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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 122 | Department of Development

Section 122.01 | Department of development definitions.

(A) As used in the Revised Code, the "development services agency" means the department of development and the "director of development services" means the director of development. Whenever the development services agency or director of development services is referred to or designated in any statute, rule, contract, grant, or other document, the reference or designation shall be deemed to refer to the department of development or director of development, as the case may be.

(B) As used in this chapter:

(1) "Community problems" includes, but is not limited to, taxation, fiscal administration, governmental structure and organization, intergovernmental cooperation, education and training, employment needs, community planning and development, air and water pollution, public safety and the administration of justice, housing, mass transportation, community facilities and services, health, welfare, recreation, open space, and the development of human resources.

(2) "Professional personnel" means either of the following:

(a) Personnel who have earned a bachelor's degree from a college or university;

(b) Personnel who serve as or have the working title of director, assistant director, deputy director, assistant deputy director, manager, office chief, assistant office chief, or program director.

(3) "Technical personnel" means any of the following:

(a) Personnel who provide technical assistance according to their job description or in accordance with the Revised Code;

(b) Personnel employed in the director of development's office or the legal office, communications office, finance office, legislative affairs office, or human resources office of the department of development;

(c) Personnel employed in the technology division of the department.

Last updated July 29, 2021 at 4:18 PM

Section 122.011 | Department of development powers and duties.

(A) The department of development shall develop and promote plans and programs designed to assure that state resources are efficiently used, economic growth is properly balanced, community growth is developed in an orderly manner, and local governments are coordinated with each other and the state, and for such purposes may do all of the following:

(1) Serve as a clearinghouse for information, data, and other materials that may be helpful or necessary to persons or local governments, as provided in section 122.073 of the Revised Code;

(2) Prepare and activate plans for the retention, development, expansion, and use of the resources and commerce of the state, as provided in section 122.04 of the Revised Code;

(3) Assist and cooperate with federal, state, and local governments and agencies of federal, state, and local governments in the coordination of programs to carry out the functions and duties of the department;

(4) Encourage and foster research and development activities, conduct studies related to the solution of community problems, and develop recommendations for administrative or legislative actions, as provided in section 122.03 of the Revised Code;

(5) Serve as the economic and community development planning agency, which shall prepare and recommend plans and programs for the orderly growth and development of this state and which shall provide planning assistance, as provided in section 122.06 of the Revised Code;

(6) Cooperate with and provide technical assistance to state departments, political subdivisions, regional and local planning commissions, tourist associations, councils of government, community development groups, community action agencies, and other appropriate organizations for carrying out the functions and duties of the department of development or for the solution of community problems;

(7) Coordinate the activities of state agencies that have an impact on carrying out the functions and duties of the department of development;

(8) Encourage and assist the efforts of and cooperate with local governments to develop mutual and cooperative solutions to their common problems that relate to carrying out the purposes of this section;

(9) Study existing structure, operations, and financing of regional or local government and those state activities that involve significant relations with regional or local governmental units, recommend to the governor and to the general assembly such changes in these provisions and activities as will improve the operations of regional or local government, and conduct other studies of legal provisions that affect problems related to carrying out the purposes of this section;

(10) Create and operate a division of community development to develop and administer programs and activities that are authorized by federal statute or the Revised Code;

(11) Until October 15, 2007, establish fees and charges, in consultation with the director of agriculture, for purchasing loans from financial institutions and providing loan guarantees under the family farm loan program created under sections 901.80 to 901.83 of the Revised Code;

(12) Provide loan servicing for the loans purchased and loan guarantees provided under section 901.80 of the Revised Code as that section existed prior to October 15, 2007;

(13) Until October 15, 2007, and upon approval by the controlling board under division (A)(3) of section 901.82 of the Revised Code of the release of money to be used for purchasing a loan or providing a loan guarantee, request the release of that money in accordance with division (B) of section 166.03 of the Revised Code for use for the purposes of the fund created by section 166.031 of the Revised Code.

(14) Allocate that portion of the national recovery zone economic development bond limitation and that portion of the national recovery zone facility bond limitation that has been allocated to the state under section 1400U-1 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 1400U-1. If any county or municipal corporation waives any portion of an allocation it receives under division (A)(14) of this section, the department may reallocate that amount. Any allocation or reallocation shall be made in accordance with this section and section 1400U-1 of the Internal Revenue Code.

(B) The director of development may request the attorney general to, and the attorney general, in accordance with section 109.02 of the Revised Code, shall bring a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction. The director may be sued in the director's official capacity, in connection with this chapter, in accordance with Chapter 2743. of the Revised Code.

(C) The director shall execute a contract pursuant to section 187.04 of the Revised Code with the nonprofit corporation formed under section 187.01 of the Revised Code, and may execute any additional contracts with the corporation providing for the corporation to assist the director or department in carrying out any duties of the director or department under this chapter, under any other provision of the Revised Code dealing with economic development, or under a contract with the director, subject to section 187.04 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 1, 2021 at 3:04 PM

Section 122.012 | Regional state agency for jobs and employment opportunities.

The director of development may designate any governmental entity as an agency of the state to act within a specified region of the state for the purpose of creating and preserving jobs and employment opportunities and financing projects intended to create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities. Any such designation shall be in addition to agency designations made for such purpose by, or by the director pursuant to, Section 56.09 of H.B. 298 of the 119th general assembly, the provisions of which pertaining to such designations, and the designations so made, remain in full force and effect as continuing grants of authority. Each agency designated by or pursuant to Section 56.09 of H.B. 298 of the 119th general assembly or this section may exercise any statutory powers it has under any other section of the Revised Code to accomplish the purposes of this section within the agency's specified region. The regions served by agencies shall not overlap. The director may reduce, expand, or otherwise modify the region served by, or limit the authority of, any such agency.

Section 122.013 | Required postings on official internet site.

The department of development shall post the following on the official internet site of the department:

(A) Annual reports of the progress and status of eligible projects made as required under division (E) of section 122.0814 of the Revised Code;

(B) The annual report made by the director of development under section 122.0817 of the Revised Code;

(C) Reports made by the third frontier commission under section 184.15 of the Revised Code;

(D) Information on all support awarded under section 184.11 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.014 | Financial assistance for gaming activities.

(A) As used in this section, "gaming activities" means activities conducted in connection with or that include any of the following:

(1) Casino gaming, as authorized and defined in Section 6(C) of Article XV, Ohio Constitution;

(2) Casino gaming, as defined in division (E) of section 3772.01 of the Revised Code; or

(3) The pari-mutuel system of wagering as authorized and described in Chapter 3769. of the Revised Code.

(B) The department of development or any other entity that administers any program or development project established under Chapter 122., 166., or 184. of the Revised Code or in sections 149.311, 5709.87, or 5709.88 of the Revised Code shall not provide any financial assistance, including loans, tax credits, and grants, staffing assistance, technical support, or other assistance to businesses conducting gaming activities or for project sites on which gaming activities are or will be conducted.

Section 122.02 | Applying for federal and private assistance and contracts.

The department of development may apply for, receive, and accept grants, gifts, contributions, loans and any other assistance in any form from public and private sources, including assistance from agencies and instrumentalities of the United States and including the application for, receipt, and acceptance, on behalf of this state, of assistance from agencies and instrumentalities of the United States for the purposes of Chapter 122. of the Revised Code except that nothing in this section prohibits the minority business development division from exercising its authority under section 122.93 of the Revised Code. The department shall do all things necessary to apply for, receive, and administer such assistance in accordance with the laws of Ohio. It may contract or enter into agreements with any person, governmental agency, or public or private organization, and any local or regional agency or political subdivision of the state may contract with it, to carry out the purposes of Chapter 122. of the Revised Code. The department may require, in all contracts for assistance stipulations that the contractors and any subcontractors comply with requirements as to minimum wages, hours of work, equal employment, and any other conditions which the United States has attached to its financial aid to the projects.

Section 122.03 | Duties of department - research facilities.

The department of development shall:

(A) Maintain a continuing evaluation of existing research facilities in the state and their relationship to orderly econmic growth and the solution of community problems of the state;

(B) Prepare and disseminate information relative to research facilities in the state and their availability to industrial activities and the solution of community problems;

(C) Prepare and recommend programs for the coordination of research activities in the state and to assure the maximum use of such facilities in the development of orderly economic growth and the solution of community problems;

(D) Cooperate with educational institutions in the development of educational programs to train technical personnel in the field of research and those other fields related to the solution of community problems;

(E) Carry out continuing studies and analyses of the problems and opportunities of communities, districts, and regions within the state, and of multi-state regions of which Ohio is a part.

Section 122.04 | Additional duties.

The department of development shall do the following:

(A) Maintain a continuing evaluation of the sources available for the retention, development, or expansion of industrial and commercial facilities in this state through both public and private agencies;

(B) Assist public and private agencies in obtaining information necessary to evaluate the desirability of the retention, construction, or expansion of industrial and commercial facilities in the state;

(C) Facilitate contracts between community improvement corporations organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code or Ohio development corporations organized under Chapter 1726. of the Revised Code and industrial and commercial concerns seeking to locate or expand in the state;

(D) Upon request, consult with public agencies or authorities in the preparation of studies of human and economic needs or advantages relating to economic and community development;

(E) Encourage, promote, and assist trade and commerce between this state and foreign nations;

(F) Promote and encourage persons to visit and travel within this state;

(G) Maintain membership in the national association of state development agencies;

(H) Assist in the development of facilities and technologies that will lead to increased, environmentally sound use of Ohio coal;

(I) Promote economic growth in the state.

Section 122.041 | Duties of director of development as to encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program.

The director of development shall do all of the following with regard to the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program created under section 122.922 of the Revised Code:

(A) Conduct outreach, marketing, and recruitment of EDGE business enterprises, as defined in that section;

(B) Provide business development services to EDGE business enterprises in the developmental and transitional stages of the program, including financial and bonding assistance and management and technical assistance;

(C) Develop a mentor program to bring businesses into a working relationship with EDGE business enterprises in a way that commercially benefits both entities and serves the purpose of the EDGE program;

(D) Establish processes by which an EDGE business enterprise may apply for contract assistance, financial and bonding assistance, management and technical assistance, and mentoring opportunities.

Last updated July 29, 2021 at 4:19 PM

Section 122.042 | Foundation of employment opportunity program.

The director of development may found an employment opportunity program that encourages employers to employ individuals who are members of significantly disadvantaged groups. If the director intends to found such an employment opportunity program, the director shall adopt, and thereafter may amend or rescind, rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to found, and to operate, maintain, and improve, the program. In the rules, the director shall:

(A) Construct, and, as changing circumstances indicate, re-construct, procedures according to which significantly disadvantaged groups are identified as such, an individual is identified as being a member of a significantly disadvantaged group, and an employer is identified as being a potential employer of an individual who is a member of a significantly disadvantaged group;

(B) Describe, and, as experience indicates, re-describe, the kinds of evidence that shall be considered to identify significantly disadvantaged groups, the kinds of evidence an individual shall offer to prove that the individual is a member of a significantly disadvantaged group, and the kinds of evidence an employer shall offer to prove that the employer is a potential employer of an individual who is a member of a significantly disadvantaged group;

(C) Specify, and, as experience indicates, re-specify, strategies and tactics for connecting individuals who are members of significantly disadvantaged groups with potential employers of members of significantly disadvantaged groups; and

(D) Construct, describe, specify, define, and prescribe any other thing that is necessary and proper for the founding, and for the successful and efficient operation, maintenance, and improvement, of the employment opportunity program.

In founding, and in operating, maintaining, and improving, the employment opportunity program under the rules, the director shall proceed so that the resulting program functions as a coherent, efficient system for improving employment opportunities for significantly disadvantaged groups. Examples of significantly disadvantaged groups include individuals who have not graduated from high school, individuals who have been convicted of a crime, individuals who are disabled, and individuals who are chronically unemployed (usually for more than eighteen months).

Section 122.05 | Offices in foreign countries.

(A) The director of development may, to carry out the purposes of division (E) of section 122.04 of the Revised Code:

(1) Establish offices in foreign countries as the director considers appropriate and enter into leases of real property, buildings, and office space that are appropriate for these offices;

(2) Appoint personnel, who shall be in the unclassified civil services, necessary to operate such offices and fix their compensation. The director may enter into contracts with foreign nationals to staff the foreign offices established under this section.

(3) The director may establish United States dollar and foreign currency accounts for the payment of expenses related to the operation and maintenance of the offices established under this section. The director shall establish procedures acceptable to the director of budget and management for the conversion, transfer, and control of United States dollars and foreign currency.

(4) Provide export promotion assistance to Ohio businesses and organize or support missions to foreign countries to promote export of Ohio products and services and to encourage foreign direct investment in Ohio. The director may charge fees to businesses receiving export assistance and to participants in foreign missions sufficient to recover the direct costs of those activities. The director shall adopt, as an internal management rule under section 111.15 of the Revised Code, a procedure for setting the fees and a schedule of fees for services commonly provided by the department. The procedure shall require the director to annually review the established fees.

(5) Do all things necessary and appropriate for the operation of the state's foreign offices.

(B) All contracts entered into under division (A)(2) of this section and any payments of expenses under division (A)(3) of this section related to the operation and maintenance of foreign offices established under this section may be paid in the appropriate foreign currency and are exempt from sections 127.16 and 5147.07 and Chapters 124., 125., and 153. of the Revised Code.

Section 122.051 | International trade cooperative projects fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the international trade cooperative projects fund. The fund shall consist of all of the following:

(A) Moneys received from private and nonprofit organizations involved in cooperative agreements related to import/export and direct foreign investment activities;

(B) Cash transfers from other state agencies or any state or local government to encourage, promote, and assist trade and commerce between this state and foreign nations, pursuant to section 122.05 and division (E) of section 122.04 of the Revised Code; and

(C) Fees charged to businesses receiving export assistance and to participants in foreign missions to recover direct costs of those activities under division (A)(4) of section 122.05 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.06 | Planning duties.

The department of development shall:

(A) Assemble, analyze, and make available to governmental agencies and the public, information relative to the human, natural, and economic resources and economic needs of the state;

(B) Prepare and maintain, in cooperation with departments and agencies of the state, comprehensive plans and recommendations for promotion of more desirable patterns of growth and development of the resources of the state;

(C) Assist in the coordination of development plans of federal, state and local governments, regional and local planning authorities, and private agencies;

(D) Provide planning assistance to state departments and agencies, political subdivisions, county planning commissions, regional planning units, councils of government, and local governments of this state. Such planning assistance may be rendered with respect to surveys, land use studies, urban renewal plans, technical services and other planning work. In so doing, the department may contract with municipal subdivisions, with regional planning commissions, and with qualified persons, firms, and agencies.

(E) Cooperate with federal agencies and authorities of other states in the solution of community and development problems which cross state lines;

(F) Recommend guidelines for the development and management of new communities;

(G) Prepare and maintain rules concerning certification of workable programs for impacted cities pursuant to division (C) of section 1728.01 of the Revised Code, provided that the department shall consult with officials of municipalities and representatives of statewide organizations of such officials prior to the preparation, adoption, or change of such rules.

Section 122.07 | Office of TourismOhio.

(A) There is hereby created within the department of development an office to be known as the office of TourismOhio. The office shall be under the supervision of a director who shall be of equivalent rank of deputy director of the agency and shall serve at the pleasure of the director of development.

(B) The office shall do both of the following:

(1) Promote the state as a destination for living, learning, working, and traveling, and provide related services or otherwise carry out the promotional functions or duties of the department, as necessary;

(2) Perform an annual return-on-investment study analyzing the office's success in promoting Ohio. A report containing the findings of the study shall be submitted to the governor, the speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives, and the president and minority leader of the senate. The report shall also be made available to the public.

Last updated September 6, 2023 at 3:49 PM

Section 122.071 | TourismOhio advisory board.

(A) The TourismOhio advisory board is hereby established to advise the director of development services and the director of the office of TourismOhio on strategies for promoting tourism in this state. The board shall consist of the chief investment officer of the nonprofit corporation formed under section 187.01 of the Revised Code or the chief investment officer's designee, the director of the office of TourismOhio, and nine members to be appointed by the governor as provided in division (B) of this section. All members of the board, except the director of the office of TourismOhio, shall be voting members.

(B)(1) The governor shall, within sixty days after September 28, 2012, appoint to the TourismOhio advisory board one individual who is a representative of convention and visitors' bureaus, one individual who is a representative of the lodging industry, one individual who is a representative of the restaurant industry, one individual who is a representative of attractions, one individual who is a representative of special events and festivals, one individual who is a representative of agritourism, and three individuals who are representatives of the tourism industry. Of the initial appointments, two individuals shall serve a term of one year, three individuals shall serve a term of two years, and the remainder shall serve a term of three years. Thereafter, terms of office shall be for three years. Each individual appointed to the board shall be a United States citizen.

(2) For purposes of division (B)(1) of this section, an individual is a "representative of the tourism industry" if the individual possesses five years or more executive-level experience in the attractions, lodging, restaurant, transportation, or retail industry or five years or more executive-level experience with a destination marketing organization.

(C)(1) Each member of the TourismOhio advisory board shall hold office from the date of the member's appointment until the end of the term for which the member is appointed. Vacancies that occur on the board shall be filled in the manner prescribed for regular appointments to the board. A member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that predecessor's term. A member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office or until sixty days have elapsed, whichever occurs first. Any member appointed to the board is eligible for reappointment.

(2) The governor shall designate one member of the board as chairperson.

(3) Members appointed to the board may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with their official duties.

Section 122.072 | Tourism fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the tourism fund consisting of money credited or transferred to it and grants, gifts, and contributions made directly to it. Money in the fund shall be used to defray costs incurred by the office of TourismOhio in promoting this state.

Last updated September 6, 2023 at 3:50 PM

Section 122.073 | Promoting state of Ohio.

(A) The development services agency may do any of the following:

(1) Disseminate information concerning the industrial, commercial, governmental, educational, cultural, recreational, agricultural, and other advantages and attractions of the state;

(2) Provide technical assistance to public and private agencies in the preparation of promotional programs designed to attract business, industry, and tourists to the state;

(3) Enter into cooperative or contractual agreements, through the director of development services, with any individual, organization, or business to create, administer, or otherwise be involved with Ohio tourism-related promotional programs. Compensation under such agreements shall be determined by the director and may include deferred compensation. This compensation is payable from the tourism fund created in section 122.072 of the Revised Code. Any excess revenue generated under such a cooperative or contractual agreement shall be remitted to the fund to be reinvested in ongoing tourism marketing initiatives as authorized by law.

(B) Records related to tourism market research submitted to or generated by the office of TourismOhio, and any information taken for any purpose from such research, are not public records for the purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code. The agency may use, however, such tourism market research in a public report if the director determines that issuing and distributing the report would promote or market the state's travel and tourism industry or otherwise advance the purposes of this section.

The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Section 122.075 | Alternative fuel transportation grant program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Alternative fuel" has the same meaning as in section 125.831 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Biodiesel" means a mono-alkyl ester combustible liquid fuel that is derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, or any combination of those reagents, and that meets American society for testing and materials specification D6751-03a for biodiesel fuel (B100) blend stock distillate fuels.

(3) "Diesel fuel" and "gasoline" have the same meanings as in section 5735.01 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Ethanol" means fermentation ethyl alcohol derived from agricultural products, including potatoes, cereal, grains, cheese whey, and sugar beets; forest products; or other renewable resources, including residue and waste generated from the production, processing, and marketing of agricultural products, forest products, and other renewable resources that meet all of the specifications in the American society for testing and materials (ASTM) specification D 4806-88 and is denatured as specified in Parts 20 and 21 of Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

(5) "Blended biodiesel" means diesel fuel containing at least twenty per cent biodiesel by volume.

(6) "Blended gasoline" means gasoline containing at least eighty-five per cent ethanol by volume.

(7) "Incremental cost" means either of the following:

(a) The difference in cost between blended gasoline and gasoline containing ten per cent or less ethanol at the time that the blended gasoline is purchased;

(b) The difference in cost between blended biodiesel and diesel fuel containing two per cent or less biodiesel at the time that the blended biodiesel is purchased.

(B) For the purpose of improving the air quality in this state, the director of development services shall establish an alternative fuel transportation program under which the director may make grants and loans to businesses, nonprofit organizations, public school systems, or local governments for the purchase and installation of alternative fuel refueling or distribution facilities and terminals, for the purchase and use of alternative fuel, to pay the cost of fleet conversion, and to pay the costs of educational and promotional materials and activities intended for prospective alternative fuel consumers, fuel marketers, and others in order to increase the availability and use of alternative fuel.

(C) The director, in consultation with the director of agriculture, shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are necessary for the administration of the alternative fuel transportation program. The rules shall establish at least all of the following:

(1) An application form and procedures governing the application process for receiving funds under the program;

(2) A procedure for prioritizing the award of grants and loans under the program. The procedures shall give preference to all of the following:

(a) Publicly accessible refueling facilities;

(b) Entities applying to the program that have secured funding from other sources, including, but not limited to, private or federal incentives;

(c) Entities that have presented compelling evidence of demand in the market in which the facilities or terminals will be located;

(d) Entities that have committed to utilizing purchased or installed facilities or terminals for the greatest number of years;

(e) Entities that will be purchasing or installing facilities or terminals for any type of alternative fuel.

(3) A requirement that the maximum incentive for the purchase and installation of an alternative fuel refueling or distribution facility or terminal be eighty per cent of the cost of the facility or terminal, except that at least twenty per cent of the total cost of the facility or terminal shall be incurred by the recipient and not compensated for by any other source;

(4) A requirement that the maximum incentive for the purchase of alternative fuel be eighty per cent of the cost of the fuel or, in the case of blended biodiesel or blended gasoline, eighty per cent of the incremental cost of the blended biodiesel or blended gasoline;

(5) Any other criteria, procedures, or guidelines that the director determines are necessary to administer the program, including fees, charges, interest rates, and payment schedules.

(D) An applicant for a grant or loan under this section that sells motor vehicle fuel at retail shall agree that if the applicant receives funding, the applicant will report to the director the gallon or gallon equivalent amounts of alternative fuel the applicant sells at retail in this state for a period of three years after the project is completed.

The director shall enter into a written confidentiality agreement with the applicant regarding the gallon or gallon equivalent amounts sold as described in this division, and upon execution of the agreement this information is not a public record.

(E) There is hereby created in the state treasury the alternative fuel transportation fund. The fund shall consist of money transferred to the fund under division (B) of section 125.836 of the Revised Code, money that is appropriated to it by the general assembly, money as may be specified by the general assembly from the advanced energy fund created by section 4928.61 of the Revised Code, and all money received from the repayment of loans made from the fund or in the event of a default on any such loan. Money in the fund shall be used to make grants and loans under the alternative fuel transportation program and by the director in the administration of that program.

Section 122.076 | Alternative fuel vehicle conversion program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Alternative fuel" means compressed natural gas, liquid natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas.

(2) "Alternative fuel vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is registered in this state for operation on public highways, is propelled by a motor that runs on alternative fuel, and has a gross vehicle rating of at least twenty-six thousand pounds. "Alternative fuel vehicle" includes a bi-fueled or dual-fueled vehicle with a motor that can run on both alternative fuel and on gasoline or diesel fuel.

(3) "New alternative fuel vehicle" means an alternative fuel vehicle that meets all of the following criteria:

(a) The purchaser purchased the vehicle from an original equipment manufacturer, automobile retailer, or after-market conversion facility.

(b) The purchaser was the first person to purchase the vehicle not for resale.

(c) The purchaser purchased the vehicle for use in business.

(d) The alternative fuel technology used in the vehicle has received a compliance designation or been certified by the United States environmental protection agency for new or intermediate use.

(4) "Traditional fuel vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is registered in this state for operation on public highways and that is propelled by gasoline or diesel fuel.

(5) "Adjusted purchase price" means the portion of the purchase price of a new alternative fuel vehicle that is attributable to the parts and equipment used for the storage of alternative fuel, the delivery of alternative fuel to the motor, and the exhaust of gases from the combustion of alternative fuel.

(6) "Conversion parts and equipment" shall not include parts and equipment that have previously been used to modify or retrofit another traditional fuel vehicle.

(7) "Person" includes a political subdivision of this state.

(B) The director of environmental protection shall administer an alternative fuel vehicle conversion program under which the director may make grants to a person that purchases one or more new alternative fuel vehicles or converts one or more traditional fuel vehicles into alternative fuel vehicles.

(C) The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are necessary for the administration of the alternative fuel vehicle conversion program. The rules shall establish all of the following:

(1) An application form and procedures governing the process for applying to receive a grant under the program;

(2) The maximum grant amount allowed per alternative fuel vehicle, which shall equal the lesser of fifty per cent of the adjusted purchase price of the new alternative fuel vehicle or of the cost of the conversion parts and equipment, as applicable, or twenty-five thousand dollars;

(3) The limit on the total amount of grants allowed to a person that purchases or converts multiple alternative fuel vehicles, which shall equal four hundred thousand dollars;

(4) A requirement that each grant recipient attest that, of the total number of miles that the recipient or any employee or agent of the recipient will drive the alternative fuel vehicle, over half will be within this state;

(5) Any other procedures, criteria, or grant terms that the director determines necessary to administer the program.

Section 122.077 | Energy star rebate program.

For the purpose of promoting the use of energy efficient products to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this state, the director of development shall establish an energy star rebate program under which the director may provide rebates to consumers for household devices carrying the energy star label indicating that the device meets the energy efficiency criteria of the energy star program established by the United States department of energy and the United States environmental protection agency. The director shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are necessary for successful and efficient administration of the energy star rebate program and shall specify in the rules that grant availability is limited to federal stimulus funds or any other funds specifically appropriated for such a program.

Section 122.08 | Office of small business - powers and duties.

(A) There is hereby created within the development services agency an office to be known as the office of small business and entrepreneurship. The office shall be under the supervision of a manager appointed by the director of development services.

(B) The office shall do all of the following:

(1) Act as liaison between the small business community and state governmental agencies;

(2) Furnish information and technical assistance to persons and small businesses concerning the establishment and maintenance of a small business, and concerning state laws and rules relevant to the operation of a small business. In conjunction with these duties, the office shall keep a record of all proposed and currently effective state agency rules affecting small businesses, and may testify before the joint committee on agency rule review concerning any proposed rule affecting small businesses.

(3) Prepare and publish the small business register under section 122.081 of the Revised Code;

(4) Receive complaints from small businesses concerning governmental activity, compile and analyze those complaints, and periodically make recommendations to the governor and the general assembly on changes in state laws or agency rules needed to eliminate burdensome and unproductive governmental regulation to improve the economic climate within which small businesses operate;

(5) Receive complaints or questions from small businesses and direct those businesses to the appropriate governmental agency. If, within a reasonable period of time, a complaint is not satisfactorily resolved or a question is not satisfactorily answered, the office shall, on behalf of the small business, make every effort to secure a satisfactory result. For this purpose, the office may consult with any state governmental agency and may make any suggestion or request that seems appropriate.

(6) Utilize, to the maximum extent possible, the printed and electronic media to disseminate information of current concern and interest to the small business community and to make known to small businesses the services available through the office. The office shall publish such books, pamphlets, and other printed materials, and shall participate in such trade association meetings, conventions, fairs, and other meetings involving the small business community, as the manager considers appropriate.

(7) Prepare a description of the activities of the office for inclusion in the development services agency's annual report to the governor and general assembly;

(8) Operate the Ohio first-stop business connection to assist individuals in identifying and preparing applications for business licenses, permits, and certificates and to serve as a public distributor for all forms, applications, and other information related to business licensing. Each state agency, board, and commission shall cooperate in providing assistance, information, and materials to enable the connection to perform its duties under this division.

(9) Provide information to individuals about the resources available on the OhioMeansJobs web site and through the local OhioMeansJobs one-stop systems established under section 6301.08 of the Revised Code that connect businesses with job seekers. As used in this division, "OhioMeansJobs" has the same meaning as in section 6301.01 of the Revised Code.

(C) The office may, upon the request of a state agency, assist the agency with the preparation of any rule that will affect small businesses.

(D) The director of development services shall assign employees and furnish equipment and supplies to the office as the director considers necessary for the proper performance of the duties assigned to the office.

Section 122.081 | Small business register.

(A) The office of small business and entrepreneurship in the development services agency shall prepare and publish a "small business register" or contract with any person as provided in this section to prepare and publish the register. The small business register shall contain the following information regarding each proposed rule recorded by the office of small business and entrepreneurship:

(1) The title and administrative code rule number of the proposed rule;

(2) A brief summary of the proposed rule;

(3) The date on which the proposed rule was recorded by the office of small business and entrepreneurship; and

(4) The name, address, and telephone number of an individual or office within the agency that proposed the rule who can provide information about the proposed rule.

(B) The small business register shall be published on a weekly basis. The information required under division (A) of this section shall be published in the register no later than two weeks after the proposed rule to which the information relates is recorded by the office of small business and entrepreneurship. The office shall furnish the small business register, on a single copy or subscription basis, to any person who requests it and pays a single copy price or subscription rate fixed by the office. The office shall furnish the chairpersons of the standing committees of the senate and house of representatives having jurisdiction over small businesses with free subscriptions to the small business register.

(C) Upon the request of the office of small business and entrepreneurship, the director of administrative services shall, in accordance with the competitive selection procedure of Chapter 125. of the Revised Code, let a contract for the compilation, printing, and distribution of the small business register.

(D) The office of small business and entrepreneurship shall adopt, and may amend or rescind, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, such rules as are necessary to enable it to properly carry out this section.

Section 122.082 | Low-interest loans to small businesses.

The department of development shall provide for low-interest loans to small businesses, as defined by rules adopted pursuant to the "Small Business Act," 72 Stat. 384 (1972), 15 U.S.C.A. 632, as amended, that are engaged in the export of goods produced in this state. In carrying out the purposes of this section, the department shall develop operating procedures that are essentially the same as those of the United States export-import bank.

Section 122.083 | Shovel ready sites program - fund.

(A) The director of development shall administer a shovel ready sites program to provide grants for projects to port authorities and development entities approved by the director. Grants may be used to pay the costs of any or all of the following:

(1) Acquisition of property, including options;

(2) Preparation of sites, including brownfield clean-up activities;

(3) Construction of road, water, telecommunication, and utility infrastructure;

(4) Payment of professional fees the amount of which shall not exceed twenty per cent of the grant amount for a project.

(B) The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that establish procedures and requirements necessary for the administration of the program, including a requirement that a recipient of a grant enter into an agreement with the director governing the use of the grant.

Section 122.085 | Job ready site program - definitions.

As used in sections 122.085 to 122.0820 of the Revised Code:

(A)(1) "Allowable costs" includes costs related to the following:

(a) Acquisition of land and buildings;

(b) Building construction;

(c) Making improvements to land and buildings, including the following:

(i) Expanding, reconstructing, rehabilitating, remodeling, renovating, enlarging, modernizing, equipping, and furnishing buildings and structures, including leasehold improvements;

(ii) Site preparation, including wetland mitigation.

(d) Planning or determining feasibility or practicability;

(e) Indemnity or surety bonds and premiums on insurance;

(f) Remediation, in compliance with state and federal environmental protection laws, of environmentally contaminated property on which hazardous substances exist under conditions that have caused or would likely cause the property to be identified as contaminated by the Ohio environmental protection agency or the United States environmental protection agency;

(g) Infrastructure improvements, including the following:

(i) Demolition of buildings and other structures;

(ii) Installation or relocation of water, storm water and sanitary sewer lines, water and waste water treatment facilities, pump stations, and water storage mechanisms and other similar equipment or facilities;

(iii) Construction of roads, bridges, traffic control devices, and parking lots and facilities;

(iv) Construction of utility infrastructure such as natural gas, electric, and telecommunications, including broadband and hookups;

(v) Water and railway access improvements;

(vi) Costs of professional services.

(2) "Allowable costs" do not include administrative costs assessed by or fees paid to the recipient of a grant.

(B) "District public works integrating committees" means those committees established under section 164.04 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Eligible applicant" includes any political subdivision or non-profit economic development organization, and, with prior approval of the director of development, private, for-profit entities. "Eligible applicant" does not include public or private institutions of higher education.

(D) "Eligible project" includes projects that, upon completion, will be sites and facilities primarily intended for commercial, industrial, or manufacturing use. "Eligible projects" do not include sites and facilities intended primarily for residential, retail, or government use.

(E) "Professional services" includes legal, environmental, archeological, engineering, architectural, surveying, design, or other similar services performed in conjunction with an eligible project. "Professional services" also includes designs, plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of costs, and other work products.

Section 122.086 | Job ready site program.

(A) There is hereby created the job ready site program to provide grants to pay for allowable costs of eligible applicants for eligible projects. The program shall be administered by the department of development. All grants shall be awarded through one of the following two processes:

(1) The annual competitive process under sections 122.087 to 122.0811, 122.0814, and 122.0815 of the Revised Code;

(2) The discretionary process under sections 122.0812 to 122.0815 of the Revised Code.

(B) The annual competitive process shall be administered by the department of development pursuant to rules adopted by the director of development under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The rules shall not establish criteria that have the effect of excluding applications for grants from any county of the state.

(C) The discretionary process shall be administered by the department of development pursuant to guidelines established by the director of development.

Section 122.087 | Annual competitive process for grants under program.

The director of development shall establish an annual competitive process for making grants described in section 122.086 of the Revised Code in accordance with rules adopted under that section. At least two-thirds of the amounts that may be distributed as grants each year under the job ready site program shall be distributed under the annual competitive process.

Section 122.088 | Annual competitive process grant application.

In order to be considered for a grant under the annual competitive process, an eligible applicant shall fill out an application provided by the department of development and shall file it with the district public works integrating committee with jurisdiction over the area in which the eligible project is located.

Section 122.089 | Grant application contents.

An eligible applicant shall provide all of the following on the annual competitive process application:

(A) Contact information for the eligible applicant;

(B) A legal description of the property for which the grant is requested;

(C) A summary of the proposed eligible project that includes all of the following:

(1) A general description of the eligible project, including individuals, organizations, or other entities that will play a critical role in the implementation of the project;

(2) An explanation of the need for the eligible project, and the predicted economic impact;

(3) An explanation of the need for a grant from the job ready site program;

(4) The commitments required pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code.

(D) A detailed summary of costs for the eligible project, including supporting documents for cost estimates;

(E) Sources of funding for the eligible project, including documentation verifying the status of those funds;

(F) Summary results of preliminary engineering studies and environmental reviews, if any have been conducted;

(G) A comprehensive marketing plan detailing how the eligible project will be marketed upon completion, if appropriate;

(H) Copies of resolutions or ordinances related to the eligible project, including resolutions or ordinances adopted by the political subdivision with jurisdiction over the geographic area in which the eligible project is located;

(I) Any other information the director of development requests on the application form.

Section 122.0810 | Grant application evaluation - prioritization - notice of deficiencies.

(A) Each application for a grant pursuant to the annual competitive process received by a district public works integrating committee shall be evaluated by the executive committee of the district committee. In conducting the evaluation, the executive committee shall determine whether the application for the proposed eligible project is complete and whether the project meets the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code. If the application is complete and the eligible project meets the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code, the executive committee shall prioritize the eligible project pursuant to section 122.0816 of the Revised Code and pursuant to local priorities, as those priorities are determined by the executive committee, with all other eligible projects with complete applications that meet the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code. If the application is incomplete or the project does not meet the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code, the executive committee shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies and the period of time the applicant has to correct the deficiencies and submit the corrections to the executive committee. Failure to correct deficiencies within the time designated by the executive committee shall disqualify the project from consideration for a grant during the annual competitive process for that year.

The executive committee, by the affirmative vote of a majority of all its members, shall select up to three eligible projects from the projects it has prioritized each year pursuant to the annual competitive process. The executive committee shall forward the applications and any accompanying information for each of the selected eligible projects to the department of development in the time and manner required by the rules governing the annual competitive process for the job ready site program.

(B) For a district public works integrating committee that does not have an executive committee, the full committee shall perform the functions assigned to the executive committee under section 122.0816 of the Revised Code and division (A) of this section.

(C) An executive committee, or a district committee that does not have an executive committee, may appoint a working group of committee members and staff to perform the functions of those committees as provided in this section.

Section 122.0811 | Completeness of application and eligibility of project.

The department of development shall evaluate each eligible project selected pursuant to section 122.0810 of the Revised Code to determine whether the application for the proposed eligible project is complete and whether it meets the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code. If the application is complete and the project meets the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code, the department shall notify the eligible applicant that the application is complete and shall prioritize the eligible project pursuant to section 122.0816 of the Revised Code with all other eligible projects with complete applications that meet the requirements. If the application is incomplete or the project does not meet the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code, the department shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies and the period of time the applicant has to correct the deficiencies and submit the corrections to the department. Failure to correct deficiencies within the time designated by the department shall disqualify the project from consideration for a grant during the annual competitive process for that year.

The director, on completion of the evaluations and prioritization, shall make a recommendation to the controlling board asking for approval to make grants for the eligible projects selected by the director. The director shall take into consideration the geographic diversity of awards when making the selection of eligible projects to receive grants.

Section 122.0812 | Discretionary grants outside annual competitive process.

The director of development shall establish a discretionary process that permits the director to make grants described in section 122.086 of the Revised Code in situations that include those in which the timing of a proposed eligible project is such that the annual competitive process is not suitable. The director, as part of the guidelines established for the discretionary process for the job ready site program, shall establish all the procedures and requirements governing application for the discretionary grants.

Section 122.0813 | Evaluation of discretionary grant application.

On receipt of an application for a discretionary grant for an eligible project, the director of development shall evaluate it to determine whether the application for the proposed eligible project is complete and whether the eligible project meets the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code. If the application is complete and the project meets the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code, the director shall make a recommendation to the controlling board asking for approval to make the discretionary grant for the eligible project. If the application is incomplete or the project does not meet the requirements of section 122.0815 of the Revised Code, the department shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies and work with the applicant to correct the deficiencies. If the deficiencies are corrected, the director shall make a recommendation to the controlling board asking for approval to make the discretionary grant for the eligible project.

Section 122.0814 | Approval of grant - agreement with applicant.

If the controlling board approves a grant for an eligible project pursuant to the annual competitive process or the discretionary process, the director of development shall enter into an agreement with the eligible applicant to provide the grant for the project. The agreement shall be executed prior to the payment or disbursement of any funds under the grant and shall contain the following provisions:

(A) A designation of a single officer or employee of the eligible applicant who will serve as the manager of the eligible project;

(B) A detailed description of the scope of the work required under the eligible project, including anticipated sources and uses of funds;

(C) A designation of the percentage of the estimated total cost of the project for which the grant will provide funding, which shall not exceed seventy-five per cent of the cost;

(D) Provisions for the recovery by the department of development of grant funds for failure to meet the terms of the agreement;

(E) A requirement that annual reports be made by the eligible applicant on the progress of the eligible project and any other information about the status of the project as required by the guidelines and rules established for the job ready site program;

(F) Any other provisions the director determines necessary.

Section 122.0815 | Project requirements for consideration for grant.

(A) A project shall meet the following requirements in order to be considered for a grant under the annual competitive process:

(1) The application for the grant is made by an eligible applicant.

(2) The project for which the application is made is an eligible project.

(3) The eligible applicant commits to all the following:

(a) To use the grant to pay only allowable costs for the eligible project;

(b) Not to use the grant to fund more than seventy-five per cent of the total cost of the eligible project;

(c) Not to use more than ten per cent of the grant amount to pay the costs of professional services under the eligible project.

(4) The grant amount requested does not exceed five million dollars.

(5) The eligible applicant and the eligible project comply with any other criteria the director of development determines is necessary.

(B) A project shall meet the requirements described in divisions (A)(1) to (4) of this section in order to be considered for a grant under the discretionary process.

Section 122.0816 | Project priority under annual competitive process.

The department of development and the executive committees of district public works integrating committees shall apply the following factors to eligible projects under the annual competitive process to determine a priority order for the eligible projects subject to that process:

(A) The potential economic impact of the eligible project;

(B) The potential impact of the eligible project on economic distress;

(C) The amount of local, federal, and private funding available for the eligible project;

(D) The demonstrated need for the eligible project;

(E) The strength of the eligible project's marketing plan, if appropriate;

(F) The level of financial need;

(G) Any other factor the director of development determines should be considered.

Section 122.0817 | Annual program report by director.

In accordance with the guidelines established to govern the discretionary process and the rules adopted to govern the annual competitive process for the job ready site program, the director of development shall publish an annual report that includes the following:

(A) Details on each grant awarded pursuant to the program;

(B) The status of projects funded in previous years;

(C) The amount of grants awarded for projects in economically distressed areas and, to the extent possible, the impact of those grants in those areas.

Section 122.0819 | Allowance of recovery of committee costs.

The rules adopted to govern the annual competitive process for the job ready site program may provide for recovery of the costs, or a portion thereof, incurred by district public works integrating committees and executive committees in conducting their duties under the program.

Section 122.0820 | Job site ready development fund.

The job ready site development fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund shall consist of the net proceeds of obligations issued and sold by the issuing authority pursuant to sections 151.01 and 151.11 of the Revised Code. Investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund. Moneys in the fund shall be used to make grants for eligible projects pursuant to sections 122.085 to 122.0820 of the Revised Code and associated administrative expenses.

Section 122.09 | Transformational mixed use development tax credit.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Development costs" means expenditures paid or incurred by the property owner in completing a certified transformational mixed use development project, including architectural or engineering fees paid or incurred in connection with the project and expenses incurred before the date the project is certified by the tax credit authority under division (C) of this section. In the case of a certified transformational mixed use development project that is part of a larger contiguous project that is planned to be completed in phases, "development costs" include only expenditures associated with the portion of the project that is certified by the tax credit authority and do not include expenditures incurred for other phases of the project.

(2) "Owner" means a person or persons holding a fee simple or leasehold interest in real property, including interests in real property acquired through a capital lease arrangement. "Owner" does not include the state or a state agency, or any political subdivision as defined in section 9.23 of the Revised Code. For the purpose of this division, "fee simple interest," "leasehold interest," and "capital lease" shall be construed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

(3) "Transformational mixed use development" means a project that consists of new construction or the redevelopment, rehabilitation, expansion, or other improvement of vacant buildings or structures, or a combination of the foregoing, and that:

(a) Will have a transformational economic impact on the development site and the surrounding area;

(b) Integrates some combination of retail, office, residential, recreation, structured parking, and other similar uses into one mixed use development; and

(c) Satisfies one of the following criteria:

(i) If the development site is located within ten miles of a major city, the project includes at least one new or previously vacant building that is fifteen or more stories in height or has a floor area of at least three hundred fifty thousand square feet, or after completion will be the site of employment accounting for at least four million dollars in annual payroll, or includes two or more buildings that are connected to each other, are located on the same parcel or on contiguous parcels, and that collectively have a floor area of at least three hundred fifty thousand square feet;

(ii) If the development site is not located within ten miles of a major city, the project includes at least one new or previously vacant building that is two or more stories in height or has a floor area of at least seventy-five thousand square feet or two or more new buildings that are located on the same parcel or on contiguous parcels and that collectively have a floor area of at least seventy-five thousand square feet.

"Transformational mixed use development" may include a portion of a larger contiguous project that is planned to be completed in phases as long as the phases collectively meet the criteria described in division (A)(3) of this section.

(4) "Increase in tax collections" means the difference, if positive, of the amount of state and local taxes derived from economic activity occurring within the development site and the surrounding area during a period of time minus the amount of such taxes that are estimated to be derived from such economic activity in that site and surrounding area during the same period if the transformational mixed use project were not completed.

(5) "Completion period" means the time period beginning on the day after a transformational mixed use development is certified by the tax credit authority and ending on the fifth anniversary of the day the project is completed.

(6) "Insurance company" means a person subject to the tax imposed under section 5725.18 or 5729.03 of the Revised Code.

(7) "Contribute capital" means to invest, loan, or donate cash in exchange for an equity interest in an asset, a debt instrument, or no consideration.

(8) "Major city" means a municipal corporation that has a population greater than one hundred thousand.

(9) "Tax credit authority" means the tax credit authority created under section 122.17 of the Revised Code.

(10) "Adjusted development costs" means the development costs attributed to a complete transformational mixed use development project minus the sum of the capital contributions of any insurance companies that are preliminarily approved for a tax credit in connection with the same project.

(11) A "property owner's share" of the increase in tax collections equals the product obtained by multiplying the total increase in tax collections since the date the transformational mixed use development project was certified by a fraction, the numerator of which is the adjusted development costs and the denominator of which is the actual development costs attributed to the project.

(12) An "insurance company's share" of the increase in tax collections equals the product obtained by multiplying the total increase in tax collections since the date the transformational mixed use development project was certified by a fraction, the numerator of which is the insurance company's capital contribution to the project and the denominator of which is the actual development costs attributed to the project.

(B) The owner of one or more parcels of land in this state within which a transformational mixed use development is planned or an insurance company that contributes capital to be used in the planning or construction of such a development may apply to the tax credit authority for certification of the development and preliminary approval of a tax credit. Each application shall be filed in the form and manner prescribed by the director of development and shall, at minimum, include a development plan comprised of all of the following information:

(1) The location of the development site and an indication of whether it is located within ten miles of a major city;

(2) A detailed description of the proposed transformational mixed use development including site plans, construction drawings, architectural renderings, or other means sufficient to convey the appearance, size, purposes, capacity, and scope of the project and, if applicable, previously completed and future phases of the project;

(3) A viable financial plan that estimates the development costs that have been or will be incurred in the completion of the project and that designates a source of financing or a strategy for obtaining financing;

(4) An estimated schedule for the progression and completion of the project including, if applicable, previously completed and future phases of the project;

(5) An assessment of the projected economic impact of the project on the development site and the surrounding area;

(6) Evidence that the increase in tax collections during the completion period will exceed ten per cent of the estimated development costs reported under division (B)(3) of this section;

(7) If the applicant is an insurance company that is not the property owner, the amount of the insurance company's capital contribution to the development and the date on which it was or will be made;

(8) Evidence that the project will not be completed unless the applicant receives the credit.

(C)(1) In determining whether to certify a project that is the subject of an application submitted under division (B) of this section, the tax credit authority shall consider the potential impact of the transformational mixed use development on the development site and the surrounding area in terms of architecture, accessibility to pedestrians, retail entertainment and dining sales, job creation, property values, connectivity, and revenue from sales, income, lodging, and property taxes. The tax credit authority shall not certify a project unless it satisfies the following conditions:

(a) The project qualifies as a transformational mixed use development and satisfies all other criteria prescribed by this section or by rule of the director of development;

(b) The estimated increase in tax collections during the completion period exceeds ten per cent of the estimated development costs for the project reported under division (B)(3) of this section;

(c) The project will not be completed unless the applicant receives the credit;

(d) If the development site is located within ten miles of a major city, the estimated development costs to complete the project plus, if applicable, the estimated expenditures that have been or will be incurred to complete all other contiguous phases of the project, exceed fifty million dollars.

In making its determination of whether or not to approve an application, the tax credit authority may conduct an interview of the applicant.

(2) If the tax credit authority approves an application, the authority shall issue a statement certifying the associated transformational mixed use development project and preliminarily approving a tax credit. The statement shall stipulate that receipt of a tax credit certificate is contingent upon completion of the transformational mixed use development as described in the development plan. The statement shall specify the estimated amount of the tax credit, but state that the amount of the credit is dependent upon determination of the actual development costs attributed to the project and, unless the tax credit authority grants a request by the property owner under division (F) of this section, of the increase in tax collections during the completion period.

(3) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the applicant is an insurance company that is not the property owner, the estimated amount of the tax credit shall equal ten per cent of the insurance company's capital contribution to the project as reported in the development plan pursuant to division (B)(7) of this section. Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the applicant is the property owner, the estimated amount of the tax credit shall equal ten per cent of the estimated development costs for the project as reported in the development plan pursuant to division (B)(3) of this section minus any estimated credit amounts that have been preliminarily approved for insurance companies contributing capital to the project. The estimated credit amounts may be reduced by the tax credit authority as a condition of certifying the project if such a reduction is necessary to comply with the limitations on the amount of credits that may be preliminarily approved as prescribed by division (C)(5) of this section. The estimated credit amounts shall not be adjusted after the statement described in division (C)(2) of this section has been issued.

(4) If the tax credit authority denies an application, the authority shall notify the applicant of the reason or reasons for such determination. The authority's determination is final, but an applicant may revise and resubmit a previously denied application.

(5)(a) The tax credit authority shall not certify any transformational mixed use development projects after June 30, 2025.

(b) The tax credit authority may not preliminarily approve more than one hundred million dollars of estimated tax credits in each of fiscal years 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025.

(c) Not more than eighty million dollars of estimated tax credits in each such fiscal year may be preliminarily approved in connection with projects that are located within ten miles of a major city.

(d) Not more than forty million dollars of estimated tax credits may be preliminarily approved in connection with the same transformational mixed use development project.

(6) If the dollar amount of tax credits applied for under division (B) of this section in connection with projects that are located within ten miles of a major city exceeds eighty million dollars for a fiscal year, the tax credit authority shall rank those applications and certify the associated projects in order, starting with the project that presents the best combination of economic value and transformational impact. If the dollar amount of tax credits applied for in connection with projects not located within ten miles of a major city exceeds twenty million dollars for a fiscal year, the tax credit authority shall rank those applications and certify the associated projects in order, starting with the project that presents the best combination of economic value and transformational impact. In either case, the authority shall consider the following factors in ranking the applications:

(a) The projected increase in tax collections during the completion period as a percentage of the total amount of estimated tax credits that would be preliminarily approved in connection with the project;

(b) The economic impact of the project on the development site and the surrounding area and the impact of the project in terms of architecture, accessibility to pedestrians, retail entertainment and dining sales, job creation, property values, and connectivity;

(c) The expeditiousness of the schedule for completing the project, realizing the increase in tax collections, and attaining the economic and other impacts on the development site and the surrounding area.

(D) Within twelve months of the date a project is certified, the property owner shall provide the tax credit authority with an updated schedule for the progression and completion of the project and documentation sufficient to demonstrate that construction of the project has begun. If the property owner does not provide the schedule and documentation or if construction of the project has not begun within the time prescribed by this division, the tax credit authority shall rescind certification of the project and send notice of the rescission to the property owner and each insurance company that is preliminarily approved for a tax credit in connection with the project. A property owner that receives notice of rescission may submit a new application concerning the same project under division (B) of this section.

(E) An applicant that is the property owner and is preliminarily approved for a tax credit under this section may sell or transfer the rights to that credit to one or more persons for the purpose of raising capital for the certified project. The applicant shall notify the tax credit authority upon selling or transferring the rights to the credit. The notice shall identify the person or persons to which the credit was sold or transferred and the credit amount sold or transferred to each such person. Only an applicant that owns the property may sell or transfer a credit under this division. A credit may be divided among multiple purchasers through more than one transaction but once a particular credit amount is acquired by a person other than the applicant it may not be sold or transferred again.

(F) After a transformational mixed use development project is certified and before it is completed, the property owner may request that the value of the tax credit certificates awarded in connection with the project be computed using the alternative method described in division (I) of this section. The tax credit authority shall grant the request if the authority determines, and a third party engaged by the authority at the expense of the property owner affirms, that it is reasonably certain that the increase in tax collections will exceed ten per cent of the estimated development costs within one year after the project is completed. Otherwise, the authority shall deny the request and the amount of each credit awarded in connection with the project shall be computed under division (H) of this section. The authority's determination under this division shall be delivered in writing and is final and not appealable.

(G)(1) The property owner shall notify the tax credit authority upon completion of a certified transformational mixed use development project. The notification shall include a report prepared by a third-party certified public accountant that contains a detailed accounting of the actual development costs attributed to the project.

(2) Upon receiving such a notice, unless the tax credit authority has previously granted a request by the property owner under division (F) of this section, the authority shall determine the increase in tax collections since the date the project was certified by consulting with the tax commissioner and with the tax administrator of any municipal corporation that levies an income tax within the project site and the surrounding area. The tax commissioner and the tax administrators that are consulted pursuant to this division shall provide the tax credit authority with any information that is necessary to determine the increase in tax collections.

(3) After determining the increase in tax collections under division (G)(2) of this section, if required, and computing the value of the tax credit under division (H) or (I) of this section, as applicable, the tax credit authority shall issue a tax credit certificate to each applicant that is preliminarily approved for a credit associated with the project or to the person or persons to which such an applicant sold or transferred the rights to the credit under division (E) of this section. If the amount of the tax credit awarded to the property owner is less than the credit amount estimated under division (C) of this section and the property owner sold or transferred the rights to the credit, the tax credit authority shall reduce the amount of each tax credit certificate issued to each purchaser or recipient on a pro rata basis unless the property owner requests an alternative allocation of the credit.

(H)(1) Unless the tax credit authority granted a request by the property owner under division (F) of this section, the aggregate value of the tax credit certificates issued under division (G) of this section to the property owner and to any persons to whom the property owner sold or transferred the rights to the credit shall equal the lesser of the following:

(a) Ten per cent of the adjusted development costs;

(b) Five per cent of the adjusted development costs plus any amount by which the property owner's share of the increase in tax collections since the date the project was certified exceeds five per cent of the adjusted development costs;

(c) The estimated credit amount specified in the tax credit authority's statement certifying the project and preliminarily approving the tax credit under division (C) of this section.

(2) The value of a tax credit certificate issued under division (G) of this section to an insurance company that contributed capital to the project shall equal the lesser of the following:

(a) Ten per cent of the insurance company's actual capital contribution;

(b) Five per cent of such capital contribution plus any amount by which the insurance company's share of the increase in tax collections since the date the project was certified exceeds five per cent of the insurance company's capital contribution;

(c) The estimated credit amount specified in the tax credit authority's statement certifying the project and preliminarily approving the tax credit under division (C) of this section.

(I) If the tax credit authority granted a request by the property owner under division (F) of this section, the value of the tax credit certificates issued in connection with the transformational mixed use development project shall be computed as follows:

(1) For the property owner or any person to which the property owner sold or transferred the rights to the credit, ten per cent of the actual development costs attributed to the project. If the amount of the credit is less than the credit amount estimated under division (C) of this section and the property owner sold or transferred the rights to the credit to more than one person, the authority shall reduce the amount of each tax credit certificate on a pro rata basis unless the property owner requests an alternative allocation of the credit.

(2) For an insurance company that contributed capital to the project, ten per cent of the insurance company's actual capital contribution.

(J) If the value of a tax credit certificate was computed under division (H) of this section for a project, the property owner, on or before the thirtieth day following the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth anniversaries of the date the certified transformational mixed use development project is completed, may request in writing that the tax credit authority update the increase in tax collections during the completion period. Upon receiving such a request, the tax credit authority shall update the increase in tax collections in the same manner described by division (G) of this section. If the tax credit authority determines that the value of the tax credit certificates computed under division (H) of this section would be greater if computed based on the updated increase in tax collections, the authority shall issue an additional tax credit certificate to each person that previously received a certificate for the project under those divisions. The value of each additional tax credit certificate shall equal the amount by which the tax credit certificate computed under division (H) of this section upon completion of the project would have been greater had the value of such certificate been computed based on the updated increase in tax collections, less the value of any additional tax credit certificates previously issued under this division to the same person respecting the same project.

(K) The aggregate value of all tax credit certificates issued under this section for the same transformational mixed use development project shall not exceed (1) ten per cent of the actual development costs of that project or (2) the sum of all estimated credit amounts preliminarily approved by the tax credit authority in connection with the project.

(L) Issuance of a tax credit certificate under this section does not represent a verification or certification by the tax credit authority of the actual development costs of the project or the capital contributions to the project by an insurance company. Such amounts are subject to inspection and examination by the superintendent of insurance.

(M) Upon the issuance of a tax credit certificate under division (G) or (J) of this section, the tax credit authority shall certify to the superintendent of insurance (1) the name of each person that was issued a tax credit certificate, (2) whether the person is the property owner, an insurance company that contributed capital to the development, or a person that acquired the rights to the tax credit certificate from the property owner, (3) the credit amount shown on each tax credit certificate, and (4) any other information required by the rules adopted under this section. A person that holds the rights to a tax credit certificate issued under this section and that is an insurance company may claim a tax credit under section 5725.35 or 5729.18 of the Revised Code.

(N) The tax credit authority shall publish information about each transformational mixed use development on the web site of the department of development not later than the first day of August following certification of the project. The tax credit authority shall update the published information annually until the project is complete and the credit or credits are fully claimed. The published information shall include all of the following:

(1) The location of the transformational mixed use development and the name by which it is known;

(2) The estimated schedule for progression and completion of the project included in the development plan pursuant to division (B)(4) of this section;

(3) The assessment of the projected economic impact of the project included in the development plan pursuant to division (B)(5) of this section;

(4) The evidence supporting the estimated increase in tax collections included in the development plan pursuant to division (B)(6) of this section, except that the tax credit authority may omit any proprietary or sensitive information included in such evidence;

(5) The estimated development costs that have been or will be incurred in completion of the project and, if applicable, the amount of the insurance company's capital contribution to the development and the date on which it was made, as reported in the development plan pursuant to divisions (B)(3) and (7) of this section;

(6) A copy of each report submitted to the tax credit authority by the applicant under division (D) of this section.

(O) The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules that establish all of the following:

(1) Forms and procedures by which applicants may apply for a transformational investment tax credit, and any deadlines for applying;

(2) Criteria and procedures for reviewing, evaluating, ranking, and approving applications within the limitations prescribed by this section, including rules prescribing the timing and frequency by which the tax credit authority must rank applications and preliminarily approve tax credits under division (C) of this section;

(3) Eligibility requirements for obtaining a tax credit certificate under this section;

(4) The form of the tax credit certificate;

(5) Reporting requirements and monitoring procedures;

(6) Procedures for computing the increase in tax collections within the project site and the surrounding area;

(7) Forms and procedures by which property owners may request the alternative method of computing the value of tax credit certificates under division (I) of this section that are awarded in connection with a project and criteria for evaluating and making a determination on such requests;

(8) Any other rules necessary to implement and administer this section.

