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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:9-5 | Enhanced Recovery Projects

Rule 1501:9-5-01 | Definitions.

(A) "Enhanced recovery" means any injection of natural gas, water, or other fluids approved by the division into an oil or gas reservoir to increase pressure or retard pressure decline in the reservoir for the purpose of increasing the recovery of oil or other hydrocarbons therefrom and shall include secondary or additional recovery operations. This is to include all thermal processes.

(B) "Input wells" means those wells into which natural gas, water, other fluids or gases are injected, or are to be injected, for the purpose of increasing pressure or retarding pressure decline in the reservoir.

(C) "Withdrawal wells" means those wells from which oil and/or gas is, or is to be, withdrawn.

(D) "Observation wells" means those wells used, or to be used, temporarily for observation and not for input or withdrawal.

(E) "Project owner" means the person who has the right to inject fluids on a subject tract or tracts and has the right to drill on a tract or drilling unit and to drill into and produce from a pool and to appropriate the oil or gas that he produces therefrom either for himself or for others.

(F) "Person" means any political subdivision, department, agency, or instrumentality of this state; the United States and any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof; and any legal entity defined as a person under section 1.59 of the Revised Code.

(G) "Chief" means chief, division of mineral resources management.

(H) "Division" means division of mineral resources management, Ohio department of natural resources.

(I) "Subject tract" means a tract upon which a person proposes to drill, reopen, deepen, plug back, or rework a well for the injection of fluids.

(J) "Well" means any borehole, whether drilled or bored, within the state, for production, extraction, or injection of any gas or liquid mineral, excluding potable water to be used as such, but including natural or artificial brines and oil field waters.

(K) "Existing well" means any well for which a drilling permit was issued by the division prior to June 1, 1982.

(L) "Saltwater" means any and all nonpotable water resulting, obtained, or produced from the exploration, drilling, or production of oil or gas.

(M) "Barrel" means a quantity of liquid equal to forty-two U.S. gallons.

(N) "Mg/L" means milligrams per liter.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.01
Amplifies: 1509.01
Five Year Review Date: 10/13/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 11/6/1967
Rule 1501:9-5-02 | Exceptions.

Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code shall not apply to saltwater injection wells, liquid waste disposal wells, natural or artificial brine wells, wells drilled in a gas storage reservoir, or wells in which natural gas from a pool is recycled in the same pool for the purpose of retarding pressure decline, or wells for the exploration for or extraction of minerals or energy, including but not limited to the mining of sulfur by the Frasch process, the solution mining of minerals, the in-situ combustion of fossil fuels, or the recovery of geothermal energy.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 11/6/1967
Rule 1501:9-5-03 | Forms.

The division shall prescribe and furnish the required forms consistent with Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 11/6/1967
Rule 1501:9-5-04 | Project approval required.

(A) No enhanced recovery operation shall cause or allow movement of fluid into a source of underground water, and no saltwater shall be injected into an underground formation other than in a manner approved by the division.

(B) Except as authorized by the division, any construction, conversion to, or operation of an enhanced recovery project is prohibited.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:32 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 1501:9-5-05 | Permit.

Any person who proposes to construct, convert to, or operate an enhanced recovery project shall submit an application for a permit to the division on a form provided by the division.

(A) Permit required. No person shall conduct an enhanced recovery project unless an appropriate application for such a project has been approved by the chief and a permit issued by the division. In addition to a project permit, no person shall drill, reopen, deepen, plug back, rework, or use a well for input, withdrawal, or observation unless an appropriate drilling permit as required in Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code has been approved by the chief and issued by the division.

(B) Area of review. An application for an enhanced recovery project filed with the division under this rule shall be evaluated on the basis of an "area of review" surrounding the input wells proposed for the project. The area of review shall be the area encompassed by the following:

(1) The areas circumscribed by circles of one-half-mile radii with their center points at the locations of each input well in which injection of greater than an average volume of two hundred barrels per day per year is proposed;

(2) The areas circumscribed by circles of one-quarter-mile radii with their center points at the locations of each input well in which a maximum injection of an average volume of two hundred barrels per day per year is proposed; and

(3) The areas circumscribed by circles of one-quarter-mile radii with their center points at the locations of each input well in which gas is used as the injected fluid; or

(4) An area approved by the chief for good cause shown.

