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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4117-9 | Negotiations

Rule 4117-9-01 | Roster of neutrals.

(A) The board will accept written applications for individuals to be included on the SERB roster of neutrals. The board may require applicants to provide references, writing samples, and information concerning current employment, relevant experience, and ability to function as a neutral. .

(B) Pursuant to the dispute resolution procedures of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code, the board will appoint fact finders and conciliators from the SERB roster of neutrals. For negotiations proceeding under alternate settlement procedures as provided in rule 4117-9-03 of the Administrative Code, the board will make available, upon written request, lists of neutrals from which the parties may select fact finders, conciliators, or arbitrators.

(C) The board shall establish a maximum rate per day, a maximum limit for actual and necessary expenses, and a maximum charge, if any, for cancellation fees to compensate fact finders and conciliators for their services under the statutory dispute settlement procedures. If a roster member wishes to change his or her fees or expenses, that member shall notify the board in writing at least thirty days prior to the change. Expenses must be documented with receipts. For purposes of this rule only, "day" means any calendar day in which the neutral provides eight hours of service relevant to the assignment. A portion of a day of service shall be compensated at an hourly rate established by the board. Compensable time may include time spent by the neutral preparing for and scheduling hearings. A party who fails to pay a neutral's fee within sixty days of issuance of the neutral's bill must also pay to the neutral a late fee of ten per cent of the neutral's fee that was assessed to that party.

Last updated October 26, 2023 at 2:24 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4117.02(K)(8)
Amplifies: 4117.02, 4117.14
Five Year Review Date: 5/27/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1996, 1/2/2005
Rule 4117-9-02 | Notice to negotiate.

(A) Any public employer or exclusive representative desiring to terminate, modify, or reopen an existing collective bargaining agreement or negotiate a successor collective bargaining agreement shall, not less than sixty days prior to the expiration date of the existing collective bargaining agreement, or, if there is no relevant expiration date, not less than sixty days prior to the time of the proposed effective date of the termination, successor agreement, modification, or adjustments resulting from a reopener:

(1) Serve via electronic mail a notice to negotiate stating such desire upon the other party and the board.

The notice to negotiate shall include:

(a) Duration of any current agreement;

(b) Nature of the bargaining (successor agreement, reopener);

(c) The impasse resolution provisions of the current collective bargaining agreement; and

(d) Any mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure that may have been entered into by the parties not included in the previous collective bargaining agreement.

(2) Offer to bargain collectively with the other party for the purpose of modifying, reopening, or terminating any existing agreement or negotiating a successor agreement; and

(3) File via electronic mail with the board a certification that the current agreement previously has been filed with the board or a copy of the existing collective bargaining agreement.

(B) Where a collective bargaining agreement has not been in effect between an employer and a newly certified exclusive representative, the employer or exclusive representative may, at any time after the board votes to certify the exclusive representative, file via electronic mailwith the board and serve notice upon the other party offering to meet, for a period of ninety days, with the other party for the purpose of negotiating a collective bargaining agreement. Such notice shall set forth the name, mailing address, and email address of the party and the name, mailingaddress, telephone number, and email address of its principal representative.

(C) Where the filing party wishes to engage in multi-unit bargaining, the party shall file via electronic mail a separate notice to negotiate for each unit. With the notices to negotiate, the party shall file with the board and serve upon the other party a notice of the party's desire to engage in multi-unit bargaining. Anagreement with the proposed multi-unit bargaining must be filed via electronic mailwith the board and served upon the other party within ten days of service of the notice or the board will consider the parties to be engaging in single-unit bargaining.

(D) For purposes of Chapter 4117-9 of the Administrative Code, "negotiation period" means:

(1) For negotiations in anticipation of the expiration of a current collective bargaining agreement, the period of sixty days after the notice to negotiate is served via electronic mail upon the other party and filed with the board, or the sixty-day period preceding the expiration of the collective bargaining agreement, whichever period expires later unless there is an agreement to extend;

(2) For a newly certified employee organization that has not been a party to a collective bargaining agreement with the employer, the period of ninety days after the notice to negotiate is served via electronic mail upon the other party and filed with the board, unless there is an agreement to extend;

(3) For collective bargaining negotiations under a reopener provision of an effective collective bargaining agreement, the period of sixty days after the notice to negotiate is served via electronic mail upon the party and filed with the board, unless there is an agreement to extend.

