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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4758-8 | Code of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct

Rule 4758-8-01 | Code of ethics for chemical dependency counselors.

(A) The following rules of conduct set forth the minimum standards of conduct which all applicants for licensure or certification shall follow and establishes the minimum standard of practice for certified chemical dependency counselor assistants (CDCA), licensed chemical dependency counselors II (LCDCII), licensed chemical dependency counselors III (LCDCIII), licensed independent chemical dependency counselors (LICDC), licensed independent chemical dependency counselors-clinical supervisors (LICDC-CS), and those licensees who carry the gambling disorder endorsement.

(B) A violation of rules of ethical practice and professional conduct constitutes unprofessional conduct and is sufficient reason for a reprimand, suspension, revocation or for restrictions to be placed on a license or certificate or for the denial of the initial license or certificate or renewal, or reinstatement of a license or certificate.

(C) Licensees and certificate holders are expected to exemplify unwavering integrity in their professional endeavors. They should consistently act in a manner that is ethical, honest, and transparent. Maintaining the trust and confidence of their clients and colleagues is paramount. Additionally, licensees and certificate holders lare obligated to uphold integrity in their personal relationships and activities, understanding that their actions outside of work can significantly impact their professional reputation. By demonstrating integrity both professionally and personally, licensees and certificate holders can foster an environment of trust, credibility, and accountability within their field.

(1) Professional standards:

(a) The licensee or certificate holder shall meet and comply with all terms, conditions or limitations of licensure or certification.

(b) The licensee or certificate holder shall recognize limitations of his or her competency based on professional qualifications, education and experience and shall not offer services or use techniques outside his or her professional competency or scope of practice defined by rules 4758-6-01 to 4758-6-14 of the Administrative Code.

(c) A licensee or certificate holder shall obtain appropriate consultation or make an appropriate referral when the client's problem is beyond the licensee or certificate holder's area of training, expertise, competency or scope of practice.

(d) The licensee or certificate holder shall refer clients to a person or agency that the licensee or certificate holder knows is qualified by training, experience, certification or license to provide such professional services.

(e) The licensee or certificate holder shall not participate in discrimination of clients and family members, including but not limited to, on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, age, national ancestry, genetic information, parental status, military status, socioeconomic status, political belief, psychiatric or psychological conditions, disability, the amount of previous therapeutic or treatment occurrences, or against other persons that could be subject to discrimination but are not expressly protected by state or federal law.

(f) The licensee or certificate holder shall be aware of and comply with all applicable state and federal guidelines, regulations, and statutes.

(g) In general, in substance use disorder and gambling disorder counseling, the best interest of the client is considered to be of paramount importance in making decisions regarding treatment. The "best interest" of the client would reflect these things that would most benefit the client economically, socially, vocationally and in terms of freedom from external restrictions. However, there may exist in the context of substance use disorder or gambling disorder treatment certain protocols, restrictions, or arrangements which are contrary to what clients would consider to be in their best interest. There may also be circumstances in which agency philosophy or orientation or the personal beliefs of the counselor may influence decisions regarding the client's treatment. When such circumstances or restrictions are present, they should be disclosed and explained to the client unless such disclosure is expressly prohibited or would clearly violate the safety, rights or interests of another person.

(h) The licensee or certificate holder shall primarily be concerned with the welfare of the client. The licensee or certificate holder shall respect the integrity of the client.

(i) The licensee or certificate holder shall not engage in any action that violates the civil or legal rights of clients.

(j) The license or certificate holder shall have an obligation to protect the client's right to confidentiality as established by law or the professional standards of practice. Confidential information shall only be revealed to others when the clients or other persons legally authorize to give consent on the behalf of the clients, have given their informed and written consent, unless there is a serious and current or imminent threat of harm to the client of others or as otherwise authorized by law.

(k) The licensee or certificate holder shall not place an individual in any activity or setting where such participation could harm the individual.

(l) The licensee or certificate holder shall not offer professional services to a client in substance use disorder or gambling disorder counseling with another professional except with the knowledge of the other professional or after the termination of the client relationship with the other professional.

(m) A licensee or certificate holder shall terminate a substance use disorder or gambling disorder counseling or consulting relationship when it is reasonably clear to the licensee or certificate holder that the client is not benefiting from it.

