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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3362-2 | Academic Affairs

Rule 3362-2-05 | Faculty professional leaves.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Last updated July 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-2-07 | Approval of graduates.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Last updated July 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 8/6/2020
Rule 3362-2-09 | Academic program review.

(A) Introduction

(1) An effective academic program review process is essential for the health of Shawnee state university's academic programs. The academic program review process strives to ensure the quality and academic integrity of all programs through continuous program improvement. At its most basic, the program review process is simply a review of the good works, processes, procedures, and measured learning outcome results that programs develop as they strive for continuous improvement.

(2) Program review is a best practice in american higher education that involves stakeholders in the continuous improvement process. Such a review includes an assessment of past and current performance that is used to inform future directions and decision making. Those charged with overseeing and coordinating program review activities should be engaged in some aspect of assessment and program review year-round.

(3) The academic program review process provides an opportunity for program faculty and administration to evaluate the goals and effectiveness of a program and make appropriate changes that will lead to improvement in the quality of instruction and curricular requirements, improved career and life preparation for students, and effective and efficient use of university resources.

(B) Purpose

(1) Assist programs in the identification, evaluation, and assessment of their mission and goals and the development of short and long-term strategic plans.

(2) Assist programs in the determination of their relationship to the mission of the university, college, department, or school.

(3) Assist programs in assessing the quality of instruction, instructional methodology, student learning, and the strengths and challenges in their curriculum.

(4) Provide programs the opportunity to compare their curriculum, resources, and facilities with those at peer institutions.

(5) Assist programs in the identification of existing resources and determination of the resources needed to carry out identified mission and goals.

(6) Assist the university in the evaluation of the value, quality, effectiveness and efficient use of resources for the academic programs.

(7) Provide direction and priorities for the university that can be used for needs assessment, resource allocation, and planning.

(8) Provide structure, a plan of action, and information for continuous program improvement.

(9) Academic program review is not intended to place a program under discontinuation or warehousing (or a "watch list") as a result of the review. Rather, program review is intended to provide a constructive and formative review to the program. In the event discontinuation or warehousing of a program is needed, it is to occur via a separate program closure process.

(C) Definitions

(1) Academic program - refers to any and all coherent instructional activities of Shawnee state university and includes degree and certificate programs and other non-degree curricular entities, such as the honors and general education programs.

(2) Degree program - refers to any prescribed course of study which constitutes an area of specialization leading to a recognized degree. This is the same as the term "discipline specialty" used in reporting to the u.s. department of education's integrated postsecondary education data system (IPEDS). In baccalaureate degrees or higher, the term "degree program" is the same as "major."

Degree programs must be significantly distinct from one another. Where two proposed degree programs have sixty percent or more of their program course requirements in common, they may be classified as concentrations within a single degree program, rather than as separate degree programs. When deemed appropriate by their college dean, programs with curricular links (for example, associate and baccalaureate programs in the same area or programs with concentrations, minors, or associated certificates) will be combined into a single review.

(3) Preliminary self-study - refers to a structured reflection of a program's faculty, staff, students, and alumni concerning the educational effectiveness of its academic program. It is not a description of the unit, but a data- and constituent-informed analysis that leads to the identification of key issues and recommendations of potential steps to address them.

(4) On-site visits and external reviewer reports - on-site visits by external reviewers are not mandatory, but generally recommended, and ought to be considered a justifiable expense in conducting a proper program review.

(5) Final program review report - the end product of a program review shall take the form of a final report, which includes recommendations and a timeline for their implementation.

(6) Interim progress report - the provost, upon consideration of the final program review report, can mandate a special review and interim progress report. Such interim progress report shall be conducted under the procedures approved for a regular program review.

(D) Academic program review

(1) Organization

(a) The cornerstone of a program review is the development of the academic program's preliminary self-study. Following its submission, a review to clarify, verify, and amplify the self-study will be conducted by external reviewer(s) appointed by the respective dean or the provost in consultation with the unit under review.

(b) The preliminary self-study becomes the core component of the final program review report, which will be submitted to the respective college dean. In the case of non-degree curricular entities, such as the honors or general education programs and similar non-departmental academic programs, final reports will be submitted to the office of the provost.

