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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:31-13 | Sport Fishing

Rule 1501:31-13-01 | Sport fishing.

(A) Fish may be taken in any number and of any size unless otherwise restricted by the Ohio Revised Code or other rules of the wildlife division.

(1) Notwithstanding division (M) of section 1531.01 and section 1533.37 of the Revised Code, fish may be taken with not more than three hand lines, three units of rod and line, or a combination of up to three hand lines or units of rod and line in the aggregate. Provided further, it shall be unlawful for any person at any time to engage in fishing with more than three hand lines, three units of rod and line, or more than three hand lines and units of rod and line combined, either in hand or under control.

(2) Throughout the state, it shall be unlawful for any person to take or attempt to take fish by the use of explosives, poisons, firearms, electricity, chemicals, seines, nets, or traps, except:

(a) Minnows, gizzard shad, and smelt may be taken with a minnow seine, minnow dip net, or hand landing net;

(b) Minnows and forage fish may be taken with a cast net;

(c) Bait fish and crayfish listed in paragraph (A)(1) of rule 1501:31-13-04 of the Administrative Code may be taken with a minnow or bait fish trap.

(3) Throughout the state, fish may be taken only by angling except as provided by wildlife rule or the Revised Code.

(4) All fish may be taken by hand except bullheads, catfish, trout and salmon species statewide, and walleye and sauger in the Maumee and Sandusky rivers.

(5) Throughout the state, it shall be unlawful for any person to set, use, or maintain tipups, float lines, trotlines, set lines, bank lines, turtle traps, minnow traps or bait fish traps, or an ice fishing shelter which does not have attached thereon the name and address of the owner or user in legible letters in the English language or the unique division of wildlife customer identification number of the owner or user legible at all times. Provided further, it shall be unlawful to use an ice fishing shelter that does not have the owner or user's name and address or their unique division of wildlife customer identification number exhibited on the outer part of the structure of an ice fishing shelter.

(6) It shall be unlawful for any person to set, use or maintain any fishing device having floats or buoys made of glass or other shatterable material attached thereto.

(7) It shall be unlawful for any person to release any fish or aquatic invertebrate, including but not limited to crayfish, snails and insects, into waters of the state, or waters under control of the division of wildlife, from which it did not originate, without first obtaining permission from the chief of the division of wildlife.

(8) Sheepshead, carp, grass carp, silver carp, black carp, big-head carp, quillback, suckers, bowfin, gar, buffalo, gizzard shad, and goldfish throughout the state are hereby designated as "forage fish" or "rough fish" and may be taken by any method except as expressly prohibited in paragraphs (A)(1) and (A)(2) of this rule.

(9) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess any fish not mentioned in paragraph (A)(8) of this rule, which were taken by snagging, spearing, or shooting.

(10) It shall be unlawful for any person to use a cast net within a distance of one thousand feet down stream from any dam posted with division of wildlife signs indicating cast net use is prohibited. Provided further it shall be unlawful to use cast nets with a square mesh less than one-quarter inch on a side or larger than one-inch on a side, and with a diameter larger than ten feet, to take forage fish.

(11) It shall be unlawful to set or maintain any device for rearing, culturing or raising aquatic animals into waters of the state or waters under control of the division of wildlife.

(B) Ice fishing.

(1) In the inland fishing district it shall be unlawful for any person to cut or fish through a hole in the ice which has a diameter that exceeds twelve inches.

(2) Throughout the state, it shall be unlawful for any person to use more than six tip-ups while fishing through the ice.

(3) In the lake Erie fishing district, it shall be unlawful for any person to cut or fish through a hole in the ice which has a width that exceeds twelve inches.

(C) It shall be unlawful for any person, other than authorized division employees, to remove fish from, tamper with, destroy in any manner, or possess any fishing device set, maintained, or owned by the division of wildlife.

(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in fishing at any time other than from sunrise to sunset daily from March first through April thirtieth, in the following areas:

(1) Maumee river from the Ohio turnpike bridge upstream to the Old Waterville interurban bridge at the end of Forst road in Wood county.

(2) Maumee river from the state route 295 bridge upstream to the Grand Rapids Providence dam.

(3) Sandusky river from the Waterworks dam, city of Tiffin, Seneca county to the northern tip of Brady's island in Sandusky county.

(4) Portage river from the state route 19 bridge upstream to the dam at Elmore.

(5) Mahoning river from the dam at Berlin reservoir to lake Milton.

(E) It shall be unlawful for any person, while fishing from March first through April thirtieth, to have attached to their line:

(1) More than one single hook or;

(2) Any double hook or;

(3) Any treble hook or;

(4) More than one lure or;

(5) Any lure having more than one single hook or;

(6) Any hook larger than one-half inch from shank to point;

In the following areas of the lake Erie sport fishing district:

(a) Maumee river from the Grand Rapids Providence dam to a line in Maumee bay from Little cedar point to Turtle island.

(b) Sandusky river from the Waterworks dam, city of Tiffin, Seneca county to a line in Sandusky bay that runs one quarter mile east of and parallel to the full length of the railroad bridge in Sandusky bay (from N 41 degrees 29' 35.4", W 82 degrees 49' 18.0" to N 41 degrees 28' 02.4", w 82 degrees 47' 58.2").

(c) Portage river from the state route 19 bridge upstream to the dam at Elmore.

(d) Mahoning river from the dam at Berlin reservoir to lake Milton.

(F) It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to place or dispose of a dead fish in a stream, river, pond, lake, or any other body of water or upon the banks thereof, except dead fish or parts of fish may be used as bait or a lure.

(G) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell any fish taken from any waters in the state wherein an Ohio fishing license is required by section 1533.32 of the Revised Code except:

Fish lawfully taken pursuant to a license or permit issued under section 1533.34, 1533.35 or 1533.40 of the Revised Code.

(H) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess paddlefish in or within two thousand feet of Deer creek reservoir and dam, Paint creek reservoir and dam, Caesar creek reservoir and dam, and East Fork reservoir and dam.

(I) Unless otherwise provided, the provisions of this rule, rule 1501:31-13-02, rule 1501:31-13-08, and rule 1501:31-13-09 of the Administrative Code apply to those waters in the state wherein an Ohio fishing license is required by section 1533.32 of the Revised Code, including privately owned ponds, lakes, or reservoirs that are open to public fishing through an agreement or lease with the division of wildlife.

(J) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated July 2, 2024 at 9:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.02, 1533.37
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/30/1994, 5/1/2022, 1/1/2023
Rule 1501:31-13-02 | Fishing methods other than angling; areas affected.

