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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3364-30 | Social Events; Housing; Aid; and Mandatory Tuberculosis Screening

Rule 3364-30-01 | Reservation policy for student union facilities.

(A) Policy statement

Student organizations and high priority university wide events will have precedence in reserving public space in or near the student union, within the student union, patio and the edison fountain areas of centennial mall, front steps of the student union and the flatlands. While the named spaces are available to registered student organizations, university departments and affiliates, community members and the general public for both business and personal use, reservation of any space will not be allowed in advance of eighteen months prior to the event. Student organizations use will take precedence according to the following schedule:

On November first of the current academic year, only registered student organizations will be permitted to reserve space in the student union and afore mentioned areas for the period beginning on or after August first of the following academic year.

On December first of the current academic year, all university departments and affiliates will be permitted to reserve space in the student union and afore mentioned areas for the period beginning on or after August first of the following academic year.

On January first of the current academic year, the general public will be permitted to reserve space in the student union and afore mentioned areas for the period beginning on or after August first of the following academic year. At any point after a designated priority access date is passed, facility users in that category may continue to make facility reservation requests on an equal access "first come, first served basis." This schedule excludes university wide major events such as; homecoming, art on the mall, new student orientation and presidential priorities which may be scheduled more than eighteen months in advance and supersede student organization priority dates.

(B) Purpose of policy

The purpose of this policy change is to ensure that priority is given to registered student organizations in accessing student union meeting and event space and to regulate extended commitments that prevent student use. Additionally, it is intended that once space is committed to a facility user it will remain committed unless the space is released by the requestor or in the case of non-university use the terms of the contract will prevail.

(C) Procedure

The various facility user groups will be granted access to schedule space in accordance with the schedule detailed in the policy statement and by following the procedures detailed as follows.

(1) Registered student organizations will submit an event registration form electronically to the student union office to request the tentative reservation of space twenty-eight days in advance of the event.

Once approvals are obtained from the office of student Involvement and leadership, tentative reservations will be confirmed.

(2) University departments, administrative offices and affiliated organizations will submit an event registration form electronically to the student union office to request a space reservation.

(3) Organizations with no university affiliation will submit an event registration form in person or electronically to the student union office. Once accepted, the student union will issue a contract for the use of space with the terms of use and payment terms detailed in the agreement. Upon the return of this signed contract with the deposit the requested space will be confirmed.

(4) Requestors of exterior spaces scheduled by the student union will be required to complete an event registration form for the use of exterior space. The event registration form will be circulated for approvals from grounds, campus police and any other department that may be impacted by the event being planned. Once approved, the requestor will be issued a confirmation notice stating the details of the event and the relevant approvals.

Last updated July 28, 2021 at 8:52 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-02 | Policy on alcohol and substance abuse.

(A) Policy statement

It is the goal of the university of Toledo to establish and sustain an environment on campus that is conducive to the intellectual, emotional, and social growth of all the members of its community. The university of Toledo is committed to promoting and maintaining a work and academic environment that is free from illegal use of alcohol and drug use/abuse in accordance with all federal, state, local or university regulations, as well as the federal drug free schools and campus regulations.

(B) Purpose of policy

This policy is designed to inform university faculty, staff and students about the university's commitment to maintaining an alcohol and drug free work and academic environment. This policy also governs the possession, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the university's campuses. It is the university's goal through these policies and programs, to encourage members of its community to make responsible decisions and to promote safe, legal, and healthy patterns of social interaction.

(C) Scope

The following policy applies to the entire university of Toledo organization "university," including all campuses, student body, and the university of Toledo medical center "UTMC" hospital. This policy applies to both on-campus and university sponsored activities, including field trips, athletic contests played off campus and conferences attended by students, faculty and staff where the university reimburses travel expenses or registration fees. An official, "sponsored university function" means one in which:

(1) Institutional funds are being used for any part of the event; or

(2) The university name and/or logo are being associated with the event; or

(3) It is being advertised on campus by any means.

This policy does not apply to alcohol distribution with alcohol dispensed through the UTMC hospital pharmacy upon order of a physician. The hospital pharmacy is responsible for the policies and procedures related to physician prescribed alcohol.

(D) Standards of conduct/violations

The university of Toledo prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or part of any of its activities. Marijuana, even if prescribed or recommended pursuant to state law, remains illegal under federal law and the university considers it to be an illegal drug for purposes of this policy. Employees, students, and campus visitors age twenty-one years or older, consuming alcohol at university functions or while on university business where such use is approved, are expected to use alcohol responsibly and not engage in illegal, unprofessional or disruptive behavior.

When there has been a violation of the standards of conduct, the university shall initiate appropriate measures which may include disciplinary action. Such action may result in sanctions up to and including suspension or separation from the university. Violations may be reported by the university to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Those referred to law enforcement authorities are subject to prosecution.

Violators will be subject to penalties which may include separation from the university or mandatory referral for treatment. Violation of university policies by students will be addressed by the student code of conduct. The university shall implement and enforce the laws of the state of Ohio as stated in the Revised Code. It is the responsibility of each student, staff, and faculty member to become familiar with the appropriate sections of the Revised Code and the provisions of the policy and to conduct one's self in a responsible and prudent manner.

(E) Regulations governing alcoholic beverages

The university permits alcoholic beverages on campus as part of the operation of licensed university facilities and for some social events.

(1) Facilities

Policies and procedures for specific university facilities may be in place. Such policies must be consistent with the university policy.

(2) Delivery

Delivery of any alcoholic beverages to any university property or facility, other than associated with the university's liquor license and catering operations, is strictly prohibited.

(3) Independent contractors/university guests

Where the university is paying for or reimbursing expenses for consultants, contractors, or others doing business for the university, the university shall not pay for or reimburse any alcoholic beverage purchases.

(4) Sponsored university functions

The use of alcohol at events held on the university of Toledo campuses is governed by the following rules:

(a) University funds may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.

(b) Alcoholic beverages will not be served free of charge at a campus event unless the event is approved in advance in writing by the vice president or a designee and the event is otherwise permitted by university policy and by applicable laws.

(c) Unless otherwise approved in writing in advance by the vice president or a designee, alcoholic beverages must be sold by university dining services which are a licensed, insured vendor.

(d) The sponsoring organization, department, or approved user of facilities will oversee adherence to the alcohol policy, assume responsibility for the event and control and supervise the distribution of alcoholic beverages in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and policies.

(e) Institutionally approved security must be present at all times during an event unless determined by the chief of university police to be unnecessary. All security costs will be the responsibility of the sponsoring organization.