(E) Except as the parties may modify the negotiation process by mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedures, the parties shall continue in full force and effect all the terms and conditions of any existing collective bargaining agreement, without resort to strike or lockout, for a period of sixty days after the party gives notice, until the expiration date of the collective bargaining agreement, or the statutory dispute settlement procedures are exhausted, whichever occurs later.

(F) Following the filing of a notice to negotiate, the board will continue with the timely application of the statutory procedure set forth in divisions (C)(2) to (C)(6), (D), and (G) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code unless:

(1) The parties are subject to a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure pursuant to rule 4117-9-03 of the Administrative Code;

(2) A motion to stay for good cause shown is granted by the board, however, the board may delegate to the executive director or the office of the general counsel authority to grant a stay conditionally, pending action at the next meeting of the board, in accordance with this paragraph;

(3) The parties file with the board a joint written notification of settlement or tentative agreement. In the event of written notification of a tentative settlement, the board shall suspend the statutory dispute settlement procedure until notified in writing by either party that the tentative agreement has been rejected. The board may delegate to the administrator of the bureau of mediation or the executive director authority to suspend procedures in accordance with this paragraph.

(G) A notice to negotiate or motion relating to a notice to negotiate shall not be accepted for filing with the board unless it contains proof of service pursuant to paragraph (B) of rule 4117-1-02 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated October 26, 2023 at 2:24 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4117.02(K)(8)
Amplifies: 4117.02, 4117.14
Five Year Review Date: 5/27/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 3/26/1984 (Emer.), 1/2/2005
Rule 4117-9-03 | Mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure.

(A) The parties may, at any time, agree to submit any or all issues in dispute to any mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure authorized by section 4117.14 of the Revised Code, which procedure shall supersede the procedures set forth in rules 4117-9-04, 4117-9-05, and 4117-9-06 of the Administrative Code, and in divisions (C)(2) to (C)(6), (D), and (G) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code.

(B) A mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure shall be, filed via electronic mail with the board within five days of its execution. Where a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure is a provision in an existing collective bargaining agreement, a copy of the provision shall be filed with the notice to negotiate, and the notice shall contain a citation to the pertinent provision of the collective bargaining agreement.

(C) For employees who are prohibited from striking under division (D)(1) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code, a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure must provide for final and binding resolution of disputed issues by a neutral third party. The procedure shall not permit or attempt to permit the employees to strike.

(D) For employees who are permitted to strike under division (D)(2) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code, a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure may provide for final and binding resolution of issues by a neutral third party. In such a procedure, the employee organization waives its right to strike.

(E) A mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure shall not require any action by the board or impose any obligation upon the board. Parties to the mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure shall regularly, or upon request, keep the board informed of the status and/or progress of the mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure via electronic mail. Either party to the mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure may, upon showing of good cause, move the board to declare the mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure concluded and to reassert jurisdiction. The board in its discretion will determine the point at which the parties will enter the statutory procedure. Pursuant to a mutually agreed-upon procedure and upon written request, the board will provide a list of neutrals for use by the parties.

(F) Parties may, by agreement filed via electronic mail with the board, abandon a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure and jointly move for application of the statutory dispute settlement procedure set forth in divisions (C)(2) to (C)(6), (D), and (G) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code. If the parties enter into a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure during pendency of the statutory procedure, board involvement ceases under the statutory procedure.

(G) The parties may mutually agree and notify the board via electronic mail, to extend timelines for voting on a fact-finder's report, establish methods of delivery of reports, establish a rate of pay in excess of the rate established by the board, designate another agency to provide mediation services, or by mutual agreement, modify other non-substantive procedural requirements without entering into a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement process.

Last updated October 26, 2023 at 2:24 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4117.02(K)(8)
Amplifies: 4117.02, 4117.14
Five Year Review Date: 5/27/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 5/18/1987
Rule 4117-9-04 | Mediation.

