Rule 1301:5-7-04 | Continuing education course completion and certificates.
(A) No provider shall certify to the attendance of a licensee who was not present during at least ninety per cent of the course.
(B) The provider shall issue a certificate to a licensee who successfully completed the course. The certificate shall include the following information:
(1) The correct course certification number as issued by the division of real estate and professional licensing;
(2) Licensee's full name;
(3) Licensee's formatted credential number;
(4) Date of course attendance;
(5) Course hours completed;
(6) Course title;
(7) Instructor's full name;
(8) Provider's name and address; and
(9) Provider's attendance verifier's name and signature.
(C) If the provider issues a course certification with the incorrect information required in paragraph (B) of this rule, the provider shall issue a corrected certificate to each licensee in attendance within thirty days.
(D) A provider shall maintain for six years a record of attendance of each licensee attending an offering disclosing the following information:
(1) The course certification number as issued by the division;
(2) Name and address of licensees;
(3) Offering, title and description;
(4) Classroom hours of attendance;
(5) Date of offering; and
(6) Name, address, and signature of verifier in employ of entity course provider.
(E) Each provider shall submit to the division, in a format prescribed by the division, within ten days after completion of each offering, a list of licensees who successfully completed the course. The list shall include the correct course certification number; number of approved hours; date and location the course was held; name of licensee, and correctly formatted file number.
Last updated February 11, 2025 at 8:41 AM