(A) Trotlines in the inland fishing district:

It shall be unlawful for any person to set, use or maintain a trotline in the inland fishing district except:

(1) In streams;

(2) North of the causeway in Mosquito lake to the southern boundary of the waterfowl refuge;

(3) In that part of Charles Mill lake lying north of state route 430;

(4) In Seneca lake in all areas extending south of state route 147;

(5) In Clendening lake in all areas extending east of state route 799;

(6) In Tappan lake in all areas extending above gas line causeway and state route 646;

(7) In Atwood lake in the area north and east of state route 542 north at Delroy, Ohio;

(8) In Piedmont lake in all areas in sections 11 and 12 of Kirkwood township;

(9) In Wills creek lake, provided it is unlawful to set, use or maintain a trotline in that area directly in front of the Muskingum conservancy district boat landing;

(10) In Berlin lake in that area lying south and west of state route 225;

(11) In Grand lake St. Marys in that area bounded on the west by Prairie creek, on the east by Big Chickasaw creek, and on the north by a line of buoys extending east to west between Big Chickasaw creek and Prairie creek. In such area it is unlawful to set, use or maintain a trotline in channels, or across the mouths of channels or streams;

(12) In the inland part of Sandusky bay, commonly called Mud creek bay.

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to:

(1) Set, use, or maintain a trotline composed all or in part of wire or cable;

(2) Set, use, or maintain a trotline which can be removed from the water by pulling from the shore;

(3) Set, use, or maintain a trotline within a distance of one thousand feet downstream from any dam;

(4) Set, use, or maintain more than three trotlines in any one body of water in the inland fishing district;

(5) Set, use, or maintain a trotline having more than fifty hooks attached in any tributary of lake Erie;

(6) Fail to inspect or maintain their trotline once every twenty-four hour period;

(7) Disturb or molest a legally placed trotline of another without permission from the trotline owner or user.

(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to set, use, or maintain a float line except:

(1) In streams;

(2) In Sandusky bay west of the railroad bridge;

(3) In Berlin lake in that area lying south and west of state route 225;

(4) In Mosquito lake north of the causeway and south of a line of buoys designating the waterfowl refuge;

(5) Charles Mill lake north of state route 430;

(6) Clendening lake east of state route 799;

(7) Seneca lake south of state route 147;

(8) Tappan lake above the gas line causeway and state route 646;

(9) Atwood lake in all areas north and east of state route 542 north at Delroy;

(10) Piedmont lake in sections 11 and 12 of Kirkwood township;

(11) Wills creek lake except that part directly in front of Muskingum watershed conservancy district boat landing;

(12) In all public waters of the state of Ohio unless specifically prohibited by the owner in authority of said body of water.

(13) In privately owned ponds, lakes, or reservoirs to or from which fish are not accustomed to migrate.

(D) In any waters in the state wherein an Ohio fishing license is required by section 1533.32 of the Revised Code, it shall be unlawful for any person to:

(1) Set, use, or maintain any float line unless the user is present within a distance from which he can observe and attend such line at all times;

(2) Set, use, or maintain a float line anchored, fastened, or otherwise restricted from moving, floating or drifting freely and independent of any other line whatsoever;

(3) Set, use, or maintain more than six float lines in all public waters of the state of Ohio less than seven hundred surface acres.

(4) Set, use, or maintain a float line with a treble hook or more than one single hook attached.

(E) Set or bank lines

(1) Set or bank lines may be used to take fish or turtles only as herein provided.

(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to:

(a) Set, use, or maintain in excess of fifty set or bank lines; or

(b) Set, use, or maintain any set or bank line with more than one single hook or with a treble hook attached to it;

(c) Set, use, or maintain a set or bank line from a dock, wharf, pier, boat, dam or artificially constructed retaining wall, or attach such lines to fishing rods or fishing poles;

(d) Set, use, or maintain a set or bank line which is attached to any stake placed or present in or under the water;

(e) Set, use, or maintain more than six set or bank lines in all public waters of the state of Ohio less than seven hundred surface acres.

(f) Fail to inspect or maintain their set or bank lines once every twenty-four hour period.

(g) Leave any part of a set or bank line which was brought to the site upon completion of use.

(h) Disturb or molest a legally placed set or bank line of another without permission from the set or bank line owner or user.

(F) Snag or snatch fishing

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to:

(a) Use snatch hooks, snag hooks, snag lines, or to catch fish in any manner other than by mouth, within a distance of one thousand feet downstream from any dam in the Muskingum river.

(b) Engage in snag fishing within a distance of one thousand feet down stream from any dam posted with division of wildlife signs indicating snagging is prohibited.

(c) Snag a fish or engage in snagging while using a hook exceeding five-eighths inches in space between the point and shank of the hook.

(d) Use snatch hooks, snag hooks, snag lines, or to catch fish in any manner other than the mouth, during the period from September first through April thirtieth in the entire drainage basins of the Rocky river, Grand river, Chagrin river, Conneaut creek, Ashtabula river, Vermilion river, Arcola creek, Cowles creek, Euclid creek, Indian creek, Turkey creek, or Wheeler creek.

(e) Use snatch hooks, snag hooks, snag lines, engage in snag fishing or possess any fish taken by snagging in any waters of the state within the eastern or western fishing units of the Ohio river, as described in rule 1501:31-13-11 of the Administrative Code.

(G) Minnow seines - minnow dip nets

(1) In the lake Erie fishing district and other waters wherein fishing with nets is licensed by law, and in East and West harbors, Ottawa county, it is lawful for any person to use a minnow seine of any length or width, or a minnow dip net not exceeding seventy-two inches on a side to take minnows, crayfish, and larval aquatic insects; however, it shall be unlawful for any person:

(a) To have in possession or use a seine or dip net with a square mesh larger than one-half inch on a side;

(b) To have in possession or use a dip net having any side greater than seventy-two inches;

(c) To have in possession or use a seine having other than straight sides.

(2) In the inland fishing district it is lawful to use a minnow seine or a minnow dip net to take minnows, crayfish, and larval aquatic insects. However, it shall be unlawful for any person:

(a) To have in possession or use a minnow seine exceeding ninety-six inches in length or exceeding forty-eight inches in depth except in such waters wherein fishing with nets is licensed by law, and excepting East and West harbors, Ottawa county, Ohio;

(b) To use a seine or dip net with a square mesh larger than one-half inch on a side;

(c) To have in possession or use a dip net having any side greater than forty-eight inches, except in such waters wherein fishing with nets is licensed by law, and excepting East and West harbors, Ottawa county, Ohio;

(d) To have in possession or use a seine having other than straight lines;

(e) To use two or more seines fastened together the combination of which exceeds ninety-six inches in length or forty-eight inches in width;

(f) To use a minnow seine from nine p.m. to four a.m. except in East and West harbors, Ottawa county, and in such waters wherein fishing with nets is licensed by law.