(f) No one under the age of twenty-one is permitted to possess, serve, or consume any alcoholic beverage. At any event where alcoholic beverages are served and/or sold, approval for the event will be based upon the age of the event participants as well as the nature of the event. For example, an event at which the majority of participants are under the age of twenty-one will not have alcoholic beverages available for consumption. However, a designated, physically defined, monitored area may be utilized for those of age if approved in advance.

(g) All sale/use of alcoholic beverages on university property will be monitored by and subject to inspection by university officials.

(h) Although no person will possess or be served alcoholic beverages without proof of legal age, state law permits any individual eighteen years or over to sell alcohol in a closed container, nineteen years or older to serve an open container of alcohol and anyone over twenty-one to tend bar.

(i) No servers of alcohol may be permitted to consume alcoholic beverages while serving nor shall they be permitted to serve while intoxicated.

(j) Intoxicated people will not be served nor permitted to possess alcoholic beverages. The liquor-license holder - i.e., the vendor - has the sole right to make this determination.

(k) At all events where alcohol is used, served, and/or sold, non-alcoholic beverages and unsalted foods must be made available in quantity sufficient for the number of guests. All food should be visible and available.

(l) Alcoholic beverages are not permitted to be sold or used prior to twelve p.m. For an event lasting three hours or more, sale or service must stop forty-five minutes prior to the end of the event. At no time may the sale/service of alcohol last more than three consecutive hours. Exceptions may be given to alumni or athletic department events that begin at or prior to twelve p.m. Exceptions may be given to athletic department events as follows:

(i) Alumni or athletic events that begin prior to twelve p.m.: Alcoholic beverages would be permitted to be sold ninety minutes prior to the start time of the event.

(ii) Events lasting longer than three hours: Sales would be permitted ninety minutes prior to the start time of the event, with an ending time of three-fourths of the way through the event. (e.g.: football game, end of third quarter, basketball game, at the ten-minute mark in the second half).

(m) The minimum charge for twelve ounces of beer will be sold at the university's cost. A lower price will be charged for the same amount of non-alcoholic beverage. Other alcoholic beverages should be priced so as not to promote excessive consumption.

(n) In accordance with the liquor license, under no circumstances may any alcoholic beverage be permitted to leave the approved area of the event. No alcoholic beverages may be brought into the event by an individual when alcoholic beverages are being served, and/or sold by event organizers.

(F) Process to obtain permission for university events where alcohol will be served

At events at which alcohol is served and in university facilities in which it is served, operators and event sponsors are responsible for complying with the laws of the state of Ohio, ordinances of the city of Toledo, and all policies of the university of Toledo.

An "F" permit is required for any events that serve alcoholic beverages on university property that are not covered by the university's dining services liquor license. The "F" permit can be obtained by visiting the state of Ohio - department of commerce website: NOTE: The requestor is responsible for completing the appropriate "F" permit. The administration for the health science campus of the university does not review or approve "F" permits under any circumstance. All events must be conducted through the dining services liquor license. The university administration reserves the right in its sole discretion to refuse to sign any "F" permit for any reason whatsoever.

Depending on the associated division of the university, the following is the procedure for seeking approval of an "F" permit:

(1) Athletics. If an outside person or business would like to hold an athletics related event on university property, an "F" permit needs to be completed and given to the senior associate athletic director for external affairs. The senior associate athletic director for external affairs with the university's administrator for risk management will determine if the university's insurance will cover such event or the requesting party needs to obtain insurance and provide proof thereof before the "F" permit will be processed any further. Upon verification of insurance coverage for the event, the vice president/director of athletics will sign the "F" permit. It will then be forwarded to the chief of police who will sign that he has seen the "F" permit. The fully signed "F" permit will then be returned to the senior associate athletic director for external affairs.

(2) Alumni. If an outside person or business would like to hold an alumni event on university property, an "F" permit needs to be completed. Alumni, outside persons or businesses are subject to all of the applicable policies, rules, and regulations of the university of Toledo. The completed "F" permit should be given to the associate vice president of alumni relations. The associate vice president of alumni relations with the university's administrator for risk management will determine if the university's insurance will cover such event or the requesting party needs to obtain insurance and provide proof thereof before the "F" permit will be processed any further. Upon verification of insurance coverage for the event, the vice president of institutional advancement will sign the "F" permit. It will then be forwarded to the chief of police who will sign that he has seen the "F" permit. The fully signed "F" permit will then be returned to the associate vice president of alumni relations.

(3) Student event. If an outside person or business (or student organization, when applicable) would like to hold an event for students on university property, an "F" permit needs to be completed. Student organizations, outside persons, or businesses are subject to all of the applicable policies, rules, and regulations of the university of Toledo. The completed "F" permit should be given to the associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students. The associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students with the university's administrator for risk management will determine if the university's insurance will cover such event or the requesting party needs to obtain insurance and provide proof thereof before the "F" permit will be processed any further. Upon verification of insurance coverage for the event, the vice president for the student affairs will sign the "F" permit. It will then be forwarded to the chief of police who will sign that he has seen the "F" permit. The fully signed "F" permit will then be returned to the associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students.

(a) Students and student organization are also required to complete the necessary paperwork to host a social event. This information can be found through the office of student involvement, located in 3504 student union.

(b) The sponsoring organization will be prepared to provide, in writing, information pertaining to the purpose of the activity, number of participants, location, and whether the activity is public or private.

(G) Promotion of university events where alcohol will be served

(1) It is the position of the university that alcohol use will not be promoted. Consistent with this position, the university will neither solicit nor accept any form of alcoholic beverage advertising or sponsorship for any university publication or in/on any university operated facility or property. Exceptions will be limited to:

(a) Public education messages, i.e., advertising that promotes responsible use of alcohol, using designated drivers, etc.;

(b) Point-of-sale ice baths that carry the name of the alcoholic beverage/distributor.

(2) Authorization for all exceptions must be approved by the appropriate vice-president. In addition, the following guidelines shall be adhered to:

(a) Events where alcoholic beverages are used, served and/or sold shall not have alcohol or the consumption of alcohol as a theme. No element of an event where alcohol will be used, served, and/or sold shall encourage, in any manner, the consumption of alcohol. No event where alcohol is used, served, and/or sold shall be sponsored, in any manner, by an alcohol manufacturer, distributor, or retailer.

(b) No advertising for events where alcohol is used, served, and/or sold shall refer to alcohol in any manner other than "legal beverages available" or "beer available." Advertising for "F" permit events cannot include the sale price of alcoholic beverages nor can it refer to the price advantage or amount available.