(n) A licensee or certificate holder shall not discontinue professional services to a client unless:

(i) Services have been completed;

(ii) The client requests the discontinuation;

(iii) Alternative or replacement services are arranged; or

(iv) The client is given reasonable opportunity to arrange alternative or replacement services.

(o) A licensee or certificate holder shall not physically or verbally abuse or threaten clients, former clients, or family members of clients or former clients.

(p) A licensee or certificate holder shall not use derogatory language in their written or verbal communications to or about clients, former clients, or family members of clients or former clients.

(q) A licensee or certificate holder is required to submit and maintain their legal address and contact information through the board's electronic licensure system and is required to notify the board of any changes to their name, mailing address, phone number or email address within thirty days.

(r) A licensee or certificate holder shall not provide services without appropriate supervision in accordance with their scope of practice, which shall include completion of any required supervision documentation.

(2) Unlawful conduct:

(a) A conviction for a felony offense in the state of Ohio or any act in another state, tribal or military court, or foreign nation that would constitute a felony in Ohio shall be grounds for disciplinary action.

(b) A conviction in the state of Ohio or any act in another state, tribal or military court, or foreign nation that would constitute a misdemeanor offense in Ohio for a theft, fraud, violent, alcohol, drug, or sexual misdemeanor offense, or any other offense which relates to the ability to practice substance use disorder or gambling disorder counseling shall be grounds for disciplinary action.

(3) Fraud related conduct:

(a) The licensee or certificate holder shall not omit, make any misrepresentation, or make any false statement to the board.

(b) A licensee or certificate holder shall not use a title, designation, credential, license, name, name or organization affiliation, or other language on a letterhead, publication, or document, any social media, or other medium which states or implies an ability, relationship or qualification the licensee or certificate holder is not qualified to use or does not exist.

(c) The licensee or certificate holder shall not practice under a false name or under a name other than the name in which his or her certificate/license is held.

(d) The licensee or certificate holder shall not sign or issue in the licensee or certificate holder's capacity, any document or statement that he or she knows to contain either a false or misleading statement.

(e) The licensee or certificate holder shall not produce, publish, create, or partake in the creation of any false, deceptive or misleading advertisement.

(f) The licensee or certificate holder shall assign appropriate credit to published material.

(g) A licensee or certificate holder shall not falsify, fraudulently amend, knowingly make incorrect entries or fail to make timely essential entries into the client records.

(h) A licensee or certificate holder shall not condone, partake, or assist in billing irregularities or fraud with respect to grants, insurance companies or direct billing.

(i) A licensee or certificate holder shall not bill for services that are not rendered.

(j) A licensee or certificate holder shall not aid or abet another person in misrepresenting professional credentials or engaging in illegal or unethical practice.

(k) A licensee or certificate holder shall not provide services under the signature of their license or certificate while said license or certificate is in an inactive lapsed, escrow, or expired status.

(l) A licensee or certificate holder shall not engage in deceptive behavior in a professional setting whether it is to advance their professional standing, avoid disciplinary action or for any other reason.

(4) Discipline in other jurisdictions:

(a) Any denial, suspension, revocation, probation or other restriction or discipline on certification, license or other authorization to practice issued by any certification authority or any state, province, territory, tribe or other federal government shall be regarded by the board as an ethics complaint and shall be reported to the board.

(5) Cooperation with the board:

(a) The licensee or certificate holder shall cooperate in any investigation conducted pursuant to this code of ethics and shall not interfere with an investigation or a disciplinary proceeding or other legal action.

(b) Except as in rule 4758-11-03 of the Administrative Code, the licensee or certificate holder has the duty to report any violation of this code of ethics to the board.

(c) In submitting information to the board, a licensee or certificate holder shall comply with any requirements pertaining to the disclosure of client information established by federal or state law or regulation.

(d) The license or certificate holder shall comply with all mandatory reporting requirements set forth in the Revised Code to include, but not limited to, a duty to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a minor child or protected adult.

(6) Client relationships:

(a) A licensee or certificate holder shall maintain an objective and non-possessive relationship with those they serve and shall not develop, implement, or maintain a multiple relationship or conflict of interest with any client, former client, family member of a client or a former client, or other person encountered in professional or non-professional settings, which may impair professional judgment, increase the risk of exploitation, or not be in the best interest of a client at any time.

