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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 3772-50-18 | Duties of type-B skill-based amusement machine operators.


In addition to all other requirements under this chapter, each type-B skill-based amusement machine operator has an ongoing duty to:

(A) Safeguard keys to the locked cabinet of a skill-based amusement machine, required under paragraph (B) of rule 3772-50-17 of the Administrative Code. A type-B skill-based amusement machine operator must not provide keys to a location or a location's employees or agents, unless the operator owns, manages, or operates the location.

(B) Maintain a record of changes to the mechanical or electronic components described in paragraph (B) of rule 3772-50-17 of the Administrative Code for each skill-based amusement machine it operates. The record shall provide for the time and date of the change, the names of all persons who made the change, and the purpose of the change.

(1) The record shall be kept at the location where skill-based amusement machine gaming is conducted; and

(2) The record shall be retained for a period of at least two years and made available to the commission immediately upon request.

(C) Ensure that any mechanical claw, crane, or similar aperture may pick-up, hold, carry, push, or otherwise manipulate the merchandise prizes available such that a player is reasonably capable of winning the prize by playing the skill-based amusement machine as advertised or instructed.

(D) Conspicuously display a sign or sticker affixed to the front of a skill-based amusement machine that indicates the name of the operator and a phone number where consumers can contact the operator to file a complaint.

(E) Comply with all notices or directives from the commission, executive director of the commission, or his or her designee, to draft, edit, or implement policies, procedures, or practices.

Last updated September 1, 2023 at 8:49 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3772.03
Amplifies: 3772.03, 2915.01
Five Year Review Date: 9/1/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 4/23/2018