(H) Services for treatment and referral

Students, faculty and staff who violate this policy or encounter difficulties with alcohol and/or drugs shall be informed about and referred to the following university and campus resources for support and assistance.

(1) University services. Resource information (booklets, brochures, pamphlets, videos, etc.) regarding health and safety concerns from substance use and/or alcohol abuse and information regarding campus and community services are available through a variety of university services, including:

(a) Main campus medical center 419.530.3451

(b) The counseling center 419.530.2426

(c) Office of alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention 419.530.8436

(d) Campus police 419.530.2600

(2) Community resources. There are many community resources that also provide support, information, or treatment:

(a) Al-anon-alateen

Toll-free meeting line: 888.425.2666

Self-help group for persons who are close to an alcoholic

No fee.

(b) Alcoholics anonymous


Self-help group for alcoholics. No fee.

(c) A renewed mind


Mental health and addiction services

(d) Compass/sasi and zepf center


Detox admission line: 419.754.3869

Substance abuse treatment, detoxification, and after care.

Sliding fee schedule based on ability to pay.

(e) Empowered for excellence


Mental health and addiction services.

(f) First call for help


For referral and information about self-help groups.

(g) Focus


Assessments - no charge. Inpatient detox, hospitalization, partial hospitalization, and medication management.

(h) Harbor behavioral healthcare


Education services. Sliding fee scheduled based on ability to pay.

(i) New concepts


Mental health and addiction services.

(j) Promedica alcohol and drug treatment

Bixby behavioral health medical center 517.265.0411

Herrick behavioral health medical center 517.423.3887

Free assessments. Treatment center for substance abusers.

After care.

(k) Racing for recovery


Addiction services.

(l) Rescue crisis


Twenty-four hour emergency hotline.

(m) University of Toledo medical center - emergency department


Twenty-four hour emergencies.

(n) University of Toledo medical center - adult psychiatry


Behavioral medicine/general adult clinic.

(o) University of Toledo medical center - inpatient-recovery services unit


Inpatient medical detox unit - eighteen years old and up.

(p) Urban minority alcoholism and drug abuse outreach program


Prevention, intervention, and relapse prevention. Program targeted for minorities. No fee.

(I) Health risks

There are many health risks in using alcohol and drugs, they are as follows:

(1) Alcohol. Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses impair judgment and coordination and increase the incidence of aggressive behavior. Very high doses can cause respiratory depression and death. Alcohol intoxication is equivalent to a drug overdose. Repeated use of alcohol can lead to a change in tolerance and dependence. Cessation of alcohol intake, amount individuals suffering from addiction, can produce withdrawal symptoms, including tremors, hallucinations, convulsions, and death. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver. Women who drink even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. Children of alcoholic parents have a forty percent greater risk of developing alcoholism than those children of non-alcoholic parents.

(2) Marijuana. The mood-altering effects of marijuana are the result of a chemical delta-nine tetrahydrocannabinnol "THC." THC is fat-soluble and remains in the body up to four weeks after smoking one marijuana cigarette. Consequently, even the occasional user can be detected through urinalysis. Research indicates that regular use may have long-term effects on the user's brain, heart, and reproductive organs. The numerous carcinogenic chemicals found in marijuana smoke make it particularly harmful to the lungs.

(3) Depressants. The use of depressants can result in a change in tolerance and physical as well as psychological dependency. The combining of multiple depressants (e.g. xanax and alcohol) will intensify the depressant effects, exacerbating the health risk. Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, vomiting, acute psychotic episodes, seizures, coma and death.

(4) Stimulants. High doses of stimulant drugs result in intense personality disturbances, including visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. Tolerance develops rapidly. Cross-tolerance does develop among stimulant drugs (e.g. methamphetamines and cocaine). The use of cocaine can cause death by cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. Stimulants are addictive and withdraw from them may cause depression and suicidal ideation with some individuals.

(5) Narcotics. Tolerance, especially to the euphoric effects of narcotics, and physical dependence develop rapidly. In order to avoid intense drug cravings, the addict becomes preoccupied with acquiring the drug. Withdrawal symptoms are extremely uncomfortable; however, they are seldom life-threatening.

(6) Hallucinogens. Large doses of phencyclidine "PCP" may result in convulsive seizure, coma, and death. Mood disorders occur and the user may become violent, irrational, and potentially harmful to self and others. Lysergic acid "LSD," mescaline, and psilocybin cause sensations and feelings to change rapidly. The user may experience panic, confusion, anxiety, and depersonalization; spontaneous reappearance e.g., flashback of the drug experience after use has ceased may occur.

(7) Anabolic-androgenic steroids. Steroid users can experience serious cardiovascular, liver, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, and reproductive disorders. In males, use can result in testicular atrophy, sterility, impotence and arrested growth. Irreversible masculinization and sterility can result when women use steroids. Psychological impairments include mood swings, depression, and very aggressive behavior.

Last updated June 27, 2021 at 12:51 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-03 | Student Conduct Amnesty.

(A) Policy statement

The university of Toledo ("UT") strives to maintain a balance between student support and accountability. UT believes in addressing student health concerns directly, and confronting dangerous behaviors, but also encouraging students to seek help in situations where their own, or another student's health is endangered. As such, a student who seeks medical attention on behalf of themselves or another individual experiencing an alcohol and/or drug related incident, will not be subject to conduct action for the alcohol and/or drug use under the student code of conduct if the office of student conduct and community standards ("OSC&CS") becomes aware of the alcohol and/or drug use solely because the individual(s) sought medical attention.

Student(s) involved in reported incidents of sexual misconduct may also receive student conduct amnesty for the alcohol and/or drug violation(s) only. Student conduct amnesty is only granted to individual students, not student groups and/or student organizations.

(B) Purpose of policy

UT is committed to promoting a safe and healthy environment for all students, and wants students to feel confident they can make the right decision if there is an alcohol or drug related incident.

(C) Procedure

UT students who are granted student conduct amnesty may be required to meet with a staff member from the OSC&CS. During this meeting, the OSC&CS staff member will discuss the situation with the student, and provide them with appropriate resources. After the meeting, the OSC&CS staff member will have the student complete an alcohol and drug assessment which may result in a referral to the university counseling center. Failure to attend this meeting, or follow through with the recommendation(s) from the OSC&CS staff member will result in the student losing the opportunity for student conduct amnesty, and the incident being processed as a normal student conduct case.

Even though student conduct action may be waived due to the student receiving student conduct amnesty, the OSC&CS will notify the appropriate parent/guardian/emergency room contact of any student(s) who receives student conduct amnesty.