Last updated March 30, 2022 at 4:37 PM

Section 122.10 | Cooperation and coordination with other state departments and agencies.

Each department, bureau, institution, agency, commission, or office of the state government, shall, upon request, furnish to the department of development any information it has available.

The department of development shall cooperate with each department, bureau, institution, agency, commission, or office of the state government and shall furnish any information it has available to such departments, bureaus, institutions, agencies, commissions, or office upon their request.

The department shall coordinate its services and activities with those of state departments, bureaus, agencies, commissions, and offices to the fullest extent possible in order to avoid duplication.

Section 122.11 | Classified and unclassified employees.

The director of development may employ and fix the compensation of technical and professional personnel, who shall be in the unclassified civil service, and may employ other personnel, who shall be in the classified civil service, as necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 122.011 to 122.11, 122.17, and 122.18 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.12 | Definitions.

As used in this section and in sections 122.121 and 122.122 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Endorsing county" means a county that contains a site selected by a site selection organization for one or more games.

(B) "Endorsing municipality" means a municipal corporation that contains a site selected by a site selection organization for one or more games.

(C) "Game support contract" means a joinder undertaking, joinder agreement, or similar contract executed by an endorsing municipality or endorsing county and a site selection organization.

(D) "Game" means a national or international competition or other event, such as a player draft or commemoration, associated with a sport, including the special olympics.

(E) "Joinder agreement" means an agreement entered into by a local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county, or more than one endorsing municipality or county acting collectively and a site selection organization setting out representations and assurances by each endorsing municipality or endorsing county in connection with the selection of a site in this state for the location of a game.

(F) "Joinder undertaking" means an agreement entered into by a local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county, or more than one endorsing municipality or county acting collectively and a site selection organization that each endorsing municipality or endorsing county will execute a joinder agreement in the event that the site selection organization selects a site in this state for a game.

(G) "Local organizing committee" means a nonprofit corporation or its successor in interest that:

(1) Has been authorized by an endorsing municipality, endorsing county, or more than one endorsing municipality or county acting collectively to pursue an application and bid on the applicant's behalf to a site selection organization for selection as the site of one or more games; or

(2) With the authorization of an endorsing municipality, endorsing county, or more than one endorsing municipality or county acting collectively, has executed an agreement with a site selection organization regarding a bid to host one or more games.

(H) "Site selection organization" means the national or international governing body of a sport that is recognized as such by the endorsing municipality, endorsing county, or local organizing committee.

(I) "Sport" means football, auto racing, rugby, cricket, horse racing, mixed martial arts, boxing, baseball, or any sport that is governed by an international federation and included in at least one of the following:

(a) Olympic games;

(b) Pan American games;

(c) Commonwealth games.

(J) "Qualifying costs" means the costs to fulfill the obligations of a local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county to a site selection organization under a game support contract, which obligations may include the payment of the following costs:

(1) Costs relating to the preparations necessary for the conduct of the game, including acquiring, renovating, or constructing facilities;

(2) Costs of conducting the game;

(3) Costs to assist the local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county in providing assurances required by a site selection organization sponsoring one or more games.

Section 122.121 | Site selection for major sporting event.

(A) A local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county that has entered into a joinder undertaking with a site selection organization may apply to the director of development services, on a form and in the manner prescribed by the director, for a grant from the sports event grant fund created under section 122.122 of the Revised Code with respect to a game to which either of the following applies:

(1) The organization accepts competitive bids to host the game.

(2) The game is a one-time centennial commemoration of the founding of a national football organization, association, or league.

The amount of the grant shall be based on the projected incremental increase in the receipts from the tax imposed under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code within the market area designated under division (C) of this section, for the two-week period that ends at the end of the day after the date on which the game will be held, that is directly attributable, as determined by the director, to the preparation for and presentation of the game. The director shall determine the projected incremental increase in the tax imposed under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code by using a formula approved by the director in consultation with the tax commissioner. The application shall include an estimate of the committee's, municipality's, or county's qualifying costs under the game support contract. The local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county is eligible to receive a grant under this section only if the projected incremental increase in receipts from the tax imposed under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, as determined by the director, exceeds two hundred fifty thousand dollars. The amount of the grant shall be not less than fifty per cent of the projected incremental increase in receipts, as determined by the director, but shall not exceed the lesser of two million dollars or the amount of the committee's, municipality's, or county's qualifying costs under the game support contract. The director shall disburse the grant to the local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county from the sports event grant fund.

(B) If the director of development services approves an application for a local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county and that local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county enters into a joinder agreement with a site selection organization, the local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county shall file a copy of the joinder agreement with the director. The grant shall be used exclusively by the local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county to pay its qualifying costs under the game support contract.

(C) For the purposes of division (A) of this section, the director of development services, in consultation with the tax commissioner, shall designate the market area for a game. The market area shall consist of the combined statistical area, as defined by the United States office of management and budget, in which an endorsing municipality or endorsing county is located.

(D) A local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county shall provide information required by the director of development services and tax commissioner to enable the director and commissioner to fulfill their duties under this section, including annual audited statements of any financial records required by a site selection organization; data obtained by the local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county relating to attendance at a game and to the economic impact of the game; and financial records from the committee, municipality, or county verifying its qualifying costs under the game support contract. A local organizing committee, an endorsing municipality, or an endorsing county shall provide an annual audited financial statement if so required by the director and commissioner, not later than the end of the fourth month after the date the period covered by the financial statement ends.

(E) Within thirty days after the game, the local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county shall certify to the director of development services a statement of its qualifying costs under the game support contract and a report about the economic impact of the game. The certification shall be in the form and substance required by the director, including, but not limited to, a final income statement for the event showing total revenue and expenditures and revenue and expenditures in the market area for the game, and ticket sales for the game and any related activities for which admission was charged. The director shall determine, based on the reported information and the exercise of reasonable judgment, the incremental increase in receipts from the tax imposed under section 5739.02 of the Revised Code directly attributable to the game and the committee's, municipality's, or county's qualifying costs under the game support contract. If the actual incremental increase in sales tax receipts is less than the projected incremental increase in such receipts, or if the actual qualifying costs are less than the estimated qualifying costs, the director may require the local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county to refund to the state all or a portion of the grant. Any refund remitted under this division shall be credited to the sports event grant fund.

(F) No disbursement may be made under this section if the director of development services determines that it would be used for the purpose of soliciting the relocation of a professional sports franchise located in this state.

(G) This section may not be construed as creating or requiring a state guarantee of obligations imposed on an endorsing municipality or endorsing county under a game support contract or any other agreement relating to hosting one or more games in this state.

Section 122.122 | Sports event grant fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the sports event grant fund, which shall consist of money appropriated to the fund. Money in the fund shall be used solely to make grants to a local organizing committee, endorsing municipality, or endorsing county under section 122.121 of the Revised Code. Except for amounts refunded under division (E) of section 122.121 of the Revised Code, money may not be credited or transferred to the fund if the credit or transfer would cause the balance of the fund to exceed ten million dollars.

Section 122.13 | Definitions.

As used in sections 122.13 to 122.136 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Closing" means the permanent cessation of operations at an establishment that employs at least twenty-five persons.

(B) "Employee-owned corporation" means a business operation that is controlled by a board of directors that is selected by the shareholders on a basis of one vote per shareholder and in which the management rights are represented by voting stock that is owned only by employees of the operation, a nonprofit community development corporation, or an employee-owned stock ownership plan any portion of which is owned by not less than twenty per cent of those employees. An "employee-owned corporation" also includes a business operation in which not less than fifty per cent of each class of voting security is owned by an employee stock ownership trust established under an employee stock ownership plan as defined in 26 U.S.C.A. 4975(e)(7), if the employee stock ownership plan requires pass-through of voting rights on voting securities as the securities are allocated to individual participating employee accounts.

(C) "Establishment" means any factory, plant, office, or other facility, but does not include a construction site or other workplace that was intended to be a temporary workplace.

(D) "Relocation" means removal of all or substantially all of the industrial or commercial operations in an establishment to a new location, within or outside of the state, that is one hundred or more miles from the location of the original establishment.

Section 122.131 | Employee ownership assistance program.

There is hereby created the employee ownership assistance program to be administered by the director of development. The director may employ any professional and technical personnel and other employees that are necessary to comply with sections 122.13 to 122.136 of the Revised Code. The director shall assist an individual or group of individuals, who seek assistance in the establishment of an employee-owned corporation. The director shall inform local government, business organizations, labor organizations, and others in the state of the availability of the program and its services established pursuant to sections 122.13 to 122.136 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.132 | Duties of director of development.

The director of development shall do all of the following:

(A) Develop, collect, and disseminate information useful to individuals and organizations throughout the state in undertaking or promoting the establishment and successful operation of employee-owned corporations;

(B) Assist in the evaluation of the feasibility and economic vitality of employee-owned corporation proposals received in the employee ownership assistance program;

(C) Provide technical assistance and counseling services to individuals who seek to form an employee-owned corporation;

(D) Provide assistance and counseling in the operation of an employee-owned corporation;

(E) Assist individuals in obtaining financing for the purchase and operation of an employee-owned corporation;

(F) Promote and coordinate the efforts of local, state, federal, or private organizations to assist in the formation or operation of employee-owned corporations;

(G) Recommend appropriate legislative or executive actions to enhance opportunities for employee-owned corporations in this state;

(H) Prescribe all forms for assistance requests and publish materials describing the employee ownership assistance program's services;

(I) Adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the conduct of the employee ownership assistance program.

Section 122.133 | Boards to assist employee ownership assistance program.

The director of development shall publicize the availability of the employee ownership assistance program and its services to local governments and to business and labor organizations and shall coordinate with local governments, business and labor organizations, and other state agencies in obtaining information relating to the possible relocation of operations or closing of a business establishment.

Section 122.134 | Feasibility study.

If the director of development becomes aware that a business establishment is closing or relocating operations, the director, pursuant to a request received under section 122.135 of the Revised Code, may conduct an initial study of the feasibility of the employees of the business establishment establishing an employee-owned corporation to continue the operations of the business establishment, or to operate another business, and may hold an informational meeting of representatives of the local community, the business establishment, representatives of any employee organization, and affected employees to explain the services available from the department of development relative to the formation of an employee-owned corporation.

Section 122.135 | Assistance in studying feasibility of employee-owned corporation.

Any individual, group of individuals, employees, organization of employees, or local community affected by any closing or relocation of a business establishment's operations or the proposed closing or relocation of a business establishment's operations may request, in a manner prescribed by the director of development, assistance in efforts to study the feasibility of the establishment of an employee-owned corporation and any other assistance the director may provide pursuant to sections 122.13 to 122.136 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.136 | Annual report.

The director of development services shall prepare and submit a report to the governor and the general assembly annually on or before the first day of August of the services and activities of the employee ownership assistance program for the preceding calendar year. The director shall include in the report information regarding the number, names, and locations of business establishments that have been or likely will be assisted as employee-owned corporations; recommendations on how to better operate the program; information regarding the effectiveness of the program in maintaining and improving employment in the state; and the number of individuals affected by the activities of the program.

Section 122.14 | Roadwork development fund.

(A) There is hereby created in the state treasury the roadwork development fund. The fund shall consist of the investment earnings of the security deposit fund created by section 4509.27 of the Revised Code and revenue transferred to it by the director of budget and management from the highway operating fund created in section 5735.051 of the Revised Code. The fund shall be used by the development services agency in accordance with Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, to make road improvements associated with retaining or attracting business for this state, including both of the following:

(1) Construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair of public roads that provide access to a public airport or are located within a public airport;

(2) Construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair of public roads that provide or improve access to tourism attractions.

(B) All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund.

Section 122.15 | Definitions for sections 122.151 to 122.156.

As used in this section and sections 122.151 to 122.156 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Affiliate" means a person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another person. For the purposes of this division, a person is "controlled by" another person if the controlling person holds, directly or indirectly, the majority voting or ownership interest in the controlled person or has control over the day-to-day operations of the controlled person by contract or by law.

(B) "Border county" means a county in this state that borders another state.

(C) "Closing date" means the date on which a rural business growth fund has collected all of the amounts specified by divisions (G)(1) and (2) of section 122.151 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Credit-eligible capital contribution" means an investment of cash by a person subject to the tax imposed by section 3901.86, 5725.18, 5729.03, or 5729.06 of the Revised Code in a rural business growth fund that equals the amount specified on a notice of tax credit allocation issued by the department of development under division (I)(1) of section 122.151 of the Revised Code. The investment shall purchase an equity interest in the fund or purchase, at par value or premium, a debt instrument issued by the fund that meets all of the following criteria:

(1) The debt instrument has an original maturity date of at least five years after the date of issuance.

(2) The debt instrument has a repayment schedule that is not faster than a level principal amortization over five years.

(3) The debt instrument has no interest, distribution, or payment features dependent on the fund's profitability or the success of the fund's growth investments.

(E) "Eligible investment authority" means the amount stated on the notice issued under division (F) of section 122.151 of the Revised Code certifying the rural business growth fund. Sixty per cent of a fund's eligible investment authority shall be comprised of credit-eligible capital contributions.

(F) "Full-time equivalent employee" means the quotient obtained by dividing the total number of hours for which employees were compensated for employment over the preceding twelve-month period by two thousand eighty.

(G) "Growth investment" means any capital or equity investment in a rural business concern or any loan to a rural business concern with a stated maturity of at least one year. A secured loan or the provision of a revolving line of credit to a rural business concern is a growth investment only if the rural business growth fund obtains an affidavit from the president or chief executive officer of the rural business concern attesting that the rural business concern sought and was denied similar financing from a commercial bank.

(H) "Operating company" means any business that has its principal business operations in this state, has fewer than two hundred fifty employees and not more than fifteen million dollars in net income for the preceding taxable year, and that is none of the following:

(1) A country club;

(2) A racetrack or other facility used for gambling;

(3) A store the principal purpose of which is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off premises;

(4) A massage parlor;

(5) A hot tub facility;

(6) A suntan facility;

(7) A business engaged in the development or holding of intangibles for sale;

(8) A private or commercial golf course;

(9) A business that derives or projects to derive fifteen per cent or more of its net income from the rental or sale of real property, except any business that is a special purpose entity principally owned by a principal user of that property formed solely for the purpose of renting, either directly or indirectly, or selling real property back to such principal user if such principal user does not derive fifteen per cent or more of its gross annual revenue from the rental or sale of real property;

(10) A publicly traded business.

For the purposes of this division, "net income" means federal gross income as required to be reported under the Internal Revenue Code less federal and state taxes imposed on or measured by income.

(I) "Population" means that shown by the most recent decennial census or the most recent annual population estimate published or released by the United States census bureau, whichever is more recent.

(J) A business's "principal business operations" are in this state if at least eighty per cent of the business's employees reside in this state, the individuals who receive eighty per cent of the business's payroll reside in this state, or the business has agreed to use the proceeds of a growth investment to relocate at least eighty per cent of its employees to this state or pay at least eighty per cent of its payroll to individuals residing in this state. For the purpose of growth investments by a program two rural business growth fund, a business's "principal business operations" are also in this state if it is headquartered in a border county and at least sixty-five per cent of the business's employees reside in this state, the individuals who receive sixty-five per cent of the business's payroll reside in this state, or the business has agreed to use the proceeds of a growth investment to relocate at least sixty-five per cent of its employees to this state or pay at least sixty-five per cent of its payroll to individuals residing in this state.

(K) "Program one" refers to rural business growth funds certified by the department of development under section 122.151 of the Revised Code before the effective date of this amendment .

(L) "Program two" refers to rural business growth funds certified by the department of development under section 122.151 of the Revised Code on or after the effective date of this amendment .

(M) "Rural area" means any county in this state having a population less than two hundred thousand.

(N) "Rural business concern" means an operating company that has its principal business operations located in a rural area.

(O) "Rural business growth fund" and "fund" mean an entity certified by the department of development under section 122.151 of the Revised Code.

(P) "Taxable year" means the calendar year ending on the thirty-first day of December next preceding the day the annual statement is required to be returned under section 5725.18 or 5729.02 of the Revised Code.

(Q) "Tier one rural area" means any county in this state having a population less than two hundred thousand and more than one hundred fifty thousand.

(R) "Tier two rural area" means any county in this state having a population of more than seventy-five thousand but not more than one hundred fifty thousand.

(S) "Tier three rural area" means any county in this state having a population of not more than seventy-five thousand.

Last updated July 30, 2021 at 9:28 AM

Section 122.151 | Certification as a rural business growth fund.

(A) A person that has developed a business plan to invest in rural business concerns in this state and has successfully solicited private investors to make credit-eligible capital contributions in support of the plan may apply to the department of development for certification as a rural business growth fund. The application shall include all of the following:

(1) The total eligible investment authority sought by the applicant under the business plan;

(2) Documents and other evidence sufficient to prove, to the satisfaction of the agency, that the applicant meets all of the following criteria:

(a) The applicant or an affiliate of the applicant is licensed as a rural business investment company under 7 U.S.C. 2009cc, or as a small business investment company under 15 U.S.C. 681.

(b) As of the date the application is submitted, the applicant has invested more than one hundred million dollars in operating companies, including at least fifty million dollars in operating companies located in rural areas. In computing investments under this division, the applicant may include investments made by affiliates of the applicant and investments made in businesses that are not operating companies but would qualify as operating companies if the principal business operations were located in this state.

(3) The industries in which the applicant proposes to make growth investments and the percentage of the growth investments that will be made in each industry. The applicant shall identify each industry by using the codes utilized by the north American industry classification system.

(4) An estimate of the number of new full-time equivalent employees and retained full-time equivalent employees that will result from the applicant's growth investments;

(5) A revenue impact assessment for the applicant's proposed growth investments prepared by a nationally recognized third-party independent economic forecasting firm using a dynamic economic forecasting model. The revenue impact assessment shall analyze the applicant's business plan over the ten years following the date the application is submitted to the agency.

(6) A signed affidavit from each investor successfully solicited by the applicant to make a credit eligible capital contribution in support of the business plan. Each affidavit shall include information sufficient for the agency and the superintendent of insurance to identify the investor and shall state the amount of the investor's credit-eligible capital contribution.

(7) A nonrefundable application fee of five thousand dollars.

(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, the agency shall review and make a determination with respect to each application submitted under division (A) of this section within sixty days of receipt. The agency shall review and make determinations on the applications in the order in which the applications are received by the agency. Applications received by the agency on the same day shall be deemed to have been received simultaneously. The agency shall approve not more than seventy-five million dollars in eligible investment authority and not more than forty-five million dollars in credit-eligible capital contributions under this section for program one rural business growth funds. The agency shall approve not more than seventy-five million dollars in eligible investment authority and not more than forty-five million dollars in credit-eligible contributions under this section for program two rural business growth funds.

(2) If the agency denies an application for certification as a fund, and approving a subsequently submitted application would result in exceeding the dollar limitation on eligible investment authority or credit-eligible contributions prescribed by division (B)(1) of this section assuming the previously denied application were completed, clarified, or cured under division (D) of this section, the agency shall refrain from making a determination on the subsequently submitted application until the previously denied application is reconsidered or the fifteen-day period for submitting additional information respecting that application has passed, whichever comes first.

(C) The agency shall deny an application submitted under this section if any of the following are true:

(1) The application is incomplete.

(2) The application fee is not paid in full.

(3) The applicant does not satisfy all the criteria described in division (A)(2) of this section.

(4) The revenue impact assessment submitted under division (A)(5) of this section does not demonstrate that the applicant's business plan will result in a positive economic impact on this state over a ten-year period that exceeds the cumulative amount of tax credits that would be issued under section 122.152 of the Revised Code if the application were approved.

(5) The credit-eligible capital contributions described in affidavits submitted under division (A)(6) of this section do not equal sixty per cent of the total amount of eligible investment authority sought under the applicant's business plan.

(6) The agency has already approved the maximum total eligible investment authority and credit-eligible capital contributions allowed under division (B) of this section.

(D) If the agency denies an application under division (C) of this section, the agency shall send notice of its determination to the applicant. The notice shall include the reason or reasons that the application was denied. If the application was denied for any reason other than the reason specified in division (C)(6) of this section, the applicant may provide additional information to the agency to complete, clarify, or cure defects in the application. The additional information must be submitted within fifteen days after the date the notice of denial was dispatched by the agency. If the person submits additional information within fifteen days, the agency shall reconsider the application within thirty days after receiving the additional information. The application shall be reviewed and considered before any pending application submitted after the original submission date of the reconsidered application. If the person does not submit additional information within fifteen days after dispatch of the notice of denial, the person may submit a new application with a new submission date at any time.

(E) If approving multiple simultaneously submitted applications would result in exceeding the overall eligible investment limit prescribed by division (B) of this section, the agency shall proportionally reduce the eligible investment authority and the credit-eligible capital contributions for each approved application as necessary to avoid exceeding the limit.

(F) The agency shall not deny a rural business growth fund application or reduce the requested eligible investment authority for reasons other than those described in divisions (C) and (E) of this section. If the agency approves such an application, the agency shall issue a written notice to the applicant certifying that the applicant qualifies as a rural business growth fund and specifying the amount of the applicant's eligible investment authority.

(G) A fund shall do all of the following within sixty days after receiving the certification issued under division (F) of this section:

(1) Collect the credit-eligible capital contributions from each investor whose affidavit was included in the application. If the rural business growth fund's requested eligible investment authority is proportionally reduced under division (E) of this section, the investor's required credit-eligible capital contribution shall be reduced by the same proportion.

(2) Collect one or more investments of cash that, when added to the contributions collected under division (G)(1) of this section, equal the fund's eligible investment authority. At least ten per cent of the fund's eligible investment authority shall be comprised of equity investments contributed directly or indirectly by affiliates of the fund, including employees, officers, and directors of such affiliates.

(H) Within sixty-five days after receiving the certification issued under division (F)(1) of this section, the fund shall send to the agency documentation sufficient to prove that the amounts described in divisions (G)(1) and (2) of this section have been collected. The fund shall identify any affiliate of an investor described in division (G)(1) of this section that will seek to claim the credit allowed by section 122.152 of the Revised Code. If the fund fails to fully comply with division (G) of this section, the fund's certification shall lapse.

Eligible investment authority and corresponding credit-eligible capital contributions that lapse under this division do not count toward limits on total eligible investment authority and credit-eligible capital contributions prescribed by division (B) of this section. Once eligible investment authority has lapsed, the agency shall first award lapsed authority pro rata to each fund that was awarded less than the requested eligible investment authority because of the operation of division (E) of this section. Any remaining eligible investment authority may be awarded by the agency to new applicants.

(I) After receiving documentation sufficient to prove that the amounts described in divisions (G)(1) and (2) of this section have been collected, the agency shall issue the following notices:

(1) To each investor or affiliate identified in division (H) of this section, a notice of the amount and utilization schedule of the tax credits allocated to that investor or affiliate as a result of its credit-eligible capital contribution;

(2) To the superintendent of insurance, a notice of the amount and utilization schedule of the tax credits allocated to each investor described in division (G)(1) of this section and any affiliate of such investor who will seek to claim the credit allowed by section 122.152 of the Revised Code.

(J) Application fees submitted to the agency pursuant to division (A)(7) of this section shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created under section 122.174 of the Revised Code, and shall be used by the agency to administer sections 122.15 to 122.156 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 29, 2021 at 4:25 PM

Section 122.152 | Tax credit.

(A) There is hereby allowed a nonrefundable tax credit for owners of tax credit certificates issued by the development services agency under division (B) of this section. The credit may be claimed against the tax imposed by section 3901.86, 5725.18, 5729.03, or 5729.06 of the Revised Code.

(B) On the closing date, a taxpayer that made a credit-eligible capital contribution to a rural business growth fund shall be eligible for a credit equal to the amount specified in the notice issued under division (I)(1) of section 122.151 of the Revised Code. On or before the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth anniversary dates of the closing date, the agency shall issue a tax credit certificate to the taxpayer specifying the corresponding anniversary date and a credit amount equal to one-fourth of the total credit authorized under this section. The taxpayer or its identified affiliate may claim the credit amount for the taxable year that includes the date specified on the certificate. The taxpayer making a credit-eligible capital contribution and the issuance of a tax credit certificate by the agency does not represent a verification or certification by the agency of compliance with the recapture provisions of section 122.153 of the Revised Code. The tax credit issued under this division is subject to recapture under section 122.153 of the Revised Code.

(C) The credit shall be claimed in the order required under section 5725.98 or 5729.98 of the Revised Code as applicable. If the amount of the credit for a taxable year exceeds the tax otherwise due for that year, the excess may be carried forward for not more than four ensuing taxable years. A taxpayer claiming a credit under this section shall submit a copy of the tax credit certificate with the taxpayer's annual statement for each taxable year in which the credit is claimed.

Section 122.153 | Tax credit certificates; recapture of tax credits.

(A) The department of development shall not be required to issue a tax credit certificate under section 122.152 of the Revised Code if either of the following applies:

(1) The credit-eligible capital contribution was made in a program one rural business growth fund that fails to:

(a) Invest fifty per cent of its eligible investment authority in growth investments within one year of the closing date; and

(b) Invest one hundred per cent of its eligible investment authority in growth investments in this state within two years of the closing date.

(2) The credit eligible contribution was made in a program two rural business growth fund that fails to:

(a) Invest twenty-five per cent of its eligible investment authority in growth investments within one year of the closing date;

(b) Invest fifty per cent of its eligible investment authority in growth investments within two years of the closing date; and

(c) Invest one hundred per cent of its eligible investment authority in growth investments within three years of the closing date, including seventy-five per cent of its eligible investment authority in rural business concerns that have their principal business operations in tier two or tier three rural areas, and twenty-five per cent of its eligible investment authority in rural business concerns that have their principal business operations in tier three rural areas. The amount by which a rural business growth fund's growth investments in rural business concerns that have their principal business operations in tier one rural areas exceeds twenty-five per cent of the fund's eligible investment authority shall not count towards the satisfaction of the requirements prescribed by division (A)(2)(c) of this section.

(B) The agency shall recapture tax credits claimed under section 122.152 of the Revised Code if any of the following occur with respect to the rural business growth fund:

(1) The fund, after investing one hundred per cent of its eligible investment authority in growth investments in this state, fails to maintain that investment until the sixth anniversary of the closing date. For the purposes of this division, an investment is maintained even if the investment is sold or repaid so long as the fund reinvests an amount equal to the capital returned or recovered by the fund from the original investment, exclusive of any profits realized, in other growth investments in this state within one year of the receipt of such capital.

(2) The fund makes a distribution or payment after the fund complies with division (G) of section 122.151 of the Revised Code and before the fund decertifies under division (D) of this section that results in the fund having less than one hundred per cent of its eligible investment authority invested in growth investments in this state.

(3) The fund makes a growth investment in a rural business concern that directly or indirectly through an affiliate owns, has the right to acquire an ownership interest, makes a loan to, or makes an investment in the fund, an affiliate of the fund, or an investor in the fund. Division (A)(3) of this section does not apply to investments in publicly traded securities by a rural business concern or an owner or affiliate of a rural business concern.

Before recapturing one or more tax credits under this division, the agency shall notify the fund of the reasons for the pending recapture. If the fund corrects the violations outlined in the notice to the satisfaction of the agency within thirty days of the date the notice was dispatched, the agency shall not recapture the tax credits.

(C)(1) The amount by which one or more growth investments by a program one rural business growth fund in the same rural business concern exceeds twenty per cent of the fund's eligible investment authority shall not be counted as a growth investment for the purposes of this section. The amount by which one or more growth investments by a program two rural business growth fund in the same business concern exceeds five million dollars shall not be counted as a growth investment for the purposes of this section. A growth investment returned or repaid by a rural business concern to a program one or program two rural business growth fund and then reinvested by the fund in the same rural business concern does not count as an investment in the same rural business concern for the purposes of the limitations prescribed by division (C)(1) of this section.

(2) The aggregate amount of growth investments by all rural business growth funds in the same rural business concern, including amounts reinvested in a rural business concern following a returned or repayment of a growth investment, shall not exceed fifteen million dollars.

(3) A growth investment in an affiliate of a rural business concern shall be treated as a growth investment in that rural business concern for the purposes of division (C) of this section.

(D) If the agency recaptures a tax credit under this section, the agency shall notify the superintendent of insurance of the recapture. The superintendent shall make an assessment under Chapter 5725. or 5729. of the Revised Code for the amount of the credit claimed by each certificate owner associated with the fund before the recapture was finalized. The time limitations on assessments under those chapters do not apply to an assessment under this division, but the superintendent shall make the assessment within one year after the date the agency notifies the superintendent of the recapture. Following the recapture of a tax credit under this section, no tax credit certificate associated with the fund may be utilized. Notwithstanding division (B) of section 122.152 of the Revised Code, if a tax credit is recaptured under this section the agency shall not issue future tax credit certificates to taxpayers that made credit-eligible capital contributions to the fund.

(E)(1) On or after the sixth anniversary of the closing date, a fund that has not committed any of the acts described in division (B) of this section may apply to the agency to decertify as a rural business growth fund. The agency shall respond to the application within sixty days after receiving the application. In evaluating the application, the fact that no tax credit has been recaptured with respect to the fund shall be sufficient evidence to prove that the fund is eligible for decertification. The agency shall not unreasonably deny an application submitted under this division.

(2) The agency shall send notice of its determination with respect to an application submitted under division (E)(1) of this section to the fund. If the application is denied, the notice shall include the reason or reasons for the determination.

(3) The agency shall not recapture a tax credit due to any actions of a fund that occur after the date the fund's application for decertification is approved. Division (E)(3) of this section does not prohibit the agency from recapturing a tax credit due to the actions of a fund that occur before the date the fund's application for decertification is approved, even if those actions are discovered after that date.

Last updated April 16, 2024 at 3:05 PM

Section 122.154 | Reports.

(A) Each rural business growth fund shall submit a report to the department of development on or before the first day of each March following the end of the calendar year that includes the closing date until the calendar year after the fund has decertified. The report shall provide an itemization of the fund's growth investments and shall include the following documents and information:

(1) A bank statement evidencing each growth investment;

(2) The name, location, and industry class of each business that received a growth investment from the fund and evidence that the business qualified as a rural business concern at the time the investment was made. If the fund obtained a written opinion from the agency on the business's status as a rural business concern under section 122.156 of the Revised Code, or if the fund makes a written request for such an opinion and the agency failed to respond within thirty days as required by that section, a copy of the agency's favorable opinion or a dated copy of the fund's unanswered request, as applicable, shall be sufficient evidence that the business qualified as a rural business concern at the time the investment was made.

(3) The number of employment positions that existed at each business described in division (A)(2) of this section on the date the business received the growth investment;

(4) The number of new full-time equivalent employees resulting from each of the fund's growth investments made or maintained in the preceding calendar year;

(5) Any other information required by the agency.

(B) Each fund shall submit a report to the agency on or before the fifth business day after the first, second, and for program two funds, third anniversaries of the closing date that provides documentation sufficient to prove that the fund has met the investment thresholds described in division (A) of section 122.153 of the Revised Code and has not implicated any of the other recapture provisions described in division (B) of that section.

(C) Each certified rural business growth fund shall pay the agency an annual fee of twenty thousand dollars. The initial annual fee required of a fund shall be due and payable to the agency along with the submission of documentation required under division (H) of section 122.151 of the Revised Code. Each subsequent annual fee is due and payable on the last day of February following the first and each ensuing anniversary of the closing date. If the fund is required to submit an annual report under division (A) of this section, the annual fee shall be submitted along with the report. No fund shall be required to pay an annual fee after the fund has decertified under section 122.153 of the Revised Code. Annual fees paid to the agency under this section shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created under section 122.174 of the Revised Code.

(D) The director of development, after consultation with the superintendent of insurance and in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may adopt rules necessary to implement sections 122.15 to 122.156 of the Revised Code.

Last updated March 30, 2022 at 4:41 PM

Section 122.155 | State reimbursement amount.

(A)(1) For each calendar year in which a rural business growth fund makes or maintains a growth investment in a rural business concern in this state, the fund shall determine the number of new full-time equivalent employees produced at the business concern as a result of the investment. New full-time equivalent employees shall be computed by subtracting the number of full-time equivalent employees at the rural business concern on the date of the fund's initial growth investment in the rural business concern from the number of full-time equivalent employees at the rural business concern on the last day of the calendar year. If the computation results in a number less than zero, the number of new full-time equivalent employees, produced by the fund's growth investment for that calendar year period shall be zero. Only employees with an hourly wage rate of at least one hundred fifty per cent of the federal minimum wage may be considered in computing the number of new full-time equivalent employees for the purposes of this section.

(2) A fund may determine and include, for the purposes of this section and section 122.154 of the Revised Code, the number of new full-time equivalent employees produced at a rural business concern after the year in which the fund's growth investment is repaid or redeemed. The new full-time equivalent employees shall be computed in the same manner as in division (A)(1) of this section based on reporting information provided by the rural business concern to the fund.

(B) After a fund's application for decertification is approved under section 122.153 of the Revised Code, the fund shall determine the state reimbursement amount. The state reimbursement amount shall equal the amount by which the fund's credit-eligible capital contributions exceed the product obtained by multiplying thirty thousand dollars by the aggregate number of new full-time equivalent employees for the fund. If that product is greater than the fund's credit-eligible capital contributions, the state reimbursement amount shall equal zero. In the absence of additional information provided by the fund or discovered by the agency, the number of new full-time equivalent employees for the purposes of this division equals the sum of all new full-time equivalent employees reported by the fund on the annual reports required under section 122.154 of the Revised Code.

(C) After the state reimbursement amount is computed under division (B) of this section, the fund shall not be permitted to make further distributions to equity holders of the fund, including investors that are equity holders of the funds without first remitting the state reimbursement amount to the agency. All amounts received by the agency under this division shall be credited to the general revenue fund.

(D) The director of development services, upon the request of a fund, may waive all or a portion of the remission required under division (C) of this section if the director determines, based on an affidavit of the chief executive officer or president of a rural business concern, that the growth investments of the fund resulted in the retention of employment positions that would have otherwise been eliminated at rural business concerns in this state. The amount waived shall not exceed the product of thirty thousand dollars multiplied by the number of retained employment positions multiplied by the number of years in which the fund made or maintained a growth investment in the rural business concern that retained the employment positions.

Last updated May 7, 2021 at 3:18 PM

Section 122.156 | Written opinion.

A rural business growth fund, before investing in a business, may request a written opinion from the department of development as to whether the business qualifies as a rural business concern based on the criteria prescribed by section 122.15 of the Revised Code. The request shall be submitted in a form prescribed by rule of the agency. The agency shall issue a written opinion to the fund within thirty business days of receiving such a request. Notwithstanding division (J) of section 122.15 of the Revised Code, if the agency determines that the business qualifies as a rural business concern or if the agency fails to timely issue the written opinion as required under this section, the business shall be considered a rural business concern for the purposes of sections 122.15 to 122.156 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 30, 2021 at 10:09 AM

Section 122.16 | Economic redevelopment of distressed area.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Distressed area" means either a municipal corporation that has a population of at least fifty thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census published by the United States census bureau, or a county, that meets at least two of the following criteria:

(a) Its average rate of unemployment, during the most recent five-year period for which local area unemployment statistics published by the United States bureau of labor statistics are available, as of the date the most recent federal decennial census was published, is equal to or greater than one hundred twenty-five per cent of the average rate of unemployment for the United States for the same period.

(b)(i) In the case of a county, its per capita personal income is equal to or less than eighty per cent of the per capita personal income of the United States as determined by the most recently available data from the United States department of commerce, bureau of economic analysis as of the date the most recent federal decennial census was published.

(ii) In the case of a municipal corporation, its per capita income is equal to or less than eighty per cent of the per capita income of the United States as determined by the most recently available five-year estimates published in the American community survey as of the date the most recent federal decennial census was published.

(c)(i) In the case of a county, its ratio of personal current transfer receipts to total personal income is equal to or greater than twenty-five per cent, as determined by the most recently available data from the United States department of commerce, bureau of economic analysis as of the date the most recent federal decennial census was published.

(ii) In the case of a municipal corporation, the percentage of its residents with incomes below the official poverty line is equal to or greater than twenty per cent as determined by the most recently available five-year estimates published in the American community survey as of the date the most recent federal decennial census was published.

If a federal agency ceases to publish the applicable data described in division (A)(1) of this section, the director of development shall designate, on the department of development's web site, an alternative source of the applicable data published by a federal agency or, if no such source is available, another reliable source.

(2) "Eligible area" means a distressed area, a labor surplus area, an inner city area, or a situational distress area.

(3) "Eligible costs associated with a voluntary action" means costs incurred during the qualifying period in performing a remedy or remedial activities, as defined in section 3746.01 of the Revised Code, and any costs incurred during the qualifying period in performing both a phase I and phase II property assessment, as defined in the rules adopted under section 3746.04 of the Revised Code, provided that the performance of the phase I and phase II property assessment resulted in the implementation of the remedy or remedial activities.

(4) "Inner city area" means, in a municipal corporation that has a population of at least one hundred thousand and does not meet the criteria of a labor surplus area or a distressed area, targeted investment areas established by the municipal corporation within its boundaries that are comprised of the most recent census block tracts that individually have at least twenty per cent of their population at or below the state poverty level or other census block tracts contiguous to such census block tracts.

(5) "Labor surplus area" means an area designated as a labor surplus area by the United States department of labor.

(6) "Official poverty line" has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 3923.51 of the Revised Code.

(7) "Partner" includes a member of a limited liability company formed under Chapter 1705. or 1706. of the Revised Code or under the laws of any other state if the limited liability company is not treated as a corporation for purposes of Chapter 5733. of the Revised Code and is not classified as an association taxable as a corporation for federal income tax purposes.

(8) "Partnership" includes a limited liability company formed under Chapter 1705. or 1706. of the Revised Code or under the laws of any other state if the limited liability company is not treated as a corporation for purposes of Chapter 5733. of the Revised Code and is not classified as an association taxable as a corporation for federal income tax purposes.

(9) "Qualifying period" means the period that begins July 1, 1996, and ends June 30, 1999.

(10) "S corporation" means a corporation that has made an election under subchapter S of chapter one of subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code for its taxable year under the Internal Revenue Code;

(11) "Situational distress area" means a county or a municipal corporation that has experienced or is experiencing a closing or downsizing of a major employer that will adversely affect the economy of the county or municipal corporation. In order for a county or municipal corporation to be designated as a situational distress area, the governing body of the county or municipal corporation shall submit a petition to the director of development in the form prescribed by the director. A county or municipal corporation may be designated as a situational distress area for a period not exceeding thirty-six months.

The petition shall include written documentation that demonstrates all of the following:

(a) The number of jobs lost by the closing or downsizing;

(b) The impact that the job loss has on the unemployment rate of the county or municipal corporation as measured by the director of job and family services;

(c) The annual payroll associated with the job loss;

(d) The amount of state and local taxes associated with the job loss;

(e) The impact that the closing or downsizing has on the suppliers located in the county or municipal corporation.

(12) "Voluntary action" has the same meaning as in section 3746.01 of the Revised Code.

(13) "Taxpayer" means a corporation subject to the tax imposed by section 5733.06 of the Revised Code or any person subject to the tax imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code.

(14) "Governing body" means the board of county commissioners of a county, the board of township trustees of a township, or the legislative authority of a municipal corporation.

(15) "Eligible site" means property for which a covenant not to sue has been issued under section 3746.12 of the Revised Code.

(16) "American community survey" means the supplementary statistics collected and published annually by the United States census bureau in accordance with 13 U.S.C. 141 and 193.

(B)(1) A taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation that has been issued, under section 3746.12 of the Revised Code, a covenant not to sue for a site by the director of environmental protection during the qualifying period may apply to the director of development, in the manner prescribed by the director, to enter into an agreement under which the applicant agrees to economically redevelop the site in a manner that will create employment opportunities and a credit will be granted to the applicant against the tax imposed by section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code. The application shall state the eligible costs associated with a voluntary action incurred by the applicant. The application shall be accompanied by proof, in a form prescribed by the director of development, that the covenant not to sue has been issued.

The applicant shall request the certified professional that submitted the no further action letter for the eligible site under section 3746.11 of the Revised Code to submit an affidavit to the director of development verifying the eligible costs associated with the voluntary action at that site.

The director shall review the applications in the order they are received. If the director determines that the applicant meets the requirements of this section, the director may enter into an agreement granting a credit against the tax imposed by section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code. In making the determination, the director may consider the extent to which political subdivisions and other units of government will cooperate with the applicant to redevelop the eligible site. The agreement shall state the amount of the tax credit and the reporting requirements described in division (F) of this section.

(2) The maximum annual amount of credits the director of development may grant under such agreements shall be as follows:

1996 $5,000,000

1997 $10,000,000

1998 $10,000,000

1999 $5,000,000

For any year in which the director of development does not grant tax credits under this section equal to the maximum annual amount, the amount not granted for that year shall be added to the maximum annual amount that may be granted for the following year. However, the director shall not grant any tax credits under this section after June 30, 1999.

(C)(1) If the covenant not to sue was issued in connection with a site that is not located in an eligible area, the credit amount is equal to the lesser of five hundred thousand dollars or ten per cent of the eligible costs associated with a voluntary action incurred by the taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation.

(2) If a covenant not to sue was issued in connection with a site that is located in an eligible area, the credit amount is equal to the lesser of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars or fifteen per cent of the eligible costs associated with a voluntary action incurred by the taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation.

(3) A taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation that has been issued covenants not to sue under section 3746.12 of the Revised Code for more than one site may apply to the director of development to enter into more than one agreement granting a credit against the tax imposed by section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code.

(4) For each year for which a taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation has been granted a credit under an agreement entered into under this section, the director of development shall issue a certificate to the taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation indicating the amount of the credit the taxpayer, the partners of the partnership, or the shareholders of the S corporation may claim for that year, not including any amount that may be carried forward from previous years under section 5733.34 of the Revised Code.

(D)(1) Each agreement entered into under this section shall incorporate a commitment by the taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation not to permit the use of an eligible site to cause the relocation of employment positions to that site from elsewhere in this state, except as otherwise provided in division (D)(2) of this section. The commitment shall be binding on the taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation for the lesser of five years from the date the agreement is entered into or the number of years the taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation is entitled to claim the tax credit under the agreement.

(2) An eligible site may be the site of employment positions relocated from elsewhere in this state if the director of development determines both of the following:

(a) That the site from which the employment positions would be relocated is inadequate to meet market and industry conditions, expansion plans, consolidation plans, or other business considerations affecting the relocating employer;

(b) That the governing body of the county, township, or municipal corporation from which the employment positions would be relocated has been notified of the possible relocation.

For purposes of this section, the movement of an employment position from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall be considered a relocation of an employment position, but the transfer of an individual employee from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall not be considered a relocation of an employment position as long as the individual's employment position in the first political subdivision is refilled.

(E) A taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation that has entered into an agreement granting a credit against the tax imposed by section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code that subsequently recovers in a lawsuit or settlement of a lawsuit at least seventy-five per cent of the eligible costs associated with a voluntary action shall not claim any credit amount remaining, including any amounts carried forward from prior years, beginning with the taxable year in which the judgment in the lawsuit is entered or the settlement is finally agreed to.

Any amount of credit that a taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation may not claim by reason of this division shall not be considered to have been granted for the purpose of determining the total amount of credits that may be issued under division (B)(2) of this section.

(F) Each year for which a taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation claims a credit under section 5733.34 of the Revised Code, the taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation shall report the following to the director of development:

(1) The status of all cost recovery litigation described in division (E) of this section to which it was a party during the previous year;

(2) Confirmation that the covenant not to sue has not been revoked or has not been voided;

(3) Confirmation that the taxpayer, partnership, or S corporation has not permitted the eligible site to be used in such a manner as to cause the relocation of employment positions from elsewhere in this state in violation of the commitment required under division (D) of this section;

(4) Any other information the director of development requires to perform the director's duties under this section.

(G) The director of development shall annually certify, by the first day of January of each year during the qualifying period, the eligible areas for the calendar year that includes that first day of January.

(H) The director of development, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section, including rules prescribing forms required for administering this section.

Last updated September 6, 2023 at 4:25 PM

Section 122.17 | Grants to foster job creation.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Payroll" means the total taxable income paid by the employer during the employer's taxable year, or during the calendar year that includes the employer's tax period, to each employee or each home-based employee employed in the project to the extent such payroll is not used to determine the credit under section 122.171 of the Revised Code. "Payroll" excludes amounts paid before the day the taxpayer becomes eligible for the credit and retirement or other benefits paid or contributed by the employer to or on behalf of employees.

(2) "Baseline payroll" means Ohio employee payroll, except that the applicable measurement period is the twelve months immediately preceding the date the tax credit authority approves the taxpayer's application or the date the tax credit authority receives the recommendation described in division (C)(2)(a) of this section, whichever occurs first, multiplied by the sum of one plus an annual pay increase factor to be determined by the tax credit authority.

(3) "Ohio employee payroll" means the amount of compensation used to determine the withholding obligations in division (A) of section 5747.06 of the Revised Code and paid by the employer during the employer's taxable year, or during the calendar year that includes the employer's tax period, to the following:

(a) An employee employed in the project who is a resident of this state including a qualifying work-from-home employee not designated as a home-based employee by an applicant under division (C)(1) of this section;

(b) An employee employed at the project location who is not a resident and whose compensation is not exempt from the tax imposed under section 5747.02 of the Revised Code pursuant to a reciprocity agreement with another state under division (A)(3) of section 5747.05 of the Revised Code;

(c) A home-based employee employed in the project.

"Ohio employee payroll" excludes any such compensation to the extent it is used to determine the credit under section 122.171 of the Revised Code, and excludes amounts paid before the day the taxpayer becomes eligible for the credit under this section.

(4) "Excess payroll" means Ohio employee payroll minus baseline payroll.

(5) "Home-based employee" means an employee whose services are performed primarily from the employee's residence in this state exclusively for the benefit of the project and whose rate of pay is at least one hundred thirty-one per cent of the federal minimum wage under 29 U.S.C. 206.

(6) "Full-time equivalent employees" means the quotient obtained by dividing the total number of hours for which employees were compensated for employment in the project by two thousand eighty. "Full-time equivalent employees" excludes hours that are counted for a credit under section 122.171 of the Revised Code.

(7) "Metric evaluation date" means the date by which the taxpayer must meet all of the commitments included in the agreement.

(8) "Qualifying work-from-home employee" means an employee who is a resident of this state and whose services are supervised from the employer's project location and performed primarily from a residence of the employee located in this state.

(9) "Resident" or "resident of this state" means an individual who is a resident as defined in section 5747.01 of the Revised Code.

(10) "Reporting period" means a period corresponding to the annual report required under division (D)(6) of this section.

(11) "Megaproject" means a project in this state that meets all of the following requirements:

(a) At least one of the following applies:

(i) The project requires unique sites, extremely robust utility service, and a technically skilled workforce.

(ii) The megaproject operator of the project has its corporate headquarters in the United States, incurs more than fifty per cent of its research and development expenses in the United States in the year preceding the date the tax credit authority approves the project for a credit under this section, and builds and operates semiconductor wafer manufacturing factories in this state or intends to do so by the metric evaluation date applicable to the megaproject operator.

(b) The megaproject operator of the project agrees, in an agreement with the tax credit authority under division (D) of this section, that, on and after the metric evaluation date applicable to the megaproject operator and until the end of the last year for which the megaproject qualifies for the credit authorized under this section, the megaproject operator will compensate the project's employees at an average hourly wage of at least three hundred per cent of the federal minimum wage under 29 U.S.C. 206, exclusive of employee benefits, as determined at the time the tax credit authority approves the project for a credit under this section.

(c) The megaproject operator agrees, in an agreement with the tax credit authority under division (D) of this section, to satisfy either of the following by the metric evaluation date applicable to the project:

(i) The megaproject operator makes at least one billion dollars, as adjusted under division (V)(1) of this section, in fixed-asset investments in the project.

(ii) The megaproject operator creates at least seventy-five million dollars, as adjusted under division (V)(1) of this section, in Ohio employee payroll at the project.

(d) The megaproject operator agrees, in an agreement with the tax credit authority under division (D) of this section, that if the project satisfies division (A)(11)(c)(ii) of this section, then, on and after the metric evaluation date and until the end of the last year for which the megaproject qualifies for the credit authorized under this section, the megaproject operator will maintain at least the amount in Ohio employee payroll at the project required under that division for each year in that period.

(12) "Megaproject operator" means a taxpayer that, separately or collectively with other taxpayers, undertakes and operates a megaproject. Such a taxpayer becomes a megaproject operator effective the first day of the calendar year in which the taxpayer and the tax credit authority enter into an agreement under division (D) of this section with respect to the megaproject. More than one taxpayer may be designated by the tax credit authority as a megaproject operator for the same megaproject.

(13) "Megaproject supplier" means a supplier in this state that meets either or both of the following requirements:

(a) The supplier sells tangible personal property directly to a megaproject operator of a megaproject that satisfies the criteria described in division (A)(11)(a)(ii) of this section for use at a megaproject site, provided that such property was subject to substantial manufacturing, assembly, or processing in this state at a facility owned or operated by the supplier;

(b) The supplier sells tangible personal property directly to a megaproject operator for use at a megaproject site, provided that the supplier agrees, in an agreement with the tax credit authority under division (D) of this section, to meet all of the following requirements:

(i) By the metric evaluation date applicable to the supplier, makes at least one hundred million dollars, as adjusted under division (V)(2) of this section, in fixed-asset investments in this state;

(ii) By the metric evaluation date applicable to the supplier, creates at least ten million dollars, as adjusted under division (V)(2) of this section, in Ohio employee payroll;

(iii) On and after the metric evaluation date applicable to the supplier, until the end of the last year for which the supplier qualifies for the credit authorized under this section, maintains at least the amount in Ohio employee payroll required under division (A)(13)(b)(ii) of this section for each year in that period.

(B) The tax credit authority may make grants under this section to foster job creation in this state. Such a grant shall take the form of a refundable credit allowed against the tax imposed by section 5725.18, 5726.02, 5729.03, 5733.06, 5736.02, or 5747.02 or levied under Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code. The credit shall be claimed for the taxable years or tax periods specified in the taxpayer's agreement with the tax credit authority under division (D) of this section. With respect to taxes imposed under section 5726.02, 5733.06, or 5747.02 or Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code, the credit shall be claimed in the order required under section 5726.98, 5733.98, 5747.98, or 5751.98 of the Revised Code. The amount of the credit available for a taxable year or for a calendar year that includes a tax period equals the excess payroll for that year multiplied by the percentage specified in the agreement with the tax credit authority.

(C)(1) A taxpayer or potential taxpayer who proposes a project to create new jobs in this state may apply to the tax credit authority to enter into an agreement for a tax credit under this section.

An application shall not propose to include both home-based employees and employees who are not home-based employees in the computation of Ohio employee payroll for the purposes of the same tax credit agreement, except that a qualifying work-from-home employee shall not be considered to be a home-based employee unless so designated by the applicant. If a taxpayer or potential taxpayer employs both home-based employees and employees who are not home-based employees in a project, the taxpayer shall submit separate applications for separate tax credit agreements for the project, one of which shall include home-based employees in the computation of Ohio employee payroll and one of which shall include all other employees in the computation of Ohio employee payroll.

The director of development shall prescribe the form of the application. After receipt of an application, the authority may enter into an agreement with the taxpayer for a credit under this section if it determines all of the following:

(a) The taxpayer's project will increase payroll;

(b) The taxpayer's project is economically sound and will benefit the people of this state by increasing opportunities for employment and strengthening the economy of this state;

(c) Receiving the tax credit is a major factor in the taxpayer's decision to go forward with the project.

(2)(a) A taxpayer that chooses to begin the project prior to receiving the determination of the authority may, upon submitting the taxpayer's application to the authority, request that the chief investment officer of the nonprofit corporation formed under section 187.01 of the Revised Code and the director review the taxpayer's application and recommend to the authority that the taxpayer's application be considered. As soon as possible after receiving such a request, the chief investment officer and the director shall review the taxpayer's application and, if they determine that the application warrants consideration by the authority, make that recommendation to the authority not later than six months after the application is received by the authority.

(b) The authority shall consider any taxpayer's application for which it receives a recommendation under division (C)(2)(a) of this section. If the authority determines that the taxpayer does not meet all of the criteria set forth in division (C)(1) of this section, the authority and the department of development shall proceed in accordance with rules adopted by the director pursuant to division (I) of this section.

(D) An agreement under this section shall include all of the following:

(1) A detailed description of the project that is the subject of the agreement;

(2)(a) The term of the tax credit, which, except as provided in division (D)(2)(b) or (C) of this section, shall not exceed fifteen years, and the first taxable year, or first calendar year that includes a tax period, for which the credit may be claimed;

(b) If the tax credit is computed on the basis of home-based employees, the term of the credit shall expire on or before the last day of the taxable or calendar year ending before the beginning of the seventh year after September 6, 2012, the effective date of H.B. 327 of the 129th general assembly.

(c) If the taxpayer is a megaproject operator or a megaproject supplier that meets the requirements described in division (A)(13)(b) of this section, the term of the tax credit shall not exceed thirty years.

(3) A requirement that the taxpayer shall maintain operations at the project location for at least the greater of seven years or the term of the credit plus three years;

(4) The percentage, as determined by the tax credit authority, of excess payroll that will be allowed as the amount of the credit for each taxable year or for each calendar year that includes a tax period;

(5) The pay increase factor to be applied to the taxpayer's baseline payroll;

(6) A requirement that the taxpayer annually shall report to the director of development full-time equivalent employees, payroll, Ohio employee payroll, investment, the provision of health care benefits and tuition reimbursement if required in the agreement, and other information the director needs to perform the director's duties under this section;

(7) A requirement that the director of development annually review the information reported under division (D)(6) of this section and verify compliance with the agreement; if the taxpayer is in compliance, a requirement that the director issue a certificate to the taxpayer stating that the information has been verified and identifying the amount of the credit that may be claimed for the taxable or calendar year. If the taxpayer is a megaproject supplier, the director shall issue such a certificate to the megaproject supplier and to any megaproject operator (a) to which the megaproject supplier directly sells tangible personal property and (b) that is authorized to claim the credit pursuant to division (D)(10) of this section.

(8) A provision providing that the taxpayer may not relocate a substantial number of employment positions from elsewhere in this state to the project location unless the director of development determines that the legislative authority of the county, township, or municipal corporation from which the employment positions would be relocated has been notified by the taxpayer of the relocation.

For purposes of this section, the movement of an employment position from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall be considered a relocation of an employment position unless the employment position in the first political subdivision is replaced. The movement of a qualifying work-from-home employee to a different residence located in this state or to the project location shall not be considered a relocation of an employment position.

(9) If the tax credit is computed on the basis of home-based employees, that the tax credit may not be claimed by the taxpayer until the taxable year or tax period in which the taxpayer employs at least two hundred employees more than the number of employees the taxpayer employed on June 30, 2011;

(10) If the taxpayer is a megaproject supplier, the percentage of the annual tax credit certified under division (D)(7) of this section, up to one hundred per cent, that may be claimed by each megaproject operator to which the megaproject supplier directly sells tangible personal property, rather than by that megaproject supplier, on the condition that the megaproject operator continues to qualify as a megaproject operator;

(11) If the taxpayer is a megaproject operator or megaproject supplier, a requirement that the taxpayer meet and maintain compliance with all thresholds and requirements to which the taxpayer agreed, pursuant to division (A)(11) or (13) of this section, respectively, as a condition of the operator's project qualifying as a megaproject or the supplier qualifying as a megaproject supplier until the end of the last year for which the taxpayer qualifies for the credit authorized under this section. In each year that a megaproject operator or megaproject supplier is subject to an agreement with the tax credit authority under this section and meets the requirements of this division, the director of development shall issue a certificate to the megaproject operator or megaproject supplier stating that the megaproject operator or megaproject supplier continues to meet those requirements.

(12) If the taxpayer is a megaproject operator, a requirement that the megaproject operator submit, in a form acceptable to the director of development, an economic impact report with respect to each megaproject for which the megaproject operator is designated, summarizing all of the following for the reporting year:

(a) The aggregate amount of purchases made by the megaproject operator for such megaproject from megaproject suppliers;

(b) The aggregate amount of purchases made by the megaproject operator for such megaproject from suppliers other than megaproject suppliers;

(c) A summary of the construction activity for any facilities at the site of the megaproject in that year;

(d) The aggregate amount expended by the megaproject operator on research and development at the site of the megaproject in that year;

(e) The number of employees working at the site of the megaproject and the counties in which those employees reside;

(f) A summary of the supply chain activity in support of the megaproject, including a list of the twenty-five suppliers with a physical presence in Ohio from which the megaproject operator made the most purchases in that year.

The economic impact report shall be due on or before the first day of July of each year, beginning in the year specified in the agreement with the tax credit authority. The information required in the report shall be certified as true and correct by an officer of the megaproject operator. If there is more than one megaproject operator designated for a single megaproject, all of the megaproject operators designated for the megaproject may jointly submit a single report. Any information contained in the report is a public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code and shall be published on the department of development's web site.

(E)(1) If a taxpayer fails to meet or comply with any condition or requirement set forth in a tax credit agreement, the tax credit authority may amend the agreement to reduce the percentage or term of the tax credit. The reduction of the percentage or term may take effect in the current taxable or calendar year.