(b) A licensee or certificate holder shall not enter into a substance use disorder or gambling disorder counseling relationship with members of his or her own family, friends or close associates or others who might be jeopardized by such a multiple relationship.

(c) If a multiple relationship is recognized, a dependent licensee or certificate holder shall:

(i) Discuss as soon as reasonably possible any potential multiple relationship and/or conflict of interest with the appropriate supervisor;

(ii) Immediately discuss any potential multiple relationship and/or conflict of interest with the client;

(iii) Obtain written consent between the supervisor, licensee or certificate holder, and the client;

(iv) Document how continuation of the multiple relationship and/or conflict of interest serves the best interest of the client. The best interest of the client shall be reassessed and documented.

(v) Consider all factors on a case-by-case basis, such as informed consent, consultation, and supervision.

(d) If a multiple relationship is recognized, an independent licensee shall consult with another independent licensee and document that consultation in addition to following paragraphs (C)(6)(c)(ii) to (C)(6)(c)(v) of this rule

(e) Multiple relationships include, but are not limited to, the following:

(i) Familial relationships;

(ii) Social relationships;

(iii) Emotional relationships;

(iv) Financial relationships, including but not limited to, accepting gifts, bartering for services, accepting free services, or accepting discounts on services;

(v) Supervisory relationships;

(vi) Professional relationships;

(vii) Administrative relationships;

(viii) Legal relationships, and/or;

(ix) Social media/personal virtual relationships.

(f) Regardless if no services were provided to a client by the licensee or certificate holder, all clients of a treatment provider or agency are also considered a client of the licensee or certificate holder that is employed or contracted by that treatment provider or agency.

(g) This paragraph shall also apply to license or certificate holders employed to work in any capacity in recovery housing. Residents in recovery housing shall be considered clients of the licensee or certificate holder.

(7) Sexual relationships and misconduct:

(a) Sexual conduct is any contact with another person, consensual or non-consensual, that engages, or attempts to engage, in any activity that a reasonable person may consider sexual or sexual in nature, including but not limited to: sexual relationship; sexual advance; sexual solicitation; request for a sexual favor; a text, picture, or video or social media post of a sexual nature; or any other verbal, non-verbal, or physical activity, contact, or conduct that is sexual or sexual in nature.

(b) A license or certificate holder shall not engage in any type of sexual conduct or sexual relationship with a current client.

(c) A license or certificate holder shall not provide services to anyone in which they have had a prior sexual relationship.

(d) A licensee or certificate holder shall not have a sexual relationship, nor engage in any form of sexual conduct with former client within two years, at a minimum, after the termination of professional services. A licensee or certificate holder shall never engage in a sexual relationship with a former client if such relationship is not in the best interest of the client or increases the risk of client exploitation.

(e) A licensee or certificate holder who chooses to engage in a sexual relationship with a former client after the mandatory two year period of time will have the full burden of demonstrating that the former client has not been exploited, coerced or manipulated intentionally or unintentionally.

(f) A licensee or certificate holder shall never engage in a sexual relationship with a former client's family member if that relationship is not in the best interest of the client or increases the risk of client exploitation.

(g) A licensee or certificate holder shall not sexually harass a client, former client, or family members of a client or former client.

Sexual harassment includes any activity, contact, or conduct that a reasonable person may consider offensive or harassing that is sexual or sexual in nature, including but not limited to: sexual advance; sexual solicitation; request for a sexual favor; a text, picture, or video or social media post of a sexual nature; or any other verbal, non-verbal, or physical activity, contact, or conduct that is sexually offensive or harassing.

(h) A licensee or certificate holder shall not sexually harass persons they encounter in professional settings.

(i) Regardless if no services were provided to a client by the licensee or certificate holder, all clients of a treatment provider or agency are also considered a client of the licensee or certificate holder that is employed or contracted by that treatment provider or agency.

(j) This paragraph shall also apply to license or certificate holders employed to work in any capacity in recovery housing. Residents in recovery housing shall be considered clients of the licensee or certificate holder.

(8) Private practice:

(a) An independent licensee employed by an agency may not solicit or refer a current client of the agency to the independent licensee's private practice. Independent licensees may offer referrals to client's which include multiple options for the client to choose from and the independent licensee's private practice may be one of the multiple programs.

(b) When setting fees, an independent licensee shall ensure that fees are fair, reasonable and commensurate with the services performed.