(H) Minnow or bait fish traps may only be used to take those bait fish and crayfish listed in paragraph (A)(1) of rule 1501:31-13-04 of the Administrative Code and are subject to the following:

It shall be unlawful for any person:

(1) To have in possession or use a minnow or bait fish trap which measures more than twenty-four inches in its greatest overall length, or measures more than twelve inches in its greatest overall width;

(2) To have in possession or use a minnow or bait fish trap having an opening larger than one inch in diameter.

(I) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated July 2, 2024 at 9:42 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.02, 1533.37
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 11/12/1982, 6/1/1985, 6/1/1986, 3/1/1990, 3/1/1991, 3/1/2004, 3/1/2015
Rule 1501:31-13-04 | Bait and bait dealers.

(A) Bait fish, crayfish, larval aquatic insects - bait dealers.

(1) Any individual may take minnows, crayfish, hellgrammites, and other larval aquatic insects, suckers not exceeding ten inches in length, skipjack herring, smelt, brook silversides, brook sticklebacks, gizzard shad, trout perch, sculpins, darters, top minnows and mud minnows from any waters in the state of Ohio at any time and in any number except as prohibited by this or other rules of the wildlife chief.

(2) A person permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code may possess for sale minnows, crayfish, hellgrammites, and other larval aquatic insects, suckers not exceeding ten inches in length, skipjack herring, smelt, brook silversides, brook sticklebacks, gizzard shad, trout perch, sculpins, darters, top minnows, and mud minnows taken from any waters in the state of Ohio or legally acquired from a person permitted under section 1533.40 or section 1533.632 of the Revised Code at any time and in any number except as prohibited by this or other rules of the wildlife chief.

(3) It shall be unlawful:

(a) For a person permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code to possess minnows, fish listed in paragraphs (A)(2) and (A)(3)(e) of this rule, crayfish and hellgrammites at any place, except at the address listed on that person's application for a permit, without having each receptacle containing minnows, fish, crayfish, and hellgrammites marked with that person's name, address and permit number in letters and numerals at least one-half inch high in the English language;

(b) For any person to take any fish not mentioned in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule by the aid or use of a trap, net or seine unless authorized by a license or permit issued by the division of wildlife;

(c) For any person, except a person possessing a permit issued under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code or a licensed fishing guide providing bait to their customers, to have in possession more than one hundred crayfish or five hundred in the aggregate of the wild animals specified in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule, excepting therefrom, smelt, hellgrammites, other larval aquatic insects, and canned or preserved minnows, except as provided for in section 1533.57 of the Revised Code;

(d) For a person permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code to sell to any person other than a person possessing a permit issued under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code more than one hundred crayfish or five hundred in the aggregate of the wild animals specified in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule, excepting therefrom, smelt, hellgrammites, other larval aquatic insects and canned or preserved minnows;

(e) For a person permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code to sell or offer for sale: bluegill sunfish (Lepomis machrochirus), longear sunfish (Lepomis megalotis), green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) and hybrids thereof, orange-spotted sunfish (Lepomis humilis), pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus), redear sunfish (Lepomis microlophus), warmouth sunfish (Lepomis gulosis), yellow bullhead (Ameiurus natalis), brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), or black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) unless those fish have been legally acquired from a person permitted under section 1533.40 or section 1533.632 of the Revised Code or legally acquired from out of state;

(i) It shall be unlawful for a person permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code to sell any fish listed in paragraph (A)(3)(e) of this rule without providing a receipt to the purchaser listing the following:

(a) The date and time of sale

(b) The number of fish by species

(c) The name and address of the seller

(ii) It shall be unlawful to possess any fish listed in paragraph (A)(3)(e) of this rule acquired from a person permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code without a receipt listing the following:

(a) The date and time of sale

(b) The number of fish by species

(c) The name and address of the seller

(f) For a person permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code to possess any live fish listed in paragraph (A)(3)(e) of this rule at the person's usual place of business listed on that person's application unless those fish have been legally acquired from a person permitted under section 1533.40 or section 1533.632 of the Revised Code or legally acquired from out of state;

(g) For a person permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code to fail to keep a copy of the receipts as described in paragraph (A)(3)(e) of this rule for at least two years;

(h) For any person to possess, buy, sell or offer for sale live skipjack herring within the lake Erie drainage basin, except as provided for in section 1533.632 of the Revised Code.

(4) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell as bait fish, or use as bait any fish or minnow not already established in waters of Ohio over which the wildlife chief has control.

(B) Crayfish and larval aquatic insects.

It shall be unlawful for any person to take crayfish or larval aquatic insects by any method, from nine p.m. to the following four a.m., except by trapping, angling or by hand picking. This provision does not apply to east and west harbors in Ottawa county and such waters where fishing with nets is licensed by law.

(C) Records.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any individual permitted under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code to fail to keep accurate daily records of all transactions with a person permitted under section 1533.40 or section 1533.632 of the Revised Code that include:

(a) All sales and purchases of minnows, fish, crayfish, hellgrammites and other larval aquatic insects;

(b) The type of animal bought or sold;

(c) The amount of animals in gallons, numbers or pounds;

(d) The date of sale or purchase;

(e) The name and address of the buyer and seller.

(2) It shall be unlawful to fail to keep the records required under this rule for a period of less than two years.

(3) The records required by this rule shall be open for inspection by any wildlife officer at all reasonable hours. Provided further, such officers may enter and inspect any premises where minnows, fish, crayfish and hellgrammites are bought, sold or held under a permit issued under section 1533.40 of the Revised Code and any box, package, or receptacle and the contents for the purpose of determining whether any provision of Chapter 1531. or 1533. of the Revised Code or division order is being violated.

(D) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated August 26, 2024 at 12:28 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.40
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/2012
Rule 1501:31-13-06 | Skin and scuba diving sport fishing regulations.

(A) It shall be unlawful to engage in skin diving while using a snorkel or to engage in diving with scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) in any water area owned or controlled by the division of wildlife except when fishing for forage fish specified in paragraph (A) of rule 1501:31-13-01 of the Administrative Code.

(B) It shall be lawful to take only the forage fish specified in rule 1501:31-13-01 of the Administrative Code while skin diving with a snorkel or while scuba diving with self-contained underwater breathing apparatus in any water area owned or controlled by the division of wildlife or in any other water area where skin or scuba diving is lawful.

(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in fishing while skin or scuba diving while alone, or without first marking the fishing area by displaying an official diving flag at the water's surface.

(D) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code shall apply to this rule.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 10:56 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 8/31/1974, 6/1/1979, 6/1/1984
Rule 1501:31-13-07 | Special fishing regulations for water areas owned or controlled by the division of wildlife.

(A) Fish, frogs, turtles, crayfish, and larval aquatic insects may be taken during the open season in such manner and in such numbers only as prescribed by wildlife rules of the Administrative Code, or the Revised Code. All areas closed to fishing will be posted with signs.