(2) If the tax credit authority determines that a taxpayer that is a megaproject operator of a megaproject described in division (A)(11)(a)(ii) of this section is not fully compliant with the requirements of the agreement, the authority may impose a recoupment payment on the taxpayer in accordance with the following:

(a) If, on the metric evaluation date, the taxpayer fails to substantially meet the capital investment, full-time equivalent employee, or payroll requirements included in the agreement, an amount determined at the discretion of the authority, not to exceed the sum of the following for all years prior to the metric evaluation date: (i) the amount of taxes that would have been imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code in the absence of the agreement, and (ii) the amount of taxes that would have been imposed under Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code on receipts realized from sales to the taxpayer in the absence of the agreement;

(b) If the taxpayer fails to substantially maintain the capital investment, full-time equivalent employee, or payroll requirements included in the agreement in any year after the metric evaluation date, an amount determined at the discretion of the authority, not to exceed the sum of the following for the calendar year in which taxpayer failed to meet the requirements: (i) the amount of taxes that would have been imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code in the absence of the agreement, and (ii) the amount of taxes that would have been imposed under Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code on receipts realized from sales to the taxpayer in the absence of the agreement.

(3) The tax credit authority may, subject to any requirements of the tax credit agreement, take into consideration the taxpayer's prior performance and any market conditions impacting the taxpayer when determining the amount of the recoupment payment described in division (E)(2) of this section.

(F) Projects that consist solely of point-of-final-purchase retail facilities are not eligible for a tax credit under this section. If a project consists of both point-of-final-purchase retail facilities and nonretail facilities, only the portion of the project consisting of the nonretail facilities is eligible for a tax credit and only the excess payroll from the nonretail facilities shall be considered when computing the amount of the tax credit. If a warehouse facility is part of a point-of-final-purchase retail facility and supplies only that facility, the warehouse facility is not eligible for a tax credit. Catalog distribution centers are not considered point-of-final-purchase retail facilities for the purposes of this division, and are eligible for tax credits under this section.

(G) Financial statements and other information submitted to the department of development or the tax credit authority by an applicant or recipient of a tax credit under this section, and any information taken for any purpose from such statements or information, are not public records subject to section 149.43 of the Revised Code. However, the chairperson of the authority may make use of the statements and other information for purposes of issuing public reports or in connection with court proceedings concerning tax credit agreements under this section. Upon the request of the tax commissioner or, if the applicant or recipient is an insurance company, upon the request of the superintendent of insurance, the chairperson of the authority shall provide to the commissioner or superintendent any statement or information submitted by an applicant or recipient of a tax credit in connection with the credit. The commissioner or superintendent shall preserve the confidentiality of the statement or information.

(H) A taxpayer claiming a credit under this section shall submit to the tax commissioner or, if the taxpayer is an insurance company, to the superintendent of insurance, a copy of the director of development's certificate of verification under division (D)(7) of this section with the taxpayer's tax report or return for the taxable year or for the calendar year that includes the tax period. Failure to submit a copy of the certificate with the report or return does not invalidate a claim for a credit if the taxpayer submits a copy of the certificate to the commissioner or superintendent within the time prescribed by section 5703.0510 of the Revised Code or within thirty days after the commissioner or superintendent requests it.

(I) The director of development, after consultation with the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance and in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section, including rules that establish a procedure to be followed by the tax credit authority and the department of development in the event the authority considers a taxpayer's application for which it receives a recommendation under division (C)(2)(a) of this section but does not approve it. The rules may provide for recipients of tax credits under this section to be charged fees to cover administrative costs of the tax credit program. For the purposes of these rules, a qualifying work-from-home employee shall be considered to be an employee employed at the applicant's project location. The fees collected shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created in section 122.174 of the Revised Code. At the time the director gives public notice under division (A) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code of the adoption of the rules, the director shall submit copies of the proposed rules to the chairpersons of the standing committees on economic development in the senate and the house of representatives.

(J) For the purposes of this section, a taxpayer may include a partnership, a corporation that has made an election under subchapter S of chapter one of subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code, or any other business entity through which income flows as a distributive share to its owners. A partnership, S-corporation, or other such business entity may elect to pass the credit received under this section through to the persons to whom the income or profit of the partnership, S-corporation, or other entity is distributed. The election shall be made on the annual report required under division (D)(6) of this section. The election applies to and is irrevocable for the credit for which the report is submitted. If the election is made, the credit shall be apportioned among those persons in the same proportions as those in which the income or profit is distributed.

(K)(1) If the director of development determines that a taxpayer who has received a credit under this section is not complying with the requirements of the agreement, the director shall notify the tax credit authority of the noncompliance. After receiving such a notice, and after giving the taxpayer an opportunity to explain the noncompliance, the tax credit authority may require the taxpayer to refund to this state a portion of the credit in accordance with the following:

(a) If the taxpayer fails to comply with the requirement under division (D)(3) of this section, an amount determined in accordance with the following:

(i) If the taxpayer maintained operations at the project location for a period less than or equal to the term of the credit, an amount not exceeding one hundred per cent of the sum of any credits allowed and received under this section;

(ii) If the taxpayer maintained operations at the project location for a period longer than the term of the credit, but less than the greater of seven years or the term of the credit plus three years, an amount not exceeding seventy-five per cent of the sum of any credits allowed and received under this section.

(b) If, on the metric evaluation date, the taxpayer fails to substantially meet the job creation, payroll, or investment requirements included in the agreement, an amount determined at the discretion of the authority;

(c) If the taxpayer fails to substantially maintain the number of new full-time equivalent employees or amount of payroll required under the agreement at any time during the term of the agreement after the metric evaluation date, an amount determined at the discretion of the authority.

(2) If a taxpayer files for bankruptcy and fails as described in division (K)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section, the director may immediately commence an action to recoup an amount not exceeding one hundred per cent of the sum of any credits received by the taxpayer under this section.

(3) In determining the portion of the tax credit to be refunded to this state, the tax credit authority shall consider the effect of market conditions on the taxpayer's project and whether the taxpayer continues to maintain other operations in this state. After making the determination, the authority shall certify the amount to be refunded to the tax commissioner or superintendent of insurance, as appropriate. If the amount is certified to the commissioner, the commissioner shall make an assessment for that amount against the taxpayer under Chapter 5726., 5733., 5736., 5747., or 5751. of the Revised Code. If the amount is certified to the superintendent, the superintendent shall make an assessment for that amount against the taxpayer under Chapter 5725. or 5729. of the Revised Code. The time limitations on assessments under those chapters do not apply to an assessment under this division, but the commissioner or superintendent, as appropriate, shall make the assessment within one year after the date the authority certifies to the commissioner or superintendent the amount to be refunded. Within ninety days after certifying the amount to be refunded, if circumstances have changed, the authority may adjust the amount to be refunded and certify the adjusted amount to the commissioner or superintendent. The authority may only adjust the amount to be refunded one time and only if the amount initially certified by the authority has not been repaid, in whole or in part, by the taxpayer or certified to the attorney general for collection under section 131.02 of the Revised Code.

(L) On or before the first day of August each year, the director of development shall submit a report to the governor, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives on the tax credit program under this section. The report shall include information on the number of agreements that were entered into under this section during the preceding calendar year, a description of the project that is the subject of each such agreement, and an update on the status of projects under agreements entered into before the preceding calendar year.

(M) There is hereby created the tax credit authority, which consists of the director of development and four other members appointed as follows: the governor, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives each shall appoint one member who shall be a specialist in economic development; the governor also shall appoint a member who is a specialist in taxation. Terms of office shall be for four years. Each member shall serve on the authority until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner provided for original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term. Members may be reappointed to the authority. Members of the authority shall receive their necessary and actual expenses while engaged in the business of the authority. The director of development shall serve as chairperson of the authority, and the members annually shall elect a vice-chairperson from among themselves. Three members of the authority constitute a quorum to transact and vote on the business of the authority. The majority vote of the membership of the authority is necessary to approve any such business, including the election of the vice-chairperson.

The director of development may appoint a professional employee of the department of development to serve as the director's substitute at a meeting of the authority. The director shall make the appointment in writing. In the absence of the director from a meeting of the authority, the appointed substitute shall serve as chairperson. In the absence of both the director and the director's substitute from a meeting, the vice-chairperson shall serve as chairperson.

(N) For purposes of the credits granted by this section against the taxes imposed under sections 5725.18 and 5729.03 of the Revised Code, "taxable year" means the period covered by the taxpayer's annual statement to the superintendent of insurance.

(O) On or before the first day of March of each of the five calendar years beginning with 2014, each taxpayer subject to an agreement with the tax credit authority under this section on the basis of home-based employees shall report the number of home-based employees and other employees employed by the taxpayer in this state to the department of development.

(P) On or before the first day of January of 2019, the director of development shall submit a report to the governor, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives on the effect of agreements entered into under this section in which the taxpayer included home-based employees in the computation of income tax revenue, as that term was defined in this section prior to the amendment of this section by H.B. 64 of the 131st general assembly. The report shall include information on the number of such agreements that were entered into in the preceding six years, a description of the projects that were the subjects of such agreements, and an analysis of nationwide home-based employment trends, including the number of home-based jobs created from July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2017, and a description of any home-based employment tax incentives provided by other states during that time.

(Q) The director of development may require any agreement entered into under this section for a tax credit computed on the basis of home-based employees to contain a provision that the taxpayer makes available health care benefits and tuition reimbursement to all employees.

(R) Original agreements approved by the tax credit authority under this section in 2014 or 2015 before September 29, 2015, may be revised at the request of the taxpayer to conform with the amendments to this section and sections 5733.0610, 5736.50, 5747.058, and 5751.50 of the Revised Code by H.B. 64 of the 131st general assembly, upon mutual agreement of the taxpayer and the department of development, and approval by the tax credit authority.

(S)(1) As used in division (S) of this section:

(a) "Eligible agreement" means an agreement approved by the tax credit authority under this section on or before December 31, 2013.

(b) "Income tax revenue" has the same meaning as under this section as it existed before September 29, 2015, the effective date of the amendment of this section by H.B. 64 of the 131st general assembly.

(2) In calendar year 2016 and thereafter, the tax credit authority shall annually determine a withholding adjustment factor to be used in the computation of income tax revenue for eligible agreements. The withholding adjustment factor shall be a numerical percentage that equals the percentage that employer income tax withholding rates have been increased or decreased as a result of changes in the income tax rates prescribed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code by amendment of that section taking effect on or after June 29, 2013.

(3) Except as provided in division (S)(4) of this section, for reporting periods ending in 2015 and thereafter for taxpayers subject to eligible agreements, the tax credit authority shall adjust the income tax revenue reported on the taxpayer's annual report by multiplying the withholding adjustment factor by the taxpayer's income tax revenue and doing one of the following:

(a) If the income tax rates prescribed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code have decreased by amendment of that section taking effect on or after June 29, 2013, add the product to the taxpayer's income tax revenue.

(b) If the income tax rates prescribed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code have increased by amendment of that section taking effect on or after June 29, 2013, subtract the product from the taxpayer's income tax revenue.

(4) Division (S)(3) of this section shall not apply unless all of the following apply for the reporting period with respect to the eligible agreement:

(a) The taxpayer has achieved one hundred per cent of the new employment commitment identified in the agreement.

(b) If applicable, the taxpayer has achieved one hundred per cent of the new payroll commitment identified in the agreement.

(c) If applicable, the taxpayer has achieved one hundred per cent of the investment commitment identified in the agreement.

(5) Failure by a taxpayer to have achieved any of the applicable commitments described in divisions (S)(4)(a) to (c) of this section in a reporting period does not disqualify the taxpayer for the adjustment under division (S) of this section for an ensuing reporting period.

(T) For reporting periods ending in calendar year 2020 or thereafter, any taxpayer may include qualifying work-from-home employees in its report required under division (D)(6) of this section, and the compensation of such employees shall qualify as Ohio employee payroll under division (A)(3)(a) of this section, even if the taxpayer's application to the tax credit authority to enter into an agreement for a tax credit under this section was approved before September 29, 2017, the effective date of the amendment of this section by H.B. 49 of the 132nd general assembly.

(U) The director of development shall notify the tax commissioner if the director determines that a megaproject operator or megaproject supplier is not in compliance with the agreement pursuant to a review conducted under division (D)(11) of this section.

(V) Beginning in 2025 and in each fifth calendar year thereafter, the tax commissioner shall adjust the following amounts in September of that year:

(1) The fixed-asset investment threshold described in division (A)(11)(c)(i) of this section and the Ohio employee payroll threshold described in division (A)(11)(c)(ii) of this section by completing the following calculations:

(a) Determine the percentage increase in the gross domestic product deflator determined by the bureau of economic analysis of the United States department of commerce from the first day of January of the fifth preceding calendar year to the last day of December of the preceding calendar year;

(b) Multiply that percentage increase by the fixed-asset investment threshold and the Ohio employee payroll threshold for the current year;

(c) Add the resulting products to the corresponding fixed-asset investment threshold and Ohio employee payroll threshold for the current year;

(d) Round the resulting fixed-asset investment sum to the nearest multiple of ten million dollars and the Ohio employee payroll sum to the nearest multiple of one million dollars.

(2) The fixed-asset investment threshold described in division (A)(13)(b)(i) of this section and the Ohio employee payroll threshold described in division (A)(13)(b)(ii) of this section by completing the calculations described in divisions (V)(1)(a) to (c) of this section and rounding the resulting fixed-asset investment sum to the nearest multiple of one million dollars and the Ohio employee payroll sum to the nearest multiple of one hundred thousand dollars.

The commissioner shall certify the amount of the adjustments under divisions (V)(1) and (2) of this section to the director of development and to the tax credit authority not later than the first day of December of the year the commissioner computes the adjustment. Each certified amount applies to the ensuing calendar year and each calendar year thereafter until the tax commissioner makes a new adjustment. The tax commissioner shall not calculate a new adjustment in any year in which the resulting amount from the adjustment would be less than the corresponding amount for the current year.

Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:15 PM

Section 122.171 | Tax credits to foster job retention.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Capital investment project" means a plan of investment at a project site for the acquisition, construction, renovation, or repair of buildings, machinery, or equipment, or for capitalized costs of basic research and new product development determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, but does not include any of the following:

(a) Payments made for the acquisition of personal property through operating leases;

(b) Project costs paid before January 1, 2002;

(c) Payments made to a related member as defined in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code or to a consolidated elected taxpayer or a combined taxpayer as defined in section 5751.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Eligible business" means a taxpayer and its related members with Ohio operations that had a capital investment project reviewed and approved by the tax credit authority as provided in divisions (C), (D), and (E) of this section and that satisfies either of the following requirements:

(a) If engaged at the project site primarily in significant corporate administrative functions, as defined by the director of development by rule, the taxpayer meets both of the following criteria:

(i) The taxpayer either is located in a foreign trade zone, employs at least five hundred full-time equivalent employees, or has an annual Ohio employee payroll of at least thirty-five million dollars at the time the tax credit authority grants the tax credit under this section;

(ii) The taxpayer makes or causes to be made payments for the capital investment project of at least twenty million dollars in the aggregate at the project site during a period of three consecutive calendar years including the calendar year that includes a day of the taxpayer's taxable year or tax period with respect to which the credit is granted.

(b) If engaged at the project site primarily as a manufacturer, the taxpayer makes or causes to be made payments for the capital investment project at the project site during a period of three consecutive calendar years, including the calendar year that includes a day of the taxpayer's taxable year or tax period with respect to which the credit is granted, in an amount that in the aggregate equals or exceeds the lesser of the following:

(i) Fifty million dollars;

(ii) Five per cent of the net book value of all tangible personal property used at the project site as of the last day of the three-year period in which the capital investment payments are made.

(3) "Full-time equivalent employees" means the quotient obtained by dividing the total number of hours for which employees were compensated for employment in the project by two thousand eighty. "Full-time equivalent employees" shall exclude hours that are counted for a credit under section 122.17 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Ohio employee payroll" has the same meaning as in section 122.17 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Manufacturer" has the same meaning as in section 5739.011 of the Revised Code.

(6) "Project site" means an integrated complex of facilities in this state, as specified by the tax credit authority under this section, within a fifteen-mile radius where a taxpayer is primarily operating as an eligible business.

(7) "Related member" has the same meaning as in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code as that section existed on the effective date of its amendment by Am. Sub. H.B. 215 of the 122nd general assembly, September 29, 1997.

(8) "Taxable year" includes, in the case of a domestic or foreign insurance company, the calendar year ending on the thirty-first day of December preceding the day the superintendent of insurance is required to certify to the treasurer of state under section 5725.20 or 5729.05 of the Revised Code the amount of taxes due from insurance companies.

(9) "Foreign trade zone" means a general purpose foreign trade zone or a special purpose subzone for which, pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 81a, as amended, a permit for foreign trade zone status has been granted and remains active, including special purpose subzones for which a permit has been granted and remains active.

(B) The tax credit authority created under section 122.17 of the Revised Code may grant a nonrefundable tax credit to an eligible business under this section for the purpose of fostering job retention in this state. Upon application by an eligible business and upon consideration of the determination of the director of budget and management, tax commissioner, and the superintendent of insurance in the case of an insurance company, the recommendation and determination of the director of development under division (C)(1) of this section, and a review of the criteria described in division (C)(2) of this section, the tax credit authority may grant the credit against the tax imposed by section 5725.18, 5726.02, 5729.03, 5733.06, 5736.02, 5747.02, or 5751.02 of the Revised Code.

The credit authorized in this section may be granted for a period up to fifteen taxable years or, in the case of the tax levied by section 5736.02 or 5751.02 of the Revised Code, for a period of up to fifteen calendar years. The credit amount for a taxable year or a calendar year that includes the tax period for which a credit may be claimed equals the Ohio employee payroll for that year multiplied by the percentage specified in the agreement with the tax credit authority. The credit shall be claimed in the order required under section 5725.98, 5726.98, 5729.98, 5733.98, 5747.98, or 5751.98 of the Revised Code. In determining the percentage and term of the credit, the tax credit authority shall consider both the number of full-time equivalent employees and the value of the capital investment project. The credit amount may not be based on the Ohio employee payroll for a calendar year before the calendar year in which the tax credit authority specifies the tax credit is to begin, and the credit shall be claimed only for the taxable years or tax periods specified in the eligible business' agreement with the tax credit authority. In no event shall the credit be claimed for a taxable year or tax period terminating before the date specified in the agreement.

If a credit allowed under this section for a taxable year or tax period exceeds the taxpayer's tax liability for that year or period, the excess may be carried forward for the three succeeding taxable or calendar years, but the amount of any excess credit allowed in any taxable year or tax period shall be deducted from the balance carried forward to the succeeding year or period.

(C)(1) A taxpayer that proposes a capital investment project to retain jobs in this state may apply to the tax credit authority to enter into an agreement for a tax credit under this section. The director of development shall prescribe the form of the application. After receipt of an application, the authority shall forward copies of the application to the director of budget and management, the tax commissioner, and the superintendent of insurance in the case of an insurance company, each of whom shall review the application to determine the economic impact the proposed project would have on the state and the affected political subdivisions and shall submit a summary of their determinations to the authority. The authority shall also forward a copy of the application to the director of development, who shall review the application to determine the economic impact the proposed project would have on the state and the affected political subdivisions and shall submit a summary of the director's determinations and recommendations to the authority.

(2) The director of development, in reviewing applications and making recommendations to the tax credit authority, and the authority, in selecting taxpayers with which to enter into an agreement under division (D) of this section, shall give priority to applications that meet one or more of the following criteria, with greater priority given to applications that meet more of the criteria: (a) Within the preceding five years, the applicant has not received a credit under this section or section 122.17 of the Revised Code for a project at the same project site as that proposed in the application.

(b) The applicant is not currently receiving a credit under this section or section 122.17 of the Revised Code.

(c) The applicant has operated at the project site for at least the preceding ten years.

(d) The project involves a significant upgrade of the project site, rather than only routine maintenance of existing facilities, such as an increase in capacity of a facility, new product development, or technology upgrades or other facility modernization.

(e) The applicant intends to use machinery, equipment, and materials supplied by Ohio businesses in the project when possible.

(D) Upon review and consideration of the determinations, recommendations, and criteria described in division (C) of this section, the tax credit authority may enter into an agreement with the taxpayer for a credit under this section if the authority determines all of the following:

(1) The taxpayer's capital investment project will result in the retention of employment in this state.

(2) The taxpayer is economically sound and has the ability to complete the proposed capital investment project.

(3) The taxpayer intends to and has the ability to maintain operations at the project site for at least the greater of (a) the term of the credit plus three years, or (b) seven years.

(4) Receiving the credit is a major factor in the taxpayer's decision to begin, continue with, or complete the project.

(E) An agreement under this section shall include all of the following:

(1) A detailed description of the project that is the subject of the agreement, including the amount of the investment, the period over which the investment has been or is being made, the number of full-time equivalent employees at the project site, and the anticipated Ohio employee payroll to be generated.

(2) The term of the credit, the percentage of the tax credit, the maximum annual value of tax credits that may be allowed each year, and the first year for which the credit may be claimed.

(3) A requirement that the taxpayer maintain operations at the project site for at least the greater of (a) the term of the credit plus three years, or (b) seven years.

(4)(a) If the taxpayer is engaged at the project site primarily in significant corporate administrative functions, a requirement that the taxpayer either retain at least five hundred full-time equivalent employees at the project site and within this state for the entire term of the credit, maintain an annual Ohio employee payroll of at least thirty-five million dollars for the entire term of the credit, or remain located in a foreign trade zone for the entire term of the credit;

(b) If the taxpayer is engaged at the project site primarily as a manufacturer, a requirement that the taxpayer maintain at least the number of full-time equivalent employees specified in the agreement pursuant to division (E)(1) of this section at the project site and within this state for the entire term of the credit.

(5) A requirement that the taxpayer annually report to the director of development full-time equivalent employees, Ohio employee payroll, capital investment, and other information the director needs to perform the director's duties under this section.

(6) A requirement that the director of development annually review the annual reports of the taxpayer to verify the information reported under division (E)(5) of this section and compliance with the agreement. Upon verification, the director shall issue a certificate to the taxpayer stating that the information has been verified and identifying the amount of the credit for the taxable year or calendar year that includes the tax period. In determining the number of full-time equivalent employees, no position shall be counted that is filled by an employee who is included in the calculation of a tax credit under section 122.17 of the Revised Code.

(7) A provision providing that the taxpayer may not relocate a substantial number of employment positions from elsewhere in this state to the project site unless the director of development determines that the taxpayer notified the legislative authority of the county, township, or municipal corporation from which the employment positions would be relocated.

For purposes of this section, the movement of an employment position from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall be considered a relocation of an employment position unless the movement is confined to the project site. The transfer of an employment position from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall not be considered a relocation of an employment position if the employment position in the first political subdivision is replaced by another employment position.

(8) A waiver by the taxpayer of any limitations periods relating to assessments or adjustments resulting from the taxpayer's failure to comply with the agreement.

(F) If a taxpayer fails to meet or comply with any condition or requirement set forth in a tax credit agreement, the tax credit authority may amend the agreement to reduce the percentage or term of the credit. The reduction of the percentage or term may take effect in the current taxable or calendar year.

(G) Financial statements and other information submitted to the department of development or the tax credit authority by an applicant for or recipient of a tax credit under this section, and any information taken for any purpose from such statements or information, are not public records subject to section 149.43 of the Revised Code. However, the chairperson of the authority may make use of the statements and other information for purposes of issuing public reports or in connection with court proceedings concerning tax credit agreements under this section. Upon the request of the tax commissioner, or the superintendent of insurance in the case of an insurance company, the chairperson of the authority shall provide to the commissioner or superintendent any statement or other information submitted by an applicant for or recipient of a tax credit in connection with the credit. The commissioner or superintendent shall preserve the confidentiality of the statement or other information.

(H) A taxpayer claiming a tax credit under this section shall submit to the tax commissioner or, in the case of an insurance company, to the superintendent of insurance, a copy of the director of development's certificate of verification under division (E)(6) of this section with the taxpayer's tax report or return for the taxable year or for the calendar year that includes the tax period. Failure to submit a copy of the certificate with the report or return does not invalidate a claim for a credit if the taxpayer submits a copy of the certificate to the commissioner or superintendent within the time prescribed by section 5703.0510 of the Revised Code or within thirty days after the commissioner or superintendent requests it.

(I) For the purposes of this section, a taxpayer may include a partnership, a corporation that has made an election under subchapter S of chapter one of subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code, or any other business entity through which income flows as a distributive share to its owners. A partnership, S-corporation, or other such business entity may elect to pass the credit received under this section through to the persons to whom the income or profit of the partnership, S-corporation, or other entity is distributed. The election shall be made on the annual report required under division (E)(5) of this section. The election applies to and is irrevocable for the credit for which the report is submitted. If the election is made, the credit shall be apportioned among those persons in the same proportions as those in which the income or profit is distributed.

(J)(1) If the director of development determines that a taxpayer that received a certificate under division (E)(6) of this section is not complying with the requirements of the agreement, the director shall notify the tax credit authority of the noncompliance. After receiving such a notice, and after giving the taxpayer an opportunity to explain the noncompliance, the authority may terminate the agreement and require the taxpayer, or any related member or members that claimed the tax credit under division (N) of this section, to refund to the state all or a portion of the credit claimed in previous years, as follows:

(a) If the taxpayer fails to comply with the requirement under division (E)(3) of this section, an amount determined in accordance with the following:

(i) If the taxpayer maintained operations at the project site for less than or equal to the term of the credit, an amount not to exceed one hundred per cent of the sum of any tax credits allowed and received under this section.

(ii) If the taxpayer maintained operations at the project site longer than the term of the credit, but less than the greater of seven years or the term of the credit plus three years, the amount required to be refunded shall not exceed seventy-five per cent of the sum of any tax credits allowed and received under this section.

(b) If the taxpayer fails to substantially, satisfy the employment, payroll, or location requirements required under the agreement, as prescribed under division (E)(4)(a) or (b), as applicable to the taxpayer, at any time during the term of the agreement or during the post-term reporting period, an amount determined at the discretion of the authority.

(2) If a taxpayer files for bankruptcy and fails as described in division (J)(1)(a) or (b) of this section, the director may immediately commence an action to recoup an amount not exceeding one hundred per cent of the sum of any credits received by the taxpayer under this section.

(3) In determining the portion of the credit to be refunded to this state, the authority shall consider the effect of market conditions on the taxpayer's project and whether the taxpayer continues to maintain other operations in this state. After making the determination, the authority shall certify the amount to be refunded to the tax commissioner or the superintendent of insurance. If the taxpayer, or any related member or members who claimed the tax credit under division (N) of this section, is not an insurance company, the commissioner shall make an assessment for that amount against the taxpayer under Chapter 5726., 5733., 5736., 5747., or 5751. of the Revised Code. If the taxpayer, or any related member or members that claimed the tax credit under division (N) of this section, is an insurance company, the superintendent of insurance shall make an assessment under section 5725.222 or 5729.102 of the Revised Code. The time limitations on assessments under those chapters and sections do not apply to an assessment under this division, but the commissioner or superintendent shall make the assessment within one year after the date the authority certifies to the commissioner or superintendent the amount to be refunded. Within ninety days after certifying the amount to be refunded, if circumstances have changed, the authority may adjust the amount to be refunded and certify the adjusted amount to the commissioner or superintendent. The authority may only adjust the amount to be refunded one time and only if the amount initially certified by the authority has not been repaid, in whole or in part, by the taxpayer or certified to the attorney general for collection under section 131.02 of the Revised Code.

(K) The director of development, after consultation with the tax commissioner and the superintendent of insurance and in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section. The rules may provide for recipients of tax credits under this section to be charged fees to cover administrative costs of the tax credit program. The fees collected shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created in section 122.174 of the Revised Code. At the time the director gives public notice under division (A) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code of the adoption of the rules, the director shall submit copies of the proposed rules to the chairpersons of the standing committees on economic development in the senate and the house of representatives.

(L) On or before the first day of August of each year, the director of development shall submit a report to the governor, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives on the tax credit program under this section. The report shall include information on the number of agreements that were entered into under this section during the preceding calendar year, a description of the project that is the subject of each such agreement, and an update on the status of projects under agreements entered into before the preceding calendar year.

(M) The aggregate amount of nonrefundable tax credits issued under this section during any calendar year for capital investment projects reviewed and approved by the tax credit authority may not exceed the following amounts:

(1) For 2010, thirteen million dollars;

(2) For 2011 through 2023, the amount of the limit for the preceding calendar year plus thirteen million dollars;

(3) For 2024 and each year thereafter, one hundred ninety-five million dollars.

The limitations in division (M) of this section do not apply to credits for capital investment projects approved by the tax credit authority before July 1, 2009.

(N) This division applies only to an eligible business that is part of an affiliated group that includes a diversified savings and loan holding company or a grandfathered unitary savings and loan holding company, as those terms are defined in section 5726.01 of the Revised Code. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of the agreement between such an eligible business and the tax credit authority, any credit granted under this section against the tax imposed by section 5725.18, 5729.03, 5733.06, 5747.02, or 5751.02 of the Revised Code to the eligible business, at the election of the eligible business and without any action by the tax credit authority, may be shared with any member or members of the affiliated group that includes the eligible business, which member or members may claim the credit against the taxes imposed by section 5725.18, 5726.02, 5729.03, 5733.06, 5747.02, or 5751.02 of the Revised Code. Credits shall be claimed by the eligible business in sequential order, as applicable, first claiming the credits to the fullest extent possible against the tax that the certificate holder is subject to, then against the tax imposed by, sequentially, section 5729.03, 5725.18, 5747.02, 5751.02, and lastly 5726.02 of the Revised Code. The credits may be allocated among the members of the affiliated group in such manner as the eligible business elects, but subject to the sequential order required under this division. This division applies to credits granted before, on, or after March 27, 2013, the effective date of H.B. 510 of the 129th general assembly. Credits granted before that effective date that are shared and allocated under this division may be claimed in those calendar years in which the remaining taxable years specified in the agreement end.

As used in this division, "affiliated group" means a group of two or more persons with fifty per cent or greater of the value of each person's ownership interests owned or controlled directly, indirectly, or constructively through related interests by common owners during all or any portion of the taxable year, and the common owners. "Affiliated group" includes, but is not limited to, any person eligible to be included in a consolidated elected taxpayer group under section 5751.011 of the Revised Code or a combined taxpayer group under section 5751.012 of the Revised Code.

(O)(1) As used in division (O) of this section:

(a) "Eligible agreement" means an agreement approved by the tax credit authority under this section on or before December 31, 2013.

(b) "Reporting period" means a period corresponding to the annual report required under division (E)(5) of this section.

(c) "Income tax revenue" has the same meaning as under division (S) of section 122.17 of the Revised Code.

(2) In calendar year 2016 and thereafter, the tax credit authority shall annually determine a withholding adjustment factor to be used in the computation of income tax revenue for eligible agreements. The withholding adjustment factor shall be a numerical percentage that equals the percentage that employer income tax withholding rates have been increased or decreased as a result of changes in the income tax rates prescribed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code by amendment of that section taking effect on or after June 29, 2013.

(3) Except as provided in division (O)(4) of this section, for reporting periods ending in 2015 and thereafter for taxpayers subject to eligible agreements, the tax credit authority shall adjust the income tax revenue reported on the taxpayer's annual report by multiplying the withholding adjustment factor by the taxpayer's income tax revenue and doing one of the following:

(a) If the income tax rates prescribed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code have decreased by amendment of this section taking effect on or after June 29, 2013, add the product to the taxpayer's income tax revenue.

(b) If the income tax rates prescribed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code have increased by amendment of this section taking effect on or after June 29, 2013, subtract the product from the taxpayer's income tax revenue.

(4) Division (O)(3) of this section shall not apply unless all of the following apply with respect to the eligible agreement:

(a) If applicable, the taxpayer has achieved one hundred per cent of the job retention commitment identified in the agreement.

(b) If applicable, the taxpayer has achieved one hundred per cent of the payroll retention commitment identified in the agreement. "

(c) If applicable, the taxpayer has achieved one hundred per cent of the investment commitment identified in the agreement.

(5) Failure by a taxpayer to have achieved any of the applicable commitments described in divisions (O)(4)(a) to (c) of this section in a reporting period does not disqualify the taxpayer for the adjustment under division (O) of this section for an ensuing reporting period.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Section 122.172 | Manufacturing equipment grant program.

(A) As used in this section, "tax liability" means the tax owed under section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code after allowance of all nonrefundable credits and prior to the allowance of all refundable credits. The tax owed under section 5733.06 of the Revised Code shall take into account any adjustments to such tax required by division (G) of section 5733.01 of the Revised Code that apply prior to allowance of refundable credits.

(B)(1) The director of development shall administer the manufacturing equipment grant program to provide grants for new manufacturing machinery and equipment qualifying for the grant under section 122.173 of the Revised Code. Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the grants apply to the taxes imposed by sections 5733.06 and 5747.02 of the Revised Code for taxable years ending on or after July 1, 2005.

(2) To claim a grant, a taxpayer satisfying the requirements of section 122.173 of the Revised Code shall complete a grant request form, as prescribed by the director in consultation with the tax commissioner, and shall file the form with the tax return for the taxable year for which the grant is claimed. In no event shall the grant reduce a taxpayer's tax liability below the minimum tax owed for the taxable year. The grant request form shall provide the information required to allow the grant for the taxable year and is subject to audit by the director and the commissioner. Any portion of the grant in excess of the taxpayer's tax liability shall not be refundable but may be carried forward as provided in section 122.173 of the Revised Code. Upon the director's request, the commissioner shall provide completed grant request forms filed under this section to the director in a mutually agreed upon format.

(C) If a taxpayer is required to repay any credit allowed under section 5733.33 of the Revised Code for a taxable year ending prior to July 1, 2005, for a reason not specified in Chapter 5733. or 5747. of the Revised Code, a grant shall be available for that taxable year under section 122.173 of the Revised Code to the extent provided in that section.

(D) Any tax liability under section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code that is underpaid as the result of an improper claim for a grant under this section may be assessed by the tax commissioner in the manner provided by section 5733.11 or 5747.11 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.173 | Grant against tax for new manufacturing machinery purchase.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Manufacturing machinery and equipment" means engines and machinery, and tools and implements, of every kind used, or designed to be used, in refining and manufacturing. "Manufacturing machinery and equipment" does not include property acquired after December 31, 1999, that is used:

(a) For the transmission and distribution of electricity;

(b) For the generation of electricity, if fifty per cent or more of the electricity that the property generates is consumed, during the one-hundred-twenty-month period commencing with the date the property is placed in service, by persons that are not related members to the person who generates the electricity.

(2) "New manufacturing machinery and equipment" means manufacturing machinery and equipment, the original use in this state of which commences with the taxpayer or with a partnership of which the taxpayer is a partner. "New manufacturing machinery and equipment" does not include property acquired after December 31, 1999, that is used:

(a) For the transmission and distribution of electricity;

(b) For the generation of electricity, if fifty per cent or more of the electricity that the property generates is consumed, during the one-hundred-twenty-month period commencing with the date the property is placed in service, by persons that are not related members to the person who generates the electricity.

(3)(a) "Purchase" has the same meaning as in section 179(d)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(b) For purposes of this section, any property that is not manufactured or assembled primarily by the taxpayer is considered purchased at the time the agreement to acquire the property becomes binding. Any property that is manufactured or assembled primarily by the taxpayer is considered purchased at the time the taxpayer places the property in service in the county for which the taxpayer will calculate the county excess amount.

(c) Notwithstanding section 179(d) of the Internal Revenue Code, a taxpayer's direct or indirect acquisition of new manufacturing machinery and equipment is not purchased on or after July 1, 1995, if the taxpayer, or a person whose relationship to the taxpayer is described in subparagraphs (A), (B), or (C) of section 179(d)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, had directly or indirectly entered into a binding agreement to acquire the property at any time prior to July 1, 1995.

(4) "Qualifying period" means the period that begins July 1, 1995, and ends June 30, 2005.

(5) "County average new manufacturing machinery and equipment investment" means either of the following:

(a) The average annual cost of new manufacturing machinery and equipment purchased for use in the county during baseline years, in the case of a taxpayer that was in existence for more than one year during baseline years.

(b) Zero, in the case of a taxpayer that was not in existence for more than one year during baseline years.

(6) "Partnership" includes a limited liability company formed under Chapter 1705. or 1706. of the Revised Code or under the laws of any other state, provided that the company is not classified for federal income tax purposes as an association taxable as a corporation.

(7) "Partner" includes a member of a limited liability company formed under Chapter 1705. or 1706. of the Revised Code or under the laws of any other state, provided that the company is not classified for federal income tax purposes as an association taxable as a corporation.

(8) "Distressed area" has the same meaning as in section 122.16 of the Revised Code.

(9) "Eligible area" means a distressed area, a labor surplus area, an inner city area, or a situational distress area.

(10) "Inner city area" means, in a municipal corporation that has a population of at least one hundred thousand and does not meet the criteria of a labor surplus area or a distressed area, targeted investment areas established by the municipal corporation within its boundaries that are comprised of the most recent census block tracts that individually have at least twenty per cent of their population at or below the state poverty level or other census block tracts contiguous to such census block tracts.

(11) "Labor surplus area" means an area designated as a labor surplus area by the United States department of labor.

(12) "Official poverty line" has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 3923.51 of the Revised Code.

(13) "Situational distress area" means a county or a municipal corporation that has experienced or is experiencing a closing or downsizing of a major employer that will adversely affect the county's or municipal corporation's economy. In order to be designated as a situational distress area, for a period not to exceed thirty-six months, the county or municipal corporation may petition the director of development. The petition shall include written documentation that demonstrates all of the following adverse effects on the local economy:

(a) The number of jobs lost by the closing or downsizing;

(b) The impact that the job loss has on the county's or municipal corporation's unemployment rate as measured by the state director of job and family services;

(c) The annual payroll associated with the job loss;

(d) The amount of state and local taxes associated with the job loss;

(e) The impact that the closing or downsizing has on suppliers located in the county or municipal corporation.

(14) "Cost" has the same meaning and limitation as in section 179(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(15) "Baseline years" means:

(a) Calendar years 1992, 1993, and 1994, with regard to a grant claimed for the purchase during calendar year 1995, 1996, 1997, or 1998 of new manufacturing machinery and equipment;

(b) Calendar years 1993, 1994, and 1995, with regard to a grant claimed for the purchase during calendar year 1999 of new manufacturing machinery and equipment;

(c) Calendar years 1994, 1995, and 1996, with regard to a grant claimed for the purchase during calendar year 2000 of new manufacturing machinery and equipment;

(d) Calendar years 1995, 1996, and 1997, with regard to a grant claimed for the purchase during calendar year 2001 of new manufacturing machinery and equipment;

(e) Calendar years 1996, 1997, and 1998, with regard to a grant claimed for the purchase during calendar year 2002 of new manufacturing machinery and equipment;

(f) Calendar years 1997, 1998, and 1999, with regard to a grant claimed for the purchase during calendar year 2003 of new manufacturing machinery and equipment;

(g) Calendar years 1998, 1999, and 2000, with regard to a grant claimed for the purchase during calendar year 2004 of new manufacturing machinery and equipment;

(h) Calendar years 1999, 2000, and 2001, with regard to a grant claimed for the purchase on or after January 1, 2005, and on or before June 30, 2005, of new manufacturing machinery and equipment.

(16) "Related member" has the same meaning as in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code.

(17) "Qualifying controlled group" has the same meaning as in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code.

(18) "Tax liability" has the same meaning as in section 122.172 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) Subject to divisions (I) and (J) of this section, a grant is allowed against the tax imposed by section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code for a taxpayer that purchases new manufacturing machinery and equipment during the qualifying period, provided that the new manufacturing machinery and equipment are installed in this state not later than June 30, 2006.

(2)(a) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(2)(b) of this section, a grant may be claimed under this section in excess of one million dollars only if the cost of all manufacturing machinery and equipment owned in this state by the taxpayer claiming the grant on the last day of the calendar year exceeds the cost of all manufacturing machinery and equipment owned in this state by the taxpayer on the first day of that calendar year.

As used in division (B)(2)(a) of this section, "calendar year" means the calendar year in which the machinery and equipment for which the grant is claimed was purchased.

(b) Division (B)(2)(a) of this section does not apply if the taxpayer claiming the grant applies for and is issued a waiver of the requirement of that division. A taxpayer may apply to the director of development for such a waiver in the manner prescribed by the director, and the director may issue such a waiver if the director determines that granting the grant is necessary to increase or retain employees in this state, and that the grant has not caused relocation of manufacturing machinery and equipment among counties within this state for the primary purpose of qualifying for the grant.

(C)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(2) and division (I) of this section, the grant amount is equal to seven and one-half per cent of the excess of the cost of the new manufacturing machinery and equipment purchased during the calendar year for use in a county over the county average new manufacturing machinery and equipment investment for that county.

(2) Subject to division (I) of this section, as used in division (C)(2) of this section, "county excess" means the taxpayer's excess cost for a county as computed under division (C)(1) of this section.

Subject to division (I) of this section, a taxpayer with a county excess, whose purchases included purchases for use in any eligible area in the county, the grant amount is equal to thirteen and one-half per cent of the cost of the new manufacturing machinery and equipment purchased during the calendar year for use in the eligible areas in the county, provided that the cost subject to the thirteen and one-half per cent rate shall not exceed the county excess. If the county excess is greater than the cost of the new manufacturing machinery and equipment purchased during the calendar year for use in eligible areas in the county, the grant amount also shall include an amount equal to seven and one-half per cent of the amount of the difference.

(3) If a taxpayer is allowed a grant for purchases of new manufacturing machinery and equipment in more than one county or eligible area, it shall aggregate the amount of those grants each year.

(4) Except as provided in division (J) of this section, the taxpayer shall claim one-seventh of the grant amount for the taxable year ending in the calendar year in which the new manufacturing machinery and equipment is purchased for use in the county by the taxpayer or partnership. One-seventh of the taxpayer grant amount is allowed for each of the six ensuing taxable years. Except for carried-forward amounts, the taxpayer is not allowed any grant amount remaining if the new manufacturing machinery and equipment is sold by the taxpayer or partnership or is transferred by the taxpayer or partnership out of the county before the end of the seven-year period unless, at the time of the sale or transfer, the new manufacturing machinery and equipment has been fully depreciated for federal income tax purposes.

(5)(a) A taxpayer that acquires manufacturing machinery and equipment as a result of a merger with the taxpayer with whom commenced the original use in this state of the manufacturing machinery and equipment, or with a taxpayer that was a partner in a partnership with whom commenced the original use in this state of the manufacturing machinery and equipment, is entitled to any remaining or carried-forward grant amounts to which the taxpayer was entitled.

(b) A taxpayer that enters into an agreement under division (C)(3) of section 5709.62 of the Revised Code and that acquires manufacturing machinery or equipment as a result of purchasing a large manufacturing facility, as defined in section 5709.61 of the Revised Code, from another taxpayer with whom commenced the original use in this state of the manufacturing machinery or equipment, and that operates the large manufacturing facility so purchased, is entitled to any remaining or carried-forward grant amounts to which the other taxpayer who sold the facility would have been entitled under this section had the other taxpayer not sold the manufacturing facility or equipment.

(c) New manufacturing machinery and equipment is not considered sold if a pass-through entity transfers to another pass-through entity substantially all of its assets as part of a plan of reorganization under which substantially all gain and loss is not recognized by the pass-through entity that is transferring the new manufacturing machinery and equipment to the transferee and under which the transferee's basis in the new manufacturing machinery and equipment is determined, in whole or in part, by reference to the basis of the pass-through entity that transferred the new manufacturing machinery and equipment to the transferee.

(d) Division (C)(5) of this section applies only if the acquiring taxpayer or transferee does not sell the new manufacturing machinery and equipment or transfer the new manufacturing machinery and equipment out of the county before the end of the seven-year period to which division (C)(4) of this section refers.

(e) Division (C)(5)(b) of this section applies only to the extent that the taxpayer that sold the manufacturing machinery or equipment, upon request, timely provides to the tax commissioner any information that the tax commissioner considers to be necessary to ascertain any remaining or carried-forward amounts to which the taxpayer that sold the facility would have been entitled under this section had the taxpayer not sold the manufacturing machinery or equipment. Nothing in division (C)(5)(b) or (e) of this section shall be construed to allow a taxpayer to claim any grant amount with respect to the acquired manufacturing machinery or equipment that is greater than the amount that would have been available to the other taxpayer that sold the manufacturing machinery or equipment had the other taxpayer not sold the manufacturing machinery or equipment.

(D) The taxpayer shall claim the grant allowed by this section in the manner provided by section 122.172 of the Revised Code. Any portion of the grant in excess of the taxpayer's tax liability for the taxable year shall not be refundable but may be carried forward for the next three consecutive taxable years.

(E) A taxpayer purchasing new manufacturing machinery and equipment and intending to claim the grant shall file, with the director of development, a notice of intent to claim the grant on a form prescribed by the director of development. The director of development shall inform the tax commissioner of the notice of intent to claim the grant. No grant may be claimed under this section for any manufacturing machinery and equipment with respect to which a notice was not filed by the date of a timely filed return, including extensions, for the taxable year that includes September 30, 2005, but a notice filed on or before such date under division (E) of section 5733.33 of the Revised Code of the intent to claim the credit under that section also shall be considered a notice of the intent to claim a grant under this section.

(F) The director of development shall annually certify, by the first day of January of each year during the qualifying period, the eligible areas for the tax grant for the calendar year that includes that first day of January. The director shall send a copy of the certification to the tax commissioner.

(G) New manufacturing machinery and equipment for which a taxpayer claims the credit under section 5733.31 or 5733.311 of the Revised Code shall not be considered new manufacturing machinery and equipment for purposes of the grant under this section.

(H)(1) Notwithstanding sections 5733.11 and 5747.13 of the Revised Code, but subject to division (H)(2) of this section, the tax commissioner may issue an assessment against a person with respect to a grant claimed under this section for new manufacturing machinery and equipment described in division (A)(1)(b) or (2)(b) of this section, if the machinery or equipment subsequently does not qualify for the grant.

(2) Division (H)(1) of this section shall not apply after the twenty-fourth month following the last day of the period described in divisions (A)(1)(b) and (2)(b) of this section.

(I) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, in the case of a qualifying controlled group, the grant available under this section to a taxpayer or taxpayers in the qualifying controlled group shall be computed as if all corporations in the group were a single corporation. The grant shall be allocated to such a taxpayer or taxpayers in the group in any amount elected for the taxable year by the group. The election shall be revocable and amendable during the period described in division (B) of section 5733.12 of the Revised Code.

This division applies to all purchases of new manufacturing machinery and equipment made on or after January 1, 2001, and to all baseline years used to compute any grant attributable to such purchases; provided, that this division may be applied solely at the election of the qualifying controlled group with respect to all purchases of new manufacturing machinery and equipment made before that date, and to all baseline years used to compute any grant attributable to such purchases. The qualifying controlled group at any time may elect to apply this division to purchases made prior to January 1, 2001, subject to the following:

(1) The election is irrevocable;

(2) The election need not accompany a timely filed report, but the election may accompany a subsequently filed but timely application for refund, a subsequently filed but timely amended report, or a subsequently filed but timely petition for reassessment.

(J) Except as provided in division (B) of section 122.172 of the Revised Code, no grant under this section may be claimed for any taxable year for which a credit is allowed under section 5733.33 of the Revised Code. If the tax imposed by section 5733.06 of the Revised Code for which a grant is allowed under this section has been prorated under division (G)(2) of section 5733.01 of the Revised Code, the grant shall be prorated by the same percentage as the tax.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:18 PM

Section 122.174 | Tax incentives operating fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the tax incentives operating fund. The fund shall consist of any amounts appropriated to it and money credited to the fund pursuant to section 122.151, 122.154, 122.17, 122.171, 122.175, 122.85, 122.86, 3735.672, 5709.68, or 5725.33 of the Revised Code. The director of development services shall use money in the fund to pay expenses related to the administration of (A) the business services division of the development services agency and (B) the programs described in those sections.

Section 122.175 | Tax exemption for sale, storage, use, or other consumption of computer data center equipment.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Capital investment project" means a plan of investment at a project site for the acquisition, construction, renovation, expansion, replacement, or repair of a computer data center or of computer data center equipment, but does not include any of the following:

(a) Project costs paid before a date determined by the tax credit authority for each capital investment project;

(b) Payments made to a related member as defined in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code or to a consolidated elected taxpayer or a combined taxpayer as defined in section 5751.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Computer data center" means a facility used or to be used primarily to house computer data center equipment used or to be used in conducting one or more computer data center businesses, as determined by the tax credit authority.

(3) "Computer data center business" means, as may be further determined by the tax credit authority, a business that provides electronic information services as defined in division (Y)(1)(c) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, or that leases a facility to one or more such businesses. "Computer data center business" does not include providing electronic publishing as defined in that section.

(4) "Computer data center equipment" means tangible personal property used or to be used for any of the following:

(a) To conduct a computer data center business, including equipment cooling systems to manage the performance of computer data center equipment;

(b) To generate, transform, transmit, distribute, or manage electricity necessary to operate the tangible personal property used or to be used in conducting a computer data center business;

(c) As building and construction materials sold to construction contractors for incorporation into a computer data center.

(5) "Eligible computer data center" means a computer data center that satisfies all of the following requirements:

(a) One or more taxpayers operating a computer data center business at the project site will, in the aggregate, make payments for a capital investment project of at least one hundred million dollars at the project site during one of the following cumulative periods:

(i) For projects beginning in 2013, six consecutive calendar years;

(ii) For projects beginning in 2014, four consecutive calendar years;

(iii) For projects beginning in or after 2015, three consecutive calendar years.

(b) One or more taxpayers operating a computer data center business at the project site will, in the aggregate, pay annual compensation that is subject to the withholding obligation imposed under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code of at least one million five hundred thousand dollars to employees employed at the project site for each year of the agreement beginning on or after the first day of the twenty-fifth month after the agreement was entered into under this section.

(6) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 5701.01 of the Revised Code.

(7) "Project site," "related member," and "tax credit authority" have the same meanings as in sections 122.17 and 122.171 of the Revised Code.

(8) "Taxpayer" means any person subject to the taxes imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code.

(B) The tax credit authority may completely or partially exempt from the taxes levied under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code the sale, storage, use, or other consumption of computer data center equipment used or to be used at an eligible computer data center. Any such exemption shall extend to charges for the delivery, installation, or repair of the computer data center equipment subject to the exemption under this section.

(C) A taxpayer that proposes a capital improvement project for an eligible computer data center in this state may apply to the tax credit authority to enter into an agreement under this section authorizing a complete or partial exemption from the taxes imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code on computer data center equipment purchased by the applicant or any other taxpayer that operates a computer data center business at the project site and used or to be used at the eligible computer data center. The director of development services shall prescribe the form of the application. After receipt of an application, the authority shall forward copies of the application to the director of budget and management and the tax commissioner, each of whom shall review the application to determine the economic impact that the proposed eligible computer data center would have on the state and any affected political subdivisions and submit to the authority a summary of their determinations. The authority shall also forward a copy of the application to the director of development services who shall review the application to determine the economic impact that the proposed eligible computer data center would have on the state and the affected political subdivisions and shall submit a summary of their determinations and recommendations to the authority.

(D) Upon review and consideration of such determinations and recommendations, the tax credit authority may enter into an agreement with the applicant and any other taxpayer that operates a computer data center business at the project site for a complete or partial exemption from the taxes imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code on computer data center equipment used or to be used at an eligible computer data center if the authority determines all of the following:

(1) The capital investment project for the eligible computer data center will increase payroll and the amount of income taxes to be withheld from employee compensation pursuant to section 5747.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) The applicant is economically sound and has the ability to complete or effect the completion of the proposed capital investment project.

(3) The applicant intends to and has the ability to maintain operations at the project site for the term of the agreement.

(4) Receiving the exemption is a major factor in the applicant's decision to begin, continue with, or complete the capital investment project.

(E) An agreement entered into under this section shall include all of the following:

(1) A detailed description of the capital investment project that is the subject of the agreement, including the amount of the investment, the period over which the investment has been or is being made, the annual compensation to be paid by each taxpayer subject to the agreement to its employees at the project site, and the anticipated amount of income taxes to be withheld from employee compensation pursuant to section 5747.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) The percentage of the exemption from the taxes imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code for the computer data center equipment used or to be used at the eligible computer data center, the length of time the computer data center equipment will be exempted, and the first date on which the exemption applies.

(3) A requirement that the computer data center remain an eligible computer data center during the term of the agreement and that the applicant maintain operations at the eligible computer data center during that term. An applicant does not violate the requirement described in division (E)(3) of this section if the applicant ceases operations at the eligible computer data center during the term of the agreement but resumes those operations within eighteen months after the date of cessation. The agreement shall provide that, in such a case, the applicant and any other taxpayer that operates a computer data center business at the project site shall not claim the tax exemption authorized in the agreement for any purchase of computer data center equipment made during the period in which the applicant did not maintain operations at the eligible computer data center.

(4) A requirement that, for each year of the term of the agreement beginning on or after the first day of the twenty-fifth month after the date the agreement was entered into, one or more taxpayers operating a computer data center business at the project site will, in the aggregate, pay annual compensation that is subject to the withholding obligation imposed under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code of at least one million five hundred thousand dollars to employees at the eligible computer data center.

(5) A requirement that each taxpayer subject to the agreement annually report to the director of development services employment, tax withholding, capital investment, and other information required by the director to perform the director's duties under this section.

(6) A requirement that the director of development services annually review the annual reports of each taxpayer subject to the agreement to verify the information reported under division (E)(5) of this section and compliance with the agreement. Upon verification, the director shall issue a certificate to each such taxpayer stating that the information has been verified and that the taxpayer remains eligible for the exemption specified in the agreement.

(7) A provision providing that the taxpayers subject to the agreement may not relocate a substantial number of employment positions from elsewhere in this state to the project site unless the director of development services determines that the appropriate taxpayer notified the legislative authority of the county, township, or municipal corporation from which the employment positions would be relocated. For purposes of this paragraph, the movement of an employment position from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall be considered a relocation of an employment position unless the movement is confined to the project site. The transfer of an employment position from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall not be considered a relocation of an employment position if the employment position in the first political subdivision is replaced by another employment position.

(8) A waiver by each taxpayer subject to the agreement of any limitations periods relating to assessments or adjustments resulting from the taxpayer's failure to comply with the agreement.

(F) The term of an agreement under this section shall be determined by the tax credit authority, and the amount of the exemption shall not exceed one hundred per cent of such taxes that would otherwise be owed in respect to the exempted computer data center equipment.

(G) If any taxpayer subject to an agreement under this section fails to meet or comply with any condition or requirement set forth in the agreement, the tax credit authority may amend the agreement to reduce the percentage of the exemption or term during which the exemption applies to the computer data center equipment used or to be used by the noncompliant taxpayer at an eligible computer data center. The reduction of the percentage or term may take effect in the current calendar year.

(H) Financial statements and other information submitted to the department of development services or the tax credit authority by an applicant for or recipient of an exemption under this section, and any information taken for any purpose from such statements or information, are not public records subject to section 149.43 of the Revised Code. However, the chairperson of the authority may make use of the statements and other information for purposes of issuing public reports or in connection with court proceedings concerning tax exemption agreements under this section. Upon the request of the tax commissioner, the chairperson of the authority shall provide to the tax commissioner any statement or other information submitted by an applicant for or recipient of an exemption under this section. The tax commissioner shall preserve the confidentiality of the statement or other information.

(I) The tax commissioner shall issue a direct payment permit under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code to each taxpayer subject to an agreement under this section. Such direct payment permit shall authorize the taxpayer to pay any sales and use taxes due on purchases of computer data center equipment used or to be used in an eligible computer data center and to pay any sales and use taxes due on purchases of tangible personal property or taxable services other than computer data center equipment used or to be used in an eligible computer data center directly to the tax commissioner. Each such taxpayer shall pay pursuant to such direct payment permit all sales tax levied on such purchases under sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, and 5739.026 of the Revised Code and all use tax levied on such purchases under sections 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code, consistent with the terms of the agreement entered into under this section.

During the term of an agreement under this section each taxpayer subject to the agreement shall submit to the tax commissioner a return that shows the amount of computer data center equipment purchased for use at the eligible computer data center, the amount of tangible personal property and taxable services other than computer data center equipment purchased for use at the eligible computer data center, the amount of tax under Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code that would be due in the absence of the agreement under this section, the exemption percentage for computer data center equipment specified in the agreement, and the amount of tax due under Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code as a result of the agreement under this section. Each such taxpayer shall pay the tax shown on the return to be due in the manner and at the times as may be further prescribed by the tax commissioner. Each such taxpayer shall include a copy of the director of development services' certificate of verification issued under division (E)(6) of this section. Failure to submit a copy of the certificate with the return does not invalidate the claim for exemption if the taxpayer submits a copy of the certificate to the tax commissioner within the time prescribed by section 5703.0510 of the Revised Code.

(J) If the director of development services determines that one or more taxpayers received an exemption from taxes due on the purchase of computer data center equipment purchased for use at a computer data center that no longer complies with the requirement under division (E)(3) of this section, the director shall notify the tax credit authority and, if applicable, the taxpayer that applied to enter the agreement for the exemption under division (C) of this section of the noncompliance. After receiving such a notice, and after giving each taxpayer subject to the agreement an opportunity to explain the noncompliance, the authority may terminate the agreement and require each such taxpayer to pay to the state all or a portion of the taxes that would have been owed in regards to the exempt equipment in previous years, all as determined under rules adopted pursuant to division (K) of this section. In determining the portion of the taxes that would have been owed on the previously exempted equipment to be paid to this state by a taxpayer, the authority shall consider the effect of market conditions on the eligible computer data center, whether the taxpayer continues to maintain other operations in this state, and, with respect to agreements involving multiple taxpayers, the taxpayer's level of responsibility for the noncompliance. After making the determination, the authority shall certify to the tax commissioner the amount to be paid by each taxpayer subject to the agreement. The tax commissioner shall make an assessment for that amount against each such taxpayer under Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code. The time limitations on assessments under those chapters do not apply to an assessment under this division, but the tax commissioner shall make the assessment within one year after the date the authority certifies to the tax commissioner the amount to be paid by the taxpayer.