Although a record of the incident will be kept on file, and used as prior conduct history should subsequent student conduct matters occur, it will not go on the student's educational record, and the file will be maintained in accordance with student conduct records per rule 3364-30-04 of the Administrative Code (the student code of conduct).

The associate dean of students and director of student conduct and community standards will make decisions whether to grant amnesty. The availability of student conduct amnesty for students with repetitive or severe violations will be determined on a case by case basis.

(1) Student conduct amnesty may be granted to UT students who initiate and seek assistance and/or treatment on behalf of themselves, or another individual. Student conduct amnesty for alcohol and/or drug violation(s) may also be granted to student(s) involved in reported incidents of sexual misconduct.

(2) If a representative from a student group/student organization calls for medical assistance, the student group/student organization will not receive student conduct amnesty. However, this act of responsibility will be considered when sanctioning for policy violations.

(3) This policy is only applicable to the UT student code of conduct, and does not preclude law enforcement agencies from enforcing the law.

(4) The student conduct amnesty policy applies to emergencies related to alcohol and drug use, and is not applicable to other prohibited behavior(s). Other prohibited behavior(s) will be handled using the appropriate UT policy.

Last updated June 27, 2021 at 12:51 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Prior Effective Dates: 11/2/2018
Rule 3364-30-04 | The university student code of conduct.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Last updated September 2, 2021 at 11:06 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-06 | Social events, major events, and non-social events.

(A) Policy statement.

The university of Toledo "UT" has the responsibility to maintain a safe and secure environment for the campus community in all of its facilities.

(B) Purpose of policy.

This policy has been adopted to insure equitable treatment and a safe, secure environment among registered student organizations that wish to host an event on campus.

(C) Scope.

The university of Toledo registered student organizations as defined by the office of student involvement and leadership are eligible to host an event. See policy 3364-30-12 (student organizations) for the appropriate process to follow for becoming a registered student organization.

(D) Social, major, and non-social events.

Events hosted by registered student organizations may fall into three categories at the university of Toledo: social events, major events, and non-social events.

(E) Social events.

(1) Social events are defined as large crowd/high impact, interactive activities that include a combination of two or more of the criteria below, and based on an assessment by the office of student involvement and leadership:

(a) Alcohol is served

(b) More than one hundred attendees

(c) Music/dancing focus

(d) Non-UT students in attendance

(e) Outdoor event

(f) Event goes past midnight

(g) Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night event

(h) Cash is collected at event

(2) Reservation process.

All registered student organization sponsored social events at the university of Toledo must have a student organization event registration form completed no later than twenty-eight business days prior to the event. Event registration forms may be obtained online from the office of student involvement and leadership, and the student union office. Exemption to the twenty-eight business day deadline may be granted under extenuating circumstances by the office of student involvement and leadership.

(3) Social event procedures.


All advertisements for on campus purposes must be approved by the office of student involvement and leadership.

(4) Participants.

(a) All university students attending a UT social event must follow all university policies, including federal, state, and local laws. Attendees who are university students must show valid university identification.

(b) University students are permitted to bring one guest to events. The guest must sign in on the guest list, and must show a valid picture identification (driver's license or state identification). The student must accompany the guest at sign in. The guest list will include the guest's name and the university student accompanying them. All guests who are non-UT students must also comply with all university policies, including federal, state, and local laws. All guests (non-UT students) must be eighteen years or older, or accompanied by an adult twenty-one years or older, and their names must be identified on a guest list. Staff will determine if an event is required to be eighteen years or older (unless a current UT student with a waiver on file) based on the risk assessment.

(c) University students are responsible for their guest's behavior.

(d) Per the assessment of the event by the office of student involvement and leadership, guest parameters will be established. Such factors may include guests presenting an identification and signing a guest list before attending an event.

For all events open to the public, all guests must have a valid identification.

(5) Procedural information.

All registered student organizations will be required to hold an event planning meeting approximately two weeks before the event to discuss event logistics with the office of student involvement and leadership, university of Toledo police and/or security department (UTPD), grounds, and others depending on the assessment of the event.

(a) All major event rules will be posted on the doors to the event location and at the check-in table by staff members of the division of student affairs. The signs will state the following as applicable:

(i) UT Students permitted with valid UT identification.

(ii) Disruptive behavior is not tolerated.

(iii) Alcohol, controlled substances, weapons, etc. are not allowed.

(iv) Metal detectors in use.

(v) Once you have entered the event, you will not be allowed to re-enter the event once you leave unless you have purchased a second ticket (pending space is still available).

(b) Every event attendee must have a wristband on at all times. Wristbands are issued to attendees upon admission to the event and are provided by the office of student involvement and leadership. These numbers are for the total attendance at the event.

The total number of wristbands issued to an event will be based on the number of projected attendance and the number of officers assigned to the event. If the projected attendance estimate is lower than the allowed maximum stated above, the estimate will be utilized as the official projected attendance when officers are assigned and wristbands allocated. Students organizing the event will be counted in the number of wristbands allowed and must have a wristband on at all times. The total number of wristbands allowed will be determined based upon the allowed occupancy at that location. Only one wristband will be issued per person.

(c) Entrance into event location may have roped off lines for entry.

(d) Every registered student organization sponsoring a social event must identify a primary point person and three event assistants. These individuals must be members of the organization and currently enrolled UT students. The primary point person and three event assistants will wear name tags and a lanyard identifying them. The division of student affairs will have staff members present and working every social event, based on the impact assessment by the office of student involvement and leadership. In addition, the registered student organization advisors must be present for the duration of the event. The primary point person, advisor, and three event assistants will support and assist the staff present in regard to all matters pertaining to the event.

(e) A pre-event meeting will be held thirty minutes prior to the starting time of the event. For events in the student union, attendees will include the student union building manager, the division of student affairs lead staff working the event, the point person for the registered student organization hosting the event, along with three event assistants from that registered student organization, the registered student organization advisor, and the UTPD police and/or security officers assigned to the event. For events held outside of the student union, building/facility staff where the event is being held may attend the pre-event meeting in lieu of the student union building manager. The purpose of this meeting is to review policies, procedures and expectations for the event. Necessary contact information, such as names and roles of event point persons, will also be shared at this meeting.

(6) Safety measures.

(a) The following criteria are utilized to assist in determining the type of security needed:

(i) Purpose and location of the event

(ii) Activities occurring during the event (dancing, music, etc.)