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to take any species of fish, frog, turtle, crayfish, or larval aquatic insect at any time from:

(1) Any state fish hatchery;

(2) Bathing beaches supervised by the department of natural resources, the boundaries of which are posted with "no fishing" signs;

(3) Wildlife ponds located on state-owned or controlled areas which are posted with state signs reading, "no fishing."

(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to use a seine in any lake, pond, quarry, reservoir, canal, or gravel pit in the inland fishing district which is subject to regulation by the wildlife chief.

(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess fish from any waters of the state that is not in conformity with the regulations on the posted division of wildlife sign.

(E) It shall be lawful for any person to engage in fishing in the Mahoning river within a distance of one thousand feet downstream from the Berlin lake dam except for restricted areas posted within this zone.

(F) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in fishing within five hundred feet of crest gates or intake tower in the dam at Berlin lake.

(G) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish from the shore from the dam crest gates west then south to the "no motor boundary zone" sign at Berlin lake.

(H) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish from the bank or shore of Deer creek reservoir in Stark county, except from the following described areas: beginning at the railroad bridge located in the northwest section of said reservoir, thence east along the north shoreline of the peninsula located at the north end of spillway embankment to a marker established by the division of wildlife.

(I) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish in the area east of an imaginary line drawn straight from the marker referred to in paragraph (H) of this rule to a similar marker established by the division of wildlife on the south shore of Deer creek reservoir in Stark county west of the south end of the spillway embankment.

(J) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish from the east shore of the dam and spillway embankment in the area designated by signs at Deer creek reservoir in Stark county.

(K) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish or wade from the bank or shore in the following described area at the East Branch reservoir in Geauga county: all of the shoreline north of U.S. route 322 and the eastern shoreline of the reservoir south of U.S. route 322 down to and including the length of the dam.

(L) Fishing at East Branch reservoir is permitted subject to the following regulation:

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to use gasoline motors or to have an external fuel tank. Electric motors only are permitted for use on watercraft.

(M) Fishing at LaDue reservoir is permitted subject to the following regulations:

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to use gasoline motors or to have an external fuel tank. Electric motors only are permitted for use on watercraft.

(2) It shall be unlawful to fish or wade from the bank or shore within five hundred feet surrounding Black brook dam and Bridge creek dam.

(N) Fishing at Mogadore reservoir is permitted subject to the following regulations:

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish or wade from the bank or shoreline from the following locations:

(a) Five hundred feet surrounding the Mogadore reservoir dam, or

(b) On the bridges, or

(c) Within the rights-of-way of Ranfield road, Congress lake road, and state route 43.

(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to use gasoline motors or to have an external fuel tank. Electric motors only are permitted for use on watercraft.

(O) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish in the area immediately above the dam in Clear fork reservoir for a distance of approximately five hundred feet to an imaginary line extending straight across the reservoir from a marker on the southerly shore to a similar marker on the northerly shore.

(P) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish from that part of the shore of Clear fork reservoir extending from the marker on the northerly shore referred to in paragraph (O) of this rule to the Orweiler road.

(Q) Fish may be taken in Pymatuning lake by hand lines and units of rod and line only, at any time of the year, except as is otherwise provided in this rule.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person at Pymatuning lake to:

(a) Take fish in any manner other than with up to three hand lines, up to three units of rod and line, or a combination of up to three hand lines or units of rod and line in the aggregate, except:

(i) Minnows may be taken with a minnow trap, seine or dip net;

(ii) Carp and suckers may be taken with longbow and arrow or a spear.

(b) Set, use, or maintain more than five tip-ups or other legal devices when fishing through holes in the ice.

(c) Cut or use a hole in the ice for fishing purposes that is larger than ten inches between the farthest points as measured in any direction.

(d) Take minnows by means of a minnow trap which measures more than twenty-four inches in its greatest overall length, or more than twelve inches in its greatest overall width, or have openings larger than one inch in diameter.

(e) Take minnows with a seine or dip net having a side of such seine or dip net that exceeds forty-eight inches in length, or having a size of the mesh in such seine or dip net which measures not less than one-eighth inch on a side or larger than one-half inch on a side.

(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to:

(a) Take more than six walleyes, or two muskellunge, or twenty crappie, or five largemouth and smallmouth bass singly or in the aggregate, in any one day while at, on, or when returning from Pymatuning lake. There is no daily bag limit for other fish taken from Pymatuning lake;

(b) Take or possess a walleye less than fifteen inches, or a muskellunge less than thirty inches, or a largemouth or smallmouth bass less than twelve inches, or a crappie less than nine inches while at, on, or when returning from Pymatuning lake;

(c) Take or possess frogs, turtles, and tadpoles from Pymatuning lake at any time except from July first to October thirty-first, both dates inclusive;

(d) Take or have in possession in any one day more than fifteen frogs or fifteen tadpoles from Pymatuning lake;

(e) Take frogs by the aid of a light or by means of firearms;

(f) Take more than ten turtles in any one day from Pymatuning lake, except snapping turtles may be taken in unlimited numbers. Hooks used for taking turtles by set lines shall be not less than three and one-half inches long with not less than one inch of space between point and shank;

(g) Take crayfish, mussels, and larval aquatic insects at any time from Pymatuning lake;

(h) Possess a fish in any form or condition other than in the round while on a boat or when unloading the fish from a boat, while wading or while fishing from shore on the Ohio side of Pymatuning lake;

(i) Possess or transport a fish taken from Pymatuning lake unless the fish is in the round or complete fillet until a person reaches their permanent residence or until the fish is being prepared for immediate consumption;

(j) Transport frozen fish taken from Pymatuning lake in such a way that the fillets cannot be easily identified and counted.

(3) Residents of Ohio may fish on any part of Pymatuning lake, except while on any island in the lake or land on the Pennsylvania side, with an Ohio fishing license. Residents of Pennsylvania may fish on any part of the lake, except from the shore on the Ohio side, with a Pennsylvania fishing license.

(4) All non-residents may fish on any part of Pymatuning lake, except while on any island in the lake or land on the Pennsylvania side, with their Ohio non-resident fishing license.

(5) All non-residents may fish on any part of Pymatuning lake, except from the shore on the Ohio side, with their Pennsylvania non-resident fishing license.

(R) It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or attempt to take or catch or engage in fishing in or possess fish taken from any body of water that is posted with signs declaring the lake, stream, river, or portion thereof closed to all fishing or posted with division of wildlife signs stating "No Fishing" or "Fishing In This Area Is Prohibited."

(S) It shall be unlawful for any person sixteen years of age or older to take, catch, or attempt to take or catch fish, or engage in fishing in any manner in any waters posted with division of wildlife signs stating "Fishing in this area restricted to persons fifteen years of age or younger."

(T) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated January 9, 2024 at 9:17 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.02, 1533.37
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 10/16/1981, 6/1/1982, 5/31/1983, 9/15/1995, 3/1/1997, 1/1/2001, 7/1/2015, 3/1/2017
Rule 1501:31-13-08 | Fish daily bag limits: protected species.