(K) The director of development services, after consultation with the tax commissioner and in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section. The rules may provide for recipients of tax exemptions under this section to be charged fees to cover administrative costs incurred in the administration of this section. The fees collected shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created in section 122.174 of the Revised Code. At the time the director gives public notice under division (A) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code of the adoption of the rules, the director shall submit copies of the proposed rules to the chairpersons of the standing committees on economic development in the senate and the house of representatives.

(L) On or before the first day of August of each year, the director of development services shall submit a report to the governor, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives on the tax exemption authorized under this section. The report shall include information on the number of agreements that were entered into under this section during the preceding calendar year, a description of the eligible computer data center that is the subject of each such agreement, and an update on the status of eligible computer data centers under agreements entered into before the preceding calendar year.

(M) A taxpayer may be made a party to an existing agreement entered into under this section by the tax credit authority and another taxpayer or group of taxpayers. In such a case, the taxpayer shall be entitled to all benefits and bound by all obligations contained in the agreement and all requirements described in this section. When an agreement includes multiple taxpayers, each taxpayer shall be entitled to a direct payment permit as authorized in division (I) of this section.

Section 122.176 | Grants for employers that move into a previously vacant facility.

(A) For purposes of this section:

(1) "Vacant commercial space" means space that has been unoccupied and available for use in a trade or business for the twelve months immediately preceding the lease or purchase date described in division (B) of this section, located in either of the following:

(a) A building, seventy-five per cent or more of the square footage of which has been unoccupied and available for use in a trade or business for the twelve months immediately preceding the initial lease or purchase date described in division (B) of this section;

(b) A business park, seventy-five per cent or more of the square footage of which has been unoccupied and available for use in a trade or business for the twelve months immediately preceding the initial lease or purchase date described in division (B) of this section.

For the purpose of determining whether a building, the construction of which is not complete, has been unoccupied for the required length of time, the building first becomes "unoccupied" when its construction discontinues as determined by the person who owned the property at that time.

(2) "Business park" means two or more buildings located on the same or adjacent parcels held under common ownership.

(3) "Building" means a building as defined in section 3781.06 of the Revised Code the construction of which is at least eighty-five per cent complete and that may be lawfully occupied.

(4) "Qualifying employee" means an employee employed by an employer, provided the employee is employed at the vacant commercial space for a minimum of forty hours per week and has been so employed for at least one year, the employer pays the employee at a wage rate equal to or greater than the minimum wage rate applicable under Chapter 4111. of the Revised Code, employment of the employee increases the employer's payroll above the employer's base employment threshold, and the employee had not been employed by the employer within sixty days before the date the employer purchases or enters into a lease for a vacant commercial space.

(5) "Base employment threshold" means the total payroll of the employer on the date the employer purchases or enters into a lease for a vacant commercial space.

(B) This section does not apply to the federal government, the state, the state's political subdivisions, or nonprofit organizations.

An employer required to deduct and withhold income tax from an employee's compensation under section 5747.06 and remit such amounts under section 5747.07 of the Revised Code may apply to the director of development for a grant from the vacant facilities grant fund, provided that, on or after the effective date of this section as enacted by H.B. 18 of the 129th general assembly, the employer occupies under a lease or purchases vacant commercial space at which the employer employs at least fifty employees or at least fifty per cent of its employees who are employed in this state. An employer may qualify for the grant only once. The amount of the grant awarded under this section shall be five hundred dollars for each qualifying employee. No grant application shall be accepted by the director three years or later after the effective date of this section.

An employer does not qualify for a grant under this section if, during the year of the employer's application, the employer is eligible to claim a tax credit or other incentive under an agreement with the tax credit authority.

The director shall prescribe application materials and explanations. An employer applying for a grant under this section shall submit the following with the employer's application to the director:

(1) An affidavit from the person who, in the case of a lease of vacant commercial space, owns the property or, in the case of a purchase, is the most recent owner of the property indicating that the building meets the requirements of a vacant commercial space;

(2) Payroll records indicating, for each qualifying employee, that the employee was employed for one year or longer at the vacant commercial space;

(3) Quarterly reports of wage information submitted by the employer to the department of job and family services pursuant to section 4141.20 of the Revised Code indicating the employer's qualifying employees and the employer's base employment threshold;

(4) A statement that the employer agrees to provide to the director any receipts, invoices, or similar documents demonstrating that the employer used the grant for the activities described in division (C) of this section.

Upon receipt of an application, the director shall review the application and attached materials and approve the application if, to the director's satisfaction, the employer fulfills all the grant requirements of this section, and if, in the judgment of the director, the unencumbered balance in the vacant facilities grant fund is sufficient to fund the amount of the grant. Upon approval of a grant application, the director shall authorize the award of the grant from the vacant facilities grant fund to the employer.

(C) An employer receiving a grant under this section from the vacant facilities grant fund must use the grant for the acquisition, construction, enlargement, improvement, or equipment of property, structures, equipment, and facilities used by the employer in business at the vacant commercial space occupied by the employer.

(D) An employer may claim a grant under this section with respect to a building, the construction of which is not complete, only if the employer submits both of the following with the employer's application:

(1) A copy of a certificate of occupancy from the appropriate building authority indicating that the building may lawfully be occupied pursuant to chapters 3781. and 3791. of the Revised Code;

(2) An affidavit from the person who owned the property at the time construction discontinued indicating the date construction discontinued.

(E) There is hereby created in the state treasury the vacant facilities grant fund, which shall consist of money appropriated to the fund by the general assembly. Money in the fund shall be used solely for the purposes of this section.

Section 122.177 | Career exploration internship program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Business" means a sole proprietorship, a corporation for profit, or a pass-through entity as defined in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Career exploration internship" means a paid employment relationship between a student intern and a business in which the student intern acquires education, instruction, and experience relevant to the student intern's career aspirations.

(3) "Student intern" means an individual who, at the time the business applies for a grant under division (B) of this section, meets both of the following criteria:

(a) The individual is entitled to attend school in this state.

(b) The individual is either between sixteen and eighteen years of age or is enrolled in grade eleven or twelve.

(B) There is hereby created in the development services agency the career exploration internship program to award grants to businesses that employ a student intern in a career exploration internship. To qualify for a grant under the program, the career exploration internship shall be at least twenty weeks in duration and include at least two hundred hours of paid work and instruction in this state. To obtain a grant, the business shall apply to the development services agency before the starting date of the career exploration internship. The application shall include all of the following:

(1) A brief description of the career exploration internship;

(2) A signed statement by the student intern briefly describing the student intern's career aspirations and how the student intern believes this career exploration internship may help achieve those aspirations;

(3) A signed statement by a principal or guidance counselor at the student intern's school or, in the case of a home schooled student, an individual responsible for administering instruction to the student intern, acknowledging that the employment opportunity qualifies as a career exploration internship and expressing intent to advise the student intern as provided in division (E) of this section;

(4) The name, address, and telephone number of the business;

(5) Any other information required by the development services agency.

(C)(1) The development services agency shall review and make a determination with respect to each application submitted under division (B) of this section in the order in which the application is received. The agency shall not approve any application under this section that is received by the agency later than June 25, 2017, or that was submitted by a business that does not have substantial operations in this state. The agency may not otherwise deny an application unless the application is incomplete, the proposed employment relationship does not qualify as a career exploration internship for which a grant may be awarded under this section, the business is ineligible to receive a grant under division (D)(1) of this section, or the agency determines that approving the application would cause the amount that could be awarded to exceed the amount of money in the career exploration internship fund.

(2) The agency shall send written notice of its determination to the applicant within thirty days after receiving the application. If the agency determines that the application shall not be approved, the notice shall include the reasons for such determination.

(3) The agency's determination is final and may not be appealed for any reason. A business may submit a new or amended application under division (B) of this section at any time before or after receiving notice under division (C)(2) of this section.

(D)(1) In any calendar year, the development services agency shall not award grants under this section to any business that has received grants for three career exploration internships in that calendar year. The agency shall not award a grant to a business unless the agency receives a report from the business within thirty days after the end of the career exploration internship or thirteen months after the approval of the application, whichever comes first, that includes all of the following:

(a) The date the student intern began the internship;

(b) The date the internship ended or a statement that the student will continue to be employed by the business;

(c) The total number of hours during the internship that the student intern was employed by the business;

(d) The total wages paid by the business to the student intern during the internship;

(e) A signed statement by the student intern briefly describing the duties performed during the internship and the skills and experiences gained throughout the internship;

(f) Any other information required by the agency.

(2) If the agency receives the report and determines that it contains all of the information and the statement required by division (D)(1) of this section and that the career exploration internship described in the report complies with all the provisions of this section, the agency shall award a grant to the business. The amount of the grant shall equal the lesser of the following:

(a) Fifty per cent of the wages paid by the business to the student intern for the first twelve months following the date the application was approved;

(b) Five thousand dollars.

(E) The student intern and the principal, guidance counselor, or other qualified individual who signed the statement described in division (B)(3) of this section shall meet at least once in the thirty days following the end of the career exploration internship or in the thirteenth month following the start of the career exploration internship, whichever comes first. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the student intern's experiences during the career exploration internship, consider the practical applications of these experiences to the student intern's career aspirations, and to establish or confirm goals for the student intern. If practicable, the meeting shall be in person. Otherwise, the meeting may be conducted over the telephone.

(F) A business that receives a grant under this section may submit a new application under division (B) of this section for another career exploration internship with the same student intern. Such an application does not have to include the statements otherwise required by divisions (B)(2) and (3) of this section.

(G) Annually, on the first day of August until August 2017, the development services agency shall compile a report indicating the number of career exploration internships approved by the agency under this section, the statements issued by the student interns under divisions (B)(2) and (D)(1)(e) of this section, the number of student interns that continued employment with the business after the termination of the career exploration internship, and the total amount of grants awarded under this section. The report shall not disclose any student interns' personally identifiable information. The agency shall provide copies of the report to the governor, the speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives, and the president and minority leader of the senate.

(H) The development services agency may adopt rules necessary to administer this section in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(I) The career exploration internship fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund shall consist of a portion of the proceeds from the upfront license fees paid for the casino facilities authorized under Section 6(C) of Article XV, Ohio Constitution. Money in the fund shall be used by the development services agency to provide grants under this section.

Section 122.178 | TechCred program.

(A) As used in this section, "microcredential" means an industry-recognized credential or certificate that an applicant may complete in not more than one year and that is approved by the chancellor of higher education.

(B) There is hereby created the TechCred program to reimburse employers from appropriations made for that purpose for training costs for prospective and incumbent employees to earn a microcredential. The department of development, in consultation with the governor's office of workforce transformation and the department of higher education, shall develop the program.

(C)(1) An employer seeking to participate in the program shall submit an application to the director of development during an application period established by the director. The employer shall include in the application all of the following information:

(a) Proof that the employer is registered to do business in this state;

(b) Proof that the employer is current on all tax obligations to the state;

(c) Proof that the employer is in compliance with all environmental regulations applicable to the employer;

(d) The name of the training provider from which a prospective or incumbent employee will receive the training and earn the microcredential;

(e) The cost of the training;

(f) The positions for which earning the microcredential will make a prospective or incumbent employee qualified or the occupational skill set that the prospective or incumbent employee will acquire on completing the training;

(g) The address of the facility or location at which the prospective or incumbent employee is expected to be employed after completing the training;

(h) Any other information the director requires.

(2) In addition to the information required under division (C)(1) of this section, an employer seeking to participate in the program also may submit any of the following information the employer wishes to provide to the director:

(a) The estimated wage after completing the training and earning the microcredential;

(b) The employer's certification as a minority business enterprise under section 122.921 of the Revised Code or certification as an EDGE business enterprise under section 122.922 of the Revised Code if applicable;

(c) The demographic information of the employer, including race and gender;

(d) Any demographic information of a prospective or incumbent employee that the employee provides to the employer, including race and gender;

(e) Any other information the employer wishes to provide to the director.

(D)(1) The director shall consider all applications submitted during an application period after the application period ends. The director shall consider the following factors in determining whether to approve an application:

(a) The duration of the training program;

(b) The cost of the training;

(c) A prospective or incumbent employee's estimated wage after completing the training and earning the microcredential;

(d) Whether approving an application will promote regional diversity in apportioning reimbursements uniformly across the state;

(e) Any other factors the director considers relevant in determining whether to approve an application.

(2) The chancellor of higher education shall establish a list of approved microcredentials. The director shall not approve an application submitted under division (C) of this section unless the microcredentials identified in the application are included in the chancellor's list. Not later than ninety days after April 14, 2020, the director shall create a list of training providers that offer a microcredential included in the chancellor's list. Thereafter, the director shall annually update the list of training providers.

(3) If the director approves an employer's application for participation in the program, the approval is valid as long as the employer maintains accurate application information under division (C)(1) of this section with the director. The employer shall submit the updated information to the director at the beginning of the third fiscal year the employer participates in the program and every other subsequent fiscal year thereafter.

(4) The director shall not approve an application for participation in the program if the employer has violated Chapter 4111. of the Revised Code within the four fiscal years immediately preceding the date of application.

(E)(1) Each participating employer seeking reimbursement for training costs for a prospective or incumbent employee shall submit an application to the director that includes all of the following information for each prospective or incumbent employee:

(a) The prospective or incumbent employee's name and position, if applicable, at the time of submitting the application;

(b) The actual amount the employer paid to the training provider for the training;

(c) Evidence that the prospective or incumbent employee earned a microcredential;

(d) Evidence that the prospective or incumbent employee is a resident of this state.

(2) The amount of the reimbursement shall be not more than two thousand dollars for each microcredential a prospective or incumbent employee receives.

(F) No participating employer shall require a prospective or incumbent employee who receives a microcredential because the employer participated in and received a reimbursement through the employer's participation in the TechCred program to accept or continue employment with the employer.

(G) For the purposes of determining regional diversity under this section, the following constitute the regions of the state:

(1) The counties of Allen, Crawford, Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca, Van Wert, Williams, Wood, and Wyandot are one region;

(2) The counties of Ashland, Ashtabula, Columbiana, Cuyahoga, Erie, Geauga, Huron, Lake, Lorain, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Richland, Stark, Summit, Trumbull, Tuscarawas, and Wayne are one region;

(3) The counties of Auglaize, Champaign, Clark, Clinton, Darke, Fayette, Greene, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby are one region;

(4) The counties of Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Knox, Licking, Logan, Madison, Marion, Morrow, Pickaway, and Union are one region;

(5) The counties of Adams, Athens, Gallia, Highland, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike, Ross, Scioto, and Vinton are one region;

(6) The counties of Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, Perry, and Washington are one region;

(7) The counties of Brown, Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren are one region.

(H)(1) The director shall do both of the following regarding the operation of the program:

(a) Create an application to participate in the program and an application for reimbursement;

(b) Create an internet web site with the applications for and information regarding the program created in this section.

(2) The governor's office of workforce transformation shall include on the office's internet web site either of the following:

(a) The applications for and information regarding the program created in this section;

(b) An internet link to the internet web site created under division (H)(1)(b) of this section.

(I) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code regarding the operation of the program as the director considers necessary to administer the program, including establishing priority guidelines for approving applications under division (D) of this section.

Last updated July 30, 2021 at 10:11 AM

Section 122.179 | Industry sector partnerships.

(A) As used in this section:

"Charitable organization" has the same meaning as in section 1716.01 of the Revised Code.

"Independent college or university" means a nonprofit institution of higher education that has a certificate of authorization under Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code.

"Industry sector partnership" means a workforce collaborative that organizes key leaders and stakeholders of an industry cluster into a working group that focuses on achieving a shared goal of meeting the industry cluster's human resources needs.

"Ohio technical center" has the same meaning as in section 3333.94 of the Revised Code.

"Sector partnership network" means a regional or statewide workforce collaborative that organizes multiple industry sector partnerships into a working group that focuses on achieving a shared goal of meeting the human resources needs of a region or statewide.

"State board" and "local board" have the same meanings as in section 6301.01 of the Revised Code.

"State institution of higher education" has the same meaning as in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code.

(B) A collaboration of multiple employers of an industry cluster may organize and lead an industry sector partnership by convening or acting in partnership with representatives of businesses, employers, or other institutions of an industry cluster, including small- and medium-sized employers where practicable, and a collaboration of multiple industry sector partnerships may convene or act in partnership together as a sector partnership network. An industry sector partnership may include representatives of one or more of the following:

(1) A school district;

(2) A state institution of higher education;

(3) An Ohio technical center;

(4) An independent college or university;

(5) The state or a local government;

(6) A state or local economic or workforce development agency;

(7) A state board or local board;

(8) The department of job and family services;

(9) A business, trade, or industry association;

(10) A charitable organization;

(11) An economic development organization;

(12) A nonprofit or community-based organization or intermediary;

(13) The Ohio state university extension division established under section 3335.16 of the Revised Code or the central state university extension program;

(14) Any other organization that the industry sector partnership considers necessary to further the shared goal of meeting the industry cluster's human resources needs.

(C) The director of development services, in consultation with the governor's office of workforce transformation, shall develop a grant program to support industry sector partnerships and sector partnership networks. An industry sector partnership or sector partnership network may use a grant awarded under this section to do any of the following:

(1) Hire employees to coordinate industry sector partnership or sector partnership network activities;

(2) Develop curricula or other educational resources to support the industry sector partnership or sector partnership network;

(3) Market the industry sector partnership or sector partnership network and opportunities the industry sector partnership or sector partnership network creates for workforce development activities;

(4) Any other activity the director has approved in rules adopted under division (E) of this section.

(D) The director shall do both of the following:

(1) Establish a system for evaluating and scoring grant applications, which prioritizes collaborative community-based solutions, including sector partnership networks;

(2) Award a grant to an industry sector partnership or a sector partnership network that submits a complete application for funding describing the activities in division (C) of this section the partnership or network will use the funds to support and meets the scoring criteria established under division (D)(1) of this section.

(E) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as the director considers necessary to administer the grant program.

Section 122.1710 | Individual microcredential assistance program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Low-income individual" has the same meaning as "low-income person" in section 122.66 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Microcredential" has the same meaning as in section 122.178 of the Revised Code.

(3) "OhioMeansJobs web site" has the same meaning as in section 6301.01 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Partially unemployed" and "totally unemployed" have the same meanings as in section 4141.01 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Training provider" means all of the following:

(a) A state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code;

(b) An Ohio technical center as defined in section 3333.94 of the Revised Code;

(c) A private business or institution that offers training to allow an individual to earn one or more microcredentials.

(B) There is hereby created the individual microcredential assistance program to reimburse training providers for training costs for individuals to earn a microcredential. The department of development, in consultation with the governor's office of workforce transformation, shall administer the program.

(C) A training provider seeking to participate in the program shall submit an application to the director of development. The training provider shall include in the application all of the following information:

(1) The number of microcredentials the training provider will seek a reimbursement for and the names of the microcredentials;

(2) The cost of the training for each microcredential;

(3) The total amount of the reimbursement the training provider will seek;

(4) The training provider's plan to provide opportunities for individuals who are low income, partially unemployed, or totally unemployed to participate in a training program and receive a microcredential;

(5) Any other information the director requires.

(D)(1) The director shall consider the following factors in determining whether to approve an application submitted under division (C) of this section:

(a) The duration of the training program;

(b) The cost of the training;

(c) Whether approving an application will promote regional diversity in apportioning reimbursements uniformly across the state;

(d) The training provider's commitment to providing opportunities for individuals who are low income, partially unemployed, or totally unemployed to participate in a training program and receive a microcredential.

(2) In determining regional diversity under division (D)(1)(c) of this section, the director shall use the regions established under division (G) of section 122.178 of the Revised Code.

(3) The director shall not approve an application submitted under this section if either of the following apply:

(a) The microcredentials identified in the application are not included in the list the chancellor of higher education establishes under section 122.178 of the Revised Code.

(b) The training provider has violated Chapter 4111. of the Revised Code within the four fiscal years immediately preceding the date of application.

(4) The director shall notify a training provider in writing of the director's decision to approve or deny the training provider's application to participate in the program.

(E) A participating training provider shall not charge an individual participating in a training program to earn a microcredential for which the training provider is seeking a reimbursement for either of the following:

(1) Any costs associated with the individual's participation in the training program;

(2) Any costs to the training provider resulting from an individual not completing the training program.

(F)(1) Each participating training provider seeking reimbursement for training costs for one or more microcredentials earned by one or more individuals in a training program shall submit an application to the director after the individual or individuals have earned a microcredential. The training provider shall include in the reimbursement application all of the following information:

(a) The actual cost for the training provider to provide each individual with the training;

(b) Evidence that each individual earned a microcredential;

(c) Any demographic information of each individual that the individual provides to the training provider, including race and gender.

(2) The amount of the reimbursement shall be not more than three thousand dollars for each microcredential an individual receives. A participating training provider may not receive a reimbursement for any additional individual who earns a microcredential beyond the number of microcredentials included in the application under division (C) of this section. A participating training provider may receive a total reimbursement of five hundred thousand dollars in a fiscal year.

(3) A training provider may request that an individual participating in the training provider's program provide demographic information to the training provider, including race and gender. An individual is not required to provide that information.

(G) The director shall do both of the following regarding the operation of the program:

(1) Create an application to participate in the program and an application for reimbursement;

(2) Create and distribute a survey to each individual who successfully earned a microcredential because of a reimbursement to a training provider under this section inquiring as to the individual's occupation and wages at the time of completing the survey.

(H) The director shall include on the internet web site maintained by the department, and the governor's office of workforce transformation shall include on the office's internet web site and the OhioMeansJobs web site, all of the content created under division (G) of this section.

(I) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as the director considers necessary to implement this section, including establishing priority guidelines for approving applications under division (D) of this section.

(J) Any personal information of an individual the director receives in connection with the individual microcredential assistance program created under this section is not a public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code. However, the director may use the information as necessary to complete the reports required under section 122.1711 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Section 122.1711 | Report to legislature.

(A) Beginning on the first day of August immediately following the effective date of this section, and every August first thereafter, the director of development services shall submit to the general assembly a written report that compiles and includes information required in this section regarding the programs created under sections 122.178, 122.179, and 122.1710 of the Revised Code.

(1) For the TechCred program created under section 122.178 of the Revised Code, the director shall include in the report required under division (A) of this section all of the following information:

(a) The average per cent rate change of wages during the previous year, if any, for prospective or incumbent employees who earned a microcredential categorized by microcredentials earned in each region and statewide;

(b) The average per cent rate change of wages during the previous years, if any, for prospective or incumbent employees who earned a microcredential categorized by the region in which employees reside and statewide;

(c) The average annual wages paid to positions for which holding a microcredential or having the occupational skills acquired through obtaining a microcredential is required, categorized by each region and statewide;

(d) The rate of change during the previous year of unemployment categorized by each region and statewide;

(e) A list of the microcredentials established by the chancellor of higher education under section 122.178 of the Revised Code categorized by each region and statewide;

(f) A demographic analysis of employees who earned a microcredential under the TechCred program based on the race and gender of each employee;

(g) A demographic analysis of employers who received a reimbursement through the TechCred program based on the race and gender of each employer;

(h) Any other information the director wishes to include.

(2) For the individual microcredential assistance program created under section 122.1710 of the Revised Code, the director shall include in the report required under division (A) of this section all of the following information:

(a) The information required under divisions (A)(1)(a) to (c) of this section, except that the information shall represent the individuals who successfully earned a microcredential because of a reimbursement to a training provider under the individual microcredential assistance program;

(b) A demographic analysis of individuals who earned a microcredential under the individual microcredential assistance program based on the race and gender of each individual;

(c) An analysis of the results of the surveys the director distributed under division (G) of section 122.1710 of the Revised Code categorized by each region and statewide;

(d) The rate of completion for each approved microcredential categorized by region and statewide;

(e) Any other information the director wishes to include.

(3) For the grant program to support industry sector partnerships and sector partnership networks created under section 122.179 of the Revised Code, the director shall include in the report required under division (A) of this section all of the following information:

(a) A list, categorized by region and statewide, of each industry sector partnership and sector partnership network to which a grant was awarded under section 122.179 of the Revised Code;

(b) A list detailing the member composition of each industry sector partnership and sector partnership network to which a grant was awarded under section 122.179 of the Revised Code, including each employer and representative of an industry cluster;

(c) Information regarding the activities described in division (C) of section 122.179 of the Revised Code for which industry sector partnerships and sector partnership networks used grants awarded under that section.

(B) In reporting on regional information under this section, the director shall use the regions established under section 122.178 of the Revised Code.

(C) The director shall include in the report under division (A) of this section any information the director receives under division (C)(2)(b), (c), or (d) of section 122.178 of the Revised Code or division (F)(1)(c) of section 122.1710 of the Revised Code.

(D) The director shall market the programs created under sections 122.178, 122.179, and 122.1710 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.18 | Annual payments to landlord for projects creating new jobs.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Facility" means all real property and interests in real property owned by either of the following:

(a) A landlord and leased to a tenant pursuant to a project that is the subject of an agreement under this section;

(b) The United States or any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States.

(2) "Full-time employee" has the same meaning as under section 122.17 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Landlord" means a county or municipal corporation, or a corporate entity that is an instrumentality of a county or municipal corporation and that is not subject to the tax imposed by section 5733.06 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code.

(4) "New employee" means a full-time employee first employed by, or under or pursuant to a contract with, the tenant in the project that is the subject of the agreement after a landlord enters into an agreement with the tax credit authority under this section.

(5) "New income tax revenue" means the total amount withheld under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code by the tenant or tenants at a facility during a year from the compensation of new employees for the tax levied under Chapter 5747. of the Revised Code.

(6) "Retained income tax revenue" means the total amount withheld under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code from employees retained at an existing facility recommended for closure to the base realignment and closure commission in the United States department of defense.

(7) "Tenant" means the United States, any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States, or any person under contract with the United States or any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States.

(B) The tax credit authority may enter into an agreement with a landlord under which an annual payment equal to the new income tax revenue or retained income tax revenue, as applicable, or the amount called for under division (D)(3) or (4) of this section shall be made to the landlord from moneys of this state that were not raised by taxation, and shall be credited by the landlord to the rental owing from the tenant to the landlord for a facility.

(C) A landlord that proposes a project to create new jobs in this state or retain jobs in this state at an existing facility recommended for closure or realignment to the base realignment and closure commission in the United States department of defense may apply to the tax credit authority to enter into an agreement for annual payments under this section. The director of development shall prescribe the form of the application. After receipt of an application, the authority may enter into an agreement with the landlord for annual payments under this section if it determines all of the following:

(1) The project will create new jobs in this state or retain jobs at a facility recommended for closure or realignment to the base realignment and closure commission in the United States department of defense.

(2) The project is economically sound and will benefit the people of this state by increasing opportunities for employment and strengthening the economy of this state.

(3) Receiving the annual payments will be a major factor in the decision of the landlord and tenant to go forward with the project.

(D) An agreement with a landlord for annual payments shall include all of the following:

(1) A description of the project that is the subject of the agreement;

(2) The term of the agreement, which shall not exceed twenty years;

(3) Based on the estimated new income tax revenue or retained income tax revenue, as applicable, to be derived from the facility at the time the agreement is entered into, provision for a guaranteed payment to the landlord commencing with the issuance by the landlord of any bonds or other forms of financing for the construction of the facility and continuing for the term approved by the authority;

(4) Provision for offsets to this state of the annual payment in years in which such annual payment is greater than the guaranteed payment of amounts previously paid by this state to the landlord in excess of the new income tax revenue or retained income tax revenue, as applicable, by reason of the guaranteed payment;

(5) A specific method for determining how many new employees are employed during a year;

(6) A requirement that the landlord annually shall obtain from the tenant and report to the director of development the number of new employees and the new income tax revenue withheld in connection with the new employees, or the number of retained employees and the retained income tax revenue withheld in connection with the retained employees, as applicable, and any other information the director needs to perform the director's duties under this section;

(7) A requirement that the director of development annually shall verify the amounts reported under division (D)(6) of this section, and after doing so shall issue a certificate to the landlord stating that the amounts have been verified.

(E) The director of development, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section.

Section 122.19 | Urban and rural initiative grant program definitions.

As used in sections 122.19 to 122.22 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Distressed area" has the same meaning as in section 122.16 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Eligible applicant" means any of the following that are designated by the legislative authority of a county, township, or municipal corporation as provided in division (B)(1) of section 122.22 of the Revised Code:

(1) A port authority as defined in division (A) of section 4582.01 or division (A) of section 4582.21 of the Revised Code;

(2) A community improvement corporation as described in section 1724.01 of the Revised Code;

(3) A community-based organization or action group that provides social services and has experience in economic development;

(4) Any other nonprofit economic development entity;

(5) A county, township, or municipal corporation if it designates itself.

(C) "Eligible area" means a distressed area, a labor surplus area, an inner city area, or a situational distress area, as designated annually by the director of development under division (A) of section 122.21 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Governing body" means, in the case of a county, the board of county commissioners; in the case of a municipal corporation, the legislative authority; and in the case of a township, the board of township trustees.

(E) "Infrastructure improvements" includes site preparation, including building demolition and removal; retention ponds and flood and drainage improvements; streets, roads, bridges, and traffic control devices; parking lots and facilities; water and sewer lines and treatment plants; gas, electric, and telecommunications hook-ups; and waterway and railway access improvements.

(F) "Inner city area" means, in a municipal corporation that has a population of at least one hundred thousand and does not meet the criteria of a labor surplus area or a distressed area, targeted investment areas established by the municipal corporation within its boundaries that are comprised of the most recent census block tracts that individually have at least twenty per cent of their population at or below the state poverty level, or other census block tracts contiguous to such census block tracts.

(G) "Labor surplus area" means an area designated as a labor surplus area by the United States department of labor.

(H) "Official poverty line" has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 3923.51 of the Revised Code.

(I) "Redevelopment plan" means a plan that includes all of the following: a plat; a land use description; identification of all utilities and infrastructure needed to develop the property, including street connections; highway, rail, air, or water access; utility connections; water and sewer treatment facilities; storm drainage; and parking, and any other elements required by a rule adopted by the director of development under division (B) of section 122.21 of the Revised Code.

(J) "Situational distress area" means a county or a municipal corporation that has experienced or is experiencing a closing or downsizing of a major employer that will adversely affect the county's or municipal corporation's economy. In order to be designated as a situational distress area for a period not to exceed thirty-six months, the county or municipal corporation may petition the director of development. The petition shall include documentation that demonstrates all of the following:

(1) The number of jobs lost by the closing or downsizing;

(2) The impact that the job loss has on the county's or municipal corporation's unemployment rate as measured by the Ohio department of job and family services;

(3) The annual payroll associated with the job loss;

(4) The amount of state and local taxes associated with the job loss;

(5) The impact that the closing or downsizing has on the suppliers located in the county or municipal corporation.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:19 PM

Section 122.20 | Urban and rural initiative grant program.

(A) The urban and rural initiative grant program is hereby created to promote economic development and improve the economic welfare of the people of the state, which shall be accomplished by the department of development awarding grants to eligible applicants for use in an eligible area for any of the following purposes:

(1) Land acquisition;

(2) Infrastructure improvements;

(3) Voluntary actions undertaken on property eligible for the voluntary action program created under Chapter 3746. of the Revised Code;

(4) Renovation of existing structures.

(B) The total amount of grants awarded under the program shall not exceed two million dollars. No grant shall be awarded without the prior approval of the controlling board.

(C) As a condition of receiving a grant under this section, and except as provided in division (D) of this section, an applicant shall agree not to permit the use of a site that is developed or improved with such grant moneys to cause the relocation of jobs to that site from elsewhere in this state.

(D) A site developed or improved with grant moneys awarded under this section may be the site of jobs relocated from elsewhere in this state if the director of development does all of the following:

(1) Makes a written determination that the site from which the jobs would be relocated is inadequate to meet market or industry conditions, expansion plans, consolidation plans, or other business considerations affecting the relocating employer;

(2) Provides a copy of the determination required by division (D)(1) of this section to the members of the general assembly whose legislative districts include the site from which the jobs would be relocated, and to the joint legislative committee on tax incentives;

(3) Determines that the governing body of the area from which the jobs would be relocated has been notified in writing by the relocating company of the possible relocation.

(E) No eligible applicant that receives from the program any grant of money for land acquisition, infrastructure improvements, or renovation of existing structures in order to develop an industrial park site for a distressed area, labor surplus area, or situational distress area as defined in section 122.19 of the Revised Code that also is a distressed area, labor surplus area, or situational distress area as defined in section 122.23 of the Revised Code shall use the money to compete against any existing Ohio industrial parks.

(F) An eligible applicant that receives a grant from the program shall not be precluded from being considered for or participating in other financial assistance programs offered by the department of development, the Ohio environmental protection agency, or the Ohio water development authority.

Section 122.21 | Urban and rural initiative grant program definitions.

In administering the urban and rural initiative grant program created under section 122.20 of the Revised Code, the director of development shall do all of the following:

(A) Designate, within three months after the publication of each decennial census by the United States census bureau, the entities that constitute the eligible areas in this state;

(B) Adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing procedures and forms by which eligible applicants in eligible areas may apply for a grant, which procedures shall include a requirement that the applicant file a redevelopment plan; standards and procedures for reviewing applications and awarding grants; procedures for distributing grants to recipients; procedures for monitoring the use of grants by recipients; requirements, procedures, and forms by which recipients who have received grants shall report their use of that assistance; and standards and procedures for terminating and requiring repayment of grants in the event of their improper use. The rules adopted under this division shall comply with sections 122.19 to 122.22 of the Revised Code and shall include a rule requiring that an eligible applicant who receives a grant from the program provide a matching contribution of at least twenty-five per cent of the amount of the grant awarded to the eligible applicant.

The rules shall require that any eligible applicant for a grant for land acquisition demonstrate to the director that the property to be acquired meets all state environmental requirements and that utilities for that property are available and adequate. The rules shall require that any eligible applicant for a grant for property eligible for the voluntary action program created under Chapter 3746. of the Revised Code receive disbursement of grant moneys only after receiving a covenant not to sue from the director of environmental protection under section 3746.12 of the Revised Code and shall require that those moneys be disbursed only as reimbursement of actual expenses incurred in the undertaking of the voluntary action. The rules shall require that whenever any money is granted for land acquisition, infrastructure improvements, or renovation of existing structures in order to develop an industrial park site for a distressed area, labor surplus area, or situational distress area as defined in section 122.19 of the Revised Code that also is a distressed area, labor surplus area, or situational distress area as defined in section 122.23 of the Revised Code, a substantial portion of the site be used for manufacturing, distribution, high technology, research and development, or other businesses in which a majority of the product or service produced is exported out of the state. Any retail use at the site shall not constitute a primary use but only a use incidental to other eligible uses. The rules shall require that whenever any money is granted for land acquisition, infrastructure improvements, and renovation of existing structures in order to develop an industrial park site for a distressed area, labor surplus area, or situational distress area as defined in section 122.19 of the Revised Code that also is a distressed area, labor surplus area, or situational distress area as defined in section 122.23 of the Revised Code, the applicant for the grant shall verify to the department of development the existence of a local economic development planning committee in a municipal corporation, county, or township whose territory includes the eligible area. The committee shall consist of members of the public and private sectors who live in that municipal corporation, county, or township. The local economic development planning committee shall prepare and submit to the department a five-year economic development plan for that municipal corporation, county, or township that identifies, for the five-year period covered by the plan, the economic development strategies of a municipal corporation, county, or township whose territory includes the proposed industrial park site. The economic development plan shall describe in detail how the proposed industrial park would complement other current or planned economic development programs for that municipal corporation, county, or township, including, but not limited to, workforce development initiatives, business retention and expansion efforts, small business development programs, and technology modernization programs.

(C) Report to the governor, president of the senate, speaker of the house of representatives, and minority leaders of the senate and the house of representatives by the first day of August of each year on the activities carried out under the program during the preceding calendar year. The report shall include the total number of grants made that year, and, for each individual grant awarded, the following: the amount and recipient, the eligible applicant, the purpose for awarding the grant, the number of firms or businesses operating at the awarded site, the number of employees employed by each firm or business, any excess capacity at an industrial park site, and any additional information the director declares to be relevant.

(D) Inform local governments and others in the state of the availability of grants under section 122.20 of the Revised Code;

(E) Annually compile, pursuant to rules adopted by the director of development in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, using pertinent information submitted by any municipal corporation, county, or township, a list of industrial parks located in the state. The list shall include the following information, expressed if possible in terms specified in the director's rules adopted under this division: location of each industrial park site, total acreage of each park site, total occupancy of each park site, total capacity for new business at each park site, total capacity of each park site for sewer, water, and electricity, a contact person for each park site, and any additional information the director declares to be relevant. Once the list is compiled, the director shall make it available to the governor, president of the senate, speaker of the house of representatives, and minority leaders of the senate and the house of representatives.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:19 PM

Section 122.22 | Grant eligibility.

(A) In order to be eligible for a grant under section 122.20 of the Revised Code, the applicant shall demonstrate both of the following to the director of development:

(1) That the applicant is proposing to carry out the purposes described in section 122.20 of the Revised Code in an entity that has been designated as an eligible area by the director of development under division (A) of section 122.21 of the Revised Code;

(2) The applicant's capacity to undertake and oversee the project, as evidenced by documentation of the applicant's past performance in economic development projects.

(B) In order for an applicant to be eligible for a grant under section 122.20 of the Revised Code, the governing body of the entity that has been designated as an eligible area by the director of development in accordance with division (A) of section 122.21 of the Revised Code shall, by resolution or ordinance, do all of the following:

(1) Designate the applicant that will carry out the purposes described in section 122.20 of the Revised Code and that qualifies as one of the five categories of eligible applicant listed in division (B) of section 122.19 of the Revised Code;

(2) Specify the eligible area's financial participation in the project;

(3) Include a marketing strategy to be utilized in administering the project that includes details used in past successful projects;

(4) Identify a management plan for the project.

(C) A governing body may designate the political subdivision it governs to be an eligible applicant.

(D) In order to be eligible for a grant under section 122.20 of the Revised Code for land acquisition, infrastructure improvements, or renovation of existing structures in order to develop an industrial park site for a distressed area, labor surplus area, or situational distress area as defined in section 122.19 of the Revised Code that also is a distressed area, labor surplus area, or situational distress area as defined in section 122.23 of the Revised Code, an applicant must be approved as a grant applicant by resolution of the legislative authority of each county containing any area that has been designated as an eligible area by the director of development under division (A) of section 122.21 of the Revised Code and whose governing body has designated the applicant to seek a grant for any of these purposes on behalf of the eligible area. The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing criteria for the legislative authority to use in determining whether to approve a qualified applicant.

Section 122.23 | Rural industrial park loan program definitions.

As used in sections 122.23 to 122.27 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Distressed area" means a county with a population of less than one hundred twenty-five thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census published by the United States census bureau that meets at least two of the following criteria:

(1) Its average rate of unemployment, during the most recent five-year period for which local area unemployment statistics published by the United States bureau of labor statistics are available, as of the date the most recent federal decennial census was published, is equal to or greater than one hundred twenty-five per cent of the average rate of unemployment for the United States for the same period.

(2) It has a per capita personal income equal to or less than eighty per cent of the per capita personal income of the United States as determined by the most recently available data from the United States department of commerce, bureau of economic analysis as of the date the most recent federal decennial census was published.

(3) Its ratio of personal current transfer receipts to total personal income is equal to or greater than twenty-five per cent, as determined by the most recently available data from the United States department of commerce, bureau of economic analysis as of the date the most recent federally decennial census was published.

If a federal agency ceases to publish the applicable data described in division (A) of this section, the director of development shall designate, on the department of development's web site, an alternative source of the applicable data published by a federal agency or, if no such source is available, another reliable source.

(B) "Eligible applicant" means any of the following that is designated by the governing body of an eligible area as provided in division (B)(1) of section 122.27 of the Revised Code:

(1) A port authority as defined in division (A) of section 4582.01 or division (A) of section 4582.21 of the Revised Code;

(2) A community improvement corporation as defined in section 1724.01 of the Revised Code;

(3) A community-based organization or action group that provides social services and has experience in economic development;

(4) Any other nonprofit economic development entity;

(5) A private developer that previously has not received financial assistance under section 122.24 of the Revised Code in the current biennium and that has experience and a successful history in industrial development.

(C) "Eligible area" means a distressed area, a labor surplus area, a rural area, or a situational distress area, as designated by the director of development pursuant to division (A) of section 122.25 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Labor surplus area" means an area designated as a labor surplus area by the United States department of labor.

(E) "Official poverty line" has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 3923.51 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Situational distress area" means a county that has a population of less than one hundred twenty-five thousand, or a municipal corporation in such a county, that has experienced or is experiencing a closing or downsizing of a major employer that will adversely affect the county's or municipal corporation's economy. In order to be designated as a situational distress area for a period not to exceed thirty-six months, the county or municipal corporation may petition the director of development. The petition shall include documentation that demonstrates all of the following:

(1) The number of jobs lost by the closing or downsizing;

(2) The impact that the job loss has on the county's or municipal corporation's unemployment rate as measured by the director of job and family services;

(3) The annual payroll associated with the job loss;

(4) The amount of state and local taxes associated with the job loss;

(5) The impact that the closing or downsizing has on the suppliers located in the rural county or municipal corporation.

(G) "Governing body" means, in the case of a county, the board of county commissioners; in the case of a municipal corporation, the legislative authority; and in the case of a township, the board of township trustees.

(H) "Infrastructure improvements" includes site preparation, including building demolition and removal; retention ponds and flood and drainage improvements; streets, roads, bridges, and traffic control devices; parking lots and facilities; water and sewer lines and treatment plants; gas, electric, and telecommunications hook-ups; and waterway and railway access improvements.

(I) "Private developer" means any individual, firm, corporation, or entity, other than a nonprofit entity, limited profit entity, or governmental entity.

(J) "Rural area" means any Ohio county that was an eligible area immediately prior to September 30, 2021, and any other Ohio county that is not designated as part of a metropolitan statistical area by the United States office of management and budget.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:20 PM

Section 122.24 | Rural industrial park loan program.

To promote economic development in rural areas and to improve the economic welfare of the people of the state, the director of development shall administer the rural industrial park loan program, which is hereby established in accordance with Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 13, to assist eligible applicants in financing the development and improvement of industrial parks by providing financial assistance in the form of loans and loan guarantees for land acquisition; constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating, remodeling, renovating, enlarging, or improving industrial park buildings; and infrastructure improvements.

This program shall not be used to compete against existing Ohio industrial parks.

An eligible applicant receiving assistance under the rural industrial park program is not precluded from further participation in this or any other department of development financial program, except that a private developer that previously has received financial assistance under this section is precluded from further participation in the rural industrial park loan program.

Section 122.25 | Administration of program - park use.

(A) In administering the program established under section 122.24 of the Revised Code, the director of development shall do all of the following:

(1) Designate, within three months after the publication of each decennial census by the United States census bureau, the entities that constitute the eligible areas in this state as defined in section 122.23 of the Revised Code;

(2) Inform local governments and others in the state of the availability of the program and financial assistance established under sections 122.23 to 122.27 of the Revised Code;

(3) Report to the governor, president of the senate, speaker of the house of representatives, and minority leaders of the senate and the house of representatives by the first day of August of each year on the activities carried out under the program during the preceding calendar year. The report shall include the number of loans made that year and the amount and recipient of each loan.

(4) Work in conjunction with conventional lending institutions, local revolving loan funds, private investors, and other private and public financing sources to provide loans or loan guarantees to eligible applicants;

(5) Establish fees, charges, interest rates, payment schedules, local match requirements, and other terms and conditions for loans and loan guarantees provided under the program;

(6) Require each applicant to demonstrate the suitability of any site for the assistance sought; that the site has been surveyed, that the site has adequate or available utilities, and that there are no zoning restrictions, environmental regulations, or other matters impairing the use of the site for the purpose intended;

(7) Require each applicant to provide a marketing plan and management strategy for the project;

(8) Adopt rules establishing all of the following:

(a) Forms and procedures by which eligible applicants may apply for assistance;

(b) Criteria for reviewing, evaluating, and ranking applications, and for approving applications that best serve the goals of the program;

(c) Reporting requirements and monitoring procedures;

(d) Guidelines regarding situations in which industrial parks would be considered to compete against one another for the purposes of division (B)(2) of section 122.27 of the Revised Code;

(e) Any other rules necessary to implement and administer the program.

(B) The director may adopt rules establishing requirements governing the use of any industrial park site receiving assistance under section 122.24 of the Revised Code, such that a certain portion of the site must be used for manufacturing, distribution, high technology, research and development, or other businesses wherein a majority of the product or service produced is exported out of the state.

(C) As a condition of receiving assistance under section 122.24 of the Revised Code, and except as provided in division (D) of this section, an applicant shall agree, for a period of five years, not to permit the use of a site that is developed or improved with such assistance to cause the relocation of jobs to that site from elsewhere in the state.

(D) A site developed or improved with assistance under section 122.24 of the Revised Code may be the site of jobs relocated from elsewhere in the state if the director does all of the following:

(1) Makes a written determination that the site from which the jobs would be relocated is inadequate to meet market or industry conditions, expansion plans, consolidation plans, or other business considerations affecting the relocating employer;

(2) Provides a copy of the determination required by division (D)(1) of this section to the members of the general assembly whose legislative districts include the site from which the jobs would be relocated;

(3) Determines that the governing body of the area from which the jobs would be relocated has been notified in writing by the relocating company of the possible relocation.

(E) The director shall obtain the approval of the controlling board for any loan or loan guarantee provided under sections 122.23 to 122.27 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:21 PM

Section 122.26 | Rural industrial park loan fund.

The rural industrial park loan fund is hereby created in the state treasury for the purposes of the program established under section 122.24 of the Revised Code. The director of development services shall deposit money received for the purposes of that section to the credit of the fund.

Section 122.27 | Eligibility for financial assistance.

(A) In order to be eligible for financial assistance under section 122.24 of the Revised Code, an applicant shall demonstrate to the director of development the applicant's capacity to undertake and oversee the project, as evidenced by documentation of the applicant's past performance in economic development projects.

(B) In order for an applicant to be eligible for financial assistance under section 122.24 of the Revised Code, both of the following apply:

(1) The governing body of the entity that has been designated as an eligible area by the director of development under division (A) of section 122.25 of the Revised Code, by resolution or ordinance, shall designate the applicant that will carry out the project for the purposes described in section 122.24 of the Revised Code and specify the eligible area's financial participation in the project.

(2) The board of county commissioners of a county that has been designated as an eligible area by the director of development under division (A)(1) of section 122.25 of the Revised Code shall certify, by resolution, that no existing industrial park is located in the county that would compete against an industrial park that would be developed and improved in the county through the use of financial assistance provided to the applicant under the rural industrial park loan program. Guidelines regarding situations in which industrial parks would be considered to compete against one another shall be established by rule in accordance with division (A)(8)(d) of section 122.25 of the Revised Code. However, an existing industrial park owner's consent to the new industrial park is sufficient to demonstrate noncompetition.

(C) Solely for the purpose of applying for assistance for infrastructure improvements, a governing body may designate itself as an eligible applicant.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:22 PM

Section 122.28 | Industrial technology and enterprise advisory council definitions.

As used in sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code:

(A) "New technology" means the development through science or research of methods, processes, and procedures, including but not limited to those involving the processing and utilization of coal, for practical application in industrial or agribusiness situations.

(B) "Industrial research" means study and investigation in giving new shapes, new qualities or new combinations to matter or material products by the application of labor thereto or the rehabilitation of an existing matter or material product.

(C) "Enterprise" means a business with its principal place of business in this state or which proposes to be engaged in this state in research and development or in the provision of products or services involving a significant amount of new technology.

(D) "Educational institutions" means nonprofit public and private colleges and universities, incorporated or unincorporated, in the state.

(E) "Small business" means an enterprise with less than four hundred employees, including corporations, partnerships, unincorporated entities, proprietorships, and joint enterprises.

(F) "Applied research" means the application of basic research for the development of new technology.

Section 122.29

(A) The Ohio river commission is created within the department of development to develop and promote economic development, marine cargo terminal operations, and travel and tourism on the Ohio river and its tributaries. The commission consists of the following members:

(1) The director of development, or the director's designee, who shall serve as chairperson of the commission;

(2) The director of transportation, or the director's designee;

(3) The director of natural resources, or the director's designee;

(4) Six members representing the general public, three of whom shall be appointed by the president of the senate and three of whom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

The appointed members may represent private industry associated or affiliated with marine cargo terminal operations on the Ohio river and private industry possessing experience in marine cargo terminal operations or travel and tourism on the Ohio river.

(B)(1) Each appointed member of the commission shall be a resident of this state or a designee of a business licensed or registered in this state.

(2) All members shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

(C)(1) Within sixty days after the effective date of this section, the speaker of the house of representatives and the senate president shall make initial appointments to the commission.

(2) Terms of office for appointed members shall be for four years.

(3) Vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided for original appointments.

(4) Each term shall end on the same day of the same month as did the term that it succeeds. Each appointed member shall hold office from the date of the member's appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy before the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term. Any appointed member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office, or for a period of sixty days, whichever occurs first. All members are eligible for reappointment.

(D) Five members of the commission constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum is necessary for any action taken by the commission. No vacancy in the membership of the commission impairs the rights of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the commission.

(E) All members of the commission are subject to Chapter 102. of the Revised Code.

(F) The department of development may assist the commission in furtherance of the commission's purposes. The department of development and the department of transportation, upon the request of the commission, shall cooperate in the implementation of this section. The department of development shall provide meeting and office space for the commission.

(G) Expenditures by the department of development, the commission, or any other state agency for capital improvements to promote economic development, marine cargo terminal operations, and travel and tourism on the Ohio river and its tributaries are subject to the approval of the controlling board.

Last updated February 19, 2025 at 9:58 AM

Section 122.291

(A) The Ohio river commission may do all of the following, subject to available funding through appropriations made directly by the general assembly or the controlling board to the commission:

(1) Employ an executive director who shall have appropriate experience as determined by the commission, and a secretary-treasurer and other employees that the commission considers appropriate. The commission may fix the compensation of the employees.

(2) Adopt and, from time to time, ratify, amend, and repeal bylaws necessary and proper for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business and rules to implement and make effective its powers and duties;

(3) Receive, promote, support, and consider recommendations, from public or private planning organizations, and develop a master plan for Ohio river infrastructure and transportation projects;

(4) Coordinate with port authorities, private port operators, metropolitan planning organizations, regional transportation planning organizations, local development districts, Ohio river service entities, utility service providers, and agricultural, tourism, and recreational interests, regarding Ohio river infrastructure and transportation;

(5) In conjunction with applicable state agencies, coordinate with state agencies, local governments and communities, other states, and the federal government regarding Ohio river issues;

(6) Collect, track, and maintain key statistics and data regarding commerce on the Ohio river and make an annual report to the general assembly;

(7) Ensure the monitoring of federal, state, and local policies, programs, and priorities pertaining to the development and operation of marine cargo terminals and travel and tourism on the Ohio river;

(8) Prioritize policies, programs, and issues identified in the Ohio maritime strategy prepared by the department of transportation and in the department's "Economic Impact of the Ohio River Maritime Activity" study, as those or similar documents or reports are published and updated from time to time by the department;

(9) Evaluate policies, programs, programs of research, and priorities to offset the continued decline in coal production and consumption within the Ohio river basin and promote prosperity in the Appalachian region of this state;

(10) Administer development funds and seek, support, and assist the Ohio river industry in the utilization of available grants, loans, and other finance mechanisms in support of Ohio river projects;

(11) Represent the interests of this state in regional, national, and international forums pertaining to economic development, marine cargo terminals, and travel and tourism on the Ohio river and its tributaries;

(12) Coordinate, for dissemination and publication, information regarding the commission and its related activities in connection with the Ohio river;

(13) Raise funds through direct solicitation or other fundraising events alone, or with other groups, and accept gifts, grants, and bequests from individuals, corporations, foundations, governmental agencies, and public and private organizations and institutions. The funds, gifts, grants, or bequests received pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the Ohio river commission fund created in section 122.292 of the Revised Code.

(B) The commission, or the department of development, on behalf of the commission, may apply for and receive from the United States government grants in accordance with any federal law or program, for the benefit of Ohio river infrastructure, transportation, or recreation and tourism.

Last updated February 19, 2025 at 9:59 AM

Section 122.292

(A) The Ohio river commission fund is created in the state treasury. The fund consists of all money as may be provided by law, including money received from any sale, transfer, or lease of property and money received under division (A)(13) of section 122.291 of the Revised Code.

(B) The Ohio river commission shall use money in the fund to defray the commission's administrative expenses and to carry out its purposes set forth in sections 122.29 to 122.292 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 20, 2025 at 3:35 PM

Section 122.30 | Powers and duties.

The director of development services is vested with the powers and duties provided in sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code, to promote the welfare of the people of the state through the interaction of the business and industrial community and educational institutions in the development of new technology and enterprise.

(A) It is necessary for the state to establish the programs created pursuant to sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code to accomplish the following purposes which are determined to be essential:

(1) Improve the existing industrial and agricultural base of the state;

(2) Improve the economy of the state by providing employment, increasing productivity, and slowing the rate of inflation;

(3) Develop markets worldwide for the products of the state's natural resources and agricultural and manufacturing industries;

(4) Maintain a high standard of living for the people of the state.

(B) The director shall do all of the following:

(1) Receive applications for assistance under sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code;

(2) Make a determination whether to approve the application for assistance;

(3) Transmit determinations to approve assistance exceeding forty thousand dollars to the controlling board, together with any information the controlling board requires, for the board's review and decision as to whether to approve the assistance;

(4) Gather and disseminate information and conduct hearings, conferences, seminars, investigations, and special studies on problems and programs concerning industrial research and new technology and their commercial applications in the state;

(5) Establish an annual program to recognize the accomplishments and contributions of individuals and organizations in the development of industrial research and new technology in the state;

(6) Stimulate both public and industrial awareness and interest in industrial research and development of new technology primarily in the areas of industrial processes, implementation, energy, agribusiness, medical technology, avionics, and food processing;

(7) Develop and implement comprehensive and coordinated policies, programs, and procedures promoting industrial research and new technology;

(8) Propose appropriate legislation or executive actions to stimulate the development of industrial research and new technology by enterprises and individuals;

(9) Encourage and facilitate contracts between industry, agriculture, educational institutions, federal agencies, and state agencies, with special emphasis on industrial research and new technology by small businesses and agribusiness;

(10) Participate with any state agency in developing specific programs and goals to assist in the development of industrial research and new technology and monitor performance;

(11) Assist enterprises in obtaining alternative forms of governmental or commercial financing for industrial research and new technology;

(12) Assist enterprises or individuals in the implementation of new programs and policies and the expansion of existing programs to provide an atmosphere conducive to increased cooperation among and participation by individuals, enterprises, and educational institutions engaged in industrial research and the development of new technology;

(13) Advertise, prepare, print, and distribute books, maps, pamphlets, and other information;

(14) Include in the director's annual report to the governor and the general assembly a report on the activities for the preceding calendar year under sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code;

(15) Approve the expenditure of money appropriated by the general assembly for the purpose of sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code;

(16) Identify and implement federal research and development programs which would link Ohio's industrial base, research facilities, and natural resources;

(17) Employ and fix the compensation of technical and professional personnel, who shall be in the unclassified civil service, and employ other personnel, who shall be in the classified civil service, as necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.31 | Payment sources for expenses and obligations.

All expenses and obligations incurred by the director of development services in carrying out the director's powers and duties under sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code, are payable from revenues or other receipts or income from grants, gifts, contributions, compensation, reimbursement, and funds established in accordance with those sections or general revenue funds appropriated by the general assembly for operating expenses of the director.

Section 122.32 | Accepting using contributions.

The director of development services, on behalf of the programs authorized pursuant to sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code, may receive and accept grants, gifts, and contributions of money, property, labor, and other things of value to be held, used, and applied only for the purpose for which the grants, gifts, and contributions are made, from individuals, private and public corporations, from the United States or any agency of the United States, and from any political subdivision of the state. The director may agree to repay any contribution of money or to return any property contributed or its value at times, in amounts, and on terms and conditions excluding the payment of interest as the director determines at the time the contribution is made. The director may evidence the obligation by written contracts, subject to section 122.31 of the Revised Code, provided that the director shall not thereby incur indebtedness of or impose liability upon the state or any political subdivision.

Section 122.33 | Administration of programs.

The director of development services shall administer the following programs:

(A) The industrial technology and enterprise development grant program, to provide capital to acquire, construct, enlarge, improve, or equip and to sell, lease, exchange, and otherwise dispose of property, structures, equipment, and facilities within the state.

Such funding may be made to enterprises that propose to develop new products or technologies when the director finds all of the following factors to be present:

(1) The undertaking will benefit the people of the state by creating or preserving jobs and employment opportunities or improving the economic welfare of the people of the state, and promoting the development of new technology.

(2) There is reasonable assurance that the potential royalties to be derived from the sale of the product or process described in the proposal will be sufficient to repay the funding pursuant to sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code and that, in making the agreement, as it relates to patents, copyrights, and other ownership rights, there is reasonable assurance that the resulting new technology will be utilized to the maximum extent possible in facilities located in Ohio.

(3) The technology and research to be undertaken will allow enterprises to compete more effectively in the marketplace. Grants of capital may be in such form and conditioned upon such terms as the director deems appropriate.

(B) The industrial technology and enterprise resources program to provide for the collection, dissemination, and exchange of information regarding equipment, facilities, and business planning consultation resources available in business, industry, and educational institutions and to establish methods by which small businesses may use available facilities and resources. The methods may include, but need not be limited to, leases reimbursing the educational institutions for their actual costs incurred in maintaining the facilities and agreements assigning royalties from development of successful products or processes through the use of the facilities and resources. The director shall operate this program in conjunction with the board of regents.

