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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 123:1-9 | Examinations

Rule 123:1-9-01 | Examination guidelines.

(A) Admitting applicants to examinations. The applicant will be notified of the arrival time to sit for the examination. The qualifications listed in the job posting will be followed in determining admittance to competitive or non-competitive examinations.

(B) Extension of time in examinations. No applicant in any examination will be given a longer time on any subject than prescribed by the director of administrative services or designee. The director or designee may establish separate time limits for the individual accommodation of applicants with disabilities.

(C) Visitors at examinations. No visitor will be admitted to the examination room during any examination except by special permission of the examiner in charge.

(D) Changing of grades. No grades given in any examination will be changed after the posting of an eligible list, provided that the director or designee may correct errors of examiners or employees at any time before the cancellation of such lists.

(E) Postponement or cancellation of examinations. Examinations, unless canceled or postponed, will be held upon dates fixed by the director or designee. A scheduled examination may be canceled or postponed by order of the director or designee, for adequate reason. Reasonable efforts will be made to notify each approved applicant of cancellation or postponement.

(F) Credit for military service. Applicants who are residents of Ohio and otherwise eligible and who receive a passing grade in any examination for original appointment will be granted additional credit of twenty per cent of such grade, thereby receiving a final grade of twenty per cent higher in recognition of military service. To be eligible for this credit, applicants will provide proper proof of military service, as defined in section 124.23 of the Revised Code to the director or designee prior to participation in the examination.

(G) Credit for reserve component status. A member in good standing of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, including the Ohio national guard, who successfully completes the member's initial entry-level training will receive a credit of fifteen per cent of the person's total grade given in the examination in which the person receives a passing grade. The applicant will submit proof that the applicant successfully completed entry-level training. An applicant who receives credit under paragraph (F) of this rule is not eligible to receive an additional credit as a member in good standing of a reserve component.

(H) Repeating examinations. An applicant who has competed in a civil service examination cannot repeat that examination or take an examination for the same classification within four months from the date of original examination, unless an alternative form of examination is given, or unless other standards are specified in the examination announcement.

Last updated August 5, 2024 at 7:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.23
Five Year Review Date: 5/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 11/10/1996
Rule 123:1-9-02 | Subjects, weights, and pass point.

The director of administrative services or designee will prescribe the subjects of each examination and the relative weights to be attached thereto, provided that any such determination will be adopted prior to the date of publication of the examination announcement. Reasonable accommodations may be made for the testing of applicants with disabilities in accordance with any applicable state and/or federal law and state policy.

The director or designee will determine a passing point for each examination based on factors such as, but not limited to, the difficulty of that examination, number of applicants, and other relevant data. When a passing point is determined, it will be made a matter of permanent record. The director or designee will establish a qualifying grade for any or all parts of an examination, provided notice of such qualifying grade is given in the general instructions accompanying the examination. The director or designee will prescribe that all examinations will be in compliance with federal selection guidelines and professional standards.

Last updated August 5, 2024 at 7:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.23
Five Year Review Date: 5/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 11/9/1981, 11/14/2000, 8/10/2014
Rule 123:1-9-03 | Medical or psychological examination as a requirement for appointment to the classified service.

(A) Medical examination defined. For purposes of this rule, a "medical examination" is an evaluation by a licensed practitioner of an applicant's physiological or psychological condition as it relates to employment in the classification being considered.

(B) Licensed practitioner defined. For purposes of this rule, a "licensed practitioner" is a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other appropriately licensed health professional such as a licensed professional clinical counselor or a licensed independent social worker who is licensed to perform the appropriate examination.

(C) Examinations for an entire classification. When the director of administrative services determines that medical or psychological qualifications are of special importance to a classification, candidates for that classification will have to pass a medical or psychological examination and be certified as qualified in such respect.

(1) Notice. The need for a medical or psychological examination will be published in the examination or vacancy announcement.

(2) Certificate. The applicant will furnish a certificate from a licensed practitioner who has personal knowledge, from either medical treatment or examination, as to the medical or psychological condition of the applicant as it relates to performance in the classification.

(D) Examinations established by appointing authority. When an appointing authority, with the approval of the director, determines that medical or psychological qualifications, not otherwise necessary for the classification, are of special importance for positions in classifications used by an appointing authority, applicants certified for appointment to or being considered for employment by the appointing authority will need to pass a medical or psychological examination. Such examination will be given by a licensed practitioner to be designated by the appointing authority. The cost of the examination will be paid by the appointing authority.

(E) Justification. Requirements for medical or psychological examinations will be justified with appropriate documentation. Each appointing authority is responsible for providing such justification to the director or designee.

(F) Use of examination results. Results of a medical or psychological examination will be supplied to the appointing authority and may be considered only after a conditional job offer is made to the individual. The examination results will be the last factor evaluated by the appointing authority before reaching a final decision to make an offer of employment. The use of medical or psychological examination results will be in accordance with any applicable state and/or federal law and state policy.

(G) Disclosure to employee. Disclosure of any reports prepared by the examining practitioner is subject to section 1347.08 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 5, 2024 at 7:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 124.09
Amplifies: 124.23
Five Year Review Date: 5/15/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 8/10/2014