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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 3358:5-3-22 | Academic instruction support compensation model procedures.


(A) Vision All courses shall have a Blackboard course shell and adhere to best practices.

(B) Mission provide quality, technology-enriched alternative methods of instruction and learning for all students.

(C) Sufficient fiscal resources shall be allocated to support quality, technology-enriched instruction and learning.

(D) Faculty requirements

(1) All faculty (both full-time and adjunct) shall be required to:

(a) Participate in training and/or demonstrate ability to use instructional technology including syllabus system and Blackboard's basic course functions and tools.

(b) Enter their course section specific syllabus information in Clark state's electronic syllabus system.

(c) Personalize their Blackboard course shell section(s) with individual faculty contact information, a communication policy and a brief welcome in the "About This Section" area.

(d) Participate in professional development training covering enhancements to the Blackboard learning system, refresher tool-specific sessions and other technology training.

(e) Follow the best practices guidelines as established.

(2) Further, online faculty, as well as those creating and teaching hybrid courses, shall be required to:

(a) Successfully complete the required Blackboard course training rubric and become certified.

(b) Personalize their course section(s) beyond the basic requirements. This includes setting up the calendar, assignments, grade book, tests, managing the roster, maintaining and updating course content and providing additional instructional material and links.

(c) Participate in pedagogical training in online instructional theory and practice.

(E) Course definitions

(1) Online courses All instructional and lab activities are completed in an online environment. They require no visits to campus; however, students may be required to use a proctored testing facility.

(2) Hybrid courses courses that combine the elements of the traditional face-to-face classroom and online instruction. These courses require attendance at scheduled sessions on campus or at clinical locations for lectures, labs or clinical experiences. The amount of time spent in the face-to-face setting shall be no more than fifty percent of the didactic coursework. Combined time is equivalent to the traditional course for the same number of credits.

(3) Traditional courses Traditional face-to-face courses may also include online components such as instructional material, calendar, assignments, grade postings and faculty/student communication. Regularly scheduled attendance in the classroom is required. All courses with a Blackboard shell are required to include a link to the section-specific course syllabus, individual faculty contact information, a communication policy and a brief welcome in the "About This Section."

(F) Best practices guidelines for all courses

(1) A calendar is provided that lists all important course-related dates including exams, assignments, project deadlines, face-to-face and virtual office hours and meeting times.

(2) A clear communication policy is provided to the students that explains when and how communication shall be handled.

(3) A link to the current approved section-specific syllabus is provided to the student that lists course description, goals, learning objectives, textbooks and other resources, course assignments, grading scale and courses policies. This process has been automated.

(4) Clear and concise instructions are provided for all assignments, projects and lessons.

(5) All resources and tools necessary to complete the work are available to the student.

(6) Due dates and other important information are provided to the student.

(7) Course content and lesson are well organized and in a logical sequence.

(8) Course content and activities associate with the student learning objectives.

(9) The course content or lessons go beyond what is found in the textbook or E-PAC.

(10) Materials and activities are fully developed and presented clearly.

(11) Teaching strategies reflect current learning theory and address various student learning styles and preferences.

(12) Course materials are kept up to date.

(13) Course materials are print friendly and in formats easily available to all students.

(14) Library, database and other instructional resources are provided to promote deeper learning research.

(15) Group or teamwork is used when appropriate.

(G) Specific requirements for Blackboard course shell based on course type

OnlineHybridTraditional with Angel shell
Section specific course syllabus XXX
Faculty contact informationXXX
Clear communication policyXXX
Brief welcome in "About this Section" nuggetXXX
Institutional resources nuggetXXX
Course announcements nuggetXXX
Course e-mail nuggetXXX
Course grades nuggetXXRequired if included
Course specific policiesXXRequired if included
Assignment or project due dates, activities and exams are posted on the calendarXXRequired if included
Instructions for assignments, activities, projects, postings, etc., are clearly identified and explainedXXRequired if included
Course content (instructional material) is included under the lessons tabXRequired if includedRequired if included
Titles and subtitles that clearly describe the subject contentXRequired if includedRequired if included
Links to the library, databases or other web-based resources are includedX
Requires no campus visitsX
ADA compliant - text based equivalents for non-text based elementsXRequired if not provided elsewhereRequired if not provided elsewhere
Course material in a format that can be downloaded to a portable deviceRecommendedRecommendedRecommended
A guided tour video providedRecommendedRecommendedRecommended
A welcome videoRecommendedRecommendedRecommended

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3358
Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/2008, 10/19/2009, 3/18/2015