(C) Application for permit. The application for a permit to conduct enhanced recovery operations shall contain the following:

(1) The name and address of the project owner and his signature or that of his authorized agent. When a person signs as an agent, a certified copy of his appointment shall accompany the application or be on file with the division;

(2) The names and addresses of all holders of the land owner's royalty interest of record, or holders of the severed oil and gas mineral estate of record in the subject tract;

(3) The names and addresses of all owners or operators of wells within the area of review producing from or injecting into the same formation proposed as the injection formation;

(4) Date of application;

(5) The location of the subject tract or tracts identified by county, township, section or lot number, or other necessary geographic subdivisions;

(6) A description of the following:

(a) The casing and cementing or sealing with prepared clay in all wells that penetrate the proposed injection zone or formation on the subject tract or tracts;

(b) The proposed casing and cementing programs for the wells to be drilled during enhanced recovery operations;

(c) The proposed method for testing the casing in input wells;

(d) The method proposed for completion and operation including the stimulation program;

(e) The proposed unloading, surface storage, and spill containment facilities.

(7) The name, description, and depth of the geological zone or formation to be utilized, including, if existing wells are to be utilized, an accurate drillers log, geological log, or electric log the proposed input well or wells, and any testing data on any such well or wells;

(8) The type and the estimated average and maximum amount of gas, water, or other fluids to be injected daily into each input well, or project, if a manifold system is utilized, and the method which will be used to measure the actual amount of fluid injected;

(9) The estimated average and maximum pressure to be used for injecting fluid into the proposed input well or wells, and the method which will be used to measure the actual daily injection pressure;

(10) The designation of all proposed or existing input, withdrawal, and observation wells;

(11) If required so as not to violate rule 1501:9-4-04 of the Administrative Code, a proposed corrective action of wells penetrating the proposed injection formation or zone within the area of review;

(12) A schematic drawing of the surface and subsurface construction details of the proposed input well or wells; and

(13) The information required by section 1509.06 of the Revised Code and any other information the chief may request to ensure compliance with the statutory requirements of the division.

(D) Map. Each application for a permit shall be accompanied by a map or maps showing and containing the following information:

(1) The subject tract or tracts of land and their owners upon which the proposed enhanced recovery operations are to be conducted;

(2) All tracts or parts thereof situated within the area of review labeled with the names of all owners or operators of wells producing from or injecting into the same formation proposed as the injection formation;

(3) The location and designation of all input, withdrawal, or observation wells on the tract or tracts to be utilized in the enhanced recovery project; and

(4) The geographic location of all wells penetrating the formation proposed for injection, regardless of status, within the area of review.

(E) Notification of application, hearings and order.

(1) Notice of application for a permit for an enhanced recovery project shall be given by the following method:

After the submittal of an application for an enhanced recovery project permit, the division shall, within five working days, review the application to verify that the required information has been submitted. After a determination by the division that the application is complete as required by this rule, it shall be date-stamped by the division and the applicant shall be notified. Notification of the application shall be published by the division in the weekly circular in accordance with section 1509.06 of the Revised Code. In addition, legal notice shall be published by the applicant in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the proposed project is situated. A copy of the notice shall also be delivered to all owners and operators of wells within the area of review producing from or injecting into the same formation proposed as the injection formation. Proof of publication, publication date, and an oath as to the delivery to those entitled to personal notice shall be filed with the division within thirty days after the application was date-stamped by the division. The legal notice shall contain at least the following information:

(a) The name and address of applicant;

(b) The location of the proposed enhanced recovery project;

(c) The geologic name and depth of the proposed injection zone;

(d) The maximum proposed injection pressure;

(e) The maximum proposed average daily injection volume;

(f) The fact that further information can be obtained by contacting either the applicant or the division;

(g) The address and telephone number of the division; and,

(h) The fact that for full consideration all comments or objections must be received by the division, in writing, within fifteen calendar days of the date of the published legal notice.

(2) Comments and objections.

(a) Any person desiring to comment or to make an objection with reference to an application for a permit to construct, convert to, or operate an enhanced recovery project shall file such comments or objections, in writing, with the "Underground Injection Control Section, Division of Mineral Resources Management, Fountain Square, Columbus, Ohio 43224." Such comments or objections shall be filed with the division no later than fifteen calendar days from the delivery of notice or from the publication date in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the proposed project is situated.

(b) If no objections are received within the fifteen-day period, the chief shall consider that no objection exists and shall issue a permit unless he finds that the application does not comply with the requirements of Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code, or is in violation of law, or jeopardizes public health and safety, or is not in accordance with good conservation practices.