(iii) Type of event (performer or entertainment)

(iv) Admission fee is collected (prior to event or at the door

(v) Whether alcohol is served

(vi) Past history of violation of the student code of conduct or police and/or security involvement

(vii) An internal or external critical incident or event that may adversely impact the safety and security of the event participants, patrons or venue

(viii) Estimated attendance at the event

(ix) Seated, unseated or combined seated and unseated event

(x) Start time

(xi) Advertisement of the event - on campus, off campus or combination of on and off campus

(b) Police and/or security will be determined by the office of student involvement and leadership, in consultation with UTPD. The officers will be paid an hourly rate by the university for which the registered student organization must reimburse the university. The estimated total number of police and/or security officers required for each event is determined by the impact level of the program and the following additional criteria: one officer and/or security staff per two hundred fifty attendees, not to exceed six, unless the event is deemed as high risk, in which more officer may be assigned regardless of the projected attendance. The number of attendees estimated for the event must be as accurate as possible. Attendees admitted will be based on number of officers working the event. Registered student organizations will be informed of the approximate cost for the police and/or security at the event planning meeting. Student organizations are responsible for the payment of police and/or security officers assigned to work the event. The police and/or security officer's specific responsibilities will be defined and detailed at the pre-event meeting held thirty minutes prior to the start of the event.

(c) In the event that a problem/issue/action occurs at the event that may result in a question of safety, the police and/or security officer in charge will make the determination of whether or not to end the event. The police and/or security may consult the division of student affairs lead staff on duty regarding the decision to end an event. This decision will be the final decision and event organizers must take the appropriate actions to terminate the event.

(d) The registered student organization hosting the event will be charged for security beginning one-half hour prior to the opening of doors. Police and/or security and staff will remain on site until all attendees have left the event area.

(e) If the event is cancelled five working days or more before the scheduled time, no security expenses will be incurred. Events cancelled with fewer than five working days' notice will require the payment of one hour of pay to each officer assigned. Events cancelled on the day of the event will require payment of two hours of pay to each officer assigned. If it is determined at event time that the officers are not needed, they will be paid a minimum of three hours pay.

(f) The use of metal detectors/detection devices may be required at events to ensure the safety of event attendees. The office of student involvement and leadership, in consultation with UTPD will determine the usage of metal detectors/detection devices at events based on the criteria listed in paragraph (E)(4)(a) of this policy. This determination will be made at the event planning meeting. The police and/or security officers or division of student affairs staff working the event will coordinate the use of metal detectors/detection devices. There will be no costs associated with the use of metal detectors/detection devices.

(7) Event costs/money handling.

(a) Registered student organizations sponsoring events on the university of Toledo campus will be required to cover all costs incurred with their events. These costs will vary by event and will be determined upon approval of the event.

(b) A registered student organization must deposit all money collected at a social event via the student union office procedures if any of the following applies:

(i) The registered student organization is majorly funded, meaning that it is fully funded through the student activities committee, has its own index (account number), and is not permitted to have an outside bank account

(ii) It is a traditional university sanctioned event (e.g., homecoming, songfest, rockethon)

(iii) Security is assigned to the event by the university of Toledo police and/or security department, unless all estimated costs (e.g., security, tech/building support, equipment rental) are paid in advance or arrangements have been made to deposit the amount of the estimated costs with money collected at the event (if additional costs are incurred beyond the estimated costs, the organization will be billed after the event and held responsible for payment)

If security is not assigned to the event by the university of Toledo police and/or security department, to ensure students safety, your registered student organization must have an UTPD escort to your point person's (money holder) vehicle. The office of student involvement and leadership will provide the necessary information to make these arrangements through the assessment process, as determined at the pre-event meeting.

(iv) Exceptions to any of the above must be approved in advance by the dean of students

(c) Even if a registered student organization does not meet the requirements to mandate a deposit, the organization can (and is encouraged to) request a deposit during the pre-event meeting.

(d) The registered student organization point person, the division of student affairs staff on hand and the UTPD police and/or security officer working the event are responsible for completing the deposit as determined at the pre-event meeting. For events that are held outside of the student union, the registered student organization point person and the division of student affairs staff working the event should contact the university police and/or security department for assistance in entering and making a deposit within the student union building as determined at the pre-event meeting. Any deposited money will remain with the university until all event expenses are paid. Then, a university issued check will be given to the organization for the remaining funds.

(e) Up-front funds used in the cash box must be determined prior to the event at the pre-event meeting. If a registered student organization provides the up-front funds, that amount will not be deposited with other funds collected at the event.

(8) Reimbursement of security costs.

(a) Registered student organizations may be able to request up to thirty-three per cent return of the cost of security by completing the social event security reimbursement form and turning it in to the office of student involvement and leadership. The completed reimbursement form must be submitted to the office of student involvement no later than seven days after the event is completed. Upon verification of an incident free event by the office of student involvement and leadership, the social event security reimbursement form will be forwarded to the dean of students or designee.

(b) Reimbursement will be processed only when an event has occurred and only if the event is incident free. Meaning that there were no incidents that required security intervention, and that all processes were followed by the registered student organization. Exemption will be made in extenuating circumstances.

(c) The reimbursement decision made by the dean of students or designee is final.

(9) Compliance.

(a) All activities associated with the event must follow all university policies and procedures as stated in the student handbook, the student organization manual, and/or any other university of Toledo policy.

(b) Failure to comply with any of the procedures listed above may result in

(i) The event being cancelled, stopped, or shortened.

(ii) Violation of the student code of conduct.

(F) Major events.

(1) Major events are concerts and other programs large enough and of sufficient importance to require the use of a facility with a capacity of five hundred people or more are termed major events in the context of this policy.

(a) Reservations will be made in accordance to the policies of that specific facility.

(b) Any concert or similar event that is organized by students must be sponsored by a registered student organization. The registered student organization must be able to provide proof that they are financially able to sponsor the event to the office of the dean of students or designee.

(c) The use of the name of the university of Toledo must be in conjunction with the name of the registered student organization; e.g., the campus activities and programming at the university of Toledo, according to the student organizations policy 3364-30-12.

(d) A registered student organization may co-sponsor a major event with a promoter provided that the above regulations and all university policies are followed.

(e) The contract process must begin in the student union office, ten weeks prior to the event date. Exceptions may be made for certain conditions at the discretion of the dean of students or designee.

(f) The registered student organization shall use a university-approved contract template. The senior vice president for student affairs must approve and sign all contracts. The contracts must reach the office two weeks prior to the event. Features of a contract may be reviewed with the university legal counsel.

(g) The appropriate university office shall review any contract for substantive reasons and the protection of the sponsoring group, if it is deemed necessary.

(h) Any sponsoring group is entitled to any profit that is realized from a major event, after expenses, and is also responsible for any loss.

(i) Student tickets shall be purchased only upon presentation of a validated student identification card and these tickets are not transferable.

