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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:31-29 | Hunter Safety and Trapper Education Courses

Rule 1501:31-29-01 | Hunter education course student and instructor regulations.

All hunter education courses will be conducted and administered in accordance with policies and procedures established by the chief. Volunteer instructors must possess a valid ohio hunter education instructor certification card at the time they conduct a course. The official course of instruction will be established by the chief. Instructors will obtain student manuals and other training materials for their courses from the division of wildlife. Courses shall be conducted statewide. Courses shall be free of charge with the exception that volunteers may charge nominal fees, in accordance with policies established by the chief, to cover training costs such as facility fees. The division may charge participants for special training courses, home study, equivalency testing, educational materials, and other programs as approved by the chief.

(A) First-time hunting license buyers or first-time hunters who apply for a free hunting license shall complete a hunter education course prior to obtaining a hunting license. The course shall include, but not be limited to, the requirements in section 1533.10 of the Revised Code. Completion of the course shall include passing of an examination and receiving a certificate prescribed by the chief of the division of wildlife.

(B) A volunteer hunter education instructor must be eighteen years of age or older and shall have successfully completed the Ohio hunter education course and the Ohio hunter education instructor course as prescribed by the division of wildlife. In addition to the course requirements in paragraph (A) of this rule, an instructor shall complete instruction on teaching techniques, teaching fundamentals, and other methods of instruction. Completion of the hunter education instructor course shall include the passing of an examination and receiving a hunter education instructor certification card prescribed by the chief of the division of wildlife. The chief of the division of wildlife shall establish minimum requirements and procedures for the purpose of renewing instructor certification cards. Instructor certification may be withheld or withdrawn at the discretion of the chief.

(C) Persons possessing and producing a legally obtained "National Rifle Association hunter safety course" card issued to a student prior to 1980, or any other legally obtained hunter education card that identifies the owner and indicates the owner has completed a hunter education course administered by another state or Canadian province are considered to have equivalent training and may purchase a hunting license upon presenting such card to an issuing agent.

(D) In lieu of presenting a previously purchased hunting license or evidence of satisfactorily completing an approved hunter education course, persons who are twenty-one years of age or older may make application for and be issued a hunting license after stating on the application that he or she is twenty-one years of age or older and has held a previous hunting license. The division may also issue hunter education certification cards through home-study programs, equivalent training documentation, and testing, proficiency testing, or through other programs established by the chief.

(E) No person shall issue or give a hunter education certificate of completion to another person that has not passed the division's hunter education course, or otherwise met the requirements for certification as established by this rule and division policy. No person shall obtain, use, or attempt to use a division of wildlife hunter education certificate without first completing an authorized division of wildlife hunter education course, or otherwise meeting the requirements for certification as established by this rule and division policy. Instructors will report the names and addresses of passing students to the division immediately after each course. The division will be responsible for maintaining records of students certified and issuing duplicate hunter education student cards. The chief may prescribe a fee for issuing duplicate hunter education student cards.

(F) Duly authorized and recognized conservation clubs and sportsmen's clubs may apply to the chief of the division of wildlife to conduct shoot-to-kill hunter education programs on private lands. The chief, in his sole discretion, may approve shoot-to-kill hunter education courses regardless of the season for young hunters under the age of eighteen years. The chief shall issue a hunter education permit setting forth such limitations, restrictions, or provisions as he deems appropriate in his sole discretion.

The president of the conservation or sportsmen's club shall submit in writing a request at least thirty days prior to the event which shall:

(1) Fully describe the land on which the course shall be taught;

(2) State the number of participants;

(3) State the species of animals to be killed;

(4) Describe in detail the conservation or sportsmen educational benefits from the course;

(5) State any further information the chief may request.

(G) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to fully comply with provisions set forth in the hunter education permit as issued pursuant to paragraph (F) of this rule. Failure to comply with any provision of said permit shall result in immediate revocation of the hunter education permit without further act of the chief or his authorized representative and the person violating the provision will be subject to prosecution under existing law.

(H) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code shall apply to this rule.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 11:04 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1533.10
Amplifies: 1533.10
Five Year Review Date: 10/14/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1979, 5/31/1983, 6/1/1987, 8/17/1995
Rule 1501:31-29-02 | Trapper education course student and instructor regulations.

First-time fur taker permit buyers wanting to trap furbearing animals shall complete a trapper education course or other course of instruction as prescribed by the division of wildlife. The approved courses of instruction, shall include, but not be limited to, the subject matter required in section 1533.111 of the Revised Code. The official course, or courses of instruction, shall be approved by the chief of the division of wildlife.

(A) Completion of an approved course of instruction shall include passing of an examination and receiving a certificate of completion prescribed by the chief of the division of wildlife.