(A) Throughout the state it shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than six saugeyes, six sauger, or six walleyes, singly or in the aggregate in any one day while on any stream, river or other body of water where fishing therein requires the licenses set forth in section 1533.32 of the Revised Code; excepting therefrom the lake Erie sport fishing district in accordance with rule 1501:31-13-14 of the Administrative Code and the eastern and western fishing units of the Ohio river in accordance with rule 1501:31-13-11 of the Administrative Code.

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than: one muskellunge, or one tiger muskellunge, singly or in the aggregate; or five black bass, including smallmouth, largemouth, or spotted bass singly or in the aggregate in any one day statewide except: black bass in the lake Erie sport fishing district in accordance with paragraph (R) of this rule, the eastern and western fishing units of the Ohio river in accordance with rule 1501:31-13-11, Pymatuning lake in accordance with paragraph (Q) of rule 1501:31-13-07 of the Administrative Code, or in waters with designated split daily bag limits associated with length limits as specified in paragraphs (O) and (P) of this rule.

(C) The possession limits set forth in paragraphs (A), (B), (E), (H), (I), and (Q) of this rule do not apply to such fish when transported on a commercial ferry boat in lake Erie.

(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess blue pike or sturgeon from lake Erie or any of its tributaries.

(E) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess singly or in the aggregate more than five trout and salmon daily, from any waters in this state. Provided further, it shall be unlawful for any person to:

(1) Take or possess more than two trout and salmon combined from:

(a) The Mad river or its tributaries in Clark, Champaign and Logan counties;

(b) The Clear Fork branch of the Mohican river and its tributaries in Ashland and Richland counties;

(c) Clear creek located in Fairfield and Hocking counties from the first Fairfield county road 69 bridge East of the junction of county road 26 and county road 69 to U.S. route 33 Highway bridge in Hocking county;

(d) Lake Erie and its tributaries from September first through May fifteenth.

(2) Take or possess brook trout from the Ashtabula river, Chagrin river, Conneaut river, Grand river, and their tributaries.

(F) It shall be unlawful for any person to seine or take bait in King's creek between the bridge on county road no. 223 and the Mad river.

(G) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess a fish in any form or condition other than in the round while on or when unloading the fish from a boat, while wading, while fishing from shore, or while on any waters in this state where a fishing license is required as set forth in section 1533.32 of the Revised Code, except: forage fish, rough fish, and game fish that do not have a possession or length limit on those waters, may be cut up and used for bait provided that the skin or head of the fish being used is intact so that the species is visually identifiable.

(1) It shall be unlawful to possess or transport a fish taken from any stream, river or other body of water where fishing therein requires the licenses set forth in section 1533.32 of the Revised Code unless the fish is in the round or complete fillet until a person reaches their permanent residence or until the fish is being prepared for immediate consumption. Frozen fish must be transported in such a way the fillets can be easily identified and counted.

(2) It shall be lawful to possess fish in the round or as a complete fillet while returning from the lake Erie islands on a commercial ferry boat.

(3) Paragraph (G)(1) of this rule does not apply if the fish in a person's possession are accompanied by a receipt or statement issued by a person who for consideration, hire, or resale, scales, fillets, dresses, or in any manner processes fish taken with other than commercial fishing gear or a receipt or statement issued by a licensed Ohio fishing guide. Such statement or receipt shall list the name of the person, the number and species of fish and the date said fish were caught. It shall be unlawful to falsify any information on said statement or receipt or to provide a falsified statement or receipt to anyone.

(H) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than thirty yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in any one day statewide, except in the eastern and western fishing units of the Ohio river, in accordance with the rule 1501:31-13-11 of the Administrative Code, Pymatuning lake, in accordance with paragraph (Q) of rule 1501:31-13-07 of the Administrative Code, and the lake Erie sport fishing district, in accordance with rule 1501:31-13-14 of the Administrative Code.

(I) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess more than one channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in excess of twenty-eight inches, and one flathead catfish (Pylodictus olivaris) in excess of thirty-five inches, and one blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) in excess of thirty-five inches in any one day statewide from any waters in the state wherein an Ohio fishing license is required by section 1533.32 of the Revised Code, except Pymatuning lake in accordance with paragraph (Q) of rule 1501:31-13-07 of the Administrative Code.

(J) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than ten sunfish in the aggregate in any one day from each of the following areas:

St. Joseph river wildlife area;

Oxbow lake wildlife area;

Killdeer Plains wildlife area.

(K) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than ten crappie in the aggregate in any one day from each of the following areas:

St. Joseph river wildlife area;

Oxbow lake wildlife area;

Killdeer Plains wildlife area.

(L) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than thirty crappie in the aggregate in any one day from each of the following areas:

Alum Creek lake in Delaware county upstream to the state route 521 bridge in Kilbourne;

Buckeye lake in Licking, Fairfield and Perry counties;

Caesar Creek lake in Clinton, Greene and Warren counties upstream on Anderson Fork creek to the state route 380 bridge and upstream on Caesar creek to the Roxanna-New Burlington bridge;

Deer Creek lake in Fayette and Pickaway counties upstream to the Yankeetown Pike bridge;

Delaware lake in Delaware county, including the Olentangy river in Marion county upstream to the Waldo dam and Whetstone creek upstream to state route 229;

Dillon lake in Muskingum county upstream on Stump Run to Shannon Valley road, upstream on Poverty run to Pinecrest drive, upstream on Big run to Creamery road and upstream on the Licking river to the county road 408 bridge;

East Fork lake in Clermont county upstream on Todd run to the state route 133 bridge and upstream on the East Fork of the Little Miami river to West Main street bridge in Williamsburg;

Ferguson lake in Allen county;

Grand Lake St. Marys in Auglaize and Mercer counties upstream in the tributaries from the south to state route 219 and upstream on Coldwater creek to state route 127;

Hoover reservoir in Franklin and Delaware counties upstream on Big Walnut creek to the Columbus street bridge in Galena and upstream in Little Walnut creek to the state route 3 bridge;

Indian lake in Logan county upstream on the north fork of the Great Miami river to the state route 117 bridge and upstream on the south fork of the Great Miami river to the Bickham covered bridge on county road 38;

Lake Loramie in Auglaize and Shelby counties upstream in Loramie creek to state route 29 and upstream on Northwest feed to state route 119;

Milton lake Mahoning county upstream to Ellsworth road;

Mahoning river between Berlin lake and lake Milton in Mahoning and Portage counties;

Metzger reservoir in Allen county;

Mosquito lake in Trumbull county;

O'Shaughnessy reservoir in Delaware county upstream in the Scioto river to the old bridge abutments just north of Bellepoint and upstream in Mill creek to the state route 257 bridge in Bellepoint;

