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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 1501:21-5-05 | The plans.


The plans are to consist of a bound portfolio of the drawings with all sheets being of the same size not larger than twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches and be provided in a digital file format acceptable to the chief.

The plans shall include:

(A) On sheet one, show the name of the project; its location, e.g. section, township, and county; the name of the owner or applicant; the classification of the structure. and a vicinity map that shows the project location with respect to the boundaries of political subdivisions, streams, highways, airports, and railroads.

(B) Topographic and cross-section surveys made with sufficient accuracy to locate the proposed construction and locations of baselines, centerlines, and other horizontal and vertical control points shown on a topographic map of the site.

(C) A map that shows the locations of borings, test pits, proposed borrow areas, known farm tiles, utility lines, and other areas pertinent to the design and construction of the structure. The location of proposed borrow areas may be excluded from the map if acceptable to the chief.

(D) The remainder of the plans will be accurately drawn in sufficient detail as to clearly indicate the extent and complexity of the work.

(E) The engineers stamp, signature and date affixed on each page of the plans.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 10:07 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1521.06
Amplifies: 1521.06, 1521.061
Five Year Review Date: 3/3/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/15/1972, 10/15/1981, 12/9/1999, 1/16/2005, 5/23/2010