(j) Security for major events held on campus will be determined by the university of Toledo police department UTPD and the appropriate facility management office, in consultation with the office of the dean of students or designee. UTPD will have the responsibility of assuring the health and safety of those patrons attending an event.

(G) Non-social events are events are:

No alcohol is served

No more than one hundred attendees

No music/dancing focus

Only UT students in attendance


Does not go past twelve a.m. (midnight)

Not hosted on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night event

Where no cash is collected at event.

(1) Reservation process

The reservation process for social and non-social events are the same as outlined in this policy.

(2) Non-social event procedures

(a) Advertising

All advertisements for on campus purposes must be approved by the office of student involvement and leadership.

(b) Participants

All UT students attending a UT non-social event must follow all university policies, including federal, state, and local laws.

(c) Compliance

(i) All activities associated with the event must follow all university policies and procedures as stated in the student handbook, the student organization manual, and/or any other university of Toledo policy.

(ii) Failure to comply with any of the procedures listed in this policy may result in:

(a) The event being cancelled, stopped, or shortened.

(b) Violation of the student code of conduct.

(H) Outside speakers and performers

The university of Toledo encourages a spirit of free inquiry and timely discussion of a wide variety of issues, provided that the views expressed are stated openly and therefore are subject to critical evaluation. Restraints on free inquiry should be held to that minimum which is consistent with preserving an organized society in which peaceful, democratic means for change are available. Therefore, registered student organizations are encouraged to invite speakers and performers to the campus to address meetings subject only to the following provisions:

(1) The speaker or performer must not urge the audience to take action which is prohibited by the rules of the university or which is illegal under federal, state or local law. Advocating or urging the modification of the government of the United States or of the state of Ohio by violence or sabotage is specifically prohibited. It is the responsibility of the officers and advisers of the sponsoring student organization to inform speakers and performers of these prohibitions.

(2) Sponsorship must be by a registered student organization which has been registered under the general regulations administered by the office for student involvement and leadership of the university.

Any registered student organization violating the provisions of this regulation is subject to the procedures and sanctions applicable to students and registered student organizations that violate other university policies.

Last updated July 19, 2021 at 3:41 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-08 | Amplified sound on campus.

(A) Policy statement

It is the intent of the university of Toledo to affirm that while outdoor music, speakers, fairs, festivals, celebrations and other activities serve to reinforce our commitment to diversity, contributing to the quality of campus life, the use of outdoor amplified sound must minimize any disruption of the central academic mission of the university.

(B) Purpose of policy

The objective of this policy is to minimize disruption to classes and other normal university operations.

(C) Scope

This policy applies to anyone who regulates sound levels and amplification at outdoor events employing public address systems, loudspeakers, bullhorns, or musical amplifiers.

(D) Guidelines

Sound levels and amplification at outdoor events employing public address systems, loudspeakers, bullhorns, or musical amplifiers will be regulated by the following guidelines:

(1) Sound levels and amplification must not interfere with regular functioning of the university or the welfare of residential neighbors. The office of the vice president of student affairs and dean of students will respond to sound level complaints. If an unacceptable sound level persists, the office of the vice president of student affairs and associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students will terminate the offending activity and may refer the case to the office of student conduct and community standards and/or the university of Toledo police department.

(2) Amplification of sound during the university's normal working hours or sound amplification affecting the greater campus community must obtain prior approval and be properly documented through the office of the vice president for student affairs and associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students.

Last updated June 27, 2021 at 12:51 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-12 | Registered student organizations.

(A) Policy statement

The university of Toledo "UT" is committed to creating avenues for students to establish organizations on campus through the office of student involvement and leadership for main campus and the office of student affairs, college of medicine and life sciences for health science campus, hereafter referred to as "affiliated campus offices." Registered student organizations are required to abide by the expectations/guidelines within this policy.

(B) Purpose of policy

The policy is to outline the university's expectations/guidelines for becoming a registered student organization.

(C) Relationship between the university and student organizations

While registered student organizations are an integral part of campus life at UT, it should be clear that these organizations are responsible for managing their own affairs and are not units or agents of the university nor authorized to represent themselves as units or agents of the university. Each registered student organization is responsible for its own actions and is acting on behalf of the organization, not the UT. Because of this relationship, the affiliated campus offices are limited in how they work with registered student organizations. UT does not give legal advice or counsel on matters related to tax issues or off-campus bank accounts. The affiliated campus offices work with facility requests for on-campus events, university fund accounts, and any registered student organization issues. The offices work alongside the office of student conduct and community standards for any organization issues that may violate the student code of conduct.

Each registered student organization shall be required to include in its constitution/bylaws a provision clearly stating that it is not an agent or a part of the university, and disclaiming the responsibility of the university for its acts and liabilities.

(D) Conditions for all registered student organizations

(1) All registered student organizations must abide by all federal, state and local laws as well as all university policies and regulations.

(2) No registered student organization with restrictive membership clauses discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity and expression), age, national origin, ancestry, military or veteran status, the presence of a disability, genetic information, familial status, political affiliation, or participation in protected activities in its provision of employment and educational opportunities, as defined by law, shall obtain or maintain registration status except for religious qualifications which may be required by organizations whose aims are primarily sectarian, and social fraternities and sororities that are permitted by federal law to discriminate on the basis of sex.

(3) Only currently registered students may hold office and solicit funds on campus on behalf of a registered student organization. Other persons (including faculty and staff) may be admitted to non-voting membership if the registered student organization's constitution permits. Certain scholastic honorary societies, which have a national affiliation and admit faculty and staff to office positions, may be exempt from this requirement, as well as those listed in paragraphs (D)(4) to (D)(5) of this rule.

(4) Undergraduate students must be enrolled full-time at the time of their appointment or election to be eligible to hold an appointed or elected office within their registered student organization. Graduate students may be enrolled full-time or part-time at the time of their appointment or election to be eligible to serve as appointed or elected officers within their registered student organization. Additionally, all officers of all registered student organizations must remain degree-seeking students for the duration of their term. Registered student organizations may establish and apply additional eligibility criteria for appointed or elected leaders/officers if the criteria do not violate the university's non-discrimination policy.

Exceptions to this clause may be considered and approved by the affiliated campus offices.

(5) A minimum of seven currently registered student members shall be required as a condition of registration, and maintenance of registered status. Exceptions may be made if there are extenuating external circumstances with approval by the affiliated campus offices.

(6) In order for a registered student organization to achieve or maintain registered status, registered student organizations are required to maintain the following academic requirements:

(a) Registered student organization officers are required to be in good academic standing and good standing with the office of student conduct and community standards.