(c) An independent licensee shall maintain client records for a period of seven years from the time services are completed.

(9) Professional disclosure:

(a) A licensee or certificate holder shall display a professional disclosure statement at the place where services are performed and shall provide a copy of the disclosure statement to clients upon request.

(b) Professional disclosure statements shall include the name, title, license or certificate type, license or certification number, business address and business phone number of the licensee or certificate holder.

(c) Professional disclosure statements shall identify licensee or certificate holder's formal professional education, areas of competence and the services they provide.

(d) Professional disclosure statements shall include language that directs the client to contact the board should they have complaints about the licensee or certificate holder. The name, address and phone number of the licensing board should be included in this language.

(e) For a licensee employed in a private practice, a fee schedule shall be listed by type of service or hourly rate.

(10) Impairment:

(a) A licensee or certificate holder shall not undertake or continue a professional counseling role when there is a reasonable belief that the judgment, competence and/or objectivity of the licensee or certificate holder is impaired due to mental, emotional, physiological, pharmacological, or substance use conditions.

(b) A licensee or certificate holder shall seek appropriate professional assistance for any substance abuse or dependence, psychiatric or psychological impairment, emotional distress or an other physical health related adversity that interferes with the licensee or certificate holder's ability to function competently. A licensee or certificate holder shall request inactive status for medical reasons when appropriate and notify the board and comply with rule 4758-11-02 of the Administrative Code, or may contact the board's confidential safe-haven program and comply with rule 4758-11-03 of the Administrative Code.

(11) Procedure for processing ethical complaints:

A violation of any of the rules of conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken by the board pursuant to section 4758.30 of the Revised Code and rule 4758-10-01 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated April 3, 2024 at 1:35 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.23
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/13/2004, 5/6/2013
Rule 4758-8-02 | Code of ethics for clinical supervisors.

(A) The purpose of this rule is to state the rules of conduct that apply to individuals who hold a valid independent chemical dependency counselor-clinical supervisor license (LICDC-CS), independent chemical dependency counselor license (LICDC) or chemical dependency counselor III license (LCDC III) during the performance of their clinical duties as supervisors.

(B) Competence:

(1) A supervisor shall accurately represent areas of competence, education, training, experience and professional affiliations in response to inquiries, including those from appropriate boards, public, supervisees and colleagues.

(2) A supervisor shall aggressively seek out consultation with other professionals when called on to supervise counseling situations outside their realm of competence. Supervisors shall refer supervisees to other competent staff when they are unable to provide adequate supervisory guidance to the supervisee.

(C) Client best interest, welfare, and rights:

A supervisor shall make supervisees aware of clients' rights, including protecting clients' rights to privacy and confidentiality in the counseling relationship and the information resulting from it.

(D) Supervisory role:

(1) A supervisor shall obtain ongoing training in supervision.

(2) A supervisor shall make their supervisees aware of professional and ethical standards and legal responsibilities of the counseling profession.

(3) Procedures for contacting the supervisor, or an alternative supervisor, to assist in handling crisis situations shall be established and communicated to supervisees.

(4) Supervision shall be maintained through regular face-to-face meetings, which could include video conferencing, with a supervisee or supervisees in group or individual sessions. Sessions should include documentation of the content. Supervisor and supervisee signatures should be included if required by certifying or accrediting bodies.

(5) Actual work samples via audio, counselor report, video or observation shall be part of the regularly scheduled supervision process.

(6) A supervisor shall provide supervisees with ongoing feedback on their performance.

(7) A supervisor who has multiple roles (e.g. teacher, clinical supervisor, administrator, etc.) with supervisees shall avoid any conflict of interest caused by these roles. The supervisees shall know the limitations placed on the supervisor and the supervisor shall share supervision when appropriate.

(8) A supervisor shall not sexually harass or participate in any form of sexual conduct with supervisees.

(9) A supervisor shall not use the supervision process to further personal, religious, political, financial or business interests.

(10) A supervisor shall not endorse any treatment that would harm a client either physically or psychologically.

(11) A supervisor shall not establish a psychotherapeutic relationship as a substitute for supervision. Personal issues shall be addressed in supervision only in terms of the impact of these issues on clients and on professional functioning.

(12) A supervisor shall never supervise any person closely related by blood, marriage or other significant relationships.

(a) "Closely related by blood or marriage" is defined to include, but is not limited to, spouse, children (whether dependent or independent), parents, grandparents, siblings and any other persons related by blood or marriage who reside in the same household.

(b) "Significant Relationship" means persons living together as a spousal or family unit when not legally married or related where the nature of the relationship may impair the objectivity or independence of judgment of one individual working with the other.

(13) A supervisor shall be honest and direct with supervisees about observed professional and clinical limitations of the supervisee. These concerns shall be clearly documented and shared with the supervisee.

(14) A supervisor shall not endorse a supervisee for certification or licensure if the supervisor has documented proof of impairment or professional limitations that would interfere with the performance of counseling duties in a competent and ethical manner.

(15) The supervision provided by a supervisor shall be provided in a professional and consistent manner to all supervisees regardless of age, race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender identity or expression, national ancestry, religion, genetic information, parental status, military status, physical disability, sexual orientation, political belief, marital or socioeconomic status, psychiatric or psychological conditions, disability, or other identifying traits that could subject an individual to discrimination but are not expressly protected by state or federal law.

(16) A supervisor shall not delegate professional responsibilities to a supervisee if the task is outside of the supervisee's scope of practice, training, or experience.

(17) A supervisor shall not exploit the supervisee for financial gain.

(18) A supervisor shall not instruct a supervisee to perform in a way which would violate any section of the supervisee's code of ethical conduct.

(E) Procedure for processing ethical complaints:

A violation of any of the rules of conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken by the board pursuant to section 4758.30 of the Revised Code and rule 4758-10-01 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated April 3, 2024 at 1:35 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.23
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/22/2013 (Emer.)
Rule 4758-8-03 | Code of ethics for prevention professionals.

(A) The following rules of conduct set forth the minimum standards of conduct which all applicants for certification shall follow and establishes the minimum standard of practice for registered applicants (RA), Ohio certified prevention specialist assistants (OCPSA), Ohio certified prevention specialists (OCPS) and Ohio certified prevention consultant (OCPC).

(B) A violation of these rules of ethical practice and professional conduct constitutes unprofessional conduct and is sufficient reason for a reprimand, suspension, revocation or for restrictions to be placed on a certificate or for the denial of the initial certificate or renewal, or reinstatement of a certificate.

(C) Prevention certificate holders are expected to exemplify unwavering integrity in their professional endeavors. They should consistently act in a manner that is ethical, honest, and transparent. Maintaining the trust and confidence of consumers and colleagues is paramount. Additionally, certificate holders are obligated to uphold integrity in their personal relationships and activities, understanding that their actions outside of work can significantly impact their professional reputation. By demonstrating integrity both professionally and personally, prevention certificate holders can foster an environment of trust, credibility, and accountability within their field.

(1) Professional standards:

(a) The certificate holder shall meet and comply with all terms, conditions or limitations of certification.

(b) The certificate holder shall recognize limitations of his or her competency based on professional qualifications, education and experience and shall not offer services or use techniques outside his or her professional competency or scope of practice defined by rules 4758-6-07 to 4758-6-10 of the Administrative Code.

(c) The certificate holder shall refer consumers to a person or agency qualified by competency, experience, certification, or license to provide such professional services.

(d) The certificate holder shall not participate in discrimination of clients and family members of clients, including but not limited to, on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, age, national ancestry, genetic information, parental status, military status, socioeconomic status, political belief, psychiatric or psychological conditions, disability, the amount of previous therapeutic or treatment occurrences, or against other persons that could be subject to discrimination but are not expressly protected by state or federal law.

(e) A certificate holder shall seek appropriate professional assistance for any substance abuse or dependence, psychiatric or psychological impairment, emotional distress or any other physical health related adversity that interferes with the certificate holder's ability to function competently. A certificate holder shall request inactive status for medical reasons when appropriate and notify the board and comply with rule 4758-11-02 of the Administrative Code, or may contact the board's confidential safe-haven program and comply with rule 4758-11-03 of the Administrative Code.

(f) The certificate holder shall not administer to him/herself any substances in a manner which would be dangerous or harmful to consumers.

(g) The certificate holder shall be aware of and comply with all applicable state and federal guidelines, regulations, and statutes.

(h) The certificate holder shall act in the best interest of the consumer. The certificate holder shall act to respect the integrity of the consumer.

(i) The certificate holder shall not engage in any action that violates the civil or legal rights of consumers.

(j) The certificate holder shall maintain an objective and non-possessive relationship with those they are serving and shall not exploit them sexually, emotionally, financially, or otherwise.

Sexual conduct is any contact with another person, consensual or non-consensual, that engages, or attempts to engage, in any activity that a reasonable person may consider sexual or sexual in nature, including but not limited to: sexual relationship; sexual advance; sexual solicitation; request for a sexual favor; a text, picture, video or social media post of a sexual nature; or any other verbal, non-verbal, or physical activity, contact, or conduct that is sexual or sexual in nature.

(k) The certificate holder shall not place an individual in any activity or setting where such participation could harm the individual.

(l) The certificate holder shall comply with all mandatory reporting requirements set forth in the Revised Code to include, but not limited to: duty to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a minor child or protected adult.

(2) Unlawful conduct:

(a) A conviction for a felony offense in the state of Ohio or any act in another state, tribal or military court, or foreign nation that would constitute a felony in Ohio shall be grounds for disciplinary action.

(b) A conviction in the state of Ohio or any act in another state, tribal or military court, or foreign nation that would constitute a misdemeanor offense in Ohio for a theft, fraud, violent, alcohol, drug, or sexual misdemeanor offense, or any other offense which relates to the ability to practice prevention services shall be grounds for disciplinary action.

(3) Fraud related conduct:

(a) The certificate holder shall not make any misrepresentation or false statement to the board.

(b) A certificate holder shall not use a title, designation, credential, license, firm name, letterhead, publication, term, title or document which states or implies an ability, relationship or qualification the certificate holder is not qualified to use or does not exist.

(c) The certificate holder shall not practice under a false name or under a name other than the name in which his or her certificate is held.

(d) The certificate holder shall not sign or issue in the certificate holder's capacity, any document or statement that he or she knows to contain either a false or misleading statement.

(e) The certificate holder shall not produce, publish, create, or partake in the creation of any false, deceptive or misleading advertisement.

(f) The certificate holder shall assign appropriate credit to published material.

(4) Discipline in other jurisdictions:

(a) Any denial, suspension, revocation, probation or other restriction or discipline on certification, license or other authorization to practice issued by any certification authority or any state, province, territory, tribe or other federal government shall be regarded by the board as an ethics complaint and shall be reported to the board.

(5) Cooperation with the board:

(a) The certificate holder shall cooperate in any investigation conducted pursuant to this code of ethics and shall not interfere with an investigation or a disciplinary proceeding or other legal action.

(b) Except as outlined in rule 4758-11-03 of the Administrative Code, the certificate holder shall report any violation of this code of ethics to the board.

(c) In submitting information to the board, a certificate holder shall comply with any requirements pertaining to the disclosure of consumer information established by federal or state law or regulation.

(d) The license or certificate holder shall comply with all mandatory reporting requirements set forth in the revised code to include, but not limited to, a duty to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a minor child or protected adult.

(6) Impairment

(a) A certificate holder shall not undertake or continue a professional role when there is a reasonable belief that the judgment, competence and/or objectivity of certificate holder is impaired due to mental, emotional, physiological, pharmacological, or substance use conditions.

(b) A certificate holder shall seek appropriate professional assistance for any substance abuse or dependence, psychiatric or psychological conditions, emotional distress or an other physical health related adversity that interferes with the certificate holder's ability to function competently. A certificate holder shall request inactive status for medical reasons when appropriate and notify the board and comply with rule 4758-11-02 of the Administrative Code, or may contact the board's confidential safe-haven program and comply with rule 4758-11-03 of the Administrative Code.

(7) Procedure for processing ethical complaints:

A violation of any of the rules of conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken by the board pursuant to section 4758.30 of the Revised Code and rule 4758-10-01 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated April 3, 2024 at 1:35 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.23
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/22/2013 (Emer.), 5/6/2013, 8/1/2015
Rule 4758-8-04 | Codes of ethical practice and professional conduct: telehealth services.

(A) Telehealth means the use of real-time audio or audiovisual communications that permit accurate and meaningful interaction between at least two people, one of whom is a licensee or certificate holder. For the purposes of this rule, modalities, including but not limited to phone, video, text, email, instant messaging/chat, are considered telehealth.

(1) The licensee or certificate holder providing services within their scope of practice via telehealth to persons physically present in Ohio shall be licensed in Ohio.

(2) The licensee or certificate holder providing services to a client outside the state of Ohio shall comply with the laws and rules of the jurisdiction where the client is located at the time services are rendered.

(3) The licensee or certificate holder shall confirm the client's location at the time services are rendered.

(B) The licensee or certificate holder shall consider their education, training, and experience before providing telehealth services and provide only services for which they are competent. The licensee or certificate holder shall assume responsibility to continually assess both their professional and technical competence when providing telehealth services.

(C) No initial in person or face to face audiovisual visit is necessary to initiate services using telehealth modalities.

(D) The licensee or certificate holder shall screen each client for appropriateness to receive services via telehealth throughout the course of treatment, which includes considering their current mental and emotional status, conducive treatment modalities, and ongoing effectiveness of the service. The licensee or certificate holder shall screen each client's technological capabilities as part of the intake process and document any assistance provided to facilitate access.

(1) The licensee or certificate holder shall regularly review whether the use of telehealth is meeting the clinical needs of the client. This review should also occur in clinical supervision of the dependent licensee or certificate holder.

(2) Ongoing review of appropriateness of telehealth to meet the clinical needs of the client should be reviewed in the clinical supervision of the dependent licensee or certificate holder.

(E) The licensee or certificate holder is under no obligation to provide services via telehealth if their clinical judgement indicates telehealth is not an appropriate modality for delivering services to the client.

(F) No licensee or certificate holder shall engage in telehealth services while operating a motor vehicle or similar equipment, nor engage in activities during telehealth that do not allow the licensee or certificate holder to focus on the client or prepare to document session. The licensee or certificate holder should terminate a session if it is determined while in a session the client is engaged in activities that could endanger themselves or others.

(G) A licensee or certificate holder shall not provide telehealth when either the client or licensee or certificate holder is in a setting where the confidentiality of the session could reasonably be expected to be compromised.

(H) When using video conferencing for telehealth services, the licensee or certificate holder shall remain on camera throughout the session.

(I) The licensee or certificate holder shall be aware of cultural and developmental differences and how they can affect non-verbal cues. The licensee or certificate holder shall also be aware of audio, visual, and cognitive impairment, and the impact of these on the use of telehealth services. Telehealth methods should be appropriate to the client and their environment.

(J) The licensee or certificate holder must maintain records in accordance with state and federal regulations. Such records must clearly indicate when services are provided through telehealth.

(K) The licensee or certificate holder shall document all relevant communication with clients, to include emails, texts, instant messages, and chat history.

(L) The licensee or certificate holder is not responsible for client misuse of telehealth devices during the provision of services.

(M) During the initial session, the licensee or certificate holder must establish informed consent and shall include information defining telehealth delivery as practiced by the licensee, as well as potential risks, security issues, and confidentiality issues when receiving telehealth. In the case of a minor client, the licensee or certificate holder must address any potential issues specifically associated with treating minors.

(1) Each client shall be given sufficient opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about telehealth. These discussions should be documented in the client record.

(2) Informed consent should include a discussion of how telehealth may affect billing and access to insurance benefits.

(3) The licensee or certificate holder shall document permission prior to recording any part of the telehealth session. If the licensee or certificate holder is storing audiovisual records from sessions, these cannot be released to the client unless authorization from the client is obtained specifically stating the records are to be released.

(4) The licensee or certificate holder shall not provide services without client informed consent which can be documented through verbal acknowledgement, online signature, or by signing a hard copy form. The licensee or certificate holder must make available to the client a copy of the consent documents regardless of the form of consent by the client.

(5) The licensee or certificate holder shall make available to client access to information for all certification bodies and licensure boards to facilitate consumer protection and include a link to the board online license verification site.

(6) The licensee or certificate holder shall provide to the client information on how to access assistance in a crisis and outside of established business hours.

(N) The licensee or certificate holder shall have a contingency plan for providing services to client when technical problems occur during a telehealth session, or when technical problems prevent a session from occurring.

(O) The licensee or certificate holder shall comply with all requirements under state and federal law regarding the protection of client confidentiality while providing services. Each provider shall ensure that any username or password information and any electronic communications between the provider, client, or third parties are securely transmitted and stored.

Last updated July 12, 2024 at 9:12 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.23, 4758.80
Five Year Review Date: 7/12/2029