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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 2935.24 | Service of arrest warrant by electronic means.

...ce thereof by telegraph, teletype, wire photo, or other means whereby a written or facsimile copy may be transmitted, and thereafter a copy of such warrant may be sent by any such means to any law enforcement officer. Such copy is effectual in the hands of any law enforcement officer and he shall proceed in the same manner under it as though he held the orginal warrant issued by the court making the endorsement, exce...

Section 3503.16 | Change of address or name.

... notice of change of residence, showing photo identification, and casting a ballot. (b) Any registered elector who changes the name of that registered elector and remains within a precinct on or prior to the day of a general, primary, or special election and has not filed a notice of change of name with the board of elections may vote in that election by going to that registered elector's assigned polling place, co...

Section 3509.03 | Application for absent voter's ballot.

...y number; (c) A copy of the elector's photo identification. (6) A statement identifying the election for which absent voter's ballots are requested; (7) A statement that the person requesting the ballots is a qualified elector; (8) If the request is for primary election ballots, the elector's party affiliation; (9) If the elector desires ballots to be mailed to the elector, the address to which those ballot...

Section 3509.04 | Delivery of absent voter's ballot.

...ity Number, I am enclosing a copy of my photo identification in the return envelope in which this identification envelope will be mailed. I hereby declare, under penalty of election falsification, that the statements above are true, as I verily believe. _________________________ (Signature of Voter) WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE." The board shall mail with ...

Section 3509.05 | Voting and return procedure.

...nvelope; (3) A copy of the elector's photo identification in the return envelope with the identification envelope. (C)(1) The elector shall mail the identification envelope to the office of the board of elections in the return envelope, postage prepaid, or the elector may personally deliver it to the office of the board, or the spouse of the elector, the father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather...

Section 3509.051 | Casting absent voter's ballots in person.

...An in-person absent voter shall provide photo identification to the election officials, sign a poll list or signature pollbook, and cast a ballot in the same manner as a voter who casts a ballot in person on the day of an election under section 3505.18 of the Revised Code. The absent voter shall not be required to complete a written application for absent voter's ballots or a statement of voter on an absent voter's...

Section 3509.06 | Counting absent voters' ballots.

...umber; or (III) A copy of the voter's photo identification. (b) If the election officials find that the identification envelope statement of voter is incomplete or that the information contained in that statement does not conform to the information contained in the statewide voter registration database concerning the voter, the election officials shall mail a written notice to the voter, informing the voter of th...

Section 3511.05 | Identification envelope format and return.

...ity Number, I am enclosing a copy of my photo identification in the return envelope in which this identification envelope will be mailed. I hereby declare, under penalty of election falsification, that the statements above are true, as I verily believe. ________________________ (Signature of Voter) WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE." (B) The board shall also ma...

Section 3511.09 | Voting procedure.

...envelope; (3) A copy of the elector's photo identification in the return envelope with the identification envelope. (C) Every uniformed services or overseas absent voter's ballot identification envelope shall be accompanied by the following statement in boldface capital letters: WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. (D) The elector shall cause the uniformed services ...

Section 4507.061 | Online renewal of driver's license and identification card.

...trar office. (2) The applicant has a photo on file with the bureau of motor vehicles from the applicant's current driver's license, commercial driver's license, or identification card. (3) The applicant's current driver's license, commercial driver's license, or identification card expires on the birthday of the applicant in the fourth year after the date it was issued. (4) The applicant is applying for a dr...

Section 4511.097 | Classification of violation as civil violation.

...d on evidence recorded by a traffic law photo-monitoring device is a civil violation. If a local authority issues a ticket for such a violation, the ticket shall comply with the requirements of this section and the fine for such a ticket shall not exceed the amount of the fine that may be imposed for a substantially equivalent criminal traffic law violation. (B) A local authority or its designee shall process such a...

Section 4511.098 | Rights of those ticketed. violation detected by a traffic law photo-monitoring device is not liable for a ticket issued for a motor vehicle that was in the care, custody, or control of a lessee or renter at the time of the alleged violation. The dealer shall not pay such a ticket and subsequently attempt to collect a fee or assess the lessee or renter a charge for any payment of such a ticket made on behalf of the lessee or renter. (4) I...

Section 4511.0912 | Speeding tickets.

...upon evidence recorded by a traffic law photo-monitoring device unless one of the following applies: (A) For a system location that is located within a school zone or within the boundaries of a state or local park or recreation area, the vehicle involved in the violation is traveling at a speed that exceeds the posted speed limit by not less than six miles per hour. (B) For a system location that is located at any ...

Section 4511.0913 | Applicable law.

...o not apply to the use of a traffic law photo-monitoring device that is placed on a school bus for the purpose of detecting violations of section 4511.75 of the Revised Code or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance.

Section 4709.072 | Application for barber instructor license.

...ication and a current government-issued photo identification that can be produced upon inspection or request.

Section 4709.091 | Cosmetic or massage therapy in barber shops.

...registration and a state of Ohio issued photo identification that can be produced on inspection or request.

Section 4913.09 | Conduct of inquiry.

...on, informal meetings, teleconferences, photo documentation, and any other documentation or information relevant to the inquiry.

Section 5739.01 | Sales tax definitions.

...lithographic, multilithic, blueprinted, photostatic, or other productions or reproductions of written or graphic matter are or are to be furnished or transferred; (5) The production or fabrication of tangible personal property for a consideration for consumers who furnish either directly or indirectly the materials used in the production of fabrication work; and include the furnishing, preparing, or serving for a ...

Section 956.051 | Transfer of dogs to pet stores.

...hteen years of age as verified by valid photo identification; (5) A dog acquired from a qualified breeder as defined in section 956.19 of the Revised Code unless the dog broker provides to the person acquiring the dog, at a time prior to the transaction for the acquisition of the dog, a written certification that includes all of the following information: (a) The name of the breeder that bred the dog; (b) The a...

Section 956.20 | Dogs sold, delivered, bartered, etc., from pet stores.

...hteen years of age as verified by valid photo identification; (5) A dog acquired from a qualified breeder or a dog broker unless the owner, manager, or employee provides to the person acquiring the dog, at a time prior to the transaction for the acquisition of the dog, a written certification that includes all of the following information: (a) The name of the breeder that bred the dog; (b) The address, if avail...