(b) Registered student organization members are required to be in good academic standing to be recognized as an official voting member.

(7) The purpose(s) of a registered student organization must not conflict with the mission or established policies of the university.

(8) No registered student organization may use the name of any other registered student organization for the purpose of registration or any other purpose.

(9) All registered student organizations must have an advisor per rule 3364-30-56 of the Administrative Code. Registered student organizations must have an advisor who is a full or part-time faculty, staff, or administrator at UT. Registered student organizations must provide for such advisors in their constitution and bylaws. Registered student organizations may utilize community members as additional advisors.

(10) Registered student organizations must file an annual report as required by their affiliated campus office.

(E) Procedures for registration of student organizations

Registered student organizations must follow the procedures required by their affiliated campus office to maintain their registration status annually. Organizations on main campus will register through the office of student involvement and leadership. Organizations on health science campus will register through the office of student affairs, college of medicine and life sciences.

(F) Privileges of registered student organizations

Registered student organizations are afforded the following privileges, along with the duty of each organization to take responsibility for the consequences of its decisions and activities as a group:

(1) Use of the name of the university of Toledo in their titles. If a registered student organization identifies themselves with the university, they may only use the following format in the organization name: "student organization at the university of Toledo." The name must not infer university endorsement of the organization's purpose or activities, or imply that the organization is speaking on behalf of the university or any of its divisions or departments. Use of the university symbols must conform to the rule 3364-45-02 of the Administrative Code (permission for use of university name and symbols).

(2) Use of university facilities - please refer to rule 3364-5-10 of the Administrative Code.

(3) Ability to petition for the use of university funds by submitting requests through the appropriate university procedure.

(4) Services provided by the office of student involvement and leadership, such as guidance on student organization best practices, event planning, and marketing resources.

(G) Funding and financial affairs of registered student organizations officers

(1) Funding for student government president and vice president

The student government president and vice president shall receive funding during the term in office (fall and spring semesters) to cover the following:

(a) In-state instructional fees, general fee, facilities fee, and book scholarship during the time in office (applied to the student's account).

(b) A wage compensation equal to the average cost of on-campus room and board, paid over nine months during the fall and spring semesters. The on-campus room and board will be established by the office of residence life.

(c) In order to qualify for funding, the student government officers shall:

(i) Be enrolled full-time throughout the semester.

(ii) Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 throughout the term.

(iii) Hold no officer position in another student organization.

(iv) Be in good standing with the office of student conduct and community standards.

(v) Have no other employment except during semester breaks and/or the summer semester.

(vi) Satisfy the requirements of their organization as stipulated in the constitution.

(vii) Any exceptions to this criteria must be approved by the office of the vice president for student affairs or designee.

(2) Annual budget process/special funding process

Registered students organization may petition for the use of university funds by submitting requests through the appropriate university procedure through their affiliated campus office. Registered student organization requests for money derived from student general fees should be used chiefly to support activities, items and services which benefit registered students.

(3) Travel

Funds may be expended for travel when members of the registered student organization will:

(a) Represent the registered student organization and thereby enhance the prestige of the organization.

(b) Gain knowledge and experience in accordance with goals and purpose of the registered student organization.

(c) Fulfill responsibilities in accordance with goals and purposes of the registered student organization.

(4) Entertainment and social activities

Funds expended from entertainment contractor and sponsored event budget lines are intended to benefit all students at the university. Use of the funds cannot be used to merely entertain organization members. Registered student organizations using university funds to sponsor parties, receptions, or banquets must use university provided facilities and services, unless such facilities or services are not available, and be approved by the office of the dean of students or designee.

(5) Speakers and facilitators

No speaker, facilitator, or other program presenter who is a member of UT faculty, staff, or administration may receive payment for participation in an event sponsored by a student organization. Registered student organizations are not permitted to use funding to pay for commencement speakers.

(6) Fundraising activities

A benefit of being a registered student organization includes the opportunity to use university facilities for fundraising activities. Registered organizations funded by the university may be required to deposit all proceeds from such activities into their university accounts. A registered student organization which does not have a university account must deposit monies raised into an account which is in the organization's name at a financial institution (bank, credit union, etc.). Registered student organizations not complying with those requirements will not be permitted to use university facilities for fund-raising activities.

(7) Telephones

Telephones will be restricted to those registered student organizations that have assigned offices in the student union and receive funding specifically for an office telephone.

(8) Charitable contributions

Registered student organizations may not use funding for charitable contributions or for a charitable purpose (e.g. purchasing food to feed the hungry).

(9) Political activities

Registered student organization may not use funds for any political purpose or in the support of any political candidates or issues whether federal, state, local or university level.

(10) Approval of expenditures and forfeiture of funds

In the above guidelines, when approval is required, the source of the approval is the office of the dean of students or designee. The office of the dean of students administrative staff may consult with the student allocation committee or the vice president for student affairs. The administrative staff also has the authority to recommend that the student allocation committee review the budgetary activities of any funded registered student organization. Evidence which indicates a substantial violation of these guidelines or of any other university budgetary regulations by a funded registered student organization may cause for the university to order the forfeiture of the funds remaining in that organization's budget. The amount forfeited will be returned to the office of the dean of students.

(H) Restrictions on solicitation and advertising

(1) Any off-campus solicitation of sponsorships, including sales or advertising, by a registered student organization must be approved by the division of advancement through a procedure established by the affiliated campus office.

(2) The use of the university's name, with the name of the registered student organization, shall be in accordance with paragraph (F)(1) of this policy. The use or reproduction of university symbols when advertising must receive final approval from university marketing and communications through a procedure established by the office of student involvement and leadership. Please refer to rule 3364-45-02 of the Administrative Code (permission for use of the university name and symbols) for the appropriate use of university symbols.

(3) Registered student organizations may solicit funds for their groups or for non-university charitable organizations by adhering to the requirements established by their affiliated campus.

(a) All solicitation activities and events must be registered and approved in advance.

(b) All charities shall be required to certify their tax-exempt status.

(c) All solicitation activities must comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and university policies.

(d) Registered student organizations receiving university funding may be required to deposit all proceeds of solicitations in their appropriate university account. Registered student organizations that do not receive university funding must comply with paragraph (G)(6) of this rule.

(e) Solicitation activities and events in residence halls are restricted to only registered student organizations that are affiliated with the office of residence life. These activities and events may only be held in common areas of residence halls, and in approved locations within dining halls. Solicitation is prohibited in dining halls (during meal hours) and other on-campus eateries, and door-to-door in the residence halls.

(f) The office of the dean of students or designee may prohibit the scheduling of concurrent solicitation activities and events to prevent conflicts between registered student organizations which seek to solicit simultaneously for worthy causes.

