the discovery of additional assets. If the court is satisfied that there is justification for reopening, it shall so order.

Section 3905.862 | Expiration or cancellation of appointment; fee.

...Upon the expiration or cancellation of a surety bail bond agent's appointment, the agent shall not engage or attempt to engage in any activity requiring such an appointment. However, an insurer that cancels the appointment of a surety bail bond agent may authorize the agent to continue to attempt the arrest and surrender of a defendant for whom a bail bond had been written prior to the cancellation and to seek ...

Section 3905.91 | Build-up funds.

...(A) All build-up funds posted by a surety bail bond agent or managing general agent, either with an insurer or managing general agent representing an insurer, shall be maintained in an individual build-up trust account for the surety bail bond agent by the insurer or the managing general agent. The insurer or managing general agent shall establish the account in a federally insured bank or savings and loan associatio...

Section 3911.011 | Variable or fixed and variable benefits or contractual payments.

...(A) No policy, annuity, or other contract providing variable or fixed and variable benefits or contractual payments shall be delivered or issued for delivery in this state except by a life insurance company, organized under the laws of this state, or a company, partnership, or association, organized or incorporated, by an act of congress, or under the laws of this or any other state of the United States, or any forei...

Section 3911.10 | Exemption of proceeds from claims of creditors.

...All contracts of life or endowment insurance or annuities upon the life of any person, or any interest therein, which may hereafter mature and which have been taken out for the benefit of, or made payable by change of beneficiary, transfer, or assignment to, the spouse or children, or any persons dependent upon such person, or an institution or entity described in division (B)(1) of section 3911.09 of the Revised Cod...

Section 3913.04 | Appointment of trustees - deposit retained by superintendent of insurance.

...The trustees provided for in section 3913.02 of the Revised Code shall be appointed and vacancies shall be filled by the superintendent of insurance. Such trustees shall be qualified directors of the corporation at the time of such appointment and shall continue as such trustees until the purpose of the trust is accomplished or abandoned, unless they are removed for cause by the superintendent. Said trustees shall fi...

Section 3918.05 | Coverage date.

...The term of any credit life insurance or credit accident and health insurance shall, subject to acceptance by the insurer, commence on the date when the debtor becomes obligated to the creditor, or the date from which interest or finance charges accrue if later, except that, where a group policy provides coverage with respect to existing obligations, the insurance on a debtor with respect to such indebtedness shall c...

Section 3922.09 | Request for expedited external review.

...(A) A covered person may make a request for an expedited external review, except as provided in division (I) of this section: (1) After an adverse benefit determination, if both of the following apply: (a) The covered person's treating physician certifies that the adverse benefit determination involves a medical condition that could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the covered person, or would jeop...

Section 3922.19 | Disclosure of external review procedures.

...(A) Each health plan issuer shall include a description of its external review procedures, including the superintendent's contractual review, in, or attached to, the policy, certificate, membership booklet, or outline of coverage, or other evidence of coverage it provides to covered persons. This disclosure shall be in a form prescribed by the superintendent in any associated rules, policies, or procedures. ...

Section 3923.04 | Policy standard provisions.

...Except as provided in section 3923.07 of the Revised Code, every policy of sickness and accident insurance delivered, issued for delivery, or used in this state shall contain the standard provisions specified in this section in the words in which the same appear in this section. Such standard provisions shall be preceded individually by the caption appearing in this section or, at the option of the insurer, by such a...

Section 3923.44 | Standards for full and fair disclosure for sale of long-term care insurance policies.

...(A) The superintendent of insurance, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may adopt rules that include standards for full and fair disclosure setting forth the manner, content, and required disclosures for the sale of long-term care insurance policies, terms of renewability, initial and subsequent conditions of eligibility, nonduplication of coverage provisions, coverage of dependents, preexisting cond...

Section 3929.18 | Lien of mutual companies for premium notes.

...Any building insured by a mutual company must be pledged to such company, together with the right and title of the insured in the land upon which it is situated, to the amount of the premium note or contingent liability, and the company shall have a lien on such building and land to the amount of such note or liability. Such lien shall not take effect until the company files, with the county recorder of the cou...