When the statutory procedures of divisions (C)(2) to (C)(6) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code apply, mediation shall be conducted in accordance with these terms:

(A) At any time subsequent to the serving and filing of the notice to negotiate pursuant to paragraph (A), (B), or (C) of rule 4117-9-02 of the Administrative Code, the parties may notify the board of existence of an impasse. Upon receipt via electronic mail of the parties' notification of impasse, the board shall appoint a mediator to assist the parties in the collective bargaining process.

(B) Forty-five days prior to the expiration of the negotiation period, if a mediator has not already been appointed pursuant to paragraph (A) of this rule, the board shall appoint a mediator to assist the parties in the collective bargaining process.

(C) The board may continue mediation at any time, order the parties to engage in collective bargaining until the expiration of the negotiation period, or both.

(D) Upon board appointment, the mediator is available to assist the parties until a settlement is reached in negotiations.

Last updated October 26, 2023 at 2:24 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4117.02(K)(8)
Amplifies: 4117.02, 4117.14
Five Year Review Date: 5/27/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 5/18/1987
Rule 4117-9-05 | Fact-finding.

When the statutory procedures of divisions (C)(2) to (C)(6) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code apply, fact-finding shall be conducted in accordance with these terms:

(A) Subsequent to receipt of a request via electronic mail from either party for fact-finding and to the appointment of a mediator, the board shall send to the parties a list of five fact finders from the board's roster of neutrals. Other than a joint request by the parties, a request via electronic mail for fact-finding must be filed with the board, served upon the other party, and include proof of service pursuant to rule 4117-1-02 of the Administrative Code. A second list shall be issued only pursuant to a statement showing good cause.

(B) Not later than seven days after the date that the board sent to the parties a list of fact finders, the parties shall submit to the board via electronic mail a mutually selected fact-finding panel of one or three members. The names of mutually selected alternates to the preferred panel also shall be submitted to the board via electronic mail at this time. Such selections shall be made by alternate striking of the names, unless the parties mutually agree to another means of selection. If the parties do not select a fact-finder or cannot agree to the number of members on the panel, the board shall appoint a one-member panel.

(C) The parties may mutually select any fact finder from the board's roster of neutrals instead of selecting from the list provided by the board, or the parties may select a fact finder not listed on the board's roster of neutrals. The parties selection of a fact finder not listed on the board's roster of neutrals does not constitute a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure under rule 4117-9-03 of the Administrative Code unless the parties have complied with the requirements set forth in rule 4117-9-03 of the Administrative Code.

(D) Upon receipt of notice of the fact-finding panel selected by the parties, the board shall appoint a fact-finding panel no later than fifteen days after receipt of the request for fact-finding or the appointment of a mediator, whichever occurs later. If the parties have not submitted a selected fact-finding panel to the board within the time designated in these rules, the board shall, in its sole discretion, appoint a fact-finding panel consisting of one member.

(E) In those cases where selected fact finders are unavailable, the parties may select another fact finder from the same list and notify the board via electronic mail within three days. If no selection is made, the board shall appoint a fact finder at its discretion.

(F) Pursuant to division (C)(3)(a) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code, upon notice of appointment of the fact-finding panel and no later than five p.m. on the last business day prior to the hearing, each party shall submit via electronic mail to the fact-finding panel and the other party a position statement. A failure to submit via electronic mail such a position statement to the fact finder and the other party no later than five p.m. on the last business day prior to the hearing, shall cause the fact-finding panel to take evidence only in support of matters raised in the written statement that was submitted prior to the hearing. The statement shall include:

(1) The name of the party and the name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of the principal representative of the party;

(2) A description of the bargaining unit including the approximate number of employees;

(3) A copy of the current collective bargaining agreement, if any; and

(4) A statement defining all unresolved issues and summarizing the position of the party with regard to each unresolved issue.

(G) The parties may mutually agree to an extension of the statutory fact-finding timelines at any time subsequent to the appointment of the fact-finding panel. An extension must be specific as to duration, agreed to by both parties, and submitted to the panel and filed with the board via electronic mail within five days of its execution. An extension may be continued, provided the original extension procedures are followed. The factfinding panel has no authority to extend the statutory timelines absent mutual agreement of the parties.