Portage lakes - East, North, Turkeyfoot, West in Summit county;

Paint Creek lake in Highland and Ross counties upstream in Rattlesnake creek to state route 138 and upstream on paint creek to route 28;

Piedmont lake in Guernsey, Harrison and Belmont counties upstream on Stillwater creek to the township road 343 bridge;

Pleasant Hill lake in Richland and Ashland counties upstream to the Pleasant Hill road bridge;

Rocky Fork lake in Highland county upstream on Rocky Fork creek to state route 124, upstream on Clear creek to Northshore drive and upstream on Plum run, the southeast feed, to Lucas lane;

Salt Fork lake in Guernsey county upstream on Sugartree Fork to the township road 587 bridge, upstream on Brushy Fork to the state route 22 bridge, upstream on Salt Fork to the Fairground road bridge and upstream on rocky Fork to the township road 855 bridge;

Seneca lake in Guernsey and Noble counties upstream on Beaver creek to the state route 513 bridge and upstream on Seneca Fork (Wills creek) to the county road 62 bridge;

Tappan lake in Harrison county upstream to Addy road;

Veterans Memorial reservoir in Hancock county.

(M) It shall be unlawful to take or possess more than thirty striped bass, hybrid striped bass, or white bass, singly or in the aggregate in any one day from any waters in the state wherein an Ohio fishing license is required by section 1533.32 of the Revised Code, except Pymatuning lake and the lake Erie sport fishing district.

It shall be unlawful to take or possess more than four striped bass, hybrid striped bass, or white bass singly or in the aggregate greater than fifteen inches in length in any one day from any waters in the state wherein an Ohio fishing license is required by section 1533.32 of the Revised Code, except Pymatuning lake and the lake Erie sport fishing district.

(N) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than twenty sunfish (Lepomis spp.) in the aggregate in any one day from all lakes and ponds in the Jesse Owens park, Jesse Owens wildlife area, and the Appalachian Hills wildlife area in Guernsey, Morgan, Muskingum, and Noble counties.

(O) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than four largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted bass singly or in aggregate, of which no more than two can be less than fifteen inches in length and no more than two can be greater than or equal to fifteen inches in length on the following bodies of water or surrounding shoreline:

Acton lake in Preble and Butler counties upstream on Four Mile creek to Main Loop road and upstream on Little Four Mile creek to Main Loop road;

Findley lake in Lorain county;

Hargus Creek lake in Pickaway county;

Highlandtown lake in Columbiana county;

Lake Snowden in Athens county;

New Lyme lake in Ashtabula county;

Paint creek lake in Highland and Ross counties upstream in Rattlesnake creek to state route 138 and upstream on Paint creek to route 28;

Salt Fork lake in Guernsey county upstream on Sugartree Fork to the township road 587 bridge, upstream on Brushy Fork to the state route 22 bridge, upstream on Salt Fork to the Fairground road bridge and upstream on Rocky Fork to the township road 855 bridge;

Silver creek lake in Summit county;

Upper Sandusky reservoir no. 2 in Wyandot county.

(P) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than three largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted bass singly or in aggregate, of which no more than two can be less than fourteen inches in length and no more than one can be greater than or equal to twenty inches in length on the following bodies of water or surrounding shoreline. In addition, it shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, or spotted bass greater than fourteen inches but less than twenty inches in length while on the water or surrounding shoreline of the following bodies of water:

Appalachian Hills wildlife area lakes and ponds in Guernsey, Morgan, Muskingum and Noble counties;

Belmont lake in Belmont county;

Guilford lake in Columbiana county;

Jesse Owens park lakes and ponds in Morgan county;

Jesse Owens wildlife area lakes and ponds in Morgan county;

Killdeer pond number 30, and Killdeer pond number 33 in Wyandot county;

Kiser lake in Champaign county;

Long lake in Summit county;

Oxbow lake in Defiance county;

Spencer lake in Medina county;

St. Joseph river wildlife area lakes in Williams county;

Tycoon lake in Gallia county;

Wingfoot lake in Portage county;

Wolf Run lake in Noble county.

(Q) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than one black bass, including smallmouth, largemouth, or spotted bass, in any one day while on or within one-quarter mile of the lake Erie sport fishing district from May first until the fourth Saturday in June.

(R) Unless otherwise provided by division rule, there is no daily bag limit for the following species of fish statewide: crappie, white bass, bluegill, sunfish, and rock bass.

(S) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated January 2, 2024 at 10:08 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.02
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1979, 3/1/1991, 11/20/1996, 3/1/2004, 7/1/2008, 7/1/2009, 3/1/2016, 1/1/2021
Rule 1501:31-13-09 | Length limits on certain game fish.

Under authority of sections 1533.02 and 1531.08 of the Revised Code, the chief of the division of wildlife hereby orders that:

(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess a walleye, sauger, or saugeye less than fifteen inches in length while on the following bodies of water:

Lake Milton in Mahoning and Portage counties;

Berlin lake in Stark, Portage and Mahoning counties;

Mahoning river between Berlin lake and lake Milton in Mahoning and Portage counties.

C.J. Brown reservoir in Clark county upstream on Buck creek to the Moorefield road bridge;

Lake Erie sport fishing district;

Acton lake in Butler and Preble counties upstream on Four Mile creek to Main Loop road and upstream on Little Four Mile creek to Main Loop road;

Alum Creek lake in Delaware county upstream on Alum creek to the state route 521 bridge in Kilbourne;

Atwood lake in Carroll and Tuscarawas counties upstream to Glendale road;

Buckeye lake in Fairfield, Perry and Licking counties;

Caesar Creek lake in Clinton, Greene and Warren counties upstream on Anderson Fork to the state route 380 bridge and upstream on Caesar creek to the Roxanna-New Burlington bridge;

Ferguson reservoir in Allen county;

Findlay reservoirs 1 and 2 in Hancock county;

Indian lake in Logan county upstream on the North Fork of the Great Miami river to the state route 117 bridge and upstream on the South Fork of the Great Miami river to the Bickham covered bridge (county road 38);

Metzger reservoir in Allen county;

Piedmont lake in Guernsey, Harrison and Belmont counties upstream on Stillwater creek to the township road 343 bridge;

Pleasant Hill lake in Richland and Ashland counties upstream to the Pleasant hill road bridge;

Rocky Fork lake in Highland county upstream on Rocky Fork creek to state route 124, upstream on Clear creek to Northshore drive and upstream on Plum run, the southeast feed, to Lucas lane;

Seneca lake in Guernsey and Noble counties upstream on Beaver creek to the state route 513 bridge and upstream on Seneca Fork of Wills creek to the county road 62 bridge;

Tappan Lake in Harrison county upstream to Addy road;

West Branch reservoir in Portage county.