(C) The Thomas Alva Edison grant program to provide grants to foster research, development, or technology transfer efforts involving enterprises and educational institutions that will lead to the creation of jobs.

(1) Grants may be made to a nonprofit organization or a public or private educational institution, department, college, institute, faculty member, or other administrative subdivision or related entity of an educational institution when the director finds that the undertaking will benefit the people of the state by supporting research in advanced technology areas likely to improve the economic welfare of the people of the state through promoting the development of new commercial technology.

(2) Grants may be made in a form and conditioned upon terms as the director considers appropriate.

(3) Grants made under this program shall in all instances be in conjunction with a contribution to the project by a cooperating enterprise which maintains or proposes to maintain a relevant research, development, or manufacturing facility in the state, by a nonprofit organization, or by an educational institution or related entity; however, funding provided by an educational institution or related entity shall not be from general revenue funds appropriated by the Ohio general assembly. No grant made under this program shall exceed the contribution made by the cooperating enterprise, nonprofit organization, or educational institution or related entity. The director may consider cooperating contributions in the form of state of the art new equipment or in other forms provided the director determines that the contribution is essential to the successful implementation of the project. The director may adopt rules or guidelines for the valuation of contributions of equipment or other property.

(4) The director may determine fields of research from which grant applications will be accepted under this program.

Last updated October 13, 2021 at 8:58 AM

Section 122.34 | Purposes.

The exercise of the powers granted by sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code will be in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the improvement of commerce and prosperity, improvement of employment conditions, and will constitute the performance of essential governmental functions.

Section 122.35 | Depositing receipts.

All moneys received under sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code are trust funds to be held and applied solely as provided in those sections and section 166.03 of the Revised Code. All moneys, except when deposited with the treasurer of the state, shall be kept and secured in depositories as selected by the director of development services in the manner provided in sections 135.01 to 135.21 of the Revised Code, insofar as those sections are applicable. All moneys held by the director in trust to carry out the purposes of sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code shall be used as provided in sections 122.28 and 122.30 to 122.36 of the Revised Code and at no time be part of other public funds.

Section 122.36 | Confidential information.

Any materials or data submitted to, made available to, or received by the director of development services or the controlling board, to the extent that the material or data consist of trade secrets, as defined in section 1333.61 of the Revised Code, or commercial or financial information, regarding projects are not public records for the purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.37 | Steel futures program.

(A) There is hereby created in the development services agency the steel futures program, for the purpose of preserving and improving the existing industrial base of the state, improving the economy of the state by providing employment, increased productivity, and ensuring continued technological development consistent with these goals, and maintaining a high standard of living for the people of this state. The steel futures program may be supplemental to any other enterprise assistance program administered by the director of development services, and shall be administered so as to provide financial and technical assistance to increase the competitiveness of existing steel and steel-related industries in this state, and to encourage establishment and development of new industries of this type within the state.

The director shall develop a strategy for financial and technical assistance to steel and steel-related industries in the state, which shall include investment policies with regard to these industries.

(B) In administering the program, the director may consult with appropriate representatives of steel and steel-related industries, appropriate representatives of any union that represents workers in these industries, and other persons with expert knowledge in these industries.

(C) The director of development services shall consult with the chairperson of the public utilities commission to foster development of public and private cooperative efforts that result in energy savings and reduced energy costs for steel and steel-related industries.

(D) Assistance may be made available to steel and steel-related industries undertaking projects the director determines to have long-term implications for and broad applicability to the economy of this state when the director finds:

(1) The undertaking of projects by the industries will benefit the people of the state by creating or preserving jobs and employment opportunities or improving the economic welfare of the people of this state, and promoting development of new technology or improving application of existing steel and steel-related technology.

(2) The undertaking of projects by the industries will allow them to compete more effectively in the marketplace.

(E) Projects eligible to receive assistance under the steel futures program may include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

(1) Research and development specifically related to steel and steel-related industries and feasibility studies for business development within these industries;

(2) Employee training;

(3) Labor and management relations; and

(4) Technology-driven capital investment.

(F) Financial and technical assistance may be in the form and conditioned upon terms as the director considers appropriate.

(G) No later than the first day of August of each year, the director shall submit a report to the general assembly describing projects of the steel futures program, results obtained from completed projects of the program, and program projects for the next fiscal year.

Section 122.38 | Small business innovation research grant program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Small business enterprise" means any person with a principal place of business or research in the state, who meets the definition of a "small business concern" as defined in 13 C.F.R. 121.7 (a), as amended.

(2) "Eligible educational institution" means any educational institution that disseminates information, conducts educational or technical seminars and meetings, or provides other services of value or interest to small business enterprises.

(3) "Eligible organization" means any organization, representing the interest of small business enterprises or areas of technological research, that disseminates information, conducts educational or technical seminars and meetings, or provides other services of value or interest to small business enterprises.

(B) There is hereby created in the department of development the small business innovation research grant program for the purpose of providing educational, technical, and financial assistance to:

(1) Any small business enterprise engaging in or intending to engage in technological research that the director of development determines to be innovative and in the broad and long-term interest of the economy of the state;

(2) Any eligible educational institution;

(3) Any eligible organization.

(C) The director may provide educational, technical, and financial assistance to small business enterprises, eligible educational institutions, and eligible organizations. Any assistance shall be in the form and conditioned upon terms the director considers appropriate.

(D) The director shall:

(1) Establish the procedures by which small business enterprises, eligible educational institutions, and eligible organizations may apply for assistance under this section;

(2) Collect, prepare, and disseminate information, describing the types of assistance offered under the program and describing revelant federal programs and services to small business enterprises, eligible educational institutions, and eligible organizations as the director considers appropriate;

(3) Adopt rules for the administration of this section, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 122.39 | Definitions for R.C. 122.41 to 122.62.

As used in sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Financial institution" means any banking corporation, trust company, insurance company, savings and loan association, building and loan association, or corporation, partnership, federal lending agency, foundation, or other institution engaged in lending or investing funds for industrial or business purposes.

(B) "Project" means any real or personal property connected with or being a part of an industrial, distribution, commercial, or research facility to be acquired, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, improved, furnished, or equipped, or any combination thereof, with aid furnished pursuant to Chapter 122. of the Revised Code, for industrial, commercial, distribution, and research development of the state.

(C) "Community improvement corporation" means a corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code.

(D) "Ohio development corporation" means a corporation organized under Chapter 1726. of the Revised Code.

(E) "Mortgage" means the lien imposed on a project by a mortgage on real property, or by financing statements on personal property, or by a combination of a mortgage and financing statements when a project consists of both real and personal property.

(F) "Mortgagor" means the principal user of a project or the person, corporation, partnership, or association unconditionally guaranteeing performance by such principal user of its obligations under the mortgage.

Last updated June 3, 2021 at 4:10 PM

Section 122.40 | Definitions for R.C. 122.40 to 122.4077 - residential broadband expansion.

As used in sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Application" means an application made under section 122.4013 of the Revised Code for a program grant.

(B) "Broadband funding gap" means the difference between the total amount of money a broadband provider calculates is necessary to construct the last mile of a specific broadband network and the total amount of money that the provider has determined is the maximum amount of money that is cost effective for the provider to invest in last mile construction for that network.

(C)(1) "Broadband provider" means one of the following:

(a) A video service provider as defined in section 1332.21 of the Revised Code;

(b) A provider that is capable of providing tier one or tier two broadband service and is one of the following:

(i) A telecommunications service provider;

(ii) A satellite broadcasting service provider;

(iii) A wireless service provider as defined in section 4927.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Broadband provider" does not include a governmental or quasi-governmental entity.

(D) "Eligible addresses" means residential addresses that are in an unserved area or a tier one area.

(E) "Extremely high cost per location threshold area" means an area in which the cost to build high speed internet infrastructure exceeds the extremely high cost per location threshold established by the broadband expansion program authority under section 122.407 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Eligible project" means a project to provide tier two broadband service access to eligible addresses in an unserved area or tier one area of a municipal corporation or township that is eligible for funding under sections 122.4013 to 122.4046 of the Revised Code.

(G) "Last mile" means the last portion of a physical broadband network that connects an eligible project to the broader network used to provide tier two broadband service, and to which both of the following apply:

(1) It includes other network infrastructure in the last portion of the network that is needed to provide tier two broadband service to eligible addresses as part of an eligible project, but does not include network infrastructure in any portion of the network that is outside of the last portion.

(2) It is not required to be, or limited to, a specific distance measurement of one mile or any other specific distance.

(H) "Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program" means the program established under sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code.

(I) "Program grant" means money awarded under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program to assist in covering the broadband funding gap for an eligible project.

(J) "Satellite broadcasting service" has the same meaning as in section 5739.01 of the Revised Code.

(K) "Telecommunications service" has the same meaning as in section 1332.21 of the Revised Code.

(L) "Tier one broadband service" means a retail wireline broadband service capable of delivering internet access at speeds of at least twenty-five but less than one hundred megabits per second downstream and at least three but less than twenty megabits per second upstream.

(M) "Tier two broadband service" means a retail wireline broadband service capable of delivering internet access at speeds of one hundred megabits per second or greater downstream and twenty megabits per second or greater upstream. "Tier two broadband service" may include, in an extremely high cost per location threshold area, fixed wireless broadband service.

(N) "Tier one area" means an area that has access to tier one broadband service but not tier two broadband service. "Tier one area" includes an area where construction of a network to provide tier one broadband service is in progress and is scheduled to be completed within a two-year period. "Tier one area" excludes an area where construction of a network to provide tier two broadband service is in progress and is scheduled to be completed within a two-year period.

(O) "Unserved area" means an area without access to either tier one broadband service or tier two broadband service. "Unserved area" excludes an area where construction of a network to provide tier two broadband service is in progress and is scheduled to be completed within a two-year period.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:22 PM

Section 122.401 | Residential broadband expansion grant program.

There is hereby established the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program within the development services agency. The agency shall administer and provide staff assistance for the program. The agency shall be responsible for receiving and reviewing applications for program grants and for sending completed applications to the broadband expansion program authority for final review and award of program grants.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:20 PM

Section 122.403 | Broadband expansion program authority.

(A)(1) There is hereby created, within the department of development, the broadband expansion program authority, which shall consist of the director of development or the director's designee, the director of the office of InnovateOhio or the director's designee, and three other members as follows: one member appointed by the president of the senate, one member appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, and one member appointed by the governor.

(2) Appointed members shall have expertise in broadband infrastructure and technology. Appointed members may not be affiliated with or employed by the broadband industry or in a position to benefit from a program grant.

(B) Appointed members shall serve four year terms and are eligible for reappointment.

(C) Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as provided for original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term.

(D)(1)(a) Beginning on January 1, 2022, and ending on December 31, 2025, appointed members shall receive a monthly stipend as calculated under section 145.016 of the Revised Code in an amount that will qualify each member for one year of retirement service credit under the Ohio public employees retirement system for each year of service as a member of the authority during that period.

(b) Notwithstanding the requirement of section 145.58 of the Revised Code that eligibility for health care coverage provided under that section be based on years and types of service credit in accordance with rules adopted by the public employees retirement board, if the board provides health care coverage under that section, no service credit earned for service as a member of the authority shall be considered for purposes of determining eligibility for coverage under that section.

(c) Members shall receive reimbursement for their necessary and actual expenses incurred in performing the business of the authority. The reimbursements constitute, as applicable, administrative costs of the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program.

(2) An appointed member of the authority who is currently serving as an administrative department head under section 121.03 of the Revised Code is not eligible to receive a stipend under division (A) of this section.

(3) The agency shall be responsible for paying all reimbursements for meals and expenses under this section and, for the period beginning on January 1, 2022, and ending on December 31, 2025, all stipends under this section.

(E) The director of development, or the director's designee, shall serve as chairperson of the authority. The members of the authority annually shall elect a vice-chairperson from the members of the authority. Three members of the authority constitute a quorum to transact and vote on the business of the authority. An affirmative vote of three members is necessary to approve any business, including the election of the vice-chairperson.

(F) The assignment of designees by the director of development and the director of InnovateOhio shall be made in writing. If the director of development assigns a designee to serve on the authority, the director shall appoint a professional employee of the department of development to serve as the director's designee at authority meetings. In the absence of the director of development or the director's designee, the vice-chairperson of the authority shall serve as chairperson of authority meetings.

(G) The authority is not an agency for purposes of sections 101.82 to 101.87 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 30, 2021 at 10:16 AM

Section 122.406 | Authority consideration of program applications.

The broadband expansion program authority shall consider each application for a program grant that the development services agency has reviewed and sent to it. The authority shall score all applications according to the scoring system established under section 122.4040 of the Revised Code and award program grants based on that system according to sections 122.4043 and 122.4044 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:20 PM

Section 122.407 | Authority duties.

The broadband expansion program authority shall do the following:

(A) Continually examine, and propose updates to, any broadband plan provided by law enacted by the general assembly or executive order issued by the governor;

(B) Monitor the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program, including by doing the following:

(1) Tracking the details for annual applications to the program, including:

(a) The number of applications;

(b) The geographic locations of the eligible projects listed in the applications;

(c) The broadband providers submitting applications;

(d) A description of the tier two broadband infrastructure and technology proposed in applications;

(e) A description of any public right-of-way or public facilities to be utilized for the projects;

(f) The speeds of the tier two broadband services under the projects;

(g) The amount of the grant funds requested for each project and the proportion of project funding to be provided by the broadband provider and by other entities;

(h) The number of residential and nonresidential locations that will have access to tier two broadband service under each project.

(2) Tracking the program grants awarded annually, including:

(a) The number of program grants;

(b) The geographic location or locations of the projects;

(c) The broadband providers that received program grants and the entities or companies that submitted the application;

(d) A description of the tier two broadband infrastructure and technology deployed in each project;

(e) A description of any public right-of-way or public facilities utilized as part of the project;

(f) The speeds of the tier two broadband services enabled by each project;

(g) The amounts of each program grant, the share of the project funding provided by the broadband provider, and any share of the project funding provided by other entities;

(h) The number of residential and nonresidential locations that will have access to tier two broadband service for each project.

(3) Listing the amount of any unencumbered program grant funds that remain available for award under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program;

(4) Adding any additional factors deemed necessary by the authority to monitor the program.

(C) Review all progress reports and operational reports required under section 122.4070 of the Revised Code.

(D) Review all pending county requests made pursuant to section 122.4051 of the Revised Code for program grants.

(E) Identify any best practices for, and impediments to, the continued expansion of tier two broadband infrastructure and technology in the state;

(F) Coordinate and promote the availability of publicly accessible digital literacy programs to increase fluency in the use and security of interactive digital tools and searchable networks, including the ability to use digital tools safely and effectively for learning, collaborating, and producing;

(G) Identify, examine, and report on any federal or state government grant or loan program that would promote the deployment of tier two broadband infrastructure and technology in the state;

(H) Track the availability, location, rates and speeds, and adoption of programs that offer tier one broadband service and tier two broadband service in an affordable manner to low-income consumers in this state;

(I) Establish the extremely high cost per location threshold for the costs of building high speed internet infrastructure in any specific area, above which wireline broadband service has an extremely high cost in comparison to fixed wireless broadband service.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:59 PM

Section 122.408 | Authority hearings.

The broadband expansion program authority shall conduct hearings to gather information necessary to accomplish the duties specified under section 122.407 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:22 PM

Section 122.4010 | Authority annual report of findings and recommendations.

The broadband expansion program authority, upon majority approval of the authority's members, shall submit a written public report of its findings and recommendations to the governor and the general assembly not later than the first of December of each calendar year.

The authority shall not disclose any proprietary information or trade secrets in the report. Copies of the report shall be available on the development services agency's web site.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 1:08 PM

Section 122.4013 | Grant applications by broadband providers.

A broadband provider may apply for a program grant under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:22 PM

Section 122.4015 | Grants only for eligible projects.

Program grants under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program shall be awarded only for eligible projects.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:23 PM

Section 122.4016 | Ineligible projects.

An application shall be ineligible for a program grant under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program if either of the following applies:

(A) It proposes to provide tier two broadband service to areas where tier two broadband service is presently available.

(B) In the proposed area of service, construction of a network to provide tier two broadband service currently is in progress and one of the following applies:

(1) It is being constructed, without grant program funding, by the broadband provider that submitted the application.

(2) It is scheduled to be completed by another broadband provider not later than two years after the date of a challenge submitted under section 122.4030 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:23 PM

Section 122.4017 | Funds for grants.

(A) The broadband expansion program authority shall award program grants under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program using funds from the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program fund created in section 122.4037 of the Revised Code and other funds appropriated by the general assembly.

(B) If an appropriation for the program includes funds that are not state funds or if the director of development receives funds that are in the form of a gift, grant, or contribution to the broadband expansion grant program fund, the broadband expansion program authority shall award those funds as described in sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code, except as provided in division (C) of this section.

(C) If the use of the funds described in division (B) of this section is contingent upon meeting application, scoring, or other requirements that are different from program requirements under sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code, the department of development shall adopt the requirements and publish a description of the different requirements with the program application as required under section 122.4040 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:23 PM

Section 122.4018 | Grants limited by available funds.

(A) Each fiscal year, the development services agency shall fund program grants until funds for that fiscal year are no longer available.

(B) Any application pending at the end of the fiscal year shall be deemed denied, but may be refiled in a subsequent fiscal year provided that all information in the application is still current or has been updated.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:24 PM

Section 122.4019 | Application submission.

(A)(1) Each fiscal year, the department of development shall accept applications for program grants.

(2) To apply for a program grant, a broadband provider shall submit an application to the department on a form prescribed by the department and shall provide the information required under section 122.4020 of the Revised Code. The form shall include a statement informing the applicant that failure to comply with the program or to meet the required tier two broadband service proposed in the application may require the refund of all or a portion of the program grant awarded for the project.

(3) Applications may be submitted in person or by certified mail or electronic mail, or uploaded to a designated department web site for applications.

(B) Applications shall be accepted during a submission period specified by the broadband expansion program authority. Each submission period shall be at least sixty but not more than ninety days. Each fiscal year there shall be not more than two submission periods.

(C) The department shall publish information from submitted applications on the department's web site as follows:

(1) Not later than five days after the close of the submission period in which the application is made, the department shall publish, for each completed application, the list of eligible addresses included with the completed applications under division (A)(1)(a) of section 122.4020 of the Revised Code.

(2) Not later than thirty-five days after the close of the submission period in which the application is made, the department shall publish all information from each completed application that it determines is not confidential under section 122.4023 of the Revised Code.

(D) If an application is incomplete, the department shall notify the broadband provider that submitted the application. The notification shall list what information is incomplete and shall describe the procedure for refiling a completed application.

(E) The department shall review an application determined incomplete under division (D) of this section as provided in sections 122.4019 to 122.4036 of the Revised Code if the application is completed and refiled:

(1) Before the end of the submission period described under division (B) of this section; or

(2) Not later than fourteen days after the end of the submission period described under division (B) of this section, if the department, for good cause shown, has granted the broadband provider an extension period of not more than fourteen days in which to file the completed application.

(F) The department shall deny an incomplete application if the broadband provider fails to complete and refile it within the applicable submission period or extension period. Applications that are denied shall not be published on the department's web site.

(G) To facilitate the challenge process, after publication of all applications, the department shall publish a provisional scoring for applications based on the scoring criteria in section 122.4041 of the Revised Code. The department shall publish the provisional scoring on its web site not later than fifteen business days after all applications have been accepted as complete under this section. The authority shall neither vote on, nor make awards based on, the provisional scoring.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:24 PM

Section 122.4020 | Application requirements.

(A) An application for a program grant under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program shall include, at a minimum, the following information for an eligible project:

(1) The location and description of the project, including:

(a) The residential addresses in the unserved or tier one areas where tier two broadband service will be available following completion of the project;

(b) A notarized letter of intent that the broadband provider will provide access to tier two broadband service to all of the residential addresses listed in the project;

(c) A notarized letter of intent by the broadband provider that none of the funds provided by the program grant will be used to extend or deploy facilities to any residential addresses other than those in the unserved or tier one areas that are part of the project.

(2) The amount of the broadband funding gap and the amount of state funds requested;

(3) The amount of any financial or in-kind contributions to be used towards the broadband funding gap and identification of the contribution sources, which may include, but are not limited to, any combination of the following:

(a) Funds that the broadband provider is willing to contribute to the broadband funding gap;

(b) Funds received or approved under any other federal or state government grant or loan program;

(c) General revenue funds of a municipal corporation, township, or county comprising the area of the eligible project;

(d) Other discretionary funds of the municipal corporation, township, or county comprising the area of the eligible project;

(e) Any alternate payment terms that the broadband provider and any legislative authority in which the project is located have negotiated and agreed to pursuant to section 122.4025 of the Revised Code;

(f) Contributions or grants from individuals, organizations, or companies;

(g) Property tax assessments made by the municipal corporation under Chapter 727. of the Revised Code, township under section 505.881 of the Revised Code, or county under section 303.251 of the Revised Code.

(4) The source and amount of any financial or in-kind contributions received or approved for any part of the overall eligible project cost, but not applied to the broadband funding gap;

(5) A description of, or documentation demonstrating, the broadband provider's managerial and technical expertise and experience with broadband service projects;

(6) Whether the broadband provider plans to use wired, wireless, or satellite technology to complete the project;

(7) A description of the scalability of the project;

(8) The megabit-per-second broadband download and upload speeds planned for the project;

(9) A description of the broadband provider's customer service capabilities, including any locally based call centers or customer service offices;

(10) A copy of the broadband provider's general customer service policies, including any policy to credit customers for service outages or the provider's failure to keep scheduled appointments for service;

(11) The length of time that the broadband provider has been operating in the state;

(12) Proof that the broadband provider has the financial stability to complete the project;

(13) A projected construction timetable, including the anticipated date of the provision of tier two broadband service access within the project;

(14) A description of anticipated or preliminary government authorizations, permits, and other approvals required in connection with the project, and an estimated timetable for the acquisition of such approvals;

(15) A notification from the broadband provider informing the department of development of any information contained in the application, or within related documents submitted with it, that the provider considers proprietary or a trade secret;

(16) A notarized statement that the broadband provider accepts the condition that noncompliance with Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program requirements may require the provider to refund all or part of any program grant the provider receives;

(17) A brief description of any arrangements, including any subleases of infrastructure or joint ownership arrangements that the broadband provider that submitted the application has entered into, or plans to enter into, with another broadband provider, an electric cooperative, or an electric distribution utility, to enable the offering of tier two broadband service under the project;

(18) Other relevant information that the department determines is necessary and prescribes by rule;

(19) Any other information the broadband provider considers necessary.

(B) To meet the requirement to provide proof of financial responsibility in the application, the broadband provider may submit publicly available financial statements with its application.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:25 PM

Section 122.4021 | Conditions for grants.

As a condition for receiving a program grant under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program, the broadband expansion program authority may require a broadband provider that is awarded a program grant to provide a performance bond, letter of credit, or other financial assurance acceptable to the authority prior to the commencement of construction. The bond, letter of credit, or assurance shall be in the sum, and with the sureties, that the state prescribes and shall be payable to the state, as applicable.

The bond, letter of credit, or assurance may include the condition that the broadband provider will faithfully execute and complete the project.

The purpose of the performance bond, letter of credit, or other financial assurance is to assure completion of the project. The bond, letter of credit, or assurance shall not be required after the project is complete.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:25 PM

Section 122.4023 | Proprietary or trade secret evaluations.

Pursuant to rules adopted under section 122.4077 of the Revised Code, the development services agency shall evaluate the information and documents submitted by a broadband provider in an application under section 122.4013 of the Revised Code or by a challenging provider under section 122.4030 of the Revised Code. The evaluation shall determine whether the information and documents are proprietary or constitute a trade secret. Upon receipt of the information and documents, the agency shall keep them confidential and shall not publish them on the agency's web site, unless the agency finds that any information or document is not proprietary or a trade secret. Any information or document found not to be proprietary or a trade secret under this section shall not be considered confidential and shall be published on the agency web site as is required for an application under division (C)(2) of section 122.4019 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:25 PM

Section 122.4024 | Notification of published applications.

The development services agency shall establish an automatic notification process through which interested parties may receive electronic mail notifications when the agency publishes application and other information on its web site pursuant to sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:25 PM

Section 122.4025 | Video service provider fees contributed to funding gap.

A broadband provider may enter into an arrangement to designate video service provider fees remitted by the broadband provider for contribution towards an eligible project's broadband funding gap under the following circumstances:

(A) The broadband provider is a video service provider that, pursuant to section 1332.32 of the Revised Code, collects and remits video service provider fees to one or more legislative authorities in which an eligible project is located.

(B) The arrangement is entered into by mutual consent with one or more of the legislative authorities in which the eligible project is located.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:26 PM

Section 122.4030 | Application challenges.

(A) As used in section 122.4023 and sections 122.4030 to 122.4035 of the Revised Code, "challenging provider" means either of the following:

(1) A broadband provider that provides tier two broadband service within or directly adjacent to an eligible project;

(2) A municipal electric utility that provides tier two broadband service to an area within the eligible project that is within the geographic area served by the municipal electric utility.

(B)(1)(a) A challenging provider may challenge, in writing, all or part of a completed application for a program grant for the project not later than sixty-five days after the provisional application scoring has been published on the web site as required under section 122.4019 of the Revised Code.

(b) The department of development, for good cause shown, may grant the broadband provider an extension of not more than fourteen days in which to submit a challenge.

(2) The challenging provider shall provide its complete challenge to the department, by electronic mail or such other means as may be established by the department. Within ten business days of its receipt of a challenge, the department shall provide, by electronic mail or such other means as may be established by the department, a complete copy of such challenge to the applicant whose application is the subject of a challenge.

(C) No challenge to an application may be accepted before the completed application is published in its entirety on the department's web site pursuant to division (C)(2) of section 122.4019 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:52 PM

Section 122.4031 | Evidence sufficient to successfully challenge.

(A) To successfully challenge an application, a challenging provider shall provide sufficient evidence to the department of development demonstrating that all or part of a project under the application is ineligible for a grant. The challenge shall, at minimum, include the following information:

(1) Sufficient evidence disputing the notarized letter of intent submitted with the application that the eligible project contains eligible addresses;

(2) Sufficient evidence attesting to the challenging provider's existing or planned offering of tier two broadband service to all or part of the eligible project, which evidence shall include the following:

(a) With regard to existing tier two broadband service, a signed, notarized statement submitted by the challenging provider that sufficiently identifies the part of the eligible project to which the challenging provider offers broadband service and the aggregate number of eligible addresses to which the challenging provider offers tier two broadband service;

(b) With regard to the planned provision of tier two broadband service by a challenging provider as described in division (B) of section 122.4016 of the Revised Code, both of the following:

(i) A signed, notarized statement submitted by the challenging provider that sufficiently identifies the part of the eligible project to which the challenging provider will offer tier two broadband service;

(ii) A summary of the construction efforts that includes the dates when tier two broadband construction is expected to be completed and when tier two broadband service will first be offered to the part of the eligible project being challenged.

(B) To demonstrate that all or part of a project under the application is ineligible for a grant, a challenging provider shall present shapefile data and residential addresses identifying each challenged residential address and the basis for such challenge. Census block or census tract level data shall not be acceptable as evidence of ineligibility of all or part of a project.

(C) The department shall reject any challenge regarding a residential address where the provision of tier two broadband service is planned to be provided if the challenging provider has also submitted an application for funding for the same residential address.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:53 PM

Section 122.4032 | Limited effect if grant application not challenged.

If an application filed during an application submission period established by the department of development under section 122.4019 of the Revised Code is not challenged pursuant to sections 122.4030 to 122.4035 of the Revised Code, the lack of a challenge does not do either of the following:

(A) Create a presumption that residential addresses included in an application submitted in a subsequent submission period are eligible addresses under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program;

(B) Prohibit a challenging provider from filing a challenge to an application that is being refiled during a subsequent submission period.

Last updated September 25, 2023 at 5:12 PM

Section 122.4033 | Authority actions regarding a challenge.

(A) Not later than thirty days after receipt of a challenge under sections 122.4030 to 122.4035 of the Revised Code, the broadband expansion program authority may do either of the following:

(1) Suspend, subject to division (B) of this section, all or part of the application;

(2) Reject the challenge, approve the application, and proceed with the application process.

(B) The authority shall allow the broadband provider that submitted the application being challenged to revise the application consistent with sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code, if the authority upholds a challenge to all or part of the application.

(C) The authority shall notify both the broadband provider that submitted the application and the challenging provider of any decision made under this section by providing a copy of the decision by certified mail or electronic mail. The authority shall update the status of the application on the development services agency web site.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:27 PM

Section 122.4034 | Revision, resubmission of successfully challenged applications.

(A) If the broadband expansion program authority suspends all or part of an application, the broadband provider that submitted the application may revise and resubmit the application not later than fourteen days after receiving the suspension notification sent by the authority pursuant to section 122.4033 of the Revised Code. The broadband provider may request, and the authority may grant for good cause shown, an extension period of not more than fourteen days in which the broadband provider may resubmit the application.

(B) When revising the application, the broadband provider shall not expand the scope or impact of the original application, nor shall the provider add any new residential addresses to the eligible project.

(C) The broadband provider shall provide a copy of the revised application to the authority by electronic mail or by uploading it to the department of development's designated web site for applications. The department shall publish the revised application on the department's public web site and provide the application to the challenging provider by electronic mail or such other means as may be established by the department, provided that any information determined to be proprietary or a trade secret under section 122.4023 of the Revised Code is redacted.

(D) Any failure to respond to the notification or properly revise the application to the authority's satisfaction shall be considered a withdrawal of the application.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:54 PM

Section 122.4035 | Review of resubmitted applications.

Upon receipt of a revised application under section 122.4034 of the Revised Code, the broadband expansion program authority shall review the revised application and decide whether to accept it or uphold the challenge under sections 122.4030 to 122.4035 of the Revised Code within fourteen days. The authority shall provide a copy of its decision to both the broadband provider that submitted the revised application and the challenging provider by certified mail or electronic mail and shall update the status of the application on the development services agency's web site. The decision shall be considered final, and further challenges to the revised application are prohibited.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:46 PM

Section 122.4036 | Sanctions for challenging provider's failure to provide service.

If the broadband expansion program authority upholds a challenge to an application under sections 122.4030 to 122.4035 of the Revised Code and the challenging provider fails to provide tier two broadband service as described in the challenge, the challenging provider, after a reasonable opportunity to be heard, may be required to do either or both of the following, in addition to being subject to other remedies available under the law:

(A) Pay to the development services agency the amount of the original broadband funding gap described in section 122.4020 of the Revised Code for the application that was challenged;

(B) Comply with the requirements of any other penalties prescribed by agency rule and imposed after consultation with the authority.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:28 PM

Section 122.4037 | Disposition of sanction amounts.

Any gift, grant, and contribution received by the director of development for the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program and any money collected under section 122.4036 of the Revised Code shall be deposited into the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury. All amounts in the fund, including interest earned on those amounts, shall be used by the department of development exclusively for grants under sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:55 PM

Section 122.4040 | Weighted scoring system for applications.

The department of development, in consultation with the broadband expansion program authority, shall establish a scoring system to evaluate and select applications for program grants. The scoring system shall be available on the department's web site at least thirty days before the beginning of the application submission period set by the department by rule. A description of any differences in application, scoring system, or other program requirements adopted under division (C) of section 122.4017 of the Revised Code shall be available with the application on the department's web site at least thirty days before the beginning of the application submission period.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:55 PM

Section 122.4041 | Weighted scoring system priorities.

(A) As used in this section, "passes" means the residential addresses in close proximity to a broadband provider's broadband infrastructure network to which residents at those addresses may opt to connect.

(B) The scoring system required under section 122.4040 of the Revised Code shall include the factors and scoring rubric as described in divisions (C) to (J) of this section. Applications for a grant under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program shall be prioritized from the highest to the lowest point score under those factors and rubric.

(C) Of a possible maximum score of three hundred points, the score for eligible projects for unserved and underserved areas shall be calculated as the sum of the following:

(1) The point value determined by multiplying three hundred times the percentage of passes in unserved areas of the application;

(2) One half of the point value determined by multiplying three hundred times the percentage of passes in underserved areas of the application.

(D) Of a possible maximum score of two hundred points, the score for broadband service speed, based on a graduated scale, shall be:

(1) Twenty-five points for broadband speeds that are one hundred megabits per second downstream or greater and twenty megabits per second or greater upstream, but less than two hundred fifty megabits per second downstream and fifty megabits upstream;

(2) Fifty points for broadband speeds that are two hundred fifty megabits per second or greater downstream and fifty megabits or greater per second upstream, but less than five hundred megabits per second downstream and one hundred megabits per second upstream;

(3) One hundred points for broadband speeds that are five hundred megabits per second or greater downstream and one hundred megabits per second or greater upstream, but less than seven hundred fifty megabits per second downstream and two hundred fifty megabits per second upstream;

(4) One hundred twenty-five points for broadband speeds that are seven hundred fifty megabits per second or greater downstream and two hundred fifty megabits per second or greater upstream, but less than one gigabit per second downstream and five hundred megabits per second upstream;

(5) One hundred fifty points for broadband speeds that are one gigabit per second or greater downstream and five hundred megabits per second or greater upstream, but less than one gigabit per second upstream;

(6) Two hundred points for broadband speeds that are one gigabit per second or greater downstream and one gigabit per second or greater upstream.

(E)(1) Of a possible maximum score of one hundred fifty points, the score for rating broadband service cost shall be the sum of divisions (E)(1)(a) and (b) of this section as follows:

(a) Of a possible maximum of seventy-five points, the number of points equal to the application's grant cost percentile multiplied by seventy-five;

(b) Of a possible maximum score of seventy-five points, the number of points equal to one half of the application's percentage of eligible project funding from all sources other than the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program.

(2)(a) For each application submission period, the broadband expansion program authority shall determine the grant cost percentile for each application submitted during that period. The authority shall determine the grant cost percentile by doing the following:

(i) Determining, for each individual application in the state, the total grant cost per eligible address in the application by calculating the quotient of the amount of program grant funds requested for the application divided by the number of eligible addresses in the application;

(ii) Ranking, from lowest to highest cost, all individual applications by total grant cost per eligible address;

(iii) Assigning each individual application a percentile based on its total grant cost per eligible address relative to all other applications' total grant cost per eligible address.

(b) Percentiles under division (E)(2)(a)(iii) of this section shall be assigned so that the highest percentile is assigned to the application with the lowest total grant cost per eligible address and percentiles for all other applications assigned based on each application's relative grant cost per eligible address.

(F) Of a possible maximum score of one hundred points, the score for providing tier two broadband service or greater to eligible addresses located in an eligible project shall be calculated as follows:

(1) Ten points for the number of eligible addresses equal to five hundred or more, but less than one thousand;

(2) Twenty points for the number of eligible addresses equal to one thousand or more, but less than one thousand five hundred;

(3) Thirty points for the number of eligible addresses equal to one thousand five hundred or more, but less than two thousand;

(4) Forty points for the number of eligible addresses equal to two thousand or more, but less than two thousand five hundred;

(5) Fifty points for the number of eligible addresses equal to two thousand five hundred or more, but less than three thousand;

(6) Sixty points for the number of eligible addresses equal to three thousand or more, but less than three thousand five hundred;

(7) Seventy points for the number of eligible addresses equal to three thousand five hundred or more, but less than four thousand;

(8) Eighty points for the number of eligible addresses equal to four thousand or more, but less than four thousand five hundred;

(9) Ninety points for the number of eligible addresses equal to four thousand five hundred or more, but less than five thousand;

(10) One hundred points for the number of eligible addresses equal to five thousand or more.

(G) Of a possible maximum score of fifty points, the score for local support for the application shall be calculated as follows:

(1)(a) Twenty-five points if the application includes a resolution of support from the board of county commissioners in the county where the eligible project is located; or

(b) If an application's eligible project spans multiple counties, of a possible maximum score of twenty-five points for resolutions adopted by boards of county commissioners, the number of points awarded on a pro rata basis based on the percentage of eligible addresses for the eligible project in each affected county for which the board of county commissioners adopted a resolution of support.

(2)(a) Fifteen points if the application includes a letter of support from a board of township trustees, village, or municipal corporation; or

(b) If an application's eligible project spans multiple townships, villages, and municipal corporations, of a possible maximum score of fifteen points for letters from boards of township trustees, villages, or municipal corporations, the number of points awarded on a pro rata basis according to the percentage of eligible addresses for the project in each affected village, municipal corporation, and unincorporated area of the township for which a board of township trustees, village, or municipal corporation submitted a letter of support;

(c) Ten points for letters of support from a local economic development agency or a chamber of commerce that advocates for an area of the eligible project with the majority of eligible addresses in the application.

(H) Of a possible maximum score of seventy-five points, the score for broadband provider general experience and technical and financial ability shall be based on the judgment of the broadband expansion program authority. The authority may award partial points for scores awarded under division (H) of this section.

(I) Of a possible maximum score of seventy-five points, the score for broadband provider experience based on the number of years that the provider has been providing tier two broadband service shall be calculated as follows:

(1) Ten points for four years, but less than five years of experience;

(2) Twenty points for five years, but less than six years of experience;

(3) Thirty points for six years, but less than seven years of experience;

(4) Forty points for seven years, but less than eight years of experience;

(5) Fifty points for eight years, but less than nine years of experience;

(6) Sixty points for nine years, but less than ten years of experience;

(7) Seventy-five points for ten or more years of experience.

(J)(1) Of a possible maximum score of fifty points, the score for county median income, based on the median county per capita income of the United States as determined by the most recently available data from the United States census bureau, shall be calculated as follows:

(a) Zero points for a county median income that is equal to or greater than one hundred sixty per cent of the county median income;

(b) Ten points for a county median income that is equal to or greater than one hundred forty per cent, but less than one hundred sixty per cent of the county median income;

(c) Twenty points for a county median income that is equal to or greater than one hundred twenty per cent, but less than one hundred forty per cent of the county median income;

(d) Thirty points for a county median income that is equal to or greater than one hundred per cent, but less than one hundred twenty per cent of the county median income;

(e) Forty points for a county median income that is equal to or greater than eighty per cent, but less than one hundred per cent of the county median income;

(f) Fifty points for a county median income that is less than eighty per cent of the county median income.

(2) If an application's eligible project spans multiple counties, the points awarded as specified in division (J)(1) of this section shall be based on the percentage of eligible addresses for the eligible project in each affected county.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:56 PM

Section 122.4043 | Grant awards.

(A) The broadband expansion program authority shall award program grants under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program after reviewing applications sent to the authority by the development services agency. Awards shall be granted after the authority scores applications based on the scoring system under sections 122.4040 and 122.4041 of the Revised Code.

(B) In awarding program grants, the authority shall consider all regulatory obligations under applicable law. The authority may not consider any of the following:

(1) Proposed project conditions that require open access networks or that establish a specific rate, service, or other obligation not specified for the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program;

(2) Factors that would constrain a broadband provider that receives a grant from offering or providing tier two broadband service in the same manner as the service is offered by broadband providers in other areas of the state without funding from the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program.

(C) Upon making the program grant awards, the authority shall notify the broadband providers that submitted applications of the award decisions. The authority shall publish the program grant awards on the agency's web site.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:29 PM

Section 122.4044 | Grant disbursement.

After the broadband expansion program authority awards a program grant under section 122.4043 of the Revised Code, the development services agency shall disburse the program grant as follows:

(A) A portion of the program grant, not to exceed thirty per cent, shall be disbursed before construction of the project begins.

(B) A portion of the program grant, not to exceed sixty per cent, shall be disbursed through periodic payments over the course of construction of the eligible project as determined by the agency by rules adopted under section 122.4077 of the Revised Code.

(C) The remaining portion shall be disbursed not later than sixty days after the broadband provider notifies the authority that it has completed construction of the project.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:30 PM

Section 122.4045 | Speed verification tests.

(A) The department of development may, through an independent third party, conduct speed verification tests of an eligible project that receives a program grant. Such tests shall occur as follows:

(1) After the construction is complete, but prior to the final disbursement made under division (C) of section 122.4044 of the Revised Code to verify that tier two broadband service is being offered;

(2) At any time during the reporting period required under division (B) of section 122.4070 of the Revised Code, after receiving a complaint concerning a residential address that is part of the eligible project.

(B) To evaluate compliance with tier two broadband service standards, speed verification tests conducted under this section shall be conducted on at least two different days and at two different times on each of those days.

(C) The agency may withhold payments under this section for failure to meet at least the minimum speeds required under division (A)(8) of section 122.4020 of the Revised Code. Payments may be held until such speeds are achieved.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:57 PM

Section 122.4046 | Noncompliance with requirements.

(A) If the development services agency determines that a broadband provider that has been awarded a program grant under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program has not complied with the requirements of the program, the agency shall notify the provider of the noncompliance. In accordance with rules adopted by the agency under section 122.4077 of the Revised Code, the agency shall give the provider an opportunity to explain or cure the noncompliance.

(B) After reviewing the broadband provider's explanation or effort to cure the noncompliance, the following shall apply:

(1) The agency may require the provider to refund an amount equal to all, or a portion of, the amount of the program grant awarded to the provider, as determined by the agency.

(2) The agency may require the broadband provider to refund to the appropriate municipal corporation, township, or county the entire amount of general revenue funds or other discretionary funds that it contributed toward the broadband funding gap under division (A)(3)(c) or (d) of section 122.4020 of the Revised Code.

(C) Not more than thirty days after the agency's decision requiring a refund for program noncompliance or a failure to explain or cure it, the broadband provider shall pay the refund required under division (B) of this section. Payments shall be made directly to the municipal corporation, township, or county that contributed funds toward the broadband funding gap.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:31 PM

Section 122.4050 | County request application solicitation.

Upon adoption of a resolution, a board of county commissioners may request the development services agency to solicit applications from broadband providers for program grants under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program for eligible projects in the municipal corporations and townships of the county.

A request made by a county shall identify, to the extent possible, the residential addresses in unserved or tier one areas of the county and provide a point of contact at the county and the municipal corporations and townships in which the addresses are located. The request may include any relevant information, documents, or materials that may be helpful for an application.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:31 PM

Section 122.4051 | Solicitation on behalf of county.

Upon receipt of a request from a board of county commissioners pursuant to section 122.4050 of the Revised Code, the development services agency shall solicit, on behalf of the county, applications for program grants for eligible projects under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program. Not later than seven days after receipt of the request, the agency shall make the request, and any accompanying information submitted with the request, available for review on the agency's web site. The request shall remain available on the web site for a period not to exceed two years.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:47 PM

Section 122.4053 | Response application compliance.

An application for a program grant under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program made in response to a request under section 122.4050 of the Revised Code shall fully comply with all of the program requirements. Nothing in sections 122.4050, 122.4051, and 122.4053 of the Revised Code shall be construed as providing relief from compliance with any program requirements.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:36 PM

Section 122.4055 | No responsibility for lack of response.

The development services agency shall not be responsible for any failure by a broadband provider to respond to a request made by the agency pursuant to section 122.4051 of the Revised Code or to submit an application for a program grant under the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:49 PM

Section 122.4060 | Grant required for eligible project to proceed.

(A) An eligible project shall not proceed unless the broadband expansion program authority awards a program grant under section 122.4043 of the Revised Code.

(B) After receiving a program grant award, the broadband provider shall construct and install last mile broadband infrastructure to the eligible project.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:51 PM

Section 122.4061 | Financial responsibility before project completion.

Under alternate payment term arrangements made under section 122.4025 of the Revised Code, unless otherwise negotiated, the participating legislative authorities in which the eligible project is located shall assume all financial responsibility for all of the eligible project costs incurred by the broadband provider prior to completion of the project or the award of a program grant.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:37 PM

Section 122.4063 | Ownership or transfer of broadband infrastructure.

(A) Nothing in sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code entitles the state of Ohio, the development services agency, the broadband expansion program authority, or any other governmental entity to any ownership or other rights to broadband infrastructure constructed by a broadband provider pursuant to a program grant awarded to an eligible project.

(B) Nothing in sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code prevents an assignment, sale, change in ownership, or other similar transaction associated with broadband infrastructure constructed by a broadband provider pursuant to a program grant awarded to an eligible project. No assignment, sale, change in ownership, or other similar transaction relieves the successor of any obligation under sections 122.40 to 122.4077 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:37 PM

Section 122.4070 | Annual and operational reports.

(A) Each broadband provider that receives a program grant shall submit to the development services agency an annual progress report on the status of the deployment of the broadband network described in the eligible project for which the program grant award was made.

(B) The broadband provider shall submit an operational report with the agency not later than sixty days after the completion of the project and annually thereafter for a period of four years.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:38 PM

Section 122.4071 | Report contents and public availability.

(A) The reports required under section 122.4070 of the Revised Code and except as provided in section 122.4075 of the Revised Code, all information and documents in them shall be in a format specified by the department of development and shall be publicly available on the department's web site.

(B) In each report, the broadband provider shall include an account of how program grant funds have been used and the project's progress toward fulfilling the objectives for which the program grant was awarded. The reports, at a minimum, shall include the following:

(1) The number of residential addresses that have access to tier two broadband services as a result of the eligible project;

(2) The number of residential addresses that are not funded directly by the grant program but have access to tier two broadband service as a result of the eligible project;

(3) The upstream and downstream speed of the broadband service provided;

(4) The average price of broadband service;

(5) The number of broadband service subscriptions attributable to the program grant.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 12:59 PM

Section 122.4073 | Due date and extensions for reports.

The development services agency may set a due date for the reports required under section 122.4070 of the Revised Code and, for good cause shown, may grant extensions of the report due dates.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:38 PM

Section 122.4075 | Reports, documents confidential.

Reports required under section 122.4070 of the Revised Code, and all information and documents in them, shall be maintained on a confidential basis by the development services agency and shall not be published on the agency's web site until the agency determines what information or documents are not confidential pursuant to section 122.4023 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:53 PM

Section 122.4076 | Annual program report by Authority.

(A) The broadband expansion program authority shall complete an annual report for the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program. The report shall evaluate the success of the program grants awarded under section 122.4043 of the Revised Code in making tier two broadband services available to unserved and tier one areas. The report shall include the following information:

(1) The number of applications received;

(2) The number of applications that received program grants;

(3) The amount of broadband infrastructure constructed for eligible projects;

(4) The number of residential addresses receiving, for that year, tier two broadband service for the first time under the program;

(5) Findings and recommendations that have been agreed to by a majority of the authority members.

(B) The report shall be published on the department of development's web site and shall be included as part of the department's annual report filed under section 121.18 of the Revised Code. The authority shall present the report annually to the governor and the general assembly not later than the first of December of each calendar year.

Last updated September 19, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Section 122.4077 | Residential broadband expansion grant rules.

(A) The development services agency shall adopt rules for the Ohio residential broadband expansion grant program. The rules shall establish an application form and application procedures for the program and procedures for periodic program grant disbursements.

(B) The rules may include the following:

(1) Requirements for a program application in addition to the requirements described in section 122.4020 of the Revised Code;

(2) Procedures for and circumstances under which partial funding of applications is permitted;

(3) Procedures for broadband expansion program authority meetings, extension periods for applications and application challenges, hearings, and opportunities for public comment.

(C) The agency may adopt rules and procedures to implement sections 122.4051, 122.4053, and 122.4055 of the Revised Code.

(D) Rules adopted under this section are not subject to section 121.95 of the Revised Code.

(E) The agency and the authority are not subject to division (F) of section 121.95 of the Revised Code regarding the development and adoption of rules pursuant to this section.

Last updated June 9, 2021 at 12:54 PM

Section 122.41 | Director's powers and duties under Chapter 122.

The director of development services is invested with the powers and duties provided in Chapter 122. of the Revised Code, in order to promote the welfare of the people of the state, to stabilize the economy, to provide employment, to assist in the development within the state of industrial, commercial, distribution, and research activities required for the people of the state, and for their gainful employment, or otherwise to create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities, or improve the economic welfare of the people of the state, and also to assist in the financing of air, water, or thermal pollution control facilities and solid waste disposal facilities by mortgage insurance as provided in section 122.451 of the Revised Code. It is hereby determined that the accomplishment of such purposes is essential so that the people of the state may maintain their present high standards in comparison with the people of other states and so that opportunities for employment and for favorable markets for the products of the state's natural resources, agriculture, and manufacturing shall be improved and that it is necessary for the state to establish the programs authorized pursuant to Chapter 122. of the Revised Code and invest the director of development services with the powers and duties provided in Chapter 122. of the Revised Code. The powers granted to the director by Chapter 165. of the Revised Code are independent of and in addition and alternate to, and are not limited or restricted by, Chapter 122. of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 3, 2021 at 4:21 PM

Section 122.42 | Director's powers and duties under R.C. 122.41 to 122.62.

(A) The director of development shall do all of the following:

(1) Receive applications for assistance under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code;

(2) Make a final determination whether to approve the application for assistance;

(3) Transmit determinations to approve assistance to the controlling board together with any information the controlling board requires for the board's review and decision as to whether to approve the assistance;

(4) Issue revenue bonds of the state through the treasurer of state, as necessary, payable solely from revenues and other sources as provided in sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code.

(B) The director may do all of the following:

(1) Fix the rate of interest and charges to be made upon or with respect to moneys loaned by the director and the terms upon which mortgages and lease rentals may be guaranteed and the rates of charges to be made for the loans and guarantees and to make provisions for the operation of the funds established by the director in accordance with this section and sections 122.54, 122.55, 122.56, and 122.57 of the Revised Code;

(2) Loan moneys from the fund established in accordance with section 122.54 of the Revised Code pursuant to and in compliance with sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code;

(3) Acquire in the name of the director any property of any kind or character in accordance with sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, by purchase, purchase at foreclosure, or exchange on such terms and in such manner as the director considers proper;

(4) Make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of the director's duties and the exercise of the director's powers under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code;

(5) Maintain, protect, repair, improve, and insure any property which the director has acquired and dispose of the same by sale, exchange, or lease for the consideration and on the terms and in the manner as the director considers proper, but is not authorized to operate any such property as a business except as the lessor of the property;

(6)(a) When the cost of any contract for the maintenance, protection, repair, or improvement of any property held by the director other than compensation for personal services involves an expenditure of more than one thousand dollars, the director shall make a written contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with section 9.312 of the Revised Code after advertisement for not less than two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where such contract, or some substantial part of it, is to be performed, and in such other publications as the director determines, which notice shall state the general character of the work and the general character of the materials to be furnished, the place where plans and specifications may be examined, and the time and place of receiving bids.

(b) Each bid for a contract for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of an improvement shall contain the full name of every person interested in it and meet the requirements of section 153.54 of the Revised Code.

(c) Each bid for a contract, except as provided in division (B)(6)(b) of this section, shall contain the full name of every person interested in it and shall be accompanied by bond or certified check on a solvent bank, in such amount as the director considers sufficient, that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into and the performance of the proposal secured.

(d) The director may reject any and all bids.

(e) A bond with good and sufficient surety, approved by the director, shall be required of every contractor awarded a contract except as provided in division (B)(6)(b) of this section, in an amount equal to at least fifty per cent of the contract price, conditioned upon faithful performance of the contract.

(7) Employ financial consultants, appraisers, consulting engineers, superintendents, managers, construction and accounting experts, attorneys, and other employees and agents as are necessary in the director's judgment and fix their compensation;

(8) Assist qualified persons in the coordination and formation of a small business development company, having a statewide area of operation, conditional upon the company's agreeing to seek to obtain certification from the federal small business administration as a certified statewide development company and participation in the guaranteed loan program administered by the small business administration pursuant to the Act of July 2, 1980, 94 Stat. 837, 15 U.S.C.A. 697. During the initial period of formation of the statewide small business development company, the director shall provide technical and financial expertise, legal and managerial assistance, and other services as are necessary and proper to enable the company to obtain and maintain federal certification and participation in the federal guaranteed loan program. The director may charge a fee, in such amount and on such terms and conditions as the director determines necessary and proper, for assistance and services provided pursuant to division (B)(8) of this section.

Persons chosen by the director to receive assistance in the formation of a statewide small business development company pursuant to division (B)(8) of this section shall make a special effort to use their participation in the federal guaranteed loan program to assist small businesses which are minority business enterprises as defined in division (E) of section 122.71 of the Revised Code. The director, with the assistance of the minority business development division of the department of development, shall provide technical and financial expertise, legal and managerial assistance, and other services in such a manner to enable the development company to provide assistance to small businesses which are minority business enterprises, and shall make available to the development company information pertaining to assistance available to minority business enterprises under programs established pursuant to sections 122.71 to 122.83, 122.87 to 122.89, 122.92 to 122.94, 122.921, and 125.081 of the Revised Code.

(9) Receive and accept grants, gifts, and contributions of money, property, labor, and other things of value to be held, used, and applied only for the purpose for which such grants, gifts, and contributions are made, from individuals, private and public corporations, from the United States or any agency of the United States, from the state or any agency of the state, and from any political subdivision of the state, and may agree to repay any contribution of money or to return any property contributed or the value of the property at such times, in such amounts, and on such terms and conditions, excluding the payment of interest, as the director determines at the time such contribution is made, and may evidence such obligations by notes, bonds, or other written instruments;

(10) Establish with the treasurer of state the funds provided in sections 122.54, 122.55, 122.56, and 122.57 of the Revised Code, in addition to such funds as the director determines are necessary or proper;

(11) Do all acts and things necessary or proper to carry out the powers expressly granted and the duties imposed in sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 and Chapter 163. of the Revised Code.

(C) All expenses and obligations incurred by the director in carrying out the director's powers and in exercising the director's duties under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, shall be payable solely from the proceeds of revenue bonds issued pursuant to those sections, from revenues or other receipts or income of the director, from grants, gifts, and contributions, or funds established in accordance with those sections. Those sections do not authorize the director to incur indebtedness or to impose liability on the state or any political subdivision of the state.

(D) Financial statements and financial data submitted to the director by any corporation, partnership, or person in connection with a loan application, or any information taken from such statements or data for any purpose, shall not be open to public inspection.

Last updated July 30, 2021 at 10:17 AM

Section 122.43 | Lending funds.

The director of development services, with controlling board approval, may lend funds which are obtained from the sale of revenue bonds issued by the treasurer of state pursuant to sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, from revenues or other receipts or income of the director, or funds established in accordance with sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, and from grants, gifts, and contributions subject to any provisions of resolutions authorizing the revenue bonds or of trust agreements securing such bonds, to community improvement corporations and Ohio development corporations and other corporations, partnerships, and persons for the purpose of procuring or improving real or personal property, or both, for the establishment, location, or expansion of industrial, distribution, commercial, or research facilities in the state, and to community improvement corporations and Ohio development corporations for the purpose of loaning funds to other corporations, partnerships, and persons for the purpose of procuring or improving real or personal property, or both, for the establishment, location, or expansion of industrial, distribution, commercial, or research facilities in the state, if the director finds that:

(A) The project is economically sound and will benefit the people of the state by increasing opportunities for employment and strengthening the economy of the state;

(B) The proposed borrower, if other than a community improvement corporation or an Ohio development corporation, is unable to finance the proposed project through ordinary financial channels upon reasonable terms and at comparable interest rates, or the borrower, if a community improvement corporation or an Ohio development corporation, should not, in the opinion of the director, be required to finance the proposed project without a loan from the director;

(C) The value of the project is, or upon completion thereof will be, at least equal to the total amount of the money expended in such procurement or improvement of which amount one or more financial institutions have loaned or invested not less than forty per cent;

(D) The amount to be loaned by the director will not exceed fifty per cent of the total amount expended in the procurement or improvement of the project;

(E) The amount to be loaned by the director will be adequately secured by a first or second mortgage upon the project, and by mortgages, leases, liens, assignments, or pledges on or of such other property or contracts as the director shall require and that such mortgage will not be subordinate to any other liens or mortgages except the liens securing loans or investments made by financial institutions referred to in division (C) of this section, and the liens securing loans previously made by any financial institution in connection with the procurement or expansion of all or part of a project.

In no event may the director lend funds under the authority of this section for the purpose of procuring or improving motor vehicles, power driven vehicles, office equipment, raw materials, small tools, supplies, inventories, or accounts receivable.

Section 122.44 | Terms of loans.

Fees, charges, rates of interest, times of payment of interest and principal, and other terms, conditions, and provisions of the loans made by the director of development services pursuant to sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code shall be such as the director determines to be appropriate and in furtherance of the purpose for which the loans are made, but the mortgage lien securing any money loaned by the director may be subordinate to the mortgage lien securing any money loaned or invested by a financial institution, but shall be superior to that securing any money loaned or expended by any other corporation or person. The funds used in making such loans shall be disbursed upon order of the director.

Section 122.45 | Loans to political subdivisions.

The director of development, with controlling board approval, may lend funds to any county, municipal corporation, or township or any other political subdivision of the state for the purpose of expediting the creation, location, or expansion of industrial, distribution, commercial, or research facilities in the state by the construction or installation of streets, sidewalks, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and sewage disposal works, water lines, and water supply facilities which such subdivisions are authorized by law to construct or install, and the acquisition of lands or easements for such purposes, if the director finds that:

(A) A plan for the use of the money so loaned in connection with the creation, location, or expansion of such a facility is economically sound and will benefit the people of the state by increasing opportunities for employment and strengthening the economy;

(B) The proposed borrower is unable to procure the money for the aforesaid use within the time required in order to secure the desired creation, location, or expansion of such facilities;

(C) An agreement for repayment of the money loaned with interest thereon has been made by such subdivision evidenced by its notes, bonds, or by written contract, payable, however, only from moneys payable to such subdivision by a community improvement corporation, an Ohio development corporation, or other corporation, partnership, or person, or any combination thereof;

(D) There is adequate assurance that the moneys payable by such corporation or person to such subdivision will be paid as they fall due and will be payable at such times as are necessary to provide such subdivision with moneys sufficient to pay its loan to the director as it falls due.

The rates of interest and times of payment of interest and principal and other terms, conditions, and provisions of the loans shall be such as the director determines to be appropriate and in furtherance of the purpose for which the loans are made. The funds used in making such loans shall be disbursed upon order of the director.