(c) If an objection is received, the chief shall rule upon the validity of the objection. If, in the opinion of the chief, such objection is not relevant to the issues of public health or safety, or to good conservation practices, or is without substance, a permit shall be issued. If the chief considers any objection to be relevant to the issues of public health or safety, or to good conservation practices, or to have substance, a hearing shall be called within thirty days of receipt of the objection. Such hearing shall be held at the central office of the division or other location designated by the chief. Notice of such hearing shall be sent by the chief to the applicant and to the person who has filed the objection.

(d) If the chief finds, after hearing, and upon consideration of the evidence and the application, that the following conditions have been met, the application shall be approved and a permit issued; otherwise, the chief shall reject the application:

(i) The application complies with the requirements of Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code;

(ii) The proposed enhanced recovery project will not be in violation of law; and

(iii) The enhanced recovery project will not jeopardize public health or safety, or the conservation of natural resources.

(3) The chief shall issue an order granting or denying the enhanced recovery project permit authorization within twenty-one calendar days after the filing date of proof of notice for a permit for which no hearing is held, or within thirty calendar days following the completion of a hearing.

(F) Bonding and transfer.

(1) Authorization, including a permit, to construct, convert to or operate an enhanced recovery project shall not be granted unless and until proof of financial responsibility for each input, withdrawal and observation well in the project has been received and approved by the division in accordance with section 1509.07 of the Revised Code.

(2) No assignment or transfer of an enhanced recovery project permit by the project owner shall relieve the project owner of his obligations and liabilities under Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code, unless the assignee or transferee has filed, and the division has approved, proof of financial responsibility for each input, withdrawal and observation well in said project in accordance with section 1509.31 of the Revised Code.

(G) Display of permit. No well for the purpose of input, withdrawal or observation shall be drilled, reopened, deepened, plugged back, or reworked until the project owner has been granted a permit and unless the original permit, or a true copy thereof, is posted or displayed in a conspicuous and easily accessible place at the wellsite.

(H) Well identification. Once injection operations authorized by the enhanced recovery permit have begun, the following information shall be posted in a conspicuous place on or near the storage tank(s): owner's name, lease name, enhanced recovery project number, county, township, and emergency telephone number. In addition, the permit number of each input, withdrawal or observation well shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on or near the wellhead.

(I) Expiration of permit.

(1) Drilling or conversion operations authorized by a permit issued pursuant to Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code shall commence within twelve months after the date of issue of such permit. If such operations have not started within twelve months, the permit shall expire. If drilling or conversion operations have started but are not completed within the twelve month period, operations shall continue with due diligence or the permit shall expire.

(J) Change of location procedure. The location of an input, withdrawal, or observation well shall not be changed after the issuance of a drilling permit unless the project owner first obtains approval from the division. If a project owner requests a change of location, he shall return the original drilling permit and file an amended application and map for the proposed new location. Construction operations shall not commence at a new location until a proper permit has been received and posted in accordance with section 1509.09 of the Revised Code.

(K) Change of enhanced recovery procedure.

(1) Any substantial change in the enhanced recovery project proposal as submitted in the application shall be reported to the chief at least ten days prior to the beginning of such change. If such change conforms with Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code and does not alter the basic proposal for enhanced recovery operations, the chief shall issue written approval for such change.

(2) If such change does not conform with Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code, or is a radical departure from the proposal in the original application, the chief may disapprove such change and request a new application.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.03
Amplifies: 1509.21, 1509.22(C)(1)
Five Year Review Date: 10/13/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 4/18/1984 (Emer.)
Rule 1501:9-5-06 | Prevention of contamination and pollution.

All persons engaged in any phase of enhanced recovery operations shall conduct such operations in a manner which will not contaminate the surface of the land, or water on the surface or in the subsurface.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 11/6/1967
Rule 1501:9-5-07 | Safety.

No well used in enhanced recovery operations shall be drilled or converted nearer than one hundred feet from any inhabited private dwelling house; nearer than one hundred feet from any public building which may be used as a place of resort, assembly, education, entertainment, lodging, trade, manufacture, repair, storage, traffic, or occupancy by the public; nearer than fifty feet to the traveled part of any public street, road, or highway; nearer than fifty feet to a railroad track; nor nearer than one hundred feet to any well. The chief may grant a variance to this rule for good cause shown. This rule does not apply to a building or structure which is incidental to agricultural use of the land on which it is located, unless such building is used as a private dwelling house or in the business of retail trade.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 11/6/1967
Rule 1501:9-5-09 | Construction of and conversion to enhanced recovery input wells.

