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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3358:3-1 | Governance

Rule 3358:3-1-01 | Permament Principal Place of Business.

The permanent principal place of business of Southern state community college shall be 100 Hobart drive, in Hillsboro, Ohio.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Rule 3358:3-1-02 | The Board of Trustees.

(A) Powers

The board of trustees, consisting of nine members, appointed by the governor of Ohio with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall perform for the Southern state community college district all of the powers and duties of boards of trustees of public state community college districts as provided in Chapter 3358. of the Revised Code and carry out or authorize to be carried out all additional actions reasonably deemed to be necessary and incidental thereto.

(1) Guiding principles

(a) The board of trustees represents the people of Southern state community college's five-county district in making decisions concerning the institution.

(b) The board of trustees represents Southern state community college to the people of the district.

(c) The board of trustees supports the strategic vision of the institution.

(2) Duties

(a) The board of trustees establishes policies and procedures for its own governance and for the governance of the institution.

(b) The board of trustees selects, appoints, and evaluates the president.

(c) The board of trustees appoints and fixes the contract of the president of the college and his/her annual benefits and salary increments.

(d) The board of trustees establishes schedules of institution-wide fees and tuition for: students who are residents of Ohio, students who are non-residents of Ohio, and for international students. The establishment of the fees and tuition schedules shall be subject to approval of the Ohio board of regents.

(e) The board of trustees reviews and acts on financial matters, including the annual budget, capital expenditures for facilities, and expenditure items requiring competitive bidding.

(f) The board of trustees appoints foundation board members.

(g) Members of the board of trustees shall exercise such authority and perform such duties as are usually incidental to their office and are not inconsistent with these policies and regulations or Chapter 3358. of the Revised Code.

(h) Each member of the board shall have a duty to reveal to the board any interest, whether economic or otherwise, that he has in a matter that comes before the board. Members who have such an interest shall not participate in discussions concerning the matter and shall recuse themselves from any action concerning the matter. Members who have such an interest shall not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum.

(3) Board of trustees oath

"I swear that I will support the Constitution of the United states and of the state of Ohio, and that I will honestly, faithfully and impartially perform my duties as a member of the board of trustees of the Southern state community college District.

Signed: ________________________________

Date: _________________________________

WITNESSED: __________________________

Notary Public: __________________________

Date: _________________________________"

(B) Authority of the board

The board members have authority to act only when the board of trustees is legally in session. No member or officer or employee of the board of trustees of the Southern state community college district shall have the right to act in the name of the board outside of board meetings except as specifically authorized to do so by the board of trustees.

(C) Board organization

(1) The officers of board shall include a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary. In addition to the officers specified in this rule, the board may elect such other officers as the board may deem necessary. These additional officers shall have such authority and perform such duties as may from time to time be delegated to them by the board.

(2) The officers of the board shall be elected at the first regular meeting at the beginning of each alternating calendar year. Officers are elected by existing members of the board in a manner supported by five or more members. The regular term of an officer shall be for two years. An individual must be a board member in order to qualify as a chair or vice chair.

(3) If, for any reason, a vacancy occurs in the office of the chair during his/her term of office, the vice chair shall succeed to the office of chair immediately and shall have all powers and perform all duties of the office during the period of vacancy. The board shall elect a successor vice chair at the next regular meeting of the board following the declaration of such vacancy by the chair and the support of five or more members of the board. Any officer of the board may be removed at any time, either with or without cause, by resolution adopted by the board at any meeting of the board. In the event of removal, the meeting notice for the meeting during which the board intends to vote on such removal resolution must specify that such removal action is to be considered.

(4) Duties and responsibilities of officers

(a) Chair. It shall be the duty of the chair to call the meeting to order, to preside at all meetings of the board, to rule on the order and discussions of motions, to maintain proper decorum within the meeting place, to expedite the use of time during the meetings, to allocate the time for discussions and to perform all duties incident to the office of the chair and such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the board.

The chair may, at any time, appoint such committees as he/she deems necessary. All committees shall be advisory in nature. Once appointed, such committees will serve until the next organizational meeting of the board.

(b) Vice chair. It shall be the duty of the vice chair to perform the duties of the chair in his/her absence, or in the event of the chair's inability or refusal to act. The vice chair, when thus acting, shall have the powers of and be subject to all restrictions placed upon the chair. A vice chair shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the chair of the board.

