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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:31-31 | Private Dog Training Grounds Permit

Rule 1501:31-31-01 | Private dog training grounds permit and regulations.

(A) The regulations herein apply to dog training grounds which are established only for the training of dogs where the shooting of approved game birds is essential to complete training of a dog, and any use other than this will be considered grounds for revoking the permit.

(B) When making application for the initial establishment of dog training grounds, a check in the amount of seventy-five dollars payable to the division of wildlife must accompany the application as payment for the essential materials to be provided by the division of wildlife in the management of these grounds. These initial items will include twenty-five signs for posting, two hundred identification and transportation bands, which includes an applicator.

(C) A dog training grounds permit may be issued to a new applicant at any time, but an application for renewal shall be submitted to the division prior to the thirtieth day of April in the year following the permit's expiration. Persons having a permit revoked for non-compliance with this rule or for a violation of section 1533.191 of the Revised Code shall cease all dog training on the area described on the application during the period of such revocation or suspension. If the permit is revoked, all signs shall be removed. If for any reason the permittee desires to discontinue their dog training grounds, they shall notify the division and immediately remove all signs from their grounds.

(1) No dog training grounds will be approved unless applied for on an official application form which will provide an accurate description of the location, boundary of the proposed grounds, and acreage involved.

(2) All dog training grounds will be personally inspected by a division of wildlife representative prior to the application being signed for final approval.

(D) Each individual or designated responsible club operator must maintain daily operation information on the forms provided by the division of wildlife. The names of individuals, band numbers of each bird released, number and species of dogs in the party must be entered prior to the party taking to the field. All kill information must be recorded upon completion of the training period and prior to leaving the grounds. This record must be available for inspection at any time by any authorized representative of the division of wildlife and must always be on the grounds at the time the grounds are being used. The daily use record summary must be mailed to the division of wildlife by the fifteenth day of May each year. Failure to maintain an accurate record and forward the same as required will be cause for revoking a permit.

(E) It shall be unlawful for any person possessing a permit under this rule to fail to record on the daily operation form provided by the division each unbanded bird accidentally shot on the grounds. The permittee shall band and release an equal number of live birds after the thirtieth day of April and no later than the tenth day of May each year. The band number of each replacement bird shall be recorded on the daily operation form provided by the division.

(F) The maximum size for dog training grounds is fifty acres. These grounds may not be established within the boundaries of a licensed shooting preserve. No dog training grounds may be established within fifteen hundred feet of a licensed shooting preserve except by the operator of that preserve.

(G) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct shooting field trials on dog training grounds without first applying for and receiving a daily permit for such activity from the division in accordance with section 1533.19 of the Revised Code.

(H) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess a game bird killed on a dog training ground that does not have transportation band attached.

(I) A quail recall or recapture pen may be used within the boundaries of a division of wildlife approved private dog training ground. Provided further, it shall be unlawful to use a quail recall or recapture pen on any lands outside of a licensed private dog training ground.

(J) It shall be unlawful for more than three firearms with live ammunition to be used at the same time, for the purpose of dog training, on an approved dog training ground area located on private property.

(K) All definitions set forth in section 1531.01 of the Revised Code apply to this rule.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 9:02 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.191
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.191
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030
Prior Effective Dates: 6/4/2003, 1/1/2004
Rule 1501:31-31-02 | Commercial bird shooting preserves; tagging; boundaries.

(A) It shall be lawful to release game birds on a commercial bird shooting preserve without banding each bird prior to hunting. Provided further, it shall be unlawful to possess any bird taken from a commercial bird shooting preserve that does not have attached to it a tag or seal provided by the division of wildlife.

(B) It shall be unlawful to fail to clearly define the boundaries of each commercial bird shooting preserve with signs. The signs must:

(1) Be constructed of a durable, weather resistant material;

(2) Be at least ten by fourteen inches in size;

(3) Read "Licensed Shooting Preserve" in the English language;

(4) Be placed at a height above the ground of no less than four feet;

(5) Be posted along all boundaries of the land described in the license at intervals that do not exceed two hundred feet.

(C) Paragraph (B) of this rule does not apply to a commercial bird shooting preserve that is located within the boundaries of a wild animal hunting preserve licensed under section 1533.731 of the Revised Code.

(D) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code shall apply to this rule.

Last updated December 5, 2023 at 11:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.08, 1533.73
Amplifies: 1531.08, 1533.73
Five Year Review Date: 11/22/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/1995
Rule 1501:31-31-03 | Field trial club permits.

(A) Field trials may be conducted from the first day of September through the last day of April. If the last day of April is a Saturday, then field trials may be conducted on the first day of May.

(B) Quails, chukar partridges, ducks, pheasants, and other game birds approved for release in conjunction with an authorized field trial may be released unbanded provided no game birds are to be killed during the trial.

(C) The chief of the division of wildlife, or the chief's designee, may authorize the release of unbanded game birds during a shooting field trial. Provided further, when shooting unbanded game birds is authorized, clubs are not required to release replacement birds for those unbanded birds that are shot.

(D) Unbanded game birds killed during a field trial must be banded or tagged with a band prior to transportation or possession outside of the designated field trial area.

(E) All definitions set forth in rule 1501:31-1-02 of the Administrative Code apply to this rule.

Last updated January 2, 2025 at 9:02 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10
Amplifies: 1531.06, 1531.08, 1531.10, 1533.19
Five Year Review Date: 1/1/2030