(B) It shall be unlawful to take or possess any trout or salmon species less than twelve inches in length while on:

(1) The Mad river or its tributaries in Clark, Champaign and Logan counties;

(2) The Clear Fork branch of the Mohican river and its tributaries in Richland county;

(3) Lake Erie or its direct or indirect tributaries, including all the streams in the entire drainage basin, excepting therefrom Cold creek upstream of state route 2 located in Erie county.

(C) It shall be unlawful to take or possess largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, or spotted bass less than fifteen inches in length on the following bodies of water:

Blue Rock lake in Muskingum county;

Cowan lake in Clinton county upstream on Cowan creek to West Champlain road, township highway 103 and upstream on Wilson creek to Osborn road;

Greenfield lake in Fairfield county;

Wellington south reservoir in Lorain county;

Zepernick lake in Columbiana county;

Dale Walborn reservoir in Portage and Stark counties;

Ross lake in Ross county;

Adams lake in Adams county;

Resthaven pond no. 8 in Erie county;

Rush creek lake in Fairfield and Perry counties;

Rush Run lake in Preble county upstream on Rush run to the state line;

Pine lake in Ross county;

Seneca lake in Guernsey and Noble counties upstream on Beaver creek to the state route 513 bridge and upstream on Seneca Fork of Wills creek to the county road 62 bridge;

Hancock county wetland lake in Hancock county;

Caldwell lake in Ross county;

Ohio/Erie canal in Cuyahoga county.

(D) It shall be unlawful to take or possess largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, or spotted bass less than eighteen inches in length on the following bodies of water:

Knox lake in Knox county;

Lake La Su An wildlife area lakes in Williams county.

(E) It shall be unlawful to take or possess largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass less than fourteen inches in length while on or within one-quarter mile of the lake Erie sport fishing district from the fourth Saturday in June through April thirtieth.

(F) It shall be unlawful to take or possess largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass less than eighteen inches in length while on or within one-quarter mile of the lake Erie sport fishing district from May first until the fourth Saturday in June.

(G) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, or spotted bass greater than twelve inches but less than fifteen inches in length while on the water or surrounding shoreline of the following bodies of water:

Burr Oak lake in Athens and Morgan counties;

Dow lake in Athens county;

Fox lake in Athens county;

Lake Rupert (Wellston city reservoir) in Vinton county upstream on Little Raccoon creek to the county road 25 bridge;

Jackson City reservoir (Hammertown lake) in Jackson county;

Slope creek reservoir (Barnsville no. 3) in Belmont county;

Turkey creek lake in Scioto county.

(H) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess black crappie or white crappie less than nine inches in length on the following bodies of water:

Alum Creek lake in Delaware county upstream in Alum creek to the state route 521 bridge in Kilbourne;

Buckeye lake in Licking, Fairfield and Perry counties;

Caesars Creek lake in Clinton, Greene and Warren counties upstream on Anderson Fork to the state route 380 bridge and upstream on Caesar creek to the Roxanna-New Burlington bridge;

Deer Creek lake in Fayette and Pickaway counties upstream on Deer creek to the Yankeetown Pike bridge;

Delaware lake in Delaware county, including the Olentangy river in Marion county upstream to the Waldo dam and Whetstone creek upstream to state route 229;

Dillon lake in Muskingum county upstream on Stump run to the Shannon Valley road bridge, upstream on Poverty run to the Pinecrest drive bridge, upstream on Big run to the Creamery road bridge and upstream on the Licking river to the county road 408 bridge;

East Fork lake in Clermont county upstream on Todd run to the state route 133 bridge and upstream on East Fork of the Little Miami river to the West Main street bridge in Williamsburg;

Ferguson lake in Allen county;

Grand Lake St. Marys in Auglaize and Mercer counties upstream in the tributaries to the south to state route 219 and upstream on Coldwater creek to state route 127;

Hoover reservoir in Franklin and Delaware counties upstream on Big Walnut creek to the Columbus street bridge in Galena and upstream on Little Walnut creek to the state route 3 bridge;

Indian lake in Logan county upstream on the North Fork of the Great Miami river to the state route 117 bridge and upstream on the South Fork of the Great Miami river to the Bickham covered bridge (county road 38);

Lake Loramie in Auglaize and Shelby counties upstream on Loramie creek to state route 29 and upstream on Northwest Feed to state route 119;

Milton lake in Mahoning county upstream to Ellsworth road;

Mahoning river between Berlin lake and lake Milton in Mahoning and Portage counties;

Metzger reservoir in Allen county;

Mosquito lake in Trumbull county;

O'Shaughnessy reservoir in Delaware county upstream on the Scioto river to the old bridge abutments just north of Bellepoint and upstream on Mill creek to the state route 257 bridge in Bellepoint;

Paint Creek lake in Highland and Ross counties upstream on Rattlesnake creek to state route 138 and upstream on Paint creek to state route 28;

Portage lakes - East, North, Turkeyfoot, West in Summit county;

Piedmont lake in Guernsey, Harrison and Belmont counties upstream on Stillwater creek to the township road 343 bridge;

Pleasant Hill lake in Richland and Ashland counties upstream to the Pleasant Hill road bridge;

Rocky Fork lake in Highland county upstream on Rocky Fork to state route 124, upstream on Clear creek to Northshore drive and upstream on Southeast feed to Lucas lane;

Salt Fork lake in Guernsey county upstream on Sugartree fork to the township road 587 bridge, upstream on Brushy Fork to the state route 22 bridge, upstream on Salt Fork to the Fairground road bridge and upstream on rocky fork to the township road 855 bridge;

Seneca lake in Guernsey and Noble counties upstream on Beaver creek to the state route 513 bridge and upstream on Seneca Fork of Wills creek to the county road 62 bridge;

Tappan lake in Harrison county upstream to Addy road;

Veterans Memorial reservoir in Hancock county.

(I) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, or spotted bass greater than fourteen inches but less than twenty inches in length while on the water or surrounding shoreline of the following bodies of water:

Appalachian Hills wildlife area lakes and ponds in Guernsey, Morgan, Muskingum, and Noble counties;

Belmont lake in Belmont county;

Guilford lake in Columbiana county;

Jesse Owens park lakes and ponds in Morgan county;

Jesse Owens wildlife area lakes and ponds in Morgan county;

Killdeer pond number 30, and Killdeer pond number 33 in Wyandot county;

Kiser lake in Champaign county;

Long lake in Summit county;

Oxbow lake in Defiance county;

Spencer lake in Medina county;

St. Joseph river wildlife area lakes in Williams county;

Tycoon lake in Gallia county;

Wingfoot lake in Portage county;

Wolf Run lake in Noble county;

(J) It shall be unlawful to take or possess largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted bass less than twelve inches in length from any waters in this state where a fishing license is required as set forth in section 1533.32 of the Revised Code, not withstanding any other length limits in this rule.