(H) The fact-finding panel must hold an evidentiary hearing except that the parties may stipulate facts and waive hearing. For purposes of hearing, the fact-finding panel shall have the power to regulate the time, place, course, and conduct of the hearing, administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses and documents, take testimony and receive evidence, and request the board to issue subpoenas to compel attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and records relating to any matter before the fact-finding panel. The fact-finding panel may not choose a hearing location at a cost to the parties unless the parties fail to agree to an alternate cost-free location. Costs associated with a meeting room shall be the obligation of the parties.

(I) Fact-finding hearings are to be held in private.

(J) The fact-finding panel, in making findings of fact, shall take into consideration all reliable information relevant to the issues before the fact-finding panel.

(K) The fact-finding panel, in making recommendations, shall take into consideration the following factors pursuant to division (C)(4)(e) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code:

(1) Past collectively bargained agreements, if any, between the parties;

(2) Comparison of the unresolved issues relative to the employees in the bargaining unit with those issues related to other public and private employees doing comparable work, giving consideration to factors peculiar to the area and classification involved;

(3) The interest and welfare of the public, the ability of the public employer to finance and administer the issues proposed, and the effect of the adjustments on the normal standard of public service;

(4) The lawful authority of the public employer;

(5) Any stipulations of the parties;

(6) Such other factors, not confined to those listed above, which are normally or traditionally taken into consideration in the determination of issues submitted to mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedures in the public service or in private employment.

(L) No later than fourteen days after the appointment of the fact-finding panel, unless the parties mutually agree to an extension, the fact-finding panel, acting by a majority of its members, shall serve on the parties and the board via electronic mail findings of fact, recommendations on the unresolved issues, and a separate summary of each recommendation. Any subsequent change or adjustment by the fact-finding panel in the fact-finding report must be based upon error or omission and must be submitted by the fact-finding panel to the board for consideration and imposition of new time periods. If the fact-finder's report contains an error that needs correction, the parties shall contact the fact finder to raise the concern. If the report contains a substantive error that requires an adjustment to the report, the fact finder shall file a request with the board for authorization to adjust the report. Unless the parties agree to extend the voting period, the parties should conduct a vote upon the report as issued without correction. Once the board grants authorization for the fact finder to adjust the report, new timelines will be established for conducting a new vote to accept or reject the report as adjusted. Obvious typographical errors admitted by the fact finder do not require a board authorized adjustment.

(M) Immediately upon receipt, the exclusive representative shall make available, by posting or by other method reasonably calculated to inform the members of the employee organization in the unit, the findings, recommendations, and summaries of the fact-finding panel together with a notice of the dates, times, and places where the employee organization's members in the unit may vote to approve or reject the recommendations of the fact-finding panel. A secret ballot election shall be conducted by the exclusive representative at the dates, times, and places set forth in the notice. Such election shall be conducted not later than seven days after the findings, recommendations, and summaries of the fact-finding panel are served pursuant to paragraph (C) of rule 4117-1-02 of the Administrative Code. Each member of the employee organization in the unit shall at the time and place of election be issued a ballot containing a choice of "approve" and a choice of "reject" the recommendations of the fact-finding panel. There shall be no voting by proxy. The ballots shall be tallied immediately upon the conclusion of the election. Verification by electronic mail of the date of the election, the vote tally, and the number of members of the employee organization in the unit shall be served upon the board and served upon the employer within twenty-four hours after the tally of ballots, but in no event later than twenty-four hours after the expiration of the seven-day voting period. The verification must contain proof of service upon the employer pursuant to rule 4117-1-02 of the Administrative Code. Failure to serve upon the board and the employer the required voting information within twenty-four hours of the expiration of the seven-day voting period shall constitute failure to reject the recommendations, and the recommendations shall be deemed accepted as the resolution of issues submitted to fact-finding. Oral notification to the board or the employer shall not constitute timely compliance with this rule.

(N) Immediately upon receipt, the employer's representative shall make available to the appropriate legislative body the findings, recommendations, and summaries of the fact-finding panel. Not later than seven days after the findings, recommendations, and summaries of the fact-finding panel are served pursuant to paragraph (C) of rule 4117-1-02 of the Administrative Code, the legislative body shall meet and vote to accept or reject the recommendations of the fact-finding panel. Verification by electronic email of the date of the vote, the vote tally, and the number of members of the legislative body shall be served upon the board and the exclusive representative within twenty-four hours after the vote count but in no event later than twenty-four hours after the expiration of the seven-day voting period. The verification must contain proof of service upon the employee organization pursuant to rule 4117-1-02 of the Administrative Code.