(c) Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the board; shall see that all notices of meetings are duly given in accordance with the provisions of this constitution and bylaws, or as required by law; and, in general, shall perform all duties incident to the office of secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the chair of the board.

(d) In the absence of the chair and the vice chair, the board shall elect a chair pro tempore from the attending members of the board.

(D) Board meetings

The agenda for meetings of the board shall be prepared by the president of the college and his/her staff with the counsel of the chair of the board. Copies of the agenda shall be delivered to each board member at least five days before the date of any regularly scheduled meeting.

A majority of the board members shall be present in person at any meeting in order to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at such meeting. A quorum may act on any matter by a majority of voting members present at such quorum. The act of the majority of the board members present at any such meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the board of trustees. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of those board members present may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is had.

(1) Regular meetings

Unless otherwise specified by the chair, there shall be at least six regular meetings of the board each calendar year. The time and place of regular meetings shall be determined at the organizational meeting by a quorum of the board.

(2) Special meetings

Special meetings of the board may be called by the chair on his/her own initiative and shall be called by the chair upon written request of no fewer than three members of the board. Written notice of such special meetings shall be given to each member at least twenty-four hours prior to the date of said meeting stating the time and place of such meeting and the purpose for which it is called.

(3) Emergency meetings

Emergency meetings of the board may be convened when a situation requires immediate official action. When such an emergency meeting is scheduled, written notice of said meeting shall be given stating the time and place of such meeting and the purpose for which it is called.

(4) Public participation

Any person, other than a member of the board or an officer of the college, who wishes to address the board must request permission from the chair or the secretary of the board at least one week prior to the board meeting. The request must be made in writing and must state the requestor's purpose for addressing the board. Proper decorum is expected of individuals addressing the board. The chair reserves the right to terminate an individual's speaking privileges if the individual persists after being asked to cease engaging in improper conduct.

(5) Rules of order

The latest published and released edition of "Roberts Rules of Order" shall be taken as the authority in the transaction of business in any matters not addressed in this manual or the Ohio Revised Code.

(E) Board meeting minutes

The minutes of each regular or special meeting shall be duly recorded. The typed minutes of each meeting will be considered, corrected, and approved at the next regular meeting of the board. Such action may also be taken at an intervening special meeting. The minutes shall be inspected and signed by the secretary and chair of the board and shall be maintained in the official board files.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Prior Effective Dates: 10/27/2011
Rule 3358:3-1-03 | The President.

The president is the chief executive officer and professional advisor of the board. The president interprets and implements the board's policies and regulations in their application to the various operations and personnel matters of the college. The president has responsibility and authority necessary to provide professional leadership and administrative direction for the various operations and for various personnel groups as outlined in the approved organizational flowchart. The president may delegate any authority or responsibility to others but retains the final responsibility for the results of such delegation. The president is responsible for making personnel decisions, including but not limited to hiring, firing, disciplining and setting the compensation for various individual college personnel. The president may change varying personnel assignments to carry out the president's responsibilities to the board for the overall leadership of the college. The president is the single officer reporting directly to the board.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Prior Effective Dates: 10/27/2011
Rule 3358:3-1-04 | Amendments.

(A) Bylaws

The bylaws of the board may be amended. All proposals must be in writing and initiated during any regular meeting by a motion of resolution by a member of the board. Approval of a proposed resolution of amendment of the bylaws requires a positive majority vote of the membership of the board (five or more members) at the next regular meeting.

(B) Policies

The policies of the board may be amended. All proposals must be in writing and initiated during any regular meeting by a motion of resolution by a member of the board. Approval of a proposed resolution of amendment of the policies requires a positive majority vote of the membership of the board (five or more members) at the next regular meeting.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Prior Effective Dates: 10/27/2011
Rule 3358:3-1-05 | Seal.

The board of trustees shall have the authority to adopt a seal for the district and for the college and to alter the same or either of them.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Rule 3358:3-1-06 | Public Records Policy.

It is the policy of Southern state community college that openness leads to a better informed citizenry, which leads to better government and better public policy. It is the policy of Southern state community college to strictly adhere to the state's Public Records Act. All exemptions to openness are to be construed in their narrowest sense and any denial of public records in response to a valid request must be accompanied by an explanation, including legal authority, as outlined in the Ohio Revised Code. If the request is in writing, the explanation must also be in writing.