(B) Any qualified division employee plus volunteer instructors may give trapper education courses. Said volunteer instructors must be eighteen years of age or older with at least three years of experience trapping furbearing animals and shall have successfully completed a Ohio trapping education course prescribed by the chief of the division of wildlife. In addition to the course requirements in paragraph (A) of this rule, an instructor shall complete courses on teaching techniques, fundamentals, and methods of instruction. Completion of the Ohio trapper education instructor course shall include the passing of an examination and receiving a trapper education instructor certification card prescribed by the chief of the division of wildlife. The chief of the division of wildlife shall establish minimum requirements and procedures for the purpose of renewing instructor certification cards. Instructor certification may be withheld or withdrawn at the discretion of the chief.

(C) Persons possessing and producing a legally obtained trapper education card which identifies the owner and indicates the owner has completed a trapping education course administered by another state or province will be considered to have had equivalent training and may purchase a fur taker permit upon presenting such card to an issuing agent.

(D) In lieu of presenting a previously purchased trapping permit, fur taker permit, or license or evidence of satisfactorily completing an approved trapper education course, persons who are twenty-one years of age or older may make application for and be issued a fur taker permit after stating on the application that he is twenty-one years of age or older and has held a previous trapping permit, fur taker permit, or license.

(E) No person shall issue or give a trapper certificate of competency to any person who has not passed a division trapper education course. No person shall obtain, use or attempt to use a division of wildlife trapper certificate without first completing an authorized division of wildlife trapper education course. Instructors will report the names and addresses of passing students to the division immediately after each course. The division will be responsible for maintaining records of students certified and issuing duplicate cards.

(F) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code shall apply to this rule.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 11:04 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1979, 6/1/1981, 5/31/1983, 5/31/1984, 4/20/1987, 9/15/1987, 6/1/1988
Rule 1501:31-29-03 | Shooting ranges.

(A) In accordance with section 1533.84 of the Revised Code, the chief of the division of wildlife hereby establishes standards for shooting ranges in Ohio. These standards address noise levels, hours of operation, and safety. Private or public shooting ranges in Ohio should substantially comply with these standards to receive the civil and criminal immunities granted under section 1533.85 of the Revised Code.

(B) Private and public shooting ranges in Ohio should substantially comply with the listed noise or sound levels that are set to prevent hearing damage and eliminate nuisance noise complaints. Noise or sound level guidelines are described or explained in great detail in "The NRA Range Source Book, 2012 edition." For the purpose of the chief of the division of wildlife's standards for shooting ranges, the following noise or sound levels apply:

Unacceptable: If the sound level exceeds ninety decibels dB(A) for one hour out of twenty-four hours or eighty-five decibels dB(A) for eight hours out of twenty-four hours and the sound measuring receiver is located at the boundaries of the range property.

(C) The hours of operation for shooting ranges shall be from seven a.m. to ten p.m. daily, except for indoor or archery ranges.

(D) Private and public shooting ranges should substantially comply with safety guidelines generally recognized and accepted by the national rifle association (NRA). Suggested safety guidelines are described or explained in great detail in "The NRA Range Source Book, 2012 edition." For the purpose of the chief of the division of wildlife's standards for shooting ranges, private and public shooting ranges shall have an implemented safety plan that substantially includes, but is not limited to, the following items:

(1) A description of the range that stipulates how, when, why, and by whom the facility will be used.

(2) The safety plan should divide rules and regulations into the categories of gun handling rules, general range rules, specific range rules, and administrative rules and regulations. Each category should substantially contain, but not be limited to, the following items:

(a) Gun handling rules

(i) Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction.

(ii) Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.

(iii) Always keep the action open and firearm unloaded until ready to use.

(iv) Know your target and what is beyond the target area.

(v) Be sure the gun is safe to operate.

(vi) Know how to use your gun safely.

(vii) Wear ear and eye protection.

(viii) Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.

(ix) Store guns so that they are not accessible to unauthorized persons or children.

(b) General range rules

(i) Know and obey the common range commands.

(ii) Know where others are at all times.

(iii) Shoot only at proper and authorized targets.

(iv) When two or more shooters are present, shooters should consult each other before moving down range from the firing line.

(v) Unload, open the action, ground or bench all firearms during a cease-fire or when someone moves down range to the target area.

(vi) Make sure bystanders and observers that are close to the range are wearing ear protection.

(c) Specific range rules

(i) Hours of operation for shooting activities.

(ii) Type of firearms allowed or restricted.

(iii) Caliber or shotgun gauges allowed or restricted.

(iv) Bullet or shot types allowed or restricted.

(v) Target placement, type of targets, and target holders allowed or restricted.

(vi) Type of shooting activities allowed or prohibited.

(d) Administrative rules and regulations

(i) Rules and regulations that govern the normal operation of the range and facilities such as parking, maintenance, schedules, guest policies, fees, security, supervision, sign-in procedures, and etc.

(ii) Procedure to spot-check range users for compliance to range rules.

(iii) Penalties, sanctions, or consequences for violations of the range rules and regulations.

(3) This safety plan shall be posted in a prominent location on the range and range members or users shall be made aware of the safety plan before firing on the range.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 11:04 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1533.84
Amplifies: 1533.84
Five Year Review Date: 7/2/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 9/1/1998, 7/19/2002