(2) Timeline

(a) Programs will be scheduled to undergo review on a recurring five-year cycle. Program reviews shall be scheduled so that no department shall have to conduct more than one program review per academic year, except in cases when departments are home to more than five programs or when a previous review requires a more frequent program review. Reviews, when possible, should be spread out along the five-year cycle to evenly distribute a department's program review efforts.

(b) Whenever possible, programs with outside accreditation will be put on a program review schedule that will allow those programs to complete review and analysis for the accreditation self-study with a timeline for submission that corresponds with the university's program review cycle.

(c) Programs that are accredited by an outside body may submit their most recent self-study produced to satisfy accreditation in place of the final program review report. The dean of the program's college may require a supplemental report, providing data or material required in the standard review (as outlined in the academic program review guide) if such information is not sufficiently up-to-date or not found in the program's accreditation study.

(E) Procedures

The president or their designee will ensure the establishment of procedures necessary to effectively implement this policy. These procedures will be revised and developed based upon the recommendations of the university faculty senate.

Last updated December 2, 2021 at 1:52 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-2-11 | Copyright, patents and research for university personnel.

(A) Purpose and scope

(1) Shawnee state university is committed to facilitating the dissemination and utilization of the knowledge acquired by research for the public good. The university is also committed to developing existing technologies for licensing and commercialization, and it particularly encourages projects that will contribute to the economic development of the region. In furtherance of such development, the university recognizes the need to protect intellectual property rights of authors and inventors and to include university authors and inventors in the distribution of income derived from its intellectual property.

(2) This rule is applicable to all departments and units of the university and to all university personnel.

(B) Definitions

(1) These definitions apply to all sections of the rule and its procedures.

(a) "University personnel" is defined as university faculty, administration and staff members.

(b) A "copyright work" describes original works of authorship that have been fixed in a tangible medium of expression, including, but not limited to, written materials, dissertations, papers, articles, books, poems, audiovisual materials, videos, audio recordings, architectural drawings, on-line instructional materials, musical compositions, dramatic creations, software, databases, photographs, or sculptures that are likely to be subject to protection under United States copyright law.

(c) "Patentable inventions" describes inventions, discoveries, and manufacturing designs that have been reduced to practice, and are considered novel and likely to be subject to protection under United States patent law.

(d) "Academic works" are works created by faculty members within the scope of their regular faculty appointment, including work created while on paid professional or sabbatical leave. Academic works include, but are not limited to, those works created within the scope of their faculty appointment for research, for teaching, whether for a traditional course, a distance learning course, an online course offering, or some other non-traditional setting, unless such work was specifically created as a work for hire. This interpretation of academic works shall be at least as broad as the definition used in any collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with faculty members, and the university's use of academic works shall be consistent with any requirements or restriction in such CBA.

(e) "Work for hire" or "Work made for hire" is:

(i) A work prepared by university personnel within the scope of his or her employment that does not meet the definition of an academic work as defined by this policy and as further described in the SEA collective bargaining agreement.

(ii) A work directed by or specially ordered or commissioned by the university via a supplemental employment contract or similar agreement. If support for the work is from an outside contractor or sponsor, the intellectual property ownership may be governed by the contractor or sponsorship agreement.

(f) "Significant allocation" is:

The use of university resources (including, but not limited to, facilities, equipment, staff time, supplies, funds, financial support, or release time from assigned duties) over and above the usual salary or resource assignment where the value of the resources comprises more than half of the cost incurred in creating a work.

(C) Copyright work

(1) All rights granted under copyright law for a particular work remain with the authors (creators) of the work.

(2) The university will not have an interest in copyright ownership of university personnel works, including academic work products except in the following instances:

(a) When the work is a work for hire.

(b) When the work is created through a significant allocation of university resources for the express purpose of the creation of that work.

(c) In these instances, copyright ownership of the works in question belongs to the university, unless it expressly waives its rights thereto.

(3) The sharing, use, and sale of copyrights for materials developed for use by multiple faculty teaching different sections of the same course shall be governed by any existing collective bargaining agreement with faculty members.

(D) Patents

(1) The university shall have ownership of patent rights to patentable inventions created by university personnel in direct connection with activities involving a significant allocation of university resources.

(2) The university shall convey patent rights to the inventors in accordance with an underlying procedure to this policy. Such conveyance shall be given in writing upon approval by the provost.