(A) Public records

This office, in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, defines records as including the following: Any document - paper, electronic (including, but not limited to, e-mail), or other format - that is created or received by, or comes under the jurisdiction of a public office that documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the office.

All records of Southern state community college are public unless they are specifically exempt from disclosure under the Ohio Revised Code. Under Ohio law, a record (or portion of a record) may still be withheld from release because state or federal law makes the record or a portion thereof confidential.

The college will respond to a public records request within a reasonable amount of time after receiving the request.

(B) Directory information

Southern state community college has defined their directory information as follows:

(1) Name

(2) Dates of attendance

(3) Honors and awards received

(4) Degree(s)/certificate(s) awarded, if any

(5) Full-time or part-time enrollment status

(6) Address

(7) City of residence

(8) Participation in officially recognized sports and activities

(9) Photograph

However, releasing directory information to any person or group for use in a profit-making plan or activity is prohibited.

(C) Policy

It is the policy of Southern state community college that, as required by Ohio law, records will be organized and maintained so that they are readily available for inspection and copying (See paragraph (F) of this rule for the e-mail record policy). Record retention schedules are to be updated regularly and posted prominently.

(D) Records request

With the exception of student records, each request for public records should be evaluated for a response using the following guidelines:

(1) Although no specific language is required to make a request, the requester must at least identify the records requested with sufficient clarity to allow the public office to identify, retrieve, and review the records. If it is not clear what records are being sought, the records custodian must contact the requester for clarification, and should assist the requester in revising the request by informing the requester of the manner in which the office keeps its records.

(2) The requester does not have to put a records request in writing, and does not have to provide his or her identity or the intended use of the requested public record. It is this office's general policy that this information is not to be requested.

(3) Public records are to be available for inspection during regular business hours, with the exception of published holidays or closings. Public records must be made available for inspection promptly. Copies of public records must be made available within a reasonable period of time. "Prompt" and "reasonable" take into account the volume of records requested, the proximity of the location where the records are stored, and the necessity for any legal review of the records requested.

(4) Each request should be evaluated for an estimated length of time required to gather the records. Routine requests for records should be satisfied immediately if feasible to do so. Routine requests include, but are not limited to, meeting minutes (both in draft and final form), budgets, salary information, forms and applications, personnel rosters, etc. If fewer than twenty pages of copies are requested or if the records are readily available in an electronic format that can be e-mailed or downloaded easily, these should be made as quickly as the equipment allows.

All requests for public records must either be satisfied or be acknowledged in writing by Southern state community college within three business days following the office's receipt of the request. If a request is deemed significantly beyond "routine," such as seeking a voluminous number of copies or requiring extensive research, the acknowledgement must include the following:

(a) An estimated number of business days it will take to satisfy the request.

(b) An estimated cost if copies are requested.

(c) Any items within the request that may be exempt from disclosure.

(5) Any denial of public records requested must include an explanation, including legal authority. If portions of a record are public and portions are exempt, the exempt portions are to be redacted and the rest released. If there are redactions, each redaction must be accompanied by a supporting explanation, including legal authority.

(E) Costs for public records

Those seeking public records will be charged only the actual cost of making copies.

(1) The charge for paper copies is two cents per page.

(2) The charge for downloaded computer files to a compact disc is one dollar per disc.

(3) There is no charge for documents e-mailed.

(4) Requesters may ask that documents be mailed to them. They will be charged the actual cost of the postage and mailing supplies, paper copies and/or discs.

(F) E-mail

Documents in electronic mail format are records as defined by the Ohio Revised Code when their content relates to the business of the office. E-mail is to be treated in the same fashion as records in other formats and should follow the same retention schedules.

(1) Records in private e-mail accounts used to conduct public business are subject to disclosure, and all employees or representatives of this office are instructed to retain their e-mails that relate to public business (see paragraph (A) of this rule, public records) and to copy them to their business e-mail accounts and/or to the office's records custodian.

(2) The records custodian is to treat the e-mails from private accounts as records of the public office, filing them in the appropriate way, retaining them per established schedules and making them available for inspection and copying in accordance with the Public Records Act.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Prior Effective Dates: 10/27/2011
Rule 3358:3-1-07 | Ethics Policy Statement.