Failure to serve upon the board and the employee organization the required information within twenty-four hours of the expiration of the seven-day voting period shall constitute failure to reject the recommendations, and the recommendations shall be deemed accepted as the resolution of issues submitted to fact-finding. Oral notification to the board or the employee organization shall not constitute timely compliance with this rule.

(O) If neither party rejects by a three-fifths vote the recommendations of the fact-finding panel, not later than seven days after the recommendations are sent, the recommendations shall be deemed agreed upon as the final resolution of the issues submitted to the fact-finding panel and a collective bargaining agreement shall be executed, including the fact-finding panel's recommendations, except as otherwise modified by the parties by mutual agreement.

(P) If the recommendations of the panel are rejected by a three-fifths vote of either party and the rejection information required by paragraph (M) or (N) of this rule is timely served upon the board and the other party, the board shall post a copy of the fact-finding report and the notice of rejection in its Columbus offices and shall mail copies to the press, with recipients determined at the board's discretion. A board-provided notice of the rejection and a copy of the fact-finding report shall be posted by the employer and the employee organization in conspicuous locations where employees will be reasonably apprised of the contents. The "date of publication" is the date the board mails the notice and report to the press. A notice of rejection shall remain posted for a period of thirty days or until settlement occurs, whichever is earlier.

(Q) The parties shall share the cost of the fact-finding panel in a manner agreed to by the parties. If the parties cannot agree on how to share the cost of fact-finding, the parties shall each pay one-half of the remaining cost.

Last updated October 7, 2021 at 8:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4117.02(K)(8)
Amplifies: 4117.02, 4117.14
Five Year Review Date: 9/25/2026
Rule 4117-9-06 | Final offer settlement procedure; conciliation.

Members of a police or fire department, members of the state highway patrol deputy sheriffs, dispatchers employed by a police or fire or sheriff's department or the state highway patrol or civilian dispatchers employed by a public employer other than a police, fire, or sheriff's department to dispatch police, fire, sheriff's department, or emergency medical or rescue personnel and units, an exclusive nurse's unit, employees of the state school for the deaf or the state school for the blind, employees of any public employee retirement system, correction officers, guards at penal or mental institutions, special policemen or policewomen appointed in accordance with section 5123.13 of the Revised Code, psychiatric attendants employed at mental health forensic facilities, or youth leaders employed at juvenile correctional facilities, or members of law enforcement security force that is established and maintained exclusively by a board of county commissioners and whose members are employed by that board are prohibited from striking. Unless the parties are subject to a mutually agreed-upon dispute settlement procedure in compliance with paragraph (C) of rule 4117-9-03 of the Administrative Code, these conciliation procedures shall apply:

(A) If the parties are unable to reach an agreement within seven days after the publication of the findings and recommendations of the fact-finding panel, then the board shall issue to the parties an order pursuant to division (D)(1) of section 4117.14 of the Revised Code requiring the parties to engage in settlement by conciliation by a conciliator selected by the parties in accordance with paragraph (B) of this rule. The board may delegate to the bureau of mediation or the executive director responsibility for ordering conciliation when no substantive issues have been raised and when these conditions have been met:

(1) The fact-finding report was rejected timely by at least one party by a three-fifths majority of the individuals who were eligible to vote;

(2) The vote on the fact-finding report was served timely upon the board and the other party;

(3) Publication of the fact-finding report did occur in which the effective date of publication is stated on the board-issued notice of rejection of the fact-finding report; and

(4) At least seven days have passed since the effective date of publication of the fact-finding report, and the parties have not reached a settlement.

Concurrent with its order, the board shall provide to the parties a list of five neutrals from which the conciliator will be selected.

(B) The parties shall select a conciliator from the list by alternate striking of names. The parties may select any conciliator from the board's roster of neutrals rather than selecting from the list submitted by the board. If the parties agree to select a conciliator who is not listed on the board's roster of neutrals, the selection shall constitute a mutually agreed dispute settlement procedure.

(C) The parties shall within five days of the issuance of the list notify the board via electronic mail of their mutually selected conciliator and of any mutually selected alternates to the preferred conciliator. When selected conciliators are unavailable, the board shall appoint a conciliator chosen at its discretion.

