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Ohio Revised Code Search

"hazardous material" and railroad
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Section 4907.26 | Schedules of joint rates.

...roperty are transported over connecting railroads in this state operated by two or more railroads which establish joint rates, fares, and charges, a schedule thereof, compiled as provided in section 4907.25 of the Revised Code, shall be printed, filed with the public utilities commission, and filed in every depot, station, and office of such railroads where passengers or property are received for transportation.

Section 4907.27 | Changes in schedules.

...very depot, station, and office of such railroad thirty days prior to the time they are to take effect, unless the commission prescribes a less time. When a change is made in an existing schedule, including schedules of joint rates, the railroad shall post a notice in a conspicuous place in every depot, station, and office, stating that changes have been made in the schedules on file, specifying the class or commodi...

Section 4907.28 | Charges shall conform to schedule.

...No railroad shall charge, demand, collect, or receive a greater or less compensation for the transportation of passengers or property, or for any service in connection therewith, than is specified in the printed schedules referred to in sections 4907.25 to 4907.27 of the Revised Code, including schedules of joint rates, as being then in force. The rates, fares, and charges named in such schedules shall be the l...

Section 4907.29 | Commission shall prescribe forms.

...form in which schedules are issued by a railroad as are expedient. Such schedules, as far as practicable, shall conform to the forms prescribed by the interstate commerce commission.

Section 4907.30 | Free transportation prohibited - exceptions.

...No railroad company owning or operating a railroad wholly or partly within this state shall, directly or indirectly, issue or give a free ticket, free pass, or free transportation for passengers, except to: (A) Its employees and their families, its officers, agents, surgeons, physicians, and attorneys at law; (B) Ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of railroad young men's or young women's Christian a...

Section 4907.31 | Passes may be interchanged.

...ies. Such section does not prohibit any railroad company from carrying passengers free in order to provide relief in cases of general epidemics, pestilence, or other calamitous visitation.

Section 4907.32 | Prohibition.

...No railroad company shall violate sections 4907.30, 4907.31, and 4907.34 of the Revised Code. No person, other than the persons excepted in such sections, shall use a free ticket, free pass, or free transportation.

Section 4907.33 | Uniform classification of freight.

...t in this state shall be uniform on all railroads.

Section 4907.34 | Exceptions as to freight rates.

... exhibition thereat, or the property of railroad employees for their own exclusive use or consumption or that of their families. Such chapters do not prevent the issuance of mileage, commutation, or excursion passenger tickets, if obtainable by any person applying therefor without discrimination, or of party tickets, if obtainable by all persons applying therefor under like circumstances and conditions.

Section 4907.35 | Unjust discrimination - forfeiture.

...If a railroad, or an agent or officer of a railroad, by special rate, rebate, drawback, or by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing, or other device, charges, demands, collects, or receives, either directly or indirectly, from any person, firm, or corporation, a greater or less compensation for service rendered or to be rendered by such railroad for the transportation of persons or proper...

Section 4907.36 | Illegal concessions.

...No railroad shall demand, charge, collect, or receive from a person, firm, or corporation a less compensation for the transportation of property or for a service rendered or to be rendered by such railroad in consideration of such person, firm, or corporation furnishing a part of the facilities incident thereto. This section does not prohibit a railroad from procuring facilities or service incident to transportation ...

Section 4907.37 | Unlawful preference.

...No common carrier subject to Chapters 4901., 4903., 4905., 4907., and 4909. of the Revised Code shall make or give undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to a particular person, company, firm, corporation, or locality, or to any particular description of traffic, or subject any particular person, company, firm, corporation, or locality, or any particular description of traffic, to any undue or unreasonab...

Section 4907.38 | Rebate or concessions prohibited.

...No person, firm, or corporation, shall knowingly accept or receive a rebate, concession, or discrimination in respect to transportation of property wholly within this state or for service in connection therewith, whereby such property, by false billing, false classification, false weighing, or other device, is transported at a less rate than that named in the published tariffs in force, or whereby any service or adva...