(g) Solicitors for a specific activity must be members of the registered student organization conducting the solicitation.

(h) All sponsored vendors must comply with all applicable UT policies and procedures.

(I) Travel

Students traveling on behalf of their student organization must abide by the travel procedures of their affiliated campus office.

Last updated June 27, 2021 at 12:51 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-15 | The university of Toledo's undergraduate housing policies.

(A) Policy statement and purpose.

The purpose of this policy is to articulate to current and prospective university of Toledo students the twenty-five mile radius and two year live on campus requirement and exceptions to the policy, when and how room assignments are allotted and/or changes by the office of residence life, establish eligibility to live in the residence halls as well as how students can initiate a room change.

(B) Policy

(1) The residence halls of the university are not open to the public and are reserved for the use of the residents and their escorted guests. As such the general public does not have open access to these buildings, unless an external party has contracted with the university for use of space in the residence halls.

(2) Residency requirement

There are many benefits to living on campus at the university of Toledo. For this reason, all first-year and second-year students who live outside of a twenty-five mile radius from the university are required to live on campus and participate in the meal plan program. Exceptions from this policy may be granted for first and second year students who are approved by the university housing exemption and cancellation committee:

(a) Have lived on campus for four semesters (fall and spring terms only).

(b) Are commuting daily from the permanent homes of their parents, legal guardian or spouse, located within a twenty-five mile radius of the university of Toledo main campus.

(i) Please note that the office of residence life considers the permanent home address of the student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to be the address-of-record on file with federal, state and local tax agencies and where a minimum of one of the student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) reside at the time of their original university application. Address changes will be reviewed for verification.

(ii) The twenty-five mile radius is established by the university of Toledo as driving distance from main campus.

(iii) Students who qualify to reside off-campus under this clause are not required to complete an exemption application, verification will be done automatically utilizing the student's admissions application. Providing false information to the university is a violation of the code of student conduct.

(c) Have completed four semesters as a full time student post high school by the first day of the fall semester.

(d) Are twenty-one years of age or older by the first day of the fall semester.

(e) Are enrolled in a university-approved co-op program.

(f) Are married residing with spouse.

(g) Have primary custody of child(ren) living with the student.

(h) Have a medical condition that cannot be accommodated by the office of residence life based on recommended accommodations by student disability services.

(i) Verifiable financial hardship based on FAFSA and other documentation provided by the student.

(C) Room assignments.

When making room assignments, the office of residence life will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The office of residence life reserves the right, if the need arises, to reassign students to other residences or rooms/suites/apartments within a building for room consolidation, vacancies, maintenance or safety issues, policy violations or disruption of the living environment. The needs of roommates/suitemates to sleep, study, to be comfortable and otherwise free from interference and disruption as well as the right to privacy are paramount.

(1) Room changes.

Room changes between or within residence halls, including moves made within suites, must be initiated with the hall director of the residence hall or a member of the central office staff prior to moving. A short period is established at the opening and closing of each semester during which no room/suite or residence hall changes are made. During the open room change period students may initiate a room change at the front desk of the building they wish to move. Requests for room assignment changes will not be honored for reasons involving age, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or religion.

(2) Violation of the policy.

Students found responsible for violating the housing assignment policy may be subject to an assessment equal to the average cost of on campus housing and the required meal plan.

(D) Certain convicted felons are not permitted to reside in a university housing facility.

Students that have been convicted or have plead guilty to a felony offense defined as an offense of violence under division (A)(9) of section 2901.01 of the Revised Code or which involve the use, sale or distribution of a controlled substance in violation of the Revised Code or other applicable law shall not be permitted to reside in a university housing facility unless approved by the university housing admission review board.

Last updated June 27, 2021 at 12:51 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-20 | Policy on hazing.

(A) Policy statement

No employee, student group, student organization, individual student, team, or alumnus may conduct or condone hazing activities.

(B) Under Ohio law "hazing" is defined as "doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person."

(C) Hazing:

(1) Is a misdemeanor criminal offense under Ohio law,

(2) May subject any participants in the hazing to personal civil liability for damages arising from the hazing,

(3) May subject any organization whose local or national directors, trustees, or officers authorized, requested, commanded, or tolerated the hazing to civil liability, and

(4) May subject any local or national director, trustee, or officer of the organization who authorized, requested, commanded, or tolerated the hazing to personal civil liability for damages arising from the hazing; and

(5) May result in discipline up to an including termination for employees, or sanctions up to and including expulsion for students.

(D) No employee, student group, student organization, individual student, team, or alumnus may participate in the hazing of another as defined in paragraph (C) of this rule. No administrator, employee, or faculty member may permit the hazing of any person.

(E) For purposes of this policy, hazing is any act or situation, which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition of continued membership, regardless of one's willingness to participate. Hazing may occur if an individual or group causes or attempts to cause physical injury or other harm to a person emotionally, or engages in conduct, which presents a threat to the person's health or safety, engages in an action or activity, which is intended to demean, disgrace, humiliate, or degrade a person, engages in conduct that by design or intent interferes with or attempts to interfere with a person's academics, or causes, pressures, or requires a student to violate the law.

(F) When an employee, student group, student organization, individual student, team, or alumnus has engaged in a hazing activity, the university has the authority to initiate conduct or disciplinary proceedings regardless of the location of the activity. Such action shall be conducted in compliance with normal student code of conduct proceedings or applicable employment policies for university staff.

(G) Any employee who is aware of, should be aware of, or suspects hazing is occurring should stop the activity if possible, and must report the situation promptly to the office of student conduct and community standards in the division of student affairs.

(H) Any student who may be the victim of hazing, is aware of hazing, or suspects hazing is occurring should report the situation promptly to the office of student conduct and community standards in the division of student affairs.

Last updated June 27, 2021 at 12:51 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Prior Effective Dates: 11/2/2018
Rule 3364-30-22 | Campus advocacy, response, evaluation, and service (CARES) team.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Prior Effective Dates: 5/28/2018
Rule 3364-30-51 | Military servicemember readmit-eligible for tuition and general fee reduction.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Last updated May 6, 2021 at 12:49 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-53 | Institutional aid.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
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Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-54 | Mandatory tuberculosis screening of students from world health organization-designated high tuberculosis prevalence countries.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3354
Amplifies: 3354
Prior Effective Dates: 3/3/2018
Rule 3364-30-56 | Student organization advisors.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Last updated June 16, 2021 at 9:47 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364
Rule 3364-30-58 | Deceased student policy.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Last updated July 19, 2021 at 3:41 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3364
Amplifies: 3364