(K) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated August 26, 2024 at 12:28 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.02
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 9/20/1986 (Temp.), 6/1/1987 (Temp.), 3/1/1989 (Temp.), 3/1/1996, 11/24/2008, 3/1/2014, 1/1/2023
Rule 1501:31-13-10 | Free fishing days.

(A) It shall be lawful for residents of this state to take or catch fish by angling in any waters of the state without procuring a resident fishing license as prescribed in section 1533.32 of the Revised Code on the third Sunday in June and the immediately preceding Saturday. Provided further, it shall be unlawful to take or catch fish contrary to the Ohio Revised Code and any division order or rule.

(B) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code shall apply to this rule.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.08
Amplifies: 1531.08, 1533.12, 1533.32
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 10/31/1992, 11/13/2002
Rule 1501:31-13-11 | Special Ohio river fishing regulations.

(A) The eastern fishing unit of the Ohio river shall consist of those counties bordering the state of West Virginia and more specifically the counties of Columbiana, Jefferson, Belmont, Monroe, Washington, Athens, Meigs, Gallia, and that portion of Lawrence east of the West Virginia and Kentucky state lines. Provided further, it shall be unlawful to take or possess any fish contrary to this rule or any other division of wildlife rule when within a quarter mile of the Ohio river or its embayment areas and tributaries to the first riffle or dam in the eastern fishing unit of the Ohio river.

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than two muskellunge, or six largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted bass singly or in the aggregate in any one day in the area prescribed in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess a muskellunge or tiger muskie less than thirty inches in length, in the area prescribed in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than thirty striped bass, hybrid striped bass, or white bass, singly or in the aggregate of which no more than four may be more than fifteen inches in length in any one day in the area prescribed in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(3) It shall be unlawful to take or possess a largemouth bass, smallmouth bass or spotted bass less than twelve inches in length from the area described in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(4) It shall be unlawful to take or possess more than thirty black or white crappie singly or in the aggregate in any one day from the area described in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(5) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than six saugeyes, six walleyes, or six sauger, singly or in the aggregate in any one day from the area describe in paragraph (A) of this rule.

(C) The western fishing unit of the Ohio river shall consist of those counties bordering the state of Kentucky and more specifically that portion of Lawrence county west of the Kentucky and Ohio border and the entire counties of Scioto, Adams, Brown, Clermont, and Hamilton. Provided further, it shall be unlawful to take or possess any fish contrary to this rule or any other division of wildlife rule when on or within a quarter mile of the Ohio river or in its embayment areas and tributaries to the first riffle or dam in those counties or portions thereof in the western fishing unit of the Ohio river.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than six largemouth, smallmouth, or spotted bass singly or in the aggregate, or more than two muskellunge or tiger muskie singly or in the aggregate, or thirty black or white crappie singly or in the aggregate in any one day in the area prescribed in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than thirty striped bass, hybrid striped bass, white bass, singly or in the aggregate in any one day in the area prescribed in paragraph (C) of this rule. Provided further, it shall be unlawful to take or possess more than four striped bass, hybrid striped bass, white bass singly or in the aggregate more than fifteen inches in length in any one day in the area prescribed in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(3) It shall be unlawful to take or possess a largemouth bass, spotted bass or smallmouth bass less than twelve inches in length or a muskellunge or tiger muskie less than thirty inches in length.

(4) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than six saugeyes, six walleyes, or six sauger, singly or in the aggregate in any one day in the area described in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(5) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess a saugeye, walleye, or sauger less than fourteen inches in length from the area described in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(D) The possession limits set forth in this rule shall not apply to such fish when stored in a persons abode in those areas prescribed in paragraphs (A) and (C) of this rule.

(E) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code shall apply to this rule.

Last updated October 11, 2023 at 8:09 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.02
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 2/28/1994
Rule 1501:31-13-14 | Walleye and yellow perch daily bag limits in the lake Erie sport fishing district.

In accordance with inter-agency fisheries quota management on lake Erie, this rule establishes annual walleye, sauger, saugeye and yellow perch daily bag limits in the lake Erie sport fishing district that will prevent sport harvest in excess of quota allocations for these fish species.

Each year, a total allowable catch (TAC) will be determined for one walleye and three yellow perch stocks by the lake Erie committee of the great lakes fishery commission. Ohio's annual TAC for walleye will be derived using an area-based formula of walleye habitat within Ohio's jurisdiction in the western and central basins of lake Erie. Ohio's annual TACs for yellow perch will be derived using an area-based formula for the Ohio jurisdiction in the west (lake Erie yellow perch management unit 1), west-central (lake Erie yellow perch management unit 2), and east-central (lake Erie yellow perch management unit 3) basins and associated quotas will be issued for each management unit as defined in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code.

Based upon Ohio's walleye TAC and based upon Ohio's yellow perch TAC for each lake Erie yellow perch management unit, the seasonal daily bag limit for walleye, sauger or saugeye and yellow perch will be determined by using the tables listed in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule. The bag limits will be posted on the Ohio division of wildlife website at, in a statewide news release, and in a printed pamphlet prior to May first.

(A) Bag limits for walleye, sauger or saugeye and yellow perch will take effect on May first each year.

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than the daily bag limit of walleye, sauger or saugeye, singly or in the aggregate in the lake Erie sport fishing district as determined in the following table and published by the division and posted on the Ohio division of wildlife website at

Ohio TAC (numbers of fish)Daily bag limit for walleye, sauger or saugeye May 1- last day of February in the lake Erie sport fishing districtDaily bag limit for walleye, sauger and saugeye March 1- April 30 in the lake Erie sport fishing district
Greater than or equal to 3,000,000 6 6
950,000 to less than 3,000,000 6 4
850,000 to less than 950,000 5 4
750,000 to less than 850,000 4 4
650,000 to less than 750,000 3 3
550,000 to less than 650,000 2 2
Less than or equal to 550,000 1 1

(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to take more than thirty yellow perch in a calendar day from the lake Erie sport fishing district. Provided further, it shall be unlawful for any person to take or possess more than the daily bag limit of yellow perch in any lake Erie yellow perch management unit, as determined in the following table and published by the division and posted on the Ohio division of wildlife website at

Daily Bag limitLake Erie Yellow Perch Management Unit 1 Ohio TAC (Pounds of Fish)Lake Erie Yellow Perch Management Unit 2 Ohio TAC (Pounds of Fish)Lake Erie Yellow Perch Management Unit 3 Ohio TAC (Pounds of Fish)
30Greater than or equal to 800,000Greater than or equal to 1,600,000Greater than or equal to 800,000
20400,000 to 799,999800,000 to 1,599,999400,000 to 799,999
10Less than 400,000Less than 800,000Less than 400,000

Last updated August 26, 2024 at 12:28 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.02
Five Year Review Date: 5/1/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/2021