(D) If the board has not received notification via electronic mail of a mutually selected conciliator within five days after issuance of the conciliation order and list of conciliators, on the sixth day after issuance of the order and list, the board shall appoint a conciliator at its discretion. Notification via electronic mail to the bureau of mediation within five days of issuance of the order and list will be sufficient notice.

(E) Upon notice of the conciliator's appointment, each party shall submit via electronic mail to the conciliator and the other party a position statement. A failure to submit such a position statement to the conciliator, to the other party, and to the board five calendar days prior to the day of the hearing shall require the conciliator to take evidence only in support of matters raised in the position statement that was submitted prior to the hearing. The statement shall include:

(1) The name of the party and the name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of the principal representative of the party;

(2) A description of the bargaining unit including the approximate number of employees;

(3) A copy of the current collective bargaining agreement, if any;

(4) A report defining all unresolved issues, stating the party's final offer as to each unresolved issue, and summarizing the position of the party with regard to each unresolved issue. If, after submission of the parties' reports, mediation efforts result in a change in a final offer, a party or parties may, by mutual agreement, submit a revised final offer to the conciliator.

(F) The conciliator shall hold a hearing within thirty days of the effective date of the board's order to conciliate, or as soon thereafter as practicable. For purposes of the hearing, the conciliator shall have the power to regulate the time, place, course, and conduct of the hearing, administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses and documents, take testimony and receive evidence, and request the board to issue subpoenae to compel attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and records relating to any matter before the conciliator. A conciliator may not choose a hearing location at a cost to the parties unless the parties fail to agree to an alternate cost-free location. The conciliator shall make provisions allowing for a written record of the hearing. The conciliator's notes shall constitute the record for the conciliation hearing, unless the parties agree otherwise.

(G) Conciliation hearings are to be held in private.

(H) The conciliator shall take the following into consideration in resolving the dispute between the parties:

(1) Past collectively bargained agreements, if any, between the parties;

(2) Comparison of the issues submitted to final offer settlement relative to the employees in the bargaining unit involved with those issues related to other public and private employers doing comparable work, giving consideration to factors peculiar to the area and classification involved;

(3) The interests and welfare of the public, the ability of the public employer to finance and administer the issues proposed, and the effect of the adjustments on the normal standard of public service;

(4) The lawful authority of the public employer;

(5) The stipulations of the parties; and

(6) Such other factors, not confined to those listed in this rule, which are normally or traditionally taken into consideration in the determination of issues submitted to final offer settlement through voluntary collective bargaining, mediation, fact-finding, or other impasse resolution procedures in the public service or in private employment.

(I) The conciliator shall make written findings of fact and promulgate a written opinion and order upon the issues presented and upon the record made at the conciliation hearing and shall deliver via electronic mail a true copy thereof to the parties and the board within thirty days of the last date of hearing, unless the parties mutually agree to an extension although failure of the conciliator to meet the thirty-day deadline does not affect the validity of the conciliation award.

(J) The issuance of a final offer settlement award constitutes a binding mandate to the public employer and the exclusive representative to take whatever actions are necessary to implement the award.

(K) The parties shall bear equally the cost of conciliation.

Last updated October 26, 2023 at 2:24 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4117.02(K)(8)
Amplifies: 4117.02, 4117.14
Five Year Review Date: 5/27/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 3/26/1984 (Emer.), 10/25/2010
Rule 4117-9-07 | Filing of collective bargaining agreement.

(A) One executed copy of any collective bargaining agreement accompanied by a completed state employment relations board contract data summary sheet shall be filed via electronic mail with the board by the employer within thirty days of execution.

(B) For the purpose of this rule, the term "collective bargaining agreement" includes contract, memorandum of understanding, extension, amendment, modification, reopener, settlement, or other addendum entered into between an employee organization and employer.

(C) All wage information shall be submitted with the collective bargaining agreement. Any amendments or renegotiation of wage information accompanied by a completed state employment relations board contract data summary sheet shall be filed via electronic mail by the employer upon execution of the amendment or renegotiated provision.

Last updated October 26, 2023 at 2:24 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4117.02(K)(8)
Amplifies: 4117.02, 4117.14
Five Year Review Date: 5/27/2025