(E) Licensing, royalties and distribution of income

(1) University personnel may be eligible for participation in the distribution of income, as established by an underlying procedure. This eligibility does not apply to works for hire.

(2) If the university grants a copyright or patent license to a commercial entity, the university may seek a reasonable royalty from the licensee. Royalties earned on any intellectual property owned by or assigned to the university will be distributed to university personnel in accordance with a distribution schedule established by an underlying procedure that will include a percentage to the inventor.

(F) Conflicts of interest and researcher responsibilities

(1) University faculty and staff may not participate in or be directly involved in negotiating external agreements for intellectual property that is owned, assigned to or otherwise controlled by the university.

(2) University personnel who hold positions as operating officers or act in key decision-making capacities in businesses that have or intend to establish commercial or business relationships with the university must disclose such positions to the university.

(G) Procedures

The university will establish procedures in collaboration with appropriate university constituencies, including the shawnee education association, to effectively implement this policy.

Last updated December 19, 2022 at 11:44 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 6/5/2001
Rule 3362-2-12 | Faculty workload.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Last updated July 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 6/5/2001, 9/21/2009
Rule 3362-2-15 | University promotion and tenure system.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Last updated July 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-2-16 | Intellectual property rights for students.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Last updated July 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-2-17 | Credit hour assignment.

(A) Introduction

(1) Shawnee state university's (SSU) credit hour definitions constitute a formalization of policy in order to:

(a) Ensure compliance with federal and accreditation expectations;

(b) Ensure compliance also with Ohio department of higher education's credit hour definition; and

(c) To provide consistency throughout the university. Courses may be comprised of any combination of elements described, such as a lecture course which also has required laboratory periods or a lecture course having an additional requirement for supervised practice time.

(2) Shawnee state requires this policy to be practiced by all full-time and part-time faculty. All definitions and standards apply equally to courses offered both on and off campus.

(B) Credit hour definitions and equivalence

The requirements that follow represent minuma for average students; however, deviation in excess of these requirements may occur, particularly at the graduate level. In the interest of accurate academic measurement, cross-campus comparability, and clarifying the relationship among contact hours, work outside of class, and credit hours, the following policies and practices apply:

(1) Formalized instruction requirement

Consistent with the Ohio department of higher education's definition, a semester credit hour is earned for a minimum of seven hundred fifty total instructional minutes of classroom instruction, with a normal expectation of at least one thousand five hundred minutes of outside study (homework, reading assignments, preparation for class) for each credit hour.

Credit hours may be calculated differently for other types of instruction (e.g., laboratory experience, directed practice experience, practicum experience, fieldwork experience, and studio experience) as long as the credit hour calculations align with commonly accepted practices in higher education and with the regulations of institutional accreditors and the federal financial aid program.

(2) Shortened sessions and/or flexibly scheduled courses

Credit hours may be earned in shortened session. Courses offered over a period of time other than a standard Shawnee state university full-semester will require the same amount of classroom and out-of-class work per credit hour as is required of SSU semester-long courses. The same amount of work will be distributed over a shorter period of time and may be allocated in various ways. Shortened session and flexibly scheduled classroom courses will adjust the per-class meeting instructional minutes as appropriate, given the number of class meetings, so as to meet the total instructional minutes' requirement.

(3) Distance education, online and hybrid (blended) courses

SSU's credit hour policy and credit award practice for distance education, e.g., online and hybrid courses, will be consistent and equivalent with the standards for courses offered through face-to-face instruction, although some or all of course content and faculty-student interaction occurs through one or more forms of distance education.

(a) Fully online

For courses in which one hundred per cent of the instruction is delivered in an online mode, each credit hour consists of seven hundred fifty minutes of instructor-led, computer-assisted modules, multimedia interaction, discussions, and/or assessment activities as documented in the course syllabus, and one thousand five hundred minutes of supporting "homework" consisting of independent preparatory work, such as readings, viewing of instructional materials, or writing. Online courses which have traditional lecture course equivalents are expected to achieve equivalent student learning outcomes for the equivalent number of credit hours.

(b) Hybrid (blended) courses

This modality uses the same requirements as fully online courses with the exception that each credit hour or portions thereof may include on-campus scheduled direct/in-person faculty directed instruction or assessment.

(4) Courses involving travel

Transportation time does not count towards student work effort unless time is simultaneously used for a designated learning activity.

(5) Other courses

Student teaching, clinical experience, cooperative education, study abroad, internship, field placement, experiential learning activity, independent study, thesis, dissertation, or other academic work that fit no other classification may receive credit if the work is performed under the supervision of and with the approval of a member of the faculty and with a formal written agreement noting the nature of the academic work that is approved also by the appropriate academic program leader/coordinator, chair, or similar overseeing authority at a program-wide level. In this modality, each credit hour consists of no less than two thousand two hundred fifty minutes spent on approved work during the term of instruction. Specific curricula/programs may require more minutes in order to award one credit hour. Credit for these experiences may be determined in accordance with the recommendations of a program's specific accreditor or other applicable regulations.

Last updated September 2, 2022 at 8:40 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 4/22/2019
Rule 3362-2-18 | Textbook selection.

(A) Purpose

Pursuant to state legislation including section 3345.025 of the Revised Code, it is the policy of Shawnee state university to respect the academic freedom of faculty in choosing textbooks and other instructional materials and to encourage efforts to minimize the cost of textbooks and other instructional materials.

(B) Academic freedom

It is the policy of Shawnee state university to respect the academic freedom of faculty to select textbooks and education materials they judge to be most appropriate for their courses and most effective for student learning. Specifically, the university believes faculty should have the right to choose curricular materials and pedagogical techniques within the reasonable boundaries of professional discretion subject to relevant standards of academic merit, teaching effectiveness, and consistency with catalogue course description.

(C) Reducing student cost

It is the policy of Shawnee state university to encourage or require efforts, as directed by the state legislature or Ohio department of higher education, to minimize the costs of textbooks and other instructional materials for students. Such efforts may include but are not limited to the following:

(1) High quality, open-access sources.

(2) Inclusive-access programs in which students choose to pay a course fee that includes access to below-market price instructional materials available to students at the beginning of a course. Such programs must comply with United States department of education regulations for the use of title IV funds.

(3) An auto adoption procedure, as discussed in paragraph (D) of this policy.

(D) Auto adoption requirement

(1) To the maximum extent reasonably practical, faculty members will disclose required and recommended textbooks to students not later than the first date of course registration for the semester in which the textbooks will be used.

(2) In cases in which a faculty member does not disclose required and recommended textbooks to students by the date set forth in this paragraph, the faculty member will be deemed to have selected identical materials, including the same title and the same edition, from the prior semester in which the course was offered.

(E) Scope

This policy applies to all full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate course faculty, including instructors.

Last updated July 18, 2022 at 8:16 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 6/27/2019
Rule 3362-2-19 | Transfer credit.

(A) Policy statement and purpose

(1) Understanding the variables involved in the transfer credit evaluation process for both undergraduate and international students is imperative to ensuring that students are awarded credit consistently and equitably. This policy is designed to facilitate the transfer of students and credits from other institutions and/or foreign institutions of higher education to Shawnee state university, assure maximum utilization of prior learning, and encourage students to advance as far through the educational system as they can in pursuit of their goals.

(2) This policy aims to facilitate fair and consistent transfer credit evaluations for undergraduate and international course work.

As used in this rule and related procedures, the following definitions shall apply:

AcceptabilityIn reference to course work, the quality of having met standards for evaluation and award of transfer credit.
AccreditationThe educational status of an institution assessed by specific governing bodies and associations indicating that an institution has met certain minimum standards.
ApplicabilityCourse work that the degree-granting department/school deems appropriate for use within a degree program to fulfill specific requirements.
College-level course workCourse work that is non-remedial, post-secondary, curriculum that offers an advanced level of content and rigor.
International course workCourse work that is performed within the curriculum of a course of study in an institution located outside of the United States.
Level of course workThe rank of a course as determined by the type of student for whom the course is designed, the content, and the expectations of completion (e.g., 1000 level, freshman; 2000 level, sophomore, etc.).
Official transcriptA document issued by an institution showing enrollment dates, courses, grades, grading scale, and earned academic credentials. Transcripts must arrive directly from the originating institution to the appropriate office and be signed and certified by the registrar or similar institutional authority.
Originating institutionAn institution (i.e., college, university, agency, organization) at which course work has been taken and/or academic credit earned by a student seeking transfer credit.
Semester hour equivalent valueThe number of semester hours of credit assigned to a course on the basis of content and amount of time required for completion.

