Rule 3745-267-906 | Detection of release - containment buildings - standardized permitting.
Throughout the active life of the containment building, if an owner or operator detects a condition that could lead to or has caused a release of hazardous waste, the owner or operator shall repair the condition promptly, in accordance with the following procedures.
(A) Upon detection of a condition that has led to a release of hazardous waste (for example, upon detection of leakage from the primary barrier), the owner or operator shall:
(1) Enter a record of the discovery in the facility operating record;
(2) Immediately remove from service the portion of the containment building affected by the condition;
(3) Determine what steps shall be taken to repair the containment building, to remove any leakage from the secondary collection system, and to establish a schedule for accomplishing the cleanup and repairs; and
(4) Within seven days after discovery of the condition, notify the director of the condition, and within fourteen working days after discovery of the condition, provide a written notice to the director, with a plan describing the steps taken to repair the containment building and the schedule for accomplishing the work.
(B) The director will review the information submitted, make a determination regarding whether the containment building shall be partially or completely removed from service until repairs and cleanup are complete, and notify the owner or operator in writing of the determination and the underlying rationale.
(C) Upon completing all repairs and cleanup, the owner or operator shall notify the director in writing and provide a verification, signed by a qualified, registered professional engineer, that the repairs and cleanup have been completed according to the written plan submitted in accordance with paragraph (A)(4) of this rule.
Last updated March 7, 2025 at 5:18 PM