It is the policy of the Southern state community college board of trustees to carry out its mission in accordance with the strictest ethical guidelines and to ensure that Southern state community college board of trustee members and employees conduct themselves in a manner that fosters public confidence in the integrity of the Southern state community college board of trustees, its processes, and its accomplishments.

(A) General standards of ethical conduct

(1) Southern state community college board of trustee members and employees must, at all times, abide by protections to the public embodied in Ohio's ethics laws, as found in Chapters 102. and 2921. of the Revised Code, and as interpreted by the Ohio ethics commission and Ohio courts. (A copy of these laws is provided by the Southern state community college board of trustees, and receipt acknowledged, as required in division (D) of section 102.09 of the Revised Code.) Members and employees must conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner that avoids favoritism, bias, and the appearance of impropriety.

(2) A general summary of the restraints upon the conduct of all members and employees includes, but is not limited to, those listed below. No member or employee shall:

(a) Solicit or accept anything of value from anyone doing business with the Southern state community college board of trustees;

(b) Solicit or accept employment from anyone doing business with the Southern state community college board of trustees, unless the member or employee completely withdraws from Southern state community college board of trustees activity regarding the party offering employment, and the Southern state community college board of trustees approves the withdrawal;

(c) Use his or her public position to obtain benefits for the official or employee, a family member, or anyone with whom the official or employee has a business or employment relationship;

(d) Be paid or accept any form of compensation for personal services rendered on a matter before, or sell goods or services to, the Southern state community college board of trustees;

(e) Be paid or accept any form of compensation for personal services rendered on a matter before, or sell (except by competitive bid) goods or services to, any state agency other than the Southern state community college board of trustees, unless the member or employee first discloses the services or sales and withdraws from matters before the Southern state community college board of trustees that directly affect officials and employees of the other state agency, as directed in section 102.04 of the Revised Code;

(f) Hold or benefit from a contract with, authorized by, or approved by, the Southern state community college board of trustees (the ethics law does except limited stockholdings, and some contracts objectively shown as the lowest cost services, where all criteria under section 2921.42 of the Revised Code are met);

(g) Vote, authorize, recommend, or in any other way use his or her position to secure approval of a Southern state community college board of trustees contract (including employment or personal services) in which the official or employee, a family member, or anyone with whom the official or employee has a business or employment relationship, has an interest;

(h) Solicit or accept honoraria (see division (H) of sections 102.01 and 102.03 of the Revised Code);

(i) During public service, and for one year after leaving public service, represent any person, in any fashion, before any public agency, with respect to a matter in which the official or employee personally participated while serving with the Southern state community college board of trustees;

(j) Use or disclose confidential information protected by law, unless appropriately authorized; or

(k) Use, or authorize the use of, his or her title, the name "Southern state community college board of trustees," or "SSCC," or the Southern state community college board of trustees' logo in a manner that suggests impropriety, favoritism, or bias by the Southern state community college board of trustees, official or employee.

(3) For purposes of this policy:

(a) "Anything of value" includes anything of monetary value, including, but not limited to, money, gifts, food or beverages, social event tickets and expenses, travel expenses, golf outings, consulting fees, compensation, or employment. "Value" means worth greater than de minimis or nominal.

(b) "Anyone doing business with the Southern state community college board of trustees" includes, but is not limited to, any person, corporation, or other party that is doing or seeking to do business with, regulated by, or has interests before Southern state community college board of trustees.

(B) Financial disclosure

Every Southern state community college board of trustees member or employee required to file a financial disclosure statement must file a complete and accurate statement with the ethics commission by April fifteenth of each year. Any member or employee appointed or employed after February fifteenth and required to file a financial disclosure statement must file a statement within ninety days of appointment or employment.

(C) Assistance

The ethics commission is available to provide advice and assistance regarding the application of the ethics laws and related statutes. The commission can be contacted at (614) 466-7090. The commission's web site address is: Southern state community college's assigned assistant attorney general is also available to answer questions involving this policy.

(D) Penalties

Failure of any Southern state community college board of trustees official or employee to abide by this Ethics policy, or to comply with the ethics law and related statutes, will result in discipline, which may include dismissal, as well as any potential civil or criminal sanctions under the law.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Prior Effective Dates: 10/27/2011
Rule 3358:3-1-08 | County Rotation.