(A) Each input well permitted after June 1, 1982 shall be constructed in the following manner:

(1) Surface casing shall be free of apparent defects and set at least fifty feet below the deepest underground source of water containing less than ten thousand mg/L total dissolved solids or less than five thousand mg/L chlorides, and sealed by circulating cement to the surface under the supervision of the division. In the event cement fails to circulate to the surface, the division may approve a remedial course of action.

(2) Isolation of injected fluids shall be by the use of casing mechanically centralized and enclosed in cement to a height no less than three hundred feet above the top of the injection zone.

(3) Injection of fluids shall be through tubing and a packer set no more than one hundred feet above the injection zone and installation of such shall be under the supervision of the division. A fitting to the tubing of a size and type specified by the division on the permit and accessible at the surface shall be installed.

(4) To verify the quantity of cement used in an input well, either a cement bond log, cement records, or verification by the division of the number of sacks of cement will be deemed sufficient evidence.

(5) Each project owner or his agent shall give the appropriate mineral resources inspector reasonable notice in advance of the time of the cementing, placing and removing of casing, installation of tubing and packer, and initial injection. A division office shall be notified when the appropriate inspector cannot be contacted. Said work shall be done pursuant to the instructions of a representative of the division in accordance with Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code.

(6) All saltwater or other fluid storage facilities shall be constructed so as to prevent pollution to surrounding surface and subsurface soils and waters.

(7) The chief may grant a variance to the construction requirement established in paragraphs (A)(1), (A)(2), and (A)(3) of this rule, if he determines that the variance sought will result in the construction of an input well equivalent in its ability to protect underground sources of water containing less than ten thousand mg/L total dissolved solids or less than five thousand mg/L chlorides.

(B) Conversion of wells for input. Any well permitted before June 1, 1982 may be converted to an input well if the following criteria are met:

(1) The surface casing shall be free of apparent defects and either cemented or properly sealed with prepared clay through the deepest underground source of water containing less than ten thousand mg/L total dissolved solids or less than five thousand mg/L chlorides.

(2) Isolation of injected fluids shall be by the use of casing enclosed in cement to a height no less than three hundred feet above the top of the injection zone.

(3) Any open formation not to be utilized for injection shall be abandoned in accordance with sections 1509.13 and 1509.15 of the Revised Code.

(4) Injection of fluids shall be through tubing and a packer set no more than one hundred feet above the injection zone, and installation of such shall be under the supervision of the division. A fitting to the tubing of a size and type specified by the division on the permit and accessible at the surface shall be installed.

(5) To verify the quantity of cement or clay used in a conversion well, either cement or clay records, verification by the division of the number of sacks of cement or clay, a cement bond log, or other geophysical borehole logs shall be deemed sufficient evidence.

(6) Each project owner or his agency shall give the appropriate mineral resources inspector reasonable notice in advance of the time of the cementing, placing and removing of casing, installation of tubing and packer, and initial injection. A division office shall be notified when the appropriate inspector cannot be contacted. Said work shall be done pursuant to the instructions of a representative of the division in accordance with Chapter 1509. of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code.

(7) All saltwater or other fluid storage facilities shall be constructed so as to prevent pollution to surrounding surface and subsurface soils and waters.

(8) The chief may grant a variance to the conversion requirements described in paragraphs (B)(1), (B)(2), and (B)(4) of this rule if he determines that the variance sought will result in an input well equivalent in its ability to protect underground sources of water containing less than ten thousand mg/L total dissolved solids or less than five thousand mg/L chlorides.

(C) Initial testing of construction. Prior to commencement of injection operations in any input well, the casing outside the tubing shall be tested under the supervision of the division. This test shall consist of pressurizing the annulus between the tubing and the casing outside the tubing to an amount equal to the maximum allowable injection pressure, as described in paragraph (D) of rule 1501:9-5-10 of the Administrative Code, or at a pressure of three hundred pounds per square inch (psi), whichever is greater, for a duration of at least fifteen minutes with no more than a five per cent decline in pressure, unless otherwise approved by the division. In addition, any well in which a formation is abandoned in accordance with paragraph (B)(3) of this rule shall, prior to perforating, have the casing and plug pressure tested under the supervision of the division at a pressure that is 1.25 times the maximum allowable injection pressure as described in paragraph (D) of rule 1501:9-5-10 of the Administrative Code. This test shall be for a duration of at least fifteen minutes with no more than a five per cent decline in pressure unless otherwise approved by the division.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1509.13, 1509.15, 1509.21
Amplifies: 1509.21
Five Year Review Date: 10/13/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1982
Rule 1501:9-5-10 | Operation, monitoring and reporting of enhanced recovery projects.

