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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4765-9 | Ethical Standards of Conduct

Rule 4765-9-01 | Professional standards of conduct for a holder of a certificate to practice.

(A) A person issued a certificate to practice shall provide professional services that conform to minimal standards of care for the person's certification level under similar circumstances.

(B) When providing professional services, a person issued a certificate to practice shall exhibit respect for the medical needs and personal values of EMS patients, families, and other EMS and healthcare practitioners.

(C) A person issued a certificate to practice shall not discriminate in the provision of EMS on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin.

(D) A person issued a certificate to practice shall provide medically appropriate evaluation, treatment, and disposition of each EMS patient in accordance with Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code, Chapters 4765-1 to 4765-10 and 4765-12 to 4765-19 of the Administrative Code, and the medical protocols of the EMS organization by which the person is employed or with which the person is affiliated.

(E) A person issued a certificate to practice shall not perform any services that exceed the scope of the person's certificate to practice as set forth in Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code and Chapters 4765-1 to 4765-10 and 4765-12 to 4765-19 of the Administrative Code.

(F) A person issued a certificate to practice shall not misrepresent the person's professional qualifications or credentials.

(G) A person issued a certificate to practice shall report to the division as soon as practicable any knowledge of a violation of Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code or Chapters 4765-1 to 4765-10 or 4765-12 to 4765-19 of the Administrative Code.

(H) A person issued a certificate to practice shall consistently demonstrate a standard of knowledge and competency that meets or exceeds the minimal level required under the person's certificate to practice.

(I) A person issued a certificate to practice shall accurately document, and at the request of the division report, all approved continuing education programs the certificate holder completes in accordance with Chapter 4765-19 of the Administrative Code and within the time parameters set forth by the division.

(J) Except as otherwise required by law, a person issued a certificate to practice shall maintain the confidentiality of patient information consistent with state and federal law.

(K) A person issued a certificate to practice shall not release or provide a medical report or any supporting documentation, or otherwise disclose the contents of a medical report to anyone other than those authorized by law to receive them.

(L) A person issued a certificate to practice shall not knowingly turn over the care of a patient or delegate EMS functions to a person who lacks the certification and training to provide the appropriate level of care.

(M) A person issued a certificate to practice shall, within fourteen days of the final sentencing of any criminal offense, provide written notification to the division of such offense. A person issued a certificate to practice shall, within sixty days of the final sentencing of any criminal offense, provide the division a certified copy of the judgment entry from the court in which the conviction occurred, a certified copy of the police or law enforcement agency report, if applicable, and a current bureau of criminal identification and investigation (BCI&I) civilian background check.

(N) A person issued a certificate to practice who is a witness to any violation of Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code or Chapters 4765-1 to 4765-10 or 4765-12 to 4765-19 of the Administrative Code shall cooperate fully with any investigation conducted by the division.

(O) A person issued a certificate to practice shall not engage in the illegal use or illegal acquisition of controlled substances, alcohol, or other habit-forming drugs or chemical substances that impair the certificate holder's ability to practice.

(P) A person issued a certificate to practice shall not commit fraud, misrepresentation, deception, or submit false or misleading information in any of the following:

(1) Applying for or obtaining a certificate to practice;

(2) Renewing a certificate to practice;

(3) Responding to audits conducted by the division;

(4) Responding to or complying with any official request from the division or the board.

(Q) A person issued a certificate to practice shall insure patient care provided is documented in a complete and accurate manner.

(R) A person issued a certificate to practice who is disciplined for violations of Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code and the rules promulgated thereunder shall report the discipline to any and all emergency medical services related employers.

(S) A person issued a certificate to practice shall not aid or abet another to engage in the uncertified practice of emergency medical services.

Last updated August 2, 2021 at 9:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 4765.30
Five Year Review Date: 7/1/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 4/1/2016
Rule 4765-9-02 | Professional standards of conduct for a holder of a certificate to teach.

(A) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall provide services that conform to standards of other persons issued a certificate to teach under similar circumstances.

(B) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall not discriminate in the provision of EMS training on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin.

(C) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall provide instruction in accordance with the curriculum and other standards set forth in Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code and Chapters 4765-1 to 4765-10 and 4765-12 to 4765-19 of the Administrative Code.

(D) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall provide instruction in accordance with the policy and procedures of the accredited or approved institution by which the person is employed or with which the person is affiliated.

(E) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall not provide instruction in any EMS training program, EMS continuing education program, or EMS instructor training program that is above the level of the certificate to practice.

(F) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall not misrepresent the individual's professional qualifications or credentials.

(G) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall report in writing to the division as soon as practicable any suspicion or knowledge of a violation of this chapter or any potential compromise of the examination process.

(H) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall report in writing to the division as soon as practicable any suspicion or knowledge of a violation of Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code or rules set forth in Chapters 4765-1 to 4765-10 or 4765-12 to 4765-19 of the Administrative Code committed by an EMS accredited institution, EMS approved institution, or holder of a certificate to teach.

(I) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall not commit fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in conducting an EMS training program, EMS continuing education program, or EMS instructor training program.

(J) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall not commit fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in order to obtain a certificate to practice or teach.

(K) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall consistently demonstrate a standard of knowledge and competency that meets the minimal level required under the individual's certificate to teach.

(L) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall accurately document, upon request of the division and within the time parameters set forth by the division, all requirements for renewal of the certificate to teach in accordance with Chapter 4765-18 of the Administrative Code.

(M) In addition to meeting the professional standards of conduct listed in this rule, an individual issued a certificate to teach shall also remain in compliance with the standards of conduct for a certificate to practice set forth in rule 4765-9-01 of the Administrative Code.

(N) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall obtain approval from an accredited or approved institution prior to teaching each course under the auspices of the institution.

(O) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall surrender all documentation of course files to the sponsoring accredited or approved institution no later than ninety days after the final day of the course.

(P) An individual issued a certificate to teach based on a license as a physician, registered nurse, or physician assistant, or certificate of training as a physician, shall notify the division in writing within fourteen days of imposition of any sanction, if the license or certificate of training is disciplined, revoked, or not renewed by the issuing entity.

(Q) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall maintain a current and valid EMS certificate to practice; or a license to practice as a physician, registered nurse, or physician assistant; or a certificate of training as a physician.

(R) An individual issued a certificate to teach shall not aid, assist, or help any student gain an unfair advantage on any portion of an EMS training program, EMS continuing education program, or EMS instructor training program, or on any examination.

(S) A person issued a certificate to teach who is disciplined for violations of Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code and the rules promulgated thereunder shall report the discipline to any and all emergency medical services related employers, including accredited EMS training institutions and approved EMS continuing education programs.

(T) A person issued a certificate to teach shall not aid or abet another to engage in the uncertified practice of emergency medical services.

Last updated August 2, 2021 at 9:33 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 4765.23
Five Year Review Date: 7/1/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 2/13/2006, 2/1/2009, 4/1/2016