The governing board shall consist of a board of nine trustees who shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Ninety days prior to the expiration of a term, the board chair shall submit a request to the governor's office of boards and commissions that consideration be given to county representation in accordance to the following schedule.

Rotation Chart 2015 - 2021


Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Rule 3358:3-1-09 | Public Use of College Grounds.

(A) Purpose

The purpose of the policy is to promote the free exchange of ideas and the safe and efficient operation of the college by:

(1) Fostering free speech, assembly and other expressive activities on college property by all persons, whether or not they are affiliated with the college.

(2) Maintaining an appropriate educational and work environment for all persons present on college property, including but not limited to students, faculty, employees, customers and visitors.

(3) Maintaining the personal security of all persons present on college property and protecting the property of the college and of persons present on college property.

In developing this policy, the college recognizes the constitutional freedoms guaranteed by the United States and Ohio Constitutions, including freedom of speech, press and assembly. The college also recognizes the need to preserve and protect its property, students, guests and employees of the college, and to ensure the effective operation of educational, business and related activities of the college. Expressive activities on the college's campus may be subject to reasonable regulation with regard to the time, place and manner of the activities. College employees will not consider the content of expressive activities when enforcing this policy. No policy can address every possible activity or situation that may occur on college property, and the college reserves the right to address such situations as circumstances warrant.

This policy does not apply to use of college facilities and grounds for official events sponsored by the college. Expressive activities carried out under this policy shall not be considered to be speech made by, on behalf of or endorsed by the college. This policy supersedes any provisions in any other earlier-adopted college policies that address similar or overlapping issues, such as use of outdoor spaces.

(B) Outdoor areas of campus generally available for use

(1) General access

Any person or group may use, without prior notification, any publicly accessible outdoor area of the college's campus except parking lots, garages and driveways. Federal, state and local laws will be enforced as applicable. The use of walkways or other common areas may not block the free passage of others or impede the regular operation of the college. Use of the general access areas may include speaking, non-verbal expression, distributing literature, displaying signage and circulating petitions. There is no limit to the number of times a month a person or group may access those areas.

During work and class hours or if the area is currently in use for an official college event, amplification may be restricted if it unreasonably interferes with college operations or noise ordinances are violated.

(2) Off-campus locations

The college's off-campus locations are leased facilities and not owned by the college. Those facilities generally do not include any outdoor space leased or controlled by the college, therefore, no publicly-accessible outdoor areas available for use under this policy. Where any outdoors space is controlled by the college, this policy applies.

(3) Large groups

Except in circumstances described in this policy, any person or group whose use of an outdoor area is expected or reasonably likely to have more than one hundred people must notify the campus director at least two business days before the day of the expressive activity, including information as to the specific location to be used for the event and the estimated expected number of persons, and the name and contact information of at least one person who can be contacted regarding logistics of the event, which shall include at least one person who will be personally present. Security and clean-up costs will not be charged to the person or group.

Prior notice is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient space for the large group event, that the large group event does not conflict with any other scheduled use of the outdoor space, and that sufficient college resources are available for crowd control and security. If such advance notice is not feasible because of circumstances that could not be reasonably anticipated, the person or group shall provide the college with as much advance notice as circumstances reasonably permit.

(C) Student use

In addition to the general right of access to outdoor areas of campus described above, any student or student organization may seek to reserve the use of specific outdoor areas by contacting the campus director. Any request by a student or student organization to reserve such area or space shall be made at least one business day prior to the event. A request will be granted unless it would conflict or interfere with a previously scheduled event or activity or violate this policy.

A student or student organization that has reserved a specific area or space under this policy will have priority over any other persons seeking to use the area or space during the scheduled time period. Any decision denying a request shall be promptly communicated in writing to the requester and shall set forth the basis for the denial. The content of the anticipated speech or other expressive activity shall not form the basis for a denial.

(D) Prohibited activities

(1) Any event or activity that disrupts the ability of the college to effectively and peacefully teach students, provide client services, or conduct any of its other business and support operations is prohibited. Examples include but are not limited to excessive noise, impeding vehicle or pedestrian traffic, and conduct otherwise unlawful.

(2) No activity may damage college property. Prohibited actions include but are not limited to driving stakes or poles into the ground, hammering nails into buildings, and attaching anything to sidewalks, paved areas, or any part of any building, structure or fixture.

