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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 3302-24-21 | Computer Science Industr Professionals Teaching License.


(A) A renewable forty-hour temporary computer science teaching license shall be issued to industry professionals at the request of the Superintendent of a city, local, exempted village, joint vocational school district, educational service center, or the governing board of a chartered non-public school or community school to an individual who:

(1) Is deemed to be of good moral character;

(2) Demonstrates, as verified by the employing school superintendent, five years of documented successful work experience or the equivalent in the area of computer science; and

(3) Successfully completes the state board of education approved examination in the area of computer science.

(B) The temporary teaching license issued under this rule shall be valid for a one-year period and issued in the grade bands specified in section 3319.236 ( F ) of the revised code. The forty-hour temporary teaching license may be renewed upon the request and recommendation of the superintendent of a city, local, exempted village, joint vocational school district, educational service center, or the governing board of a chartered non-public school or community school.

(C) The individual to whom the license is issued shall be limited to teaching the subject of computer science and shall be valid only in the city, local, exempted village, joint vocational school district, educational service center, or chartered non-public school or community school that engages the industry professional to teach for no more than forty hours per week.

(D) An employee of the city, local, exempted village, joint vocational school district, educational service center, or chartered non-public school or community school who is licensed under sections 3319.22 to 3319.30 of the Revised Code shall directly supervise an industry professional who holds a permit issued under this rule and who is engaged to teach pursuant to this rule until the superintendent of the school district, or the community school's governing authority or operator is satisfied that the industry professional has sufficient understanding of, and experience in, effective teaching methods to teach without supervision other than supervision comparable to that provided for other teaching staff. Direct supervision of the industry professional shall require that:

(1) No more than five individuals teaching under a temporary teaching permit shall be assigned to a supervisor for direct supervision;

(2) Each computer science industry professional is given an initial orientation that includes:

a. The students and community to be served;

b. School policies, procedures, and routines;

c. Courses of study, competency-based education programs, teaching and learning styles, growth and development characteristics appropriate to the age being taught, pupil assessment procedures, and responsibilities for lesson plans;

d. The layout and facilities of the assigned school building or buildings;

e. The nature of the teaching assignment; and

f. Any other additional information required for a computer science industry professional to be adequately prepared for the teaching assignment.

(3) Each computer science industry professional shall be provided with support in:

a. Acquiring knowledge of the school curriculum, responsibilities for implementing the curriculum, and the instructional resources available for such implementation; and

b. The improvement of instructional skills and classroom management.

Last updated August 30, 2024 at 5:59 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 106.03
Amplifies: 3319.236, 3319.22, 3319.30
Five Year Review Date: 8/30/2029