(B) Implementation-undergraduate

(1) This rule is consistent with the Ohio articulation and transfer policy, first adopted by the Ohio department of higher education in November of 1990; and, the joint statement on the transfer and award of credit. The Ohio articulation and transfer policy complies with state statutory and policy requirements, including, but not limited to, sections 3333.16, 3333.161, 3333.162, and 3333.164 of the Revised Code.

(2) When evaluating whether to award transfer credit, the university registrar office uses a multifactorial process initially driven by an assessment of the educational quality of the course work as evidenced by the accreditation held by the originating institution. Transfer credit will be awarded provided the course is similar in level and content to Shawnee state course offerings. The appropriate instructional department has the authority to determine equivalent Shawnee state credit for transfer courses which have not been established through ODHE transfer initiatives and/or established articulation agreements.

(3) Shawnee state university will award transfer credit for courses that have been approved through the following transfer programs: OT36, TAG, CTAG, ITAG, and MTAG. In addition, the university will honor transfer equivalencies that are established as part of articulation agreements with other institutions.

(4) Shawnee state employs, updates in accordance with, and recognizes the research and recommendations of professional associations to establish best practices in transfer credit evaluation. Associations commonly used include, but are not limited to, the American association of collegiate registrars and admissions officers (AACRAO), American council on education (ACE), and council for higher education accreditation (CHEA).

(5) Shawnee state requires that students complete a minimum of twenty hours of credit for associate degree or thirty hours of credit for the baccalaureate in residence at Shawnee state university.

(C) Implementation-international

(1) Evaluation methodology

(a) International course work will be evaluated based on a course-by-course evaluation completed by incred (international credential evaluations) based on the originating institutions official transcript.

(b) If Shawnee state determines that the credit from the foreign institution is eligible for evaluation and meets standards for satisfactory academic performance as defined in this ruless procedures, Shawnee state will apply criteria relative to the level and content of the course to determine acceptability for transfer credit.

(c) The university registrar oversees the awarding of undergraduate transfer credit, and the appropriate degree-granting department/school will determine its applicability to specific degree requirements.

(2) Professionally recognized resources and recommendations

Shawnee state employs, updates in accordance with, and recognizes the research and recommendations of professional associations to establish best practices in international transfer credit evaluation. Associations commonly used include, but are not limited to, the American association of collegiate registrars and admissions officers (AACRAO), American council on education (ACE), council for higher education accreditation (CHEA), and NAFSA: association for international educators.

(D) Implementation-graduate

(1) Shawnee state's policy on graduate transfer is consistent with best practices recommended by the council of graduate schools and guidelines provided by the Ohio department of higher education.

(2) When deciding whether to award transfer credit, the graduate program director will determine equivalencies based on level of coursework, acceptability, and applicability.

(3) Transfer credit is awarded based on program area requirements. Official transcripts must be forwarded from the transferring institution and must be mailed directly to graduate admissions. The grades of transferred courses are not posted to the Shawnee state transcript and are not used to calculate grade point averages.

(E) Policy scope

(1) International course work completed at non-U.S. institutions that hold regional accreditation is covered by this rule; however, course work completed at all other non-U.S. institutions is subject to the international transfer credit rule.

(2) The acceptance of transfer courses for university transfer credit is distinct from the application of credit toward university degree requirements. While this rule governs the acceptability of undergraduate and graduate courses for university transfer credit, the applicability of credit is determined by the students department/school.

(F) Link to the Ohio department of higher education Ohio articulation and transfer policy:

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 8:04 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-2-20 | Institutional animal care and use.

(A) Purpose statement

The purpose of this rule is to ensure the humane care and use of live, vertebrate animals in research, teaching, training, and biological testing activities; to ensure a safe climate for conducting scientific inquiry; and to ensure that Shawnee state university complies with all applicable regulations. In cases of conflict between this rule and federal regulations, the federal regulations take precedence.

(B) Applicability and ethical principles

(1) This rule applies to all activities which, in whole or in part, involve research, teaching, training, and biological testing of live, vertebrate animals if:

(a) Such activities are sponsored by Shawnee state university; or

(b) Such activities are directed or conducted by university faculty or staff in connection with their institutional responsibilities; or

(c) Such activities are conducted by university students under the direction of university faculty or staff; or

(d) Such activities are conducted at the university or involve use of university property; or

(e) Such activities are conducted at another institution as a consequence of sub-granting activities or the establishment of other cooperative agreements.

(2) Shawnee state university will make a reasonable effort to ensure that all individuals involved in the care and use of animals understand their individual and collective responsibilities for compliance with this rule as well as all other applicable laws and regulations pertaining to animal care and use.

(3) Shawnee state university will comply with all applicable provisions of the Animal Welfare Act and other federal statutes and regulations relating to use of animals in teaching and research.

(C) Institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC)

(1) The provost will appoint three faculty members to the IACUC as well as one outside committee member who is not affiliated with the institution and is not an immediate family member of a person affiliated with the university. The committee will be responsible for electing a chairperson.

(2) The term for each member will be three years and will commence at the beginning of autumn semester and end at the conclusion of spring semester of the final year of service.

(3) The IACUC will report to the provost or provost's designee.

(4) The IACUC will be responsible for receiving, vetting, and approving institutional animal care and use proposals. All work with vertebrate animals must be approved by the IACUC prior to work commencing.

(5) The IACUC will conduct a six-month review of the university's program and facilities where applicable teaching and research take place.

(D) Procedures

The provost or provost's designee is responsible for establishing procedures to ensure that the IACUC and the university's research involving live, vertebrate animals are in conformance with federal, state, and local laws. Procedures will include information regarding meetings of the IACUC, the application approval process for students and faculty, standards and criteria for program and facility review, and standards for record keeping.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 8:04 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-2-21 | Accommodations for student religious beliefs.

(A) Purpose

The university is dedicated to reasonably accommodating the sincerely held religious beliefs and practices of individual students with regard to all examinations or other academic requirements or absences for reasons of faith or their religious or spiritual belief system.

(B) Absences

A student will be granted up to three days each academic semester to take holidays for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system, or participate in organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or other religious or spiritual organization. The university shall not impose an academic penalty as a result of a student being absent as permitted in this policy.

(C) Alternative accommodations

(1) Students will be provided with alternative accommodations with regard to examinations and other academic requirements missed due to an absence described in paragraph 2.0, if both of the following apply:

(a) The student's sincerely held religious belief or practice severely affects the student's ability to take an examination or meet an academic requirement; and

(b) Not later than fourteen days after the first day of instruction in a particular course, the student provides the instructor with written notice of the specific dates for which the student requests alternative accommodations.

(2) The university shall accept without question the sincerity of a student's religious or spiritual belief system. An instructor shall keep requests for alternative accommodations confidential. An instructor shall schedule a time and date for an alternative examination, which may be before or after the time and date the examination or other academic requirement was originally scheduled but shall do so without prejudicial effect.

(D) Policy posting

Both of the following will be posted in a prominent location on the university website:

(1) A copy of this policy and the contact information of an individual who can provide further information about the policy;

(2) A non-exhaustive list of major religious holidays or festivals for the next two academic years. The posting shall explicitly state that the list is non-exhaustive, and that it may not be used to deny accommodations to a student for a holiday or festival of the student's faith or religious or spiritual belief system that does not appear on the list. No inclusion or exclusion of a religious holiday or festival on the list shall preclude a student from full and reasonable accommodations for any sincerely held religious beliefs and practices with regard to all examinations or other academic requirements and absences for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system provided under this policy.

(E) Syllabus posting

Faculty members are required to include in each course syllabus a statement regarding this policy. The statement shall include both of the following:

(1) A description of the general procedure for requesting accommodations;

(2) Contact information for an individual whom a student may contact for more information about the policy.

(F) Grievances

If a student believes that a reasonable accommodation was improperly denied, the student may appeal the instructor's decision as outlined in accompanying procedure 2.21:1. The request must be in writing with reasons for support, and made within seven calendar days of the date of the notice of denial.

(G) Procedures

The president is authorized to enact procedures to address the list of major religious holidays discussed in paragraph 4.2, contact information for students to obtain more information about this policy as discussed in paragraphs 4.1 and 5.2, additional details regarding the grievance procedure discussed in paragraph 6.0, and other matters to carry out the purposes of this policy as he or she sees fit.

Last updated May 6, 2023 at 12:09 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03