(3) Distribution/solicitation by placing any material on vehicles in the parking lots or garages is prohibited. Leaving trash, litter, materials or pollutants in any area is prohibited.

(E) Enforcement

The campus directors and local law enforcement shall enforce the provisions of this policy.

Any person who violates paragraph (D) of this policy may be subject to an order to leave college property. Employees in violation of this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

(F) Dispute resolution

Any person or recognized student organization who believes unlawful, unreasonable, or arbitrary limitations have been imposed on any of their speech or other expressive activities under this policy may file a complaint with the vice president of student affairs.

(G) Procedures

The president may adopt procedures to administer this policy.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3358.08
Rule 3358:3-1-10 | Valuing Our Veterans Support & Assistance Policy.

Southern state community college (SSCC) seeks to assist service members and veterans as they pursue an advanced degree and/or certificate. In an effort to better serve this population, SSCC has adopted this policy as required by division (B) of section 3345.421 of the Revised Code. The purpose of this policy is to set forth the support and assistance SSCC will provide to service members and veterans.

(A) Definitions

In alignment with section 3345.42 of the Revised Code, this policy utilizes the definitions for "service member" and "veteran":

(1) Service member: "Service member" means a person who is serving in the armed forces of the United States.

(2) Veteran: "Veteran" means any person who has completed service in the armed forces, including the national guard of any state or a reserve component of the armed forces, and who has been discharged under honorable conditions from the armed forces or who has been transferred to the reserve with evidence of satisfactory service.

(B) Support and assistance

Southern state community college:

(1) Refers service members and veterans to proper local, state and/or federal agencies in the event SSCC believes that the service member or veteran is eligible for services.

(2) Works with the Ohio board of regents (OBR) to develop a veteran-friendly campus that increases the opportunity for service members and veterans to succeed academically.

(3) Works with other Ohio institutions of higher education to disseminate and share promising practices for serving service members and veterans effectively.

(4) Promotes veteran-friendly campuses by utilizing the OBR's structure to disseminate and share promising practices statewide for serving service members and veterans effectively.

(5) Trains appropriate faculty and staff to increase awareness of the mindset and unique needs of service members and veterans returning from combat zones and/or tours of duty overseas.

(6) Creates "safe zones" for service members and veterans through a student service member/veteran club, organization, or association and campus-wide awareness training.

(7) Provides a portion of student orientation (or a separate session) specifically for service members and veterans.

(8) Recognizes the service of service members and veterans at various events such as graduation, community service awards, honors awards, and an appreciation day.

(9) Regularly evaluates institutional policies and procedures that create barriers to service member and veteran success.

(10) Empowers those working directly with service members and veterans to provide services designed to promote educational achievement.

(11) Provides training, in partnership with veterans affairs, in the proper certification methods for certifying officials on each campus.

(12) Develops a clear outreach strategy to communicate with eligible persons about educational and training benefits to encourage the use of GI bill benefits, as well as services and assistance offered by the institution.

(13) Continues to work with the legislature, workforce and higher education community to identify and develop statewide policies to ensure the transition to higher education is seamless for all students, including service members and veterans. (This may include, but is not limited to, issues such as transfer, credit for prior learning and/or experience, career ladders, support services, etc.).

(14) Ensures the campus community is aware of benefits associated with the new post 9/11 GI bill and actively find ways to connect returning service members and veterans with the services offered by the department of veterans affairs.

(C) Workforce training and education

SSCC works to provide better access and success for service members and veterans in postsecondary education and training while improving transition to civilian work. Services provided include:

(1) An online tool for exploring careers, searching programs in Ohio and providing consumer reporting information on earnings and employment outcomes for each program. This website should include special information targeted to service members and veterans regarding shortening the time to receive a credential or degree through:

(a) Expanding credit for prior learning;

(b) Articulation and transfer agreements;

(c) Bridge programs;

(d) Applied baccalaureate degrees; and

(e) Online tools.

(2) Improving services for service member and veteran job seekers by promoting seamless workforce development services such as those provided at Ohio means jobs centers, campus career centers, and through affiliates.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3345.421
Rule 3358:3-1-11 | Textbook Policy.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Last updated May 6, 2021 at 8:25 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3345.025