Any subdivision intending to borrow funds from the director pursuant to this section may agree with a community improvement corporation, an Ohio development corporation, partnership, or other corporation or person, or any combination thereof, to construct any one or more of the improvements for which such funds are to be borrowed in return for a commitment, satisfactory to both such subdivision and the director, to make available to such subdivision sufficient moneys to discharge its loan from the director as it falls due.

Any subdivision to which such a loan is made may issue to the director its notes or bonds for the repayment of such loan, or may by written contract agree to repay such loan provided that the obligation to pay is limited to the moneys received by the subdivision from such corporation, partnership, or person and is not an obligation for which the faith or credit or taxing power of the subdivision is pledged.

Any subdivision receivng such a loan may construct or cause to be constructed the improvements for which such loan is made in the manner provided by law or charter for the making of contracts for such improvements, and may, if no special assessments are to be levied against benefited properties, dispense with all notices to the public or to property owners and all hearings otherwise required with respect to the making of such improvements, and in such case no resolution or order determining to make the improvement shall be subject to any appeal.

Section 122.451 | Insuring mortgage payments.

Upon application of any person, partnership, or corporation, or upon application of any community improvement corporation organized as provided in section 1724.01 of the Revised Code, the director of development, with controlling board approval, may, pledging therefor moneys in the mortgage insurance fund created by section 122.561 of the Revised Code, insure or make advance commitments to insure not more than ninety per cent of any mortgage payments required. Before insuring any such mortgage payments the director shall determine that:

(A) The project, in accordance with Section 13 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, will create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities, or improve the economic welfare of the people of the state, or be an air quality facility, waste water facility, or solid waste facility, as defined in section 3706.01, 6121.01, or 6123.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) The principal obligation, including initial service charges and appraisal, inspection, and other fees approved by the director, does not exceed one hundred per cent of the cost of the project.

(C) The mortgage has a satisfactory maturity date in no case later than twenty-five years from the date of the insurance.

(D) The mortgagor is responsible and able to meet the payments under the mortgage.

(E) The mortgage contains complete amortization provisions satisfactory to the director requiring periodic payments by the mortgagor which may include principal and interest payments, cost of local property taxes and assessments, land lease rentals, if any, and hazard insurance on the property and such mortgage insurance premiums as are required under section 122.561 of the Revised Code, all as the director from time to time prescribes or approves.

(F) The mortgage is in such form and contains such terms and provisions with respect to property insurance, repairs, alterations, payment of taxes and assessments, default reserves, delinquency charges, default remedies, anticipation of maturity, additional and secondary liens, and other matters as the director may prescribe.

The director may take assignments of insured mortgages and other forms of security and may take title by foreclosure or conveyance to any project when an insured mortgage loan thereon is clearly in default and when in the opinion of the director such acquisition is necessary to safeguard the mortgage insurance fund, and may sell, or on a temporary basis lease or rent, such project.

Section 122.46 | Purchase, sale, improvement of property for industrial, commercial, distribution or research facilities.

The director of development may purchase real property, and personal property in connection therewith, in the state from funds available to him for that purpose if he finds that:

(A) Such property is owned by the United States, or an agency or instrumentality thereof, or by the state or an agency, instrumentality, or subdivision thereof;

(B) Such property is, or after improvement will be, useful for industrial, commercial, distribution, or research facilities in the state;

(C) Utilization of such property in the creation, location, or expansion of such facilities is economically sound and will benefit the people of the state by increasing opportunities for employment and strengthening the economy.

The conveyance of such property by an agency, instrumentality, or subdivision of the state may be made without advertising for bids and on the terms and in the manner established by such agency, instrumentality, or subdivision and provided further that if the property is to be conveyed by the state of Ohio, the director of the department of the state having jurisdiction or supervision of such property shall determine if the property is required by such department and if determined not to be required, shall, with the approval of the governor and the controlling board, convey such property to the director of development at its fair market value as fixed by an appraisal by three disinterested persons appointed by the director of administrative services and the deed therefor shall be prepared and recorded pursuant to section 5301.13 of the Revised Code and the proceeds from such sale shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the appropriate fund. Such a conveyance shall transfer all interest of the state in the property.

The director may improve any property acquired under this section and may construct and equip buildings, structures, and other facilities thereon for industrial, commercial, distribution, or research facilities. It is not intended hereby to authorize the director himself to operate any such industrial, commercial, distribution, or research facilities.

Such property, or parts thereof, may be sold by the director or may be leased by it at such times and in such manner as the director determines and at such price or on such rentals as the director determines to be fair and reasonable.

Such lease may provide for improvements to be made by the lessee at its expense, all of which shall immediately become the property of the director. Movable personal property of the lessee shall remain its property.

The director shall determine the amount to be paid in the acquisition and improvement of such property, the price and terms of sale, and the rents and other terms of any lease including an option to purchase the leased property. Disbursement of funds shall be made upon order of the director. All leases, contracts, agreements, and deeds shall be executed by the director in the manner and by his agents as he provides.

Section 122.47 | Issuing bonds.

At the request of the director of development, the treasurer of state shall issue revenue bonds of the state for the purpose of acquiring moneys for the purposes of this chapter, which moneys shall be credited by the treasurer of state as the director of development shall determine to and among the funds established in accordance with or pursuant to sections 122.35, 122.42, 122.54, 122.55, 122.56, 122.561, and 122.57 of the Revised Code. The principal of and interest on such revenue bonds shall be payable solely from the sinking funds established in accordance with section 122.57 of the Revised Code at the times and in the order and manner provided in the bond issuing proceedings or in any trust agreements securing such bonds, and shall be secured by the revenue bond guaranty fund established in accordance with section 122.571 of the Revised Code and shall also be secured by moneys in the other funds established by the director to the extent and on the terms he specifies and by covenants of the director that he will so manage the loans and leases and fix interest rates, charges, and rentals so as to assure receipt of net income and revenue sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of and the interest on the revenue bonds.

Section 122.48 | Issuing revenue bonds.

Each issue of revenue bonds issued by the treasurer of state pursuant to sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, shall be dated, shall bear interest at a rate or rates or at a variable rate, as provided in or authorized by the proceedings authorizing or providing for the terms and conditions of the revenue bonds, shall mature at such time or times, not to exceed forty years from date, as determined by the director of development services and may be made redeemable before maturity at the option of the director at such price or prices and under such terms and conditions as are fixed by the director prior to the issuance of the bonds. The director shall determine the form of the bonds, including any interest coupons to be attached thereto, and the denomination or denominations of the bonds and the place or places of payment of principal and interest, which may be at any bank or trust company within or without the state.

The bonds shall be executed by the signature or facsimile signature of the treasurer of state, the official seal or a facsimile thereof of the state shall be affixed thereto and attested by the treasurer of state or designated treasurer of state, and any coupons attached thereto shall bear the facsimile signature of the treasurer of state. In case the person whose signature, or a facsimile of whose signature, appears on any bonds or coupons ceases to be such officer before delivery of bonds or in case such person was not at the date of such bonds or coupons such officer but at the actual date of execution of such bonds or coupons was the proper officer, such signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if the person had remained in office until such delivery.

All revenue bonds issued under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, shall be negotiable instruments. The bonds may be issued in coupon or in registered form or both, as the treasurer determines. Provision may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to the principal alone and also as to both principal and interest, and for the reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both principal and interest. The treasurer of state may sell such bonds in the manner and for the price the treasurer of state determines to be for the best interest of the state.

Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the treasurer of state may, under like restrictions, issue interim receipts or temporary bonds, with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds when such bonds have been executed and are available for delivery. The treasurer of state may also provide for the replacement of any bonds which become mutilated or are destroyed, stolen, or lost. Bonds may be issued under sections 122.39 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, without obtaining the consent of any department, division, commission, board, bureau, or agency of the state, and without any other proceeding or the happening of any other conditions or things than those proceedings, conditions, or things which are specifically required by such sections.

Section 122.49 | Using bond proceeds.

The proceeds of each issue of revenue bonds issued pursuant to sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code shall be used for the making of loans authorized in sections 122.43 and 122.45 of the Revised Code, for the purchase and improvement of property authorized in section 122.46 of the Revised Code, for insuring mortgage payments authorized in section 122.451 of the Revised Code, and for the crediting into and among the funds established in accordance with sections 122.35, 122.54, 122.55, 122.56, 122.561, and 122.57 of the Revised Code, but subject to such conditions, limitations, and covenants with the purchasers and holders of the bonds as shall be provided for in the bond authorization proceedings and in the trust agreement securing the same.

Provision shall be made by the director of development services for the payment of the expenses of the director in operating the assistance programs authorized under this chapter in such manner and to such extent as shall be determined by the director.

Section 122.50 | Bonds not a debt of state.

Revenue bonds issued under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62, inclusive, of the Revised Code, do not constitute a debt, or a pledge of the faith and credit, of the state or of any political subdivision thereof, but such bonds shall be payable solely from the funds pledged for their payment as authorized by such sections, or by funds derived from the issuance of refunding bonds as authorized in section 122.52 of the Revised Code, which refunding bonds shall be payable solely from funds pledged for their payment as authorized by such section. All such revenue bonds shall contain on the face thereof a statement to the effect that the bonds, as to both principal and interest, are not an obligation of the state or of any political subdivision thereof, but are payable solely from revenues pledged for their payment.

Section 122.51 | Bonds are lawful investments.

All revenue bonds issued under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62, inclusive, of the Revised Code, are lawful investments of banks, building and loan and savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations, trust companies, trustees, fiduciaries, trustees or other officers having charge of sinking or bond retirement funds of municipal corporations and other subdivisions of this state, and of domestic insurance companies notwithstanding sections 3907.14 and 3925.08 of the Revised Code, and are acceptable as security for the deposit of public moneys.

Section 122.52 | Issuing revenue refunding bonds.

The director of development services may provide for the issuance of revenue refunding bonds of the state by the treasurer of state, payable solely from the sinking funds established in accordance with section 122.51 of the Revised Code at the times and in the order and manner provided by the director and in any trust agreement securing such bonds and shall also be secured by moneys in the other funds established pursuant to sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code to the extent and on the terms specified by the director, for the purpose of refunding any revenue bonds then outstanding which have been issued under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, including the payment of any redemption premium thereon and any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of redemption of such bonds. The issuance of such bonds, the maturities and other details thereof, the rights of the holders thereof, and the rights, duties, and obligations of the director and treasurer of state in respect to such bonds shall be governed by such sections insofar as they are applicable.

Section 122.53 | Bonds secured by trust agreements.

In the discretion of the treasurer of state, any bonds issued under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, may be secured by a trust agreement between the treasurer of state and a corporate trustee, which trustee may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or without the state.

Any such trust agreement may pledge or assign payments of principal of and interest on loans, charges, fees, and other revenue to be received by the director of development services, all rentals received under leases made by the director, and all proceeds of the sale or other disposition of property held by the director, and may provide for the holding in trust by the trustee to the extent provided for in the proceedings authorizing such bonds, of all such moneys and moneys otherwise payable into the mortgage guarantee fund created by section 122.56 of the Revised Code, and all moneys otherwise payable into the mortgage insurance fund created by section 122.561 of the Revised Code, and of moneys payable into the sinking fund or funds referred to in section 122.57 of the Revised Code, but shall not convey or mortgage any of the real or personal property held by the director or any part thereof. Any such trust agreement, or any proceedings providing for the issuance of such bonds, may contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders as are reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including covenants setting forth the duties of the director in relation to the acquisition of property, and the construction, improvement, maintenance, repair, operation, and insurance of facilities, the making of loans and leases and the terms and provisions thereof, and the custody, safeguarding, investment, and application of all moneys, and provisions for the employment of consulting engineers or other consultants in connection with the making of loans and leases and the construction or operation of any facility. Any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of this state which may act as trustee or as depository of the proceeds of bonds or of revenue may furnish such indemnifying bonds or may pledge such securities as are required by the treasurer of state. Any such trust agreement may set forth the rights and remedies of the bondholders and of the trustee, and may restrict the individual right of action by bondholders as is customary in trust agreements or trust indentures securing bonds or debentures of corporations. Such trust agreement may contain such other provisions as the treasurer of state deems reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders. All expenses incurred by the treasurer of state in carrying out the provisions of any such trust agreement shall be treated as a part of the cost of the operation of the assistance programs authorized pursuant to Chapter 122. of the Revised Code. Any such trust agreement may provide the method whereby general administrative overhead expense of the director with respect to those assistance programs shall be allocated among the funds established pursuant to Chapter 122. of the Revised Code with respect to the operating expenses of the director payable out of the income of the assistance programs.

Section 122.54 | Direct loan program fund.

The direct loan program fund is hereby created within the state treasury, to consist of money appropriated for the purpose of making loans authorized under sections 122.43 and 122.45 of the Revised Code, money from the proceeds of the sale of any issue of its revenue bonds to the extent and subject to the conditions provided in the proceedings authorizing such bonds or in the trust agreement securing such bonds, all grants, gifts, and contributions made to the director of development for such purpose, and all other moneys designated by him for the purpose of making loans or required to be used for such purpose by the provisions of any proceedings authorizing an issue of revenue bonds or trust agreement securing such bonds. All moneys received from repayments of loans authorized pursuant to sections 122.43 and 122.45 of the Revised Code or received in the event of a default on any such loans shall be deposited in the general revenue fund.

Section 122.55 | Purchase fund of the director of development.

The purchase fund of the director of development is hereby created to consist of all money allocated by the director for the purchase and improvement of property authorized to be purchased under section 122.46 of the Revised Code from the proceeds of the sale of any issue of revenue bonds to the extent and subject to the conditions provided in the proceedings authorizing such bonds or in the trust agreements securing such bonds, all grants, gifts, and contributions made to the director for such purpose, and all other moneys designated by him for the purpose of the acquisition and improvement of property.

Section 122.56 | Mortgage guarantee fund.

The mortgage guarantee fund of the director of development is hereby created to consist of all grants, gifts, and contributions of moneys or rights to moneys made to the director for such fund, all moneys and rights to moneys lawfully designated for or deposited in such fund, all guarantee fees charged and collected as provided in this section, and all moneys and rights to moneys lawfully allocated by the director to such fund from the proceeds of the sale of any issue of revenue bonds. Moneys or rights to money shall be used for the guaranty of the payment of the loans made under sections 122.43 and 122.45 of the Revised Code, or for the guaranty of the payment of the rentals payable under the lease made under the authority of section 122.46 of the Revised Code, or for the guaranty of the payment of rentals payable under a lease made under authority of section 165.02 of the Revised Code, or of rentals payable under a lease made under authority of section 761.02 of the Revised Code, or a sublease made pursuant to such lease, to the extent and subject to the conditions provided in the proceedings authorizing such guaranty or the proceedings authorizing such bonds or in the trust agreement securing such bonds. The director shall fix charges for the guaranty of payment of the loans made under sections 122.43 and 122.45 of the Revised Code and for the guaranty of the payment of the rentals payable under the leases made by the authority under section 122.46 of the Revised Code. Such charges shall be payable at such times and place and in such manner as may be prescribed by the director. In the event that the principal obligation of any loan is paid in full prior to the maturity date or in the event that purchase option of any lease is exercised prior to the end of the term thereof, the director may require the payment of an adjusted charge in such amount as he determines to be equitable, and may refund from the mortgage guarantee fund such portion of charges theretofore paid as the director determines to be equal to the unearned portion thereof.

Section 122.561 | Mortgage insurance fund.

The mortgage insurance fund of the director of development services is hereby created to consist of all money allocated by the director from the proceeds of the sale of any issue of revenue bonds, to the extent and subject to the conditions provided in the proceedings authorizing such bonds or in the trust agreements securing such bonds, for the purpose of insuring mortgage payments pursuant to section 122.451 of the Revised Code, all grants and contributions made to the director for such purpose, all moneys deposited or credited to the mortgage insurance fund pursuant to section 169.05 of the Revised Code, all other moneys and property designated by the director and by law for such purpose, all mortgage insurance premiums charged and collected as provided in this section, and all receipts and proceeds from the sale, disposal, lease, or rental of real or personal property which the director may hold as a result of a default in an insured mortgage. The director shall fix mortgage insurance premiums for the insurance of mortgage payments pursuant to section 122.451 of the Revised Code, to be computed as a percentage of the principal obligation of the mortgage outstanding at the beginning of each mortgage year. Such insurance premiums shall not be more than three per cent per annum of the outstanding principal obligation, and shall be calculated on the basis of all pertinent available data. Such premiums shall be payable by the mortgagors or the mortgagees in such manner as is prescribed by the director. The amount of premium need not be uniform among the various mortgages insured. The director may provide for the custody, investment, and use of the unclaimed funds trust fund created by section 169.05 of the Revised Code and all mortgage insurance premiums, including the payment therefrom of the expenses and costs of the director in insuring mortgage payments pursuant to section 122.451 of the Revised Code. Any financial statements or financial data submitted to the director or the controlling board in connection with any application for the insurance of mortgage payments, or any information taken from such statements or data, is not open to public inspection.

Section 122.57 | Distributing income to separate sinking funds.

All payments of principal of and interest on the loans made by the director of development services, all rentals received under leases made by the director, and all proceeds of the sale or other disposition of property held by the director shall be placed in separate sinking funds to the extent provided in the proceedings authorizing revenue bonds which are hereby pledged to and charged with the payment of interest on, principal of and redemption premium on, the revenue bonds issued pursuant to sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code to the extent provided in the proceedings authorizing and the trust agreements securing such bonds. The moneys therein in excess of the amounts required by the bond proceedings and trust agreements and all payments not so required to be paid into such sinking funds shall be retained or placed in such fund or in the other funds provided for by sections 122.35, 122.54, 122.42, 122.55, 122.56, 122.561, and 122.57 of the Revised Code as the director shall determine, and shall be available for the uses for which such funds are established.

Section 122.571 | Revenue bond guaranty fund.

In addition to the separate sinking funds created under section 122.57 of the Revised Code, there is hereby created the revenue bond guaranty fund to consist of all money allocated by the director of development to guarantee payment of interest on, principal of and redemption premium on, the revenue bonds issued by the director under Chapter 122. of the Revised Code, all grants, gifts, and contributions made to the director for such purpose, and all money and property provided by law for such purpose.

Section 122.58 | Investing funds.

Moneys in the funds established pursuant to Chapter 122. of the Revised Code, except as otherwise provided in any proceedings authorizing revenue bonds or in any trust agreement securing such bonds, in excess of current needs, may be invested in notes, bonds, or other obligations which are direct obligations of or are guaranteed by the United States, in certificates of deposit or other withdrawable accounts of banks, trust companies, and building and loan or savings and loan associations organized under the laws of the state or the United States, or in the manner provided in any agreement entered into pursuant to section 169.05 of the Revised Code.

Income from all such investments of moneys in any fund shall be credited to such funds as the director of development determines subject to the provisions of any bond issuance proceedings or trust agreement, and such investments may be sold at such time as the director shall determine, provided certificates of deposit or other withdrawable accounts may be sold only in accordance with division (B) of section 169.05 or divisions (E) and (F) of section 169.08 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.59 | Proceedings in default.

In the event of a default with respect to any loan or lease, the director of development shall take such action as he deems proper in the circumstances to enforce and protect the rights of the director, and such action as may be required by the provisions of any proceedings authorizing the revenue bonds or of any trust agreement securing such bonds, which may include any appropriate action at law or in equity, enforcement or waiver of any provision of any mortgage or security agreement or lease, or reinstatement of any forfeited or cancelled right, title, or privilege. Notwithstanding any such action, the director shall transfer from the mortgage guarantee fund created by section 122.56 of the Revised Code to the sinking fund or funds referred to in section 122.57 of the Revised Code amounts not greater than the amounts which would have been paid upon such loan or under such lease but for such default, at the time or times when such amounts would have been paid but for such defaults, to the extent provided in the proceedings authorizing and the trust agreements securing such bonds, to be held and applied as other moneys in the sinking fund, and shall make such other transfers and take such other action as shall be required of the director by any such bond issuance proceedings or trust agreement.

Section 122.60 | Capital access loan program definitions.

As used in sections 122.60 to 122.605 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Capital access loan" means a loan made by a participating financial institution to an eligible business that may be secured by a deposit of money from the fund into the participating financial institution's program reserve account.

(B) "Eligible business" means a for-profit business entity, or a nonprofit entity, that had total annual sales in its most recently completed fiscal year of less than ten million dollars and that has a principal place of for-profit business or nonprofit entity activity within the state, the operation of which, alone or in conjunction with other facilities, will create new jobs or preserve existing jobs and employment opportunities and will improve the economic welfare of the people of the state. As used in this division, "new jobs" does not include existing jobs transferred from another facility within the state, and "existing jobs" means only existing jobs at facilities within the same municipal corporation or township in which the project, activity, or enterprise that is the subject of a capital access loan is located.

(C) "Financial institution" means any bank, trust company, savings bank, or savings and loan association that is chartered by and has a significant presence in the state, or any national bank, federal savings and loan association, or federal savings bank that has a significant presence in the state.

(D) "Fund" means the capital access loan program fund.

(E) "Minority business supplier development council" has the same meaning as in section 122.71 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Participating financial institution" means a financial institution that has a valid, current participation agreement with the department of development.

(G) "Participation agreement" means the agreement between a financial institution and the department under which a financial institution may participate in the program.

(H) "Passive real estate ownership" means the ownership of real estate for the sole purpose of deriving income from it by speculation, trade, or rental.

(I) "Program" means the capital access loan program created under section 122.602 of the Revised Code.

(J) "Program reserve account" means a dedicated account at each participating financial institution that is the property of the state and may be used by the participating financial institution only for the purpose of recovering a claim under section 122.604 of the Revised Code arising from a default on a loan made by the participating financial institution under the program.

Last updated July 30, 2021 at 10:18 AM

Section 122.601 | Capital access loan program fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the capital access loan program fund. The fund shall consist of money deposited into it from the minority business enterprise loan fund pursuant to section 122.80 of the Revised Code and the facilities establishment fund pursuant to section 166.03 of the Revised Code and all money deposited into it pursuant to section 122.602 of the Revised Code. The total amount of money deposited into the fund from the minority business enterprise loan fund or the facilities establishment fund shall not exceed three million dollars during any particular fiscal year of the department of development.

The department shall disburse money from the fund only to pay the operating costs of the program, including the administrative costs incurred by the department in connection with the program, and only in keeping with the purposes specified in sections 122.60 to 122.605 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 20, 2021 at 10:10 AM

Section 122.602 | Capital access loan program.

(A) There is hereby created in the department of development the capital access loan program to assist participating financial institutions in making program loans to eligible businesses that face barriers in accessing working capital and obtaining fixed asset financing. In administering the program, the director of development may do any of the following:

(1) Receive and accept grants, gifts, and contributions of money, property, labor, and other things of value to be held, used, and applied only for the purpose for which the grants, gifts, and contributions are made, from individuals, private and public corporations, the United States or any agency of the United States, the state or any agency of the state, or any political subdivision of the state;

(2) Agree to repay any contribution of money or return any property contributed or the value of that property at the times, in the amounts, and on the terms and conditions, excluding the payment of interest, that the director consents to at the time a contribution is made; and evidence obligations by notes, bonds, or other written instruments;

(3) Adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to carry out the purposes of the program specified in sections 122.60 to 122.605 of the Revised Code;

(4) Engage in all other acts, and enter into contracts and execute all instruments, necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes specified in sections 122.60 to 122.605 of the Revised Code.

(B) The director shall determine the eligibility of a financial institution to participate in the program and may set a limit on the number of financial institutions that may participate in the program.

(C) To be considered eligible by the director to participate in the program, a financial institution shall enter into a participation agreement with the department that sets out the terms and conditions under which the department will deposit moneys from the fund into the financial institution's program reserve account, specifies the criteria for loan qualification under the program, and contains any additional terms the director considers necessary.

(D) After receiving the certification required under division (C) of section 122.603 of the Revised Code, the director may disburse moneys from the fund to a participating financial institution for deposit in its program reserve account if the director determines that the capital access loan involved meets all of the following criteria:

(1) It will be made to an eligible business.

(2) It will be used by the eligible business for a project, activity, or enterprise that fosters economic development.

(3) It will not be made in order to enroll in the program prior debt that is not covered under the program and that is owed or was previously owed by an eligible business to the financial institution.

(4) It will not be utilized for a project or development related to the on-site construction or purchase of residential housing.

(5) It will not be used to finance passive real estate ownership.

(6) It conforms to the requirements of divisions (E), (F), (G), (H), and (I) of this section, and to the rules adopted by the director under division (A)(3) of this section.

(E) The director shall not approve a deposit amount from the fund for a capital access loan to an eligible business that exceeds two hundred fifty thousand dollars for working capital or five hundred thousand dollars for the purchase of fixed assets. An eligible business may apply for the maximum deposit amount for both working capital and the purchase of fixed assets in the same capital access loan enrollment.

(F) A financial institution may apply to the director for the approval of a capital access loan to any business that is owned or operated by a person that has previously defaulted under any state financial assistance program.

(G) Eligible businesses that apply for a capital access loan shall comply with section 9.66 of the Revised Code.

(H) A financial institution may apply to the director for the approval of a capital access loan that refinances a nonprogram loan made by another financial institution.

(I) The director shall not approve a capital access loan that refinances a nonprogram loan made by the same financial institution, unless the amount of the refinanced loan exceeds the existing debt, in which case only the amount exceeding the existing debt is eligible for a loan under the program.

Section 122.603 | Program reserve account.

(A)(1) Upon approval by the director of development and after entering into a participation agreement with the department of development a participating financial institution making a capital access loan shall establish a program reserve account. The account shall be an interest-bearing account and shall contain only moneys deposited into it under the program and the interest payable on the moneys in the account.

(2) All interest payable on the moneys in the program reserve account shall be added to the moneys and held as an additional loss reserve. The director may require that a portion or all of the accrued interest so held in the account be released to the department. If the director causes a release of accrued interest, the director shall deposit the released amount into the capital access loan program fund created in section 122.601 of the Revised Code. The director shall not require the release of that accrued interest more than twice in a fiscal year.

(B) When a participating financial institution makes a capital access loan, it shall require the eligible business to pay to the participating financial institution a fee in an amount that is not less than one and one-half per cent, and not more than three per cent, of the principal amount of the loan. The participating financial institution shall deposit the fee into its program reserve account, and it also shall deposit into the account an amount of its own funds equal to the amount of the fee. The participating financial institution may recover from the eligible business all or part of the amount that the participating financial institution is required to deposit into the account under this division in any manner agreed to by the participating financial institution and the eligible business.

(C) For each capital access loan made by a participating financial institution, the participating financial institution shall certify to the director, within a period specified by the director, that the participating financial institution has made the loan. The certification shall include the amount of the loan, the amount of the fee received from the eligible business, the amount of its own funds that the participating financial institution deposited into its program reserve account to reflect that fee, and any other information specified by the director. The certification also shall indicate if the eligible business receiving the capital access loan is a minority business enterprise as defined in section 122.71 of the Revised Code or certified by the minority business supplier development council.

(D)(1)(a) Upon receipt of each of the first three certifications from a participating financial institution made under division (C) of this section and subject to section 122.602 of the Revised Code, the director shall disburse to the participating financial institution from the capital access loan program fund an amount not to exceed fifty per cent of the principal amount of the particular capital access loan for deposit into the participating financial institution's program reserve account. Thereafter, upon receipt of a certification from that participating financial institution made under division (C) of this section and subject to section 122.602 of the Revised Code, the director shall disburse to the participating financial institution from the capital access loan program fund an amount equal to ten per cent of the principal amount of the particular capital access loan for deposit into the participating financial institution's program reserve account.

(b) Notwithstanding division (D)(1)(a) of this section, and subject to section 122.602 of the Revised Code, upon receipt of any certification from a participating financial institution made under division (C) of this section with respect to a capital access loan made to an eligible business that is a minority business enterprise, the director shall disburse to the participating financial institution from the capital access loan program fund an amount not to exceed eighty per cent of the principal amount of the particular capital access loan for deposit into the participating financial institution's program reserve account.

(2) The disbursement of moneys from the fund to a participating financial institution does not require approval from the controlling board.

(E) If the amount in a program reserve account exceeds an amount equal to thirty-three per cent of a participating financial institution's outstanding capital access loans, the department may cause the withdrawal of the excess amount and the deposit of the withdrawn amount into the capital access loan program fund.

(F)(1) The department may cause the withdrawal of the total amount in a participating financial institution's program reserve account if any of the following applies:

(a) The financial institution is no longer eligible to participate in the program.

(b) The participation agreement expires without renewal by the department or the financial institution.

(c) The financial institution has no outstanding capital access loans.

(d) The financial institution has not made a capital access loan within the preceding twenty-four months.

(2) If the department causes a withdrawal under division (F)(1) of this section, the department shall deposit the withdrawn amount into the capital access loan program fund.

Last updated July 20, 2021 at 10:10 AM

Section 122.604 | Recovering delinquent loan amount from program reserve account.

(A) If a participating financial institution determines that a portion or all of a capital access loan is uncollectible, it may submit a claim to the department of development for approval of the release of moneys from its program reserve account.

(B) The claim may include the amount of principal plus accrued interest owed. The amount of principal included in the claim may not exceed the principal amount covered by the program. The amount of accrued interest included in the claim may not exceed the accrued interest attributable to the covered principal amount.

(C) The participating financial institution shall determine the timing and amount of delinquency on a capital access loan in a manner consistent with the participating financial institution's normal method for making these determinations on similar nonprogram loans.

(D) If the participating financial institution files two or more claims at the same time or approximately the same time and there are insufficient funds in its program reserve account at that time to cover the entire amount of the claims, the participating financial institution may specify an order of priority in which the department shall approve the release of funds from the account in relation to the claims.

(E) If subsequent to the payment of a claim, a participating financial institution recovers from an eligible business any amount covered by the paid claim, the participating financial institution shall promptly deposit the amount recovered into its program reserve account, less any reasonable expenses incurred.

Section 122.605 | Annual report.

Each participating financial institution shall submit an annual report to the department of development on or before the thirty-first day of March of each year. The report shall include or be accompanied by all of the following:

(A) Information regarding the participating financial institution's outstanding capital access loans, its capital access loan losses, and other related matters that the department considers appropriate;

(B) A statement of the total amount of the participating financial institution's capital access loans for which the department has made disbursements from the fund under the program;

(C) A copy of the participating financial institution's most recent financial statement.

Section 122.61 | Tax exemptions.

The exercise of the powers granted by sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, will be in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the increase of their commerce and prosperity, and for the improvement of conditions of employment, and will constitute the performance of essential governmental functions; therefore the director of development services shall not be required to pay any taxes upon any property or assets held by the director, or upon any property acquired or used by the director under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, or upon the income therefrom, provided, such exemption shall not apply to any property held by the director while it is in the possession of a private person, partnership, or corporation and used for private purposes for profit. The bonds, notes, or other obligations issued under such sections, their transfer, and the income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.

Section 122.62 | Keeping funds in depositories selected by director.

All moneys received under sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code as proceeds from the sale of bonds are trust funds. All moneys received under those sections shall be held and applied solely as provided in such sections and section 166.03 of the Revised Code. All such moneys, except as otherwise provided in any proceedings authorizing revenue bonds or in any trust agreement securing such bonds or except when deposited with the treasurer of state, or except as they may be invested pursuant to section 122.58 of the Revised Code, shall be kept in depositories as selected by the director of development services in the manner provided in sections 135.01 to 135.21 of the Revised Code, insofar as such sections are applicable, and the deposits shall be secured as provided in sections 135.01 to 135.21 of the Revised Code. The proceedings authorizing the issuance of bonds of any issue or the trust agreement securing such bonds shall provide that any official to whom, or any bank or trust company to which, such moneys are paid, shall act as trustee of such moneys and hold and apply them for the purposes of sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 of the Revised Code, subject to such rules as such sections and such bond issuance proceedings or trust agreement provide.

Section 122.63 | Housing needs.

The department of development shall:

(A) Provide technical assistance to sponsors, homeowners, private developers, contractors, and other appropriate persons on matters relating to housing needs and the development, construction, financing, operation, management, and evaluation of housing developments;

(B) Carry out continuing studies and analyses of the housing needs of this state and, after conducting public hearings, prepare annually a plan of housing needs, primarily for the use of the department. The plan, copies of which shall be filed with the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate for distribution to the members of the general assembly, shall:

(1) Establish areawide housing needs, including existing and projected needs for the provision of an adequate supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing for low- and moderate-income persons, including housing that may require utilization of state or federal assistance;

(2) Establish priorities for housing needs, taking into account the availability of and need for conserving land and other natural resources;

(3) Be coordinated with other housing and related planning of the state and of regional planning agencies.

(C) Carry out the provisions of Chapter 3735. of the Revised Code relating to metropolitan housing authorities;

(D) Carry out the provisions of sections 174.01 to 174.07 of the Revised Code relating to the low- and moderate-income housing trust fund.

Section 122.631 | Grant for land bank acquisitions of residential property.

(A) As used in sections 122.631 to 122.633 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Electing subdivision," "county land reutilization corporation," and "land reutilization program" have the same meanings as in section 5722.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Manufactured home" has the same meaning as in section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Qualifying residential property" means single-family residential property, including a single unit in a multi-unit property containing not more than ten units but excluding manufactured homes, that has at least one thousand square feet of habitable space per unit.

(4) "Qualifying median income" means eighty per cent of median income for the county where qualifying residential property is located, as determined by the director of development pursuant to section 174.04 of the Revised Code.

(B) There is created in the department of development the welcome home Ohio (WHO) program to administer the grants authorized by this section and section 163.632 of the Revised Code and the tax credits authorized by section 122.633 of the Revised Code. The department shall create and maintain a list of qualifying residential property to which the deed restriction described in division (D)(4) of this section, division (B)(4) of section 122.632, or division (C)(4) of section 122.633 of the Revised Code applies. That list is not a public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

(C) An electing subdivision or county land reutilization corporation may apply to the director of development for a grant from the welcome home Ohio fund, which is created in the state treasury, to pay or defer the cost of purchasing qualifying residential property for incorporation into the electing subdivision's or county land reutilization corporation's land reutilization program. To the extent that funding is available in that fund, the director may award grants to electing subdivisions and county land reutilization corporations that make such an application and agree to comply with division (D) of this section.

(D) The director of development shall require all applicants for a grant authorized by division (C) of this section to agree, as part of the application, to all of the following:

(1) That grant funds shall only be used to pay the cost of purchasing qualifying residential property;

(2) That qualifying residential property on which grant funds are spent shall be held until sold to an individual or individuals who, inclusively:

(a) Have annual income that is not more than the qualifying median income;

(b) Demonstrate the financial means to purchase the qualifying residential property;

(c) Agree to maintain ownership of the qualifying residential property, occupy it as a primary residence, and not to rent any portion of the property to another individual for use as a dwelling, for at least five years following the date of purchase;

(d) Agree not to sell the qualifying residential property, within twenty years after the date of the sale, to any purchaser except an individual or individuals who have annual income that is not more than the qualifying median income;

(e) Agree to pay a penalty to the director of development for violation of the agreement required by division (D)(2)(c) of this section that, subject to divisions (F)(2) and (3) of this section, equals ninety thousand dollars, less eighteen thousand dollars multiplied by the number of full years the individual or individuals owned the property;

(f) Agree that the director of development is a third-party beneficiary of the purchase agreement;

(g) Agree to participate in the applicant's financial literacy program;

(h) Agree to annually certify to the director of development or the director's designee, during the period described by division (D)(2)(c) of this section, that the individual or individuals own and occupy the qualifying residential property, and that no part of the property is being rented to another individual for use as a dwelling.

(3) That qualifying residential property on which grant funds are spent shall be sold for not more than one hundred eighty thousand dollars per property.

(4) That qualifying residential property on which grant funds are spent shall not be sold without a deed restriction prohibiting the sale of the property to a person that is not an individual or individuals who have annual income that is not more than the median income for twenty years after the date of the property's first transfer from the applicant following the use of grant funds.

(5) That the applicant shall repay all grant funds not expended to purchase qualifying residential property and all grant funds expended to purchase qualifying residential property that is not sold to an individual or individuals who meet the requirements described in division (D)(2) of this section or that is sold without the deed restriction described in division (D)(4) of this section.

(6) That the applicant shall provide financial literacy counseling, over a minimum of one year, to each purchaser of qualifying residential property on which grant funds are spent. An applicant may provide information regarding its financial literacy program to the director of development for review as part of the application or prior to application. Financial literacy counseling provided by the applicant to the same purchaser, in accordance with division (B)(6) of section 122.632 of the Revised Code or division (C)(5) of section 122.633 of the Revised Code, satisfies the requirements of division (D)(6) of this section.

(7) That the applicant shall report to the department of development the date when the qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application is sold by the applicant.

(E) The director of development has authority and standing to sue for the enforcement of a deed restriction described in division (D)(4) of this section.

(F)(1) An electing subdivision or county land reutilization corporation may apply for, and the director of development may award both a grant under this section for the purchase of qualifying residential property, and either a grant under section 122.632 of the Revised Code, or a tax credit under section 122.633 of the Revised Code, to rehabilitate or construct the same qualifying residential property.

(2) If an electing subdivision or county land reutilization is awarded a grant under this section and a grant under section 122.632 of the Revised Code for the same qualifying residential property, and the individual or individuals who purchase the property violate both of the agreements required by division (D)(2)(c) of this section and division (B)(2)(c) of section 122.632 of the Revised Code, only the penalty described by division (B)(2)(e) of section 122.632 of the Revised Code applies.

(3) If an electing subdivision or county land reutilization is awarded a grant under this section and a tax credit under section 122.633 of the Revised Code for the same qualifying residential property, and the individual or individuals who purchase the property violate both of the agreements required by division (D)(2)(c) of this section and division (C)(2)(a) of section 122.633 of the Revised Code, only the greater of the penalties described in divisions (D)(2)(e) of this section and division (C)(2)(c) of section 122.633 of the Revised Code applies.

(G)(1) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. Of the Revised Code as necessary to administer the grant program. Such rules may include the following:

(a) Application forms, deadlines, and procedures;

(b) Criteria for evaluating and prioritizing applications;

(c) Guidelines for promoting an even geographic distribution of grants throughout the state.

(2) Any grants repaid under this section shall be credited to the welcome home Ohio fund.

Last updated April 16, 2024 at 3:36 PM

Section 122.632 | Grant for land bank rehabilitation of residential property.

(A) An electing subdivision or county land reutilization corporation may apply to the director of development for a grant from the welcome home Ohio fund created in section 122.631 of the Revised Code to pay or defer the cost to rehabilitate or construct qualifying residential property held by the electing subdivision's or county land reutilization corporation's land reutilization program. To the extent that funding is available, in that fund the director may award grants to electing subdivisions and county land reutilization corporations that make such an application and agree to comply with division (B) of this section, with a maximum grant of thirty thousand dollars per qualifying residential property.

(B) The director of development shall require all applicants for a grant authorized by division (A) of this section to agree, as part of the application, to all of the following:

(1) That grant funds shall only be used to pay the cost of rehabilitation or construction of qualifying residential property and all work will be completed according to all applicable construction and design standards;

(2) That qualifying residential property on which grant funds are spent shall be held until sold to an individual or individuals who, inclusively:

(a) Have annual income that is not more than the qualifying median income;

(b) Demonstrate the financial means to purchase the qualifying residential property;

(c) Agree to maintain ownership of the qualifying residential property, occupy it as a primary residence, and not to rent any portion of the property to another individual for use as a dwelling, for at least five years following the date of purchase;

(d) Agree not to sell the qualifying residential property, within twenty years after the date of the sale, to any purchaser except an individual or individuals who have annual income that is not more than the qualifying median income;

(e) Agree to pay a penalty to the director of development for violation of the agreement required by division (B)(2)(c) of this section that, subject to division (F)(2) of section 122.631 of the Revised Code, equals ninety thousand dollars, less eighteen thousand dollars multiplied by the number of full years the individual or individuals owned the property.

(f) Agree that the director of development is a third-party beneficiary of the purchase agreement;

(g) Agree to participate in the applicant's financial literacy program;

(h) Agree to annually certify to the director of development or the director's designee, during the period described by division (B)(2)(c) of this section, that the individual or individuals own and occupy the qualifying residential property, and that no part of the property is being rented to another individual for use as a dwelling.

(3) That qualifying residential property on which grant funds are spent shall be sold for not more than one hundred eighty thousand dollars per property.

(4) That qualifying residential property on which grant funds are spent shall not be sold without a deed restriction prohibiting the sale of the property to a person that is not an individual or individuals who have annual income that is not more than the median income for twenty years after the date of the property's first transfer from the applicant following the use of grant funds;

(5) That the applicant shall repay all grant funds expended on any expenses other than the construction or rehabilitation of qualifying residential property or on qualifying residential property that is not sold to an individual or individuals who meet the requirements described in division (B)(2) of this section or that is sold without the deed restriction described in division (B)(4) of this section;

(6) That the applicant shall provide financial literacy counseling, over a minimum of one year, to each purchaser of qualifying residential property on which grant funds are spent. An applicant may provide information regarding its financial literacy program to the director of development for review as part of the application or prior to application;

(7) That the applicant shall report to the department of development the date when the qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application is sold by the applicant.

(8) That, if grant funds are received, the qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application shall not be the subject of an application for a tax credit under section 122.633 of the Revised Code.

(C) The director of development is granted authority and standing to sue for the enforcement of a deed restriction described in division (B)(4) of this section.

(D)(1) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as necessary to administer the grant program. Such rules may include the following:

(a) Application forms, deadlines, and procedures;

(b) Criteria for evaluating and prioritizing applications;

(c) Guidelines for promoting an even geographic distribution of grants throughout the state.

(2) Any grants repaid under this section shall be credited to the welcome home Ohio fund.

Last updated January 24, 2024 at 12:33 PM

Section 122.633 | Tax credit for constructing or rehabilitating affordable housing.

(A) As used in this section, "eligible developer" means any of the following:

(1) A nonprofit corporation, as defined in section 1702.01 of the Revised Code, based in this state with a primary activity of the development and preservation of affordable housing;

(2) A limited partnership or domestic limited partnership, as defined in section 1782.01 of the Revised Code, in which a general partner is a nonprofit corporation based in this state, a primary activity of which is the development and preservation of affordable housing;

(3) A limited liability company, as defined in section 1706.01 of the Revised Code, in which the manager is a nonprofit corporation based in this state, a primary activity of which is the development and preservation of affordable housing;

(4) A community improvement corporation, as defined in section 1724.01 of the Revised Code, or a community urban redevelopment corporation, as defined in section 1728.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) An electing subdivision or eligible developer that rehabilitates or constructs a unit of qualifying residential property and sells the property to an individual or individuals for the individual's or individuals' occupancy may apply to the director of development for a nonrefundable credit against the tax levied under section 5726.02 or 5747.02 of the Revised Code, provided the rehabilitation or construction and the sale comply with division (C) of this section. The credit application shall be made on forms prescribed by the director. The credit shall equal ninety thousand dollars or one-third of the cost to rehabilitate or construct the property, whichever is less.

(C) An application for a credit authorized by division (C) of this section shall certify all of the following:

(1) That the rehabilitation or construction of qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application was completed according to all applicable construction and design standards;

(2) That each qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application was sold to an individual or individuals who have annual income that is not more than the qualifying median income, demonstrated the financial means to purchase the qualifying residential property, and agreed to all of the following in the purchase agreement:

(a) To maintain ownership of the qualifying residential property, occupy it as a primary residence, and not to rent any portion of the property to another individual for use as a dwelling, for at least five years following the date of purchase;

(b) Not to sell the qualifying residential property to a purchaser other than an individual or individuals who have annual income that is no more than the qualifying median income for at least twenty years after the date of purchase;

(c) To pay a penalty to the director of development for violation of the agreement required by division (C)(2)(a) of this section that, subject to division (F)(3) of section 122.631 of the Revised Code, equals the total amount of the tax credit authorized by this section and attributable to the qualifying residential property purchased by the individual, reduced by twenty per cent of that amount for each full year the individual or individuals owned the property;

(d) That the director of development is a third-party beneficiary of the purchase agreement;

(e) To participate in the applicant's financial literacy program;

(f) Agree to annually certify to the director of development or the director's designee, during the period described by division (C)(2)(a) of this section, that the individual or individuals own and occupy the qualifying residential property, and that no part of the property is being rented to another individual for use as a dwelling.

(3) That the qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application was sold for not more than one hundred eighty thousand dollars;

(4) That the qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application was transferred with a deed restriction prohibiting the sale of the property to a person other than an individual or individuals who have annual income that is not more than the qualifying median income for at least twenty years after the date of transfer.

(5) That the applicant provides a minimum of one year of financial literacy counseling to each purchaser of qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application. An applicant may provide information regarding its financial literacy program to the director of development for review as part of the application or prior to application;

(6) That the applicant shall report to the department of development the date when the qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application is sold by the applicant.

(7) That the qualifying residential property that is the subject of the application was not rehabilitated or constructed using grant funds received under section 122.632 of the Revised Code.

(D) The director of development is granted authority and standing to sue for the enforcement of a deed restriction described in division (C)(4) of this section.

(E)(1) Subject to division (E)(2) of this section, if the director determines that the applicant qualifies for a credit under this section, the director shall issue a tax credit certificate to the applicant identified with a unique number and listing the amount of the credit that is eligible to be transferred or claimed pursuant to division (E)(3) or (F) of this section.

(2) The total amount of tax credits issued by the director under this section shall not exceed twenty-five million dollars in any fiscal year, and no tax credits shall be issued after June 30, 2025.

(3) A person granted a certificate pursuant to division (E)(1) of this section may claim the credit against the tax levied under section 5726.02 of the Revised Code or against the person's aggregate tax liability under section 5747.02 of the Revised Code for the taxable year in which the certificate is issued. The taxpayer shall claim the credit in the order prescribed by section 5726.98 or 5747.98 of the Revised Code, as applicable. Any unused amount may be carried forward for the following five taxable years. If the person is a pass-through entity, any taxpayer that is a direct or indirect investor in the pass-through entity on the last day of the entity's taxable year may claim the taxpayer's proportionate or distributive share of the credit against the taxpayer's aggregate amount of tax levied under section 5747.02 of the Revised Code.

A taxpayer claiming a credit under this section shall submit a copy of the certificate with the taxpayer's return or report.

(F) A person granted a certificate pursuant to division (E)(1) of this section may transfer the right to claim all or part of the credit reflected on the certificate to another person.

To effectuate the transfer, the transferor shall notify the tax commissioner, in writing, that the transferor is transferring the right to claim all or part of the remaining credit stated on the certificate. The transferor shall identify in that notification the certificate's number, the name and the tax identification number of the transferee, the amount of the remaining credit transferred to the transferee, and, if applicable, the amount of remaining credit retained by the transferor.

The transferee may claim the amount of the credit received under this division against the tax levied under section 5726.02 of the Revised Code or against the person's aggregate tax liability under section 5747.02 of the Revised Code for the taxable year in the same manner and for the same taxable years as it may be claimed by a person under division (E)(3) of this section.

Any person to which a credit has been transferred under this division may transfer the right to claim all or part of the transferred credit amount to any other person, in the same manner prescribed by this division for the initial transfer, including that any such transfer be reported by the transferor to the tax commissioner as described in this division.

Transferring a credit under this division does not extend the taxable years for which the credit may be claimed or number of years for which the unclaimed credit amount may be carried forward.

(G) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as necessary to administer the tax credits authorized by this section. Such rules may include the following:

(1) Application forms, deadlines, and procedures;

(2) Criteria for evaluating and prioritizing applications;

(3) Guidelines for promoting an even geographic distribution of credits throughout the state.

Last updated September 11, 2023 at 3:51 PM

Section 122.64 | Business services division.

(A) There is hereby established in the development services agency a business services division. The division shall be supervised by a deputy director appointed by the director of development services.

The division is responsible for the administration of the state economic development financing programs established pursuant to sections 122.17 and 122.18, sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62, and Chapter 166. of the Revised Code.

(B) The director of development services shall:

(1) Receive applications for assistance pursuant to sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 and Chapter 166. of the Revised Code. The director shall process the applications.

(2) With the approval of the director of administrative services, establish salary schedules for employees of the various positions of employment with the division and assign the various positions to those salary schedules;

(3) Employ and fix the compensation of financial consultants, appraisers, consulting engineers, superintendents, managers, construction and accounting experts, attorneys, and other agents for the assistance programs authorized pursuant to sections 122.17 and 122.18, sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62, and Chapter 166. of the Revised Code as are necessary;

(4) Supervise the administrative operations of the division;

(5) On or before the first day of October in each year, make an annual report of the activities and operations under assistance programs authorized pursuant to sections 122.39 and 122.41 to 122.62 and Chapter 166. of the Revised Code for the preceding fiscal year to the governor and the general assembly. Each such report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement covering such activities and operations during the year in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be audited by a certified public accountant. The director of development services shall transmit a copy of the audited financial report to the office of budget and management.

Section 122.641 | The lakes in economic distress revolving loan program.

(A)(1) There is hereby created the lakes in economic distress revolving loan program to assist businesses and other entities that are adversely affected due to economic circumstances that result in the declaration of a lake as an area under economic distress by the director of natural resources under division (A)(2) of this section. The director of development services shall administer the program.

(2) The director of natural resources shall do both of the following:

(a) Declare a lake as an area under economic distress. The director shall declare a lake as an area under economic distress based solely on environmental or safety issues, including the closure of a dam for safety reasons.

(b) Subsequently declare a lake as an area no longer under economic distress when the environmental or safety issues, as applicable, have been resolved.

(B) There is hereby created in the state treasury the lakes in economic distress revolving loan fund. The fund shall consist of money appropriated to it, all payments of principal and interest on loans made from the fund, and all investment earnings on money in the fund. The director of development services shall use money in the fund to make loans under this section, provided that the loans shall be zero interest loans during the time that an applicable lake has been declared an area under economic distress under division (A)(2)(a) of this section.

(C) The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised that do both of the following:

(1) Establish requirements and procedures for the making of loans under this section, including all of the following:

(a) Eligibility criteria;

(b) Application procedures;

(c) Criteria for approval or disapproval of loans, including a stipulation that an applicant must demonstrate that the loan will help to achieve long-term economic stability in the area;

(d) Criteria for repayment of the loans, including the establishment of an interest rate that does not exceed two points less than prime after an applicable lake has been declared as an area no longer under economic distress under division (A)(2)(b) of this section.

The eligibility criteria established by the director shall not require applicants to experience a reduction in gross revenue for a defined period of greater than ten per cent.

Any material provided to the development services agency by an applicant is not a public record for the purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code and shall remain confidential.

(2) Establish any other provisions necessary to administer this section.

(D) In administering the program, the director shall assist businesses and other entities in determining the amount of loans needed.

Section 122.6510 | Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund.

(A) As used in this section, "federal act" means the "Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act," 115 Stat. 2356 (2002), 42 U.S.C. 9601 and 9604.

(B) There is hereby created in the state treasury the Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund. The Fund shall consist of all moneys received by the state from repayments of loans made under the terms of the federal act, and any other money transferred to the Fund. The Fund may be used to make grants and loans by the Director of Development Services. All investment earnings of the Fund shall be credited to the Fund.

(C) The Director shall administer moneys received into the Fund and comply with all requirements imposed by the federal act in administering the funds.

(D) The Director may establish a schedule of fees and charges payable by loan recipients to the Director for the administration of this section.

Section 122.6511 | Brownfield remediation program.

(A) As used in this section and section 122.6512 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Brownfield" means an abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial, commercial, or institutional property where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by known or potential releases of hazardous substances or petroleum.

(2) "Lead entity" means the award recipient and the responsible party with whom the department of development executes a grant agreement for the grant funds.

(3) "Remediation" means any action to contain, remove, or dispose of hazardous substances or petroleum at a brownfield. "Cleanup or remediation" includes the acquisition of a brownfield, demolition performed at a brownfield, and the installation or upgrade of the minimum amount of infrastructure that is necessary to make a brownfield operational for economic development activity.

(4) "County land reutilization corporation" has the same meaning as in section 1724.01 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) There is hereby created the brownfield remediation program to award grants for the remediation of brownfield sites throughout Ohio. The program shall be administered by the director of development pursuant to this section and rules adopted pursuant to division (B)(2) of this section.

(2) The director shall adopt rules, under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, for the administration of the program. The rules shall include provisions for determining project and project sponsor eligibility, program administration, and any other provisions the director finds necessary.

(3) The director shall ensure that the program is operational and accepting proposals for grants not later than ninety days after September 30, 2021.

(4) To streamline funding through the program, each county shall have one lead entity designated in accordance with the following:

(a) If the county has a population of less than one hundred thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census, the director shall select the lead entity from a list of recommendations made by the board of county commissioners of the county. The board shall submit a lead entity letter of intent and any other documentation required by the director in order for the director to select a lead entity for that county.

(b) If the county has a population of one hundred thousand or more according to the most recent federal decennial census and the county does not have a county land reutilization corporation, the director shall select the lead entity from a list of recommendations made by the board of county commissioners of the county. The board shall submit a lead entity letter of intent and any other documentation required by the director in order for the director to select a lead entity for that county.

(c) If the county has a population of one hundred thousand or more according to the most recent federal decennial census and the county has a county land reutilization corporation, the county land reutilization corporation is the lead entity for that county.

(5) The lead entity of each county shall submit all grant applications for that county. The lead entity shall submit with a grant application any agreements executed between the lead entity with other recipients that will receive grant money through the lead entity, if applicable. Such recipients may include local governments, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations, regional planning commissions, county land reutilization corporations, and community action agencies.

(C)(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the brownfield remediation fund. The fund shall consist of moneys appropriated to it by the general assembly, and investment earnings on moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund.

The director shall reserve funds from each appropriation to the fund to each county in the state. The amount reserved shall be one million dollars per county, or, if an appropriation is less than eighty-eight million dollars, a proportionate amount to each county. Amounts reserved pursuant to this section are reserved for one calendar year from the date of the appropriation. After one calendar year, the funds shall be available pursuant to division (D) of this section.

(2) A lead entity may submit an initial grant application for the use of funds reserved under division (C)(1) of this section to the director. The lead entity may later submit an amended application to the director, and the director may accept and approve that application for use of funds up to the amount reserved for that county.

(D) Funds from an appropriation not reserved under division (C)(1) of this section shall be available for grants to projects located anywhere in the state, and grants from those funds shall be awarded to qualifying projects on a first-come, first-served basis. Grants awarded pursuant to this division shall be limited to seventy-five per cent of a project's total cost.

Last updated February 19, 2025 at 9:12 AM

Section 122.6512 | Building demolition and site revitalization program.

(A)(1) There is hereby created the building demolition and site revitalization program to award grants for the demolition of commercial and residential buildings and revitalization of surrounding properties on sites that are not brownfields. The program shall be administered by the director of development pursuant to this section and rules adopted pursuant to division (A)(2) of this section.

(2) The director shall adopt rules, under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, for the administration of the program. The rules shall include provisions for determining project and project sponsor eligibility, program administration, and any other provisions the director finds necessary.

(3) The director shall ensure that the program is operational and accepting proposals for grants not later than ninety days after September 30, 2021.

(4) To streamline funding through the program, each county shall have one lead entity designated in accordance with the following:

(a) If the county has a population of less than one hundred thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census, the director shall select the lead entity from a list of recommendations made by the board of county commissioners of the county. The board shall submit a lead entity letter of intent and any other documentation required by the director in order for the director to select a lead entity for that county.

(b) If the county has a population of one hundred thousand or more according to the most recent federal decennial census and the county does not have a county land reutilization corporation, the director shall select the lead entity from a list of recommendations made by the board of county commissioners of the county. The board shall submit a lead entity letter of intent and any other documentation required by the director in order for the director to select a lead entity for that county.

(c) If the county has a population of one hundred thousand or more according to the most recent federal decennial census and the county has a county land reutilization corporation, the county land reutilization corporation is the lead entity for that county.

(5) The lead entity of each county shall submit all grant applications for that county. The lead entity shall submit with a grant application any agreements executed between the lead entity with other recipients that will receive grant money through the lead entity, if applicable. Such recipients may include local governments, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations, regional planning commissions, county land reutilization corporations, and community action agencies.

(B)(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the building demolition and site revitalization fund. The fund shall consist of moneys appropriated to it by the general assembly, and investment earnings on moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund.

(2) The director shall reserve funds from each appropriation to the fund to each county in the state. The amount reserved shall be five hundred thousand dollars per county, or, if an appropriation is less than forty-four million dollars, a proportionate amount to each county. Amounts reserved pursuant to this section are reserved for one calendar year from the date of the appropriation. After one calendar year, the funds shall be available pursuant to division (B)(3) of this section.

(3) Funds from an appropriation not reserved under division (B)(2) of this section shall be available for grants to projects located anywhere in the state, and grants from those funds shall be awarded to qualifying projects on a first-come, first-served basis. Grants awarded pursuant to this division shall be limited to seventy-five per cent of a project's total cost.

Last updated September 6, 2023 at 4:39 PM

Section 122.66 | Office of community services definitions.

As used in sections 122.66 to 122.702 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Poverty line" means the official poverty line established by the director of the United States office of management and budget and as revised by the secretary of health and human services in accordance with section 673(2) of the "Community Services Block Grant Act," 95 Stat. 1609, 42 U.S.C.A. 9902.

(B) "Low-income person" means a person whose adjusted gross income as defined in division (A) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code is below the poverty line as defined in division (A) of this section.

(C) "Advocacy" means the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending actions on behalf of low-income persons.

(D) "Community action agency" means a community-based and operated private nonprofit agency or organization that includes or is designed to include a sufficient number of projects or components to provide a range of services and activities having a measurable and potentially major impact on the causes of poverty in the community or those areas of the community where poverty is a particularly acute problem and is designated as a community action agency by the community services division pursuant to sections 122.68 and 122.69 of the Revised Code.

