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Last updated October 13, 2021 at 2:22 PM
Supplemental Information
Amplifies: 3364
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Rule 3364-20-04 | Permanent or temporary space allocation.
October 26, 2018
Promulgated Under:
View Rule Text Last updated October 13, 2021 at 2:22 PM Supplemental Information
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Amplifies: 3364 |
Rule 3364-20-06 | Use of university vehicle rules and regulations.
(A) Policy statement The university of Toledo's motor vehicle operations department shall provide a procedure and rules and regulations as it relates to state owned vehicles. (B) Purpose of policy To provide a safe, efficient means of transportation for university personnel. (C) Procedure Procedure details can be found under the link entitled "facilities and construction standard operating procedures" located at Last updated June 30, 2021 at 6:40 AM Supplemental Information
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Amplifies: 3364 |
Rule 3364-20-07 | Energy management and sustainability.
(A) Policy statement The university of Toledo aspires to minimize its impact on our environment and maximize the effective use of resources by fostering safe, comfortable, and efficient environmental behavior amongst faculty, students, staff, and volunteers. (B) Purpose of policy To integrate a philosophy of sustainable development into all the organization's activities while establishing cost effective efficiency and conservation into all systems operations. (C) Procedure The university of Toledo will implement this policy thru: (1) Sustainable education and research: initiate and develop environmental and sustainability focus in teaching, learning and research. (2) Sustainable waste management: reduce, reuse and recycle. (3) Energy conservation: improve energy efficiency. Further details can be found under the link entitled heating, ventilation, and air conditioning "HVAC"-018B Energy Management" standard operating procedure "SOP" located at (4) Water sustainability: minimize potable water use and improve storm water quality. (5) Biodiversity conservation: reduce ecological footprint and promote indigenous flora. (6) Sustainable travel: promote communal transportation, video conferencing, bicycling, and walking. (7) Sustainable procurement: purchasing products and contracting services that assist where possible in reducing the university's environmental impact. (8) Green building design: utilize construction standards for renovations and new construction that minimize environmental impact. (9) Communication: encourage faculty, students, and staff to be more involved in sustainable practices. (10) Partnering: working with faculty, student, and community organizations and to recognize and improve environmental sustainability concerns. Last updated June 30, 2021 at 6:40 AM Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Amplifies: 3364 Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/2016 |
Rule 3364-20-08 | Facilities and construction operating policy in non-emergency and emergency situations.
October 26, 2018
Promulgated Under:
View Rule Text Last updated June 18, 2021 at 8:12 AM Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Amplifies: 3364 |
Rule 3364-20-09 | Key control.
(A) Policy statement: To provide authorized key access to university of Toledo buildings and areas within university buildings. (B) Purpose To develop a procedure for requesting, authorizing, receiving, and returning university of Toledo keys. (C) Procedure Facilities and construction is authorized to issue university keys to faculty, staff, graduate assistants, students, and individuals with an authorized relationship (i.e. visiting scholars, American council on education ("ACE" fellows, etc.) and requiring key access to university facilities. Procedure details can be found under the link entitled "ADM-07 Key Control" standard operating procedure ("SOP") located at: (D) Regulations Facilities and construction maintains key control and shall be the sole source of approving, managing and disseminating keys for the university of Toledo. Persons to whom keys to university facilities are issued are prohibited from duplicating such keys from loaning such keys to any other person, or from transferring such keys to another person. All keys are to be returned to key control when no longer needed. The key control department is prohibited from issuing any key to any person except as provided herein. Persons violating the university key policy are subject to disciplinary sanctions. All purchases regarding locks, keys, and/or locking hardware must be approved by the office of facilities and construction. The office of facilities and construction will not compromise the security system by cross keying systems. Only qualified employees of the office of facilities and construction, or contracted resources authorized by the office of facilities and construction, are authorized to make keys, change or work on locks. The office of facilities and construction shall be the sole source for the making, duplicating, manufacturing or cutting of any key. For requesting a re-core or to report a problem with key, contact facilities operations, main campus 419-530-1000 or health science campus ("HSC") 419-383-5353. Last updated June 30, 2021 at 6:40 AM Supplemental Information
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Amplifies: 3364 |
Rule 3364-20-10 | Digital display and signage installations.
(A) Policy statement In recognition of the historic nature and architecture of the buildings on campus, requests for permanent digital displays and permanent signage installations shall be considered for both proposed design and general appropriateness per the individual building and area setting. (B) Purpose of policy To define the process for review and approval of all proposed digital displays and signage installations in campus facilities. (C) Scope This policy applies to requests made by university departments. (D) Procedure All proposed requests for installation of permanent digital displays and permanent signage shall be processed through facilities and construction using the space change form. Procedure details can be found under the line entitled "digital display installation and approval" standard operating procedure ("SOP") located at Last updated June 30, 2021 at 6:40 AM Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Amplifies: 3364 |
Rule 3364-20-11 | Flag presentation.
(A) Policy statement The university is committed to demonstrating honor and allegiance to the United States of America, the state of Ohio, and this university, through presentation of flags. (B) Purpose of policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure continuity with all memorial celebrations by reflecting uniformity at all university of Toledo owned or operated facilities. (C) Procedure (1) The president of the university of Toledo will authorize the presentation of flags. (2) Federal and state guidelines shall be observed. (3) The American, state of Ohio and university of Toledo flags will be presented every day at full mast. (4) The flags will be flown in a consistent manner at all facilities. (5) The flags will be replaced as needed to ensure their integrity. (6) The president of the university of Toledo may authorize other flags to be flown. (7) Flag presentation, other than at full mast, will be directed by the president of the United States, by the governor of the state of Ohio, or the president of the university of Toledo. (8) Time frame for display at half-mast will be specified. Last updated June 30, 2021 at 6:40 AM Supplemental Information
Authorized By:
Amplifies: 3364 Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/2016 |