The following provisions shall apply to the operation of all enhanced recovery projects:

(A) A well completion record in accordance with section 1509.10 of the Revised Code and Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code, shall be filed with the division within thirty days after completion of or conversion to an input, withdrawal, or observation well. This record shall include results of initial testing of construction as described in paragraph (C) of rule 1501:9-5-09 of the Administrative Code.

(B) The project owner shall notify the appropriate oil and gas well inspector when injection is to commence. A division office shall be notified when the appropriate inspector cannot be contacted.

(C) Under no circumstances shall liquids or waste matter from any source, other than freshwater, saltwater from oil and gas operations, standard well treatment fluid, or other fluids approved by the division be injected into any input well for which a permit is issued under Chapter 1509:9-5 of the Administrative Code.

(D) The maximum allowable injection pressure for the enhanced recovery project shall be determined by one of the following methods:

(1) The formula pm = (0.75 - pg)d; where pm equals the maximum surface injection pressure (psi), 0.75 equals the maximum allowable injection pressure gradient (psi/ft), pg equals the pressure gradient of injection fluid (psi/ft), and d equals the depth to the shallowest part of the proposed injection formation or zone on the subject tract or tracts; or

(2) Such other formula or test found to be accurate as applied to the facts presented in an application and approved by the division.

(E) The injection well owner shall monitor injection pressures and injection volumes for each input well on a daily operational basis with average and maximum pressures and volumes compiled monthly and filed annually with the division on a form supplied by the division. If the enhanced recovery project is operating under a manifold system, volume and pressure may be reported on a project basis.

(F) The annulus between the casing and tubing shall be monitored during injection of fluids at least monthly at a pressure, as noted on the permit, sufficient to detect leaks. Monitoring results shall be reported to the division annually on a form supplied by the division.

(G) In the event the monitoring in paragraph (F) of this rule is not feasible, as determined by the chief, the project owner shall show mechanical integrity once every five years. Prior to the commencement of any mechanical integrity test, the project owner shall notify the appropriate oil and gas well inspector, or a division office when the appropriate inspector cannot be contacted. All records of tests shall be retained by the project owner for a period of at least five years or until a subsequent mechanical integrity test is performed. Results of all mechanical integrity tests shall be recorded on a form provided by the division and shall be filed with the division within thirty days after the completion of the mechanical integrity test. Mechanical integrity shall be shown by one or more of the following methods:

(1) The casing, tubing and packer shall be tested by pressurizing the annulus between the tubing and the casing outside the tubing to an amount equal to the maximum allowable injection pressure, as determined in paragraph (D) of this rule, or at a pressure of three hundred pounds per square inch (psi), whichever is greater, for a duration of fifteen minutes with no more than a five year cent decline in pressure unless otherwise approved by the division;

(2) Tracer surveys;

(3) Noise logs;

(4) Temperature surveys; or

(5) Any logs or tests considered effective by the chief.

(H) When mechanical integrity failures or downhole problems cause contamination of the land, surface waters, or subsurface waters, the project owner shall cease all injection operations immediately until the chief determines that the problems have been corrected. The chief may require the project owner to furnish a written plan for testing or repairing the well or wells. Within five days of receipt, the chief shall review the plan and either accept, modify, or if the plan in inadequate, order necessary corrective action. The project owner shall submit a description of the incident, the actions taken to correct the situation, and the results of those actions on the next required annual report as described in paragraphs (E) and (F) of this rule.

(I) The division shall have the authority to sample injection fluids at any time during injection operations.

(J) Any input well which is or becomes incapable of injecting fluids or any withdrawal well which is or becomes incapable of producing oil or gas shall be plugged in accordance with sections 1509.13 and 2509.25 of the Revised Code, unless written permission is granted by the chief. If the chief finds that a well should be plugged, he shall notify the project owner to that effect by order, in writing, and shall specify in such order a reasonable time within which to comply. No project owner shall fail or refuse to plug a well within the time specified in the order. Each day on which such a well remains unplugged thereafter constitutes a separate offense.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1982
Rule 1501:9-5-11 | Property rights unaffected.

The purpose of Chapter 1501:9-5 of the Administrative Code is to prescribe minimum construction and operation requirements for enhanced recovery projects so as to protect surface and subsurface soils and waters of the state. Thus, the authorization or failure to authorize an enhanced recovery project permit should not be construed so as to alter or amend any common law property rights or responsibilities.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 9:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date: