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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3301-40 | Nonpublic School Funds

Rule 3301-40-03 | Procedures.

A nonpublic school requesting administrative cost reimbursement shall maintain at least the following records in support of a claim for reimbursement:

(A) A separate account or system of accounts for the expenses incurred in rendering the required services for which reimbursement is sought. These shall include accounts for salaries and fringe benefits.

(B) A time record for each employee involved in providing services for which reimbursement is requested. This record shall clearly indicate the amount of time devoted to each service and shall be certified by the employee and by the employee's supervisor.

(C) Salary records for each employee involved in providing services for which reimbursement is requested. These records shall show gross salary, benefits, employee costs, and hourly rate.

(D) A voucher file to include all paid vouchers, in whole or in part, used to substantiate costs included in the request for reimbursement.

Last updated October 28, 2022 at 12:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3317.063
Amplifies: 3317.063
Five Year Review Date: 10/28/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1982
Rule 3301-40-04 | Employees.

(A) The required services for which nonpublic schools are reimbursed for administrative costs shall be performed by school employees. Any reimbursement shall be made on the basis of the salary and fringe benefits of the employee actually performing the service.

(B) Employee services shall be performed in accordance with the state law or rule, or school district requirements which mandate that such services be performed.

Last updated October 28, 2022 at 12:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3317.063
Amplifies: 3317.063
Five Year Review Date: 10/28/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 1/31/2004
Rule 3301-40-05 | Reimbursement.

Upon approval of the required application for reimbursement by the Ohio department of education, reimbursement payments to nonpublic school for administrative costs pursuant to section 3317.063 of the Revised Code shall be paid to, and in the name of, the nonpublic school as chartered by the state board of education.

Last updated May 23, 2023 at 11:14 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3317.063
Amplifies: 3317.063
Five Year Review Date: 8/11/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1982, 1/31/2004
Rule 3301-40-07 | Appeals.

Any nonpublic school may appeal the findings of a review conducted by the superintendent of public instruction pursuant to section 3317.063 of the Revised Code to the state board of education within thirty days after receipt of said review, and the state board of education shall hear such appeal pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 28, 2022 at 12:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3317.063
Amplifies: 3317.063
Five Year Review Date: 10/28/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 9/22/2007
Rule 3301-40-08 | Property disposal procedures.

(A) In the event that a chartered nonpublic school closes, and it receives its funds directly from the state, the school cannot keep any materials or equipment purchased with auxiliary services funds under section 3317.062 of the Revised Code, as those materials and equipment are property of the state, and materials and equipment are to be disposed of by any of the following methods:

(1) The materials and equipment may be offered to any remaining nonpublic schools or preschool located within the public district and may be used at that nonpublic school or preschool;

(2) The materials and equipment may be offered to the public district in which the closing school is located, and upon acceptance by the school district, the materials and equipment will become property of the school district;

(3) The materials and equipment may be sold. Any proceeds related to the sale of auxiliary services materials and equipment are to be returned to the department of education;

(4) If the materials and equipment cannot be sold, and the fair market value of the property is, in the opinion of the school, two thousand five hundred dollars or less, the item may be donated. The property may be donated to an eligible nonprofit organization that is located in this state and is exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 501 (a) and (c)(3). Before donating any property under this division, the school is required to adopt a resolution expressing its intent to make unneeded, obsolete, or unfit-for-use school property available to these organizations;

(5) If the materials and equipment are not an acceptable donation and refused by an eligible nonprofit organization, the item may be disposed of in accordance with the school's disposal procedures.

(B) Disposal of obsolete loaned textbooks

(1) For chartered nonpublic schools which have received their auxiliary services funds directly from the state, obsolete textbooks are to be disposed of in the same manner as textbooks purchased with the school's own funds.

(2) If obsolete textbooks are sold, all proceeds from the sale are to be returned to the department of education.

(C) Disposal of materials or equipment that were purchased in accordance with division (A)(6) or (A)(7) of section 3317.062 of the Revised Code and that are no longer needed for school use, are obsolete, are unfit for the use for which they were acquired, or have been in the school's possession for more than four years are to be disposed of in accordance with division (H) of that section.

Last updated October 28, 2022 at 12:58 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3301.07, 3317.062
Amplifies: 3317.062
Five Year Review Date: 10/28/2027