(E) "Community" means a city, village, county, multicity or multicounty unit, a neighborhood or other area, disregarding boundaries or political subdivisions, which provides a suitable organizational base and possesses a commonality of needs and interests for a community action program suitable to be served by a community action agency.

(F) "Service area" means the geographical area served by a community action agency.

Section 122.67 | Community services division.

There is hereby created in the development services agency the community services division. The director of development services shall employ and fix the compensation of professional and technical unclassified personnel as necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 122.66 to 122.701 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.68 | Powers and duties.

The community services division shall:

(A) Administer all federal funds appropriated to the state from the "Community Services Block Grant Act," 95 Stat. 511, 42 U.S.C.A. 9901, and comply with requirements imposed by that act in its application for, and administration of, the funds;

(B) Designate community action agencies to receive community services block grant funds;

(C)(1) Subject to division (C)(2) of this section, disburse at least ninety-one per cent of the funds received in the state from the "Community Services Block Grant Act" to community action agencies that comply with the requirements of section 122.69 of the Revised Code and migrant and seasonal farm worker organizations that are not designated community action agencies but which provide the services described in division (B)(1) of section 122.69 of the Revised Code;

(2) Disburse at least four and one-half per cent of the funds received in the state from the "Community Services Block Grant Act" to one or more nonprofit organizations to which both of the following apply:

(a) The organization or organizations were incorporated under the laws of this state before January 1, 2015.

(b) The primary purpose of the organization or organizations is to provide training and technical assistance to community action agencies that comply with the requirements of section 122.69 of the Revised Code.

(D) Provide technical assistance to community action agencies to improve program planning, development, and administration;

(E) Conduct yearly performance assessments, according to criteria determined by development services agency rule, to determine whether community action agencies are in compliance with section 122.69 of the Revised Code;

(F) Annually prepare and submit to the United States secretary of health and human services, the governor, the president of the Ohio senate, and the speaker of the Ohio house of representatives, a comprehensive report that includes:

(1) Certification that all community action agencies designated to receive funds from the "Community Services Block Grant Act" are in compliance with section 122.69 of the Revised Code;

(2) A program plan for the next federal fiscal year that has been made available for public inspection and that details how community services block grant funds will be disbursed and used during that fiscal year;

(3) Information detailing how funds were expended for the current fiscal year;

(4) An audit of community services block grant expenditures for the preceding federal fiscal year that is conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles by an independent auditing firm that has no connection with any community action agency receiving community services block grant funds or with any employee of the division.

(G) Serve as a statewide advocate for social and economic opportunities for low-income persons.

Section 122.681 | Confidentiality of information.

(A) Except as permitted by this section, or when required by federal law, no person or government entity shall solicit, release, disclose, receive, use, or knowingly permit or participate in the use of any information regarding an individual receiving assistance pursuant to a community services division program under sections 122.66 to 122.702 of the Revised Code for any purpose not directly related to the administration of a division assistance program.

(B) To the extent permitted by federal law, the division, and any entity that receives division funds to administer a division program to assist individuals, shall release information regarding an individual assistance recipient to the following:

(1) A government entity responsible for administering the assistance program for purposes directly related to the administration of the program;

(2) A law enforcement agency for the purpose of any investigation, prosecution, or criminal or civil proceeding relating to the administration of the assistance program;

(3) A government entity responsible for administering a children's protective services program, for the purpose of protecting children;

(4) Any appropriate person in compliance with a search warrant, subpoena, or other court order.

(C) To the extent permitted by federal law and section 1347.08 of the Revised Code, the division, and any entity administering a division program, shall provide access to information regarding an individual assistance recipient to all of the following:

(1) The individual assistance recipient;

(2) The authorized representative of the individual assistance recipient;

(3) The legal guardian of the individual assistance recipient;

(4) The attorney of the individual assistance recipient.

(D) To the extent permitted by federal law, the division, and any entity administering a division program, may do either of the following:

(1) Release information about an individual assistance recipient if the recipient gives voluntary, written authorization;

(2) Release information regarding an individual assistance recipient to a state, federal, or federally assisted program that provides cash or in-kind assistance or services directly to individuals based on need.

(E) The community services division, or an entity administering a division program, shall provide, at no cost, a copy of each written authorization to the individual who signed it.

(F) The development services agency may adopt rules defining who may serve as an individual assistance recipient's authorized representative for purposes of division (C)(2) of this section.

Section 122.69 | Endorsement of community action agency.

(A) Any nonprofit agency or organization seeking designation as a community action agency by the community services division shall obtain the endorsement of the chief elected officials of at least two-thirds of the municipal corporations and the counties within the community to be served by the agency or organization.

(B) Any nonprofit agency or organization that receives the endorsement provided for in division (A) of this section shall be designated by the division as the community action agency for the community it serves and shall receive community services block grant funds for any period of time that the nonprofit agency or organization:

(1) Provides a range of services and opportunities having a measurable and potentially major impact on the causes of poverty in the community or those areas of the community where poverty is a particularly acute problem. These activities may include but shall not be limited to:

(a) Providing activities designed to assist low-income persons, including low-income persons who are elderly and who have disabilities, to:

(i) Secure and maintain meaningful employment, training, work experience, and unsubsidized employment;

(ii) Attain an adequate education;

(iii) Make better use of available income;

(iv) Obtain and maintain adequate housing and a suitable living environment;

(v) Obtain emergency assistance through loans or grants to meet immediate and urgent individual and family needs, including the need for health services, nutritious food, housing, and employment-related assistance;

(vi) Remove obstacles and solve personal and family problems that block the achievement of self-sufficiency;

(vii) Achieve greater participation in the affairs of the community;

(viii) Undertake family planning, consistent with personal and family goals and religious and moral convictions;

(ix) Obtain energy assistance, conservation, and weatherization services.

(b) Providing, on an emergency basis, supplies and services, nutritious foodstuffs, and related services necessary to counteract conditions of starvation and malnutrition among low-income persons;

(c) Coordinating and establishing links between government and other social services programs to assure the effective delivery of services to low-income individuals;

(d) Providing child care services, nutrition and health services, transportation services, alcoholism and narcotic addiction prevention and rehabilitation services, youth development services, and community services to persons who are elderly and who have disabilities;

(e) Encouraging entities in the private sector to participate in efforts to ameliorate poverty in the community.

(2) Annually submits to the division a program plan and budget for use of community services block grant funds for the next federal fiscal year. At least ten days prior to its submission to the division, a copy of the program plan and budget shall be made available to the chief elected officials of the municipal corporations and counties within the service area in order to provide them the opportunity to review and comment upon such plan and budget.

(3) Composes its board of directors in compliance with section (c)(3) of section 675 of the "Community Services Block Grant Act," 95 Stat. 1609, 42 U.S.C.A. 9904, except that the board shall consist of not less than fifteen nor more than thirty-three members;

(4) Complies with the prohibitions against discrimination and political activity, as provided in the "Community Services Block Grant Act";

(5) Complies with fiscal and program requirements established by development services agency rule.

Last updated March 10, 2023 at 10:53 AM

Section 122.70 | Board of directors of community action agency - powers and duties.

The board of directors of a community action agency shall:

(A) Select, appoint, and may remove the executive director of the community action agency;

(B) Approve contracts, annual program budgets, and policies of the community action agency;

(C) Advise the elected officials of any political subdivision located within its service area, and state and federal elected officials who represent its service area, of the nature and extent of poverty within its community, and advise them of any needed changes;

(D) Convene public meetings to provide community members the opportunity to comment on public policies and programs to reduce poverty;

(E) Annually evaluate the policies and programs of the community action agency according to criteria determined by development services agency rule;

(F) Submit the results of the evaluation required by division (E) of this section, along with recommendations for improved administration of the community action agency, to the community services division;

(G) Adopt a code of ethics for the board of directors and the employees of the community action agency;

(H) Adopt written policies describing all of the following:

(1) How the community action agency is to expend and distribute the community services block grant funds that it receives from the division under sections 122.68 and 122.69 of the Revised Code;

(2) The salary, benefits, travel expenses, and any other compensation that persons are to receive for serving on the community action agency's board of directors;

(3) The operating procedures to be used by the board to conduct its meetings, to vote on all official business it considers, and to provide notice of its meetings.

(I) Provide for the posting of notices in a conspicuous place indicating that the code of ethics described in division (G) of this section and the policies described in division (H) of this section are available for public inspection at the community action agency during normal business hours.

Section 122.701 | Designating new or rescinding former designation.

(A) Prior to designating a new community action agency or rescinding a community action agency's designation, the community services division shall:

(1) Determine whether a community action agency is in compliance with section 122.69 of the Revised Code;

(2) Consult with the chief elected officials of political subdivisions located within a community action agency's service area, and, in designating a new community action agency, obtain their endorsement of the agency in accordance with division (A) of section 122.69 of the Revised Code;

(3) Hold at least one public meeting within a community action agency's service area for the purpose of allowing citizens to comment on the community action agency's delivery of services;

(4) Evaluate the proposed service area of the community action agency, and, as may be necessary, modify the boundaries of the service area so that low-income persons in the area are adequately and efficiently served.

(B) After providing notice and hearing pursuant to sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code, the director of development services:

(1) May rescind the designation of a community action agency after finding that the agency is not in compliance with any or all of the provisions of section 122.69 of the Revised Code;

(2) Shall rescind the designation of a community action agency upon notification from the chief elected officials of more than one-half of the municipal corporations and the counties within a community currently served by a community action agency that such agency is not endorsed by them and after finding that the agency is not in compliance with section 122.69 of the Revised Code.

Any agency whose designation is rescinded pursuant to this section may appeal from an order rescinding such designation pursuant to section 119.12 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.702 | Hearings on use of community services block grant funds.

The general assembly shall conduct public hearings each year on the proposed use and distribution of community services block grant funds, as required by section 675(b) of the "Community Services Block Grant Act," 95 Stat. 1609, 42 U.S.C.A. 9904.

Section 122.71 | Minority development financing advisory board definitions.

As used in sections 122.71 to 122.83 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Financial institution" means any banking corporation, trust company, insurance company, savings and loan association, building and loan association, or corporation, partnership, federal lending agency, foundation, or other institution engaged in lending or investing funds for industrial or business purposes.

(B) "Project" means any real or personal property connected with or being a part of an industrial, distribution, commercial, or research facility to be acquired, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, improved, furnished, or equipped, or any combination thereof, with the aid provided under sections 122.71 to 122.83 of the Revised Code, for industrial, commercial, distribution, and research development of the state.

(C) "Mortgage" means the lien imposed on a project by a mortgage on real property, or by financing statements on personal property, or a combination of a mortgage and financing statements when a project consists of both real and personal property.

(D) "Mortgagor" means the principal user of a project or the person, corporation, partnership, or association unconditionally guaranteeing performance by the principal user of its obligations under the mortgage.

(E)(1) "Minority business enterprise" means an individual who is a United States citizen and owns and controls a business, or a partnership, corporation, or joint venture of any kind that is owned and controlled by United States citizens, which citizen or citizens are residents of this state and are members of one of the following economically disadvantaged groups: Blacks or African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics or Latinos, and Asians.

(2) "Owned and controlled" means that at least fifty-one per cent of the business, including corporate stock if a corporation, is owned by persons who belong to one or more of the groups set forth in division (E)(1) of this section, and that those owners have control over the management and day-to-day operations of the business and an interest in the capital, assets, and profits and losses of the business proportionate to their percentage of ownership. In order to qualify as a minority business enterprise, a business shall have been owned and controlled by those persons at least one year prior to being awarded a contract pursuant to this section.

(F) "Community improvement corporation" means a corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code.

(G) "Ohio development corporation" means a corporation organized under Chapter 1726. of the Revised Code.

(H) "Minority contractors business assistance organization" means an entity engaged in the provision of management and technical business assistance to minority business enterprise entrepreneurs.

(I) "Minority business supplier development council" means a nonprofit organization established as an affiliate of the national minority supplier development council.

(J) "Regional economic development entity" means an entity that is under contract with the director of development to administer a loan program under this chapter in a particular area of the state.

(K) "Community development corporation" means a corporation organized under Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code that consists of residents of the community and business and civic leaders and that has as a principal purpose one or more of the following: the revitalization and development of a low- to moderate-income neighborhood or community; the creation of jobs for low- to moderate-income residents; the development of commercial facilities and services; providing training, technical assistance, and financial assistance to small businesses; and planning, developing, or managing low-income housing or other community development activities.

Section 122.72 | Minority development financing advisory board.

(A) There is hereby created the minority development financing advisory board to assist in carrying out the programs created pursuant to sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.89 of the Revised Code.

(B) The board shall consist of ten members. The director of development or the director's designee shall be a voting member on the board. Seven members shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate and selected because of their knowledge of and experience in industrial, business, and commercial financing, suretyship, construction, and their understanding of the problems of minority business enterprises; one member also shall be a member of the senate and appointed by the president of the senate, and one member also shall be a member of the house of representatives and appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. With respect to the board, all of the following apply:

(1) Not more than four of the members of the board appointed by the governor shall be of the same political party.

(2) Each member shall hold office from the date of the member's appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed.

(3) The terms of office for the seven members appointed by the governor shall be for seven years, commencing on the first day of October and ending on the thirtieth day of September of the seventh year, except that of the original seven members, three shall be appointed for three years and two shall be appointed for five years.

(4) Any member of the board is eligible for reappointment.

(5) Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the predecessor's term.

(6) Any member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.

(7) Before entering upon official duties as a member of the board, each member shall take an oath as provided by Section 7 of Article XV, Ohio Constitution.

(8) The governor may, at any time, remove any member appointed by the governor pursuant to section 3.04 of the Revised Code.

(9) Notwithstanding section 101.26 of the Revised Code, members shall receive their necessary and actual expenses while engaged in the business of the board and shall be paid at the per diem rate of step 1 of pay range 31 of section 124.15 of the Revised Code.

(10) Six members of the board constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of six members is necessary for any action taken by the board.

(11) In the event of the absence of a member appointed by the president of the senate or by the speaker of the house of representatives, either of the following persons may serve in the member's absence:

(a) The president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives, whoever appointed the absent member;

(b) A member of the senate or of the house of representatives of the same political party as the absent member, as designated by the president of the senate or the speaker of the house of representatives, whoever appointed the absent member.

(12) The board shall annually elect one of its members as chairperson and another as vice-chairperson.

Last updated July 20, 2021 at 10:11 AM

Section 122.73 | Powers and duties.

(A) The minority development financing advisory board and the director of development are invested with the powers and duties provided in sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.89 of the Revised Code, in order to promote the welfare of the people of the state by encouraging the establishment and expansion of minority business enterprises; to stabilize the economy; to provide employment; to assist in the development within the state of industrial, commercial, distribution, and research activities required for the people of the state, and for their gainful employment; or otherwise to create or preserve jobs and employment opportunities, or improve the economic welfare of the people of the state. It is hereby determined that the accomplishment of those purposes is essential so that the people of the state may maintain their present high standards of living in comparison with the people of other states and so that opportunities for employment and for favorable markets for the products of the state's natural resources, agriculture, and manufacturing shall be improved. It further is determined that it is necessary for the state to establish the programs authorized under sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.89 of the Revised Code to establish the minority development financing advisory board, and to invest it and the director of development with the powers and duties provided in those sections.

(B) The minority development financing advisory board shall do all of the following:

(1) Make recommendations to the director as to applications for assistance pursuant to sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.89 of the Revised Code. The board may revise its recommendations to reflect any changes in the proposed assistance made by the director.

(2) Advise the director in the administration of sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.89 of the Revised Code.

(3) Adopt bylaws to govern the conduct of the business of the board.

Last updated July 20, 2021 at 10:11 AM

Section 122.74 | Director of development - powers and duties.

(A)(1) The director of development shall do all of the following:

(a) Receive applications for assistance under sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.89 of the Revised Code and applications from surety companies for bond guarantees under section 122.90 of the Revised Code, and, after processing but subject to division (A)(2) of this section, forward them to the minority development financing advisory board together with necessary supporting information;

(b) Receive the recommendations of the board and make a final determination whether to approve the application for assistance;

(c) Receive recommendations from a regional economic development entity for loans made under section 122.76 of the Revised Code and make a final determination, notwithstanding divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section, whether to approve the proposed loan;

(d) Transmit the director's determinations to approve assistance to the controlling board unless such assistance falls under section 122.90 of the Revised Code and has been previously approved by the controlling board, together with any information the controlling board requires for its review and decision as to whether to approve the assistance.

(2) The director is not required to submit any determination, data, terms, or any other application materials or information to the minority development financing advisory board when provision of the assistance has been recommended to the director by a regional economic development entity or when an application for a surety company for bond guarantees under section 122.90 of the Revised Code has been previously approved by the controlling board.

(B) The director may do all of the following:

(1) Fix the rate of interest and charges to be made upon or with respect to moneys loaned or guaranteed by the director and the terms upon which mortgages and lease rentals may be guaranteed and the rates of charges to be made for them and make provisions for the operation of the funds established by the director in accordance with this section and sections 122.80, 122.88, and 122.90 of the Revised Code;

(2) Loan and guarantee moneys from the fund established in accordance with section 122.80 of the Revised Code pursuant to and in compliance with sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code.

(3) Acquire in the name of the director any property of any kind or character in accordance with sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code, by purchase, purchase at foreclosure, or exchange on such terms and in such manner as the director considers proper;

(4) Make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of the director's duties and the exercise of the director's powers under sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code;

(5) Maintain, protect, repair, improve, and insure any property that the director has acquired and dispose of it by sale, exchange, or lease for the consideration and on the terms and in the manner as the director considers proper, but the director shall not operate any such property as a business except as the lessor of it;

(6)(a) When the cost of any contract for the maintenance, protection, repair, or improvement of any property held by the director, other than compensation for personal services, involves an expenditure of more than fifty thousand dollars, the director shall make a written contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with section 9.312 of the Revised Code after advertisement for not less than two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where such contract, or some substantial part of it, is to be performed, and in such other publications as the director determines, which notice shall state the general character of the work and the general character of the materials to be furnished, the place where plans and specifications therefor may be examined, and the time and place of receiving bids.

(b) Each bid for a contract for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of an improvement shall contain the full name of every person interested in it and meet the requirements of section 153.54 of the Revised Code.

(c) Each bid for a contract, except as provided in division (B)(6)(b) of this section, shall contain the full name of every person interested in it and shall be accompanied by bond or certified check on a solvent bank, in such amount as the director considers sufficient, that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into and the performance of the proposal secured.

(d) The director may reject any and all bids.

(e) A bond with good and sufficient surety, approved by the director, shall be required of every contractor awarded a contract except as provided in division (B)(6)(b) of this section, in an amount equal to at least fifty per cent of the contract price, conditioned upon faithful performance of the contract.

(7) Employ or contract with financial consultants, appraisers, consulting engineers, superintendents, managers, construction and accounting experts, attorneys, and other employees and agents as are necessary in the director's judgment and fix their compensation;

(8) Receive and accept grants, gifts, and contributions of money, property, labor, and other things of value to be held, used, and applied only for the purpose for which the grants, gifts, and contributions are made, from individuals, private and public corporations, from the United States or any agency thereof, from the state or any agency thereof, and from any political subdivision of the state, and may agree to repay any contribution of money or to return any property contributed or the value thereof at such times, in amounts, and on terms and conditions, excluding the payment of interest, as the director determines at the time the contribution is made, and may evidence the obligations by notes, bonds, or other written instruments;

(9) Establish with the treasurer of state the funds provided in sections 122.80 and 122.88 of the Revised Code in addition to such funds as the director determines are necessary or proper;

(10) Adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code necessary to implement sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code.

(11) Do all acts and things necessary or proper to carry out the powers expressly granted and the duties imposed in sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) All expenses and obligations incurred by the director in carrying out the director's powers and in exercising the director's duties under sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code shall be payable solely from revenues or other receipts or income of the director, from grants, gifts, and contributions, or funds established in accordance with such sections. Such sections do not authorize the director to incur indebtedness or to impose liability on the state or any political subdivision of the state.

(2) Financial statements and other data submitted to the director by any corporation, partnership, or person in connection with financial assistance provided under sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code, or any information taken from such statements or data for any purpose, shall not be open to public inspection.

Last updated July 20, 2021 at 10:11 AM

Section 122.75 | Director of development - duties regarding minority programs.

The director of development shall, for the minority business development loan program, the minority business bonding program, and the minority business bond guarantee program under sections 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code, do all of the following:

(A) Hire employees, consultants, and agents and fix their compensation;

(B) Adopt bylaws and rules for the regulation of the business of the minority development financing advisory board;

(C) Receive and accept grants, gifts, and contributions of money, property, labor, and other things of value, to be held, used, and applied only for the purpose for which the grants, gifts, and contributions are made, from individuals, private and public corporations, the United States or any agency of the United States, the state or any agency of the state, and any political subdivision of the state. The director may agree to repay any contribution of money or to return any property contributed or its value at such times, in amounts, and on terms and conditions, excluding the payment of interest, as the director determines at the time the contribution is made. The director may evidence the obligations by written contracts, subject to section 122.76 of the Revised Code; provided, that the director shall not thereby incur indebtedness of or impose liability upon the state or any political subdivision.

(D) Establish funds with the treasurer of state in addition to the minority business bonding fund created under section 122.88 of the Revised Code;

(E) Invest money in the funds the director establishes pursuant to division (D) of this section that is in excess of current needs, in notes, bonds, or other obligations that are direct obligations of or are guaranteed by the United States, or in certificates of deposit or withdrawable accounts of banks, trust companies, or savings and loan associations organized under the laws of this state or the United States, and may credit the income or sell the investments at the director's discretion;

(F) Acquire any property of any kind or character in accordance with sections 122.71 to 122.83 of the Revised Code, by purchase, purchase at foreclosure, or exchange on terms and in a manner the director considers proper;

(G)(1) Maintain, protect, repair, improve, and insure any property the director has acquired and dispose of it by sale, exchange, or lease for the consideration and on terms and in a manner the director considers proper. The director may not operate any property as a business except as a lessor of the property. When the cost of any contract for the maintenance, protection, repair, or improvement of any property of the advisory board connected with the minority business development loan program, other than compensation for personal services, involves an expenditure of more than one thousand dollars, the director shall enter into a written contract with the lowest and best bidder after advertisement for not less than four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the contract, or some substantial part of it, is to be performed, and in other publications as the director determines. The notice shall state the general character of the work and the general character of the materials to be furnished, the place where plans and specifications for the work and materials may be examined, and the time and place of receiving bids.

(2) Each bid for a contract for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of an improvement shall contain the full name of every person interested in it and meet the requirements of section 153.54 of the Revised Code.

(3) Each bid for a contract, except as provided in division (G)(2) of this section, shall contain the full name of every person interested in it and shall be accompanied by a bond or certified check on a solvent bank, in the amount of ten per cent of the bid, that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into and the performance of its proposal secured. The director may reject any or all bids. A bond with good and sufficient surety, approved by the director, shall be required of all contractors in an amount equal to at least one hundred per cent of the contract price, conditioned upon faithful performance of the contract.

(H) Expend money appropriated to the department of development by the general assembly for the purposes of sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code;

(I) Do all acts and things necessary or proper to carry out the powers expressly granted and the duties imposed in sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.751 | Certifying loan applicants.

The minority development financing advisory board or a regional economic development entity shall only consider an application for a loan from any applicant after a determination that the applicant is a community development corporation, or after a certification by the director of development under division (B)(1) of section 122.921 of the Revised Code that the applicant is a minority business enterprise, or after a certification by the minority business supplier development council that the applicant is a minority business, and that the applicant satisfies all criteria regarding eligibility for assistance pursuant to section 122.76 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 20, 2021 at 10:11 AM

Section 122.76 | Loan criteria.

(A) The director of development, with controlling board approval, may lend funds to minority business enterprises and to community improvement corporations, Ohio development corporations, minority contractors business assistance organizations, and minority business supplier development councils for the purpose of loaning funds to minority business enterprises, for the purpose of procuring or improving real or personal property, or both, for the establishment, location, or expansion of industrial, distribution, commercial, or research facilities in the state, and for the purpose of contract financing, and to community development corporations that predominantly benefit minority business enterprises or are located in a census tract that has a population that is sixty per cent or more minority, if the director determines, in the director's sole discretion, that all of the following apply:

(1) The project is economically sound and will benefit the people of the state by increasing opportunities for employment, by strengthening the economy of the state, or expanding minority business enterprises.

(2) The proposed minority business enterprise borrower is unable to finance the proposed project through ordinary financial channels at comparable terms.

(3) The value of the project is or, upon completion, will be at least equal to the total amount of the money expended in the procurement or improvement of the project.

(4) The amount to be loaned by the director will not exceed seventy-five per cent of the total amount expended in the procurement or improvement of the project.

(5) The amount to be loaned by the director will be adequately secured by a first or second mortgage upon the project or by mortgages, leases, liens, assignments, or pledges on or of other property or contracts as the director requires, and such mortgage will not be subordinate to any other liens or mortgages except the liens securing loans or investments made by financial institutions referred to in division (A)(3) of this section, and the liens securing loans previously made by any financial institution in connection with the procurement or expansion of all or part of a project.

(B) Any proposed minority business enterprise borrower submitting an application for assistance under this section shall not have defaulted on a previous loan from the director, and no full or limited partner, major shareholder, or holder of an equity interest of the proposed minority business enterprise borrower shall have defaulted on a loan from the director.

(C) The proposed minority business enterprise borrower shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the director that it is able to successfully compete in the private sector if it obtains the necessary financial, technical, or managerial support and that support is available through the director, the minority business development division of the department of development, or other identified and acceptable sources. In determining whether a minority business enterprise borrower will be able to successfully compete, the director may give consideration to such factors as the successful completion of or participation in courses of study, recognized by the department of higher education as providing financial, technical, or managerial skills related to the operation of the business, by the economically disadvantaged individual, owner, or partner, and the prior success of the individual, owner, or partner in personal, career, or business activities, as well as to other factors identified by the director.

(D) The director shall not lend funds for the purpose of procuring or improving motor vehicles or accounts receivable.

Last updated November 1, 2021 at 3:08 PM

Section 122.77 | Loan guarantees.

(A) The director of development with controlling board approval may make loan guarantees to small businesses and corporations for the purpose of guaranteeing loans made to small businesses by financial institutions for the purpose of procuring or improving real or personal property, or both, for the establishment, location, or expansion of industrial, distribution, commercial, or research facilities in the state, if the director determines, in the director's sole discretion, that all of the following apply:

(1) The project is economically sound and will benefit the people of the state by increasing opportunities for employment, by strengthening the economy of the state, or expanding minority business enterprises.

(2) The proposed small business borrower is unable to finance the proposed project through ordinary financial channels at comparable terms.

(3) The value of the project is, or upon completion of it will be, at least equal to the total amount of the money expended in the procurement or improvement of the project and of which amount one or more financial institutions or other governmental entities have loaned not less than thirty per cent.

(4) The amount to be guaranteed by the director will not exceed eighty per cent of the total amount expended in the procurement or improvement of the project.

(5) The amount to be guaranteed by the director will be adequately secured by a first or second mortgage upon the project, or by mortgages, leases, liens, assignments, or pledges on or of other property or contracts as the director shall require and that such mortgage will not be subordinate to any other liens or mortgages except the liens securing loans or investments made by financial institutions referred to in division (A)(3) of this section, and the liens securing loans previously made by any financial institution in connection with the procurement or expansion of all or part of a project.

(B) The proposed small business borrower shall not have defaulted on a previous loan or guarantee from the director, and no full or limited partner, or major shareholder, or holder of any equity interest of the proposed minority business enterprise borrower shall have defaulted on a loan or guarantee from the director.

(C) The proposed small business borrower shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the director that it is able to successfully compete in the private sector if it obtains the necessary financial, technical, or managerial support and that support is available through the director, the minority business development division of the department of development, or other identified and acceptable sources. In determining whether a small business borrower will be able to successfully compete, the director may give consideration to such factors as the successful completion of or participation in courses of study, recognized by the department of higher education as providing financial, technical, or managerial skills related to the operation of the business, by the economically disadvantaged individual, owner, or partner, and the prior success of the individual, owner, or partner in personal, career, or business activities, as well as to other factors identified by the director.

(D) The director shall not guarantee funds for the purpose of procuring or improving motor vehicles or accounts receivable.

Last updated July 20, 2021 at 10:11 AM

Section 122.78 | Terms, conditions, and provisions of loans and guarantees.

Fees, charges, rates of interest, times of payment of interest and principal, and other terms, conditions, and provisions of the loans and guarantees made by the director of development pursuant to sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code shall be such as the director determines to be appropriate and in furtherance of the purpose for which the loans and guarantees are made, but the mortgage lien securing any money loaned or guaranteed by the director may be subordinate to the mortgage lien securing any money loaned or invested by a financial institution, but shall be superior to that securing any money loaned or expended by any other corporation or person. The funds used in making these loans or guarantees shall be disbursed upon order of the director.

Last updated August 4, 2021 at 10:34 AM

Section 122.79 | Tax exemptions.

The exercise of the powers granted by sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code, will be in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the increase of their commerce and prosperity, for the increase and expansion of minority business enterprises, and for the improvement of conditions of employment, and will constitute the performance of essential governmental functions; therefore, the director of development shall not be required to pay any taxes upon any property or assets held by the director, or upon any property acquired or used by the director under sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code, or upon the income from it, provided that this exemption shall not apply to any property held by the director while it is in the possession of a private person, partnership, or corporation and used for private purposes for profit, in which case such tax liability shall accrue to the private person, partnership, or corporation.

Last updated August 4, 2021 at 10:36 AM

Section 122.80 | Minority business enterprise loan fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the minority business enterprise loan fund. The fund shall consist of money deposited into the fund from the facilities establishment fund pursuant to section 166.03 of the Revised Code and all money deposited into the fund pursuant to section 122.81 of the Revised Code. The director of development shall use the fund to pay operating costs of the minority development financing advisory board, make loans to minority business enterprises as authorized in division (A) of section 122.76 of the Revised Code, loan guarantees to small businesses as authorized in division (A) of section 122.77 of the Revised Code, and for transfer to the capital access loan program fund established in section 122.601 of the Revised Code to be used solely for minority business enterprises or minority businesses certified by the minority business supplier development council for deposits specified by division (D)(1)(b) of section 122.603 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.81 | Default on loan, guarantee, or lease.

In the event of a default with respect to any loan, guarantee, or lease, the director of development shall take such action as he considers proper in the circumstances to enforce and protect the rights of the director, and such actions as may be required, which may include any appropriate action at law or in equity, enforcement or waiver of any provision of any mortgage or security agreement or lease, or reinstatement of any forfeited or canceled right, title, or privilege.

Any moneys received from the repayment of a loan, guarantee, or lease authorized pursuant to sections 122.77 and 122.78 of the Revised Code, and any moneys recovered in the event of a default with respect to any such loan, guarantee, or lease, shall immediately be deposited in the minority business enterprise loan fund.

Section 122.82 | Moneys, funds, properties, and assets held in trust.

All moneys, funds, properties, and assets acquired by the director of development shall be held by the director in trust to carry out the director's powers and duties, shall be used as provided in sections 122.71 to 122.83 and 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code, and shall at no time be part of other public funds.

Last updated August 4, 2021 at 10:37 AM

Section 122.83 | Prohibiting misrepresentation.

Any person who intentionally misrepresents that person's self as owning, controlling, operating, or participating in a minority business enterprise for the purpose of obtaining funds, contracts, subcontracts, services, or any other benefits under sections 122.71 to 122.85 or 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code is guilty of theft by deception, pursuant to section 2913.02 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.84 | Tax credit for investors in multiple qualified opportunity funds.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Ohio qualified opportunity fund" means a qualified opportunity fund that holds one hundred per cent of its invested assets in qualified opportunity zone property situated in an Ohio opportunity zone.

In the case of qualified opportunity zone property that is qualified opportunity zone stock or qualified opportunity zone partnership interest, the stock or interest is situated in an Ohio opportunity zone only if, during all of the qualified opportunity fund's holding period for such stock or interest, all of the use of the corporation's or partnership's tangible property was in an Ohio opportunity zone. In the case of qualified opportunity zone property that is qualified opportunity zone business property, the property is situated in an Ohio opportunity zone only if, during all of the fund's holding period for such property, all of the use of the property was in an Ohio opportunity zone.

All terms used in division (A) of this section have the same meaning as in 26 U.S.C. 1400Z-2, except that "all" shall be substituted for "substantially all" wherever "substantially all" appears in the definition of those terms or in the definition of terms used in those terms.

(2) "Ohio opportunity zone" means a qualified opportunity zone designated in this state under 26 U.S.C. 1400Z-1 before, on, or after the effective date of the enactment of this section by H.B. 166 of the 133rd general assembly.

(3) "Taxpayer" and "taxable year" have the same meanings as in section 5747.01 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Qualifying taxable year" means one of the following, as applicable:

(a) For a taxpayer, the taxpayer's taxable year that includes the first day of a calendar year during which the Ohio qualified opportunity fund in which the credit eligible investment was made invests in a project located in an Ohio opportunity zone;

(b) For a person that is not a taxpayer but is subject to federal income taxation, the person's federal taxable year that includes the first day of a calendar year during which an Ohio qualified opportunity fund in which the credit eligible investment was made invests in a project located in an Ohio opportunity zone;

(c) For any other person, the calendar year during which an Ohio qualified opportunity fund in which the credit eligible investment was made invests in a project located in an Ohio opportunity zone.

(5) "Business day" means a day of the week excluding Saturday, Sunday, and a legal holiday as defined under section 1.14 of the Revised Code.

(6) "Investment period" means the six-month period from the first day of January to the thirtieth day of June, or from the first day of July to the thirty-first day of December.

(B) A person that invests in one or more Ohio qualified opportunity funds may apply to the director of development for a nonrefundable credit against the tax levied under section 5747.02 of the Revised Code. The application shall be made on forms prescribed by the director. The director shall accept and review applications submitted under this section during two annual periods, the first of which begins on the tenth day of January and ends after the first day of February, and the second of which begins on the tenth day of July and ends after the first day of August. If any of those dates fall on a day that is not a business day, then the application period begins on or ends after the next business day, as applicable. The credit shall equal ten per cent of the amount of the person's investment in the fund that the fund invested during the immediately preceding investment period in projects located in Ohio opportunity zones.

The person shall include the following information with the person's application:

(1) The amount of the person's investment in Ohio qualified opportunity funds during the person's qualifying taxable year, arranged according to the amount invested in each such fund if the person invested in more than one such fund;

(2) A statement from an employee or officer of each Ohio qualified opportunity fund identified by the person under division (B)(1) of this section certifying the amount of the person's investment in the fund and the amount of that investment the fund invested in projects located in Ohio opportunity zones during the immediately preceding investment period. The statement shall describe each project funded by the investment and state each project's location and the portion of the person's investment invested in each such project. Unless the fund demonstrates otherwise to the director's satisfaction, the amount of a person's investment that the fund invested in a project located in an Ohio opportunity zone equals the same proportion of the amount of the fund's investment in the project as the person's investment in the fund bears to the total investment by all investors in that fund on the date the fund makes the investment in the project.

The director shall review and process applications in the order in which applications are received.

(C)(1) Subject to division (C)(2) of this section, if the director determines that the applicant qualifies for a credit under this section, the director shall issue, within sixty days after the last day on which an application may be submitted for that application period, a tax credit certificate to the person identified with a unique number and listing the amount of credit the director determines is eligible to be claimed or transferred.

(2) The total amount of tax credits issued by the director shall not exceed:

(a) Seventy-five million dollars for the fiscal biennium beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2023;

(b) Fifty million dollars for fiscal year 2024;

(c) Twenty-five million dollars for each fiscal year thereafter.

The director shall not issue certificates to a single applicant in any fiscal biennium in an amount that exceeds two million dollars.

The director may not issue a certificate under this section on the basis of any investment for which a small business investment certificate has been issued under section 122.86 of the Revised Code.

(3) The credit may be claimed by a taxpayer for the taxpayer's qualifying taxable year or the next ensuing taxable year. The taxpayer shall claim the credit in the order prescribed by section 5747.98 of the Revised Code. Any unused amount may be carried forward for the following five taxable years. If the certificate is issued to a pass-through entity for an investment by the entity, any taxpayer that is a direct or indirect investor in the pass-through entity on the last day of the entity's qualifying taxable year may claim the taxpayer's proportionate or distributive share of the credit against the taxpayer's aggregate amount of tax levied under that section. A person that is not a taxpayer shall not claim the credit but if the person is the applicant to which the certificate was initially issued, the person may transfer the right to claim the credit under division (E) of this section.

(D) A taxpayer claiming a credit under this section shall submit a copy of the certificate with the taxpayer's return or report.

(E) A person that holds a wholly or partially unclaimed certificate issued under this section may transfer the right to claim all or part of the remaining credit to any other person. To effectuate the transfer, the transferor must notify the tax commissioner, in writing, that the transferor is transferring the right to claim all or part of the remaining credit stated on the certificate. The transferor shall identify in that notification the certificate's number, the name and the tax identification number of the transferee, the amount of remaining credit transferred to the transferee, and, if applicable, the amount of remaining credit retained by the transferor. The transferee may claim the amount of credit received under this division pursuant to and in the manner required under divisions (C)(3) and (D) of this section. Transferring a credit under this division does not extend the taxable years in which the credit may be claimed or number of years for which the unclaimed credit amount may be carried forward under division (C)(3) of this section.

Any person to which a credit has been transferred under this division may transfer the right to claim all or part of the transferred credit amount to any other person, in the same manner prescribed by this division for the initial transfer, including that any such transfer be reported by the transferor to the tax commissioner as described in this division.

(F) On or before the first day of August each year, the director of development shall submit a report to the governor, the president and minority leader of the senate, and the speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives on the tax credit program authorized under this section. The report shall include the following information:

(1) The number of projects funded by investments for which a tax credit application was submitted under this section during the preceding year, the Ohio opportunity zone in which each such project is located, the number of projects funded by investments for which certificates were allocated during the preceding year, a description of each such project, and the composition of an Ohio qualified opportunity fund's investments in each project funded by investments for which a tax credit application was submitted under this section;

(2) The number of persons that invested in an Ohio qualified opportunity fund and applied for a tax credit based on the fund's investment in a project during the preceding year, the name of the fund in which each such investment was made, the number of persons allocated a credit for such investments under this section, and the dollar amount of those credits;

(3) A map that shows the location of each Ohio opportunity zone and that indicates which zones include existing or pending projects that are, or will be, funded by tax credit-eligible investments.

Last updated July 7, 2022 at 9:13 AM

Section 122.85 | Tax credit-eligible productions.

(A) As used in this section and in sections 5726.55, 5733.59, 5747.66, and 5751.54 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Tax credit-eligible production" means a motion picture or broadway theatrical production certified by the director of development under division (B) of this section as qualifying the production company for a tax credit under section 5726.55, 5733.59, 5747.66, or 5751.54 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Certificate owner" means a production company to which a tax credit certificate is issued.

(3) "Production company" means an individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or other form of business association that is registered with the secretary of state and that is producing a motion picture or broadway theatrical production.

(4) "Eligible expenditures" means expenditures made after June 30, 2009, for goods or services purchased and consumed in this state by a production company directly for the production of a tax credit-eligible production, for postproduction activities, or for advertising and promotion of the production.

"Eligible expenditures" do not include qualified expenditures for which a production company receives a tax credit under section 122.852 of the Revised Code.

"Eligible expenditures" include expenditures for cast and crew wages, accommodations, costs of set construction and operations, editing and related services, photography, sound synchronization, lighting, wardrobe, makeup and accessories, film processing, transfer, sound mixing, special and visual effects, music, location fees, and the purchase or rental of facilities and equipment.

(5) "Motion picture" means entertainment content created in whole or in part within this state for distribution or exhibition to the general public, including, but not limited to, feature-length films; documentaries; long-form, specials, miniseries, series, and interstitial television programming; interactive web sites; sound recordings; videos; music videos; interactive television; interactive games; video games; commercials; any format of digital media; and any trailer, pilot, video teaser, or demo created primarily to stimulate the sale, marketing, promotion, or exploitation of future investment in either a product or a motion picture by any means and media in any digital media format, film, or videotape, provided the motion picture qualifies as a motion picture. "Motion picture" does not include any television program created primarily as news, weather, or financial market reports, a production featuring current events or sporting events, an awards show or other gala event, a production whose sole purpose is fundraising, a long-form production that primarily markets a product or service or in-house corporate advertising or other similar productions, a production for purposes of political advocacy, or any production for which records are required to be maintained under 18 U.S.C. 2257 with respect to sexually explicit content.

(6) "Broadway theatrical production" means a prebroadway production, long run production, or tour launch that is directed, managed, and performed by a professional cast and crew and that is directly associated with New York city's broadway theater district.

(7) "Prebroadway production" means a live stage production that is scheduled for presentation in New York city's broadway theater district after the original or adaptive version is performed in a qualified production facility.

(8) "Long run production" means a live stage production that is scheduled to be performed at a qualified production facility for more than five weeks, with an average of at least six performances per week.

(9) "Tour launch" means a live stage production for which the activities comprising the technical period are conducted at a qualified production facility before a tour of the original or adaptive version of the production begins.

(10) "Qualified production facility" means a facility located in this state that is used in the development or presentation to the public of theater productions.

(B) For the purpose of encouraging and developing strong film and theater industries in this state, the director of development may certify a motion picture or broadway theatrical production produced by a production company as a tax credit-eligible production. In the case of a television series, the director may certify the production of each episode of the series as a separate tax credit-eligible production. A production company shall apply for certification of a motion picture or broadway theatrical production as a tax credit-eligible production on a form and in the manner prescribed by the director. Each application shall include the following information:

(1) The name and telephone number of the production company;

(2) The name and telephone number of the company's contact person;

(3) A list of the first preproduction date through the last production and postproduction dates in Ohio and, in the case of a broadway theatrical production, a list of each scheduled performance in a qualified production facility;

(4) The Ohio production office or qualified production facility address and telephone number;

(5) The total production budget;

(6) The total budgeted eligible expenditures and the percentage that amount is of the total production budget of the motion picture or broadway theatrical production;

(7) In the case of a motion picture, the total percentage of the production being shot in Ohio;

(8) The level of employment of cast and crew who reside in Ohio;

(9) A synopsis of the script;

(10) In the case of a motion picture, the shooting script;

(11) A creative elements list that includes the names of the principal cast and crew and the producer and director;

(12) Documentation of financial ability to undertake and complete the motion picture or broadway theatrical production, including documentation that shows that the company has secured funding equal to at least fifty per cent of the total production budget;

(13) Estimated value of the tax credit based upon total budgeted eligible expenditures;

(14) Estimated amount of state and local taxes to be generated in this state from the production;

(15) Estimated economic impact of the production in this state;

(16) Any other information considered necessary by the director.

Within ninety days after certification of a motion picture or broadway theatrical production as a tax credit-eligible production, and any time thereafter upon the request of the director, the production company shall present to the director sufficient evidence of reviewable progress. If the production company fails to present sufficient evidence, the director may rescind the certification. If the production of a motion picture or broadway theatrical production does not begin within ninety days after the date it is certified as a tax credit-eligible production, the director shall rescind the certification unless the director finds that the production company shows good cause for the delay, meaning that the production was delayed due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond the production company's control or due to action or inaction by a government agency. Upon rescission, the director shall notify the applicant that the certification has been rescinded. Nothing in this section prohibits an applicant whose tax credit-eligible production certification has been rescinded from submitting a subsequent application for certification.

(C)(1) A production company whose motion picture or broadway theatrical production has been certified as a tax credit-eligible production may apply to the director of development on or after July 1, 2009, for a refundable credit against the tax imposed by section 5726.02, 5733.06, 5747.02, or 5751.02 of the Revised Code. The director in consultation with the tax commissioner shall prescribe the form and manner of the application and the information or documentation required to be submitted with the application.

The credit is determined as follows:

(a) If the total budgeted eligible expenditures stated in the application submitted under division (B) of this section or the actual eligible expenditures as finally determined under division (D) of this section, whichever is least, is less than or equal to three hundred thousand dollars, no credit is allowed;

(b) If the total budgeted eligible expenditures stated in the application submitted under division (B) of this section or the actual eligible expenditures as finally determined under division (D) of this section, whichever is least, is greater than three hundred thousand dollars, the credit equals thirty per cent of the least of such budgeted or actual eligible expenditure amounts.

(2) Except as provided in division (C)(4) of this section, if the director of development approves a production company's application for a credit, the director shall issue a tax credit certificate to the company. The director in consultation with the tax commissioner shall prescribe the form and manner of issuing certificates. The director shall assign a unique identifying number to each tax credit certificate and shall record the certificate in a register devised and maintained by the director for that purpose. The certificate shall state the amount of the eligible expenditures on which the credit is based and the amount of the credit. Upon the issuance of a certificate, the director shall certify to the tax commissioner the name of the production company to which the certificate was issued, the amount of eligible expenditures shown on the certificate, the amount of the credit, and any other information required by the rules adopted to administer this section.

(3) The amount of eligible expenditures for which a tax credit may be claimed is subject to inspection and examination by the tax commissioner or employees of the commissioner under section 5703.19 of the Revised Code and any other applicable law. Once the eligible expenditures are finally determined under section 5703.19 of the Revised Code and division (D) of this section, the credit amount is not subject to adjustment unless the director determines an error was committed in the computation of the credit amount.

(4) No tax credit certificate may be issued before the completion of the tax credit-eligible production. The amount of tax credit allowed per fiscal year shall not exceed the sum of (a) fifty million dollars, (b) the difference between the maximum credit amount for that fiscal year under section 122.852 of the Revised Code and the amount the director of development elects to allow under this section pursuant to division (D)(1) of section 122.852 of the Revised Code, and (c) the difference between the maximum amount of credits that could have been awarded in the previous fiscal year under this section and the amount actually awarded. Out of that sum, five million dollars shall be reserved for broadway theatrical productions, and the balance may be allowed for any tax credit-eligible production. For any fiscal year in which less than five million dollars of tax credits are allowed for broadway theatrical productions, the amount of the five million dollars not allowed and added to the maximum annual amount for the following fiscal year shall be reserved for broadway theatrical productions in the following fiscal year.

(5) The director shall review and approve applications for tax credits in two rounds each fiscal year. The first round of credits shall be awarded not later than the last day of July of the fiscal year, and the second round of credits shall be awarded not later than the last day of the ensuing January. The amount of credits awarded in the first round of applications each fiscal year shall not exceed one-half of the maximum allowance for the fiscal year calculated under division (C)(4) of this section, two million five hundred thousand dollars of which shall be reserved for broadway theatrical productions. For each round, the director shall rank applications on the basis of the extent of positive economic impact each tax credit-eligible production is likely to have in this state and the effect on developing a permanent workforce in motion picture or theatrical production industries in the state. For the purpose of such ranking, the director shall give priority to tax-credit eligible productions that are television series or miniseries due to the long-term commitment typically associated with such productions. The economic impact ranking shall be based on the production company's total expenditures in this state directly associated with the tax credit-eligible production. The effect on developing a permanent workforce in the motion picture or theatrical production industries shall be evaluated first by the number of new jobs created and second by amount of payroll added with respect to employees in this state.

The director shall approve productions in the order of their ranking, from those with the greatest positive economic impact and workforce development effect to those with the least positive economic impact and workforce development effect.

(D) A production company whose motion picture or broadway theatrical production has been certified as a tax credit-eligible production shall engage, at the company's expense, an independent certified public accountant to examine the company's production, postproduction, and advertising and promotion expenditures to identify the expenditures that qualify as eligible expenditures. The certified public accountant shall issue a report to the company and to the director of development certifying the company's eligible expenditures and any other information required by the director. Upon receiving and examining the report, the director may disallow any expenditure the director determines is not an eligible expenditure. If the director disallows an expenditure, the director shall issue a written notice to the production company stating that the expenditure is disallowed and the reason for the disallowance. Upon examination of the report and disallowance of any expenditures, the director shall determine finally the lesser of the total budgeted eligible expenditures stated in the application submitted under division (B) of this section or the actual eligible expenditures for the purpose of computing the amount of the credit.

(E) No credit shall be allowed under section 5726.55, 5733.59, 5747.66, or 5751.54 of the Revised Code unless the director has reviewed the report and made the determination prescribed by division (D) of this section.

(F) This state reserves the right to refuse the use of this state's name in the credits of any tax credit-eligible motion picture production or program of any broadway theatrical production.

(G)(1) The director of development in consultation with the tax commissioner shall adopt rules for the administration of this section, including rules setting forth and governing the criteria for determining whether a motion picture or broadway theatrical production is a tax credit-eligible production; activities that constitute the production or postproduction of a motion picture or broadway theatrical production; reporting sufficient evidence of reviewable progress; expenditures that qualify as eligible expenditures; a schedule and deadlines for applications to be submitted and reviewed; a competitive process for approving credits based on likely economic impact in this state and development of a permanent workforce in motion picture or theatrical production industries in this state; consideration of geographic distribution of credits; and implementation of the program described in division (H) of this section. The rules shall be adopted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

(2) To cover the administrative costs of the program, the director shall require each applicant to pay an application fee equal to the lesser of ten thousand dollars or one per cent of the estimated value of the tax credit as stated in the application. The fees collected shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created in section 122.174 of the Revised Code. All grants, gifts, fees, and contributions made to the director for marketing and promotion of the motion picture industry within this state shall also be credited to the fund.

(H) The director of development shall establish a program for the training of Ohio residents who are or wish to be employed in the film or multimedia industry. Under the program, the director shall:

(1) Certify individuals as film and multimedia trainees. In order to receive such a certification, an individual must be an Ohio resident, have participated in relevant on-the-job training or have completed a relevant training course approved by the director, and have met any other requirements established by the director.

(2) Accept applications from production companies that intend to hire and provide on-the-job training to one or more certified film and multimedia trainees who will be employed in the company's tax credit-eligible production;

(3) Upon completion of a tax-credit eligible production, and upon the receipt of any salary information and other documentation required by the director, authorize a reimbursement payment to each production company whose application was approved under division (H)(2) of this section. The payment shall equal fifty per cent of the salaries paid to film and multimedia trainees employed in the production.

Last updated February 7, 2024 at 10:09 AM

Section 122.851 | Certification as Ohio venture capital operating company.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Venture capital operating company" has the same meaning as in 29 C.F.R. 2510.3-101.

(2) "Ohio venture capital operating company" means a venture capital operating company certified by the director of development as having met the requirements prescribed by division (B) of this section. A venture capital operating company is an Ohio venture capital operating company only for so long as the certification is valid.

(3) "Ohio business" means a business that, in either the calendar year in which a capital gain from the business is recognized by the Ohio venture capital operating company or its direct or indirect investors or the calendar year in which the Ohio venture capital operating company distributes an equity interest or security in the business, has its headquarters in this state and employs more than one-half of the total number of its full-time equivalent employees in this state. For the purpose of this section, an employee is employed in this state if the business is required to withhold income tax under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code for fifty per cent or more of the compensation paid to the employee in either the calendar year in which the Ohio venture capital operating company or its direct or indirect investors recognize a capital gain from the business or the calendar year in which the Ohio venture capital operating company distributes an equity interest or security in the business, as applicable.

(4) "Qualifying interest" means a direct or indirect ownership interest acquired through an investment of cash or cash equivalent made in, or the provision of services to, a venture capital operating company during the period for which it was certified as an Ohio venture capital operating company.

(B)(1) A venture capital operating company may apply to the director of development for certification as an Ohio venture capital operating company if it manages, or has capital commitments of, at least fifty million dollars in active assets and at least two-thirds of its managing and general partners are residents of Ohio under division (I) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code. The director, in consultation with the tax commissioner, shall prescribe the form and manner of the application and the information or documentation required to be submitted with the application.

(2) The director shall review and make a determination with respect to each application submitted under this division within sixty days of receipt. The director shall grant certification to any applicant that meets the criteria prescribed by this division. The director shall decline certification of any applicant that does not meet such criteria. The director shall notify the applicant and the tax commissioner of the director's determination in writing.

(C)(1) Certification as an Ohio venture capital operating company is valid for as long as the company continues to qualify as a venture capital operating company and meets the criteria prescribed by division (B)(1) of this section.

(2) A company that no longer qualifies as a venture capital operating company or no longer meets the criteria prescribed by division (B)(1) of this section shall notify the director within thirty days of the date the company ceases to qualify.

(3) Upon receiving such a notification or upon otherwise discovering that an Ohio venture capital operating company no longer qualifies for certification, the director shall issue a written notice of revocation to the venture capital operating company and the tax commissioner. The notice shall state the effective date of the revocation, which shall be the date the company ceased to qualify for certification as an Ohio venture capital operating company.

(4) An Ohio venture capital operating company receiving such a notice may contest the director's decision to revoke its certification or the effective date of that revocation by submitting additional information or documentation to the director and requesting reconsideration in writing within thirty days of the notice of revocation based on that information or documentation. The director shall review and evaluate any such requests within thirty days of receipt. The director shall notify the company and tax commissioner in writing of the director's decision on the request, which shall not be subject to appeal or further review.

(D)(1) On or after the first day of January and on or before the first day of February of each year, a company that is certified as an Ohio venture capital operating company shall provide the following information, on forms prescribed by the director of development, to the director and the tax commissioner:

(a) The name, social security or federal employer identification number, and ownership percentage of each person with a qualifying interest in the company;

(b) The amount of capital gains generated during the portion of the previous calendar year during which the company was certified as an Ohio venture capital operating company;

(c) A description of the company's investments that generated the capital gains described in division (D)(1)(b) of this section, including the date of sale and whether the investment was in an Ohio business;

(d) The amount of, and basis in, any equity interests or securities distributed to each investor, arranged by entity, while the company was certified as an Ohio venture capital operating company and whether the entity is an Ohio business;

(e) Any other information the director, in consultation with the tax commissioner, considers relevant and necessary to administer the deduction allowed under division (A)(35) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) The director shall review the information submitted under division (D)(1) of this section by an Ohio venture capital operating company within sixty days of receipt. If the company generated capital gains that qualify for the deduction allowed under division (A)(35) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code or distributed equity interests or securities that, when sold, will qualify for the deduction once income is recognized from its disposition, the director shall issue a certificate to the company. The certificate shall include a unique number and the following information:

(a) The total amount of capital gains generated during the portion of the year during which the company was certified as an Ohio venture capital operating company;

(b) The portion of the capital gains attributable to the company's investments in Ohio businesses; and

(c) The total amount of, and basis in, any equity interests or securities distributed during the portion of the year during which the company was certified as an Ohio venture capital operating company;

(d) The portion of the distributed equity interests or securities attributable to the company's investments in Ohio businesses;

(e) The portion of the amounts described in divisions (D)(2)(a) and (b) of this section attributable to each individual with a qualifying interest in the company;

(f) Any other information the director or tax commissioner considers necessary for the administration of the deduction allowed under division (A)(35) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code.

(E) An Ohio venture capital operating company shall provide each person with a qualifying interest in the company with a copy of the certificate issued under division (D) of this section and any other documentation necessary to compute the adjustments under division (A)(35) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code. A pass-through entity that receives a certificate issued under this division from an Ohio venture capital operating company shall provide its investors with a copy of the certificate and any other documentation necessary to compute the adjustments under division (A)(35) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code.

A taxpayer claiming a deduction under division (A)(35)(a) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code shall provide, upon request of the tax commissioner, a copy of that certificate. The taxpayer shall retain a copy of the certificate for four years from the later of the final filing date of the return on which the deduction was claimed or the date the return on which the deduction was claimed is filed.

(F) The director of development, in consultation with the tax commissioner, may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as are necessary to administer this section.

Last updated September 9, 2021 at 11:49 AM

Section 122.852 | Film and theater capital improvement tax credit.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Capital improvement project" means a project that consists of acquiring, constructing, rehabilitating, repairing, redeveloping, expanding, or improving facilities located, or equipment used in this state for production and postproduction of motion pictures or broadway theatrical productions.

(2) "Qualified expenditures" means expenditures incurred by a production company after June 30, 2023, for goods and services purchased and consumed directly for a capital improvement project. "Qualified expenditures" include accounting or auditing expenditures incurred in connection with the report required by division (F) of this section if paid to an independent certified public accountant certified, or an accounting firm registered under Chapter 4701. of the Revised Code. "Qualified expenditures" do not include eligible expenditures for which a production company received a tax credit under section 122.85 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Certificate owner" means a production company to which a tax credit certificate is issued under division (H) of this section or a person to which all or part of a tax credit is transferred under division (I) of this section.

(4) "Production company," "eligible expenditures," "motion picture," and "broadway theatrical production" have the same meanings as in section 122.85 of the Revised Code.

(B) For the purpose of encouraging and developing strong film and theater industries in this state, the director of development may award a refundable credit against the tax imposed by section 5726.02, 5747.02, or 5751.02 of the Revised Code to a production company that completes a capital improvement project expected to have a positive economic impact in this state as a whole, or in any community in this state in which the facilities or equipment involved in the project are or will be located. A production company may apply to the director for a credit on a form and in the manner prescribed by rules adopted under division (J) of this section. An application may be submitted before, during, or after completion of the capital improvement project, but not sooner than July 1, 2024, and shall include all of the following information:

(1) The name, address, telephone number, and taxpayer identification number of the production company;

(2) A detailed description of the capital improvement project including the location of the facilities or equipment involved in the project and an explanation of how those facilities or equipment are intended to be used in the production or postproduction of motion pictures or broadway theatrical productions in this state;

(3)(a) If the capital improvement project is complete at the time the application is submitted, a schedule documenting the progression of the project from its commencement to its completion;

(b) If the capital improvement project is not complete at the time the application is submitted, a schedule for the progression, completion, and, if applicable, commencement of the project.