Section 3929.64 | Board of governors.

...(A)(1) A board of governors consisting of nine members shall govern the medical liability underwriting association. The members shall be appointed by the governor with the advice of the superintendent of insurance. Five shall be selected from insurers licensed to write and writing liability insurance in this state, at least two of which insurers must write medical liability insurance in this state. One shall be a lic...

Section 3929.86 | Fire loss claims.

...(A) No insurance company doing business in this state shall pay a claim of a named insured for fire damage to a structure located within a municipal corporation or township in this state where the amount recoverable for the fire loss to the structure under all policies exceeds five thousand dollars, unless the company is furnished with a certificate pursuant to division (B) of this section, and unless there is compli...

Section 3930.03 | Commercial insurance joint underwriting association - board of governors - plan of operation.

...(A) The Ohio commercial insurance joint underwriting association is hereby created, consisting of all insurers authorized to write and engaged in writing within the state, on a direct basis, commercial insurance, including the liability component of commercial multi-peril insurance. Every such insurer shall be a member of the association and shall remain a member as a condition of its authority to continue to transac...

Section 3937.31 | Policy period or guaranteed renewable successive policy periods.

...(A) Every automobile insurance policy shall be issued for a period of not less than one year or guaranteed renewable for successive policy periods totaling not less than one year. Where renewal is mandatory, "cancellation," as used in sections 3937.30 to 3937.39 of the Revised Code, includes refusal to renew a policy with at least the coverages, included insureds, and policy limits provided at the end of the ne...

Section 3956.08 | Duties as to impaired or insolvent member insurer.

...(A)(1) Subject to any conditions imposed as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, the Ohio life and health insurance guaranty association may do either of the following with respect to an impaired member insurer: (a) Guarantee, assume, reissue, or reinsure, or cause to be guaranteed, assumed, reissued, or reinsured, any or all of the policies or contracts of the impaired insurer; (b) Provide the moneys, ...

Section 3964.179 | Transfer of protected cells.

...(A) A protected cell of a protected cell captive insurance company may be transferred to another protected cell captive insurance company. (B) The protected cell captive insurance companies between which a protected cell is being transferred shall enter into a written agreement that sets forth the terms of the transfer. (C) A transfer of a protected cell shall be approved by the superintendent when all of th...

Section 4104.33 | Historical boilers licensing board.

...There is hereby created the historical boilers licensing board consisting of seven members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Terms of office shall be for five years, each term ending on the same day of the same month of the year as did the term that it succeeds. One member shall be an employee of the division of boiler inspection in the department of commerce; one member shall be an...

Section 4111.13 | Employer prohibitions.

...(A) No employer shall hinder or delay the director of commerce in the performance of the director's duties in the enforcement of sections 4111.01 to 4111.17 of the Revised Code, or refuse to admit the director to any place of employment, or fail to make, keep, and preserve any records as required under those sections, or falsify any of those records, or refuse to make them accessible to the director upon demand, or r...

Section 4112.02 | Unlawful discriminatory practices.

...It shall be an unlawful discriminatory practice: (A) For any employer, because of the race, color, religion, sex, military status, national origin, disability, age, or ancestry of any person, to discharge without just cause, to refuse to hire, or otherwise to discriminate against that person with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to...

Section 4112.12 | Commission on African-Americans.

...(A) There is hereby created the commission on African-Americans, which shall consist of not more than thirteen members as follows: the directors or their designees of the departments of health, development, mental health and addiction services, and job and family services; the chancellor of higher education or the chancellor's designee; the director of education and workforce; two members of the house of representati...

Section 4117.01 | Public employees' collective bargaining definitions.

...As used in this chapter: (A) "Person," in addition to those included in division (C) of section 1.59 of the Revised Code, includes employee organizations, public employees, and public employers. (B) "Public employer" means the state or any political subdivision of the state located entirely within the state, including, without limitation, any municipal corporation with a population of at least five thousand accordi...