Section 4907.39 | Depots, switches, and sidetracks.

...Each railroad shall provide and maintain adequate depots and depot buildings at its regular stations for the accomodation of passengers. Such depot buildings shall be kept clean, well-lighted, and warmed, for the comfort and accomodation of the traveling public. Each railroad shall provide and maintain adequate and suitable freight depots, buildings, switches, and sidetracks for receiving, handling, and delivering f...

Section 4907.40 | Control over private tracks. common carriers in connection with a railroad for the transportation of freight, as it has over the tracks of such railroad.

Section 4907.41 | Supply of cars.

...Upon reasonable notice, each railroad shall furnish suitable cars for all persons who may apply therefor, for the transportation of any and all kinds of freight in carload lots, if it is within its power to do so. In case of insufficiency of cars at any time to meet all requirements, such cars as are available shall be distributed among the applicants therefor in proportion to their respective immediate requirements,...

Section 4907.42 | Interchange of traffic.

...Railroad companies as between themselves, and interurban railroads and electric railways as between themselves, shall afford reasonable and proper facilities for interchange of traffic between their respective lines, for forwarding and delivering passengers and property, and shall transfer and deliver, without unreasonable delay or discrimination, loaded or empty cars, freight, or passengers, destined to a point on i...

Section 4907.43 | Railroad track connection.

...When the tracks of a railroad and the tracks of an interurban or suburban railway cross, connect, or intersect, and such tracks are of the same gauge, the companies owning such railroads may connect such tracks so as to admit the passage of cars from one to the other with facility. If any such railroads fail to make such connection, upon complaint of any party authorized by Chapters 4901., 4903., 4905., 4907....

Section 4907.44 | Duty of commission as to dangerous structures.

...A railroad subject to regulation by the public utilities commission shall, in accordance with American railway engineers association codes of rules for inspection or other standards approved by the public utilities commission, inspect annually every bridge used for transportation of freight, passengers, or railroad crews on which the railroad performs all or part of the structural maintenance work. Inspection shall b...

Section 4907.45 | Repair of defective track.

...cutive officer of a company operating a railroad who receives from the public utilities commission notice of a prescribed rate of speed for trains passing over a defective track, bridge, or other structure, or notice forbidding the running of passenger trains over such defective track, bridge, or other structure, shall neglect, within two days after receiving such notice, to direct the proper subordinate officers to ...

Section 4907.46 | Forfeiture in case of noncompliance.

...If the company operating a railroad neglects or without good cause fails to make the repairs or reconstruction prescribed by the public utilities commission within the time limited by it under sections 4907.44 and 4907.45 of the Revised Code, such company shall forfeit to the state one hundred dollars for each day that such repairs or reconstruction is delayed beyond the time prescribed.

Section 4907.47 | Installing crossing signals.

...stalling protective devices at a public railroad highway grade crossing, written notice of which is published once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the crossing is located and is given the railroad and public authority involved at least thirty days in advance of such hearing, it is the opinion of the public utilities commission that the public safety requ...

Section 4907.471 | Surveys determining probability of accident at crossing.

...on shall survey all public crossings of railroads at grade, whether on state, county, or township highways or on streets or ways within municipal corporations. The commission shall devise a formula according to sound highway engineering practice for determining the probability of accident at each such crossing and may include in the formula factors representing volume of vehicular traffic, volume of train traffic, hi...

Section 4907.472 | Grade crossing protection fund.

...e state for the reduction of hazards at railroad grade crossings. One hundred thousand dollars shall be transferred to the fund each month as provided for in section 5735.051 of the Revised Code, and may be expended by the commission to pay the public share of the costs for reducing hazards at railway crossings with highways, roads, or streets on the state, county, township, or municipal highway and street systems an...

Section 4907.473 | Removing or defacing protective device prohibited.

...No person shall unlawfully remove, displace, injure, or deface any sign, signal, gate, or other protective device required to be installed under Chapter 5523. of the Revised Code.