(4) An estimate of the amount of the project's qualified expenditures that have been or will be incurred by the production company and, if the project is not complete at the time the application is submitted, documentation of the company's financial ability to complete the project, including documentation that shows the company has secured funding, other than the tax credit authorized by this section, equal to at least fifty per cent of the total cost of the project;

(5) The estimated credit amount, which shall equal the lesser of five million dollars or twenty-five per cent of the production company's estimated qualified expenditures;

(6) The estimated economic impact of the capital improvement project in this state as a whole, and in any community in this state in which the facilities or equipment involved in the project are or will be located;

(7) Any other information considered necessary by the director.

(C) The director shall review, evaluate, and approve applications in one round per fiscal year. For each round, the director shall rank applications on the basis of the capital improvement project's likely positive economic impact and effect on developing a permanent workforce in motion picture or theatrical production industries in the state as a whole, and in any community in this state in which the facilities or equipment involved in the project are or will be located. The effect on developing a permanent workforce in the motion picture or theatrical production industries shall be evaluated first by the number of new jobs created and second by amount of payroll added with respect to employees in this state. Subject to division (D)(2) of this section, the director shall approve applications in the order of their ranking, from those with the greatest positive economic impact and workforce development effect to those with the least positive economic impact and workforce development effect. The director shall not approve an application or issue a tax credit certificate for a capital improvement project that is not likely to have a positive economic impact or workforce development impact in either the state as a whole, or any community in this state in which the facilities or equipment involved in the project are or will be located.

(D)(1) The director shall not approve more than twenty-five million dollars in estimated tax credits in total per fiscal year provided that, for any fiscal year in which the amount of estimated credits approved under this section is less than the maximum annual amount, the amount not approved for that fiscal year shall be added to the maximum annual amount that may be approved for the following fiscal year.

If the director rescinds approval of a capital improvement project under division (E)(2) of this section, the estimated credit amount attributed to that project shall be added back to the maximum total annual credit amount for that fiscal year. If the actual credit amount computed under division (H) of this section is less than the estimated credit amount approved by the director, the difference shall be added back to the maximum total annual credit amount for that fiscal year.

In any fiscal year, the director may reduce the maximum amount calculated under division (D)(1) of this section and increase the maximum amount calculated under division (C)(4) of section 122.85 of the Revised Code by the amount of that reduction.

(2) The director shall not approve more than five million dollars in estimated tax credits per fiscal year for capital improvement projects located in any single county.

(E)(1) Within ninety days after the director of development approves a capital improvement project that was not complete at the time of the production company's application, the production company shall submit sufficient evidence of reviewable progress to the director. The director may request additional updates from the production company regarding the progression of the project as often as the director considers necessary until the project is complete or approval of the project is rescinded. The production company shall respond to each such request within thirty days.

(2) The director may rescind approval of a capital improvement project if the production company fails to timely submit evidence of reviewable progress or respond to the director's request for a project update, as required by division (E)(1) of this section, or if the director determines that the progression of the project is significantly behind the schedule submitted in the tax credit application. The director shall rescind approval of a project that does not begin within ninety days after the date the application is approved unless the production company shows good cause for the delay, meaning that the project was delayed due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond the production company's control or due to action or inaction by a government agency.

(3) The director shall notify the production company upon rescinding approval of a capital improvement project. Nothing in this section prohibits the production company from reapplying for approval of the same capital improvement project.

(F)(1) A production company whose capital improvement project is approved by the director of development shall engage, at the company's expense, an independent certified public accountant to examine the company's qualified expenditures. Within ninety days after the director approves the project or within ninety days after a project approved by the director is complete, whichever is later, the certified public accountant shall issue a report to the company and to the director that includes all of the following:

(a) The amount of the company's actual qualified expenditures;

(b) Completed copies of all accounting and auditing forms required by the director in connection with the capital improvement project;

(c) An itemized review of all contract and expense items of ten thousand dollars or more that are reported as qualified expenditures;

(d) An itemized review of at least one-half of the contract and expense items of less than ten thousand dollars that are reported as qualified expenditures, both in terms of the total number of such contracts and items and the total amount of qualified expenditures reported for such contracts and items;

(e) Certification that all goods and services reported as qualified expenditures were purchased and consumed in this state.

(2) Upon receiving and examining the report, the director may disallow any expenditure the director determines is not a qualified expenditure. If the director disallows an expenditure, the director shall issue a written notice to the production company stating that the expenditure is disallowed and the reason for the disallowance. Upon examination of the report and disallowance of any expenditures, the director shall determine the production company's actual qualified expenditures for the purpose of computing the amount of the credit.

(3) Qualified expenditures reported by the production company are subject to inspection and examination by the tax commissioner or employees of the commissioner under section 5703.19 of the Revised Code and any other applicable law. Once the qualified expenditures are finally determined under division (F)(2) of this section, the credit amount is not subject to adjustment unless the director determines an error was committed in the computation of the credit amount.

(G) After reviewing the report and making the determination prescribed by division (F) of this section, the director of development shall issue a tax credit certificate to the production company. The director, in consultation with the tax commissioner, shall prescribe the form and manner of issuing certificates. The director shall assign a unique identifying number to each tax credit certificate and shall record the certificate in a register devised and maintained by the director for that purpose. The certificate shall state the amount of the credit and the amount of the qualified expenditures upon which the credit is based. Upon issuance of a certificate, the director shall certify to the tax commissioner the name of the production company to which the certificate was issued, the amount of qualified expenditures shown on the certificate, the amount of the credit, and any other information required by the rules adopted to administer this section.

(H) The credit amount stated on the tax credit certificate shall equal the lesser of the following:

(1) Twenty-five per cent of the production company's actual qualified expenditures, as determined by the director of development under division (F) of this section;

(2) The estimated credit amount specified in the production company's tax credit application under division (B)(5) of this section;

(3) Five million dollars.

(I)(1) A production company to which a tax credit certificate is issued under division (H) of this section may transfer the authority to claim all or a portion of the amount of the tax credit the production company is authorized to claim pursuant to that certificate under section 5726.59, 5747.67, or 5751.55 of the Revised Code to one or more other persons. Within thirty days after a transfer under this division, the production company shall submit the following information to the director of development, on a form prescribed by the director:

(a) Information necessary for the director to identify the certificate that is the basis for the transfer;

(b) The portion or amount of the tax credit transferred to each transferee;

(c) The portion or amount of the tax credit that the production company retains the authority to claim;

(d) The tax identification number of each transferee;

(e) The date of the transfer;

(f) Any other information required by the director;

(g) Any information required by the tax commissioner.

The director shall deliver a copy of any submission received under division (I)(1) of this section to the tax commissioner.

(2) A transferee may not claim a credit under section 5726.59, 5747.67, or 5751.55 of the Revised Code unless and until the transferring production company complies with division (I)(1) of this section. A transferee may claim the transferred amount of any credit or portion of a credit for the same taxable year or tax period for which the transferring production company was authorized to claim the credit or portion of a credit pursuant to the certificate. A production company shall make no transfer under division (I)(1) of this section after the last day of the tax period or taxable year for which the production company is required to claim the credit pursuant to the certificate.

A production company may make not more than one transfer under division (I)(1) of this section for each tax credit certificate, but pursuant to that transaction, may allocate the authority to claim a portion of the credit to more than one transferee. A production company may not authorize more than one transferee to claim the same portion of a credit. No transferee may transfer the right to claim the credit to another person.

(J) The director of development, in consultation with the tax commissioner, shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the administration of this section, including rules setting forth and governing the criteria for reporting sufficient evidence of reviewable progress; expenditures that are qualified expenditures; a schedule and deadlines for applications to be submitted and reviewed; a competitive process for approving credits based on likely economic impact and development of a permanent workforce in motion picture or theatrical production industries; and consideration of geographic distribution of credits.

To cover the administrative costs of the program, the director shall require each applicant to pay an application fee equal to the lesser of ten thousand dollars or one per cent of the estimated value of the tax credit as stated in the application. The fees collected shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created in section 122.174 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 7, 2024 at 10:09 AM

Section 122.86 | Small business investment certificate; tax credit.

(A) As used in this section and section 5747.81 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Small business enterprise" means a corporation, pass-through entity, or other person satisfying all of the following:

(a) At the time of a qualifying investment, the enterprise meets all of the following requirements:

(i) Has no outstanding tax or other liabilities owed to the state;

(ii) Is in good standing with the secretary of state, if the enterprise is required to be registered with the secretary;

(iii) Is current with any court-ordered payments;

(iv) Is not engaged in any illegal activity.

(b) At the time of a qualifying investment, the enterprise's assets according to generally accepted accounting principles do not exceed fifty million dollars, or its annual sales do not exceed ten million dollars. When making this determination, the assets and annual sales of all of the enterprise's related or affiliated entities shall be included in the calculation.

(c) At the time of a qualifying investment and for the two-year period immediately preceding the qualifying investment, the enterprise employs at least fifty full-time equivalent employees in this state for whom the enterprise is required to withhold income tax under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code, or more than one-half the enterprise's total number of full-time equivalent employees employed anywhere in the United States are employed in this state and are subject to that withholding requirement.

(d) The enterprise, within six months after an eligible investor's qualifying investment is made, incurs cost for one or more of the following:

(i) Tangible personal property, other than motor vehicles operated on public roads and highways, used in business and physically located in this state from the time of its acquisition by the enterprise until the end of the investor's holding period, including the installation of such tangible personal property;

(ii) Motor vehicles operated on public roads and highways if, from the time of acquisition by the enterprise until the end of the investor's holding period, the motor vehicles are purchased in this state, registered in this state under Chapter 4503. of the Revised Code, are used primarily for business purposes, and are necessary for the operation of the enterprise's business;

(iii) Real property located in this state that is used in the business from the time of its acquisition by the enterprise until the end of the holding period;

(iv) Leasehold improvements and construction costs for property located in this state that is used in the business from the time its improvement or construction was completed until the end of the holding period;

(v) Compensation for new employees of the enterprise hired after the date the qualifying investment is made for whom the enterprise is required to withhold income tax under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Qualifying investment" means an investment of money made on or after July 1, 2019, to acquire capital stock or other equity interest in a small business enterprise. "Qualifying investment" does not include either of the following:

(a) Any investment of money an eligible investor derives, directly or indirectly, from a grant or loan from the federal government or the state or a political subdivision, including the third frontier program under Chapter 184. of the Revised Code;

(b) Any investment of money which is the basis of a tax credit granted under any other section of the Revised Code.

(3) "Eligible investor" means an individual, estate, or trust subject to the tax imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code, or a pass-through entity in which such an individual, estate, or trust holds a direct or indirect ownership or other equity interest. To qualify as an eligible investor, the individual, estate, trust, or pass-through entity shall not owe any outstanding tax or other liability to the state at the time of a qualifying investment.

(4) "Holding period" means the two-year period beginning on the day a qualifying investment is made.

(5) "Pass-through entity" has the same meaning as in section 5733.04 of the Revised Code.

(B) An eligible investor that makes a qualifying investment in a small business enterprise on or after July 1, 2019, may apply to the director of development services to obtain an allocation for a small business investment certificate from the director. Alternatively, a small business enterprise may apply on behalf of eligible investors to obtain the allocation for those investors. The application must be submitted to the director within sixty days after the date of the qualifying investment, but within the same biennium as the qualifying investment. The director, in consultation with the tax commissioner, shall prescribe the form or manner in which an applicant shall apply for the certificate, devise the form of the certificate, and prescribe any records or other information an applicant shall furnish with the application to evidence the qualifying investment. The applicant shall pay an application fee equal to the greater of one-tenth of one per cent of the amount of the intended investment or one hundred dollars.

The director of development services may reserve small business investment allocations to qualifying applicants in the order in which the director receives applications. An application is completed when the director has validated that an eligible investor has made a qualified investment and receives all required documentation needed to demonstrate the small business enterprise satisfies the requirements of division (A)(1) of this section. To qualify for an allocation, an eligible investor must satisfy both of the following, subject to the limitation on the amount of qualifying investments for which allocations may be issued under division (C) of this section:

(1) The eligible investor makes a qualifying investment on or after July 1, 2019.

(2) The eligible investor pledges not to sell or otherwise dispose of the qualifying investment before the conclusion of the applicable holding period.

(C)(1) The amount of any eligible investor's qualifying investments for which small business investment allocations may be issued for a fiscal biennium shall not exceed ten million dollars.

(2) The director of development services shall not issue a small business investment allocation to an eligible investor representing an amount of qualifying investment in excess of the amount of the investment indicated on the investor's application.

(3) For any fiscal biennium beginning before July 1, 2019, the director of development services shall not issue small business investment allocations in a total amount that would cause the tax credits claimed in that biennium to exceed one hundred million dollars. For any fiscal biennium beginning on or after July 1, 2019, the director shall not issue small business investment allocations in a total amount that would cause the tax credits claimed in that biennium to exceed fifty million dollars.

(4) The director of development services may issue a small business investment allocation only if both of the following apply at the time of issuance:

(a) The small business enterprise meets all the requirements listed in divisions (A)(1)(a)(i) to (iv) of this section;

(b) The eligible investor does not owe any outstanding tax or other liability to the state.

(5) The director shall not issue a small business investment allocation on the basis of any investment for which an Ohio opportunity zone investment certificate has been issued under section 122.84 of the Revised Code.

(D) Before the end of the applicable holding period of a qualifying investment, each enterprise in which a qualifying investment was made for which a small business investment allocation has been issued, upon the request of the director of development services, shall provide to the director records or other evidence satisfactory to the director that the enterprise is a small business enterprise for the purposes of this section. Each enterprise shall also provide annually to the director records or evidence regarding the number of jobs created or retained in the state. The director shall compile and maintain a register of small business enterprises qualifying under this section and shall certify the register to the tax commissioner. The director shall also compile and maintain a record of the number of jobs created or retained as a result of qualifying investments made pursuant to this section.

(E) After the conclusion of the applicable holding period for a qualifying investment, a person to whom a small business investment allocation has been issued under this section shall receive a small business investment certification, which entitles the person to claim a credit as provided under section 5747.81 of the Revised Code. However, no certificate may be issued if the director finds that any requirement under this section is not met.

(F) The director of development services, in consultation with the tax commissioner, may adopt rules for the administration of this section, including rules governing the following:

(1) Documents, records, or other information eligible investors shall provide to the director;

(2) Any information a small business enterprise shall provide for the purposes of this section and section 5747.81 of the Revised Code;

(3) Determination of the number of full-time equivalent employees of a small business enterprise;

(4) Verification of a small business enterprise's investment;

(5) Circumstances under which small business enterprises or eligible investors may be subverting the purposes of this section and section 5747.81 of the Revised Code.

(G) Application fees paid under division (B) of this section shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created in section 122.174 of the Revised Code.

Last updated May 18, 2022 at 2:57 PM

Section 122.861 | Diesel emissions reduction grant and loan programs.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Certified engine configuration" means a new, rebuilt, or remanufactured engine configuration that satisfies divisions (A)(1)(a) and (b) and, if applicable, division (A)(1)(c) of this section:

(a) It has been certified by the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency or the California air resources board.

(b) It meets or is rebuilt or remanufactured to a more stringent set of engine emission standards than when originally manufactured, as determined pursuant to Subtitle G of Title VII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109-58, 119 Stat. 838, et seq.

(c) In the case of a certified engine configuration involving the replacement of an existing engine, an engine configuration that replaced an engine that was removed from the vehicle and returned to the supplier for remanufacturing to a more stringent set of engine emissions standards or for scrappage.

(2) "Section 793" means section 793 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109-58, 119 Stat. 841, et seq.

(3) "Verified technology" means a pollution control technology, including a retrofit technology, advanced truckstop electrification system, or auxiliary power unit, that has been verified by the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency or the California air resources board.

(B) For the purpose of reducing emissions from diesel engines, the director of environmental protection shall administer a diesel emissions reduction grant program and a clean diesel school bus program. The programs shall provide for the implementation in this state of section 793 and shall otherwise be administered in compliance with the requirements of section 793, and any regulations issued pursuant to that section.

The director shall apply to the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency for grant or loan funds available under section 793 to help fund the diesel emissions reduction grant program and the clean diesel school bus program.

Section 122.862 | SellOhio global initiative fund.

There is hereby established in the state treasury the SellOhio global initiative fund.

Section 122.87 | Minority business bonding program definitions.

As used in sections 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Surety company" means a company that is authorized by the department of insurance to issue bonds as surety.

(B) "Minority business" means any of the following occupations:

(1) Minority construction contractor;

(2) Minority seller;

(3) Minority service vendor.

(C) "Minority construction contractor" means a person who is both a construction contractor and an owner of a minority business enterprise certified under division (B) of section 122.921 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Minority seller" means a person who is both a seller of goods and an owner of a minority business enterprise listed on the special minority business enterprise bid notification list under section 125.08 of the Revised Code.

(E) "Minority service vendor" means a person who is both a vendor of services and an owner of a minority business enterprise listed on the special minority business enterprise bid notification list under section 125.08 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Minority business enterprise" has the meaning given in section 122.71 of the Revised Code.

(G) "EDGE business enterprise" means a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability corporation, or joint venture certified as a participant in the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program by the director of administrative services under section 122.922 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 4, 2021 at 10:39 AM

Section 122.88 | Minority business bonding fund - minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund.

(A) There is hereby created in the state treasury the minority business bonding fund, consisting of moneys deposited or credited to it pursuant to section 169.05 of the Revised Code; all grants, gifts, and contributions received pursuant to division (B)(9) of section 122.74 of the Revised Code; all moneys recovered following defaults; and any other moneys obtained by the director of development for the purposes of sections 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code. The fund shall be administered by the director. Moneys in the fund shall be held in trust for the purposes of sections 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code.

(B) Any claims against the state arising from defaults shall be payable from the minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund as provided in division (C) of this section or from the minority business bonding fund. Nothing in sections 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code grants or pledges to any obligee or other person any state moneys other than the moneys in the minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund or the minority business bonding fund, or moneys available to the minority business bonding fund upon request of the director in accordance with division (B) of section 169.05 of the Revised Code.

(C) There is hereby created in the state treasury the minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund, consisting of all premiums charged and collected in accordance with section 122.89 of the Revised Code and any interest income earned from the moneys in the minority business bonding fund. All expenses of the director and the minority development financing advisory board in carrying out the purposes of sections 122.87 to 122.90 of the Revised Code shall be paid from the minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund.

Any moneys to the credit of the minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund in excess of the amount necessary to fund the appropriation authority for the minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund shall be held as a loss reserve to pay claims arising from defaults on surety bonds underwritten in accordance with section 122.89 of the Revised Code or guaranteed in accordance with section 122.90 of the Revised Code. If the balance of funds in the minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund is insufficient to pay a claim against the state arising from default, then such claim shall be payable from the minority business bonding fund.

Section 122.89 | Executing bonds as surety.

(A) The director of development may execute bonds as surety for minority businesses as principals, on contracts with the state, any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof, or any person as the obligee. The director as surety may exercise all the rights and powers of a company authorized by the department of insurance to execute bonds as surety but shall not be subject to any requirements of a surety company under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code nor to any rules of the department of insurance.

(B) The director, with the advice of the minority development financing advisory board, shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing procedures for application for surety bonds by minority businesses and for review and approval of applications. The board shall review each application in accordance with the rules and, based on the bond worthiness of each applicant, shall refer all qualified applicants to the director. Based on the recommendation of the board, the director shall determine whether or not the applicant shall receive bonding.

(C) The rules of the board shall require the minority business to pay a premium in advance for the bond to be established by the director, with the advice of the board after the director receives advice from the superintendent of insurance regarding the standard market rates for premiums for similar bonds. All premiums paid by minority businesses shall be paid into the minority business bonding program administrative and loss reserve fund.

(D) The rules of the board shall provide for a retainage of money paid to the minority business or EDGE business enterprise of fifteen per cent for a contract valued at more than fifty thousand dollars and for a retainage of twelve per cent for a contract valued at fifty thousand dollars or less.

(E) The penal sum amounts of all outstanding bonds issued by the director shall not exceed the amount of moneys in the minority business bonding fund and available to the fund under division (B) of section 169.05 of the Revised Code.

(F) The superintendent of insurance shall provide such technical and professional assistance as is considered necessary by the director, including providing advice regarding the standard market rates for bond premiums as described under division (C) of this section.

(G) Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, a minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a contract with the state or with any instrumentality of the state without being required to provide a bond as follows:

(1) For the first contract that a minority business or EDGE business enterprise enters into with the state or with any particular instrumentality of the state, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a contract valued at twenty-five thousand dollars or less without being required to provide a bond, but only if the minority business or EDGE business enterprise is participating in a qualified contractor assistance program or has successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program after October 16, 2009;

(2) After the state or any particular instrumentality of the state has accepted the first contract as completed and all subcontractors and suppliers on the contract have been paid, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a second contract with the state or with that particular instrumentality of the state valued at fifty thousand dollars or less without being required to provide a bond, but only if the minority business or EDGE business enterprise is participating in a qualified contractor assistance program or has successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program after October 16, 2009;

(3) After the state or any particular instrumentality of the state has accepted the second contract as completed and all subcontractors and suppliers on the contract have been paid, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a third contract with the state or with that particular instrumentality of the state valued at one hundred thousand dollars or less without being required to provide a bond, but only if the minority business or EDGE business enterprise has successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program after October 16, 2009;

(4) After the state or any particular instrumentality of the state has accepted the third contract as completed and all subcontractors and suppliers on the contract have been paid, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a fourth contract with the state or with that particular instrumentality of the state valued at three hundred thousand dollars or less without being required to provide a bond, but only if the minority business or EDGE business enterprise has successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program after October 16, 2009;

(5) After the state or any instrumentality of the state has accepted the fourth contract as completed and all subcontractors and suppliers on the contract have been paid, upon a showing that with respect to a contract valued at four hundred thousand dollars or less with the state or with any particular instrumentality of the state, that the minority business or EDGE business enterprise either has been denied a bond by two surety companies or that the minority business or EDGE business enterprise has applied to two surety companies for a bond and, at the expiration of sixty days after making the application, has neither received nor been denied a bond, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may repeat its participation in the unbonded state contractor program. Under no circumstances shall a minority business or EDGE business enterprise be permitted to participate in the unbonded state contractor program more than twice.

(H) Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, a minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a contract with any political subdivision of the state or with any instrumentality of a political subdivision without being required to provide a bond as follows:

(1) For the first contract that the minority business or EDGE business enterprise enters into with any particular political subdivision of the state or with any particular instrumentality of a political subdivision, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a contract valued at twenty-five thousand dollars or less without being required to provide a bond, but only if the minority business or EDGE business enterprise is participating in a qualified contractor assistance program or has successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program after October 16, 2009;

(2) After any political subdivision of the state or any instrumentality of a political subdivision has accepted the first contract as completed and all subcontractors and suppliers on the contract have been paid, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a second contract with that particular political subdivision of the state or with that particular instrumentality of a political subdivision valued at fifty thousand dollars or less without being required to provide a bond, but only if the minority business or EDGE business enterprise is participating in a qualified contractor assistance program or has successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program after October 16, 2009;

(3) After any political subdivision of the state or any instrumentality of a political subdivision has accepted the second contract as completed and all subcontractors and suppliers on the contract have been paid, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a third contract with that particular political subdivision of the state or with that particular instrumentality of a political subdivision valued at one hundred thousand dollars or less without being required to provide a bond, but only if the minority business or EDGE business enterprise has successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program after October 16, 2009;

(4) After any political subdivision of the state or any instrumentality of a political subdivision has accepted the third contract as completed and all subcontractors and suppliers on the contract have been paid, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a fourth contract with that particular political subdivision of the state or with that particular instrumentality of a political subdivision valued at two hundred thousand dollars or less without being required to provide a bond, but only if the minority business or EDGE business enterprise has successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program after October 16, 2009;

(5) After any political subdivision of the state or any instrumentality of a political subdivision has accepted the fourth contract as completed and all subcontractors and suppliers on the contract have been paid, upon a showing that with respect to a contract valued at three hundred thousand dollars or less with any political subdivision of the state or any instrumentality of a political subdivision, that the minority business or EDGE business enterprise either has been denied a bond by two surety companies or that the minority business or EDGE business enterprise has applied to two surety companies for a bond and, at the expiration of sixty days after making the application, has neither received nor been denied a bond, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may repeat its participation in the unbonded political subdivision contractor program. Under no circumstances shall a minority business or EDGE business enterprise be permitted to participate in the unbonded political subdivision contractor program more than twice.

(I) Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the contrary, if a minority business or EDGE business enterprise has entered into two or more contracts with the state or with any instrumentality of the state, the minority business or EDGE business enterprise may bid or enter into a contract with a political subdivision of the state or with any instrumentality of a political subdivision valued at the level at which the minority business or EDGE business enterprise would qualify if entering into an additional contract with the state.

(J) The director of development shall coordinate and oversee the unbonded state contractor program described in division (G) of this section, the unbonded political subdivision contractor program described in division (H) of this section, and the approval of a qualified contractor assistance program. The director shall prepare an annual report and submit it to the governor and the general assembly on or before the first day of August that includes the following: information on the director's activities for the preceding calendar year regarding the unbonded state contractor program, the unbonded political subdivision contractor program, and the qualified contractor assistance program; a summary and description of the operations and activities of these programs; an assessment of the achievements of these programs; and a recommendation as to whether these programs need to continue.

(K) As used in this section:

(1) "EDGE business enterprise" means an EDGE business enterprise certified under section 122.922 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Qualified contractor assistance program" means an educational program or technical assistance program for business development that is designed to assist a minority business or EDGE business enterprise in becoming eligible for bonding and has been approved by the director of development for use as required under this section.

(3) "Successfully completed a qualified contractor assistance program" means the minority business or EDGE business enterprise completed such a program on or after October 16, 2009.

(4) "Unbonded state contractor program" means the program described in division (G) of this section.

(5) "Unbonded political subdivision contractor program" means the program described in division (H) of this section.

Last updated August 4, 2021 at 10:40 AM

Section 122.90 | Guarantee of bonds executed by sureties for minority businesses and EDGE business enterprises.

(A) The director of development may guarantee bonds executed by sureties for minority businesses and EDGE business enterprises certified under section 122.922 of the Revised Code as principals on contracts with the state, any political subdivision or instrumentality, or any person as the obligee. The director, as guarantor, may exercise all the rights and powers of a company authorized by the department of insurance to guarantee bonds under Chapter 3929. of the Revised Code but otherwise is not subject to any laws related to a guaranty company under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code nor to any rules of the department of insurance.

(B) The director shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to establish procedures for the application for bond guarantees and the review and approval of applications for bond guarantees submitted by sureties that execute bonds eligible for guarantees under division (A) of this section.

(C) In accordance with rules adopted pursuant to this section, the director may guarantee up to ninety per cent of the loss incurred and paid by sureties on bonds guaranteed under division (A) of this section.

(D) The penal sum amounts of all outstanding guarantees made by the director under this section shall not exceed three times the difference between the amount of moneys in the minority business bonding fund and available to the fund under division (B) of section 169.05 of the Revised Code and the amount of all outstanding bonds issued by the director in accordance with division (A) of section 122.89 of the Revised Code.

(E) The director of development, with controlling board approval, may approve one application per fiscal year from each surety bond company for bond guarantees in an amount requested to support one fiscal year of that company's activity under this section. A surety bond company that applies for a bond guarantee under this division, whether or not the guarantee is approved, is not restricted from also applying for individual bond guarantees under division (A) of this section.

Last updated August 4, 2021 at 10:40 AM

Section 122.91 | Commercial driver training certificate; tax credit.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Qualifying individual" means an individual who holds a valid commercial driver's license or who is eligible to obtain such a license.

(2) "Commercial driver's license" and "commercial motor vehicle" have the same meanings as in section 4506.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Training expense" means any cost customarily incurred by an employer to train an employee who is a qualifying individual to obtain a commercial driver's license or to operate a commercial motor vehicle. "Training expense" shall not include such an employee's wages.

(4) "Tax credit-eligible training expense" means any training expense certified under division (B) of this section.

(5) "Director" means the director of development.

(B)(1) For calendar years 2023 through 2026, an employer may apply to the director, on or before the first day of December of each year and on a form prescribed by the director, to certify training expenses that an employer estimates the employer will incur during the following calendar year as tax credit-eligible training expenses. Within thirty days after receiving such an application, the director shall certify to each applicant the amount of the applicant's submitted expenses the director finds to be tax credit-eligible training expenses. The director shall not certify more than fifty thousand dollars of training expenses per year as tax credit-eligible training expenses for any employer.

(2) The director shall not certify more than three million dollars in tax credit-eligible training expenses for each calendar year, increased by the sum of tax credit-eligible expenses the director was authorized to certify within the limit described in division (B)(2) of this section for preceding years that were not the basis of a tax credit certificate issued under division (C)(2) of this section in the current year or any preceding year.

(C)(1) An employer that incurs tax credit-eligible training expenses in a calendar year that were certified for that year under division (B) of this section may apply to the director for a nonrefundable credit against the tax imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code. The credit shall equal one-half of the tax credit-eligible training expenses actually incurred by the employer in, and certified for, the preceding calendar year. The application may be submitted after the first day and before the twenty-first day of January of the year following the year for which the director certified the expenses. The application shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the director and shall, at a minimum, include an itemized list of tax credit-eligible training expenses incurred by the employer for each employee and the identities of those employees.

(2) If the director approves an application described in division (C)(1) of this section, the director, within sixty days after receipt of the application, shall issue a tax credit certificate to the applicant. The director in consultation with the tax commissioner shall prescribe the form and manner of issuing certificates. The director shall assign a unique identifying number to each tax credit certificate and shall record the certificate in a register devised and maintained by the director for that purpose. The certificate shall state the amount of the tax credit-eligible training expenses on which the credit is based, the amount of the credit, and the date the certificate is issued. Upon issuance of a certificate, the director shall certify to the tax commissioner the name of the applicant, the amount of tax credit-eligible training expenses stated on the certificate, and any other information required by the rules adopted under this section.

(D)(1) An employer that has been issued a tax credit certificate under division (C)(2) of this section during the preceding calendar year shall file a form with the director identifying all employees, the training of which is the basis of that tax credit, whose employment with the employer was terminated during the preceding calendar year, the amount of the tax credit that is attributable to those employees, and any other information requested by the director. The form shall be prescribed by the director, and shall be filed on or before the twenty-first day of January of the year following the issuance year stated on the certificate.

(2) The director shall annually submit to the general assembly a report in accordance with division (B) of section 101.68 of the Revised Code that includes the total number of employees described in division (D)(1) of this section and reported to the director for the preceding calendar year, the total amount of tax credits attributable to those employees, and any other information the director finds pertinent.

(E) The director in consultation with the tax commissioner shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the administration of this section. Such rules shall set forth any applicable fees, any penalties for noncompliance with the reporting requirements prescribed in division (D) of this section, and the types of expenses that qualify as training expenses for purposes of this section.

Last updated March 16, 2023 at 6:13 PM

Section 122.92 | Minority business development division.

There is hereby created in the department of development a minority business development division. The division shall do all of the following:

(A) Provide technical, managerial, and counseling services and assistance to minority business enterprises;

(B) Provide procurement and bid packaging assistance to minority business enterprises;

(C) Provide bonding technical assistance to minority business enterprises;

(D) Participate with other state departments and agencies as appropriate in developing specific plans and specific program goals for programs to assist in the establishment and development of minority business enterprises and establish regular performance monitoring and reporting systems to ensure that those goals are being achieved;

(E) Implement state law and policy supporting minority business enterprise development, and assist in the coordination of plans, programs, and operations of state government which affect or may contribute to the establishment, preservation, and strengthening of minority business enterprises;

(F) Assist in the coordination of activities and resources of state agencies and local governments, business and trade associations, universities, foundations, professional organizations, and volunteer and other groups, to promote the growth of minority business enterprises;

(G) Establish a center for the development, collection, and dissemination of information that will be helpful to persons in establishing or expanding minority business enterprises in this state;

(H) Design, implement, and assist in experimental and demonstration projects designed to overcome the special problems of minority business enterprises;

(I) Coordinate reviews of all proposed state training and technical assistance activities in direct support of minority business enterprise programs to ensure consistency with program goals and to preclude duplication of efforts by other state agencies;

(J) Recommend appropriate legislative or executive actions to enhance minority business enterprise opportunities in the state;

(K) Assist minority business enterprises in obtaining governmental or commercial financing for business expansion, establishment of new businesses, or industrial development projects;

(L) Assist minority business enterprises in contract procurement from government and commercial sources;

(M) Establish procedures to identify groups who have been disadvantaged because of racial, cultural, or ethnic circumstances without regard to the individual qualities of the members of the group;

(N) Establish procedures to identify persons who have been economically disadvantaged;

(O) Provide grant assistance to nonprofit entities that promote economic development, development corporations, community improvement corporations, and incubator business entities, if the entities or corporations focus on business, technical, and financial assistance to minority business enterprises to assist the enterprises with fixed asset financing;

(P) Implement the minority business enterprise program described in section 122.921 of the Revised Code, the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program described in section 122.922 of the Revised Code, the women-owned business enterprise program described in section 122.924 of the Revised Code, and the veteran-friendly business enterprise program described in section 122.925 of the Revised Code.

(Q) Do all acts and things necessary or proper to carry out the powers expressly granted and duties imposed by sections 122.92 to 122.94 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 4, 2021 at 10:46 AM

Section 122.921 | [Former R.C. 123.151, amended and renumbered by H.B. 110, 134th General Assembly, effective 9/30/2021] Rules for certification as minority business enterprises; state agency, port authority reports.

(A) As used in this section, "minority business enterprise" has the same meaning as in division (E)(1) of section 122.71 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) The director of development shall make rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing procedures by which minority businesses may apply to the department of development for certification as minority business enterprises.

(2) The director shall approve the application of any minority business enterprise that complies with the rules adopted under this division. Any person adversely affected by an order of the director denying certification as a minority business enterprise may appeal as provided in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The director shall prepare and maintain a list of certified minority business enterprises.

(C) Every state agency authorized to enter into contracts for construction or contracts for purchases of equipment, materials, supplies, insurance, or services, and every port authority shall file a report every ninety days with the department of development. The report shall be filed at a time and in a form prescribed by the director of development. The report shall include the name of each minority business enterprise that the state agency or port authority entered into a contract with during the preceding ninety-day period and the total value and type of each such contract. No later than thirty days after the end of each fiscal year, the director shall notify in writing each state agency and port authority that has not complied with the reporting requirements of this division for the prior fiscal year. A copy of this notification regarding a state agency shall be submitted to the director of budget and management. No later than thirty days after the notification, the state agency or port authority shall submit to the director the information necessary to comply with the reporting requirements of this division.

If, after the expiration of this thirty-day period, a state agency has not complied with the reporting requirements of this division, the director of development shall certify to the director of budget and management that the state agency has not complied with the reporting requirements. A copy of this certification shall be submitted to the state agency. Thereafter, no funds of the state agency shall be expended during the fiscal year for construction or purchases of equipment, materials, supplies, contracts of insurance, or services until the director of development certifies to the director of budget and management that the state agency has complied with the reporting requirements of this division for the prior fiscal year.

If any port authority has not complied with the reporting requirement after the expiration of the thirty-day period, the director of development shall certify to the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate that the port authority has not complied with the reporting requirements of this division. A copy of this certification shall be submitted to the port authority. Upon receipt of the certification, the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate shall take such action or make such recommendations to the members of the general assembly as they consider necessary to correct the situation.

(D)(1) Any person who has been certified as a minority business enterprise under this section may present the person's certification to a political subdivision as evidence that that person is eligible to participate in any public initiatives or strategies that the political subdivision has established to increase minority participation, representation, or inclusion in business opportunities, and in any programs the political subdivision may have that set aside a certain amount of public contracts to award to any of the economically disadvantaged groups listed in division (E)(1) of section 122.71 of the Revised Code.

(2) When considering this evidence, a political subdivision shall defer to the department's determination that the person is both of the following:

(a) A member of the economically disadvantaged group indicated on the certification;

(b) An owner of at least fifty-one per cent of the business, including corporate stock if a corporation, and has control over the management and day-to-day operations of the business and an interest in the capital, assets, and profits and losses of the business proportionate to the person's percentage of ownership.

Last updated March 9, 2022 at 12:15 PM

Section 122.922 | [Former R.C. 123.152, amended and renumbered by H.B. 110, 134th General Assembly, effective 9/30/2021] Encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program.

(A) As used in this section, "EDGE business enterprise" means a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability corporation, or joint venture certified as a participant in the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program by the director of development under this section of the Revised Code.

(B) The director of development shall establish a business assistance program known as the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program and shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to administer the program that do all of the following:

(1) Establish procedures by which a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability corporation, or joint venture may apply for certification as an EDGE business enterprise;

(2) Except as provided in division (B)(14) of this section, establish agency procurement goals for contracting with EDGE business enterprises in the award of contracts under Chapters 123., 125., and 153. of the Revised Code based on the availability of eligible program participants by region or geographic area, as determined by the director, and by standard industrial code or equivalent code classification.

(a) Goals established under division (B)(2) of this section shall be based on a percentage level of participation and a percentage of contractor availability.

(b) Goals established under division (B)(2) of this section shall be applied at the contract level, relative to an overall dollar goal for each state agency, in accordance with the following certification categories: construction, architecture, and engineering; professional services; goods and services; and information technology services.

(3) Establish a system of certifying EDGE business enterprises based on a requirement that the business owner or owners show both social and economic disadvantage based on the following, as determined to be sufficient by the director:

(a) Relative wealth of the business seeking certification as well as the personal wealth of the owner or owners of the business;

(b) Social disadvantage based on any of the following:

(i) A rebuttable presumption when the business owner or owners demonstrate membership in a racial minority group or show personal disadvantage due to color, ethnic origin, gender, physical disability, long-term residence in an environment isolated from the mainstream of American society, location in an area of high unemployment;

(ii) Some other demonstration of personal disadvantage not common to other small businesses;

(iii) By business location in a qualified census tract.

(c) Economic disadvantage based on economic and business size thresholds and eligibility criteria designed to stimulate economic development through contract awards to businesses located in qualified census tracts.

(4) Establish standards to determine when an EDGE business enterprise no longer qualifies for EDGE business enterprise certification;

(5) Develop a process for evaluating and adjusting goals established by this section to determine what adjustments are necessary to achieve participation goals established by the director;

(6) Establish a point system or comparable system to evaluate bid proposals to encourage EDGE business enterprises to participate in the procurement of professional design and information technology services;

(7) Establish a system to track data and analyze each certification category established under division (B)(2)(b) of this section;

(8) Establish a process to mediate complaints and to review EDGE business enterprise certification appeals;

(9) Implement an outreach program to educate potential participants about the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program;

(10) Establish a system to assist state agencies in identifying and utilizing EDGE business enterprises in their contracting processes;

(11) Implement a system of self-reporting by EDGE business enterprises as well as an on-site inspection process to validate the qualifications of an EDGE business enterprise;

(12) Establish a waiver mechanism to waive program goals or participation requirements for those companies that, despite their best-documented efforts, are unable to contract with certified EDGE business enterprises;

(13) Establish a process for monitoring overall program compliance in which equal employment opportunity officers primarily are responsible for monitoring their respective agencies;

(14) Establish guidelines for state universities as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code and the Ohio facilities construction commission created in section 123.20 of the Revised Code for awarding contracts pursuant to Chapters 153., 3318., and 3345. of the Revised Code to allow the universities and commission to establish agency procurement goals for contracting with EDGE business enterprises.

(C) Business and personal financial information and trade secrets submitted by encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program applicants to the director pursuant to this section are not public records for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code, unless the director presents the financial information or trade secrets at a public hearing or public proceeding regarding the applicant's eligibility to participate in the program.

Last updated October 14, 2021 at 5:20 PM

Section 122.923 | [Former R.C. 123.153, amended and renumbered by H.B. 110, 134th General Assembly, effective 9/30/2021] Report on programs.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Minority business enterprise" has the same meaning as in section 122.921 of the Revised Code.

(2) "EDGE business enterprise" has the same meaning as in section 122.922 of the Revised Code.

(3) "Women-owned business enterprise" has the same meaning as in section 122.924 of the Revised Code.

"Veteran-friendly business enterprise" has the same meaning as in section 122.925 of the Revised Code.

(B) Not later than the first day of October in each year, the director of development shall submit a written report to the governor and to each member of the general assembly describing the progress made by state agencies in advancing the minority business enterprise program, the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program, the women-owned business enterprise program, and the veteran-friendly business enterprise program. The report shall highlight the initiatives implemented to encourage participation of minority-owned, socially and economically disadvantaged, women-owned businesses, and veteran-friendly businesses in programs funded by state money or federal money received by the state. The report shall also include the total number of procurement contracts each agency has entered into with certified minority business enterprises, EDGE business enterprises, women-owned business enterprises, and veteran-friendly business enterprises.

Last updated October 14, 2021 at 5:22 PM

Section 122.924 | [Former R.C 123.154, amended and renumbered by H.B. 110, 134th General Assembly, effective 9/30/2021] Women-owned business enterprise program.

(A) As used in this section:

"Women-owned business enterprise" means any individual, partnership, corporation, or joint venture of any kind that is owned and controlled by women who are United States citizens and residents of this state or of a reciprocal state.

"Owned and controlled" means that at least fifty-one per cent of the business, including corporate stock if it is a corporation, is owned by women and that such owners have control over the day-to-day operations of the business and an interest in the capital, assets, and profits and losses of the business proportionate to their percentage of ownership. In order to qualify as a women-owned business, a business shall have been owned by such owners at least one year.

(B) The director of development shall establish a business assistance program known as the women-owned business enterprise program and shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to administer the program that do all of the following:

(1) Establish procedures by which a business enterprise may apply for certification as a women-owned business enterprise;

(2) Establish standards to determine when a women-owned business enterprise no longer qualifies for women-owned business enterprise certification;

(3) Establish a system to make publicly available a list of women-owned business enterprises certified under this section;

(4) Establish a process to mediate complaints and to review women-owned business enterprise certification appeals;

(5) Implement an outreach program to educate potential participants about the women-owned business enterprise program;

(6) Establish a system to assist state agencies in identifying and utilizing women-owned business enterprises in their contracting processes;

(7) Implement a system of self-reporting by women-owned business enterprises as well as an on-site inspection process to validate the qualifications of women-owned business enterprises.

(C) Business and personal financial information and trade secrets submitted by women-owned business enterprise applicants to the director pursuant to this section are not public records for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code, unless the director presents the financial information or trade secrets at a public hearing or public proceeding regarding the applicant's eligibility to participate in the program.

(D) The director of development, upon approval of the attorney general, may enter into a reciprocal agreement with the appropriate officials of one or more states, when the other state has a business assistance program or programs substantially similar to the women-owned business enterprise program of this state. The agreement shall provide that a business certified by the other state as a women-owned business enterprise, which is owned and controlled by a resident or residents of that other state, shall be considered a women-owned business enterprise in this state under this section. The agreement shall provide that a women-owned business enterprise certified under this section, which is owned and controlled by a resident or residents of this state, shall be considered certified in the other state and eligible for programs of that state that provide an advantage or benefit to such businesses.

(E)(1) Any person who has been certified as a women-owned business enterprise under this section may present the person's certification to a political subdivision as evidence that that person is eligible to participate in any public initiatives or strategies that the political subdivision has established to increase the participation, representation, or inclusion of women in business opportunities, and in any programs the political subdivision may have that set aside a certain amount of public contracts to award to women-owned business enterprises.

(2) When considering this evidence, a political subdivision shall defer to the department's determination that the person is a woman, that the person owns and controls the person's business, and that the person has owned the person's business for at least one year.

Last updated March 9, 2022 at 12:15 PM

Section 122.925 | [Former R.C. 9.318, amended and renumbered by H.B. 110, 134th General Assembly, effective 9/30/2021] Veteran-friendly business procurement program.

(A) As used in this section:

"Armed forces" means the armed forces of the United States, including the army, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, or any reserve component of those forces; the national guard of any state; the commissioned corps of the United States public health service; the merchant marine service during wartime; such other service as may be designated by congress; and the Ohio organized militia when engaged in full-time national guard duty for a period of more than thirty days.

"State agency" has the meaning defined in section 1.60 of the Revised Code.

"Veteran" means any person who has completed service in the armed forces, including the national guard of any state, or a reserve component of the armed forces, who has been honorably discharged or discharged under honorable conditions from the armed forces or who has been transferred to the reserve with evidence of satisfactory service.

"Veteran-friendly business enterprise" means a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or joint venture that meets veteran employment standards established by the director of development and the director of transportation under this section.

(B) The director of development and the director of transportation shall establish and maintain the veteran-friendly business procurement program. The director of development shall adopt rules to administer the program for all state agencies except the department of transportation, and the director of transportation shall adopt rules to administer the program for the department of transportation. The rules shall be adopted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The rules, as adopted separately by but with the greatest degree of consistency possible between the two directors, shall do all of the following:

(1) Establish criteria, based on the percentage of an applicant's employees who are veterans, that qualifies an applicant for certification as a veteran-friendly business enterprise;

(2) Establish procedures by which a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or joint venture may apply for certification as a veteran-friendly business enterprise;

(3) Establish procedures for certifying a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or joint venture as a veteran-friendly business enterprise;

(4) Establish standards for determining when a veteran-friendly business enterprise no longer qualifies for certification as a veteran-friendly business enterprise;

(5) Establish procedures, to be used by state agencies or the department of transportation, for the evaluation and ranking of proposals, which provide preference or bonus points to each certified veteran-friendly business enterprise that submits a bid or other proposal for a contract with the state or an agency of the state other than the department of transportation, or with the department of transportation, for the rendering of services, or the supplying of materials, or for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair, or reconstruction of any public building, structure, highway, or other improvement;

(6) Implement an outreach program to educate potential participants about the veteran-friendly business procurement program; and

(7) Establish a process for monitoring overall performance of the veteran-friendly business procurement program.

(C)(1) Any person who has been certified as a veteran-friendly business enterprise under this section may present the person's certification to a political subdivision as evidence that the person is eligible to participate in any public initiatives or strategies that the political subdivision has established to reward veteran-friendly businesses or to increase the participation, representation, or inclusion of veteran-friendly businesses in business opportunities, and in any programs the political subdivision may have that set aside a certain amount of public contracts to award to veteran-friendly business enterprises.

(2) When considering this evidence, a political subdivision shall defer to the department's determination that the person meets the criteria established under division (B)(1) of this section.

Last updated March 9, 2022 at 12:15 PM

Section 122.93 | Accepting gifts and other aid.

The minority business development division may receive and accept gifts, grants, loans, or any other financial or other aid from any federal, state, local, or private agency or fund for any of the purposes of sections 122.92 to 122.94 of the Revised Code, and may enter into any contract with any agency or fund in connection with receiving the aid, and receive and accept aid or contributions from any other source of money, property, labor, or things of value, to be held, used, and applied only for the purposes for which the grants and contributions are made.

Section 122.94 | Rules - annual report.

The director of development services shall:

(A) Promulgate rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the conduct of the minority business development division's business and for carrying out the purposes of sections 122.92 to 122.94 of the Revised Code;

(B) Prepare an annual report to the governor and the general assembly on or before the first day of August of its activities for the preceding calendar year.

Section 122.941 | Annual report.

(A) On or before the first day of August in each year, the director of development services shall make an annual report of the activities and operations under the assistance programs of the development services agency for the preceding fiscal year to the governor and general assembly. The annual report shall include a detailing of those grants, guarantees, loans, and other forms of state assistance to women-owned businesses.

(B) As used in this section:

(1) "Women-owned business" means any individual, partnership, corporation, or joint venture of any kind that is owned and controlled by women who are United States citizens and residents of this state.

(2) "Owned and controlled" means that at least fifty-one per cent of the business, including corporate stock if it is a corporation, is owned by women and that such owners have control over the day-to-day operations of the business and an interest in the capital, assets, and profits and losses of the business proportionate to their percentage of ownership. In order to qualify as a women-owned business, a business shall have been owned by such owners at least one year.

Section 122.942 | Project information to be made public.

(A) The director of development services shall, with respect to each project for which a loan, grant, tax credit, or other state-funded financial assistance is awarded by the development services agency, make all of the following information available to the public within thirty days after the agency enters into a contract with the recipient:

(1) A summary of the project that includes all of the following:

(a) A breakdown of the sources of the funds for each aspect of the project, such as state or federal programs, the operating company or entity itself, or any private financing, and a complete description of how each type of funds is to be used;

(b) The total amount of assistance awarded;

(c) A brief description of the project;

(d) The following information regarding the project:

(i) The operating company or entity that is awarded the assistance;

(ii) The products or services provided by the operating company or entity;

(iii) The number of new jobs, at-risk jobs, and retained jobs anticipated; the hourly wages and hourly benefits of those jobs; and the dollar amount of assistance per job affected.

(e) The strengths and weaknesses of the project;

(f) The location of the project, the location of the operating company or entity, and whether relocation is involved;

(g) The Ohio house district and Ohio senate district in which the project is located;

(h) The payment terms and conditions of the assistance awarded;

(i) The collateral or security required;

(j) The recommendation of the staff assigned to the project.

(2) A comprehensive report that provides a description of the operating company or entity; all relevant information regarding the project; an analysis of the operating company or entity and the goods or services it provides; the explicit terms of any collateral or security required; and the reasoning behind the staffs' recommendation.

(3) Any other relevant information the controlling board may request, or the director may consider necessary to more fully describe the details of the assistance or the operating company or entity, that is provided before the controlling board approves the assistance.

(B)(1) As used in this division, "tax incentive" means any exemption, either in whole or in part, of the income, goods, services, or property of a taxpayer from the effect of taxes levied by or under the Revised Code. "Tax incentive" includes, but is not limited to, tax exemptions, deferrals, exclusions, allowances, credits, deductions, reimbursements, and preferential tax rates.

(2) The director of development services shall estimate the total revenue that will be forgone by the state as a result of each tax incentive approved by the tax credit authority created under section 122.17 of the Revised Code. The estimate shall be based on the monetary value of the tax incentive and not on potential economic growth. The director shall make each estimate, along with the name and address of the taxpayer that will receive the tax incentive, available to the public within thirty days after the date the tax incentive is approved by the tax credit authority.

Nothing in this division precludes the director of development services from making other information regarding tax incentives available to the public unless disclosure of such information is prohibited by any other section of the Revised Code.

(3) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to effectuate this division.

(C) Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the disclosure of information that is not a public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.95 | Definitions - industrial site improvement fund grants.

As used in this section and section 122.951 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Commercial or industrial areas" means areas zoned either commercial or industrial by the local zoning authority or an area not zoned, but in which there is located one or more commercial or industrial activities.

(B) "Eligible county" means any of the following:

(1) A county designated as being in the "Appalachian region" under the "Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965," 79 Stat. 5, 40 U.S.C. App. 403;

(2) A county that is a "distressed area" as defined in section 122.16 of the Revised Code;

(3) A county that within the previous calendar year has had a job loss numbering two hundred or more of which one hundred or more are manufacturing-related as reported in the notices prepared by the department of job and family services pursuant to the "Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act," 102 Stat. 890 (1988), 29 U.S.C. 2101 et seq., as amended.

Section 122.951 | Grants from industrial site improvement fund.

(A) If the director of development services determines that a grant may create new jobs or preserve existing jobs and employment opportunities in an eligible county, the director may grant up to seven hundred fifty thousand dollars to the eligible county for the purpose of acquiring commercial or industrial land or buildings and making improvements to commercial or industrial areas within the eligible county, including, but not limited to:

(1) Expanding, remodeling, renovating, and modernizing buildings, structures, and other improvements;

(2) Remediating environmentally contaminated property on which hazardous substances exist under conditions that have caused or would cause the property to be identified as contaminated by the Ohio or United States environmental protection agency; and

(3) Infrastructure improvements, including, but not limited to, site preparation, including building demolition and removal; streets, roads, bridges, and traffic control devices; parking lots and facilities; water and sewer lines and treatment plants; gas, electric, and telecommunications, including broadband, hook-ups; and water and railway access improvements.

A grant awarded under this section shall provide not more than seventy-five per cent of the estimated total cost of the project for which an application is submitted under this section. In addition, not more than ten per cent of the amount of the grant shall be used to pay the costs of professional services related to the project.

(B) An eligible county may apply to the director for a grant under this section in the form and manner prescribed by the director. The eligible county shall include on the application all information required by the director. The application shall require the eligible county to provide a detailed description of how the eligible county would use a grant to improve commercial or industrial areas within the eligible county, and to specify how a grant will lead to the creation of new jobs or the preservation of existing jobs and employment opportunities in the eligible county. The eligible county shall specify in the application the amount of the grant for which the eligible county is applying.

(C) An eligible county may designate a port authority, community improvement corporation as defined in section 122.71 of the Revised Code, or other economic development entity that is located in the county to apply for a grant under this section. If a port authority, community improvement corporation, or other economic development entity is so designated, references to an eligible county in this section include references to the authority, corporation, or other entity.

Section 122.9511 | SiteOhio certification program.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Eligible applicant" means a person or a political subdivision.

(2) "Eligible project" means a project that, upon completion, will be a site and facility primarily intended for commercial, industrial, or manufacturing use. "Eligible projects" do not include sites and facilities intended primarily for residential, retail, or government use.

(3) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 5701.01 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Political subdivision" means a municipal corporation, township, county, school district, or any other body corporate and politic responsible for governmental activities in a geographic area smaller than that of the state.

(5) "SiteOhio certification program" means the program created under this section.

(B) There is hereby created the SiteOhio certification program to certify and market eligible projects in the state. The program shall be administered by the department of development.

(C) An eligible applicant may apply to the director of development on forms prescribed by the director for the director to certify an eligible project. In addition to the application, the applicant shall submit any additional materials required by the director. The director shall establish scoring criteria, scoring instruments, and materials for use by the department of development in reviewing applications under the SiteOhio certification program. The content of the scoring criteria, scoring instruments, and materials shall be at the discretion of the director and may include, where practicable, evaluation of certain quality of life indicators and community assets. The scoring criteria, scoring instruments, and materials shall be published and made available with the application.

Subject to any limitations imposed under division (E)(2) of this section, the director shall approve an application and certify the applicant's eligible project if the applicant meets all of the scoring criteria established by the director.

(D) After the director of development certifies an eligible project, the project shall be listed on the department's web site. The director shall market certified eligible projects to interested persons.

(E) The director of development shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code necessary to implement and operate the SiteOhio certification program. The rules may provide for eligible applicants for certification to be charged fees to cover administrative costs incurred by the department in the administration of this section. Any fees collected under this section shall be credited to the SiteOhio administration fund. The director may do either of the following:

(1) Contract with one or more persons to administer all or part of the SiteOhio certification program.

(2) Limit the number of eligible projects the director certifies according to the available resources and capabilities of the department.

Section 122.9512 | SiteOhio administration fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury the SiteOhio administration fund. Money collected from the fees remitted by applicants for certification under section 122.9511 of the Revised Code shall be credited to the fund. The director of development shall use the fund to pay the department's administrative expenses for administering the SiteOhio certification program under section 122.9511 of the Revised Code.

Section 122.96 | Delegation of authority.

The director of development may delegate to officers and employees of the department of development any of the powers, duties, and functions of the director, other than the promulgation of rules or the making of reports to the governor or the general assembly, in connection with the issuance of bonds, notes, or other obligations, the making or entering into of loans, guarantees, inducement agreements, and other contracts, agreements, assignments, certifications, and undertakings pursuant to Chapters 122., 140., 165., and 166. of the Revised Code, except that the authority to adopt resolutions thereunder and to sign bonds and notes may be delegated only to the assistant director or to a deputy director of the department. Each such delegation shall be in writing, shall state the functions delegated, the individuals to whom or the offices or employment positions to which delegated, and the duration, not exceeding one year, of the delegation, and shall be entered in the journal of the director. Any such delegation may be extended or revoked prospectively by writing signed by the director and entered in his journal.

Section 122.98 | [Repealed effective 4/9/2025 by H.B. 238, 135th General Assembly] Ohio aerospace and aviation technology committee.

(A) There is hereby created the Ohio aerospace and aviation technology committee, consisting of the following members:

(1) Three members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, not more than two of whom may be members of the same political party;

(2) Three members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, not more than two of whom may be members of the same political party;

(3) Fifteen members representing the aviation, aerospace, or technology industry, the military, or academia. One such member shall be appointed by the governor, and fourteen such members shall be appointed by majority vote of the six members representing the senate and house of representatives.

The legislative members of the committee shall be appointed not later than September 1, 2014, and the remaining members shall be appointed within ten days thereafter. The initial term of all members shall end on December 31, 2016. Thereafter, the term of all members shall end on the thirty-first day of December of the year following the year of appointment. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner of the original appointment.

The first legislator appointed to the committee by the speaker of the house of representatives after the effective date of H.B. 292 of the 130th general assembly, September 17, 2014, shall serve as the first chairperson of the committee and shall serve until December 31, 2016. Every general assembly thereafter, the committee shall select a chairperson from among its legislative members.

(B) The duties of the committee shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following:

(1) Studying and developing comprehensive strategies to promote the aviation, aerospace, and technology industry throughout the state, including through the commercialization of aviation, aerospace, and technology products and ideas;

(2) Encouraging communication and resource-sharing among individuals and organizations involved in the aviation, aerospace, and technology industry, including business, the military, and academia;

(3) Promoting research and development in the aviation, aerospace, and technology industry, including research and development of unmanned aerial vehicles;

(4) Providing assistance related to military base realignment and closure.

(C) The Ohio aerospace and aviation council shall serve as an advisory council to the committee.

(D) The committee shall compile an annual report of its activities, findings, and recommendations and shall furnish a copy of the report to the governor, president of the senate, and speaker of the house of representatives not later than the thirty-first day of December of each year.

Last updated February 12, 2025 at 6:59 PM